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LMadigan conspiracy theory and predictions roundup

Friday, Jul 10, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Zorn mocks the dogged LMadigan conspiracy theorists…

What’s Lisa Madigan really up to?

* She’s secretly angling to challenge Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley in 2011.
* She and her father, Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan, are setting her up to run for governor in 2014.
* She’s biding her time until her friend and former legislative seatmate, President Barack Obama, appoints her to a Cabinet post or perhaps even to the U.S. Supreme Court.

* I’ve seen this one floated a lot since the AG’s announcement…

[Lisa Madigan] could have had the democrat nomination for either seat. For the asking. And here’s where the tell comes in: she’d have to run for either office as a Democrat. In 2010, that looks like a very risky situation. My gut tells me that Madigan has calculated the same thing, i.e. 2010 is going to be a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad election year for Democrats.

Running for reelection, she’s essentially decided to sit this one out. By the time national Democrats realize what Madigan signaled today, it will be too late for them.

* This theory has been popular as well…

…it’s just dreadful for the White House, which seems to be striking out everywhere in terms of influencing statewide elections. Joe Sestak, Carolyn Maloney, and now Lisa Madigan. Obama should give Emanuel a good time-out.

I think Chris Cillizza was the first to use that particular theory…

For the moment, however, the team that beat Hillary Clinton in a primary and then overwhelmingly elected the nation’s first black president last year hasn’t been able to recreate that magic in downballot contests.

* Many of us have seen this theory as well

[Jim Nalepa] said correctly when we had lunch earlier this week that Lisa wouldn’t run either for governor or Senator but for reelection. Then he added that in the future she will run for only one thing more: the Illinois Supreme Court where she will spend her time waiting to later to be named to the U. S. Supremes.

* This was written after Madigan’s decision…

Mike Madigan, the Illinois House Speaker: Found himself in a dilemma. He wants his daughter to become Governor, or possibly now US Senator — Senators do become presidents — but he also wants to maintain his iron fist majority rule in the Illinois House and the battle over the budget could jeopardize that. He’s held back on an income tax increase to protect his daughter and to protect the many spineless legislators who don’t want to say if they will support an income tax increase until they know for sure no one of substance will be running against them in this Spring primary.

As was this diametrically opposed position

I have no doubt her father, House Speaker Mike Madigan, would have twisted enough arms among his fellow House Dems to get a tax hike passed. That way, a budget fix would be in place by now, Lisa Madigan could criticize Gov. Pat Quinn for raising taxes in a recession but still reap the financial benefits when she took office in 2011. That Mike Madigan didn’t get a tax hike passed through the House was a pretty big red flag that his daughter wasn’t going to run for governor in 2010.

And then there’s this

“It’s the worst kept secret in Springfield that a lot of this is driven by the Attorney General’s political ambitions,” said Righter.

Sen. Righter also claimed in that article that the Senate passed a budget this year which went nowhere in the House. I don’t remember that.

* My personal favorites came from a couple of often strange commenters on my own blog…

lake county democrat - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 11:19 am

Come on people, there’s more smoke here than in Wasilla, Alaska — people who wouldn’t believe Sarah Palin for an instant think that Lisa Madigan who HERSELF has indicated interest in both races suddenly drops out because she likes her present job/wants more time with her family/etc.?


Conservative Republican - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 11:30 am

Good example of liberal hypocrisy here:

Palin quits: she’s a coward and a loser

Lisa Madigan wimps out on higher office run: she is “wise” and a “gift” to the people of Illinois in deciding to continue as a “wonderful Attorney General”

* Stu Rothenburg rates the US Sen. race closer now that Lisa Madigan is out of the picture…

Here are our latest Senate ratings, reflecting Attorney General Lisa Madigan’s (D) decision not to run for the U.S. Senate in Illinois and Cong. Mark Kirk’s (R) decision to run.

*- Moved benefiting Republicans

Narrow Advantage for Incumbent Party
Burris (D-IL) *

* Rep. Julie Hamos floats her name for everything

Asked about the news that Lisa Madigan plans to seek re-election as the Illinois Attorney General and not seek higher office, Hamos said Wednesday that’s one post off her list.

Everything else — Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Comptroller, Treasurer — remain options, said Hamos, whose profile has soared recently from her work on transportation, the budget, and call for tougher ethics reform.

I’m also hearing 10th Congressional District, believe it or not.

Anything else?


  1. - Fan of the Game - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 11:18 am:

    It may be that she really likes her current position and wants to spend as much time at home as possible. Totally believable premise.

    But the state’s problems won’t be close to fixed by the next election. Why take on that load if you don’t have to? L. Madigan has plenty of time in the future to run for governor or the Senate if she so wishes.

  2. - Steve - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 11:20 am:

    The most laughable conspiracy theory is that Lisa Madigan would challenge Mayor Daley. I highly doubt that would happen.

  3. - Anonymous Coward - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 11:21 am:

    Maybe we can all go in together and get a group discount…

  4. - bored now - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 11:28 am:

    sorry, i’m going to stick with my original and longtime position that, with blagojevich gone, lisa madigan choose to remain as attorney general because she’s comfortable in that position — she knows exactly how much time is required to do the job efffectively — and she knows that she can do it and still raise her (young) children. they are only young once.

    i suspect her decision would have been different if she thought running was the only way to get rid of blagojevich…

  5. - VanillaMan - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 11:31 am:

    The Land of Lincoln is also the Land of Political Nepotism. Consequentially, Illinoisans look for family connections when political decisions are made. It is only normal in this nepotistic environment. Conspiracy theories capitalize on the dominate power meme - if political parties were still dominant, then the conspiracy theories would focus on intra-party squabbles, you know, like normal states.

    So when a Daley, a Madigan, a Lipinski, a Mell, a Hynes, a Giannoulais, a Kennedy, Jones, a Stevenson, (and even a Simon!), make a political decision, Illinoisans look at how the families benefit from the move. (Please also note that the list is almost exclusively “Democratic”, which really should make voters question who the “party of the common person” really is.)

    So before we even begin addressing the specific conspiracy theory out there in print or online, let’s first acknowledge that it is our state’s politically nepotistic swamp of an environment that throws these conspiracies into the family meal time meme.

    How many Thanksgiving stories at the Blagojevich/Mell families did we see since 2002?

    Families are private. So are political parties. When governments are lead by closed systems such as these, every crisis gets muddled by it’s lack of transparency. Cynicism is the result, as well as a general feeling of apathy among voters.

  6. - So Blue Democrat - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 11:32 am:

    Fan of the Game,

    Yes, it is comfortable being Attorney General. You do not have to make hard decisions about what programs to cut.

  7. - dupage dan - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 11:33 am:

    LMadigan would have been a formidable opponent in either campaign primary/general. She has a big war chest and much support from above and below.

    Even in this tough climate for democrats she would be tough to beat. Will be impossible to beat as AG. No conspiracy here - just a personal decision IMO.

  8. - Will County Woman - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 11:33 am:

    Is Dan Hynes is soliciting for public support to run for governor or am I misunderstanding/misreading? (serious question)
    Rich you posted in response to me yesterday that Hynes is taking two weeks to decide. I still think that if he were serious it wouldn’t take him that long, besides two weeks means a loss of momentum and wasting time because as we have seen quinn is scrambling to make nice.

    Republicans are smart. As a part of their suggestions on how to eliminate government waste and inefficiency they should also call for the consolidation of the Treasurer and Comptroller’s Offices.

  9. - doc - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 11:36 am:

    Lisa Madigan is young, has a relatively pure reputation (so far), is invulnerable where she’s at right now, has a huge financial warchest and has young kids at home.

    What is the hurry to move up?

    I think she is waiting out to a better cycle - why work that hard and spend that much and put your family through that much grief now, only to be named captain of the Titanic after it has hit the ice berg?

    If she waits a cycle, the state’s mess will have had to be resolved somehow - at the cost of someone else’s career - and she can ride in 4 years better/richer to start moving up the ladder.

  10. - Will County Woman - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 11:37 am:

    *scratching head*

    I don’t know how my post about Dan Hynes ended up here. I thought I was posting it where it belongs–in the section where Dan Hynes begs for public support via facebook.


  11. - Obamarama - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 11:39 am:

    From Rep. Fritchey’s Twitter page:

    “Best conspiracy theory heard today: Burris resigns, Quinn appoints himself to fill the vacancy, Lisa then becomes Governor.”

    Talk about tinfoil.

  12. - Franklin - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 11:42 am:

    To conservative republican: Palin is a quitter, end of debate. I don’t see Lisa walking away from her elected duties. Big difference, but hey, you can keep blaming the evil media for Palins massive short comings if you want. Good luck in 2012.

  13. - lake county democrat - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 11:42 am:

    Stay classy Rich — at least “strange” doesn’t violate your own terms of service as much as yesterday’s name calling. For the record, note that I have only said people shouldn’t accept her, Palin, or any pols’ innocuous explanations on its face. Also note in the same thread when you noted that WHILE UNREPORTED, Lisa M’s people had been floating this possibility for a while and I responded “point taken.”

    Also tellingly you didn’t post my speculation to a alternate possibility, which was that the senate move WAS too disrputive to her family, but that the governor’s race posed more problems to both her and her father (recalling that she was only going to even consider senate if the Obama administration cleared the entire field of serious contenders). Attack that as you want, but at least present me fairly.

  14. - JonShibleyFan - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 11:50 am:


    How did you come to lump Alexi Giannoulias in with your “nepotism” crowd?

  15. - Really?? - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 11:51 am:

    Is Senator Righter talking about the Meeks bill that passed the Senate but wasn’t heard in the House???

  16. - curtis - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 11:53 am:

    Face it people, dems are going to get hammered in 2010… won’t matter much who the Republican candidates are.

  17. - The Doc - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 11:56 am:

    Seeing as how Mike Madigan is the great and powerful Oz, perhaps we should consider the possibility that he appoints daughter Lisa to the SCOTUS.

    There need not even be an opening - that’s the type of power MJM maintains!

  18. - Legaleagle - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 11:56 am:

    Let Lisa Madigan alone. Moving to Washington and then commuting back every weekend is a hard lifestyle for anyone, especially for a parent with young children. A lot of very talented officeholders (especially women, it seems) want no part of that lifestyle. The divorce rate among Congressmen is high. That’s one reason the Illinois Congressional delegation is not better than it is! As I recall in 1999, four North Shore women legislators turned down running for Porter’s open seat, largely for that reason, and Mark Kirk, who already lived in D.C. won the primary. Being Governor now is similarly no picnic! Lisa wants to see her kids occasionally. Good for her!

  19. - Ghost - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 11:58 am:

    VMan theory: Conspiracies exist in IL becuase we have more thne one person in a family invovled in politics (I am assuming he means like Bush, Quayle, Dole etc).

    But if VMans position is correct, then we would not have conspiracy theories elsewhere. Since we do have conspiracy theories all over the country on a broad range of subjects, the underlying assumption of VMans is not supportable logically, althought it makes for a nice tin hat conspiracy theory.

    The real truth is, Lisa Madigan was created in a lab by Rich Miller and is under his control to generate political news to sell his subscritions, ads etc. He uses drugged apples to influence MJM into beleiving Lisa is his adopted daughter to cover up his scheme.

  20. - So Blue Democrat - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 12:00 pm:


    “Let Lisa Madigan alone.” She elected to become a political animal. Come on-get real. The State of Illinois needs real leadership at this point in time. She wants an easy ride (and not make hard decisions), and not have to take real leadership. She does not have it in her.

  21. - Rob_N - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 12:00 pm:

    JonShibleyFan, I asked myself the same thing … and then I realized it may have been a touch too much GOP-Hopium. ;)

    Legal Eagle,

    There was a pretty large 10th CD GOP primary field in 99, including both genders.

  22. - Rob_N - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 12:02 pm:

    Curtis extolls, “Face it people, dems are going to get hammered in 2010… won’t matter much who the Republican candidates are.”

    Tell that to Gov. Topinka.

  23. - anon - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 12:05 pm:

    I am not crazy about her father. Too powerful. However, I am happy she is staying as AG. For one, my mother got her money back from a con artist painting contractor. Her Consumer Fraud Division was excellent for my family. Lisa, thank you for staying where you are at.

  24. - JonShibleyFan - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 12:07 pm:

    “Tell that to Gov. Topinka. ”

    Or Gov. Jim Ryan, AG Birkett, Comptroller Thomas Jefferson Ramsdell and Secretary of State Kristine Kohn.

    And my point is, it certainly COULD happen. And in a vacuum, the odds look good. But campaigns aren’t run in a vacuum, and the IL GOP has yet to show it’s getting its collective stuff together.

  25. - Bill S. Preston, Esq. - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 12:13 pm:

    VM- That you put Giannoulias in with Madigan/Hynes/Lipinski/Mell is laughable.

    Rich, you forgot the Ockham’s Razor theory. She didn’t want a fight. She knew there was no way Quinn was stepping aside in the Gov’s race, so she looked to the Senate race. She wanted a clear field and White House backing in the Senate race, which she couldn’t get. So she stayed put.

  26. - curtis - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 12:14 pm:

    Rob_N, Topinka will win in 2010.

  27. - wordslinger - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 12:16 pm:

    I was shocked by her decision. The Senate seat was certainly hers for the taking (great gig), and probably the governor’s office, although I think that would have been a tougher and messier contested primary.

    I also don’t believe you can “wait” for another time. I can’t imagine there will be another time when the road for either office will be easier for her. Carpe Diem. The reality is, events will dictate whether she has another shot at either one of them in the future, and tomorrow is promised to no one.

    My own ample gut tells me she’s comfortable in her life and with her current gig. Nothing wrong with that. It’s a great title, but in all honesty, there’s not an inordinate amount of heavy lifting in the job.

    And for those who are lurching into the world of polysyllabic words, at least consult a dictionary. If you stand for election, and are victorious, it’s not nepotism. You can look it up.

  28. - Narcoleptic - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 12:17 pm:


    I would think Hynes needs two weeks to get a poll done and digested. He’ll be picking up petitions for something soon.

  29. - Legaleagle - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 12:21 pm:

    In 2000 the only woman in the GOP primary for 10CD was Shawn Donnelly - who actually lived in Florida and was single. As I recall, Parker, Coulson, Wood, and Moore all said no to the national GOP. Mark Kirk would not have even stayed in had any of them entered the race. My point is that the DC/commute lifestyle deters a lot of very good people from running for US Congress.

  30. - Slinger - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 12:21 pm:

    Lisa will enter the gov race later this year. After Quinn is done imploding, a poll will magically appear showing Lisa as the only dem who can win. A draft Lisa movement starts and voila, she’s in the race.

  31. - curtis - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 12:21 pm:

    The main reason Dems took over state wide offices was because of the Ryan debacle…

  32. - True Observer - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 12:23 pm:

    Why did she drop the sacrifice bunt?

    Because of the money.

    Come again.

    Listen, Sonny, how many times have I told you; it’s always about the money.

    O.K., I’m game.

    Open seats for Governor and Senator don’t come up every day. She might be an old woman before she has another chance. Anyway, by then her old man might not be around to help her. And, other people aren’t going to sit around.

    Then she made a big sacrifice. Why would she do that.

    For the aforementioned money.

    Spell it out.

    There’s only one big pot left. An increase in the income tax.

    But Quinn can’t pull it off without Republican help.

    True. But there’s an even easier route.

    And what would that be?

    A Republican Governor. The Machine and the Combine put in a Republican Governor.

    So which Republican did they pick?

    You’re hopeless.

  33. - lake county democrat - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 12:25 pm:

    Leagaleagal makes a fair point, except to note that she doesn’t have to stay in Illinois and commute back on weekends: she could move the family to D.C. like her former seatmate (? were she and Obama neighbors on the House floor). In fact there’s a bit of sexism in this whole discussion — maybe ours — since nobody says Barrack Obama was a poor parent for taking on a far more demanding job than senator or governor (leader of the free world) with tween girls (Yes, yes, I know, he gets more logistical help than a senator, Michelle is now a SAHM, etc. but I still think the comparison is interesting).

  34. - Lakefront Liberal - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 12:29 pm:

    Rich, you say:

    “Sen. Righter also claimed in that article that the Senate passed a budget this year which went nowhere in the House. I don’t remember that.”

    I would assume he is talking about the Meeks budget, which passed the senate, which the Gov said he would sign, and then Madigan took a caucus vote and it didn’t get enough support so he let it die.

    It is my belief, and I could be wrong, that if Madigan had actually been in favor of this budget he could have gotten enough votes and it would have passed during the regular session and NONE of this craziness would be happening. Is that not correct?

  35. - Lakefront Liberal - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 12:30 pm:

    Also, I like the idea of Hamos running for the 10th CD … !

  36. - DnSttsAnon - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 12:31 pm:

    “Tell that to Gov. Topinka. ” - This 2010 race.

  37. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 12:32 pm:

    LL, that wasn’t a “budget,” it was a tax hike.

  38. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 12:32 pm:

    And if Righter is indeed complaining that a big tax hike didn’t pass the House after swearing off tax hikes this spring, I’m not sure he’s all that credible.

  39. - JonShibleyFan - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 12:35 pm:


    1) I don’t speak for Rob_N, but I think his point is that as bad as Rod was in ‘06, he still won.

    2) Blaming Ryan for the Dem sweep in ‘02 is easy, and that’s certainly a big part of. But symptomatic of Ryan’s collapse was the chaos in which he left the party. Show me where they’ve recovered and are past the balkanization and infighting. Show me where they’ve regained their prowess at fundraising and message development.

    There’s an old joke about a priest demanding someone say something nice about the nastiest man in town on the occasion of his funeral. Finally, a little old man rises and declares, “his brother was worse.”

    If the best thing the Republicans can do is stand up and meekly declare “the Democrats are worse,” they aren’t likely to be racking up a big champagne budget next November.

  40. - mac - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 12:36 pm:

    maybe she just wants to enjoy her family-yeah,she ran for office,did a good job,but that shouldn’t require her to become sen or gov.She’s a woman and their perspective is better than men’s-family is significant-something some of us men lose sight of.

  41. - shore - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 12:38 pm:

    1 props for citing your commentators. I may disagree w you and a lot of other ppl here but respect the work you do and views of the rob ns maybe smart but you’re not arrogant like your msm competitors that seem to take their cues from you.

    2 I’m a palin hater despite my gop loving politics, but it is a total double standard. leaders take tough challenges, madigan seems to say things are too tough now. This is a cop out. If she was as good as ppl claimed she was,shed roll up her sleeves, get in there and bring it.

    3 as I told dan biss on twitter the other night, democrats should not confuse obamas win last year and bad gop times of late for everlasting political success.the democrats here in illinois remind me of my gop pals in dc in 05 thinking that winning elections and losing the policy debate would mean everlasting power.

  42. - Rob_N - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 12:50 pm:

    JSF is correct on #1 — As bad as we all knew Blago was and even with a “liberal” party alternative on the ballot for Dems to turn to if they so desired, Blago was still reelected.

    Looking at the 3-way race as blocks, the “liberal” voters (D + Green) overwhelmed the R voters in the gubernatorial race.

    Yes, this is 2010. Not much has changed by way of baseline voter demographics from 06 or 08.

    And JSF’s 2nd point is equally valid… The Republicans haven’t offered any workable alternatives and, in fact, shot themselves in the foot by voting for the “tax increase” related to the capital funding.

    Shore, I agree w/ your point 3. Just because the GOP is “in exile” as it were doesn’t mean the Dems will have a free pass.

  43. - Shore - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 12:54 pm:

    Republicans don’t have to offer anything. Democrats in this state had PLENTY of time to do preambulations throughout the country on behalf of obama the last 2 years-we ever find out if Alexi did this work on state time-hello scandal. Instead of Party Time Excellent they should have been governing and leading. It’s also worth noting that when dems took control of congress in 2006 they offered 0 agenda.

    As for Hamos, Bond, Garrett (whose website is still 1998-hello?), they better have a darn good explanation as to why 10th district voters should send them to d.c. when their springfield needs vats of tomato juice.

  44. - A 10th Dem - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 12:55 pm:

    I also like the concept of Hamos in the 10th Congressional race. She has much more legislative experience than Bond. She is an elegant, delightful public speaker. And she could garner EMILY’s list money to offset Bond’s fundraising headstart. Honestly, the DCCC may jump at the chance to not compete against EMILY’s list in a Dem primary: Hoyer knows the value of combined fundraising efforts rather than competing for a smaller pool of available money this cycle.

  45. - curtis - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 1:19 pm:


    Yes, Rod won in ‘06, but the Ryan stench was still in the air (Judy dancing with George, for example), and we didn’t have all the nasty details on Rod… who’s trial starts next summer.

    The coverage will be nonstop for weeks. Couple that with the awful situation our state is in (and most likely will be), a tax hike, etc. — all with the Dems in complete control — spells trouble.

  46. - JonShibleyFan - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 1:55 pm:


    I agree that the awful state of the state may portend trouble for Dems. I would posit that it spells much more trouble than does Rod.

    In 2008, Rod (and for good measure, Todd Stroger) were known commodities, and yet, in the races where Republicans invoked them, they made almost no impact.

    You just aren’t going to find a lot of footage of Hynes or Giannoulias or Hamos or Madigan or any Dems contemplating running dancing with Rod or saying, “you’re a damn good guy, governor, and I love you.”

    Look, I’m no fortune teller - maybe Rod will bring down the whole ticket. But Rod isn’t Ryan. He never was the party standard bearer. Few in office ever tied their fortunes to him. There are few, if any, ads or mail pieces touting Rod’s endorsement. His committee didn’t dish out campaign cash.

    This is all in large part because Rod was never about building up the party, Rod was about building up Rod.

  47. - curtis - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 2:26 pm:


    Rod and Todd had a huge impact in the state house races I’m familiar with - Repubs won every race in a Dem year.

    Plus, there doesn’t necessarily need to be a visual link between the Dems and Blago. It’s up to the Repubs to successfully persuade voters that there was/is a link and that the Dems are all the same.

  48. - JonShibleyFan - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 2:53 pm:

    “Rod and Todd had a huge impact in the state house races I’m familiar with - Repubs won every race in a Dem year.”

    Really? Because the House Dems netted three seats, winning three R seats and losing only Kurt Granburg.

    In the Senate, the numbers stayed static, with Dems holding off huge challenges in Forby’s, Holmes’ and Kotowski’s districts.

    Halvorson trounced Marty Ozinga, despite an attempt to tie her to Blagojevich (though Rod may have damaged Ozinga worse), and Foster beat Oberweis again.

    So tell me again where all these big Rod and Todd-fueled GOP victories “that you’re familiar with” came last November.

  49. - Rob_N - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 2:59 pm:


    Most of the targeted State Rep races that GOPs won featured incumbents facing a strong challenge.

    Only one that I know of really featured Blago directly — the 65th in which Mulligan used her opponent’s law firm ties to Blago against her.

    Then again just next door in the 66th, the Democrats featured attack ads tying the tax policies of Todd Stroger to city council voted made by the GOP candidate. The 66th was an open seat last year and the Dem won it (flipping it from R to D).

    The other targeted races had ticket-splitters, with Obama taking big margins while Kirk and GOP incumbent legislators won re-election.

    That reads like its more about incumbency than Blago or Stroger to me.

  50. - AGforLife - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 3:05 pm:

    Lisa has a honest soul and great sense. She knows what she wants and has the confidence to make the right decission. It took great courage for her to pass up what might be her only chance at moving up. I applaud her for doing what she thought was best for her and her family.

  51. - VanillaMan - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 3:08 pm:

    The Land of Lincoln is also the Land of Political Nepotism. Consequentially, Illinoisans look for family connections when political decisions are made. It is only normal in this nepotistic environment. Conspiracy theories capitalize on the dominate power meme - if political parties were still dominant, then the conspiracy theories would focus on intra-party squabbles, you know, like normal states. - Me, 11:31

    But if VMans position is correct, then we would not have conspiracy theories elsewhere. - Ghost 11:58

    Ghost, do you ever read before commenting? The blogger with the Giannoulais question obviously did, and I agree that perhaps Giannoulais should not have been listed because he does not have another family member elected, which would be nepotism.

    But you? You don’t even bother to even think about what I wrote before you start questioning it. Does your Republican list of dynasties include any Illinois Republicans? C’Mon! Name two Illinois Republican nepotistic dynasties from within the last generation just as I have listed the Democratic ones.

    Then I’ll offer two more Democratic ones:
    The Jacksons
    The Emanuels

    You partisan hack!

  52. - JonShibleyFan - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 3:19 pm:

    …the GOP resurgence will have to go one w/o Mark Kirk. Sorry.

  53. - JonShibleyFan - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 3:21 pm:


    “The Emanuels”

    First it was Giannoulias. Now I must ask, what dynasty is Rahm Emanuel from?

  54. - Ill_will - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 3:24 pm:

    Vanilla Man
    Makes me wonder? What’s the heck is wrong with them Repubs? Why aren’t their families dedicating themselves to our betterment?

    I’m joking here VM. Just teasing.

    PS Why no mention of the Daley’s

  55. - wordslinger - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 3:26 pm:


    If you are elected in your own right, it’s not nepotism. It’s a free country. If voters want to elect Bushes, Daleys, Doles, Madigans, Browns, etc., ain’t nobody’s bidness but their own.

  56. - JonShibleyFan - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 3:36 pm:

    Well, apparently the reports of Kirk’s turning down the senate race are incorrect. I stand corrected.

    And while his election is far from certain, I wouldn’t call Ethan Hastert’s father a nobody. Ditto Randy Ramey’s father-in-law, though he didn’t actually win when facing voters.

  57. - VanillaMan - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 3:51 pm:

    Yeah Wordslinger, we know your stand on nepotism. It’s OK if you get “elected in your own right”, because we all know how these royal families get elected in their own right!

    Your take is that it isn’t nepotism if it passes an election. You probably have no problem with laundered money either.

  58. - VanillaMan - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 3:52 pm:

    Ethan Hastert. Right. That’s one. Yuk.
    Got another?

  59. - curtis - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 3:57 pm:


    Mathias, Mulligan, Wait, Cavaletto, Senger… races where Rodd and Todd played a rather large role, appearing in multiple direct mail pieces. Dems, in a Dem year, outspent Repubs 3 to 1 (or more) and still lost.

  60. - JonShibleyFan - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 3:58 pm:

    Yeah, read the post.

    And we’re all still waiting for you to enlighten us on the nepotism involved with either Alexi Giannoulias or Rahm Emanuel.

    For crying out loud, you’re missing other legitimate Dems - you sure as heck don’t need to invent them.

  61. - JonShibleyFan - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 3:59 pm:


    You’re counting Republicans, 3 of which were incumbents, holding on to Republican seats?

    Weak sauce.

  62. - Yellow Dog - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 4:02 pm:

    Vanillaman -

    If Republicans can’t establish political dynasties, its not for lack of trying.

    For the record, at one time there were as many Ryan family members in Kankakee politics as there are Daley members in Cook County politics.

    Mike McAuliffe’s father served before him.

    Hastert’s son is eying his old Congressional seat.

    Pate’s son eyed his.

    Didn’t a Burzynski just run in Southern Illinois?

  63. - wordslinger - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 4:06 pm:

    VMan, it’s not a stand on nepotism. The word has a definition.

    They got elected in their own right by running in elections. The voters decided.

    I have no idea what you’re yammering about money laundering.

  64. - JonShibleyFan - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 4:15 pm:

    Actually, YDD, Pate’s stepson (sorry, I had said son-in-law) was *appointed* to his house seat.

    And was legitimately re-elected. I believe he’d lost against Milner, whom he ultimately replaced, some years ago.

  65. - Ill_will - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 5:34 pm:

    Re: Sigh word
    You are half right; their bidness and of course the voters’ bidness.

    There’s a hint of aristocracy that bumps up most Americans feeling of equalitarianism. Without the Father/Mother/Uncle or whatever, many of the 2nd generation would have as much chance as you or me. There is the sense of entitlement that is offensive.
    but hey! The voters have a choice and it’s our call.

  66. - Get Rich - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 6:33 pm:

    Looking For Quality Content? The Syndicator provides free, quality syndicated articles for your website that are automatically updated each week.This is Free-reprint article! Get Rich

  67. - Zora - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 8:36 pm:

    Shore, you say: “it is a total double standard. leaders take tough challenges, madigan seems to say things are too tough now.”

    She never said “things are too tough now.” You did. And just because the DSCC wants a lock on a senate seat and talked up its dream candidate to rachet up the momentum and pressure, that doesn’t mean that she had to jump. Geez, I thought the Cap Fax crowd was wise to such media manipulations.

    She’s got a job, she’s doing it well, and she wants to continue. She’s set her course and she’s following it, rather than one imposed from without. What’s wrong with that?

    And by the way, whenever someone here drops the P word (Palin)you discredit your argument. There’s no comparison.

  68. - this old hack - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 8:58 pm:

    I have been thinking for months this was what she was going to do. It was the only thing that began to make sense once Blago was impeached. They were ready to go, then Blago was gone and the old man is caught in a bind. He wants R votes on the tax hike yet can’t get this so this causes overtime. Overtime hurts him more than anyone as Culleton already passed a tax hike, so it appears to most that the overtime is caused by bickering between Quinn and MJM.

    Look the Madigan’s never run for anything unless it is almost a sure thing. She was going to beat Sen. Farley in ‘98 because he was under indictment. The 2002 AGs race was tough, but was neccessitated because she was drawn out of her district. It looked easy enough when she entered the primary, then Schmidt entered and that was difficult. Brickhead Joe was a worthy opponent, but Illinois was tired of Republican rule and he had deep baggage due to the R. Cruz case.

    So you see, this was the only race that made sense in the end. Anything higher and the old man would have been a major issue. She has a great record as AG and can run on her accomplishments there. The Madigans simply do not take big chances like that when the climate is not in their favor. This was a good move. She can stay, then when the old man is ready to retire she can go for higher office without him becoming an issue.

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