Question of the day
Friday, Jul 10, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * Remember back when this blog had a regular feature entitled “Friday Topinka Blogging“?
Heh. Topinka is now running for comptroller, so I’m thinking we might just revive that feature… ![]() Caption?
- Ghost - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 12:49 pm:
With this financial guide in hand, I am prepared to return as comptroller.
- Dirtybird - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 12:50 pm:
“This is a book I wrote when running for Governor…”
- Will County Woman - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 12:52 pm:
She really ought to stay gone.
The treasurer and comptroller offices need to be consolidated in the interest of the tax payer. stay on message and stayed focused IL GOP. do not support Judy’s bid.
- Rob_N - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 12:59 pm:
“Kids, did you know I clipped a book store coupon and got a 5% discount on this book?”
…As an aside… use of the 2006 Blago campaign theme as a caption ought to be grounds for a 24-hour banishment due to lack of originality.
- VanillaMan - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 1:00 pm:
“I’ll tell ya a little secret about dis book. If ya slap about a dozen of dose nicotine patches on ya arms and wait about 40 minutes, dis ting comes ALIVE!”
- OneMan - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 1:03 pm:
Judy shows the best guide she has found yet on how to deal with the Republican Party
- ahoy - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 1:05 pm:
Judy tips her hand and shows your 2006 campaign hand book.
- dupage dan - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 1:11 pm:
I don’t think we can vote on consolidating the treasurers office w/the comptrollers office. Seems to me a good idea but I don’t think that will be on the ballot. JBT is colorful. Could do a good job there. just sayin
- John Doe - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 1:11 pm:
Once I am elected state comptroller, I am initiating a “Book of the Month” club for my state staff as well as our other Illinois elected officials. Since Illinois ranks 51st among the states in our nation’s educational standards (and just about every other category), we are going to improve ourselves through self-education.
And, just so we don’t slight the Arts, we are going to hold a polka symposium on the 32nd of each month. George has graciously offered to be my polka partner when he is released, errrh, I mean when he gets back from his extended vacation.
- Steve - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 1:12 pm:
Yeah, I can support a Democrat when I want to . So shut up.
- Judy Fan - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 1:22 pm:
Judy, Judy, Judy….how we wished you did run the zoo. An apt primer for this screwed up state.
- Bluefish - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 1:23 pm:
“If I ran the zoo,
I know just what I would do,
I’d stock it with Kjellanders and Guiannulias,
And even a Madigan or two.
I want to run the zoo,
What a wonderful thing to do,
Pay to play would survive,
And the combine would get its cut too.”
(Sorry, my inner Seuss is slightly off today)
- wordslinger - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 1:24 pm:
“Dr. Seuss is dead? Too bad. Okay, I’m with you fellas. Alan Keyes it is.”
- How Ironic - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 1:24 pm:
After I finish reading this book I’m going to show you how well I dance. Anyone want to wear the “George Ryan” mask?
- dupage dan - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 1:26 pm:
Carol Channing as JBT, “Red fish, blue fish….”
- No Confidence - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 1:27 pm:
What was Dr. Seuss thinking?
- Boscobud - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 1:27 pm:
She would be perfect for the job because she already read the book about Chicago Politics.
- tanman - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 1:27 pm:
Boys and girls, this is the essential guidebook to visiting and governing the Illinois capitol.
Now, any guess as to who this important person is on the front?
- Secret Square - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 1:33 pm:
It probably would make more financial sense these days to combine the treasurer and comptroller’s offices; but weren’t those two functions originally separated because of the Orville Hodge (State Auditor) scandal back in the ’50s?
- Mike an Ike - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 1:33 pm:
Look this is the plan book for how the Democrats are running the state.
- Anon - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 1:38 pm:
I wonder if the library will take this back with cigarette burns, coffee stains, and doggie accidents.
- Southern Illinois Voter - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 1:39 pm:
“OK, my fellow Illinoisans, this is what the former group used in governing this wonderful State. Now we’re going to turn to something different & much, much better.”
- KeepSmiling - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 1:39 pm:
“If I run the zoo, I can.
I’ll find four fortunes in the pan.
You slip, I’ll stand, give you a hand,
to lastly lead this Lincoln’s Land.”
- lake county democrat - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 1:50 pm:
This critter has some unclaimed cash laying around our banks and with CashDash he’s gonna get it!
- Downstate weed chewing hick - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 1:55 pm:
Oh great. Maybe Dawn Clark Netsch can come out of political retirement to take her on.
- Out There - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 1:56 pm:
She’s got chutzpah,
I tell you.
Ran for Treas
then Governor too.
Some shy away
when shes around
Go Judy Go
Knock em down.
You won before
when men said no.
You’ll win again
I say GO!
- Obamarama - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 2:03 pm:
I’ll show you a “crazy old aunt!”
- Steve - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 2:09 pm:
Bright Star savings!
- SouthernIL - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 2:11 pm:
“This!! is my bible”!!!!
- DnSttsAnon - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 2:37 pm:
I don’t think the picture needs a caption.
- Third Generation Chicago Native - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 3:12 pm:
This is my book of hairstyles, I bring this to the hairstylist everytime I change my style, color….
- Downstate weed chewing hick - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 3:36 pm:
“I know what Roland said about raising money, but my campaign will be funded entirely by sales of my new autobiography.”
- Born in the USA - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 4:12 pm:
Reminds me of the joke… why politicians walk in front of the animals in a parade….
- evolution theory - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 4:18 pm:
“Check out my lips…and then tell me the evolution theory isn’t true….”
- steve schnorf - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 5:08 pm:
I’m intrigued with the comments here. Do most of you think Rod did a better job than Judy would have? How misguided!
- Amy - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 5:14 pm:
Downstate weed chewing hick, we should all be so lucky that Dawn Clark Netsch would want to hold public office again. oh, right, why would we want a smart person who knows tons about fiscal policy to be around when we need smart people to fix
the state. comparing JBT to Dawn is laughable.
- Anonymous - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 5:37 pm:
Reading to pre-schoolers from her favorite Dr. Seuss book is the IL GOP’s “little engine that could, did, and will again”.
- Levois - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 5:50 pm:
The new Dr. Seuss book is about the lady with the red hair!
- Out There - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 6:09 pm:
Steve: I agree. But it’s just a caption contest. There’s no comparison with Rod (or Quinn) and so what I think you want to say is, the captions aren’t that funny. (Except for One Man’s comment about the Republican Party: “Judy shows the best guide she has found yet on how to deal with the Republican Party”). Have a great weekend.
- Smitty Irving - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 6:50 pm:
And this, boys and girls, was the primer used by Pate Philip when he ran the Senate in the 1990s … .
- Master Plan - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 7:08 pm:
I will now trade mu old play book for a new one, “If I ran the Insane Asylum”
- Wumpus - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 8:27 pm:
cigarrettes for all. You ever seen a chimp smoke, it is the cutest thing
- MrJM - Friday, Jul 10, 09 @ 9:16 pm:
JBT: “If I ran the zoo, it’d be full of RINOs.”
– MrJM
- Just sayin - Saturday, Jul 11, 09 @ 3:17 am:
“I’m positively insane.”
- Petey - Saturday, Jul 11, 09 @ 7:00 am:
“Would the have put this drawing of Pat Quinn on the cover if it weren’t true?”
- Arthur Andersen - Saturday, Jul 11, 09 @ 11:43 am:
“And this is where the Feds hid the wire in Rod’s house.”