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A very dumb idea

Tuesday, Jul 14, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* As of this moment, Senate President Cullerton is planning to attend tonight’s All Star game.

Considering that the budget isn’t finished and the Senate was in session for about a minute today, this is a very silly idea.


  1. - Niles Township - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 4:52 pm:

    I’d say it is more than silly.

  2. - Tom Joad - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 4:55 pm:

    Is this payback for Quinn not showing up at a meeting with him last night? Pettyness should not be underrated in the Capital!

  3. - Segatari - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 4:55 pm:

    I say whoever is running against him use this in a campaign ad.

  4. - Will County Woman - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 4:57 pm:

    if he doesn’t go after reading what you wrote (and you know he reads what you write), you know that you ARE in fact influencing policy(makers), right rich?

  5. - The Doc - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 4:59 pm:

    Touche, Rich.

    I think, sometimes, we expect our elected officials to forego lives outside of the office to an extent that is simply unreasonable.

    This is not one of those instances, and Senator Cullerton deserves every bit of grief that may or may not be directed toward him for this poor decision.

  6. - Six Degrees of Separation - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 5:01 pm:

    However, he lives in a fairly safe district for re-election, and this stunt (if it occurs) will be long forgotten by that time.

  7. - Quinn T. Sential - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 5:01 pm:

    Just getting ready to head out and jump into the security zone check-point mayhem now. Is Cullerton taking the state plane to get there too?

    Although the bankruptcy connection might be appropriate at this point, I sure hope for his sake that he is not planning on wearing any Cubs related paraphenalia. Those people were getting heckled to death at the HRD last night. If he is, he might be better off with a Cub helmet than a cap however, because peanuts seemed to be one of the the primary weapons of choice as well.

  8. - Cindy Lou (formerly Princess) - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 5:04 pm:

    My condolences to any stateworker scheduled to receive their pay in the morning who also have reguarly scheduled automatic payment withdrawals arrangement supposed to be leaving their accounts.

    What a mess. A ballgame? Are you serious?

  9. - Louis Howe - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 5:07 pm:

    I am embarrassed for these elected officials. Clueless. There are 56,000 state employees wondering whether they are getting a paycheck for July and social service agencies panicked about the FY10 budget. This is beyond political gamesmanship. Rank and file democrats need to stand to these guys.

  10. - Greg B. - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 5:09 pm:

    State plane?

  11. - No Clout - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 5:09 pm:

    Well, no one ever accused the members of the General Assembly being the sharpest knife in the drawer, especially the leadership.

  12. - Mercer - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 5:10 pm:

    This will make a great picture in the newspapers tomorrow.

  13. - Abe's Ghost - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 5:11 pm:

    Wait a minute. It should be educational. Unlike the GA, there is actually a conclusion to a baseball game. Perhaps it will serve as an incentive and an inspiration.

  14. - well then - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 5:13 pm:

    It is probably a fundraiser for him or Clayborne …

  15. - Anon - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 5:14 pm:

    I keep hoping that this notion of going to watch baseball is a rumor, just sour grapes, not really happening. The thought of Sen. Cullerton showing such casual dismissiveness towards thousands of state employees genuinely saddens me. I thought he was one of the good guys in the debacle.

  16. - sal-says - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 5:16 pm:

    Uhhhh. When was the last time our governmental leaders put the citizens and taxpayers first?

  17. - Nikoli - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 5:18 pm:

    Cindy Lou- I am one of those state employees who was scheduled to receive his paycheck tomorrow and does have some automatic withdrawals arranged to pay my bills.
    Cullerton and Madigan have screwed me and thousands of other people over the last 44 days. His going to the All-Star Game tonight is his way of telling us how much we all mean to him and his Democrat majority.

  18. - Been There - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 5:21 pm:

    ===I sure hope for his sake that he is not planning on wearing any Cubs related paraphernalia.===
    He’s more of a Sox fan anyway so don’t count on Cub paraphernalia.
    I, for one, don’t mind him or any other legislator going. If I actually thought that was the reason things were not getting done it would be different. But there is obviously a lot of other reasons we are at this point.
    That being said, just because I don’t hold it against him and the others, doesn’t mean it is not stupid. Sometimes people like to stick to their principles and may even be right but they forget about the public perception. The seeing the forest through the trees thing. Hopefully he gets to be with Obama for a bit and can at least use the “how do you turn down a meeting with the president” excuse.
    On a similar note, I turned down a ticket this morning because I could see the forest through the trees. And my boss would have fired me for missing a meeting we had scheduled and it wouldn’t have left me with enough time to get there.

  19. - Cindy Lou (formerly Princess) - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 5:21 pm:

    Considering state usually makes these tranfers so it is ready and clears on ‘payday’, and now while take even longer than ‘one’ day to get to workers cleared accounts, I’m seriously worried over what this could do to the worker as far as bounced checks and defult ratings hitting them.

    This isn’t funny. A fricking ballgame?

    “I’m sorry loan offical, sir, the money should have been in my account and able to be withdrawn but our GA could not get a budget by deadline weeks ago nor were they interested in coming back till after golfing and vacationing and , hey, you heard the All Star game was Tueasday, right? “

  20. - Bill Dance - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 5:22 pm:

    Well, it’s good to see that they have their priorities in order.

  21. - Brennan - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 5:22 pm:

    I wonder if he’s got skybox tickets with POTUS.

  22. - Moderate REpub - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 5:24 pm:

    “Is Cullerton taking the state plane to get there too?”
    I would doubt that, but I would put money on it the “travel” is being paid for by a lobster/lobsters.
    Although, in his defense, there is no bill to look at yet so……
    But perception is everything.

  23. - The Doc - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 5:25 pm:

    Wow, that was quick - picked up by the SJ-R.

  24. - getmeoutofhere - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 5:29 pm:

    NO. What do you expecct him to do….sit aroung the rotunda and wring his hands chanting Oh My God….Oh My God

  25. - State worker for now - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 5:30 pm:

    I have skipped going to any Major League Baseball games this year in fear I may get laid off this year and thus decided to save a little money. I now see what our leader’s priorities are….going to a baseball game when thousands of people don’t know when they are going to get paid or if they are going to have a job. WOW! And I thought only Blago had his priorities screwed up- these people never cease to amaze me!

  26. - Ill_will - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 5:33 pm:

    You have to admire the man for knowing and acting on his priorities.

  27. - A Citizen - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 5:35 pm:

    Come on VM - How about a “Take Me Out To The Ballgame” rendition?

  28. - Cindy Lou (formerly Princess) - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 5:37 pm:

    getmeoutofehre, I expected him to have some respect if not genuine concern for the workers who came to work every day in good faith.

    Next Quinn is going to show up knocking on union’s door wanting good faith bargaining and ’shared sacrifices’ to a group of people he/they just kicked in the rear.

    Maybe if Cullerton leant to play basketball he could get a meet with Obama other than when he has business to tend to.

    And by the way, I was paid yesterday and next is not due until the 28th. It does not lessen my concern for the payless workers this does smack in the morning.

    I expected the man and the others to do their job just as they expect us todo our jobs.

  29. - Rep. John Fritchey - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 5:38 pm:

    Of course, it’s a silly idea. The prudent thing to do would be for him to give his ticket to his State Rep.

    P.S. - Okay, people, because of all the heightened sensitivities, let me clarify something - I’M KIDDING. Okay? Joking. That’s all.

    P.P.S. - Mr. Senate President, you know where to reach me…

  30. - Yellow Dog - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 5:41 pm:

    Lemme know if you need a local tour guide in The Loo, Rep. Fritchey.

  31. - Cindy Lou (formerly Princess) - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 5:42 pm:

    I’m not in a laughing/kidding mood Rep. Fritchey, but as long as you’re here–where did you get that box of ridiculous Old Spice headed shower puff? That photo of them them did make me laugh.

  32. - Can't Say My Nickname - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 5:44 pm:

    Six Degrees - that is funny. With all the doom and gloom, I needed a good laugh.

  33. - Six Degrees of Separation - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 5:47 pm:

    Can’t say-

    Apparently it was so funny that Rich hit the “delete” button accidentally while ROTFL.

  34. - babs - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 5:51 pm:

    Hey Rep Fritchey, I thought the same thing when I read your FB comment suggesting you might attend, and fought with myself over whether it was a bad idea or not. It never sounded right. Be careful.

  35. - The Doc - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 5:51 pm:

    Rep. Fritchey, I’m not sure what would lead you to the conlusion that the contributors to this blog, at this particular point in time, and regarding this topic, are seeking comic relief - but we aren’t. Don’t mean to get all self-righteous on you, but both you and Senator Cullerton are my representation in the GA, and it’s not exactly been a banner day for either of you.

    I probably (no, definitely) need to take a breath now.

  36. - hmmm - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 5:52 pm:

    Is the beloved speaker attending the game as well?

  37. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 5:53 pm:

    He just might end up the poster child for anti-incumbent mania.

  38. - Rep. John Fritchey - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 5:59 pm:

    Okay, my last post today.

    Doc, I get it, really I do. But the problems we are facing are going to be there regardless of whether I try to make folks smile a little, so I try now and then just to lighten things up. It’s just something that works for me, sorry if I’ve put you off by my so doing. Seriously.

    As for it not being a banner day for me, not really sure what else I could do today that I didn’t.

    And whether or not you believe me, I share your frustrations and feel an even greater sense of responsibility given that so many people are relying on me and my colleagues to address this situation.

    Babs, same thing. I never had any intention of attending, didn’t think it would be good form, nor could I afford to.

    Cindy Lou - send me an e-mail with your name and address and you will soon be the owner of your very own Will Ferrell loofa.

  39. - jwscott72 - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 6:02 pm:

    This whole thing makes me sick, but not surprised. These legislators don’t care about anything but themselves and today was just an excuse to get them 3 hours closer to St. Louis.

    My question is this. Who cares what Cullerton, Fritchey or the other 174 of those idiots say or do tonight? Only one person matters and that is Supreme Leader Michael J. Madigan. You can bet that he’ll be alongside the President tonight. You can’t call any of them leaders and I’m having a hard time describing them as human beings.

  40. - Ms Port Belly Mushroom - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 6:06 pm:

    –Been There–
    Sometimes people like to stick to their principles and may even be right but they forget about the public perception.

    What exactly does that mean? Going to the All-Star game is “sticking to his principles”. No wonder they’re offering you tickets.

  41. - Amy - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 6:08 pm:

    maybe Cullerton has to drive DeLeo down there……

  42. - call me crazy - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 6:17 pm:

    ATTENTION CUB REPORTERS:This is your opportunity to score many big points with your editor with the right pictures,story for tomorrows paper/online journal!

  43. - Mandalay - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 6:18 pm:

    Sooo….I guess it’s not of any importance that there are so many people facing not getting paid. This is ridiculous, I need to be making my paychecks to live, and I won’t be able to do that until they pass the freaking budget!

  44. - Steve - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 6:36 pm:

    Rich :

    You are right it isn’t not a good idea. Cullerton could care less, the voters in his district will vote for him no matter what. Anyone who would propose such a giant tax increase must come from a district where they don’t care about budgets or taxes.

  45. - He Makes Ryan Look Likea a Saint - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 6:37 pm:

    Typical of the attitude ofState Legislators, they don’t care get rid of them ALL

  46. - The Doc - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 6:55 pm:

    Rep. Fritchey,

    I know you get it, and didn’t mean to imply otherwise. I simply think your comment was poorly timed, all things considered.

    As for my “banner day” comment, your response hits at the heart of what’s wrong with our legislative branch. Specifically, the inability for the overwhelming majority of elected representatives to effectuate meaningful change in Springfield.

    I consider you an engaged, thoughtful, well-intentioned, and accesible legislator. And there are undoubtedly more of that ilk. But if the current structure renders you and your colleagues impotent to leverage these qualities for the purpose you’ve been elected to do, what does it matter? Why should I continue to select you as my representation?

  47. - Anonymous Coward - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 6:55 pm:

    Comment from the SJ-R story:

    please listen
    20 minutes ago

    I would like to let you know that I attended the House session this afternoon. I was never so angry and ashamed of any group of people in my life. They all sauntered in at least 10 minutes latemulled around and visited with each other, were very rude and never even listened to the representative who was speakingvoted on some procedures while continuing to chat. The gallery was quiet as a mouse, but we still couldnt hear because of their chattering with each other. Then the session was adjourned until tomorrow afternoon and they were told there would be caucases after the adjournment. And to add insult to injury one of the representatives announced that it was so-and-so birthday and there was cake in such and such room for the members. This my friends is what they expect us to accept as governing. Remember in November, I certainly will and so will all the people who sat there through that unbelievable display of disrespect and contempt for all Illinoisans.

  48. - LINK - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 7:02 pm:

    Amazing. As Rome (Illinois) burns down around us all, some take to fiddlin around for fun…

  49. - state employee - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 7:06 pm:

    I am not in a joking mood, nor in a baseball mood this summer because I don’t know if I’ll be paid on 7/29 and the abysmal mess of state government and inhumane politicians are depressing me. In fact I turned down an offered ticket myself. I’m really not in a baseball mood, don’t feel like trying to have fun at a game with so much uncertainty and injustice occurring.

    So who is it CULLERTON AND MADIGAN at the all-star game? - they show with their actions that ballgames and politics, matter more to them than the most vulnerable people in our state and the workers who care for them. Are they celebrating their pork barrel capital spending bill money going to their friends and relatives has passed? HOW QUICK TO RAISE TAXES FOR CAPITAL SPENDING.

    Their priorities are baseball games, raising taxes their way through immoral gambling and other regressive taxes which hit those least able to pay, and passing a massive capital spending bill, pork for their friends.

    Will someone grow up and pass the Meeks bill in the House? You need to raise taxes and pass a responsible budget. FOR THE YEAR.
    NOTE: Fritchy: you could call on and pressure Mr. Madigan to do this. You’re all responsible for this mess.

    This feels like a third world country. I’LL NEVER VOTE FOR A DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICAN EVER AGAIN AND I URGE AFSCME NEVER AGAIN TO SUPPORT ANYONE IN EITHER PARTY. MY MONEY has been and WOULD continue to BE WASTED GOING to these inhumane unethical people who betray us again and again.

  50. - Anonymous Coward - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 7:08 pm:

  51. - Lowly State Worker - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 7:14 pm:

    I am sick. I have had one of those years so far that ALL of the unknown problems have happened, and now we are practically living check to check.

    I had a savings of $20,000. My wife and I own both of our cars, and have no credit card debt. We live in a $95,000 house, don’t drink, do drugs, nor do we smoke. That said, I had to have a costly surgery done that wasn’t covered completely by Blue Cross. We are pretty much depleted.

    We have lived responsibly, I take my lunch to work, and we don’t eat out or do anything fancy. We can’t even afford to pay $60 to take some time to ourselves and go watch the NASCAR race this weekend. For the life of me, it hurts to even think that the powers that be are going to be hamming it up in St. Louis, probably all expenses paid, all the while I am wondering if I am going to have to start pimping my wife out to cover our basic expenses (joking of course).

    I will not vote for ANYONE that is currently holding these seats. It’s time for a change, and a BIG ONE.

  52. - Bill - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 7:32 pm:

    ==nor could I afford to.==
    Now THAT’s funny!

  53. - Bill - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 7:35 pm:

    State employee is right John. You should be “pressuring” Mike Madigan. Let me know how that works for you, OK?
    Really, I don’t see the big deal. The legislators have a right to relax and see the game after a hard 90 seconds in session. Remember, it is a part time job after all. Give ‘em some slack.

  54. - Lowly State Worker - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 7:38 pm:

    I guess the Attorney business isn’t paying well these days.

  55. - Anonymous Coward - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 8:05 pm:

    Another SJ-R story comment:

    Tired of Usual Business
    4 hours ago

    Happy Birthday Rep Bauer!! Are you kidding me!!! I tuned in to watch the proceedings only to watch our leaders squander away more overtime money. In session for about 18 minutes. They had a prayer… had the clerk state the purpose of the meeting and then 1 representative spoke. Rep Poe thought it was a good time to announce that it was Rep Bauer’s birthday and that there was cake and ice cream available before leaving. MEETING ADJOURNED!! I personally will not vote for any of these people in the next election. What a joke!!

  56. - SouthernGirl - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 8:09 pm:

    State Employee, I’m with you 100%. I’m not votin’ for any of these bozos.

    Who goes to a freaking ballgame when the lives of literally thousands of people are in the balance?


  57. - Plutocrat03 - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 8:23 pm:

    You have it wrong.

    Sen. Cullerton is not going to a game, he is escaping from the mess he was part of creating. He won’t return to Illinois…..

  58. - Nero - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 9:15 pm:

    First, it was Blago at the Blackhawks game. Now, it’s Culleton at the All-Star game. You’ve got to be kidding?!?

  59. - Oneman - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 9:23 pm:

    Take me to the all star game
    take me out of Springfiled

    give me some donations and I won’t look back
    I don’t care because the voters have my back

    for it too bad for the unpaid state employees
    if they don’t get paid I blame pat Quinn

    For it’s a one, two, six month budget
    so we can go back to the same old game

  60. - Rambler - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 9:31 pm:

    1-It’s OK for Cullerton to go if there’s nothing on his agenda. I mean, he surely has a Blackberry or something.
    2-Lay off Fritchey.

  61. - jimbo - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 9:44 pm:

    Does anyone have video of Cullerton at the ballgame? Youtube it. & any of the other “leaders” at the game.

  62. - Sue - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 9:44 pm:

    Maybe- you can arrange for them to give him a Profiles for No Courage award- these numbskulls somehow think they can run the state with no revenue increases other then tacking on additional fees hit the poor the hardest- The Governor never should have backed away from his tax position- Raising the income tax by one or two percent for a couple of years is all that is needed but I guess the Speaker and Mr. Cullerton are more concerned with upcoming primaries- what a courageous bunch of losers

  63. - Stoned Prophet - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 10:28 pm:

    I have been to quite a few demonstations lately with my fellow state workers, state-affiliated nonprofits and our clients. I have seen severely disabled people at the rallies/demonstrations. These people are in great harm with service cuts. They have been placed in the way of a freight train of political indifference and incompetence.

    I went back in the archives today to reference one of my previous posts, and it was deleted. I did not use foul language, didn’t insult anyone more than anyone else here does and was no more rabid than some of the people who contribute here. Perhaps I struck a nerve when I demanded that the legislators and the governor who imperiled state workers/nonprofits and our clients face these severely disabled people and tell them that they are matter just not enough to save their services. I put a starkly-human face on the problem, and perhaps this made someone recoil.

  64. - Oh well - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 10:31 pm:

    On 7/7/09 state was paying bills from 2/9/09 (source: dhs website - payments - Comptroller processing cycle). State fiscal year 2009 was a part year budget! New year might have 5 months of funding but since we are 5 months behind in payments, how long will service providers be paid before funds run out?

  65. - curious - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 11:12 pm:

    There are some politicians working hard and it’s NOT ALL politicians that do bad things! We have to stop blaming ALL-we will lose the good ones-and YES there are good ones! It’s a tough time for ALL the people in Illinois. We have to stop blaming ALL-what about the fact that summer after summer they are away from family and we keep beating them up?

    I know my representative works hard and is doing what the people of his district voted him to do-and I know that there are others out there also-so lets stop blaming them ALL!

    We need to support the politicians that work hard and vote for them and don’t vote for the politicians that don’t work hard!

    We ALL have a chance to make CHANGE-but remember to not accuse ALL of being bad! You need to REALLY support your representative and senator if they represent YOUR district with their vote- That’s what they were elected to do!

  66. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 11:14 pm:

    === They all sauntered in at least 10 minutes latemulled around and visited with each other, were very rude and never even listened to the representative who was speakingvoted on some procedures while continuing to chat. The gallery was quiet as a mouse, but we still couldnt hear because of their chattering with each other. Then the session was adjourned until tomorrow afternoon and they were told there would be caucases after the adjournment. And to add insult to injury one of the representatives announced that it was so-and-so birthday and there was cake in such and such room for the members.===

    Was this your first time in the gallery AC? Trust me, it’s much more engaging in April or March. And I’m a fan!

    You should really spend more time around the rail, the least productive place in the whole state. Tip: wear rubber-soled shoes, way more comfortable during “caucuses.”

    Best “part-time” job in Illinois. And I’m a fan!

  67. - Quinn T. Sential - Tuesday, Jul 14, 09 @ 11:47 pm:

    I never saw any sign of Cullerton, but there was a guy that looked remarkably like DeLeo came into the HOOTERS near the ballpark a few minutes ago, but he walked in, looked around for a minute, and then walked out before I could cross the room close enough to confirm; and perhaps snap a pic, so I don’t know for sure if it was him.

    Interesting phenominon tonight in that POTUS received a lot of boo’s, and not many cheers, and it had nothing to do with the SOX jacket. Lot’s of box seat banter about socialism from the capitalist Show Me State crowd.

    I was surprised the reception was not better; just for taking the time to show up.

  68. - Parent of a Disabled Son - Wednesday, Jul 15, 09 @ 4:30 am:

    Whatever happened to working all night to get a project done? Have any of you every done that when there was a crisis on the line? I have plenty of times. When you are responsible, you work until the job is done. This should have happened weeks ago…stay in Springfield, work day and night, until a budget is passed before July 1st - a date that you have known a project is due for, let me see???, years. Always been the same date for a long time. One leader commented about avoiding chaos…I think this list will show you that there has already been chaos…just ask some of the most vulnerable persons in our society - disabled persons that cannot defend and take care of themselves through no choice of their own and depend on you State of Illinois…I wish that you could walk their walk just for one day. I hope that you are proud of this list:

    # of affected agencies identified: 87
    Minimum # of employees given layoff notices: 1,883
    Minimum # of clients affected: 14,303

    - The Occupational Development Center in Bloomington has discontinued a program that provides job training for the developmentally disabled. (Pantagraph, 7/1/09)

    - The Association for Individual Development in Aurora has cut 80 jobs and “told 1,100 clients with developmental and mental health disabilities that they would lose services.” (Daily Herald, 7/1/09)

    - The H Group in West Frankfort has laid off 31 staff and transferred and changed salaries for another 12. In total, 59 positions have been cut, including through attrition, elimination of positions occupied by staff from temporary agencies, and lay-offs. Administrators estimate 1,000 fewer people will receive addiction counseling as a result. (The Southern, 7/1/09; Verified by PI, 7/9/09)

    - Urbana domestic violence shelter A Woman’s Fund has laid off 12 of its 33 employees. (News-Gazette, 7/1/09)

    - Thirty-five of the 210 staffers at the Mental Health Center of Champaign County will be laid off effective July 17. In addition, ten open positions have been terminated. (News-Gazette, 7/8/09)

    - Staff cuts at Between Friends in Chicago means the organization will be able to provide counseling for 3,000 fewer domestic violence survivors this year. (WBEZ, 7/1/09)

    - Treatment Alternatives for Safe Communities, an agency that treats non-violent convicts with addiction problems, has furloughed 139 employees for two weeks without pay. A representative tells us: “The DHS budget cuts have affected 2,500 non-violent offenders referred to TASC by the justice system for assessment and placement into community-based drug treatment programs.” (CBS Chicago, 7/1/09, Verified by PI, 7/10/09)

    - Twenty-four hour addiction treatment facility Fellowship House in Anna has cut seven jobs and cut the number of patients by half. (The Southern, 7/1/09)

    - Cairo’s Delta Center, which provides “mental health, prevention and youth services to about 1,000 people annually,” has cut 10 jobs, discontinued services to over 70 individuals, and stopped accepting referrals. (The Southern, 7/1/09)

    - Southern Illinois Social Services in Carbondale gave 20 employees their two-week notice. (The Southern, 7/1/09)

    - On July 1, Community Counseling Centers of Chicago laid off 14 workers, affecting over 250 Chicagoans who depend on their services. By July 6, the number of layoffs had reached 32, with services terminated for 1,200 individuals. (WBEZ, 7/1/09; Verified by PI, 7/6/09)

    - The Mattoon Area Adult Education Center laid off eight employees and shut down its facility for the first time in 44 years. (Journal-Gazette/Times-Courier, 7/1/09)

    - Dove Inc., which provides job training to the homeless in Decatur, laid off a third of its staff and discontinued several programs. (Herald & Review, 7/1/09)

    - Also in Decatur, Macon Resources Inc. eliminated 26 positions, terminating its “group care for adults and children, sheltered work program for people with developmental disabilities … and a self-advocacy program.” (Herald & Review, 7/1/09)

    - Chicago’s Carole Robertson Center, which provides early childhood care and education, laid off 20 of its 170 employees on July 2 and gave the rest a 25 percent pay cut. (Crain’s, 7/4/09)

    - Foster care and education services organization Children Home + Aid, based in Chicago, has cut 86 of its 750 employees. The group provides services for over 40,000 children and families across the state. (Crain’s, 7/4/09)

    - Aurora’s Mutual Ground Inc., which counsels victims of domestic abuse and sexual assault, is closing its emergency shelter. (Crain’s, 7/4/09)

    - Planned Parenthood of Illinois laid off 19 employees. (State Journal-Register, 7/4/09)

    - In its Chicago, Dixon and Peoria offices, Lutheran Social Services of Illinois laid off 32 workers who provided children’s services. (State Journal-Register, 7/4/09)

    - In Lawrenceville, Cra-Wa-La Volunteers in Probation, Inc. laid off three staff members last week. The group “serves 16 southeastern Illinois counties with such services as mentoring, meth prevention and youth advocacy.” (Daily Republican Register, 7/6/09)

    - The Ray Graham Association discontinued an array of services that assist families with developmentally disabled children, including: day programming, supported employment, supported living arrangements, and respite programs. The organization estimates that 900 people with disabilities will be affected. (Press release, 7/1/09)

    - The board of trustees for Lincoln Land Community Colleges has notified 10 employees that they will be laid off on August 1. (State Journal-Register, 6/25/09; Verified by PI, 7/6/09)

    - Clearbrook in Arlington Heights laid off 25 employees at the start of the month and discontinued employment programs for 85 individuals with developmental disabilities. (Provider website, 7/1/09)

    - The Rockford-based Janet Wattles Center, a community mental health provider, laid off 21 employees on July 2. (Verified by PI, 7/6/09)

    - Thresholds, a Chicago-area mental illness service provider, laid off 60 people during FY 2009 due to funding shortages. The most recent round of layoffs occurred three weeks ago. Administrators say that, without state funding in place, they will be forced to cut 180 staff positions on July 15 and reduce their service capacity by 2,500. (Verified by PI, 7/6/09)

    - In late June, Metropolitan Family Services sent layoff notices to 100 employees. The organizations provides supportive services to families in the Chicagoland area. (Verified by PI, 7/6/09)

    - Springfield Arc Inc., which provides respite services to families with developmentally disabled children, discontinued its summer program, which had enrolled 69 Springfield area children. The agency has laid off 55 employees since mid-June. (State Journal-Register, 7/7/09)

    - Sojourn Shelter & Services in Springfield has laid off eight of its 17 full-time staff members and reduced the number of available shelter beds by half, from 32 to 16. (State Journal-Register, 7/7/09)

    - The alcohol and drug detoxification program administered in Bloomington by Chestnut Health Systems was discontinued July 1 due to uncertainty regarding state funding. In the past year, more than 400 people from 43 counties were served by the program. Eight employees lost their jobs as a result of the cuts. (Pantagraph, 6/24/09)

    - Mujeres, an agency that provides support services to Latinas in Chicago, has chosen to close its doors on Fridays and asked employees to take furlough days over the next two months. (Verified by PI, 7/7/09)

    - The Human Service Center of Southern Metro-East, a community mental health agency in Red Bud, laid off six employees and reduced working hours for eighteen other employees. Approximately 500 people will not receive services as result. (Verified by PI, 7/7/09)

    - Esperanza Community Services, a Chicago school for developmentally disabled children and adults, has eliminated 4 positions. Due to the possibility of a 100% grant cut, their Client and Family Support Program (which serves more than 150 families a year) is in jeopardy of closing. (Verified by PI, 7/7/09)

    - The Ecker Center for Mental Health, which serves the northern two/thirds of Kane County and Hanover and Barrington Townships, has laid off 17 employees. They still face another $500,000 in cuts to reach a balanced budget for FY 2010. (Verified by PI, 7/7/09)

    - Community Support Services in Brookfield has discontinued 75 percent of its respite care services for developmentally disabled children. Under the bare-bones budget, the agency will have to terminate 100 percent of its group home services and 80 percent of its family support case management. This will require the organization to turn away half of the 600 families they currently serve. (Verified by PI, 7/7/09)

    - Stopping Woman Abuse Now, located in Olney and serving a nine-county area, has laid off 13 staff and closed both its homeless shelter and residential shelter for domestic violence victims. (Verified by PI, 7/7/09)

    - Chicago’s Neumann Association, which provides services to adults with mental illness and developmental disabilities, has laid off 42 employees and has cut services to over 100 clients and their families. A representative tells us that “50% of these clients will lose their jobs due to the cuts in services. 50 sets of elderly parents and medically fragile caregivers have been left alone to provide care for their sons and daughters. The stress and anxiety has forced 4 clients to be hospitalized.” (Verified by PI, 7/7/09)

    - Chicago’s oldest women-focused social service agency, the YWCA of Metropolitan Chicago, has laid off 48 staff members (out of 140). They have also discontinued two of their programs. (Verified by PI, 7/7/09)

    - On July 15, Youth Outreach Unlimited offices in Lasalle County are scheduled to close, thereby ending afterschool programs used by thousands of local children. (News-Tribune, 7/7/09)

    - A Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Service (ADV & SAS), which serves victims of domestic violence and sexual assault in La Salle and Livingston counties, has cut 10 employees from its 23-member staff and reduced hours for the remaining workers. (The Times, 7/6/09)

    - The Youth Service Bureau in Ottawa has cut eight staff members and reduced the capacity of its afterschool programming and counseling for at-risk youth. (The Times, 7/6/09)

    - After 20 years in operation in Lasalle County, the Easter Seals Lekotek program, designed to teach families how to interact with a special needs family member, has closed. (The Times, 7/6/09)

    - Ottawa Friendship House eliminated three part-time positions and instituted a hiring freeze. The the center may reduce or discontinue its client and family support, supported employment, and regular work programs. (The Times, 7/6/09)

    - In Springfield, the Boys & Girls Club of Central Illinois is temporarily closing its east side facility, where about 100 children regularly participate in programs. The move has resulted in 10 layoffs. (State Journal-Register, 7/7/09)

    - The Heartland Alliance for Human Needs & Human Rights has laid off 20 employees and scaled back six programs in Chicago, which served those with mental health and substance abuse problems, TANF recipients, immigrants, and the homeless. They estimate that nearly 4,000 are no longer receiving their services as a result. (Verified by PI, 7/8/09)

    - The McHenry County Youth Service Bureau, which provides deliquency prevention and intervention programs, has laid off 6 full-time employees (out of 40) and has terminated services for 75 children and their families. (Verified by PI, 7/8/09)

    - Growing Strong Sexual Assault Center in Decatur has been forced to lay off one counselor and cut their work week to 32 hours for five other staff members. Three employees have been cut to 24 hours per week. A representative tells us: “These shortened hours will affect counseling and advocacy services for victims of sexual assault.” (Verified by PI, 7/8/09)

    - The Developmental Services Center serves children and adults with developmental disabilities in Champaign County. The group cut 18 jobs on July 6 and has begun scaling back services. (News-Gazette, 7/8/09)

    - On July 1, the ARC of Rock Island County, which provides services for the developmentally disabled, sent out 38 layoff notices and informed 85 people that they will lose their Arc services as of July 15. (Quad Cities Online, 7/2/09)

    - The Vermilion County Rape Crisis Center has laid off 2 full-time and 1 part-time workers. (Verified by PI, 7/9/09)

    - Pioneer Center for Human Services, which serves several hundred clients with mental illness and disabilities in McHenry County, notified 31 employees that they will lose their jobs effective July 24. (Verified by PI, 7/9/09)

    - On July 3, the Family Alliance in Woodstock informed the 55-65 seniors enrolled in their support programs that their services will be terminated. (Verified by PI, 7/9/09)

    - CeaseFire, a Chicago-based organization that mediates neighborhood disputes in the hopes of curbing gun violence, has laid off 150 community staff members and is no functioning with a “skeleton staff” of 25. (Chi-Town Daily News, 7/9/09)

    - Gads Hill Center provides services to low-income and immigrant children and families in Chicago, including child care and early education, educational support services, and services to low-income working parents. A representative tells us: “So far one entire program has been closed, and 4 workers have been laid off. This ends service for 80 youth. All 75 remaining employees will be subject to a potential 12 unpaid furlough days.” (Verified by PI, 7/9/09)

    - In Cicero, Seguin Services has laid of 18 employees and discontinued aid for 27 clients, effective August 3. The agency “supports adults and children with disabilities and other special needs.” (Verified by PI, 7/9/09)

    - Family Focus, which operates seven direct service centers in Chicago and the surrounding suburbs, laid off 35 staff and reduced hours for 10 other staff. A representative tells us: “If these staff reductions were to become permanent and last all year, approximately 2,000 families would loss vital family support, early childhood development and after school services.” (Verified by PI, 7/9/09)

    - Community Link, headquartered in Breese, Illinois, provides employment, job training and housing to more than 400 developmentally disabled individuals. The agency has laid off six staffers and demoted two others. The cuts have required them to terminate all services for 11 clients and limit them for 29 others. (Verified by PI, 7/9/09)

    - Opportunities for Access, a “center for independent living” agency that promotes the empowerment of persons with disabilities, has laid off nine of their 18 staffers. The organization has three offices (in Mt. Vernon, Effingham, and Carmi). The cuts are expected to affect over 400 clients. (Verified by PI, 7/9/09)

    - Youth Guidance enables at-risk children in Chicago-area public schools to “overcome obstacles, focus on their education and, ultimately, to succeed in school and in life.” They have so far laid off 24 staff and have reduced in staff time for 18 others. These cuts eliminate services to 1101 students. (Verified by PI, 7/9/09)

    - The Adolescent Health Center in Carbondale has laid off two full-time staff members in its Healthy Families Illinois program, which assists at-risk families in the four largely rural counties of Jackson, Perry, Franklin, and Williamson. A representative tells us: “We will not be able to serve any new families at this time, although we are going to try to maintain the caseload we have now, with a drastically reduced staff and this will impact how often families receive home visits. We also can no longer provide transportation to medical/social service appointments and can no longer offer monthly group meetings.” (Verified by PI, 7/10/09)

    - Prairie State Legal Services is laying off one employee at its Waukegan office. A representative tells us: “Up to seven to twelve further lay-offs are contemplated in upcoming months throughout this large legal aid law firm throughout Northern Illinois due to lack of funds.” (Verified by PI, 7/10/09)

    - Riverbend Head Start’s Family Foundations program has notified 15 of its employees that they will be out of job come July 15. The group provides housing assistance, employment support, literacy skills, early childhood development and transportation assistance to Madison County families with children ages 0 to 3 years. (Verified by PI, 7/10/09)

    - In Princeton, Gateway Services, Inc., which provides services in Bureau, Marshall and Putnam counties, has eliminated funding for in-home respite. This affects 40 families and 50 children with developmental disabilities. On August 1st, Gateway is terminating services to another 31 people for supported employment and 15 for family support services and reassigning 6 employees from those programs to other service areas. (Verified by PI, 7/10/09)

    - Resources for Community Living in Rolling Meadows has laid off 20 percent of its staff and plans to begin to cutting services and further staff positions when our emergency cash reserve has been depleted, likely beginning this September. The agency matches adults with developmental disabilities with elderly homeowners in mutually beneficial homesharing arrangements. A representative tells us: “I anticipate that without the restoration of funding, this highly accredited, best practice model agency will be forced to downsize by at least 50%, merge or close our doors by the years end.” (Verified by PI, 7/10/09)

    - On July 2, the South East Alcohol and Drug Abuse Center, a major provider of substance abuse treatment and prevention services on Chicago’s Southeast side, laid off 11 employees because of the state’s budget crisis. The agency has reduced service hours by 13 hours per week. SEADAC has a waiting list of 33 people requesting help and prior to the budget crisis. (Verified by PI, 7/10/09)

    - Wells Center, a substance abuse treatment agency in Jacksonville, has notified staff that it will be closing its residential programs and laying off 34 staff effective September 1. (Verified by PI, 7/10/09)

    - The Illinois Valley Center for Independent Living (IVCIL) is a nonprofit service and advocacy organization serving persons with any type of disability in Bureau, LaSalle, Marshall, Putnam, and Stark counties. IVCIL was forced to lay off their Youth Advocate, Deaf Services Coordinator, and Independent Living Advocate, as well as to notify the remaining staff that they will be required to take unpaid days. Their center will close on the third Friday of each month unless cuts are restored. (Verified by PI, 7/10/09)

    - Safe Harbor Family Crisis Center in Galesburg has laid off two of their seven full time employees. (Verified by PI, 7/10/09)

    - New Hope Center in Dolton “provides services that enhance the quality of life for persons with developmental disabilities.” They have either laid off or reduced hours for 11 employees and discontinued services to 11 clients. (Verified by PI, 7/10/09)

    - Shelter, Inc. in Arlington Heights provides community-based, emergency and temporary housing for thousands of children and adolescents who are abused, neglected, dependent or in need of supervision. They have had to lay off six of eight staff members and have reduced caseloads accordingly. (Verified by PI, 7/10/09)

    - Family Shelter Services has terminated an emergency shelter program in Glen Ellyn which has been operating since 1980, serving over 3,000 women and children in that time. In addition, all administration and development staff have reduced hours and salary by 10 percent, a hiring freeze has been implemented on unfilled positions, and five full time positions have been eliminated. (Verified by PI, 7/10/09)

    - On July 10, five full time workers were laid off from Lifelink Corporation Healthy Families Program in Bensenville. Two more layoffs are scheduled for Friday July 17. As a result, 75 families will lose home visitation services. (Verified by PI, 7/10/09)

    - ARC Community Support Systems, with offices in Effingham, Teutopolis and Olney, suspended services to 51 families in its in-home respite program, terminated its ABC Program that served 75 infants, children and their families, and ended Family Matters services to 78 children. The organization laid-off 18 workers and moved several others to part-time status. (Herald & Review, 7/13/09)

    - On the weekend of July 4, Normal-based Marcfirst was forced to eliminate services to over 85 developmentally-disabled children and 80 adults leaving many of their families with nowhere else to turn. Sixty positions at Marcfirst were eliminated, while salaries for 28 other staff members were reduced by 12.5 percent. (Verified by PI, 7/13/09)

    - Heritage Behavioral Health Center in Decatur has laid off more than 20 of the agency’s 230 employees and cut the salaries of most of those remaining by 5 percent to 15 percent, effective July 13. The agency serves individuals with mental illness or substance abuse problems. (Herald & Review, 7/12/09)

    - The Healthy Families Illinois program at the Henry/Stark County Health Department has laid off four employees and will suspend services to 44 families as of July 31st until further notice. (Verified by PI, 7/13/09)

    - Safe Haven Recovery Homes, which provides housing and support for individuals recovering from a drug or alcohol addiction, has cut the number of “client beds” by 150. They are also considering laying off a third of their staff (about 20 employees) by July 17. (Verified by PI, 7/13/09)

    - DePaul Family and Community Services, which primarily serves Medicaid population living in two Chicago Housing Authority communities — Cabrini-Green and Lathrop Homes — is laying off eight staff. Two satellite offices have also been closed. (Verified by PI, 7/13/09)

    - Maine Center in Park Ridge has suspended its child and adolescent pyschiatry program, which serves 350 families. All staff have taken a 20 percent pay cut. If funding is not restored, as many as 12 employees could be laid off. (Verified by PI, 7/13/09)

    - First Step Learning, Inc., which provides day care services in Belvidere, has laid off three employees. (Verified by PI, 7/13/09)

    - On July 8, Trilogy, Inc. laid off 28 employees. They are anticipating having to cut or eliminate services to about 130 clients. Trilogy provides mental health treatment for adults with serious mental illnesses in the Rogers Park and Evanston neighborhoods of Chicago. (Verified by PI, 7/13/09)

    - Circlefamily HealthCare Network in Chicago’s Humboldt Park neighborhood laid off 11 of its employees in the adult behavioral health services division on June 9. Those workers represented about 35 percent of the agency’s staff in that division. (Verified by PI, 7/14/09)

    - The Knox County Health Department laid off seven employees, effective July 24. “The state has given us no guidance as far as the budget is concerned,” Michele Fishburn, the department’s director of community health improvement, told Gatehouse News Service. (Gatehouse, 7/10/09)

    - The Ounce of Prevention Fund, an early childhood program provider and advocacy organization, laid off 11 employees and moved three others from full-time to part-time status. Additionally, all remaining staff members are required to take five unpaid days before the end of the year. (Verified by PI, 7/14/09)

    - Family Service and Mental Health Center of Cicero has begun terminating services to over 250 mentally ill adults and emotionally disturbed children. These clients depend on the agency to receive medication, counseling and support. The agency also plans to lay off five clinical staff positions by the end of July if funding is not restored. (Verified by PI, 7/14/09)

    - The Milestone Dental Clinic in Rockford, which provides dental care to adults and children with developmental disabilities from 18 Illinois counties, has eliminated 4 full time staff positions, and reduced 2 full time positions to part time. (Verified by PI, 7/14/09)

    - Marillac Social Center in Chicago laid off almost one-third of its 85-member staff and closed programs to prevent teen pregnancy and substance abuse. (AP, 7/14/09)

    - Leyden Family Services, headquartered in Chicago’s Franklin Park neighborhood, treats people “with challenges in drug and alcohol use, gambling, mental health, emergency food and shelter, obtaining public benefits, children’s programs, family counseling and others.” The agency has discontinued a program that helps foster children, eliminating four staff people in the process. (Franklin Park Herald-Journal, 6/30/09)

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