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Dart, Topinka and Rutherford all praised

Wednesday, Jul 15, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Carol Marin writes an incredibly favorable column about Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart’s future….

Dart — like Barack Obama, with whom he also served in Springfield — has managed to skillfully juggle it all. A member in good standing of the powerful 19th Ward populated by the Hynes, Joyce and Sheehan clans, Dart has been a Daley loyalist and Democratic Party regular. And yet he’s managed to position himself as a New Age politician. He’s run his office efficiently. And he has found issues that resonate beyond the boundary lines of Illinois. And sometimes, as in the Alsip cemetery story, when issues have landed like lightning in his back yard, he’s seized the moment and handled it artfully.

There has been talk that Dart might want to jump into the 2010 Democratic primary for governor. Or rise in the ranks of Cook County by taking on Todd Stroger for president of the County Board.

Neither one looks likely at the moment.

Comptroller Dan Hynes, another child of the 19th Ward, is positioning himself for the gubernatorial race.

And Dart, who had earned high marks in the African-American community even before his takeover of Burr Oak Cemetery, doesn’t gain a thing by antagonizing that same constituency by challenging Stroger. Especially when the job provides neither a national profile nor anything other than a monumental headache.

Tom Dart Superstar, I’m guessing, stays where he is right now. On a platform that someday soon will rocket him higher.

* Greg Hinz does much the same for Judy Baar Topinka and Sen. Dan Rutherford

It’s received little notice amid all the recent maneuvering for the U.S. Senate and the governor’s mansion. But the Illinois Republican Party is showing signs of fielding a competitive team for two jobs it actually has a decent shot at winning in the 2010 elections: state treasurer and comptroller.

State Sen. Dan Rutherford of Chenoa, who picked up some name recognition in an earlier bid for secretary of state, officially announced his candidacy for treasurer on Monday. He already has more than a quarter of a million dollars in his campaign war chest, a good starting point.

Even better, former treasurer and GOP gubernatorial nominee Judy Baar Topinka is continuing with her plans for a comeback.

* Meanwhile, Republican state Rep. Jim Durkin tells the Daily Herald that he’s kinda, sorta interested in a maybe/possible US Senate run

Durkin is upset with [GOP Congressman Mark Kirk’s] vote for cap-and-trade legislation, a key element of President Barack Obama’s agenda and favorite target of conservatives.

“I think he is going to regret that vote,” Durkin said [yesterday].

Kirk has faced heat from the party for weeks on that vote, but several GOP representatives and party brass still see him as the best chance for the Republicans to win the seat and cut back the Democrat’s 60-vote super majority.

Durkin says he is “not interested nor disinterested” in a run, but adds “If I decided I wanted to run for statewide office I feel comfortable I could put together a team.”

T-minus ten minutes before Kirk threatens to drop out again?

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  1. - Third Generation Chicago Native - Wednesday, Jul 15, 09 @ 9:23 am:

    Carol Marin is right about Tom Dart, his first year (as well as Stroger’s) they both took each other on through the media, Dart came accross as a mature adult, and let’s say, Toddler became a nickname for Stroger.

    Then there were the foreclosures of tenants of rental property who paid their rent on time, had reciepts and without any knowledge the building they were living in was in foreclosure, Dart kept these people from getting evicted. Which is good since these people had no clue what so possibly ever that they would be out on the street for no fault of their own.

    Now the Burr Oak, Tom Dart is making himself available to the media, is seen on the crime scene many hours each and every day by the media, set up hotline email, set up a nearby high school for families inquiring about their loved ones.

    Things are looking good for Dart.

  2. - Adam Smith - Wednesday, Jul 15, 09 @ 9:32 am:

    Kirk couldn’t care less about Durkin. Kirk is in the race.

    Durkin is just being whinny. He was waiting for everyone to beg him to run for something and, surprise, surprise, no one came calling. Given his pathetic track record in his statewide run and at the helm of the McCain campaign in Illinois, no one is going to be impressed by this little trial balloon.

  3. - dupage dan - Wednesday, Jul 15, 09 @ 9:37 am:

    I know some here would like to see some new blood in the GOP go after these positions, I still think JBT offers fiscal bona fides in the comptrollers office, if she decides to run. Maybe she could be convinced to merge the office after the election - could happen.

  4. - Libertyville - Wednesday, Jul 15, 09 @ 9:37 am:

    I don’t often say it but I agree with Greg Heinz. Topinka’s name id and fiscal record will help both she and Dan win those lower two offices. Who knows…with a little luck maybe the Gov race falls into place too. But Repubs should just leave SOS and Atty General open…no need to lead a lamb to slaughter there.

  5. - Rob_N - Wednesday, Jul 15, 09 @ 9:38 am:

    If Durkin runs it sets up the same thing that’s been happening in GOP primaries for years.

    A few conservatives run and split that base allowing the sole moderate in the race to take a plurality in the primary.

    I could see it going Kirk 1st, Durkin 2nd with Wallace a distant 3rd but pulling enough votes to hold up Durkin.

  6. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jul 15, 09 @ 10:03 am:

    Regarding Marin and Dart, whenever a politician gets that kind of treatment in a column, only one thing comes to mind: that politician is a really valuable source of inside stuff for the columnist.

    Witness Kass and Fast Eddie, or Sneed and the Burkes.

    Still, comparing Dart to Obama and JC in the same column is really dialing it up. I imagine Dart can handle the praise, judging from this passage from the column:

    ==If Dart was already a “rising political star in Illinois politics,” as his own official Web site carefully notes…he is hurtling fast into the national news stratosphere.==

    His website neglects to mention that he’s humble, too.

  7. - elginite - Wednesday, Jul 15, 09 @ 10:21 am:

    Tom Dart — the man who sued Craigslist. Not sure that’s going to resonate well with young Democrats.

  8. - Cassandra - Wednesday, Jul 15, 09 @ 10:41 am:

    What must cause the liberal, tax-loving Dems some private teeth-gnashing is that if Topinka had been elected, the income tax increase they are obsessed with obtaining would probably have been implemented by now. She’s a moderate and while she made the obligatory noises about wasteful state spending, it seems likely she would have channeled Jim Edgar and other moderate Republicans in her approach to revenue raising.

    But it was not to be. Sometimes, voting purely on the basis of a D or R after the name on the ballot
    just doesn’t work out the way you’d think.

  9. - Rob_N - Wednesday, Jul 15, 09 @ 10:43 am:

    Elginite, The only way your post makes sense is if you think “young Dems” hire prostitutes off of Craigslist since that’s what that matter was about.

    Otherwise, Dart was doing his job as sheriff using any legal means at his disposal to enforce the law.

  10. - Shore - Wednesday, Jul 15, 09 @ 10:53 am:

    Rutherford and Topinka had their day, reminds me of the only NBC commercial begging people to watch summer re-runs, “If you haven’t seen it before it is new to you”. We have seen it before and it is not worth viewing again.

    Kirk also got hit in politico today on his q2 fundraising which was 1/8 of what a republican moderate running in florida hauled in and half of what the GOPer running for senate in missouri pulled down.

  11. - Shore - Wednesday, Jul 15, 09 @ 10:54 am:

    what he was trying to say Rob N is that young people like craigslist a lot because of ease to find appartments, sell stuff ect. If Dart makes craigslist harder to use, his thought is young people will get upset.

  12. - Funny Man - Wednesday, Jul 15, 09 @ 10:57 am:

    I can understand Durkin’s frustration with Kirk’s vote but now is not the time for a senate run. The Republican part needs to understand they need someone like Kirk that can bring moderate/independent voters to their party. A senate run by Durkin is just going to look almost as bad as his last attempt.

  13. - SangamoGOP - Wednesday, Jul 15, 09 @ 11:14 am:

    Not sure if Durkin will make the race or not, but Durkin managed to beat out two millionaires during the last primary and ran a positive, above-board campaign against Durbin in ‘02.

    I’m not sure why the Kirk people want the field cleared for their guy. If Kirk is such a great candidate, surely he’ll be able to produce a message that the GOP voters will appreciate.

    Also, if the GOP is looking for a statewide victory, than why not look at someone who has run statewide and has coordinated a statewide campaign as recently as last year? Durkin fits that bill, has friends across the state and in DC and certainly brings moderate & independent voters to the table.

    Kirk isn’t & shouldn’t be the only game in town.

  14. - Another Dart fan - Wednesday, Jul 15, 09 @ 11:15 am:

    The thing is, Dart is humble, it’s not an act. Tom is the real deal and has been since he was a state rep. Even then, he took on issues that we not glamerous but important. The guy actually cares.
    I don’t think he’ll run for gov this time but I hope he moves up the ladder.

  15. - Pot calling kettle - Wednesday, Jul 15, 09 @ 11:36 am:

    Rutherford is a nice guy, more moderate than one might expect for his district. But, until he is willing to admit that it will take more than cuts to balance the state’s budget, he won’t get my vote.

    Unfortunately, our state is in trouble because the votes pick politicians who tell them what they want to hear; so, Dan has a reasonable shot at what appears will be an open seat.

  16. - Rob_N - Wednesday, Jul 15, 09 @ 11:40 am:

    Shore, My point still stands: Dart’s focus as sheriff was on eliminating the prostitution services offered via Craigslist.

    That has nothing to do with apartments or selling legit goods and services and Dart’s actions didn’t make CL “harder to use” for legit transactions.

    Similar online transaction sites like EBay have figured out a way to remove illegal listings, mostly by actually policing their own site 24/7, so why was CL avoiding such actions until the authorities stepped in?

  17. - Bakersfield - Wednesday, Jul 15, 09 @ 11:40 am:

    Only a matter of time until Durkin threw his hat in the ring. Good for him, he had a solid primary run in 02. Oh, and for the person who ripped his running of the McCain campaign in the state, last I checked Illinois was called for McCain on primary night at by 8:01. Unless you are saying he should have beaten Obama in his home state the campaign did what it needed to do.

  18. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jul 15, 09 @ 11:58 am:

    Who’s kidding who with Dart. Dart is above his station in life and will never be Governor of Illinois. I realize this notion may exist in some sewinbg circles, but most people have never even heard of this mop head. Rather than go back i think voters are ready to move forward with new blood.

  19. - Shore - Wednesday, Jul 15, 09 @ 12:28 pm:

    let the food fight begin.

  20. - Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, Jul 15, 09 @ 12:30 pm:

    Rob, I agree with you. Unless a “young person” lost their love connection on CL due to Sheriff Dart, I would think they would be more than less supportive of his campaign.

    OTOH, and this was a long time ago, he ran a mediocre campaign against JBT. Recall the dart hitting the target with a loud “FWAPPP!” at the end of his TV commercials?

  21. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Jul 15, 09 @ 12:34 pm:

    marin’s assertions about dart vs. stroger are off-base and old-fashioned.

  22. - Anon3 - Wednesday, Jul 15, 09 @ 12:46 pm:

    As to Rutherford this plays what one assumes are his strong suits fiscal issues etc, he does not have to take any stands on issues social conservatives are concerned which he seems to shy away from.
    JBT is the Jim Edgar only she will run again. I guess the gig with METRA just does not do the trick for her. It is an office one would think of as a step up the ladder rather down. Also, if the dems run just about anybody she will always be the one who lost to the inmate which will be great for whom ever runs against her. I bet they wont let her keep the METRA gig this time.

  23. - party of one - Wednesday, Jul 15, 09 @ 1:00 pm:

    Anon 3, please tell me you are a Dem political consultant. That could only help the GOP. I am guessing if you look at some polling you will see that JBT is very popular, strong on fiscal issues and benefiting from “buyers remorse”. As you may recall she beat Dart by 10 points in a bad political year. That name id is pure gold. And just one more correction, I believe she is on the RTA board.

  24. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Jul 15, 09 @ 1:25 pm:

    Good for them to get these kind words. By praising these individuals, their opponents are not being cursed. Take it for what it is - good news.

    Mr. Durkin was a fine candidate against Durbin in 2002. But he is not needed next year by his party. As a guy who is has also gotten both praise yet passed by for others less worthy, I understand. Candidates should be nominated who represent the best, so Durkin needs to remember his party’s nomination while also recognizing the need to move on.

  25. - lance - Wednesday, Jul 15, 09 @ 1:31 pm:

    I don’t think Durkin has made any committment only expressing displeasure with Kirks cap and trade vote. For what its worth, Durkin would give Kirk a headache. Durkin would have the McCain supporters and conseratives as well. However,I dont think he runs.

  26. - Amy - Wednesday, Jul 15, 09 @ 2:33 pm:

    Well Carol Marin’s column gets me on one thing…..Dan Hynes should not run for governor. i have no connection in the race. and i have no reason to say that except for his performance on cemeteries. (ok, yes, he is uber boring.) he is not to blame for what happened, but his work, as promised on his website was not delivered, not close. and now we have a terrible example that exposes this. this disconnect, and perhaps the start of a campaign for governor has particularly angered me in the last week. as a born and raised southsider i have watched the politics of the 19th ward closely. those whose deeds have not matched the push are not my favorites, but they have not raised my ire. until now. Hynes should be happy just to keep what he has or go back to the big Hynes family caretakers. or, to put it in terms he will understand, compare Dan to Tom Dart. no comparison whatsoever.

  27. - SangamoGOP - Wednesday, Jul 15, 09 @ 2:45 pm:

    VM - I go back to my earlier assessment - how is Kirk the best nominee when he has no statewide network, no statewide name ID and no clear message? Why shouldn’t someone like Durkin take a look at the seat when he has a number of positives that Kirk will have to build?

    I don’t think Durkin makes the race. It seems, though, that the party wants to clear the field just the clear the field and NOT because Kirk is the best candidate for this cycle.

  28. - Shore - Wednesday, Jul 15, 09 @ 3:55 pm:

    Sang, I’ve seen Durkin on the berkowitz show, he’s as exciting as a flight to pittsburgh to borrow from the film apollo 13.

    Kirk has been a powerhouse fundraiser, has done well in liberal suburbs the party needs to win, will DESTROY Alexi in debates (”alexi as you know the u.s. faces some major national security issues and you have no foreign affairs experience other than a junket to greece, what is the difference between FATAH and FATA?”) and has already destroyed 3 fully funded fully executed national democrat attempts to beat him in brutal republican years.

    Remember Kirk didn’t get into his race for congress until december 1999 for a february primary, had 0 organization, 0 money, several millionaire challengers and a dem opponent without a primary who had been in the district for a decade. And he destroyed both.

  29. - Get Real - Wednesday, Jul 15, 09 @ 4:15 pm:

    Kirk has better statewide name id than durkin and a better network. Kirk will have the support of the congressional delegation. Durkin did what he could with mccain, but to call that running a campaign is a stretch.

  30. - John Doe - Wednesday, Jul 15, 09 @ 4:36 pm:

    I like Judy. I was just suspicious of how cozy she was with George Ryan so I withheld my vote for her. I would rather “not” vote than cast avote for another affiliate of George Ryan. And, Judy’s riding in the back of the convertible in the “Gay Pride Parade” smacked way too loudly of patronizing any special interest group that will help to get her elected. I despise any GOp or Democrat politician who is phony and patronizing.

    Rutherford is a decent guy who would serve us well as our state treasurer. I could care less whether he was a Democrat or a Republican. What counts is that Dan Rutherford is smart and would run the state government like a well-run business. That is exactly what we need.

    Tom Dart is a Democrat that I could vote for. I may be wrong but I respect Carol Marin and I believe that she is correct about his character. He would go against his own Democrat Party’s dictates if he had to in order to maintain his sense of integrity. I think that Dart’s track record shows him to be an honorable man.

  31. - Anon3 - Wednesday, Jul 15, 09 @ 5:21 pm:

    party of one - think you make my point for me. If her name were truly “gold” they would not have called her race for gov so early on election night. I do appologize for the METRA mistake you of course are correct.

  32. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jul 15, 09 @ 6:52 pm:

    I think that Senate seat is there for the taking. Alexi and Kirk are paper tigers.

    Durkin is certainly to the right of me, but that’s okay, I’d hate to live in a world where everyone thought like me all the time.

    i give him a lot of points for sticking with McCain and running a successful primary campaign when the full-mooner right-wingers said McCain wasn’t a “real Republican.”

    Even today, can you believe that?

    Durkin can run some nice spots of him trying to get a straight answer out of Roland Burris. I wouldn’t count him out, at all.

  33. - SangamoGOP - Wednesday, Jul 15, 09 @ 9:11 pm:

    Shore - Kirk might be the powerhouse money guy in the 10th. But his record, his spineless approach to the Senate race (afraid of Andy McKenna? Really?) and the fact that he will be playing second fiddle to the gubernatorial race, makes the US Senate gig much, much different that playing in the little sand-box you call the 10th District.

    The County Chair phone call did not bode well for you man Mark in terms of raising a grassroots army. The jobs are with the Gov nominee and not with the Senate nominee. And, in IL, the Gov is the top of the ticket.

    And, about your guy standing next to Alexi during a debate, is sure to be JFK-Nixon redux. Kirk can go all wonkish but he is a nebbish of a man who will be standing next to a young, tall former basketball player who will certainly use that to his advantage.

    Will I vote for Kirk if he is the nominee? Absolutely. But the point is still that Kirk does not walk on water and certainly has not earned a free pass in the primary.

  34. - anon - Wednesday, Jul 15, 09 @ 10:48 pm:

    What is Carol Marin smoking…”the powerful 19th ward.” The powerful 19th ward barely is able to get their alderwoman re-elected Ginger Rugai. Do your research Carol. The 19th ward has no precinct captains that actually have a connection to their voters and community. Their is no controlled vote. Just look at the numbers. The powerful 19th ward barely carried Dan Hynes over Obama. Let’s be real here. I agree Dart has a great future, but it won’t be on the coattails of the powerful 19th ward. Those days are over. The only 2 wards in the city with a controlled/machine vote is Daley’s 11th and Madigan’s 13th.

  35. - adam smyth - Wednesday, Jul 15, 09 @ 11:05 pm:

    Hey Shore- are the same Shore who praised Durkins recent interview w/ berkowitz .what’s up?

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