Thursday, Jul 23, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller Wow. Just… wow. ![]() Go Sox. …Adding… Statement from Gov. Pat Quinn…
…Adding More… If you missed that amazing catch by Dewayne Wise which saved Buehrle’s perfect game, you can click here to watch it.
- Reality Check - Thursday, Jul 23, 09 @ 3:11 pm:
Congratulations. Enjoy it.
- Jake from Elwood - Thursday, Jul 23, 09 @ 3:14 pm:
What a catch by Wise. Beckham with some good leather also. Congrats.
- Six Degrees of Separation - Thursday, Jul 23, 09 @ 3:18 pm:
I checked it on MLB gameday, and they showed Gabe Kapler of TB getting a double at the top of the 9th. I guess they quickly retracted it and made it an out. What happened?
Congrats on the perfect no-no.
- ToddAF - Thursday, Jul 23, 09 @ 3:18 pm:
Wow. Unbelievable catch by Wise coming off the bench to play CF. Still amazing that Buehrle, who who doesn’t have overpowering stuff and is always making guys put the ball in play, now has two no-nos.
- Elephant Man - Thursday, Jul 23, 09 @ 3:19 pm:
Buehrle for Governor!!!
- Elephant Man - Thursday, Jul 23, 09 @ 3:19 pm:
Oh wait does he live in Missouri?
- Ravenswood Right Winger - Thursday, Jul 23, 09 @ 3:21 pm:
great job Mark! and tied for first heading into massive series at Detroit!
- Shore - Thursday, Jul 23, 09 @ 3:25 pm:
definitely has hall of fame potential.
-No one his age has more wins.
-A no hitter, and perfect game.
-World Series champion.
-Will have 140 wins by the time he turns 31 giving him 10 seasons to get into range of 300.
-Still needs a dominant post season and a few of those 18-20 win seasons maddux and glavine used to get all the time.
- Elephant Man - Thursday, Jul 23, 09 @ 3:30 pm:
He also has a few all-star games: 2002, 2005, 2006, and 2009.
- Mike Murray - Thursday, Jul 23, 09 @ 3:32 pm:
No Sammy Sosa to get a BS walk this time.
I <3 Buerhle
- BigDog - Thursday, Jul 23, 09 @ 3:37 pm:
He’d better get Wise an awfully nice Christmas gift this year!!
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Jul 23, 09 @ 3:38 pm:
Some sports writer just wrote that Buehrle ought to buy Wise dinner, or two, or a restaurant. lol
- ugghh - Thursday, Jul 23, 09 @ 3:39 pm:
Oh you people are going to be unbearable…for a day..
- Speaking at Will - Thursday, Jul 23, 09 @ 3:39 pm:
Rod Blagojevich added
“Today, I think, was basically an up day”
- VanillaMan - Thursday, Jul 23, 09 @ 3:43 pm:
I have been really enjoying my Sox games this week!
- TJ - Thursday, Jul 23, 09 @ 3:46 pm:
As a Cubs fan, I hate to say this, but I’ve got to give big props for one heck of a performance.
Although….. it’s kind of ironic that this happened so soon after Parque’s confession that he took HGH, after he played a decade for the Sox and then a season or two with the Rays.
- Rebw - Thursday, Jul 23, 09 @ 3:46 pm:
Now to tune into 670-AM and listen to the trembly-voiced Sox fans say, “This is su-su-surreal”
- Loyal Whig - Thursday, Jul 23, 09 @ 3:48 pm:
Great News! Wise picked a great week to make a great catch! Brian who?
- Baines 4 Prez - Thursday, Jul 23, 09 @ 3:49 pm:
Mark Buehrle: Quietly building a hell of a resume for the Hall of Fame. What a game!!! Buehrle/Wise in ‘10!!!
- Amy - Thursday, Jul 23, 09 @ 3:50 pm:
driving in my car. Farmio on the call. the missile throws out Bartlett (?). Buehrls does it at home. sobbing like a baby
at the wheel of my car. could not happen to a nicer player.
- Scooby - Thursday, Jul 23, 09 @ 3:58 pm:
CSN was planning to replay the game tonight at 7pm anyway. Set your TIVO’s.
- 19th Ward - Thursday, Jul 23, 09 @ 3:58 pm:
President Obama called to congratulate Mark
- Louis G. Atsaves - Thursday, Jul 23, 09 @ 3:58 pm:
Wow! Wise really save the day! Couple of dinners? He ought to buy him a restaurant!
- Capitol View - Thursday, Jul 23, 09 @ 3:59 pm:
The Rays stood up and applauded before Buerle left the field - class act. Appreciative of an historic moment.
First perfect game for a Sox pitcher since 1922 !!
- Johnnyc - Thursday, Jul 23, 09 @ 4:07 pm:
Buehrle a Hall of Famer? Ummmm probably not. What is his highest finish in Cy Young voting? He has never been dominating. Just consistently good. With two big games mixed in.
- tom - Thursday, Jul 23, 09 @ 4:07 pm:
TJ - Parque only played for the Sox for 5 years and only pitched any real innings for 3. Sore loser Cub fan
- Amy - Thursday, Jul 23, 09 @ 4:12 pm:
look at the list of names….small list, what, 18?…..who have pitched a perfect game…..Cy Young, Koufax, Don Larsen (in a world series, yikes), Wells, Randy Johnson….it’s a list of amazing pitchers. and, so, the most under rated pitcher in the majors now goes on that list. our guy mark. epic.
and in season affecting news, the infield really stepped up today! for all the errors from Becks and the Missile with sad regularity, things went just super today. Missle with maybe 6 put outs? and tied for first!!!! (must borrow chant from Hawks fans…Detroit s….)
yes, we Sox fans are just going to drive the rest of you nuts!!!!
- Downstater - Thursday, Jul 23, 09 @ 4:13 pm:
Why did you have to add in the statement by Quinn?
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Jul 23, 09 @ 4:15 pm:
Because he’s a big Sox fan and the governor.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Jul 23, 09 @ 4:23 pm:
DeWayne Wise, I’m certain, used every ounce of talent, energy, speed, and guts he has. Long run, gave himself up on the wall, grave circumstances. Splendid behavior. It’s been a tough year for him, but now he lives forever in Sox history.
Bueherle’s one of the good guys. He’s also in the hunt for the Cy Young and working himself to a possible Hall of Fame career.
Ramon Castro catching? Josh Fields at first? Beckham out of position? Against the hard-hitting AL Champs? Can you dig it?
Big four-game series in Detroit with two teams tied for first, then the Yankees. Now, it’s baseball season!
- Baines 4 Prez - Thursday, Jul 23, 09 @ 4:23 pm:
Buehrle is building a resume for the Hall of Fame, I said. Quietly building. He is 30 years old, 133-90 with a 3.78 ERA in a notorious hitter’s park. 4 time All Star, with a no-hitter, a perfect game, and (most importantly) a World Series ring. In the time he probably has left in his career, and the kind of pitcher that he is, he has the ability to get well over 250+ wins, which is definitely in the range of HoF consideration.
Building again is the operable word…quietly building that resume.
- VanillaMan - Thursday, Jul 23, 09 @ 4:24 pm:
I am SO PUMPED for my Sox game at the end of this month! I am going to meet all the players and dine with the best team in professional baseball!
- Anon - Thursday, Jul 23, 09 @ 4:33 pm:
Congrats buehrle, congratrs sox fans.
- Brennan - Thursday, Jul 23, 09 @ 4:49 pm:
Beuhrle’s my favorite Sox pitcher because of his pace. He doesn’t waste anytime on the mound. Just get the ball and throw.
Best game in town: Beuhrle vs Zambrano. It’s a 90 minute game if the pitching is rock solid.
- Steve - Thursday, Jul 23, 09 @ 4:49 pm:
Great job.
- Anon - Thursday, Jul 23, 09 @ 5:11 pm:
==President Obama called to congratulate Mark ==
“Truly one of the greatest moments in the history of Cominskey Field”
- DEM61350 - Thursday, Jul 23, 09 @ 5:18 pm:
Congrats Mark!!!!! Go Go 1st Place Sox!!!
- Kamp Krusty - Thursday, Jul 23, 09 @ 5:23 pm:
Good thing Wise was able to bail him out!
- wordslinger - Thursday, Jul 23, 09 @ 5:25 pm:
When he threw his no-hitter, he bought the players on the field Rolexes.
- Kevin Allen - Thursday, Jul 23, 09 @ 5:49 pm:
As another Cubs fan, who was at the game, I have to say this is a great day for anyone who loves baseball and loves Chicago. MY heart was in my throat on that drive to the wall. Congratulations to all my Southside friends.
- Amy - Thursday, Jul 23, 09 @ 6:14 pm:
Kamp Krusty at 5:23, yeah, Wise did kinda bail out …..Obama from that “police acted stupidly” comment from last night cause so much of air time is now spent on perfect game vs. the perfectly lame comment of Obama.
24/7 Mr. Perfect on tv
- Third Generation Chicago Native - Thursday, Jul 23, 09 @ 7:31 pm:
Congrats Mark!
Go Sox Go!
I have been trying to be at White Sox Park at least twice a month, so far so good!
- MrJM - Thursday, Jul 23, 09 @ 7:43 pm:
Cubs Fan: “That’s nice, but where’s the beer guy…”
– MrJM
- Stoned Prophet - Thursday, Jul 23, 09 @ 8:04 pm:
I’ll never forget game 3 of the ‘05 World Series when Buehrle pitched great in relief late in that very long game. That ranks right up there to me with his other accomplishments.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Jul 23, 09 @ 10:00 pm:
It’s days like this that gets the baseball geek going. Here are a couple for the books:
Ernie Shore, Red Sox
Unofficial Perfect Game
Boston vs. Washington
June 23, 1917
Babe Ruth started for the Red Sox, and promptly walked the Senators’ leadoff hitter, Ray Morgan on four pitches. Unhappy with the calls, Ruth complained to home plate umpire Brick Owens, who ejected him. Enraged, Ruth slugged Owens before being taken from the field.
Shore was called from the bullpen. With the catcher also ejected during the row, Morgan decided to attempt a steal off the new battery but was thrown out. With the baserunner retired, Shore retired the next 26 batters as the Red Sox won, 4-0.
For 74 years, the feat stood as a perfect game – after all, Shore was on the mound as 27 batters were retired in order. But a 1991 rules committee refined the qualifications for no-hitters and perfect games and downgraded Shore’s performance to a shared no-hitter with Ruth.
Milt Pappas, Cubs
Robbed of Perfect Game
September 2, 1972
Chicago vs. San Diego
Pappas retired the first 26 batters and was one strike away from a perfect game with a 2-2 count on pinch-hitter Larry Stahl, but home-plate umpire Bruce Froemming called the next two pitches—both of which were close—balls.
Pappas believed he had struck out Stahl, and even decades later continued to begrudge Froemming. Some 25 years later, a Chicago radio personality, during an interview with Pappas, got Froemming on the phone and the two argued on the air. Pappas also said in 2006 that he has seen video tape footage of that game on WGN and can see Froemming smirking immediately after the walk was issued; Froemming denied the charge.
To date, Pappas has the dubious distinction of having the only perfect game bid broken up on a walk to the 27th batter he faced.
- Anon - Thursday, Jul 23, 09 @ 10:38 pm:
Yeah, but who pays any attention to the Sox?
- DuPage Dave - Thursday, Jul 23, 09 @ 11:04 pm:
I took a VA day and went to the Sox game- a really lucky choice for me. Buehrle is a great guy and a very good pitcher who gave me my personal sports highlight of a lifetime. What a game- what a day!
Rich- in addition to running a top-notch political blog, you get extra points in my book for promoting the Sox. Thanks.
- CircularFiringSquad - Friday, Jul 24, 09 @ 5:12 am:
As I watched the Wise catch and the fans hands hovering I wondered by he did not get “Bartmaned”
Guess the Sox fans know something about the game the Northsiders don’t
Go Sox Go
- bored now - Friday, Jul 24, 09 @ 5:55 am:
for the love of the game (continuing dupage dave’s thought). meanwhile, lovie smith and jay cutler gave rousing intros to the president last night…
- Dan S, a taxpaer, a voter and a Cubs Fan - Friday, Jul 24, 09 @ 6:26 am:
As a Cubs fan and a baseball fan I tip my cap to Mr. Buehrle.
- wordslinger - Friday, Jul 24, 09 @ 7:52 am:
I’d forgotten Wise separated his shoulder earlier in the year crashing the wall (up until yesterday, he’s had a forgettable season).
That’s guts, brother. Makes a historic catch even greater.
- Anonymous - Friday, Jul 24, 09 @ 8:23 am:
Too bad they won’t make the playoffs
- 19th Ward - Friday, Jul 24, 09 @ 8:35 am:
“Too bad they won’t make the playoffs”
If only they were in the NL Central. They would cruise to 90 wins against that minor league division.
- Been There - Friday, Jul 24, 09 @ 8:38 am:
FYI. The picture from this post makes an awesome screen saver or background or whatever its called.