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Giannoulias launches campaign

Monday, Jul 27, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Giannoulias’ announcement was pretty much what you would expect. Lots of Obama references and plenty of talk about his Greek-American immigrant parents…

With plentiful references to his “friend, mentor and inspiration,” President Obama, state Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias declared his candidacy for the U.S. Senate.

“A few years ago, Barack Obama inspired me to run for public office,” Giannoulias told a crowd of 200 at the Hilton Chicago on Sunday.

200? That appears to be smaller than Mark Kirk’s kick-off turnout.

* The GOP responds

After Giannoulias’ announcement to a couple of hundred supporters at a downtown hotel, state Republicans sought to tie him to fellow Democrat Blagojevich. They noted that his late father donated $10,000 to the disgraced former governor, that his brother was appointed to a state board by Blagojevich and that the family’s Broadway Bank was involved in loans with convicted Blagojevich fundraiser and adviser Antoin “Tony” Rezko. Politically, however, the state treasurer and Blagojevich were never close.

I doubt if anyone cares about that “Dad gave to Blagojevich” stuff. The bank is probably a much more potent issue. Still

That bank, Broadway Bank, has brought Giannoulias some controversy over the years because of loans it made to organized crime-linked figures and convicted influence peddler Tony Rezko. But Giannoulias himself did not make the loans and ended his ties to the family bank before becoming treasurer.

There are other bank problems directly involving Giannoulias, though.

The lost money in the college scholarship program will only be problematic if Giannoulias can’t recoup most of the cash. The SUV purchase with administrative funds will likely be a TV ad, but it’s pretty weak, considering the actual facts.

* These two talking points set up problems for Republican Mark Kirk

Giannoulias’ bid to tie himself to Obama may encapsulate a large share of the debate in the 2010 general election if he wins the Democratic nomination. Off-presidential-year federal elections are traditionally a measure of voter satisfaction with the White House, and just how the public perceives the state of the nation’s economy and recovery efforts is expected to be a predominant theme.

Giannoulias formed an exploratory committee in March that allowed him to already raise more than $1.8 million for the Senate campaign. He touted rules that prohibited employees, banks and contractors of the treasurer’s office to donate to his campaign and his refusal to accept corporate and federal lobbyist donations.

Here’s how

Giannoulias took a jab at Kirk Sunday, saying he was offering to “pledge reform with one hand while the other hand takes millions from corporate special interests and votes for the very policies that got us into this mess in the first place.”

“That’s not ‘independence,’” Giannoulias said. “That’s the same old Washington way. That’s the same tired politics that voters rejected in 2008 and that’s the same tired politics that we will defeat in 2010.”

Giannoulias will do all he can to paint Kirk as an Obama obstructionist and a DC “PAC-Man.”


* Related…

* Kirk’s “F-” gun right voting record: Kirk is best known among gun owners and activists for his proposal last year to revive the federal “Assault Weapons Ban” after its sunset provision ended it in 2004. He’s rated “D” by the NRA (of whom he is said to have said “the NRA is more powerful than Al-Qaeda”) and endorsed by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Ownership. His Gun Owners of America rating is a dismal “F-” grade.

* Former Harvey Alderman joins race for U.S. Senate in Republican Primary


  1. - bored now - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 5:55 am:

    i won’t guess how many people showed up, but it felt packed. not a whole lot of room in front of the press risers, which was also full. the room (and the visual) was sufficiently full that if the campaign had any wranglers on hand, they didn’t need to use them…

  2. - pc dem - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 6:00 am:

    I wonder how many donations Kirk made to George Ryan’s campaign The way they try to tie everybody together gets old Talk about what your going to do to solve problems

  3. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 6:13 am:

    ===I wonder how many donations Kirk made to George Ryan’s campaign===

    You don’t have to wonder. You can just go here and look for yourself. It’s really simple.

    And, to answer your question: Zero.

  4. - Anonymous - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 6:27 am:

    Donations to George Ryan - Kirk $0, Alexi $1000
    Donations to Rod Blagoyevich -Kirk $0, Alexi $10,000

  5. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 6:33 am:

    Anonymous, look carefully at those reports. Those contris were made by his father.

    Sheesh. I inadvertently created a monster.

  6. - Anonymous - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 6:50 am:

    Rich much as you dislike me and think I’m a Kirk stooge, I have said from the outset that who wins this election comes down to 2 questions.

    1)Do conservatives back kirk strongly?

    2)Does the election come down to a debate over who is most like Obama or does it come down to who can be the best senator for Illinois.

    if it’s all about obama, Kirk is dead. If its about who’s the best senator, kirk has a shot.

    The good news for kirk is that all of his elections have been fought about this-trying to separate him from bush and his opponent from a more popular dem party.

  7. - Shore - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 6:50 am:

    Sorry that last comment was me.

  8. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 6:52 am:

    ===Rich much as you dislike me===

    There goes that paranoia again. You really need to chill a bit.

  9. - Joe McCarthy and the Red Scarecrows - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 6:56 am:

    So corporate PACs bad, union PACs good? What will Alexi say when the DSCC rolls in with their millions in ad buys funded by DC PACs and lobbyists? My guess is, “thank you.”

    Also - Alexi received considerable support from corporations while treasurer - will he return all of those donations? Was he not an “independent” treasurer then?

  10. - Anonymous - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 7:09 am:

    oops - missed the s.

  11. - Team America - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 7:29 am:

    The way things are going, being an ‘Obama obstructionist’ may turn out to be an asset come Nov. 2010.

  12. - wordslinger - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 7:35 am:

    Kirk vs. Alexi — not exactly Percy vs. Simon, or Douglas vs. Percy or Lucas vs. Dirksen.

    If you like platters of platitudes and months of promises to “restore integrity,” this will be the general election race for you.

    You would think someone from the right could give Kirk a race in the primary. What would it take to give Alexi a real race in a primary — $10 million?

    It’s not often that an open Senate seat comes up — you’d think others from the Congressional delegation, at least, would take a crack at it.

  13. - Bill - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 7:36 am:

    That’s really good, Team. I wholeheartedly recommend that the repub candidate go with that as a campaign strategy. Here in Illinois the voters really despise the President and his legislative agenda.

  14. - Shore - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 7:49 am:

    Team, I am your biggest fan, but Alexi didn’t tie himself to obama because he likes the guys jump shot. He did it because his polling probably says he’s popular. Therefore Mark is probably better off saying I will agree with the president where he works in our interest and disagree with him where he leaves the reservation.

    Hard for alexi to run against d.c. when they call the white house the 51st ward.

  15. - Team America - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 7:57 am:

    Bill and Shore - look at the polling numbers. Yeah, Obama is still popular now. The trend, however, shows that the sparkly-new Obama brand is starting to show signs of some tarnish. If that trend continues, what looks good in July 09 may not be so hot in Oct. 10. We’ll see.

  16. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 8:00 am:

    ===If that trend continues,===

    Sorry, but that’s a hackneyed phrase if there ever was one.

  17. - doubtful - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 8:01 am:

    I was at both kick-offs. Kirk did have more people. He also had a better speech.

    Although I supposed that’s easy to do when he, unlike Alexi, didn’t have to find a way to mention Obama 250 times.

  18. - Team America - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 8:04 am:

    Rich, out of all the hackneyed phrases that get thrown around this Blog, you gotta pick on me? ;-)

  19. - Six Degrees of Separation - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 8:15 am:

    “I’m just sayin’” might be the most hackneyed phrase around here.

    I’m just…


  20. - Yellow Dog - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 8:50 am:

    Attacking a guy for contributions made by a now-deceased family member is irrelevant, unseemly, and likely to backfire.

    I haven’t decided whom I’m supporting in the Democratic primary, but I can empathize with Alexi and his family.

  21. - DannyBoy - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 8:53 am:

    Rich, please stop carrying Steve Brown’s water and give Alexi a chance.

  22. - Bill - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 9:05 am:

    ==Rich, please stop carrying Steve Brown’s water==

    LOL! or at least try to get a piece of his contract.
    ..but seriously folks, I bet there are some interesting political conversations taking place in DC.. Rhambo has always been a covert supporter of Kirk who occasionally reciprocates with a vote. i.e. cap and trade.
    Kirk might be a nice friend for the dems to have in the Senate. Can he play power forward?

  23. - E Pluribus - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 9:06 am:

    The last week gave Kirk a big boost. He righted the ship and had an almost flawless announcement. Getting his operation on track (although it should have been a month ago).

    Alexi sounded lame yesterday. His themes are not going to be very effective against Kirk, who it will be very hard (and expensive) to tie to Bush. Running as someone else’s friend or ally is a very weak appeal, because, while you may be Obama’s friend, you AREN’T Obama. And we see Obama’s personal numbers slide a bit, but his job performance numbers are in a serious fall. Even if he is able to stabilize, he may not be more than moderately popular next November.

    Expect Kirk and Alexi to have the same money, and assume two campaigns free of any major screw ups. Then stack up the two candidates and evaluate based on what voters are saying they care about now. It may not be a tidal wave, but Kirk sure comes out on top of that comparison.

  24. - Adam Smith - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 9:10 am:


    You obviously know nothing or are deliberately making false comments. Rahm and Kirk are not pals. They have both wisely worked together on some issues and gotten good press for it, but Rahm has thrown everything AND the kitchen sink at Kirk to try to beat him. Rahm headed the DCCC in 2006 and gave empty suit Dan Seals millions just to try and beat Kirk.

  25. - Team America - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 9:15 am:

    Adam- you’re way off. Seals got next to nothing in 2006 when Rahm was the man. The DCCC money finally showed up in 2008 when Chris Van Hollen was in charge, probably because they felt they needed to after Seals came fairly close in 2006. But Rahm never would have wasted any serious money on Seals.

  26. - Shore - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 9:15 am:

    I’m not so sure on seals. They came in VERY late with help for seals and spent a lot more money in deep red gop districts in 06. Obama also didn’t do a whole lot for seals in 08.

    I did the math, alexi’s speech is 6 paragraphs about his parents 8 about his work and 7 about bush, it’s obama’s speech from 08 with his record instead of obama’s. In other words a lot of talk about other people. Interestingly Kirk spent his speech talking about his work, what he’s achieved in his life, what he’s done.

  27. - Inish - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 9:17 am:

    Who works the door better? Who leaves voters with a stronger impression? I have seen Alexi canvas- he is really strong on a small group and personal level. Can he translate that into good positive tv coverage and ads?
    I have no sense for how Kirk does in small “Everyday Joe groups.”
    But the Alexi’s issues mentioned here can be fixed with a strong speech writer and good strategist…

  28. - Bill - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 9:20 am:

    In ‘06 Rhambo get one of his Clinton buddies to run against Seals to soften him up for Kirk. He also put the lean on people to finance the ringer costing the Seals campaign time, effort, and money. Seals got over 80% of the primary vote but the die was caste and Capt’n Kirk squeaked out a win in the general. I bet he bought Rahmbo a big steak or two for that one.
    Go ahead and use personal attacks on me if you think it will help Kirk. He’ll need it. I think we win either way with Alexi or Kirk. Birds of a feather and all that.

  29. - VanillaMan - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 9:24 am:

    It is a classic Senate race right now.
    Love Obama? Then vote for Giannoulais.
    Anything less than love for Obama? Then vote for Kirk because he has shown that he is cooperative, but not an Obama lemming.

    Considering historical trends, it will be Kirk.
    Considering the fact that Obama is from Illinois, it will be close.

  30. - Bill - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 9:25 am:

    Sorry, I meant in 2008. All these elections are starting to run together in my mind.

  31. - Ghost - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 9:26 am:

    Kirk i think will have the potental to draw in a bigger peice of the moderate vote. This is the indepednents and the people in either party who will vote outside their party. Kirk’s record which angers the right wing of the base will be a plus for him in the eclection. At this point I am guessing Kirk’s biggest problem will be with the right wing base of the GOP. Right now I would say Kirk is poised to go toe to toe with alexi for the critical moderate voters, even in IL, but his own party will most likely bring him down. Alexi is a strong contender, but there are scandals floating near the surface which will give him a tougher time, even with his Obama ties.

    throw Jackson in the mix and now Alexi may not survive the primary.

    Overall, the best part about the Senate race is I like Jackson, Kirk and Giannoulias overall.

  32. - Team America - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 9:26 am:

    Hey, Jay Footlik for Senate, anyone? Maybe Rahm has already made the call. LOL

  33. - Bill - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 9:29 am:


  34. - Louis G. Atsaves - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 9:56 am:

    I’ve seen Giannoulias and Kirk campaign one on one at events shaking hands and approaching people. Both are excellent campaigners and are likeable individuals who are effective at it.

    I also watched the live feed yesterday morning and was surprised by how flat Alexi’s speech sounded. He has done much better in front of a microphone. He also had plenty of time to whip up a great speech and rehearse it, but for some reason it just sounded flat, with his attempts at whipping up the crowd (”Stand Up”) also falling flat. No one in the crowd was clued in to chant “Stand Up”?

    They threw Obama and Bush in Kirk’s face two years ago in a District where it should have destroyed him. Kirk ended up with nearly 54% of the vote anyway in a Obama landslide election and a heavy repudiation of Bush.

    Giannoulias’ attempts to tie himself to Obama and Kirk to Bush may not work as well as they think considering recent history.

  35. - Conservative Republican - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 10:10 am:

    Yet another post where Rich tries to build up Alexi.

    Big issue not even covered here: Alexi is about at NEWBIE as you can get. Bailing out after only one term in the only office he’s been elected to (and not a legislative office) to grab the brass ring of a US Senate seat. Kirk on the other hand has served several terms and worked on the Hill before that for years. What exactly has Alexi accomplished and how has he burnished bona fides to deliver on his grandiose promises of reform?

    Forgive me, but bromides of reform dripping from the lips of a regular Chicago Democrat, and one from a mobbed-up bank, are just too rich for me. In Alexi v Kirk, mark this Conservative Republican strongly for Cap’n Kirk.

  36. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 10:17 am:

    CR, you must’ve missed this post. Or you’re blind, or (my own best guess) a stupid hyper-partisan.

    Bite me, dingbat.

  37. - VanillaMan - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 10:50 am:

    The Giannoulais Campaign Song! - Valens’ “La Bamba”

    Do you love Obama?
    Well I love Obama!
    Now that Lisa ain’t runnin’
    Barack’s given me his noddin’!
    I love Obama!
    I love Obama!
    I love Obama!
    I love Obama!

    Do you love Obama?
    And his economic trama!
    With his red or blue pill
    You’ll need one when you get the bill!
    I love Obama!
    I love Obama!
    I love Obama!
    I love Obama!

    Do you love Obama?
    Well I love Obama - more than you!
    I will be his little buddy
    Everything he wants - I’ll do!
    I love Obama!
    I love Obama!
    I love Obama!
    I love Obama!

    Do you love Obama?
    He’s the Great Obama!
    Ready for angina?
    $25,000,000,000,000,000’s to China!
    I love Obama!
    I love Obama!
    I love Obama!
    I love Obama!

  38. - Niles Township - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 10:52 am:


    I got deleted? That has never happend before. My comment was just a way of saying that this Dem is not happy with the choice of our “presumptive” nominee, and that maybe Kirk represents a better option. Are you only in favor of straight party people?

  39. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 10:59 am:

    ===Are you only in favor of straight party people? ===

    Um, no.

  40. - Niles Township - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 11:05 am:

    So why did I get deleted?

  41. - Bill - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 11:05 am:

    ===Are you only in favor of straight party people? ===

    He likes gay party people as well.

  42. - Amy - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 11:05 am:

    stop carrying Steve Brown’s water? is is WAY possible to be less than enthused about Alexi (even if he is the only one in the race) and not care one bit about Madigan world.

    it’s simple, bank with loans to very bad actors, bad actors who are not paying back the loans, a less than stellar job in current office, and a message of mouthing platitiudes borrowed from successful presidential candidate who is his basketball buddy.

    this is a guy we should elect? Madigan may dislike him for a whole set of other reasons, but just because Madigan may be against him does not mean we should be for Alexi. he won’t be the only dem in the race. once others get in there may be a candidate to get into on the dem side.

    otherwise, Kirk is pro choice, i’m not afraid of that.

  43. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 11:09 am:

    NT, truly I don’t remember why I killed your comment. I deleted several in rapid succession and can’t recall which one was yours. But, I delete posts for a variety of reasons.

  44. - SWC - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 11:20 am:

    The roll out flat out stunk. I was dissappointed b/c all Alexi did was tout that Alexi = Obama. Who believes that strategy is actually going to work???? Its going to tank IMO. They may agree on policy issues, but Alexi is no Obama, as we clearly saw yesterday. Alexi was flat and his speech was uninspiring to anyone not already on the bandwagon.

  45. - DonkeyBreathe - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 11:21 am:

    After watching the announcement yesterday I found Giannoulias to not only reference Obama but to imitate him in every speaking action as well. The pauses and the tones and the gestures, it was some what annoying.

    I could see right through the guy. His handlers should try to make him seem kind of original. To quote Jerry Seinfeld, “He’s a phony.” I hope this becomes a competitive primary because he needs the practice.

  46. - Inish - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 11:24 am:

    Something to consider-
    Visa lanched a huge campaign about ten years ago that positioned itself head to head with American Express- Powerful ads that spoke to-”We are where you want to be” (ie:we get it)
    Here is the interesting part- The ads intent was to muscle out Master Card by treating them so inferior they weren’t competition.
    Using that lens- consider Jackson in this race- for a week the comments have been Kirk vs G.
    Alexi has succeed in accomplishing that.

  47. - wordslinger - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 11:27 am:

    –After watching the announcement yesterday I found Giannoulias to not only reference Obama but to imitate him in every speaking action as well.–

    He really does.

  48. - Will County Woman - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 11:43 am:

    Whew! I thought maybe it was just me, but Alexi did not not have anything substantive to say about why he should be U.S. senator. And, I defintely was not impressed. granted I already know that I am voting for mark kirk, but still I listened to what Alexi had to say.

  49. - 10th Indy - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 11:48 am:

    V-man may need to tweak Alexi’s campaign song:

    I kinda sound like Obama
    I kinda act like Obama
    I got my own teleprompter
    and a forceful hand-gesture
    I’m Obama
    I’m Obama
    I’m Obama

  50. - Shore - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 12:44 pm:

    In the words of Joe Biden, Alexi 2010: a noun, a verb, barack obama. That worked well for Rudy for 2 minutes at a south florida jewish fundraiser.

    CR to be fair, Rich has been pretty even of late. He gave Kirk props on the rollout and on numbers for roll out. Perhaps next time he goes on chicago tonight he could ask their producers to try to get more panelists (jeff berkowitz) that are even.

  51. - VanillaMan - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 12:52 pm:


    Yeah, isn’t that the essence of Giannoulais’ campaign?

    I love Obama!
    I love Obama!
    I love Obama!
    I love Obama!

    He isn’t the first senate candidate to pin all his hopes on a president, and won’t be the last.

  52. - Ghost - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 2:33 pm:

    VM, which is why Jackson has a shot here. Giannoulais needs somthing other then his ties to Obama to see him through Brite Start and alleged loans to criminals.

  53. - Belden Ave. - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 2:53 pm:

    Nobody’s ever voted for, nor heard of Cheryle Jackson. It’s alot different raising $$ for a non profit than a non-starter senate race.

  54. - anon - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 2:55 pm:

    I was at the Kirk event. There was not much more than 100 people in attendance.

  55. - Responsa - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 2:56 pm:

    As someone who’s lived in Northern New Jersey, in the city of Chicago, in downstate Illinois, and now in the 10th district over a period of thirty voting years, I can tell you where Mark Kirk stands in the pack. Unequivocally, Mark Kirk has been the best organized, on top of things, honest, and most responsive US Representative of them all–in either party. He has an excellent website. He has regular town meetings around the district on a variety of subjects where he takes the political pulse, opens the floor to questions, and usually answers with more fact than spin. He has open conference calls where anyone with a telephone in the 10th can tap in. When you write to request that he represent you by taking a particular position, or to complain about something, or question a vote you disagree with, he responds with a topical message which at least TRIES to explain his thinking in some detail. (Not just a “thanks for contacting me” thing.) Mark’s office nearly always responds in a timely manner. (To compare and contrast– a concern I voiced via Email in late 2007 netted a Kirk reply within the week–I heard from Durbin after SIX weeks–and never did hear from Obama.) Kirk has continued to win in a district that is moving leftward (but will never be Jan Schakowsky style left) because of how he relates to his constituents and because he is, in fact quite moderate and independent. There were plenty of yards in the 10th which had BOTH Obama and Kirk signs which should tell you something.

    He has a warm and impressive campaign style which will translate very well beyond the 10th District, and he will positively CREAM Alexi in a debate. For the record I do not work for Mark Kirk, nor have I contributed to his campaign. I am merely a constituent and an interested observer of all things political. Those posters that sniff he is an empty suit must be either “not from here”, or are partisan spinners. Any senate opponents who cast their own campaigns on the mistaken belief that Kirk is an empty suit and/or a right wing lemming will find out otherwise.

  56. - Rob_N - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 3:51 pm:

    Rich, You say the 200 quantity at Giannoulias’ kick-off was “smaller” than Kirk’s.

    I read a Daily Herald report that said “scores of supporters” showed up to Kirk’s event, although TA’s blog had an anonymous Kirk-supporting commenter who mentioned 300 (maybe that included home-made posters?).

    But then another anon commenter on this post, just above, notes there may not have been more than about 100 people at Kirk’s event.

    Yes, 200 would be smaller than 300 but not by much and it’s certainly larger than the 100 reported in this thread.

    Is there an official, independent count of the Kirk event?

    TA and Adam, Rahm Emanuel and Mark Kirk attended the same high school. There was speculation among Dems in 2006 that Emanuel as then-head of the DCCC held back against Kirk (despite fighting tooth and nail almost everywhere else) for that reason.

    Some late DCCC money did come in for Seals in 2006 but it wasn’t enough to make a difference at that point.

    Ghost, what loans to criminals?

    Most voters are smart enough to know that 6 degrees of separation is just that — 6 degrees away from being anything of concern.

  57. - Rob_N - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 4:01 pm:

    PS: Rich, your spam-catcher is nabbing comments with (it seems like) about 3 links or more.

    Makes it tough for commenters to post things that link directly to additional info. :)

    Might explain why Shore and others feel picked on.

  58. - Patrick Bateman - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 4:07 pm:

    ===I was at the Kirk event. There was not much more than 100 people in attendance===

    Anon 2:55pm, I have no clue what you are talking about. I don’t know what statewide Kirk announcement you were at but here were at least 350 people present. When the press and witnesses confirm the same facts, it’s pretty hard to dispute…

  59. - Rob_N - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 4:20 pm:


    That was part of my query to Rich.

    All of the press articles I read (about half a dozen) re the Kirk announcement used only generalities to describe crowd size (”scores of supporters”, “a crowd of”, etc.)

    Please link to a story that had an actual hard count reported by the media.

    FYI, your figure of 350 also conflicts with one of Team America’s anonymous commenters who said only 300.

    It’s a minor point, but if it’s going to be used to imply Giannoulias’ support is somehow weaker than it’s important to be comparing apples to apples, not apples to as-yet-unsubstantiated claims.

  60. - Bubs - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 4:38 pm:

    Alexi’s blatant, but not very convincing “Barack Obama impression” had me in stiches!!!

    It looked a bit like a high school kid mimicking his movie idol, so people would think he was “cool.”

  61. - wordslinger - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 5:26 pm:

    “…alleged loans to criminals.”

    Ghost, the loans were real — it’s the criminals that are alleged.

    That sentence structure might not mean a lot to you and me, but for those on either end of the loan, it’s quite a big deal!

  62. - Ahem...The REAL Anonymous - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 7:00 pm:

    I think Kirk’s kickoff was pretty solid considering there didn’t seem to be many announcements beforehand re: time, location, etc.

  63. - Anonymous - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 7:55 pm:

    Wordsligner Michael Giorango is a convicted felon, not alleged.

  64. - GreAt - Monday, Jul 27, 09 @ 11:18 pm:

    in fairness to alexi he is doing announcements all over the state over three days! It is difficult to compare this to congressmen kirk’s announcement.

  65. - Ghost - Tuesday, Jul 28, 09 @ 9:14 am:

    Word, LOl, good point

  66. - Rob_N - Tuesday, Jul 28, 09 @ 9:18 am:

    Word, Ghost and Anonymous 7:55pm,

    Again I ask, what loans? Please specify which loans Alexi Giannoulias, as a former bank official, directly made to any alleged criminals and/or convicted criminals.

    A lot of times politicians who don’t want to talk about something will chirp “oldnews” but honestly this really is old news and was hashed and rehashed 4 years ago when the guy was running for Treasurer.

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