Evening video: Quinn’s presser
Thursday, Jul 16, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * Budget questions… Burr Oak Cemetery… …Adding… I just checked the blog’s statistics and realized that traffic was as high this past Tuesday and Wednesday as it was during the days leading up to Rod Blagojevich’s removal by the Illinois Senate. Wow. The best part is, the new server system showed no hints of strain. The fix worked. Anyway, I thought you’d like to know. Thanks much.
Lackluster Bond numbers, strong Hynes, Rutherford numbers and Giannoulias tries a setup on Kirk
Thursday, Jul 16, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * Swing State Project takes a look at 2nd Quarter congressional fundraising and discovers lackluster numbers for Democratic state Sen. Michael Bond. All the figures, of course, are in thousands… ![]() From the narrative…
Bond only had a month or so to raise that money, but he can’t scare anybody else out of the race with those numbers. Compare his totals to Republican Adam Kinzinger for context and it’s even worse. Kinzinger is an amateur, while Bond is a respected go-getter, so expectations were very high. He was probably hurt by Kirk’s indecision on the Senate race (particularly from the hardcore pro-Israel types and the business lobby who are with the incumbent Kirk). Still, those totals simply should’ve been better. That report puts blood in the water. Bond told me today he hopes to push hard and fast after Kirk finally announces and quickly report new fundraising numbers. That’s an absolute must. * On a much brighter fundraising note, a top source says Comptroller Dan Hynes will report raising about $900,000 during the first six months of this year and will have around $3.5 million cash on hand. No word yet on Gov. Quinn’s fundraising, but expectations are low, particularly after that flap over his June fundraisers which had to be canceled. * Republican state treasurer candidate Sen. Dan Rutherford filed his six-month disclosure report with the State Board of Elections this morning. Rutherford raised $267,000 and had a bit over $400,000 cash on hand. * GOP state Sen. Dan Cronin, a recently all but declared candidate for DuPage County Board Chairman, filed this morning with $150,000 raised in the past six months and $80,000 cash on hand. * Moving along to other issues, The Hill reported this week that they couldn’t find any GOP Senatorial candidates who would take a position on President Obama’s Supreme Court nomineee…
So, with GOP Congressman Mark Kirk’s Senate campaign kickoff announcement expected this coming Monday, Democrat Alexi Giannoulias is trying to make Sotomayor an issue. From a press release…
* Speaking of Kirk, far right national blogger Michelle Malkin took yet another whack at the Republican this week, and Illinois Review blogger Sam PIerce offered up some tongue in cheek Kirk campaign slogans…
Frankly, “Mess With A RINO, Get The Horn,” is pretty darned good. * GOP gubernatorial candidate Sen. Kirk Dillard got some good press in the Chicago Tribune today…
But one of his primary opponents, Dan Proft, disagrees…
* Illinois Review claims that former GOP state Sen. Roger Keats is a possible Cook County Board President candidate. * Another super-slick Internet campaign ad from Gov. Pat Quinn… * Heard anything else?
This just in… Unemployment rises to 10.3 percent
Thursday, Jul 16, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * 12:22 pm - The news gets even worse. From a press release. All emphasis added…
As noted below, the state’s unemployment trust fund was down to just $81.8 million in cash earlier this month. That’s a $1.45 billion drop since January.
Today’s must-see video
Thursday, Jul 16, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * Rep. David Winters flies a plane to Springfield most session weeks. But this week’s flight was out of the ordinary. The plane’s alternator literally fell apart during Winters’ flight, knocking out all electrical power. He was left with no radio, no altimeter, no navigation system, no flaps and no way to pump fuel from the alternative gas tank when the main tank almost ran out of gas. Oops. Winters explains what happened next…
Question of the day
Thursday, Jul 16, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * What one word best defines Illinois state government? Please, keep your answer to only one word. Thanks.
This just in… More trouble ahead
Thursday, Jul 16, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * 11:18 am - Right on cue…
Our “growing debt burden” is beyond obvious, as is our pension nightmare. If the “focus” of the review is the goofy budget which just passed, then the state could be cruisin’ for a bruisin’. By the way, this is a very broad review…
…Adding… Speaking of our “growing debt burden”…
*** 11:36 am *** Uh-oh…
Hard to argue with either of those points. *** 4:33 pm *** From Crain’s…
Did campaign politics kill Burr Oak bill?
Thursday, Jul 16, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * After promising legislative action this week to deal with cemetery regulations, nothing happened, and it’s the usual Statehouse disaster…
* Hynes is a likely Quinn opponent in the Democratic primary, so it’s no wonder that politics might be involved. But there were other reasons…
* Still, it’s hard to shake the cynical notion that Quinn is trying to milk this issue for all it’s worth. Remember this leak to Sneed yesterday?
From the governor’s Thursday public schedule…
Rev. Jesse Jackson isn’t impressed…
But the governor made it clear that he knows what’s best…
* Hynes’ dead proposal included the following…
But the Daily Southtown, which has been all over this Burr Oak story, editorialized against the plan today…
Thoughts? * Related…
Quinn: “I think I’m doing a fine job”
Thursday, Jul 16, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * What a freaking mess…
The alleged bright side…
I suppose that depends on your definition of “meltdown.” There are steep cuts in spending included in this thing…
And it all adds up to this…
And maybe this…
Mark Brown isn’t convinced…
* Brown adds this…
California, by the way, was hit with another major downgrade yesterday…
Great. * Our budget-related quote of the day…
* The governor, however, was mostly unresponsive last night…
…Adding… Third runner-up…
* Related…
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax
Thursday, Jul 16, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller
Morning shorts
Thursday, Jul 16, 2009 - Posted by Mike Murray * Two major labor unions reject concessions
* Laid-Off Teamster: My Throat Has Been Cut
* Daley denies clean slate for Street & San slackers
* Daley to ask arbitrator to handle police, fire contract talks
* Mayor Daley uses State of the City address to ask CPS, CTA, others to hold the line on taxes, fees, fares hikes
* Unfiltered: Mayor Daley’s ‘City of Chicago Address’ * CTA says it can avoid service cuts
* Transit agency to fight sexual harassment on CTA * County panel hears railroad concerns * Red-light cameras: RedSpeed denies River Forest’s proposed 2-level fine plan
* Halt fines until camera laws fixed
* Lawmakers call for tighter rules for red-light cameras
* Case of mistaken identity: Granville, not Grandview, in line for half-million-dollar project * 110 temp, seasonal workers off city payroll
* Stark considers public safety tax * Dan Lipinski: The rock ‘n’ roll congressman?
* Porch safety: Chicago says it’s up to you
* Economy tied to central Illinois blood drive cuts * Racial Disparity in Unemployment Numbers * Foreclosure filings up from last year, but down from May
* Foreclosures rise 15 percent in first half of 2009
* Rezko’s Wilmette mansion going on the auction block
* Goodbye, Sears: Hello, Willis
* A Chicago Icon Gets a New Name and a Green Makeover
* Chicago firm to go on trial in NFL player’s death
* Illinois dam safety proposal beached for now
* South Beloit under state EPA deadline
* PJ-Star: More than one step to saving the Illinois River
* EPA seeks public’s input on Great Lakes cleanup