Reader comments closed for the holiday weekend
Thursday, Jul 2, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * Barring some big news, we’re done until Monday. Hopefully, this governor won’t screw up our summer holidays like the last governor did. We’ll see. I’m not holding my breath. Anyway, have a wonderful Independence Day. I hope it’s a great one. * Following our tradition of posting July 4th Grateful Dead videos, here’s Jerry Garcia and Great Speckled Bird from a July 4, 1970 show… ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
*** UPDATED x2 *** Birkett appears in for AG
Thursday, Jul 2, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * 2:21 pm - Republican DuPage County State’s Attorney Joe Birkett is calling around this afternoon saying he plans to run for attorney general. This would be Birkett’s second try at AG. He lost to Lisa Madigan in 2002. He ran for governor four years later, dropped out and became Judy Baar Topinka’s running mate. He had been considering a bid for governor next year, but that race is getting pretty crowded. Campaign website, YouTube page, Twitter, Facebook. *** UPDATE 1 *** He just announced on YouTube… *** UPDATE 2 *** Here’s the announcement via e-mail…
* But the Daily Herald publishes a much more gushing press release…
I kid you not. That’s the actual Daily Herald story. And it even gets “better,” if you can believe it, but I shouldn’t paste more than four grafs here. Go read it yourself. …Adding… No wonder. She’s the criminal court reporter. It has always been thus at the DH.
Question of the day
Thursday, Jul 2, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * I’m not sure we’ll be blogging tomorrow because of the holiday, so let’s do a July 4th QOTD now. What do you cherish most about life in America? Explain.
Mother Blowhard
Thursday, Jul 2, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * Ah, the Tribune editorial board. Not blowhardish at all. Today’s editorial blasts Gov. Pat Quinn, House Speaker Michael Madigan and Senate President John Cullerton…
Actually, the General Assembly passed a budget which was opposed by those groups. The Trib also claimed that the three men have ignored any spending reforms and “relentlessly focused on raising taxes.” Let’s see, the governor has proposed $2 billion in cuts, including Medicaid reform, employee layoffs, etc. Cullerton already passed a tax hike, and Madigan says he won’t move a tax hike plan until he is sure there are enough votes. Both say a tax hike proposal is fruitless now without GOP votes. Quinn is the only one focusing “relentlessly” on a tax increase. The other two are saying the soup isn’t even on the stove yet.
They will? Is the edit board sure about that? Did the Republican leaders specifically tell the Tribune editorial board “If we get X, Y and Z, and here are our details and specific legislation that we want, then we’ll put enough votes on a tax hike vote to pass it”? That would be big news and those quotes should’ve been reported on the front page. Maybe I just missed that blockbuster.
Sales tax exemptions for newsprint, ink, advertising and newspaper printing machinery=Excellent. Sales tax exemptions for an almost brand new business that will create reliable new jobs=Stupid. * Look, the Democrats have a lot to be blamed for here. A whole lot. They had the majority and they failed to finish the job. No question about it whatsoever. And it’s not like they got their act together in June, either. But if anybody thinks that the Republican leaders are now really, truly pushing redistricting reform and pension reform in exchange for putting significant numbers of votes on an income tax hike, they need to have their heads examined. Cross was the House floor leader during debate on that goofy congressional map which everybody complains about. His members ain’t exactly thrilled about the reform idea, either. And I have yet to see evidence that a majority of Republicans are excited about voting for a two-tiered pension system. The spring session is long over. It failed. Badly. But it’s a new day now and GOP votes and specific GOP ideas are crucial, so it would be nice to see a modicum of even-handedness and reality-based reasoning from Mother Tribune.
Blood on the sidewalk
Thursday, Jul 2, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * In my opinion, Gov. Quinn has crossed the line…
Instead of contingency contracts, Quinn told vendors and providers that they were outta luck…
And these statements by Comptroller Hynes show a lack of understanding about how providers and state vendors operate…
Hynes does acknowledge that the governor’s letter is going to create some hardships. The reason is that these social service agencies are basically just small to mid-sized businesses. For-profit vendors are almost all traditional businesses. Like all businesses, they occasionally have to borrow money to level out their revenues. Quinn’s letter, however, will scare the devil out of bankers. More posturing…
And Quinn indicated that he wouldn’t bring them back before then. Another blow to those social service groups and vendors. * Everybody else, including state workers and Public Aid recipients, are pretty safe…
So you can most likely ignore most of the huffing and puffing about that issue. It’s the vendors and the providers who are in most danger now…
* Related…
Madigan vs. Quinn
Thursday, Jul 2, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * I put together a couple of videos last night that you may want to watch. The first is House Speaker Michael Madigan and Gov. Quinn talking about the governor’s apparent flip-flops. Make sure you watch all the way to the end for the “best” Madigan zinger… The second video is Madigan answering questions about his poor relationships with Democratic governors in the past and allegations that he has deliberately undercut Gov. Quinn this year… I’m still learning this video stuff, so be patient, please. ![]()
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax
Thursday, Jul 2, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller
Morning Shorts
Thursday, Jul 2, 2009 - Posted by Mike Murray * Investigators raid home, office of Cook County regional schools superintendent
* Offices raided of Cook schools superintendent
* Bank forecloses on home of indicted Blagojevich pal
* ‘Runaway greed’ gets doc 18 months
* ‘Illegal’ high-rise hotels targeted
* CPS axes 557, with more layoffs ahead * 3 city unions holding out on deal to avert layoffs
* Some Chicago Unions Say No More Talk of Furloughs
* Chicago pays $915 per body for morgue transport; alderman says that’s too much * Charters not only way to fix Chicago schools * 467K jobs cut in June; jobless rate at 9.5 percent * Recession might be bottoming out, but recovery still likely slow * Midway sale to Warner Bros. approved by court
* Average gas price inches down to $2.84 * United computer glitch causing delays at O’Hare * IDOT to makes holiday travel a bit easier
* Facing foreclosure, Curry sues ex-aide * Mentally disabled in housing fight * Illinois ranks 10th in nation in rate of overweight and obese children * Ill. agency begins replenishing Rock River
* Illinois Supreme Court adopts new rules for lawyers
* Theft of 5,000 pounds of commercial-grade fireworks worries cops
* Crestwood water contamination source remains a mystery * July/August issue: The environment
* ‘Ledge’ at Sears Skydeck opens Thursday