Site news and a great, big thankyou
Wednesday, Jul 1, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * Yesterday was a huge traffic day on this site. It wasn’t quite a record (the mark set on Rod Blagojevich’s arrest day will probably stand for a while). But everything slowed down to a crawl yesterday because so many people were trying to access the blog at once. So, we’re doing some major infrastructure upgrades. This should prevent crashes and slowdowns - except for days when governors are arrested (even the Trib and Sun-Times were inaccessible part of that day). In order to do this, however, the site will need to be taken down sometime after 8 o’clock tonight. It’ll hopefully be back up within an hour, but I just wanted to give you a heads up. This is just the first step in our total site revamp. Stay tuned. Thanks again for all of your support in making this the preeminent website for Illinois politics. Y’all are the best. *** UPDATE - 7:50 pm *** My hosting company just called and said the migration to the new servers is complete. Sweet.
*** UPDATED *** Videos of Quinn, Madigan
Wednesday, Jul 1, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * I’m gonna run home and upload more, but here are a few videos to get you started. All three are from Gov. Quinn’s veto press conference. Quality is poor, since Mike is gone and I did them…. Quinn, Part 1… Quinn, Part 2… Quinn, Part 3… ADDED: Quinn, part 4... UPDATE: Madigan presser, Part 1 of 5… Madigan, Part 2 of 5… Madigan, Part 3 of 5… Madigan, Part 4 of 5… Madigan, Part 5 of 5…
Madigan: I find regrettable some of Quinn’s remarks
Wednesday, Jul 1, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller *2:44 pm - Speaker Madigan’s presser has begun. What the guv really wants, MJM said, is more money to spend. “The governor’s flip-flops have not helped.” [capital bill, pension note, Meeks tax hike bill, mini capital] “These are all flip flops” which hurt the guv’s credibility. It’s on campers. “there’s enough money to manage the government” with the appropriate bills sent to the guv. “I would hope that he would not move to the crreation of a crisis” MJM said he would vote to override. No surprise. Regarding John Filan’s contract after resigning: Thanks for reminding me about a fifth flip-flop. Temporary budget: Not a good idea. “All it does is postpone decision-making.”
Governor Quinn vetoes social service grant bill
Wednesday, Jul 1, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * 2:15 pm - The governor just announced he had vetoed SB 1197, which funds social service grants, among other things. More in a few. Here’s a brief video of the veto ceremony. Watch how hard he whacks the bill with his veto stamp. Funny… * From SEIU..
* From Dan Hynes, in response to Quinn’s statement that providers of state services do so in the new fiscal year “at the risk of not being paid”…
* 2:32 pm - Speaker Madigan is expected to hold a Statehouse presser soon. Stay tuned. Anybody else notice that the state’s main website is down at the moment? What, did they not pay their hosting bill?
Joint legislative session called for July 14th
Wednesday, Jul 1, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * 12:41 pm - The * The session will be at 2 o’clock. The proclamation talks about issues dealing with the budget, so it can be broader than just the veto votes. Read the official proclamation by clicking here. * From a press release…
Quinn to take veto action this afternoon
Wednesday, Jul 1, 2009 - Posted by Mike Murray * The Governor’s Office issued a press release this morning indicating that Governor Quinn will take veto action at 1:30 this afternoon…
The press release, however, did not specify what veto action Quinn intends to take and the Governor’s Office has not provided additional details as of yet…
Stay tuned.
Morning Shorts
Wednesday, Jul 1, 2009 - Posted by Mike Murray * Search warrants executed at Flowers’ regional schools office
* ‘He just took the money and ran’
* County monitor sees progress - but not enough - on political hiring * Daley’s new direction: Odd Todd out!
* Your Stroger tax turns 1 * Council threatens own budget analysis. Daley responds: ‘They can analycize anything.’
* Chicago schools cutting 550 workers
* Federal funds could avert firefighter layoffs
* Deputies could go on 12-hour shifts this weekend * Chicago aldermen take on Daley’s plan for 2016 Olympics
* Resolution calls for Chicago 2016 books to be opened to ‘objective’ third-party
* Big-box measure returns to Chicago City Council
* Chicago Making Plans for Environmental Stimulus Dollars
* Homeowners get second shot at combating foreclosure
* Congrats! The value of your home has gone down
* Refrigerated truck serves as traveling food pantry
* Aldermen want pay-to-park plan at lakefront canceled
* Evanston to launch beach improvements at Clark Street * Outside the ballpark: Proposal would move peddlers, bucket boys farther away from Wrigley
* Chicago population rises for 2nd year in a row
* Recession means there are more of us
* More security getting aboard on Metra trains
* Federal security to patrol Metra trains
* Judge: I’m tired of crooked cops in Chicago
* Ex-Chicago cop sentenced in corruption case * Illinois judge arrested for DUI * Boost for Will County
* Hinsdale shopping plan would boost local economy * This Fourth of July, boom goes bust
* Joliet residents rally to keep fireworks flying * Smoking bans extended to more parks in Chicago suburbs * DuPage County residents rekindle fight against ComEd tree-trimming plan * Federal judge won’t block BP refinery expansion
* Deer in Illinois: Researchers track culinary clues left by deer in forest preserves
* Brookfield Zoo marks its 75th anniversary * Sears Tower Skydeck is on top of the world
* We don’t yet know ending of Jackson story * Michael Jackson lip-synched in 1983 concert * Gary to host Jackson memorial July 10
Question of the day
Wednesday, Jul 1, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * The setup…
I don’t get many of those chain e-mails. Maybe I just know smart people. Maybe I’m just lucky. Maybe now that I’ve written this, I’ll get a kabillion of them. Anyway, I’m curious. So… * The Question: Do you ever get these things? And, if so, what do you do when you get obviously false chain e-mails from friends or family members? What was the weirdest one you received? I’m not talking about those Nigerian spam letters, or some such. I mean chain letters forwarded to you by people you know who think they’re real.
Blogger sued by newspaper
Wednesday, Jul 1, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * Blogger Cal Skinner is being sued by the parent company of the Northwest Herald…
I remember those “contentious divorce and child custody battle” stories well because I knew they were coming and had talked with the paper about them before and, I believe, after they were published. I wrote some pretty negative stories about Skinner based on those NW Herald pieces. I even reprinted one of them when Skinner decided to run statewide. Yet, Skinner blogs at Illinoize about state stuff on occasion, so it doesn’t appear that he still carries a total grudge against me. * You can read the newspaper’s complaint by clicking here. From the complaint, here’s what Skinner actually wrote…
* From the complaint…
It looks to me like Skinner overdid it. I often bash newspapers, but I can certainly see why this paper was upset. I would’ve been, too. But, really, are we now supposed to refer to the Northwest Herald only in the context of being an “award-winning member of the independent press”? I think not. There’s no denying that the paper’s editorial stance leans Republican and has done so for a very long time. That fact was pointed out to me this week during a conversation with the paper’s own attorney, Don Craven…
* Back to the complaint…
Here’s what Skinner wrote…
Craven told me Skinner was implying with that sentence that the paper is currently “in extremis.” I just don’t see that. I’ve read it over and over again, and I can’t see it. That allegation looks way over the line to me. * And what about the claim that the loan was made to “keep the county newspaper from moving out of the county”? From the complaint…
But, as Pete Gonigam pointed out on his own blog…
* From the complaint…
Skinner’s counter complaint, kindly forwarded to me by Pete Gonigam, reads thusly…
But the paper didn’t get the loan directly from the county, so I see their point. Yet, is that enough to file a lawsuit? Then again…
Skinner’s statement may well have been ludicrous, but we’re treading on some dangerous turf here. I can’t think of a single newspaper that hasn’t accused some politician at one time or another of being in somebody’s back pocket - often with a whole lot of flimsy “evidence.” Glass houses, etc. Then again, that was a pretty bold accusation leveled by Skinner, so he ought to put up or apologize. * Back to the complaint…
Really? I shudder to think what’s gonna happen if Big Media starts suing bloggers who criticize their content and call into question their motives (like the media does to politicians, by the way). * Skinner has been a thorn in that paper’s side for a very long time, so maybe they just got fed up and decided to whack back. I get that. I can even empathize. But, man, that seems to me like a harsh way to do things. And bad karma to boot. No comments on this one because we don’t need to fire anybody up who might already be fired up. Not that they would get fired up. Just sayin…
Meltdown roundup
Wednesday, Jul 1, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * One of the best publicly available roundups of yesterday’s events is at Illinois Issues’ blog…
* More from Small Newspapers…
* Kadner…
On a related note…
* As of 5 o’clock this morning, there was no veto announcement…
* Good point…
* Related…
Wednesday, Jul 1, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * We had a lot of excellent videos yesterday. In fact, so many of you watched the videos that we were ranked 29th in the world on YouTube reporter sites… ![]() That would be ahead of ABC network news, and ahead of the New York Times. I guess we need more vids. * Many of our best videos were posted after most of you stopped reading the blog last night. So, here’s a recap of the late ones… * Speaker Madigan held a rare press availability and got in a couple of subtle shots at Gov. Quinn… * Senate President John Cullerton was obviously furious at Gov. Pat Quinn last night after the pension note bill failed the second time. Watch it… * Sen. James Meeks said in an exclusive sit-down interview that the governor ought to veto the budget bills and allow the government to crash if necessary. He also had some harsh words about Speaker Madigan’s House and talked about why the pension note bill failed to pass the Senate… * House GOP Leader Tom Cross talked about how the appropriations numbers have jumped all over the place and how the governor wanted to base a 30-day budget extension on a projection which included the income tax hike, which hasn’t passed yet… * Senate GOP Leader Christine Radogno agreed that the governor was being disingenuous about asking for a budget extension based on revenue estimates that included a tax increase which never happened. She also talked about how the Democrats can’t even agree on the deficit estimate… * Senate Democratic “budgeteer” Donne Trotter said that the governor needs to sign the budget bills that are now on his desk. “To do anything less is irresponsible,” Trotter said… * More…
* And here’s one I never posted. My intern Mike Murray’s last full day was yesterday. He’ll still be doing Morning Shorts and he’ll try to be here for occasional summer session days, but he gone. Take care, Mike… ![]()
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax
Wednesday, Jul 1, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller