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MS: Health News

Thursday, Aug 6, 2009 - Posted by Mike Murray

* Health-reform plan must include lower-cost drugs

A recent Kaiser report showed that the 10 brand-name drugs most commonly prescribed for Medicare beneficiaries — drugs such as Lipitor, Plavix or Prevacid, which have an average monthly price of $131 — lack generic equivalents.

The soaring cost of prescription drugs is a crisis that has been brewing for years. Americans spent more than $40 billion on prescription drugs in 1990. In 2006, according to federal sources, expenditures rose to more than $217 billion.

A recent AARP Illinois survey showed the harsh impact of prescription drug prices on Illinoisans over 50. Nearly 20 percent had to choose between filling a grocery cart, paying utility bills and filling a prescription, and 63 percent of Illinois AARP members are concerned about being able to afford their medicines.[…]

Americans will pay $2.6 trillion in health expenses in 2009, an average of $8,300 per person. But if no action is taken, health expenses will soar to $13,000 per person by 2017, according to the Congressional Budget Office projections.

* Southland reps weigh Obama’s health plan

U.S. Rep. Bobby Rush (D-1st), of Chicago, whose district includes Midlothian, Crestwood and Oak Forest, introduced and passed an amendment in committee that clears the path for generic prescription drugs to come to market. His amendment eliminates incentives offered to generic drug-makers by their brand-name competitors to delay entry to market.

With that change incorporated, Rush is expected to support the final version of Obama’s bill, as is U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-2nd), of Chicago. Constituents of the 2nd District support Obama’s plan, according to Jackson spokesman Charles Dujon. […]

Halvorson’s suburban counterpart up north, U.S. Rep. Melissa Bean (D-8th) of Barrington said Wednesday she remains unconvinced the bill as written “measurably reduces increasing health care costs for American families, business and our government while protecting quality of care.”

U.S. Rep. Dan Lipinski (D-3rd), of Western Springs, said he’ll study the three proposals that emerged from the recently adjourned session. Pelosi hopes to smooth the three versions into one bill by the time the House returns Sept. 4.

* Seniors check out free checkups

METAMORA —Free blood pressure screenings, health care literature and information on volunteer organizations were among the many services for senior citizens Wednesday morning at Snyder Village.

Sponsored by state Rep. Dave Leitch, R-Peoria, and Sen. Dale Risinger, R-Peoria, the senior fair has been held for the past decade and typically draws more than 150 seniors.

* Walgreens, AARP team up for free health screenings

The national tour stops at various locations in the Chicago area through Aug. 17. At each location, a 40-foot-long customized bus will offer health screenings to adults 18 years and older along with free educational information that is geared to increase the chances for early detection of potential health problems.

The screenings take place inside the vehicle and include total cholesterol levels, blood pressure, bone density, glucose levels, waist circumference and body mass index.

* ‘Early gainers’ using Depo more prone to long-term weight gain: study

Women who gain weight rapidly after starting birth control injections appear to be more prone to long-term weight gain, researchers have found.


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