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Morning Shorts

Friday, Aug 7, 2009 - Posted by Mike Murray

State Governance

* Gov signs texting law

Statewide ban starts Jan. 1, enforcement questions linger

* Quinn to Ill. drivers: Put down your cell phones

* Text-ban law for drivers signed by Gov. Pat Quinn

* Local cops back no-texting law but say it’s hard to enforce

* Q. & A. on texting ban

* SJ-R: Ban on texting while driving was the right move

* Illinois launches construction zone Web site

* Admission hike on tap for Illinois State Fair

* Preschool funding not as dire as expected, area administrators learn

* Durbin introduces bill to help rural hospitals

Election 2010

* Gov. Quinn slams Hynes’ challenge

* Hynes: I’ll bring independence to governor’s race

* Dan Hynes declares candidacy for Illinois governor, will challenge Pat Quinn in primary

* Hynes makes run for governor official, sets up battle with Quinn

* Race Begins for Quinn, Hynes

* Birkett drops race against AG Madigan

* DuPage County State’s Attorney Joe Birkett drops bid for attorney general

* Birkett says he can’t beat Madigan, bows out of attorney general race

* Birkett out of AG race


* Wiped out Tipsville . . .

Yipes! Sneed is told the Merchandise Mart’s Chris Kennedy, who has yet to publicly announce a decision on his political future, broke four ribs while water skiing near the famed Kennedy family compound in Hyannis Port, Mass.

Municipalities; County Governance

* Cook County Assessor Houlihan announces retirement

* Keeping their citizens in the dark

* Stroger’s HIV vaccine testing proposal hits a stumbling block

* HIV Vaccine Prototype Shot Down by Cook County

* Grand jury investigating Chicago Public Schools

* Federal grand jury asks whether public officials clouted students into Chicago’s top high schools

* Subpoena for Top Education Official Released

* Chicago 2016 Olympics: Member of city’s bid team has deal to develop land near park earmarked for the Games

* City creating TIF to draw $100 million to transform hospital into Olympic Village

* United defends decision to move into known terrorist target

* Law enforcement ending Burr Oak presence

* Landmarks panel hears Gropius plea to save some buildings on Michael Reese site

On Thursday, the Daley-appointed Commission on Chicago Landmarks agreed with preservationists and said some buildings on the Gropius-designed campus should be saved. The commission voted against a recommendation that the entire 37-acre site go on the National Register of Historic Places, but it invited preservationists to submit a limited application for particular Reese buildings.

* Bud Billiken Parade Celebrates 80 Years

* One of Burnham pavilions in Millennium Park to close next week for repairs

Ethics & Reform

* Don’t mess with bill on freedom of information

* Give us all freedom of information

* U. of I. president indicates he won’t resign–for now

* State report blasts U of I for admissions abuses

* Clout panel to U. of I. trustees: Quit

* UI admissions panel: The leadership failed

* ‘A crisis of its own making’

* U of I President Ready to Make Admissions Policy Changes

* Christina Tobin on Reality Report

Christina Tobin, Founder and Chair of Free & Equal Elections, interviewed on Reality Report, discusses the origin, purpose, and structure of the organization; petition drive efforts, including challenges and lawsuits here in Illinois; actions of elected Illinois politicians; and other issues affecting Illinois and elsewhere.


  1. - Budget Watcher - Friday, Aug 7, 09 @ 9:32 am:

    Has anyone heard whether the Governor’s Office has initiated negotiations with AFSCME over furloughs and foregoing the scheduled COLA? Quinn announced his cuts last week but execution seems to be a problem. Kind of like getting rid of the Blago holdovers…it shouldn’t take this long to get things done.

  2. - Capitol View - Friday, Aug 7, 09 @ 9:40 am:

    I wish Dan Hynes had chosen to run for governor three years ago. He could have saved us all a lot of anguish.

  3. - Niles Township - Friday, Aug 7, 09 @ 10:07 am:

    Hynes running as the independant? What a joke coming from the son of Tom Hynes. I hope he picks up a better theme than that come the real game. I’m wondering if there was poll quesiton on Hynes v. Quinn on independance how that would score. Hynes continues to be unimpressive.

  4. - Ill_will - Friday, Aug 7, 09 @ 10:07 am:

    Whether the negotiations have or have not begun, I wouldn’t place even a beverage bet(of your choice of course) that AFSCME will agree. They didn’t agree to furloughs in Chicago–where they do not have the same strenght as with the State.

    I’d be interested if anyone disagrees.

  5. - curious - Friday, Aug 7, 09 @ 10:17 am:

    Glad to see that the texting bill was passed and hope that people will put down the phone and drive! So sad that our politicians have to pass common sense laws and not being able to focus on budget issues. So thanks to Gov Quinn, Jesse White and John D’Amico and every politician that voted to PASS this bill-hope that the ones that voted against will follow the law!

    Loved to see the coverage on the news and that this got good coverage and to hear all the great comments:

    Technology has advanced and the laws need to catch up-D’Amico

    That people need to use common sense-Jesse White

    THANKS to ALL politicians that supported this bill-GOOD JOB!!!!!!!!

  6. - Shore - Friday, Aug 7, 09 @ 10:29 am:

    About time to push the eject button on Dan Hynes.

  7. - Bill - Friday, Aug 7, 09 @ 10:53 am:

    Wishful thinking on your part Shore. After Dan hands Quinn his head in the primary he’ll give Dillard a run for his money in the general. Both Hynes or Dillard would be good for Illinois. I’m still hoping that the right wingers will hijack the repub primary and nominate some whacko like Murphy. If that happens Hynes wins in a laugher.

  8. - Brennan - Friday, Aug 7, 09 @ 10:56 am:

    Just asking, and I do agree that texting and doing anything else at the same time is rather difficult, but aren’t there many things that people do while driving or operating moving vehicles that impair their ability to operate them?

    Eating and driving. Makeup and driving. Reading and driving.

    Are these illegal?

  9. - Cindy Lou - Friday, Aug 7, 09 @ 11:02 am:

    Pfft. Hynes is doing fine so fair. He just stuck his toe in, give him time.

    I’m kinda interested in seeing how Raja will do in his run for Comptroller.

  10. - Cindy Lou - Friday, Aug 7, 09 @ 11:07 am:

    –”it shouldn’t take this long to get things done”.–

    A whole lotta clarifications and explainin’ to do for he beats on any door too loudly–knockings one thing, selling one’s line of spin is another.

  11. - Will County Woman - Friday, Aug 7, 09 @ 11:17 am:

    Chris Kennedy wipes out. It’ll be tough for him to signatures for petitions, so don’t be surprised when he decides not to run for anything.

  12. - Quinn T. Sential - Friday, Aug 7, 09 @ 11:52 am:


    Do you mean that right wing plaintiff’s personal injury attorney Murphy, or is there another Murphy considering a run that we have not heard about yet?

  13. - Will County Woman - Friday, Aug 7, 09 @ 12:04 pm:

    Re: “Quinn slams Hynes”

    Is it just me or is the chicago media backing Quinn over hynes? For those who have problems with Hynes, e.g., he’s the son of political royalty etc., it seems that they were willing to overlook Lisa Madigan’s political royalty. hmmm…such hypocrisy?

    but back to Quinn’s “slam”

    funny how the veteran sun-times political reporters don’t mention a few of the facts on the Captial Bill. Yes, Quinn signed it, but didn’t he play the hostage game with it? (the blago way of doing things???)

    Sure, some construction is starting as a result of the captial bill, but they are starting late because of Quinn’s game playing with the GA, in his feeble attempt to force the GA hand on his income tax hike. And, the purpose of the captial bill was to generate jobs, at least that was what quinn said back in the spring. But, surely the few construction jobs (e.g., the Bishop Ford) cannot be all. I’m not even sure that the captial bill is responsible for the bishop ford construction that is getting underway now.

    The sun-times repoters who wrote about Quinn’s “slam” are too veteran of reporters to not have put what he said into better context and perspective for readers. if it feels and looks like a slant, is it a slant? if what they did was/is a slant, it is very disheartening and appalling.

  14. - Quinn T. Sential - Friday, Aug 7, 09 @ 12:11 pm:

    Would someone please arrange for a private consultation between Alderman Dixon, and former Alderman Troutman without further delay.

  15. - fed up - Friday, Aug 7, 09 @ 12:14 pm:

    Wishful thinking on your part Shore. After Dan hands Quinn his head in the primary he’ll give Dillard a run for his money in the general. Both Hynes or Dillard would be good for Illinois. I’m still hoping that the right wingers will hijack the repub primary and nominate some whacko like Murphy. If that happens Hynes wins in a laugher.

    Bill its way to early on a friday for me to be drinking so I dont know how this happened but I agree with you 100% here.

  16. - Bill - Friday, Aug 7, 09 @ 12:15 pm:

    Yep he’s the one. I’m sure he or Brady are the best the wingers have to offer unless they can get Al or his wife to take a shot at it.

  17. - Arthur Andersen - Friday, Aug 7, 09 @ 1:07 pm:

    Hynes v. Dillard. Who woulda thunk that a year ago?

  18. - Small Town Liberal - Friday, Aug 7, 09 @ 1:11 pm:

    Of course the media is going to back Quinn, he’s a better story. Hynes is boring, Quinn is quirky and says funny stuff, and he sometimes has hilarious hair and pit stains. I’d rather watch him any day.

  19. - Plutocrat03 - Friday, Aug 7, 09 @ 1:16 pm:

    Driving wile distracted is already a crime. it is foolish to pass new unenforcable are based on a new technology.

    If you cannot control your vehicle because you are distracted by anything, you are guilty of existing laws.

    Another case of looking busy while doing nothing.

  20. - Anonymous - Friday, Aug 7, 09 @ 1:35 pm:

    Kirk’s website has been revamped.

  21. - Will County Woman - Friday, Aug 7, 09 @ 1:40 pm:

    @ Plutocrat03 - Friday, Aug 7, 09 @ 1:16 pm:

    Yes, and that’s part of my point about, er problem with, the media. they are going goo-goo ga-ga over essentially nothing.

    I could be wrong, but when blago was gov. i don’t recall media coverage for every single bill that he signed into law.

    i guess that if lawmakers aren’t specific then the law doesn’t apply. geeze. i want a law passed that states it is illegal to polish one’s fingenails while driving. several months ago a motorcyclist stopped at a red light was rear-ended and killed by a driver who was polishing her fingernails. as i recall it she was issued a ticket, but not arrested. last i heard she retained a high-powered attorney to represent her.

  22. - Will County Woman - Friday, Aug 7, 09 @ 1:46 pm:

    @ Small Town Liberal - Friday, Aug 7, 09 @ 1:11 pm:


    “quirky and says funny stuff, and he sometimes has hilarious hair and pit stains”

    You oughta get a job with the Quinn campaign. geeze… clearly you know him too well and can speak to his finer qualities too well.

  23. - Obamarama - Friday, Aug 7, 09 @ 1:53 pm:

    WCW: They are worried about selling newspapers. That picture of PQ at the Pride Parade sold copies whereas Hynes–a manila envelope taped to a beige wall–does not.

  24. - Will County Woman - Friday, Aug 7, 09 @ 2:03 pm:

    yeah sun-times and tribune revenues are up and off the charts because of quinn. but, do the sun-times and tribune know that? yeah, i guess there haven’t been a lot of layoffs and staff reductions at either paper since jan. 29th, or for that matter chicago area news stations.

    quinn has a face that only a mother could love??????

  25. - Shore - Friday, Aug 7, 09 @ 2:09 pm:

    Dillard won’t get my support. The state gop establishment is a bunch of losers and this guy endorsing obama was the end for me. I also have a bias as I think he’s a simpleton. Not enough enough star power there for me.

  26. - Will County Woman - Friday, Aug 7, 09 @ 2:10 pm:

    also obamarama…

    if the media were truly interested in “excitement” then perhaps they should have laid off pusing for blago’s removal.

    mark sanderford who?????? oh yeah, that guy. he’s still governor in south carolina.

  27. - Gregor - Friday, Aug 7, 09 @ 2:11 pm:

    I hear a rumor Rich Bradley from WUIS was going to retire. Maybe a seat for Miller opens on on “State Week In Review”?

    ( I LOVE that show)

  28. - Will County Woman - Friday, Aug 7, 09 @ 2:16 pm:

    shore, please.

    if the republicans had run colin powell against obama, there would be a republican in the white house today.

    indies and moderates have heard what right-wing conservatives have had to say, and we’re not impressed. conservatives are a dying breed. did you see who was at the republican convention? seriousy, the republican party needs to expand or and court moderate democrats and independents or else it won’t grow–it’ll die.

  29. - Small Town Liberal - Friday, Aug 7, 09 @ 2:30 pm:

    I think Will County needs to take some Zoloft or something, can’t we have a little fun?

  30. - Obamarama - Friday, Aug 7, 09 @ 2:42 pm:

    ===mark sanderford who??????===

    Not even going to point out the irony in that post…

    WCW, why don’t you call it an early week and go have a cocktail–it’s on me and Small Town Liberal.

  31. - Ghost - Friday, Aug 7, 09 @ 2:46 pm:

    I am sure Bill would join me in supporting Shore in knocking Dillard out of the race.

  32. - Will County Woman - Friday, Aug 7, 09 @ 3:00 pm:

    small town, you’re right—its friday and i just need to chill out.

  33. - Conservative Veteran - Friday, Aug 7, 09 @ 3:01 pm:

    Will County Woman, I volunteered at the 2008 Republican National Convention, and I heard some great conservative speeches. I copied this from “PRINCETON, NJ — Thus far in 2009, 40% of Americans interviewed in national Gallup Poll surveys describe their political views as conservative, 35% as moderate, and 21% as liberal.”

  34. - Anonymous - Friday, Aug 7, 09 @ 3:17 pm:

    Kirk’s website has been revamped.

    But e-newsletter sign-up doesn’t seem to be working.

  35. - Small Town Liberal - Friday, Aug 7, 09 @ 3:26 pm:

    Hope I didn’t offend, its rare that I make a criticism on a blog and there is a nice reply to it, I feel confused and kind of bad about it now.

  36. - Anonymous - Friday, Aug 7, 09 @ 4:17 pm:

    2 Anons report:

    Kirk’s website has been revamped.

    But e-newsletter sign-up doesn’t seem to be working.

    Let alone the rest of it. There’s barely any info there. He has a short bio up but NO info on issues.

    Maybe he’s afraid if he takes some stands he’ll catch all heck from the right again and have to “reconsider” in a few weeks like he did on the environment.

    How can he run on a position of integrity but not stand up for whatever he believes in? Or does whatever he believes in really change that often?

  37. - Anonymous - Friday, Aug 7, 09 @ 5:00 pm:

    No, Anon. The other Anon (alot of Anons on here suddenly, huh?) stated that the site has been revamped.

  38. - Will County Woman - Friday, Aug 7, 09 @ 5:21 pm:

    no worries—no offense taken, small town.

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