Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Rasmussen: Quinn’s approval rating falls ten points since June (Updated with roundup)
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Rasmussen: Quinn’s approval rating falls ten points since June (Updated with roundup)

Tuesday, Aug 18, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* More Rasmussen toplines

How would you rate the job Pat Quinn has been doing as Governor… do you strongly approve, somewhat approve, somewhat disapprove, or strongly disapprove of the job he’s been doing?

9% Strongly approve

38% Somewhat approve

32% Somewhat disapprove

17% Strongly disapprove

3% Not sure

Quinn’s 47 percent approval rating is down 10 points since Rasmussen’s June survey.

* Other numbers

…53% have a favorable view of Quinn, while 43% see him unfavorably.

State Comptroller Daniel Hynes, a fellow Democrat, is challenging Quinn for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination. He has 46% favorables and 26% unfavorables.

State Senator Bill Brady polls best among several GOP hopefuls for the governor’s office, with 29% favorables and 21% unfavorables. But 50% of voters don’t know him well enough to have an opinion.

The GOPs are unknown to voters.

* Without crosstabs, this doesn’t tell us all that much, except that the damage to Democrats may not be hugely severe…

When it comes to voting in the 2010 Elections has the state budget crisis and the Blagojevich scandal made you more likely to vote for a Democrat, less likely to vote for a Democrat or will it have no impact on your vote?

7% More likely

29% Less likely

60% No impact

3% Not sure

It’s basically just not an issue for 70 percent of voters, but who those 29 percent are could be key if they’re independents.

* Other toplines

I’m going to read you a short list of people in the News. For each, please let me know if you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable, or very unfavorable impression. […]

8* Okay, Pat Quinn
11% Very favorable
42% Somewhat favorable
23% Somewhat unfavorable
20% Very unfavorable
4% Not sure

9* Next, Dan Hynes
6% Very favorable
40% Somewhat favorable
22% Somewhat unfavorable
4% Very unfavorable
28% Not sure

10* Okay, Kirk Dillard

4% Very favorable
18% Somewhat favorable
23% Somewhat unfavorable
4% Very unfavorable
51% Not sure

11* Fine, Matt Murphy
2% Very favorable
15% Somewhat favorable
20% Somewhat unfavorable
4% Very unfavorable
59% Not sure

12* Next, Bill Brady
4% Very favorable
25% Somewhat favorable
16% Somewhat unfavorable
5% Very unfavorable
50% Not sure

13* Okay, Dan Proft
4% Very favorable
13% Somewhat favorable
16% Somewhat unfavorable
4% Very unfavorable
62% Not sure

14* Robert Shillerstrom
4% Very favorable
14% Somewhat favorable
13% Somewhat unfavorable
8% Very unfavorable
62% Not sure

…Adding… Related…

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* Quinn not backing off tax increase, plans to seek full term as governor

* Terry Link Announces for Guv Lite

* Cross my heart: Tom’s not running for gov


  1. - Fan of the Game - Tuesday, Aug 18, 09 @ 9:56 am:

    The governor is a victim of his predecessor’s past and of his own doing. Gov. Blagojevich left the state in a world of hurt, and no easy solution exists. However, Gov. Quinn has been wishy-washy on his plans to help the state. He’s just been all over the place, so it doesn’t look as if he has a real plan. Unless something drastic happens for the good, look for his numbers to fall even more.

  2. - CircularFiringSquad - Tuesday, Aug 18, 09 @ 9:58 am:

    Wow if you add up all teh CircularFiringSquad favorables they barely get ahead of SubGuv…not much of a show

  3. - Captain Flume - Tuesday, Aug 18, 09 @ 9:58 am:

    The initial “approval” that Governor Quinn had was that he was not the former Governor. Now he is his own Governor and he has critics, especially rival candidates for the office, who are eager to point up flaws in his administration. And with economic recovery in Illinois not exactly a light at the end of any tunnel, an indicator of well-being that the public easily identifies with the executive branch, his rating is not surprising.

  4. - ivoted4judy - Tuesday, Aug 18, 09 @ 10:03 am:

    looks like Dillard, Brady, and Murphy are seeing just how unimportant Senate Republicans have become.

  5. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Aug 18, 09 @ 10:14 am:

    GOPers have some wood to chop.

    Initially, I think, Schillerstrom is making some noise that could translate favorably statewide with his opposition to legalized video poker (have you noticed that there’s no real opposition to illegal video poker?).

    But as Rich pointed out, he also had nice things to say about higher gas taxes, alcohol taxes and fees.

  6. - Segatari - Tuesday, Aug 18, 09 @ 10:27 am:

    I find it shocking that the Dems bungling the past six years will have NO IMPACT on how they vote…that tells me they are either very naive, extremely clueless, or desperate to blast another limb off their body.

  7. - Will County Woman - Tuesday, Aug 18, 09 @ 10:29 am:

    Hynes now just needs to focus on connecting with voters and defining himself. once he does those two thinngs first, for a month after his rollout, he can then go on the attack againsyt quinn. of course if quinn does something stupid in the month after hynes’ rollout, which is possible, hynes should attack right then and there. with that said, hynes will still need to focus on connecting and defining himself too.

    hynes is clearly the better quality candidate ofthe two, and if likely voters saw this during the height of the burr oak scandal, when some disingenous people have tried to link to hynes, then hynes should only continue to do quite well moving forward.

    note to hynes: no resting on laurels—run this race as if your life depends on it because it does!

  8. - Will County Woman - Tuesday, Aug 18, 09 @ 10:31 am:

    sorry about the typos…dunno what happened.

  9. - Brennan - Tuesday, Aug 18, 09 @ 10:32 am:

    So it’s a race for money on the GOP ticket. The question becomes - do they slug each other or do they slug their eventual opponent?

  10. - Will County Woman - Tuesday, Aug 18, 09 @ 10:45 am:

    RE: Sneed and her columns


  11. - Obamarama - Tuesday, Aug 18, 09 @ 11:46 am:

    The “not sure” responses for the GOP candidates are staggering.

    Schillerstrom already made an attempt at a statewide run and it seems like no one South of 80 or West of 39 knows who he is. I would have expected the “not sure” responses would be the lowest for him–interesting.

    Also, why no polling data on Adam Andrjekeswejzkhgzki? I guess loaning your self half a million bucks only gets you so far.

  12. - Amuzing Myself - Tuesday, Aug 18, 09 @ 12:03 pm:

    Brady and maybe Murphy are the only guys that can come out of this thing… Proft and Andrejewski? are sideshow candidates, and Dillard and Schillerstrom have support for tax increases in their backgrounds…some stronger than others. The GOP won’t vote for a standard-bearer that supports raising taxes.

    I find it curious that there’s no mention of the question at the end showing that 81% of those asked said the state’s budget problems are the fault of politicians unwilling to control spending versus 11% (or something like that) that believe the problem is taxpayers unwilling to pay enough in taxes.

    It’s going to be a major issue in the primary AND in the general, and most of the contenders in both parties are on the wrong side of it.

  13. - Amuzing Myself - Tuesday, Aug 18, 09 @ 12:10 pm:

    Oh, yeah….and the Not Sure numbers are NOT staggering for the GOPers, since only one of them (Brady) has ever run statewide before and didn’t spend a ton on TV in that run AND the pool of voters surveyed included Democrats and Independents. Compared to a guy like Quinn that’s run multiple times and is the current Governor and Hynes who has also won multiple statewide races, the numbers are probably about where they should be.

    The biggest surprise in the numbers is that Mark Kirk polls so well without having ever run outside his Congressional district. To be leading a statewide office-holder like Giannoulias in THIS state at this point in the race might bode well for Illinois Republicans if those numbers are indeed symptomatic of the ire of Independents at the current bunch in charge.

  14. - Will County Woman - Tuesday, Aug 18, 09 @ 1:15 pm:

    Amazing myself,

    IL GOPers are still giving Kirk a hard time and whining about the Cap and Trade, amongst other things. If only the IL GOP would see the bigger picture and get behind him, his poll numbers would have been up even more. Other than that, I agree with you that Kirk is doing well all things considered.

    But, we’ll see how he is really doing when fundraising is reported again. BTW…When is the next reporting for all of these people by the way—anyone know?

  15. - Obamarama - Tuesday, Aug 18, 09 @ 1:56 pm:

    ===When is the next reporting for all of these people by the way===


  16. - Will County Woman - Tuesday, Aug 18, 09 @ 2:16 pm:

    Thanks, obamarama

    now, does anyone know if Quinn got that david rosen guy as a fundraiser after all? sneed mentioned this several weeks ago.

  17. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Aug 18, 09 @ 4:25 pm:

    Brady and maybe Murphy are the only guys that can come out of this thing… Proft and Andrejewski? are sideshow candidates,….

    I don’t have a horse in this race, and I might be way off base, but I think you’re wrong, AM. They don’t know what to do about Proft yet and it shows in his “unfavorable numbers”. He could be a big surprise in this one.

  18. - Lynn S - Tuesday, Aug 18, 09 @ 10:52 pm:

    Proft a “big surprise in this one”? I don’t think so, and if the Republicans want the Gov.’s Mansion to remain Democratic they will distance themselves from Mr. Proft as quickly as possible.

    Those of us downstate who read the Chicago papers will be only to happy to tell our neighbors, friends, family, etc. about Mr. Proft and the profits he has made from no-bid contracts funded by the taxpaying citizens of Cicero.

  19. - Lynn S - Tuesday, Aug 18, 09 @ 10:54 pm:

    sorry, should have said “unless”, not “if”.

  20. - notes1977 - Wednesday, Aug 19, 09 @ 6:16 am:

    I’m a state worker who can see that the layoffs are hurting not only the citizens of this state but those of us who work every day to ensure services for the less fortunate.

    If Quinn is the best the Democratic party can come up with by election time, I’ll be voting Republican.

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