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Videos From the State Fair

Wednesday, Aug 19, 2009 - Posted by Mike Murray

UPDATE FROM RICH: Some things to look for in the videos below…

Speaker Madigan said he has no plans to endorse any gubernatorial candidates in the short term. He did endorse Rep Art Turner for LG, though.

Gov Quinn evaded questions about whether the Cook Co. Dems should slate statewide candidates. Dan Hynes has asked that the party not slate. Unusual for Quinn, who has opposed slating in the past.

Tornado siren at the fairgrounds so that’s it for now.

* 2:05 pm - We have some pre-speech video for you from the state fair: Speaker Madigan, Sen Link, Gov. Quinn, and AG Madigan all spoke with the media prior to the Gov’s day rally. I should have video up shortly…

* 2:13 pm - Here is Speaker Madigan answering a variety of questions. Most notably, he discusses his personal decision to endorse Rep Turner for Lt. Gov. Again the endorsement was not made in the Speaker’s capacity as State Dem. Party Chair. Of course, Madigan is his usual coy self with the media…

* 2:18 pm -Sen. Link responds to Speaker Madigan’s endorsement of Rep. Turner and notes that he expects Sen. President Cullerton to endorse him for Lt. Gov in the near future…

* 2:25 pm - Gov Quinn also spoke with the media. Initially, the conversation focused on the U of I trustees situation, but eventually Quinn addresses his view of Hynes as a primary challenger…

* Ag Madigan discusses her run for reelection…


  1. - Obamarama - Wednesday, Aug 19, 09 @ 2:53 pm:

    Lisa: “Would you like to make a contribution?”

    She’s really hard not to like.

  2. - Been There - Wednesday, Aug 19, 09 @ 2:57 pm:

    Looks like they got things wrapped up just in time. Tornado warning and a nasty looking storm about ready to hit Springfield. I’d get to the beer tent quickly.

  3. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Aug 19, 09 @ 4:30 pm:

    Hynes’ letter yesterday was a very smart move and right on the money.

    Quinn has flipped on everything he has ever stood for since becoming governor, mike you and no one else should be surprised by his political calculations at this point. of course he wants to be slated.

  4. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Aug 19, 09 @ 4:44 pm:

    I won’t be voting for Art Turner, and not because of MJM. On his last appearance on Chicago Tonight a month or so ago, Art Turner said some really intellectually dishonest things mostly to do with the state budget. I just don’t trust him and I definitely don’t believe anything he says. Prior to that CT broadcast I was unfamiliar with him and would’ve given him the same consideration as everyone else, but aftering seeing and hearing him he gets no consideration from me. :-)

  5. Pingback Boiler Room » Blog Archive » The new Freedom of Information Act is great, but… - Wednesday, Aug 19, 09 @ 4:45 pm:

    […] See the full video of Quinn at the fair at Capitol Fax. […]

  6. - Patrick McDonough - Wednesday, Aug 19, 09 @ 5:16 pm:

    We have a new political band, The Clout Meisters Rich can you post the video. Pat

  7. - TIRED OF THE USUAL - Wednesday, Aug 19, 09 @ 5:56 pm:

    Why doesnt someone look at hiring AGAIN this govenors office is doing the same thing telling agencies who to hire and where to put them- Corrections is laying people off- making staff take furlough days and then hiring a political appointee from outside to a high level job GIVE IT UP ALREADY

  8. - anon - Wednesday, Aug 19, 09 @ 8:06 pm:

    Quinn comes across as very honest. I do not think he can be beat, at least not this time.

  9. - Anon - Wednesday, Aug 19, 09 @ 9:25 pm:

    Quinn’s response Danny was “My father wasn’t a politician. What President Obama showed is, it isn’t who your family is, it’s who you are.”

    One cannot have it both ways, Hynes campaigned on cemetery reform and then did not deliver when it was time to act. What was that mission statement which appear on Hynes’ website until the day of Dart’s press conference at Burr Oaks? It could not have been a message about cemetery reform. The prepaid funeral trust is empty of the millions paid into it and bodies are piled-up in Alsip. These facts cannot be burried or placed in a Funeral Trust Fund.

    Hynes has NO Chance of beating Mike Boland for Lt. Gov.

  10. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Aug 19, 09 @ 10:37 pm:

    @ Anon At 8:06 and 9:25

    Thanks to lobbyist, The IL GA did not allow cemetery reform.

    Hynes’ dad is regarded as one of the more competent and successful political figures with respect to his county assessorship in particular. It seems very likely, given his background, that Danny, as you call him, picked up on his father’s keen sense of financial matters. So, as far as the state’s budget crises is concerned Danny would likely do well, whereas quinn did not.
    And, we have Quinn’s actual horrible record as governor thus far to review. His inability to offer a consistent and coherent budget policy hurt illinois. We are now going to have to pay more for less as taxpayers, thanks to the temp budget that he signed.

    It does neither you, as supporter of Quinn, nor Quinn himself any good to suggest that Hynes is anyway responsible for Burr Oak because he is not. That is a criminal matter over which Hynes had no jurisdiction and in fact no one really did, thanks in large part to the IL GA.

    Quinn does not come across as very honest because of his incessant flip-flopping. I watched his video clip and wonder if his dad was a flip-flopper? And, let’s be honest here, isn’t being a flip-flopper essentially the same thing as being a liar?

  11. - Anon - Thursday, Aug 20, 09 @ 7:19 am:

    Danny campaigned on reform. What happened at Burr Oak was not reform?

    Danny campaigned on cemetery reform and then did not deliver when it was time to act. What was that mission statement which appear on Hynes’ website until the day of Dart’s press conference at Burr Oaks? It could not have been a message about cemetery reform.

    The fact of the matter is, Danny promised us and did not deliver. Then hid; and blames on the GA.


    The prepaid funeral trust is empty of the millions paid into it and bodies are piled-up in Alsip. These facts cannot be sweep away with the beer cups left behind the after the Southside Irish Parade. Hynes is simply unqualified for Illinois executive office.

  12. - CircularFiringSquad - Thursday, Aug 20, 09 @ 8:04 am:

    Wow media really struggled to do the usual negative fair story…..they should just acknowledge there is no news and stay away.

    I am sure we will see a lot of exciting coverage of Commando Kirk — he be the spy looking lost — and the other GOPs

    Collectively they will be the one without any ideas, but a lot of complaints

  13. - Third Generation Chicago Native - Thursday, Aug 20, 09 @ 9:01 am:

    Thanks for braving the storms. Are either Rich or Mike going to be at the GOP day events today?

  14. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Aug 20, 09 @ 9:12 am:

    Of course I’ll be there.

  15. - Irish - Thursday, Aug 20, 09 @ 9:18 am:

    On the day of big winds, God shows his displeasure with the Illinois Dems by demonstrating that they are still amatuers. Lol

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