Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Murphy attacks Dillard, but not by name ***UPDATE - Dillard Responds***
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Murphy attacks Dillard, but not by name ***UPDATE - Dillard Responds***

Thursday, Aug 20, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sen. Matt Murphy has unveiled a new TV ad during the State Fair which whacks a fellow GOP gubernatorial candidate, Sen. Kirk Dillard. From a press release…

The ad contrasts Murphy’s record as a fiscal conservative with one primary opponent, Senator Kirk Dillard (R-Hinsdale), whose votes have contributed to the state’s financial woes. In 2008, Dillard voted to raise the sales tax in Cook County as well as the collar counties and in 2003 he voted to give then Governor Rod Blagojevich $10 billion in bond borrowing. The ad also calls the Hinsdale Senator a “long-time insider” highlighting his 30 years in state government, a point Dillard himself is making on the campaign trail.

Except, the ad never actually mentions Dillard by name…

According to the Tribune, the ad is currently running in the Springfield/Champaign cable market. It’s more of a symbolic act, but it does indicate that Murphy will not allow Dillard to emerge unscathed.

***UPDATE : 4:30 pm- Dillard Responds***

[posted by Mike Murray]

***End of Update***

* Meanwhile, the Democrats are planning to take a swipe this morning at GOP US Senate candidate Mark Kirk before the Republican Day festivities kick off at noon. From a press release…

Before the start of the Illinois Republican Party’s rally today at the State Fair grounds, local Democratic and community leaders will join together to ask Republican Senate candidate Mark Kirk why time and again he has supported corporate special interests and President George Bush’s failed policies over what is best for Illinois’ economy and working families.

DATE: August 20, 2009
LOCATION: West Side of the Goat Barn, State Fair Grounds
TIME: 11:45 AM
PARTICIPANTS: Margaret Blackshere, former President of the IL AFL-CIO
Jim Moody, Sangamon County Chair
Special Guests

It’s probably a safe bet that the goat barn was chosen for a reason.

* And Kirk has another primary opponent

Hinsdale real estate developer Patrick Hughes announced Wednesday that he is entering the Republican primary for U.S. Senate, challenging U.S. Rep. Mark Kirk for the party’s banner.

Hughes, 40, says he was part of a grass-roots push to lobby against Gov. Pat Quinn’s proposed income tax hike. The attorney has never run for public office before.

More from Hughes

HUGHES: [President Obama’s] popularity has faded significantly. I think that the policies that people are looking for are policies of limited government, of fiscal responsibility, and the Obama administration, particularly with their stimulus plan, and with the cap and trade energy tax legislation and with the health care legislation has shown to the American people that they’re not committed to limited and to effective government and fiscal responsibility and to low taxes.

At least five other Republicans are vying for the Senate nomination. The biggest name among them is Congressman Mark Kirk. But Hughes says Kirk is out of the mainstream of Republican thinking.

* Related…

* Senate Hopeful Mark Kirk facing Upward Battle for Immigrant Votes

* Illinois Rep. Kirk Gets Another Senate GOP Primary Opponent: At least six other Republicans have filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission to run for the seat of retiring Democrat Roland W. Burris. They are John Arrington, a former alderman from Harvey; Tom Kuna; Don Lowery, a former state circuit judge; political activist and frequent candidate Andy Martin; Eric Wallace, who was decisively defeated in a 2006 bid for the Illinois state Senate; and Robert Zadek, a businessman.

* U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin wins court settlement in lawsuit with Republican Party

* Dodge in for Illinois comptroller

* Republican Day events…

* Gubernatorial candidate Bob Schillerstrom. 2pm-ish.

Abes Trading Post
2704 Peoria Rd.

* Sen. Dan Rutherford, candidate for Treasurer. 2:00 -3:30 PM (Following the GOP Luncheon)

Cold Refreshments on Republican Day
Franny’s Tavern
Corner of 8th & Sangamon Avenue
Outside State Fair Gate 11

* Sen. Kirk Dillard for Governor. 2:30-4:30 pm.

Reception @ the Miller Tent
Illinois State Fairgrounds
Live Music and Refreshments

* Frank Edwards for Governor. 2-4 pm.

Free Pizza & Beverages
Corner of 9th & Sangamon

* Adam Andrzejewski for governor. 2-5 pm.
Vic’s Pizza
Beer/wine and wings.

* Senator Bill Brady Republican Candidate for Governor 2010. 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.

Free Illinois State Fair Republican Day Reception
Sangamon County Republican Party Headquarters
1132 E. Sangamon Avenue, Springfield
(just east of the Fairgrounds’ Main Gate)

* Sen. Matt Murphy for Governor. 2-4pm

Stadium Sports Bar
2300 N Peoria Rd
Beer and pizza


  1. - Ghost - Thursday, Aug 20, 09 @ 10:46 am:

    leach interviewed Dillard. I thought Dillard did a horrible job. Leach asked him to identify how his policies are diferent from the other republican canidates. Dillard was unable to answer, other then to say he worked for edgar.

    Dillard made a comment about Illinois needs to live in its budget like it did under edgar. Leach did not ask or point this out, but Edgar made a temp tax hike permanenet, as I recall, and then raised it some more!!! So Dillards anti-tax answer about living within our means just like edgar did is bizaare.

    Then Leach asked him what he would cut, Dillard said the State cant be all things to all people…. then stated he would not reduce vertan benefits because of his relationship with a vet, etc. i.e. Dilalrd will not cut anything that benefits him, his friends or families; so the State can be everything for DIllard, it just cant work for the rest of us?

    When pushed Dillard indicated he would close the 12 billion budget hole by eliminating free bus rides for rich seniors and medical treatment for kids who are not residents of IL. In short, he had not real substantiveideas at all about where to get money from.

  2. - Obamarama - Thursday, Aug 20, 09 @ 10:51 am:

    Is Hughes really going to run on an anti-Obama platform in Illinois? Let alone while vying for POTUS’ former seat? He should have stuck with the whole “Mark Kirk is outside the mainstream of Republican thinking” theme and built upon that.

  3. - Will County Woman - Thursday, Aug 20, 09 @ 10:53 am:

    Why would immigrants have a problem with mark kirk? presumably the immigrants who voted in the 10th are legal immigrants. what position do they think he should take on illegal immigrantion?

    the man has stated that he opposes illegal immigration for humanitarian reasons. latinos and asians should understand that perhaps more than any other groups, as they have both been expolited and victimized by human traffickers who have viewed both groups as easy prey.

  4. - wordslinger - Thursday, Aug 20, 09 @ 10:53 am:

    The Dems’ metaphor in using the goat barn to wack Kirk for Bush is all wrong. In fact, it’s the exact opposite of what they’re trying to convey.

    Goat is short for scapegoat which is defined as:

    1. One that is made to bear the blame of others.
    2. Bible. A live goat over whose head Aaron confessed all the sins of the children of Israel on the Day of Atonement. The goat, symbolically bearing their sins, was then sent into the wilderness.

    What the Dems wanted to do was hold the event by the sheep pen. You know, a sheep –someone who goes along quietly and docilely.

    Let’s get some FFA types in the symbolism department there, Dems.

  5. - Will County Woman - Thursday, Aug 20, 09 @ 11:23 am:

    Only the IL GOP would be so bad as to consider someone with zero federal lawmaking experience/credintials over someone with federal credintials to put up against someone on the democratic side with zero federal lawmaking experience/credinitals.

    kirk is a wealth of knowledge on federal issues and insitutional knowledge when it comes to congress generally speaking. he is someone that alexi g. wouldn’t stand a chance against in a debate etc.

    if republicans go with the hughes guy, Illinois loses because the general will be between two institutional knowledge lightweights.

  6. - grand old partisan - Thursday, Aug 20, 09 @ 11:24 am:

    “Obamarama,” I’ll stipulate that your idol is still personally popular among Illinoisans…but, policy wise, there is something telling about the fact the Democrats planning to demonstrate at the goat barn are declaring their intention to ask Mark Kirk why “he has supported corporate special interests and President George Bush’s failed policies,” and not why he is opposing the Administration’s plans for healthcare, or something along those lines.

    It’s been said (accurately, in my opinion) that in politics, if you are playing defense you are losing. I’d argue you can still be losing while playing offense, particularly when it’s against year’s opponent.

  7. - please... - Thursday, Aug 20, 09 @ 11:24 am:

    What does this Hughes guy ad to the GOP race? He’s a nobody. He’s never even run for office before, let alone won. He has no fund-raising experience. He has no campaign experience.

    At this point he is sub-Andy Martin.

  8. - Just sayin - Thursday, Aug 20, 09 @ 11:26 am:

    Matt Murphy, ambulance chasing trial lawyer. Just the person for Republicans to rally around.

    This guy’s ego is only exceeded by his seperation from reality.

  9. - Obamarama - Thursday, Aug 20, 09 @ 11:50 am:

    ===“Obamarama,” I’ll stipulate that your idol…===

    As I have said multiple times on this blog, I am not an “Obama guy.” It’s a funny word and I went with it.

    That being said I completely disagree with your assessment that you are “losing” if you are playing defense. You may be losing ground, which would be the only logic to playing defense at all as opposed to simply ignoring a particular issue.

    If you are polling ahead 80-20 for example, and your candidate gets in a fender-bender, you would obviously exercise a bit of spin control. But would that mean you are “losing?” That you have lost that entire margin automatically solely because you went on the defensive? Just a hypothetical for you to ponder.

  10. - Broadsword - Thursday, Aug 20, 09 @ 1:09 pm:

    There goes what’s left of Matt Murphy’s $29,000 campaign account…

  11. - wordslinger - Thursday, Aug 20, 09 @ 1:12 pm:

    Regarding Murphy’s TV spot, isn’t the Golden Rule that you use TV advertising to first define yourself, then go negative?

  12. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Aug 20, 09 @ 1:22 pm:

    Before the start of the Illinois Republican Party’s rally today at the State Fair grounds, local Democratic and community leaders will join together to ask Republican Senate candidate Mark Kirk why time and again he has supported corporate special interests and President George Bush’s failed policies over what is best for Illinois’ economy and working families.

    Spinnin’ by the Goat Barn - Seeger, “Night Moves”, enhanced by VanillaMan

    Folks hurtin’ back home
    They need jobs and bucks
    Cash 4 Clunkers resultin’ in new trucks
    Palin’s Facebookin’ as ObamaCare dies
    Six months ago, those polls were so high
    It was our time to fly!

    Governin’ got tough, and the liftin’ got heavy
    We’re still tossin’ billions to Chevy
    Workin on policies without any clues
    Spinnin’ by the Goat Barn
    Tryin to make some front page news
    Spinnin’ by the Goat Barn
    In the summertime
    In the sweet summertime

    We were in love, no doubt about it
    The Media sang praises like He was from a Summit
    Our bloggers were young, restless and bored
    The Republicans were floored
    And we’d do deals every chance we could
    With AARP, Big Pharma, and lobbyists understood
    We let Pelosi swing us far to the Left
    But no one really cared
    We were gettin our share
    Spinnin’ by the Goat Barn
    Cheered on by MSNBC’s “news”
    Then we lost all our grooves
    And it was summertime

    And we all wonder
    Why are the Blue Dogs fighting?
    And we expected liberal thunder
    It’s now a huge blunder!

    So we’re holding a Presser at the goat barn
    Spinnin’ about Kirk and Bush - that old yarn
    Still wishin’ for Kennedy and 1962
    Aint it funny how bi-partisanship got screwed?
    When we seem we’re about to lose?
    Strange how the voters choose
    With Town Hall protesters closing in?

    Goat Barn!
    Yeah! Spinnin’ by the Goat Barn
    Goat Barn!
    Cap N Trades’ dun burned
    Goat Barn!
    What the hell happened?
    Goat Barn!
    Spinnin’ by the Goat Barn!

  13. - Obamarama - Thursday, Aug 20, 09 @ 1:44 pm:

    ===isn’t the Golden Rule that you use TV advertising to first define yourself, then go negative?===

    That’s pretty much Paid Media 101.

  14. - Bill - Thursday, Aug 20, 09 @ 3:25 pm:

    Every time Murphy opens his mouth Dillard gains votes. I wish he would shut up.

  15. - this old hack - Thursday, Aug 20, 09 @ 7:13 pm:

    Its a shame that a decent man like Dillard, who has been willing to vote for unpopular but neccessary measures like the tax increase for mass transit, must find himself exposed to these sorts of attacks.

    you know, its almost to the point now where it doesn’t matter what the name of the candidate is. A Republican with enough experience, who is very knowledgable about state government, runs and quickly finds himself under attack from some anti-everything radical conservative fool who is able to convince people that governing is easy and that they can have roads, schools, parks and the rest without paying for it. The whole thing is getting tiring. But then again, what can you expect from a party that is against everything and offers nothing?

  16. - 4 percent - Thursday, Aug 20, 09 @ 8:03 pm:

    Ghost must have selective hearing. Dillard clearly articulated that his experience sets him apart. I would challenge him to name one - just one - legislative success of Murphy.

    Dillard sponsored ethics reform, job creation bills, and the tort reform measures.

    Murphy can’t go “positive” first because he has nothing to say.

  17. - colt 45 - Thursday, Aug 20, 09 @ 8:24 pm:

    i liked how “the dance” or whatever the brooks song is called was playing in the background while dillard was speaking.

  18. - steve schnorf - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 12:14 am:

    Ghost: Edgar didn’t raise taxes

  19. - Michelle Flaherty - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 9:45 am:

    More true: Edgar tried but Pate killed it.

  20. - steve schnorf - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 1:33 pm:

    MF: not true. Pate killed a tax swap, an increase in the income tax in return for a decrease in property taxes, revenue neutral. No net new dollars. The truth can be a real B____, huh?

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