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Mark Kirk may be rattling Dem nerves

Friday, Aug 21, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* How afraid of Mark Kirk are the national Democrats? Well, Sneed reports that Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart has been approached to run for the job…

• • The report: Several Sneed sources claim that Dart, who has had a boatload of national publicity this year, was approached several weeks ago by a top top Dem to seriously consider running for the U.S. Senate seat once occupied by President Obama.

(The “top Dem,” who has heavy influence in Cook County and the Obama administration, verified the report, but asked to remain unidentified.)

• • The response: “The sheriff is seriously considering it and will announce his decision by the end of the month,” said a top Dart source.

• • The reason: Dem sources, who are furious that Chris Kennedy “went underground” and pulled out of the Senate race late in the game, tell Sneed they feel the present list of Dem Senate candidates, state Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias and the Urban League’s Cheryle Jackson, is fairly weak.

Sneed admits further into the story that few believe Dart will actually run, but stories like this won’t help either Giannoulias or Jackson.



  1. - Team America - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 9:24 am:

    Seems like further proof that Kirk is the only Republican with a chance for Senate. With more and more candidates lining up recently to try to capture what anti-Kirk vote is out there, it seems like Kirk’s potential primary hurdle may be less than feared.

  2. - MrJM - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 9:26 am:

    They’re rattled by that damn dog!

    – MrJM

  3. - wordslinger - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 9:32 am:

    I don’t doubt that the national Dems are worried about losing the seat. Alexi and Jackson certainly aren’t the A-Team for the Dems.

    Was anyone really counting on Chris Kennedy the last few weeks? I suspect Jay Doherty’s crew was trying to stir up some enthusiasm for him, but at some point you have to show a willingness to knock heads in the arena.

    If I were Dart, I would do it. He’s obviously very ambitious, has gotten a lot of good press and open Senate seats don’t come along very often. But he has to make a move, now.

    What does he have to lose, except the Dickensian job of running 26th and Cal?

  4. - Niles Township - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 9:32 am:

    I’m a moderate Dem, and based on the current Dem crop for the Senate, I would plan on voting for Kirk. Before anyone accuses me of being a Elephant in Donkey’s clothing, note that voted for the following for Senate: Durbin, Obama, Simon etc.

  5. - corvax - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 9:38 am:

    there’s no bad publicity (except really bad publicity–and that didn’t work the last time). the waves of combine senate darlings falling off keeps Alexi in the news w/o actually having to spend $ against a real primary opponent (which Ms. Jackson doesn’t seem to really be) and puts into sharp relief Alexi’s independent dem credibility (in this context, support by Mell, Cullerton, et al. is simply evidence of his ability to unite disparate party elements).

    Given how hard Alexi has worked downstate, ability to raise lots of cash for a media campaign, charisma advantage and Kirk’s inability to project a more favorable family-man image, I think Alexi will emerge as much stronger candidate as the general approaches.

  6. - Fran H. - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 9:39 am:

    Obviously, the White House sees Alexi as a sure loser. Dart might be the only guy left who can overcome Alexi’s headstart and cash advantage. Dart has the media eating out of his hand right now and the thought of running against him will cause restlessness in the Kirk camp.

    But as Sneed mentions, it doesn’t seem like Dart wants to go anywhere. Hasn’t he already turned down similar encouragement to run for Guv and County Board Prez? Why he isn’t leaping at the chance to exit the sheriff’s office is beyond me. That job can destroy a career in the blink of an eye.

  7. - Small Town Liberal - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 9:43 am:

    My views are pretty far left, but if Kirk voted in favor of a public option as part of healthcare reform, I’d vote for him. This is a loser for the Dems.

  8. - Beowulf - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 9:53 am:

    I am inclined to think that the Democrats are making Mark Kirk into the 800 pound gorilla when (in fact) he is not nearly as ominous a threat as they have been led to believe. There are many Republicans that are not as passionate about Mark Kirk nor his chances of being elected as the Dems themselves are. Are the current Democrat candidates for Barack’s old seat a little weak? Perhaps but Kirk is “far from” a slam-dunk GOP candidate.

  9. - Pre - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 9:54 am:

    I like the Sheriff but its pretty late in the game and its going to be hard to put together a good number for the September 30th FEC reports. This only makes Kirk look stronger while the Democrats keep looking. If I was Alexi I’d be putting something stronger in my coffee this Friday.

  10. - Adam Smith - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 9:55 am:

    Kirk has been almost exclusively downstate this month and is busting his hump to win over the skeptics among the downstate GOP. Aside from the ususal wing-nuts who will never, ever give in to a moderate, he seems to be making good progress.

    The fact that Kirk is already ahead in polling (but within the margin for error) is a huge indication of his strenght. He is unknown downstate while Alexi has run there before. Downstate (overall) is marginally GOP, so once Kirk can get known there and can articulate where he is on rural issues, he can pick up even more steam. And he is the absloute best candidate to win back suburban moderates who have been leaving the GOP in droves.

    On the Dart issue, he’s good, but he ain’t that good to come in late with no hard money, no downstate name ID and baggage from running a dysfunctional jail system, and think he’s going to save the Dem’s bacon.

    Big Advantage-Kirk

  11. - Responsa - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 9:55 am:

    Dart has exuded sincerity, competence and confidence in his recent calls to duty and is skilled at being interviewed by media. He does not come across as a smarmy politician–a wonderful distinction to have these days. Downstaters, especially, would like him. I suspect, though, that he’s too smart and too decent a guy to allow himself and his family to get sucked into the 2010 national political meatgrinder and festering D.C. culture. Hope his plan is to stay and run for Mayor or Governor at some point, though.

  12. - Anon - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 9:57 am:

    Can’t blame the party leadership (The WHITE HOUSE) for not wanting Alexi. I give them credit, they tried to get Madigan, Kennedy, Daley and still got left with not-so-bright start Alexi.

  13. - Brennan - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 9:57 am:

    Kirk’s alternative health care reform proposal did not include a government option. Is it likely to get adopted by the Tuesday Group?

    Health insurance reform is a ship taking on more water than it can pump out at the moment. The moderation is going to move right or become a fumble recovered by the GOP.

  14. - Cassandra - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 9:57 am:

    If Kirk can make it through the primary, maybe he can get the fairness vote. In an extremely blue state, folks, especially moderates and independents, might want to give Republicans a chance to redeem themselves after nearly a decade of post-Ryan blues. And nobody is well served by a one-party state–another reason to vote for
    a bit of balance.

  15. - Red Hawk - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 10:08 am:

    I guess playing basketball with the ‘chosen one’ doesn’t mean much these days….

  16. - Team America - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 10:09 am:

    I find it amusing to read the propaganda on Kirk’s liberal views being pushed by the likes of Martin, Wallace, Hughes, etc., and then read the equally slanted material sent out previously by the 10th District Democrats, the Seals campaign, on how conservative and dyed-in-the-wool Republican Kirk is. You’d hardly believe they were talking about the same person. If you average the two opposing views, pretty much sounds like the moderate candidate Kirk has always claimed to be.

  17. - grant39 - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 10:13 am:

    Kirk’s polling numbers obviously put a scare into the Dems. For a congressman to lead a statewide official head to head at this point is a huge show of Kirk’s strength, Lexi’s vulnerability, and the overall climate. Kirk will make through a primary, and is the kind of Republican this state has elected many times before.

  18. - winner - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 10:17 am:

    Go Dart!

    Dems up and down the ballot may go down next November if we don’t win the U.S. Senate race.

  19. - Meterman - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 10:21 am:

    If not mistaken isn’t Alexi Giannoulias the only politican that has eveer defeated Speaker Mike Madigan at his own game (Illinois elections)? The notion that Alexi is a “weak” candidate is reeeeediculous!

  20. - Louis G. Atsaves - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 10:23 am:

    As a Kirk supporter, and a Greek-American, I can only sit back in amazement at the Obama Administration. First they court Lisa Madigan for the job. Now Tom Dart?

    And Alexi loyally stood by Obama and still loyally stands by him?

    Hey Alexi, you keep getting thrown under the “leftherio” by your pal and mentor. Katalavenis?

  21. - Third Generation Chicago Native - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 10:26 am:

    I don’t see Dart jumping in this. He has 5 young children growing up in his South-Side neighborhood of Beverly (That’s the South Sides equivalent of the North Side’s Gold Coast) From the interviews Dart has had, he always says how he loves to be a Dad and come home to his kids each day. I don’t see him spending time away from his family in DC. He has now made himself known that he is a force to be reckoned with in Cook County and he is now getting to a place where he can accomplish more in his position.

    From what I have been hearing Alexi is the front runner, I have not heard that Kennedy was a front runner ever, so it doesn’t seem like him dropping out is going to make a difference.

  22. - Brennan - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 10:27 am:

    ==Kirk’s polling numbers obviously put a scare into the Dems.==

    You’re not buying the “Rasmussen stacks his polls with GOP voters” talking point? That one has been around since at least 2006.

  23. - Out There - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 10:35 am:

    Thanks Sneed for the charming tale. Alexi and the White House are very tight. Alexi is a rabid fundraiser - but who cares; he’s a multi-millionaire. He can self-fund any race he wants. So who is this ‘Top Dem’ player? Only with that player’s name could we judge the weight of this story.

  24. - Responsa - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 10:43 am:

    Charlie Cook, noted political and election analyst– and no hack of either party– issued a report yesterday that predicts a 2010 bloodbath for Dems nationwide. As I recall he thinks well over 20 lost Dem congressional seats is very likely. I should think that attractive non-incumbent Dem candidates hoping to move up in politics might be generally leery of going to the 2010 party under a mid term election cloud, and at a time when polls show generic U.S. congressmen and senators are trusted and liked about as much as used car salesmen.

  25. - Hon. Cranial Lamb - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 10:45 am:

    The Dems are right to be uneasy. Kirk is the lead dog right now and Giannoulias and Jackson are not good enough to beat him.

    Tom Dart may not have been my first choice, but he’ll be my next choice! He’s a great campaigner and it’s a free shot for him - he should go for it!

  26. - E Pluribus - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 10:54 am:

    Alexi is a featherweight with a bankbook. But he probably doesn’t have the money it will take to self-fund a senate campaign. His bank stock is way down since he ran for treasurer and it could take upwards of $20 mil to win.

    For a guy with no experience on foreign policy, defense, health care, trade, or any other federal issues, it will take a lot more than money to make him look good next to Kirk.

  27. - VanillaMan - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 10:54 am:

    Yeah - it looks like Kirk can win. Today. This month. When is that election?


    Trying to talk another Democrat to run in the primary isn’t such a good thing to do. It could just end up hurting everyone, and electing a weaker candidate than Giannoulais, (who isn’t all that bad, btw).

    So Alexi doesn’t look like a shoe-in anymore. Big deal. Welcome to the real world. Welcome to a democracy!

    Giannoulais is going to have to do more than run as Obama’s Mini-Me, in order to have a leg to stand on, if - Obama’s popularity continues to plummet, (which it shouldn’t). But all Alexi has been doing is looking like Obama’s little Portuguese pet, but out of a kennel with links to feloneous figures. That’s not a winner.

    So, decide you silly people! Stick with Giannoulais and get him and his campaign on track to win, or shop around for a political mercenary with some kind of magical formula.

    Yeah - Kirk can win. But isn’t that the point? Each party picks a candidate that can win?

    Has Illinois become such a sink-hole of single-party hell that the Party in Power expects no competition on Election Day? Where have their heads been over the past decade?

    When any party starts to worry about political competition, they have forgotten what they stand for and fear they have lost touch with voters to easily win, which is a problem for everyone. And they need to go!

  28. - Bloomintonian - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 10:54 am:

    Kirk may well be a strong candidate but ultimately Illinois is a Democratic state and, barring a major scandal by the Democratic nominee, we will elect a democrat to represent us in Washington. States may elect other partisans as their chief executive, but the rarely switch up when it comes to federal legislative positions.

  29. - PFK - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 10:58 am:

    Republicans not supporting Kirk, Dems not supporting Giannoulias…just vote for LeAlan Jones, that way everybody wins.

  30. - Fran H. - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 11:01 am:

    My bet is the Top Dem Sneed mentioned is Axelrod. Dart is a former client of his. I guess it could be Rahm, too.

  31. - Shore - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 11:03 am:

    If you look at their resumes, this isn’t even close. Kirk’s won 3 tough elections in brutal republican years and has the best credentials of any Republican or Democrat to run for Senate from this state in a LONG time.

    Alexi’s cv is donations to obamas campaign in 2004, beating a dem and republican in 2006 no one’s ever heard of. One’s ready to be a Senator, one’s ready to be a senate staffer.

    It’s also a HUGE sign of weakness in the obama brand that his protege who he called one of the finest young men he’s ever met is struggling.

    Cheryle Jackson isn’t worth our time.

  32. - Anonymous - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 11:17 am:

    You are way wrong on Sneed source

  33. - Just Observing - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 11:32 am:

    Meterman: First of all, Alexi is not the only person to beat Madigan “at his own game.” And Alexi’s win was hardly some Machiavillian/Sun Tzu campaign battle where he out-witted the Madigan machine — Madigan hardly fought that battle.

    Secondly, I like Alexi as a person, but he is a weak, weak candidate against Mark Kirk. I’m not saying that Alexi will lose for sure, but Mark Kirk would not be thought of as such a threat if he was running against Dan Hynes, Lisa Madigan, Tom Dart, John Fritchey, Forrest Claypool, and others. BTW… Cheryl Jackson is extremely weak too.

  34. - Boone Logan Square - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 11:48 am:

    Are Dem sources furious that Kennedy pulled out, or is it Sneed that is furious that Kennedy pulled out?

  35. - Rob_N - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 12:16 pm:

    Small Town Lib and Brennan,

    Kirk’s “plan” essentially forbids any public option or any American plan at all. That’s why it includes the contradictory passages specifically allowing exceptions for the VA and Medicare since those are government-run plans (the VA even hires doctors — eek, socialized medicine. Medicare works with doctors in private practice — eek, the free market).

    It does nothing to solve the current health insurance crisis and instead actually reinforces the status quo.

    To wit: Rep. Kirk likes to say his bill specifically forbids “government interference in doctor’s decisions”. (I guess for everything except women’s doctors and the Terry Schiavos of America since the GOP is a-ok with interfering w/ doctors in those cases… but that’s another story).

    The problem isn’t gov’t interference in doctor’s decisions — it’s insurance companies’ interference with the doctor-patient relationship.

  36. - fedup dem - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 12:26 pm:

    Rich, why do you continue to treat Sneed as if she deserves the title of journalist? She is an overrated political panderer, and has been for years. She is well known for making numerous predicitions about who may run for an office, and should she by chance stumble on the person who eventually wins that post, she will shout out about her early prediction, completely ignoring the dozen or so incorrect stories she wrote along the way.

    Michael Sneed is journalistic garbage. You would be far better off to act as if she no longer exists.

  37. - wordslinger - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 12:40 pm:

    =The problem isn’t gov’t interference in doctor’s decisions — it’s insurance companies’ interference with the doctor-patient relationship.=

    What are you saying, Rob N? Do insurance companies “ration” care. I thought anything goes, no question asked.

    We’ve got to get on this, pronto.

  38. - bored now - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 12:50 pm:

    we certainly can’t have that uppity greek kid in the senate! my god! two people who have successfully circumvented the madigan machine in the u.s. senate?!? that would be an absolute catastrophe!

    well, maybe for the speaker.

    unfortunately, sneed’s description of a top dem sure sounds like the speaker or one of his bed fellows. and i’m betting sneed really knows better than this. the only illinois democrat in the white house who speaks for the president on this kind of thing is the president.

    but i have absolutely no doubt that the madigan peeps are shopping around for a candidate to take on the uppity greek kid. they probably will until the deadline passes. if politics is personal, the speaker has taken the saying to a whole new level (how long did it take the speaker to put alexi on the illinois democratic party’s website???)…

  39. - (618) Democrat - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 1:08 pm:

    I have no way of knowing who the un-named source that Sneed claims to be quoting is but I do know a named source called the Illinois Democratic County Chairmans Association which is made up of 102 Democratic County Chairmen.

    This association made a clear and strong endorsement of Alexi Giannoulias for U.S. Senate.

    I have been involved in Illinois politics for over 30 years and I have never seen more enthusiasm from Conty Chairmen or rank and file Democrats for a candidate.

    As for Mr. Kirk and his Senate bid. From what I am hearing from Southern Illinois Republicans I wouldn’t be counting my chickens before they are hatched.

  40. - E Pluribus - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 1:09 pm:


    Your insipid and downright incorrect statements about health care and Kirk’s proposals are the perfect example of why your government takeover is blowing up in your own faces. Everyone can see through your lies and false rhetoric and see what you are trying to do. All you have to fall back on is that if someone opposes your socialism the are “for the status quo.” Which is pure BS. Kirk and other GOPers have real proposals that will produce real results. Just not the government takeover results you and your fellow travelers want. And now your president doesn’t even know what he supports. It’s hard to tell which is more pathetic, your proposals or your tactics for selling them.

  41. - wordslinger - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 1:11 pm:

    –I have been involved in Illinois politics for over 30 years and I have never seen more enthusiasm from Conty Chairmen or rank and file Democrats for a candidate.–

    Alexi? Really? Don’t oversell, brother. (psst, don’t foget the dude in the White House).

  42. - Niles Township - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 1:21 pm:

    Shore: You get the line of the day for sure.

    “One’s ready to be a Senator, one’s ready to be a senate staffer.”

  43. - Conservative Republican - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 1:21 pm:

    Kudos to Miller for featuring a news item detrimental to Alexi. Hope to see more.

  44. - Skeeter - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 1:26 pm:

    Niles is right.

    Kirk knows his way around D.C. Adding him to Sen. Alexi’s staff would provide a right wing perspective and would also show signs that this talk about a new politics of cooperation is for real.

  45. - Shore - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 1:30 pm:

    I really struggle to think that conservative republicans are going to respond to the most liberal president in a generation by not voting for a republican u.s. senate candidate only to see a liberal chicago boy who would struggle to explain the foreign affairs section of time magazine win the senate seat. Can Alexi even find Pakistan on a map?

    They better have police and an ambulance on hand because after what Kirk will do to alexi in debates they are going to want to arrest him for the manslaughter he’s going to commit against Alexi.

  46. - (618) Democrat - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 1:31 pm:

    wordslinger, Not over selling at all and I assume you are talking about the President of the United States in the White House. Show some respect.

    But since you brought him up. When we get to the general election I am sure you will know exactly where the President stands and that will be firmly behind the Democrat Senate candidate which I believe will be Alexi.

    We won’t need un-named sources we will all be able to see with our own eyes the thousands of people at a rally for the Democrat Senate candidate in the Presidents home state.

  47. - Skeeter - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 1:33 pm:

    Conservative Republican,
    You are right. They are all out to get you. Miller, the MSM, EVERYONE!

  48. - wordslinger - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 1:36 pm:

    618, I have a great deal of respect for this and any other president.

    But when you say that Alexi is generating more enthusiasm among Dems than did people like Obama, Paul Simon and Lisa Madigan, I think you’re showing some disrespect for the truth.

  49. - (618) Democrat - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 1:49 pm:

    wordslinger, I said I have never seen more enthusiasm which is equeal to the enthusiasm we had for President Obama, Senator Simon and Attorney General Madigan.

    I predict the same out come, an Alexi victory.

  50. - Anonymous - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 1:54 pm:

    Shore, stretching the results of the debate just a bit, perhaps?

  51. - wordslinger - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 1:54 pm:

    618, even by such precise measures of such a subjective phenomenon, I gotta say….. I don’t see it.

  52. - Shore - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 2:03 pm:

    Obama has been magic fairy dust for Illinois Dems outside of Dan Seals, sprinkle a little on, and poof all the scandals, incompetenence, policy failures, political messes go away. At some point like with Dan Seals it’s not going to be able to do the trick and Dems are going to be in for a really nasty surprise. Alexi’s campaign seems to be 100 percent banking on Obama, which is pretty weak considering Senators have to be able to stand on their own 2 feet.

    I was also really unimpressed with that video of his chief of staff from yesterday. Maybe I’m just used to the north shore where even the duds like dan seals and footlik are somewhat articulate, but that woman was barely intelligible.

  53. - (618) Democrat - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 2:05 pm:

    wordslinger, That is quite alright. You will.

  54. - MOON - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 2:42 pm:


    I personally think the Speaker does not give a “rats a–” who is elected Senator.

  55. - Rob_N - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 2:54 pm:

    Moon, think again.

    And don’t forget the words “Speaker” and “Illinois Dem Party Chairman” are interchangeable.

  56. - MOON - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 2:57 pm:


    I did give that cosideration before making that statement and I stand by what I said!

  57. - Bubs - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 2:58 pm:

    Can’t see Dart running.

    He would run against a young man who has statewide popularity, and the the advantage of percieved Obama friendship (whether Obama suppoorts Alexi or not). If he wins that one, he runs against another realtively young male candidate (i.e., the “youthful” bit does not work in either election) with tons o’ cash coming out of the RNC.

    Obama’s support is slipping, will slip more as health care reaches a messy climax and Afghanistan losses mount in 2010 - there just are not enough troops there to to the job. It is going to be a GOP year, as are most Midterm elections with a Democrat in the White House, and this time perhaops stronger than most.

    His previous statewide run was a loss to Topinka.

    If he remains as Sheriff, he could safely be in office for quite a while, or can run for something later, in a better political year.

    In all, it sounds pretty uphill to me, espcially to a guy that has not been hungering for it.

  58. - MOON - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 3:01 pm:



  59. - Small Town Liberal - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 3:52 pm:

    Rob_N - I wasn’t saying I think Kirk might vote for a public option. I was just illustrating that if it weren’t for that issue I could see myself voting for him if I didn’t like the Democratic candidate. That said, I know he’s against a public option so theres no chance he’ll be getting my vote.

  60. - Ghost - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 4:09 pm:

    618 I have yet to see this groundswell of support for Alexi; I see a lot of Dems mourning that fact Lisa madigan did not run for the Senate seat or Gov.

    Meterman: Alexi did not get MJM endorsement, but MJM did not pull out the big guns in that fight either. Plus Alexi had a chunk of the team which pushed Obama up behind him at that time as well.

    I think Alexi is a good canidate; but the problem is mark Kirk is a great canidate and so far Alexi has not gotten out in front of the race and has no apparent momentum.

  61. - Skeeter - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 4:13 pm:

    Kirk a great candidate?
    Come on.
    He’s a guy who barely held his own seat.
    If the people that know him best are not thrilled, what do you think the rest of the state will see?
    When it comes down to it, the only people that like Kirk are those who like him just because they think he’s the best hope for the GOP.
    The right wing hates him.
    The moderates don’t trust him.
    The liberals would never vote for him.
    Where’s his deep support?

  62. - okay then... - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 4:18 pm:

    Tom Dart, whatever you do, don’t do it!

    If anything Dart should have run against Lisa Madigan for AG. I think you would have won that hands down because the Madigan brand is damaged this year thanks to her father.

  63. - okay then... - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 4:23 pm:

    Thanks Sneed for the charming tale. Alexi and the White House are very tight. Alexi is a rabid fundraiser - but who cares; he’s a multi-millionaire. He can self-fund any race he wants. — Out There - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 10:35 am:

    Everything you write is true. But you noticeably and rightly leave out the fact that inspite of all of that, Alexi cannot and will not be able to beat Kirk in a general election.

    Alexi has no federal legislative experience and is running on “hope” and “change.” We’ve heard all of that before. Ask obama how “hope” and “change” are working for him right now. They aren’t, and knowing republicans on the federal level as we do, they love trench warfare and are very good at it.

  64. - Anonymous - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 4:26 pm:

    I remember the McKennas campaigning with their little ones during the 04 Senate Race. Big kudos to Mary, Andy, and their beautiful, beautiful children for somehow managing to keep it all together–especially toward the end when they did their last big trek around the State (bus and all).

    They certainly made it look easy–everyone always came out smiling and waving–but I remember bumping into Mary thinking “wow, how DOES she do it”?!!!

  65. - Just Observing - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 4:36 pm:

    Skeeter: It’s a bit disingenuous to say Kirk barely held on to his own seat. You need to put into perspective that he is Republican in a Democratic district. Moreover, he was caught off guard in 2006 against Seals — Kirk actually increased his margin of victory in 2008 against Seals in a very pro-Democratic election. Challengers usually do better the second time around, not worse; Kirk will be very formidable against Alexi.

  66. - Meterman - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 4:44 pm:

    Just Observing,

    First of all, what other candidate beat Mike Madigan in a Democrat primary race? Second, Madigan doesn’t fight battles he plans on losing.

    Secondly, Alexi is a stronger Democrat candidate than Hynes, Madigan, Dart, Fritchey and Claypool combined.

    The simple fact is, Alexi is going to win.

  67. - wordslinger - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 4:55 pm:

    –If anything Dart should have run against Lisa Madigan for AG. I think you would have won that hands down because the Madigan brand is damaged this year thanks to her father.–

    How’s the weather on Mars these days?

  68. - anon - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 10:05 pm:

    Alexi beat the Madigan Machine. What a joke. Reality…Alexi won on very strong support in Cook County from the African American Community. During that State Treasurer Election, you could not go less than a mile on the South Side to the lakefront and not see an Alexi/Obama or Alexi/Jesse Jackson Jr. Billboard. They were all over the place. I am unsure if the Obama/Jackson Jr. Brand is that strong right now. Alexi is no Obama and one term as Treasurer will not do it. I guess I am also upset that I lost $3400 in my child’s bright start program from the current State Treasurer who is a Banker by trade. In short, Alexi will not get many votes from the Bright Start Base!! I hope Tom Dart decides to run. He would be a great candidate.

  69. - Koulos - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 10:48 pm:

    Hamos ought to go for the US Senate. She could take Giannoulias, and has the toughness to face a wily, tough competitor like Kirk.

  70. - bueler - Saturday, Aug 22, 09 @ 9:46 pm:

    seriously, c’mon. We are still quoting Sneed?!?! Sneed who said Madigan in the Senate race was a lock? Sneed who said Kennedy was announcing the next day?? Sneed who said Obama asked Lisa to run???

    She is a total joke. Stick to celebrity sightings (although I am a little suspicious of the truth of those as well).

    A blind monkey with a handful of dart and names on a wall would be right more often than this goofball.

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