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Not a bad day at all

Friday, Aug 21, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This story’s first two grafs contradict each other

On a day when Illinois Republicans got a chance to show voters they’re ready to capitalize on the scandal of former Democratic Gov. Rod Blagojevich, their message was stepped on by an unexpected leadership upheaval that underscored a chronic lack of cohesion.

Andy McKenna stepped down as Illinois GOP chairman Thursday, and stunned party leaders quickly selected Pat Brady, the state’s liaison to the Republican National Committee, as his successor.

Pat Brady’s quick election to party chairman “underscored” that the IL GOP appears to be getting its act together and is becoming more cohesive, not less. McKenna’s surprise announcement was just a typical stunt by a man who loves himself a bit too much. Brady appears to be a worker, not a publicity hound, but he still handles himself well in front of the cameras…

* I haven’t seen a GOP Day crowd like yesterday’s in many a year

The old timers say there was a larger turnout this year for the party’s picnic and earlier breakfast. And one reason, for sure, is the fact that six candidates for governor showed up looking for statewide name recognition while pushing reform.

A bigger reason is that the Republicans smell blood in the water, and for once it’s not their own.

* Quote of the day goes to Sen. Matt Murphy, a GOP gubernatorial candidate who had this to say about the Illinois Democrats…

“Can you smell the opportunity?” Sen. Matt Murphy (R-Palatine) said. “Have they put the damned ball on a tee for us or what?”

* Yes, there is opportunity, but the Republicans still have some big weak spots

Republican leaders also introduced a candidate for secretary of state, Aurora business consultant Robert Enriquez. Until now, the GOP had no takers for the job of challenging popular Democratic Secretary of State Jesse White.

The GOP still lacks a major candidate for attorney general.

* And Congressman John Shimkus’ admission that the Republican position is “Just say no” probably could use a rethink…

* Related…

* Illinois GOP chairman McKenna quits; ex-prosecutor will replace him

* Illinois GOP chairman McKenna quits

* Brady: 2010 will be ‘phenomenal year’ for Illinois GOP

* Republican transition

* Change becomes theme of Republican rally

* Quinn to fairgoers: Guv’s mansion is ‘the people’s house’

* Video: Murphy on ad attacking GOP opponent


  1. - Anon - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 11:28 am:

    Watching Shimkus reminds me of the SNL skit where Joh Lovitz played Dukakis in the debate with Bush and said. “I cant believe I’m losing to this guy.” I wish somebody could explain to me why this man is still a member of congress.

  2. - wordslinger - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 11:48 am:

    The ball’s on the tee, and you might get a hit if it’s Blago, Burris and Stroger all the time.

    But I’d avoid any bashing that uses the words “Chicago” or “Cook County.” People like to rip about where they live, but they don’t like to hear others doing it. And remember, what you say anywhere will be picked up everywhere.

    A lot of folks who live in the collars consider themselves”Chicagoans,” too, by virtue of proximity, work and cultural ties. Stick with the Big Three Infamous personalities and head north by northeast — that’s where you need to pick up votes.

  3. - P. - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 12:18 pm:

    Can Matt Murphy smell his district disappearing? Plenty of time for the country club coming soon, Matt.

  4. - Just sayin - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 12:26 pm:

    Yet another rigged party election for the Illinois GOP. Anyone who thinks Brady and McKenna hadn’t worked this out in advance is nuts.

    Every Repulican I’ve talked to is really annoyed about the way this thing was done. There was zero notice and no other candidates even had a chance to submit their names for party chairman.

    This is not how you inspire Republicans to go out and volunteer to win elections.

  5. - Shore - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 12:31 pm:

    That was an awful piece of journalism by Charles Thomas. ABC NEWS should be ashamed of it. Right wing, ultra conservative? Get over yourself, focus on issues, rather than dumb liberal media smearing of republicans.

    On the flipside, that kind of piece is exactly why these little conservatives are great for Kirk, every time he gets hit by those guys it looks to chicago voters like he’s a moderate.

  6. - Anonymous - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 12:36 pm:

    Brady is an interestin choice. the next step will be to see if he can unite the conservative and moderate repubs. Mckenna was unable to bring the factions together. if the GOP can unite its factions it can be a game changer; if they stay factionalized like this they will continue to be the party of also ran.

    the Dems are also a factionalized paty as well, this is not just a repub issue. In fact, i think the Dems have a lot more factions to juggle then the GOP. BUT the Dems have been doing a better job getting their factions together when it comes time to vote.

  7. - Ghost - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 12:39 pm:

    That anonymous is me, forgots me handle

  8. - Justice - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 1:08 pm:

    Shimkus has never impressed me and the “just say no” slogan is a bad, bad idea. The Republican party needs a positive slogan, and positive leadership.

    As for Brady, we all hope he can pull things together. It will take hard work, a good plan, and a well coordinated effort to win. He seems to be just the person to pull it off.

  9. - Conservative Republican - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 1:27 pm:

    Triple kudos to Rich Miller for calling the Trib on its blatant inherent contradiction. Rich has it right when he observes the ILGOP is now acting as it has its you-know-what together by smoothly transitioning to savvy professional Pat Brady. I can’t believe the Trib story carried Pearson’s by-line, unless Pearson, in typical MSM fashion wants to sabotage the GOP by intentionally slanting the chairmanship change as a negative story. Frankly, McKenna’s leadership had been drawing so many critics from so many quarters, he’s done the party a great favor by this well timed transition.

  10. - CircularFiringSquad - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 1:39 pm:

    Just relistened to the video and noticed Gags said he was a DC prosecutor and an assistant states attorney..the very thorough media did not ask under which SA Whacky Jack O’Malley….hopeful not Dick Devine or Mayor Daley
    Since he worked with McCain perhaps we can count o Caribou Barbie racing into IL soon.

  11. - Steve Downstate - Friday, Aug 21, 09 @ 2:28 pm:

    Ghost, amen to what you said about Shimkus. My doofus congressman. I cannot refer to him, not once, without calling him a doofus. Sorry. It should be part of his name. At least he isn’t quoting the Bible on health insurance, as he did when he argued in a House hearing that we do not need to worry about global warming…since God will decide when the world ends. Sigh.

  12. - Beowulf - Saturday, Aug 22, 09 @ 12:17 pm:

    McKenna may like to grandstand a little bit too much but lest there be any doubt, the larger populated Illinois county GOP chairmen knew in advance that Andy was stepping down. It was meant to be an orderly transition (which it was).

    Now, it remains to be seen if Pat Brady is simply an Andy McKenna Jr. or is he the long-awaited Messiah ( That GOP leader that can keep his members from cannibalizing themselves). Good luck, Mr. Brady.

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