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Let’s play: “Rate that… ”

Monday, Aug 24, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From AFSCME…

The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Council 31 filed suit today in Johnson County, seeking an injunction that would stop the threatened layoff of some 2,600 state of Illinois employees.

“AFSCME and our members are using every tool to prevent layoffs and the harm they will cause,” Council 31 executive director Henry Bayer said. “Frontline staff shortages have already eroded the timeliness and quality of basic services and resulted in more than $100 million in overtime, much of it forced, in the last fiscal year alone. Layoffs will make those problems worse.

“In addition to being ill-advised, we also believe these layoffs are illegal,” Bayer added. “We have a very strong case that the state is violating the AFSCME contract by failing to bargain over the layoffs, putting employees at risk in understaffed prisons, and contracting out work that should be done by our members. Many of these factors are the fault of past administrations that neglected and mismanaged state government, and we want to work together with Governor Quinn to address them. We can’t do that, however, as long as any AFSCME member is facing layoff.”

Download the suit by clicking here. Download the exhibits by clicking here.

One a scale of one to ten - with ten being most agree and one being most disagree - rate how strongly you support or oppose AFSCME’s tactics vs. the governor.

* Another blast at Gov. Pat Quinn by his Democratic primary opponent Dan Hynes. From a press release…

With classes set to begin today and no resolution to the University of Illinois admissions scandal, Illinois Comptroller and Democratic candidate for Governor Dan Hynes today said Pat Quinn had mishandled the situation, and by failing to deal with it in a timely manner had in fact contributed to the growing chaos.

“As classes resume this week, University of Illinois students are returning to chaos,” Hynes said. “The Governor has mishandled this situation from the beginning, and it is unacceptable that we find ourselves at this point as a new school year begins.”

Noting that the initial story broke last May, and that University administrators who presided over the mess remain in place while the Board of Trustees is in turmoil, Hynes called Quinn to account for his plodding and botched handling of the situation.

“The people of Illinois have a right to be angry as to how and why this chaotic situation has dragged on so long,” Hynes said. “The entire summer has gone by without a resolution, and now matters only seem to be accelerating further off the rails. The Governor has taken a bad situation and made it worse.”

Hynes was critical of the Governor’s failure to resolve the scandal, calling it an abdication of true leadership.

“The Governor should have set up a process to acquire all the facts and chosen a course of action by the first of July - using the summer to resolve this problem. Instead, the University of Illinois is in chaos as school begins. As with his approach to Illinois’ budget crisis, and his failure to fire Blagojevich political appointees like EPA Director Doug Scott, this is just another example of Pat Quinn failing to lead, and every day the situation just gets worse. Public relations is not a substitute for leadership.”

What rating would you give the effectiveness of this campaign press release? Explain.

* State Rep. Beth Coulson’s congressional campaign website appears to list endorsements for state legislative races.

Misleading rating?

* Today’s Sneedling

Sneed is told a soon-to-be released statewide poll conducted by Dem national pollsters Greenberg, Quinlan & Rosner shows Dem U.S. Senate hopeful/state Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias beating Republican U.S. Senate opponent Mark Kirk in a head-to-head race. “Alexi has a solid lead over Kirk . . . outside the margin of error of 3 percent,” a source said.

†To wit: “The telephone poll of 805 people statewide was taken in early August, and even after a battery of equally weighted positives and negatives Giannoulias still came out ahead,” the source added.

No toplines at all? Really? What the heck?

Useless info rating?


  1. - Louis Howe - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 1:09 pm:

    AFSCME agree rating [1]…I spent a career supporting unions, but talk with any non-AFSCME BA and you’ll hear the blue collar viewpoint about the AFSCME contract abuses. Taxpayers cannnot continue to provide wage increases at 2-to-3 times the inflation rate. It’s not just the wage schedules, but also the work rules. Here’s one example, management must proceed through 12 time consuming steps before an employee can be dismissed, whereas, other labor contacts call for as few as 4.

  2. - Bill - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 1:13 pm:

    AFCSME agreement rating-10. At least they are trying to prevent Quinn from further decimating state services. This is not the first time Quinn has proposed unconstitutional and illegal cutbacks. The law applies even to the great Gov. Quinn. Blagojevich got impeached for a lot less.

  3. - Anonymous - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 1:18 pm:

    Is U of I really “in chaos” from a student’s perspective or a faculty member’s perspective? Since they are the ones for whom the start of the school year matters, what’s the big deal? Are classes not meeting? Paychecks not being processed?

  4. - Brennan - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 1:22 pm:

    ==For the record, Giannoulias is a client of Greenberg, Quinlan & Rosner, according to the firm’s Web site. Stay tuned.==

    Sneed mentions this, but Politico does not. Good grief.

    PS: Poll of registered voters or likely voters?

  5. - wordslinger - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 1:25 pm:

    AFCSME — 5. They’re using every tool they have. It’s to be expected, so I’m indifferent. Of course, their ultimate card is that he has no chance of an endorsement unless the matter is resolved to their satisfaction.

    Hynes — Did he actually say this to anyone, anywhere, or is it just a made-out-of-whole-cloth press release? If so, I hate that lazy kind of politics and journalism. It’s a scam on the reader.

    He has quite a mouthful to say there. He should say it to someone and have some dialogue, preferably with students and staff in Champaign, and the press. Why isn’t he? Get on TV for nothing.

    Sneed Info: 100% useless.

  6. - 10thCDRepublican - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 1:28 pm:

    Beth Coulson is not going to be able to pull off this primary. She is so used to running in a General Election in a Democrat leaning area that she really has no clue how to attack a primary. To wit, she has hired two Hard Democrats, Jen Belkov and Joe Woodward to manage her campaign. Coulson doesn’t realize there is no way the conservatives are going to “forgive” her endorsements by AFSCME, SEIU, AFL-CIO, The Brady Campaign, Personal Pac, The League of Conservation Voters and the gay rights groups. Not to mention that she co-sponsored Julie Hamos’s RTA tax increase bill so she has credibility issues on fiscal responsibility. I can’t believe I am saying this but she is too liberal for the 10th District. She was good for where she was in the state house but it’s not going to work this race. Sorry Coulson you made a bad choice getting into this. You’ve just got too much Springfield baggage.

  7. - Billy - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 1:35 pm:

    I agree rating 10 with AFSCME’s tactics The Department of Corrections has had to many cuts already. In 1992 the Department of Corrections had approx 30,000 prisoners and approx. 20,000 employees today they have over 45,000 prisoners and 11,000 employees.

  8. - What the? - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 1:52 pm:

    AFSCME agreement - 1. Completely disagree. There is not enough funding to support the budget so reductions have to be made and yes, payroll is part of those reductions. The general assembly did not pass any new revenues, in fact, they threw their collective hands up in the air saying “here is a pot of money Governor, you deal with the problem as best you can.” The layoffs as well as spending reductions to other programs is how the governor will deal with the issue.

    I believe AFSCME has been out front supporting the need for new revenue including raising taxes.

    Why doesn’t AFSCME sue the general assembly for failing to pass revenues to support the budget?

  9. - TDin47th - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 2:00 pm:

    I give Hynes’ attack a 9, deduct a point for the politics, but enough is enough with Quinn. This issue should have been resolved before school started and I’m glad someone other than the press is finally being vocal about it.

  10. - Shore - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 2:04 pm:

    It’s hard to take the son of a big time illinois politician who has been in office for 11 years seriously when he starts blasting the system. He’s been there 11 years, that’s more than enough time to show us what he can do. If at the end he’s blasting the system, perhaps it’s him that’s the problem. PR FAIL.

    To me one of the best reasons for a gop guv is putting the taxpayers back ahead of the special interests. Government is not an employment program for beuracrats and a pot for special interests. If these people had to go, good bye.

    Coulson should run in the democrat primary. the blago endorsement flyer, the hiring of a campaign manager who worked for hillary and a dem earlier this year, a list of endorsements of radical lefty groups like NOW, AFL, Afscme, seiu, opposed to the gop and business moderates in her district, she’s clearly the democrat candidate in the republican primary.

  11. - motherjones - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 2:05 pm:

    AFSCME Agreement Rating - 10

    I only hope it comes soon enough. It is a sad testament to the state of Illinois’ politics when workers already beleaguered by bad government decisions have to step up and provide that type leadership on top of everything else they have been forced to deal with. It is time for all our officials to deal with reality rather than their myopic concerns about the next race.

  12. - Plutocrat03 - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 2:10 pm:

    I’m with “What the?

    AFSCME agreement 1. There has to be some level of give and take. All solutions cannot be to raise taxes

  13. - Homey - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 2:24 pm:

    AFSCME rating +10 - Let’s see elected officials and legislators work a year without pay - THEY can afford it!

  14. - Quinn T. Sential - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 2:26 pm:

    Funny how Hynes seemed to skip over Kevin Joyce’s role in the U of I matter. Since he is a likely (possible) candidate for Lt. Gov, shouldn’t his involvement be fair game as well?
    All PQ has done is try to clean up the mess created by others (like Joyce) and their no signs that he had any other involvement in the matter.

    How many 19th ward hacks snuck into the U of I through the backdoor while Joyce had it propped open for them, while the kids from Morgan Park had the front door bolted shut on them?

    Legitimate complaints are not unwarranted, but let’s give credit where credit is due.

  15. - cynically anonymous - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 2:30 pm:

    Until Quinn gets rid of all the top level overpaid do nothing bureaucrats that Blago and Jones brought in, I suspect that AFSCME will stand firm. It’s hard to justify laying off employees who are earning $30-$50K a year who actually do the work when there are management folks earning upwards of $100K who do nothing meaningful.

  16. - hopatit - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 2:33 pm:

    Coulson’s website looks like it was crafted in 1996 by a 12 year old kid. Joe Woodward, the genius who released his candidate’s internal polling showing Bryer with 0% of the vote is running the show, so I don’t expect much from this crew.

  17. - Union Proud - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 2:47 pm:

    AFSCME agreement — 10. The number of state employees has already been cut by 30% since 2002. Illinois now has the lowest number of state employees per capita in the country.

    Plus, laying people off will in many cases cost taxpayers more. When it comes to correctional officers or hospital workers, layoffs just mean you’ll replace straight time with time and a half from the remaining workers.

    Quinn’s people admit the easiest way to save money would be to cut down on the record amounts spent on forced overtime by bringing in new hires.

    Laying off frontline workers is just a non-solution.

  18. - zatoichi - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 2:47 pm:

    AFSCME -5- just doing what they feel they need to for their members. Got to wonder what’s the FTE count equivalent of $100M in overtime. At the same time guaranteed wage increases lead to fewer employees when bucks start to shrink. Need to wonder what happens to the union members when their jobs get cut.

    HYNES - 2 - Chaos? School not started? Dorms not full? Local retailers closing early? Class schedules all mixed up? Buses not running? HVAC down? Football schedule getting revamped? Where is the equal chaos at the GA for members who regularly called for a favor? At this stage the other state schools have got to be cleaning their policies and records.

    COULSON - 5- I assume she has the official endorsements on letterhead. If so good for her. If not, good luck.

    SNEED - 0 - The race is when?

  19. - Stones - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 2:49 pm:

    AFSCME rating 8.

    AFSCME is doing everything they can to protect their members as any good Union should. Quinn made a huge mistake ordering departments to put together furlough plans without first speaking with the Unions.

    While I agree that everyone needs to feel the pain during this time (including Unions) the Gov just can’t unilaterally decide that employees covered by collective bargaining agreements need to take furloughs without coming to some kind of understanding with them first.

  20. - San Juan - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 2:57 pm:

    Rest easy Dan. There is no chaos on campus unless one counts the first year students with their maps stepping out in front of traffic. Earlier in the summer a newspaper said the U of I was paralyzed. Nope. The work of the thousands and thousands of faculty, staff and students continues as normal. While absolutely regrettable and reprehensible, the actions by well-connected board members, legislators and others to pressure the administration (and the administrations reluctance to say “hands off”)has had zero impact on 99.9% of the aforementioned groups.

  21. - Cindy Lou - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 2:57 pm:

    Louis “It’s not just the wage schedules, but also the work rules. Here’s one example, management must proceed through 12 time consuming steps before an employee can be dismissed, whereas, other labor contacts call for as few as 4″.

    So Louis, your grip is the contract itself and nothing really to do with cost savings and the budget crisis, right?

    I give AFSCME efforts a 10, they might have an uphill battle and the media can spin it any way it pleases, but bottomline? Frontline has been ran into the ground for years, work loads are unrealistic and work is not getting done. Furloughs will only delay more work. Retirees and layoffs from previous years have not been replaced, yet higher ups? 1,600 under Blagojevich starting at $70,000 up? Union bargains for wage increases for bargaining unit members, who sets the higher ups wages? Does one really think the 38,000 or so AFSCME members are the root of all mismanagement and ills of the state and budget? Anyone really think, to use Rich’s words ‘regardless of consequences’ think going through with DOC frontline layoffs is the wise thing to do? What’s the game plan? Which if any of the TAB suggestions are management going with? I’ve yet to see a solid workable game plan, just a bunch of whining over not liking contracts and state trying to get around following existing ones.

  22. - VanillaMan - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 3:03 pm:

    AFSCME Assists Quinn By Suing Him

    AFSCME is helping Quinn by suing him to stop what he doesn’t really want to do. No only are layoffs unproductive, unfair and unnecessary - they are illegal. Who is zooming who here? By taking on the unions, is Quinn trying to pander to voters who still believe that Illinois employees are overpaid and underworked? Or is Quinn playing games with the union knowing he can win by looking tough, but can get out of the layoffs via the courts?

    Rating - 10 in agreement with AFSCME.


    Chicken Little Hynes Cries “Chaos”!

    The guy who continues to cry for his beloved state continues to weep for his beloved Illinois! The little man famous for yelling out “bankrupt!”, “broke!”, and “we’re outta checks!” has added “Chaos!” to his vocabulary.

    “University of Illinois students are returning to chaos,” Hynes said, as students filled dorms with beer bongs, kegs and flip-flops. Hynes blames the anarchy on Quinn’s handling of an admissions scandal that a recent polling of returning students shows that none of the students care about.

    Rating - Did you see those very nice ladies moving into Busey-Evans? WOW! They rate a 10!

  23. - A.B, - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 3:06 pm:

    Of course Giannoulias came out with a poll that he was leading…Rasmussen came out last week with a poll showing Kirk up 4 %, thus also outside of the 3% margin of error.

  24. - Fed Up - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 3:35 pm:


    While it is noble that the union is going to bat for us, the AFSCME contract does not require the Governor to bargain about layoffs. The layoffs are not illegal. Article II Section 1 of the AFSCME contract states as rights residing in management…” to relieve employees from duty because of lack of work or other legitimate reasons; to determine the size and composition of the work force”.

    The issue about contract employees is another issue. The state has been usurping the prohibition against the hiring of contract staff doing bargaining unit work for a long time. In my DHS office we have contract employees working as translators & social workers, both jobs that either are currently covered by the contract, or are jobs being done that were part of the job description of the Public Aid translator, which was folded into the Caseworker job when multiple job titles were consolidated.

  25. - J.R. - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 3:39 pm:

    Coulson did not receive any of those endorsements for her race for congress. Those are all from her state house race in 2008. This leads me to believe her campaign is either inept or deceptive. Not a good first impression of a campaign. Hmm…. it might even be an FEC violation.

  26. - Cassandra - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 3:45 pm:

    A few years ago, under Ryan, I believe AFSCME sued regarding some proposed layoffs and were successful. So this move is entirely predictable on the part of AFSCME. One wonders why Quinn waited so long to get serious about the layoffs. We’d be a lot further along in the court process had Quinn been more organized and decisive. Of course, AFSCME hasn’t won yet. In California, the employee unions challenged Schwarzenegger on the furloughs and lost. So if this process goes anywhere, we’ll see..

    I’m going to give AFSCME a 10. They are doing exactly what they should do. We taxpayers agreed to a unionized state work force back a few decades ago–maybe the early 80’s–and this is a natural consequence. We also added a ton of state management employees to the union this past year. Illinois likes unions. Unions come with significant consequences for those who pay the bills.

    And, as we well know, and as cynically anon has pointed out, there is lots of Blagojevich/Jones–and even some Ryan–patronage deadwood around in state government and Quinn has vigorously resisted getting rid of nearly all of them. His deep loyalty to Democratic patronage hacks is somewhat jarring given his professed love of ethics in government.But he is an Illinois Dem after all.

    Quinn’s relaxed timing does give this the feel of a shadow dance. Maybe the fix is in and Quinn has enough Dems on board to vote for a tax increase in October. But that’s a few weeks away and Quinn has to keep up the drama. AFSCME is cooperating nicely with that.

  27. - Cindy Lou - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 3:50 pm:

    Fed Up “to relieve employees from duty because of lack of work or other legitimate reasons; to determine the size and composition of the work force”.–

    Fed Up, one can drive a semi through that section/article lanuage. Now keep reading. Impact bargaining is a must.

    While the union can not ‘tell’ the state which job titles are needed, nor squeal too loud when the state may decide to do away with certain titles ex: outdated, no longer needed; the union can and will continue to fight to retain the rights of impact bargaining and integrity of the master contract. The thinking management can do what it pleases and if the union or anyone else does not like it they can ’sue’ us seems to be the game plan of the last six years.

  28. - Obamarama - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 3:52 pm:

    Did Coulson’s camp pull the endorsements from the campaign website or am I missing them?

  29. - steve schnorf - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 4:10 pm:

    I don’t think the layoffs are per se illegal by any means (very unfortunate though), but my educated guess is that the state must impact bargain, as Cindy Lou says.

    I think a far better solution would be an agreement with each union for no layoffs of their members in return for a wage freeze and furlough days. I’m sure many union members disagree with me on that, but I would think that union brotherhood and sisterhood would dictate it better for everyone to give up a little so 2500 of their fellow don’t lose everything..

    So there is no misunderstanding, I believe that a tax increase is desperately needed in Illinois, but even with that cuts and savings are needed.

  30. - CircularFiringSquad - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 4:36 pm:

    Speaking PHony Nonsense….this is an annual event
    Just got an e-mail from Rep. Bill Black saying that he is definitely retiring. A stellar person and Rep. I’ll miss him.32 minutes ago from TweetDeck

  31. - Cindy Lou - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 4:40 pm:

    One must also take into consideration just how furloughs can/will imapct already barebone frontlines and even down to site by site. Real easy to generalize, yet people who face the work/know the work have reality in the back of their minds, not just a ‘take a hit for the guys’ mentality going on. Once again I see/hear alot of office budget crunchers without any idea what and how reality settles in.

    And if we’re going to do the ‘one for all, all for one’ thing, maybe the citizens would like to ‘give a bit’ too. Why ask a frontliner to take 2,400 plus (the hit) and turn around and state citizens just can’t afford a few hundred a year.

    Life seems real easy when its someone else and their paycheck/household income being talked about.

    I can talk waste in government, I can talk Chiefs vs Indians, I can talk mismanagement and backroom BS, but I will not accept the blame for the mismangement nor the mess this budget is in, nor am I personally willing to ‘do whatever it takes’ to spare a job. Integrity, guess it means different things to different folks.

  32. - Ela Observer - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 4:47 pm:

    Google has Coulson’s webpage cached.

  33. - Fed Up - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 4:51 pm:

    Furloughs are different from layoffs. Furloughs are prohibited by the contract. Layoffs are not. The Governor must negiotiate with the union in order for furloughs to be implemented. There is a meeting next month between the local presidents and management regarding the furloughs. Anything they agree on will be voted on by the union membership.

    I am totally opposed to opening the contract up & allowing the Governor to furlough staff. It will have devastating impact on services to the citizens of Illinois. Additionally, the Governor and others are continuously looking to dump the state’s problems on the employees. The furloughs & layoffs will have no impact on the state’s finances. Even if the state shut down for the entire year it would still not be at the break even point.

    The only solution is to increase revenues. By opening up the contract, it decreases the liklihood this will happen, and sets a bad precident.

  34. - springpatch87 - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 5:06 pm:

    One of the main points from reading the lawsuit itself is that the state can’t layoff any union employees until all temps and contractuals go first…..

  35. - bored now - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 5:24 pm:

    a.b., a 4 percentage point difference between candidates is within a 3 point margin of error. you probably could have discerned that if you had read the write-up:

    Election 2010: Illinois Senate Election
    Illinois Senate Race a Toss-Up

    Republican hopeful Mark Kirk finds himself starting out even in a Senate race against his likeliest Democratic competitor, State Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias.

    The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in the state shows Kirk, a member of the House from the northern suburbs of Chicago, with 41% of the vote while Giannoulias attracts 38%. Four percent (4%) prefer some other candidate, and 17% are not sure.

    i don’t know why you don’t understand the concept of margin of error, but the easiest way to remember it is to talk about plus or minus 3 percentage points (in this example). hence, the rasmussen survey pegs kirk at anywhere between 38%-44% while giannoulias is in the 35%-41% range. thus, this poll would still be considered accurate if the real results (for that date and that confidence range) were kirk 38% and giannoulias 41% (the lower and upper limits of their actual range, as reported by the rasmussen poll on Monday, August 17, 2009…

  36. - Cindy Lou - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 5:31 pm:

    Fed Up, not ‘prohibited’, but I understand what you said. There is nothing in the contract to allow them, but of course we can be asked to ‘bargain’, volunteer basis, that type of thing.

    Just how do you think it will go over when Quinn refused to ‘promise’ rescinding already out lay-offs? How do you think voting will give you any say in which levels of workers (bargaining/non-bargaining units) will be the next round? I’m getting to old to wanna play these ‘chess’ games and I personally will free guilt free if and/or when lay-offs begin. I did not create nor can “I” solve and the problem is far larger than a bit of concession, a trim here and there blah blah a blah.

    Yep, a week from Thursday. May I suggest if you are not your local’s president that you/your fellow workers contact and convey your thoughts and feelings, she/he will be representing you. I have no idea how your local does things, but mine has been trying to communicate with members, I will assume you know who your stewards are: how any of it affects one, their work, ect. And yes, if anything gets pass the initial ‘meeting’ it goes before all for any final say. Remember locals already met and discussed once. the only real difference between then and now is that notices has been sent out to workers on lay-offs.

    I can not tell you how to think or feel, that is totally up to each and every member. As always, when I post I post my own opinions.

  37. - Joe in the Know - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 5:45 pm:

    The rating for the Hynes press release has to be tied to the number of news outlets, including CapFax Blog, that pick up on the presser and make a story out of it. Anyone who is critical of the gist of the press release has never run a campaign. At this point in the election cycle, it’s about making news. And Dan Hynes has been doing a lot of that lately. I give it a nine.

  38. - Joan Wil-View 10th - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 5:50 pm:

    Earth to Beth!

    The League of Conservation Voters, JOe Woodward, gave Julie Hamos an award for environmental leadership last year, he then ran a dem this year, what are you thinking.

  39. - Payraises for Unions!! - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 5:55 pm:

    AFSCME - 1. AFSCME negotiated a contract with a crook. State tax payers should not be paying for three pay raises a year, a good pension, and insurance benefits for all state union employees, when everyday tax payers have less every day. No job, no health care, no benefits, no pension.

    Many of the AFSCME employees are spoiled and have decided their jobs are owed to them. The union steward here told me “I’m here to protect the bad employees”.

    Somewhere along the line - this union got out of control, bargained with crooks to rob the taxpayers and ruin the state workforce.

    I never thought I would say it - but I think we need a pro-big business, common sense Republican to lead the State out of the AFSCME dark ages.

  40. - CircularFiringSquad - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 5:59 pm:

    Would you suburban meanies quit picking our Beth….she has so much expertise than everything she does is outstanding…Pipe down or we will have Gags Brady put his big slicencer on you

  41. - Brennan - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 6:09 pm:

    Another cache of Coulson’s supporters can be found here

  42. - state employee - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 6:12 pm:

    Go AFSCME, very very very glad to have this union protecting me with this sorry state employer.
    As a Human Service Caseworker in Chicago, I have over 1,000 cases (some caseworkers have over 2,000 cases each), and my client are often erratic, disabled, ex-cons, and possibly mentally ill. Not fun to have this many cases, be under severe stress, and have trouble processing food stamps and medical cases timely, with clients becoming angry WITH US when they’re not satisfied.
    The state has not hired new caseworkers for 2 1/2 years, with people leaving and retiring in droves due often to stress, and demand for food stamps and medical is WAY UP in the down economy. What will the caseloads be after the layoffs?

    Because of my job insecurity, I’m downsizing apartments, spending little no nothing on non-essentials and contributing to the downward spiral of the state economy. Nice work GA members and Quinn! What great leadership!! What will be left for you to “preside” over?

  43. - state employee - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 6:23 pm:

    Revenue needs to be raised. Even if the state shut down tomorrow for a year, the budget would still be in crisis. IL has regressive 3% flat tax, about 30-40 years outdated, with back-breaking burden placed on the working and poor classes. Almost all other states, notably, CA, WI, NY, Hawaii, CO have 9-11% taxes on wealthier people. Get with the program IL, it need to happen.
    Where’s all the money? Not with us, the working state employees. It’s in wealthy Illinois’ people’s hands, and their protective politicians. Time to pay up, pay your fair share!

  44. - gallery walker - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 6:28 pm:

    AFSCME 10+ There is NOTHING wrong with using every tool at your disposal to protect the members. We have been “doing more with less” for way too long. The contract was negotiated in good faith. Sorry gov…you don’t get a “do over” just because you don’t like the terms your predecessor agreed to. You didn’t negotiate the Declaration of Independence or the US Constitution…but you abide by them. State employees have borne the brunt of mismanagement too long.

  45. - concerned citizen - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 6:46 pm:

    AFSCME gets a 10 for doing its job! The state of IL has blamed, scapegoated and targeted its employees for too long! *Who is really behind that, and why? There’s a lot of union-bashing, and government worker-bashing going on and it’s shameful and ignorant*
    Let’s support our hard working state employees, and social safety net.

  46. - Cindy Lou - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 6:50 pm:

    PRFU “Many of the AFSCME employees are spoiled and have decided their jobs are owed to them. The union steward here told me “I’m here to protect the bad employees. Somewhere along the line - this union got out of control, bargained with crooks to rob the taxpayers and ruin the state workforce. I never thought I would say it - but I think we need a pro-big business, common sense Republican to lead the State out of the AFSCME dark ages.”—-

    Afriad you won’t sell me ‘that’ bridge. I could write a book on what management has tried and still tries to get away with. While I don’t believe for a second here that your bargaining-unit frontline, feel free to make your stated feelings known to your ‘local’.

  47. - Can't Say My Nickname - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 7:32 pm:

    AFSCME gets a 10. Tie this up in court for as long as possible.

    My vote goes to Dan Hynes. I like his “take charge” attitude. Clean up the mess and move on. Quinn is creating way to much drama.

  48. - truthteller - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 8:33 pm:

    AFSCME_10 Whatever happened to the rule of law and the sanctity of contracts?
    Do the anti-union conservatives have such animosity to workers that they think it is ok to violate a signed contract and/or the law if it will suppress wages?
    Everyone who believes that contracts are important should applaud AFSCME’s action

  49. - southern illinoisan - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 9:18 pm:

    Cassandra nailed it. It is all a big show by Quinn, the Dems and the Unions. Nothing of any consequence will come from any of it….

  50. - Professor Chaos - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 9:19 pm:

    I was going to rate the Hynes press release, but I think a couple other posters here have gotten the point across. Just a tad melodramatic, dontchathink Dan? Reminds me of a timeless quote from the wise Dr. Peter Venkman/Wilmette native Bill Murray: “Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together…mass hysteria!”

  51. - winco - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 9:56 pm:

    what did doug scott do to dan hynes?

  52. - winco - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 10:01 pm:

    never mind

  53. - winner - Monday, Aug 24, 09 @ 10:58 pm:

    Hynes on the offense - that’s a winner.

  54. - BillORights - Tuesday, Aug 25, 09 @ 6:16 am:

    AFSCME 7
    If it wasnt for the union every union employee would be a political hack too. I think that the union should renegotiate but applaud their effort in forcing the political hand of indifferent politicians. Our state government should really focus on getting Illinois back on the fiscal track and not just penalizing certain state employees while hiring contractors and political part timers.

    Nothing has changed under Quinn and I wqas giving him the benefit of the doubt that is until the recent furlough policy. Now I know that he is not serious about the budget issues.

  55. - Erickson - Tuesday, Aug 25, 09 @ 7:48 am:

    AFSCME - 5. I am not a big fan of unions. Having relocated here from the west coast, I am shocked at the degree to which the unions have a stranglehold on the state. A big driver for the enormous expenses for IL can be attributed to the unions and their ridiculous benefit packages, etc.

  56. - PalosParkBob - Tuesday, Aug 25, 09 @ 8:20 am:

    AFCSME-10. I look at public unions akin to a defense attorney defending a dangerously guilty client. Regardless of merit or fairness, it is their job to defend and protect their membership to the best of their ability.

    They seem to be doing that.

    The “villians” here are the Illinois Governors and Legislatures that empowered the unions to seriously damage the state through unfair legal advantage, and the incompetent (or corrupt) negotiating teams for the state that agreed to contracts bordering on unconscionable and clearly against the best interests of the people of Illinois.

    “…It’s been a long time comin’, but a change has got to come [oh yes it will]….”

  57. - Fed Up - Tuesday, Aug 25, 09 @ 8:50 am:

    Payraises for unions

    AFSCME did not negotiate the current contract with a crook, it negotiated it with the legally elected Governor of Illinois, just as it has with the other legally elected Governors since the 1970’s.

    The mess the state is in is not the result of unions, it is the result of corrupt & incompetent politicans, who are more interested in the next election that they are in leading. MJM is a prime example of this. He would not allow a revenue increase to pass the house because he was looking at what impact it would have on his majority. The politicans have been continuously creating new programs without funding the obligations they already had. It is the same as if you not having enough money to pay the rent, but you buy a BMW anyway. The state’s circumstances will only change when we replace the boobs currently in office with real leaders.

  58. - Justice - Tuesday, Aug 25, 09 @ 8:52 am:

    Unions used to be good for America but now they are nothing more than the great American greed machine.

  59. - Downstater - Tuesday, Aug 25, 09 @ 8:58 am:

    AFSCME 1

  60. - Fed Up - Tuesday, Aug 25, 09 @ 9:02 am:

    Cindy Lou

    “Just how do you think it will go over when Quinn refused to ‘promise’ rescinding already out lay-offs? How do you think voting will give you any say in which levels of workers (bargaining/non-bargaining units) will be the next round? I’m getting to old to wanna play these ‘chess’ games and I personally will free guilt free if and/or when lay-offs begin. I did not create nor can “I” solve and the problem is far larger than a bit of concession, a trim here and there blah blah a blah.”

    Having been layed off twice, I understand the anxiety & pain some of our newer workers are feeling. However, I agree with you. There is nothing that the union can do to enable the state to solve the mess it is in. If this were a true emergency, I might be open to renegotiating the contract. This mess was not created by the economic downturn. It was only a matter of time before the economic games the politicans were playing came back to bite them in the prosterior. Now, instead of accepting the blame for their ineptness, they look for scapegoats. Us “lazy & overpaid” state workers are easy targets.

    My feeling is the contract should only be opened again if there is a strong liklihood the crisis would be resolved by us doing so. Otherwise, even though layoffs are painful, the integrity of the process requires us to stand firm. The chances are real good that laid off staff will eventually be recalled.

    Our local has been communicating with us very effectively. We have also been giving our opinions to the steward to pass along.

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