* Chicago Inspector General David Hoffman already has a campaign website. David Axelrod’s former firm, AKPD, just sent out a press release announcing that Hoffman was resigning to run as a Democrat for US Senate. And he has a campaign video…
The [former Axelrod firm] –poised to represent Merchandise Mart mogul Chris Kennedy if he had jumped in the race– had clearly wants to cloister Hoffman at this stage and not repeat the mistakes made by Caroline Kennedy when she tested-the-waters for securing the appointment to replace then Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton in the U.S. Senate and found herself stumbling in the rough and tumble of New York politics and press.
*** 1:17 pm *** I just got off the phone with AKPD, and was told Hoffman has already retained Geoffrey Garin, the president of Hart Research, as his pollster. That’s Dick Durbin’s pollster, so they know something about Illinois.
This is not a good day for Mark Kirk. He’s jewish-I’m guessing, he has foreign policy experience, he has reform credentials and he seems to be halfway articulate-right at kirk’s strengths. He takes Springfield off the table as an issue for Kirk and comes from new trier, Kirk’s base.
How does electing David Hoffman to the U.S. Senate make a dent in corruption? I’m not seeing the connection.
I understand we don’t want to elect someone steeped in pay-to-play to the U.S. Senate, but how’s electing Hoffman reduce the number of lawyers scamming money from local taxing bodies? If Hoffman wants to fight corruption, shouldn’t he be running for state’s attorney, attorney general, mayor or governor?
- Cosmic Charlie - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 1:03 pm:
This is a very interesting development. My first thought was this is good for Kirk and Jackson but regardless I’m looking forward to seeing how Hoffman does as a candidate.
Is Jim Burns a fair comparison? Probably not but still it is very difficult to go from one side of the political/Governmental world to the other. How will he respond to criticism and attacks? You can be sure Alexi is going to be very aggressive against him. Former US Attorneys and Inspector Generals are not used to being questioned or challenged because they are always right in their minds. Here, he needs to relate to regular people, deal with scrutiny, raise money, articulate posiitons on North Korea, Afghanistan, Health Care,etc., and still keep his cool.
Running for office is a grind. Anyone who says it isnt has never been in a campaign before. I love watching these outsider first time candidates run. Sometimes they thrive and sometimes they crash and burn. There is no way to predict which way Hoffman will go but I’m looking forward to seeing this develop.
I thought that Alexi was a suicide pact for the State’s Democrats. Why allow Kirk to have an easy candidate to defeat? Hoffman and Jackson may be the only chances of defeating Kirk and keeping the seat Democratic. We need to back away from the window ledge, Democratic leaders. Don’t jump, unless you want to see a Blue State give up a Senate seat to the Republicans.
I wouldn’t be too quick to put the Jim Burns label on anyone til you see them in action.
Burns didn’t exactly work himself to exhaustion as U.S. Attorney or a candidate. While both, I’d routinely see him grab a cocktail at the Ogilvie Center bar and hit the train back to Evanston before 6.
===Why allow Kirk to have an easy candidate to defeat?===
Easy… really? Either I missed the memo about Kirk being the Messiah himself or there was a 15 point demographic swing in my home state since I left for lunch.
Please, I beg of you, explain to me how a Republican taking a statewide race could be considered easy (let alone, probable, possible) in 2010, in Illinois.
The same former Axelrod firm that’s also run Daley’s campaigns? Isn’t that correct?
Doesn’t this give at least the appearance of something very odd, if not fishy?
This will remind some of all the theories that went around about how “the Combine” was going to promote Patrick Fitzgerald out of Illinois.
If Daley wanted to trap Hoffman in something that tarnishes him as just another political shark, this is a good start.
- Lakefront Liberal - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 1:18 pm:
After this bombshell (Hoffman running) I feel like I need to check Cap Fax every minute just to see when the next candidate falls out of the rafters!
What dissapoints me about this is that I was hoping he might run for Mayor in 2011. Though maybe that is still possible? If he doesn’t end up in the Senate seat — and it is difficult at this point to tell how viable he will be — could he then take his name recognition and candidate experience and turn it into a winning campaign for Mayor — or something else?
Regarding Alexi — I think he would be a fantastic senator and want him to win, but I can understand those who wanted a candidate with more experience to go up Kirk. But even more than that I think that MJM and those who are allied with him did NOT want to see someone who is so completely independent of their power base get into that position and probably gave Hoffman all the assurances in the world that he would be supported by them. Not that Hoffman is part of their machine, but if he lets them propel him into power he will be.
Alexi has the Downstate Dem County Chairmen’s endorsement and the potent field operation they bring to the table. I’m sure his reaction was “bring’em on!”
downstate wife, north shore born, half Jewish, half Puerto Rican, worked for a U.S. Senator, crime fighter, sterling academic credentials…..wow!!!!!! viva hoffman!
- Lakefront Liberal - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 1:26 pm:
===Chris - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 1:11 pm:
“Hoffman and Jackson may be the only chances of defeating Kirk and keeping the seat Democratic.”===
You mean Blagojevitch spokesperson Cheryl Jackson? Blago is a household name nationwide. There is no way she gets anywere with that around her neck. There must be hours of TV footage out there of her saying what a great guy Blago is. It doesn’t matter that she left, everyone and their mother will know that she was going around for three years praising this guy. It might help if she would condemn him now or come out with info that would help clean up the system, but so far her strongest statement has been she “didn’t like the infighting.” Infighting????? That is all she has to say? I’m sorry but that is weak, weak, weak.
=Doesn’t this give at least the appearance of something very odd, if not fishy?=
Your frame is interesting, but Hoffman had to accept, no? AKPD was all set to work for Hull according to David Mendell. Then AKPD met Hull and opted out in a flash.
===I still think there is another shoe to drop in the U.S. Senate race===
My guess is this pushes Tom Dart to stay where he is. Supposedly on vacation mulling the Senate race. Probably less than 50/50 he would pull the trigger in the first place but this would make it even tougher.
When I first read that Hoffman was running I didn’t think much of it. In less than two hours I have changed my mind. He obviously has his ducks in order: respected PR firm, website, pollster. I am assuming he has a prominent fundraising firm lined up as well. Never hurts to come out with guns blazing as long as you have extra bullets to keep shooting.
Let’s see… we have two political newcomers who have never run for any office (Jackson and Hoffman) versus an energentic State Treasurer who has lots of campaign cash and far more endorsements than he had four years ago in his successful campaign. Draw your own conclusions, but something inside of me is saying that the people pushing Hoffman will make sure they get paid up front.
Chicago Inspector General David Hoffman already has a campaign website.
Yup… a website that doesn’t mention any actual issues. Awesome.
- Will County Woman - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 1:55 pm:
no word from alexi yet?
i kinda feel sorry for him.
with “friends” like __________ who needs enemies.
as a moderate democrat, i’m still voting for Mark Kirk.
the axelrod/emanuel controlled white house botched the healthcare reform, when it was a total gimmie. after the recent new york times profile of valerie jarret, i don’t like david axelrod. had she had a seat at the healthcare reform table andd been entrusted with it, i truly believe healthcare reform would have happened by now and without all of the drama.
the axelrod/emanuel controlled white house botched the healthcare reform, when it was a total gimmie
And you think Kirk has handled it better? Or would have done anything at all?
- Will County Woman - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 2:00 pm:
oh, and good luck getting petition signatures for hoffman. he may be known to, and liked or disliked by, political insiders, but the public at-large doesn’t know him. because he wasn’t able to get much done at city hall, by design and through no fault of his own, he doesn’t have much to tout so far as anti-corruption is concerned.
people will want to see/hear results, not just what he proposed or tried to do.
- Will County Woman - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 2:02 pm:
was it mark kirk’s to handle or do anything with? did mark kirk run for president and promise health care reform?
I assume that video cost some money to put together. Has he filed and set up a campaign committee yet? I couldn’t find one but I am not that experienced on the federal level and don’t know what the rules are.
If he doesn’t end up in the Senate seat — and it is difficult at this point to tell how viable he will be — could he then take his name recognition and candidate experience and turn it into a winning campaign for Mayor — or something else?
Not unless he falls hard during the Senate Race. If that happens, he might be out of the game for good and…back to the private sector.
Will County Woman: Any petition signature gatherer worth their salt will inform a voter that a signature does not imply endorsement for office, it just puts someone on the ballot…besides, they can add that Mr. Hoffman has been nipping at the Mayor’s heels in hiring matters for some time now…with disdain for BAU at an all time high, I think Hoffman’s outsider status could help him immensely…
- JonShibleyFan - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 2:26 pm:
“the axelrod/emanuel controlled white house botched the healthcare reform, when it was a total gimmie”
You mean it’s over? I missed that part.
…and “total gimme?” The teabaggers and insurance companies driving the protests were going to let it all be, if they had just…what?
- Will County Woman - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 2:29 pm:
yeah, i know about it neither being an endorsement nor pledge of support.
but you may be surprised to find that if people haven’t heard of a prospective candidate it is not uncommon that they aren’t willing to even sign a petition just to get his/her name on the ballot.
being able to only say that he’s been nipping at mayor daley’s heels is weak, don’t you think?
i know of hoffman, but if i didn’t and somone came to my door asking for my signature for his nominating petition and only told me that he’s been nipping at the mayor’s heels, that wouldn’t really impress me under the circumstances.
Hoffman (Huh? Hoffman???) getting in now may prompt other potential senatorial candidates to rethink/reconsider.
Another Seven Dwarfs (or is it “Dwarves”?) scenario may be irresistible to some wannabes: in a Dem primary with lots of candidates, a relative unknown can — and, historically, does — emerge and win it all with a paltry plurality. (Examples: Blagojevich in 2002, Obama in 2004.)
So…..wither Bill Daley? Wither Valerie Jarrett? Wither Tom Dart?
Just guessin’, but……….given the Obama/Emanuel flirtation with LMad for Senate, and the president’s obviously keen interest in his old seat, and the Dwarfs/Dwarves scenario, I kinda wonder if the White House now might be taken aback by the paucity of quality candidates and name candidates, and be sorely tempted to intervene. (Or is it “meddle”?) And — gasp, gulp — endorse.
Not like they’d ask ME what to do, but……….draft Valerie Jarrett!!, say I.
(Oh, yeah, right, I forgot: Wither Chris Kennedy??? And wither Lisa Madigan??? Hey, you kiddin’ me?????)
- Just Observing - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 2:32 pm:
===oh, and good luck getting petition signatures for hoffman… the public at-large doesn’t know him.===
C’mon, can we all be a little more sophisticated on here? You really think being an unknown will prevent him from gathering the necessary signatures to make the ballot?
- Will County Woman - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 2:33 pm:
@ JonShibleyFan - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 2:26 pm:
i’m not a fan of axelrod for the aforementioned, and other, reasons, therefore i am not impressed with hoffman being akpd’s newsest client at the behest of david axelrod himself.
Hopefully Rich will be on chicago tonight. I renew my call for them to skype you in to the program.
Someone needs to let Laura Washington know that this is 2009. Old school race politics are highly inappropriate. The question is who has the right qualifications and agenda for the job. The spokeswoman for a man widely regarded as a disgrace who left the state a mess doesn’t fit that description. As a Kirk supporter, I’d love to see her win the primary, get her 40 percent and give us the seat. As an Illinoisan I’d rather see the debate turn to qualifications of ability, not qualifications of color.
- Will County Woman - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 2:49 pm:
Just Observing - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 2:32 pm:
hoffman’s lack of name recognition will make it harder to get the signatures. impossible to get the required amount? no.
(and, for the record, I never stated/suggested such ). so, like i stated before, a little over to months to go, i wish hoffman good luck in getting petition signatures.
also, saying i stopped trying to fight mayor daley and weed out corrpution to run for senate, isn’t all that impressive either.
some have commented/suggested that his anti-corruption “credintials” will serve him well in his senatorial bid, but how so? is he needed to fight corruption in the senate or some aspect of federal government.
if he’s going to tout anti-corruption as his greatest strength, then perhaps he would’ve been better off running for governor.
===Someone needs to let Laura Washington know that this is 2009. Old school race politics are highly inappropriate. The question is who has the right qualifications and agenda for the job. ====
Shore, where are you from? What rock have you been living under? Inappropriate? Sure, it may be for the candidates but its naive to think otherwise in the real world, especially in a primary.
- Just Observing - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:00 pm:
===if he’s going to tout anti-corruption as his greatest strength, then perhaps he would’ve been better off running for governor===
I do agree with you on that. Or AG, or Cook County Board Prez, or Lt. Governor.
Maybe Laura Washington has something against wise latino men like David Hoffman.
Just saying.
- Will County Woman - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:18 pm:
“And you have evidence for that?”—rich miller
what you don’t trust my IP address to consider me a reliable source of information???????????
- Will County Woman - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:23 pm:
but, in all fairness to David Hoffman, if memory serves he was instrumental in brigning the HDO issue up to his federal prosecutor friends who reviwed it and ran with it. Some say that the HDO is gone as a result of Al Sanchez’s conviction, others say it is underground and still alive.
But Hoffman did play a role in exposing the HDO, under Al Sanches, to federal prosecution.
there, now I’ve gave David Hoffman some credit because it was due. With that, I’m STILL voting for Mark Kirk.
It would appear that the Democratic Alliances are almost set as this will be a “rev-up-the-base-race” — Quinn, Hoffman & other statewide con office races.
First question for Hoffman: Is it ethical for Axelrod to be leading a health care effort that hires his former firm (and now Hoffman’s client) that owes him $2 million?
- Al Swearengen - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 4:06 pm:
Even though Axelrod no longer has a stake in AKP, it still is surprising that the company would deliver such an emphatic shot to the groin of one of their longest tenured clients in the Mayor.
Only saving grace for those of us who support the Mayor (and therefore deplore anything related to Hoffman) is that we can hope AKP’s work product is as bad as it was for Sara Feigenholtz’ campaign.
Stop theAlexi love. Please. How will he explain personally loaning $10 million to mob figures? That money also ended up in Jack Abramoff hands? That money also was in Gus something — who was found with two bullets in his head? How will he explain losing over $100,000,000.00 education funding as Treasuer? AND I AM A Liberal but I won’t vote for a dirty scambag. I’ve hated Kirk as my Congressman but I will gladly get a Kirk tatoo on my forehead if it means a corrupt no-knowing won’t be my senior. Heck, Burris looks like an Angel compared to Alexi.
Rich, don’t delete, you know these are true. Thanks.
- Ahem...The REAL Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 4:24 pm:
Has anyone ever seen David Hoffman and Dan Proft in the same place at the same time??
Funny, but I thought the same thing as I watched the video during the first min. the first time. After a 2nd and 3rd peek, I’m willing to bet alot of coaching went into that one.
Definitely an interesting development. Hoffman has a resume that is comparably in Kirk’s ballpark, but too early to tell if he actually has the juice to make a legitimate challenge. Running on an ethics platform is a good bet, but a lot rides on how he positions himself on other issues and his fundraising ability.
- Al Swearengen - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 5:25 pm:
I don’t think Michael ever did, he just works there. His dad is who we are all talking about.
==Even though Axelrod no longer has a stake in AKP, it still is surprising that the company would deliver such an emphatic shot to the groin of one of their longest tenured clients in the Mayor.==
You think the mayor’s sad to see Hoffman resign? Kicking someone upstairs is a time-honored cure for annoying goo-goos.
==Do I think the Mayor wants to see a statewide campaign with a platform of “the Mayor is corrupt, and I stopped the Mayor” ? No, I don’t think he does.==
Neither do I, and I don’t think any of us will see that. He won’t run a bomb-thrower campaign.
This has all come together too nicely, too quickly — the leaked story including positive Daley quotes, the campaign team all lined up — even a video ready to go.
He’ll run as a crime-busting federal prosecutor who was on the reform commission.
The only place he’ll wack Daley directly will be on the parking meter deal, and Daley will agree with him, just like he did…..
Beep, beep. I’m receiving a message through my tinfoil hat.
Kirk will stand a chance in Illinois, because the esteemed leaders of the Democratic Party seem to be on board with Alexi. When people hear about the college saving fund and the Mob related people getting loans they may just vote for someone else. Hoffman fits the bill for the moderate Illinois voter.
To those who have been comparing David Hoffman to Jim Burns let me paraphrase the great Senator Lloyd Bentsen: I know Jim Burns. Jim Burns was a friends of mine. David Hoffman is no Jim Burns.
Now that doesn’t mean he’ll be a good candidate. But he’s got way more energy and, given how organized he was on launch day, is way better prepared.
Only time will tell if he’ll be a great candidate or another of these guys who look great on paper but lousy in real life.
-Only time will tell if he’ll be a great candidate or another of these guys who look great on paper but lousy in real life. -
Why does he look great on paper? For a State’s Attorney, I could see his background being relevant. For a U.S. Senator? Is his argument that the Democratic-controlled U.S. Senate is corrupt and therefore needs David Hoffman’s hand of God to save it?
And as for the argument that he won’t run on being a Daley-basher. What else do you have then with him? That’s his thing, that’s why we are talking about him. I guess you could say he knows what the every-man’s plight is from his years as captain of the Yale rugby team.
- Arthur Andersen - Thursday, Aug 27, 09 @ 8:11 am:
I wonder if Alexi even heard the bus rolling up before all his good friends tossed him under it.
If Alexi is so tight with Obama, you have to wonder why he didn’t sign up Axelrod’s crew for his race. Did he not want them, or did they not want him? Were they waiting on Lisa, and then scrambled to recruit a candidate after she took a pass?
It’s pretty clear that the AKPD folks didn’t want to miss out on a Senate race payday, and now they won’t.
How was he paying for this? Does AKPD work for free? What about Liberty Concepts? Do they just put videos together, publish a website, and start organizing for a candidate based on IOUs?
=Did he not want them, or did they not want him? Were they waiting on Lisa, and then scrambled to recruit a candidate after she took a pass?=
Will any journalist tell us this story now or are we going to have to do it ourselves or wait for their book to publish 4 years after the events have passed?
The sad truth is that the “corruption” in government is a nickel and dime operation compared to the cost of incompetent executive management and legislative oversight. We don’t need more crime fighters in Washington, but rather elected officials committed to addressing the domestic economic and international policy issues facing America.
- Out There - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 12:44 pm:
I guess we’ll just have to see if Alexi can run and win against the establishment (again).
- Shore - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 12:48 pm:
This is not a good day for Mark Kirk. He’s jewish-I’m guessing, he has foreign policy experience, he has reform credentials and he seems to be halfway articulate-right at kirk’s strengths. He takes Springfield off the table as an issue for Kirk and comes from new trier, Kirk’s base.
- Third Generation Chicago Native - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 12:52 pm:
This sure puts a twist on things, I wonder what Alexi’s reaction was?
- Carl Nyberg - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 1:02 pm:
How does electing David Hoffman to the U.S. Senate make a dent in corruption? I’m not seeing the connection.
I understand we don’t want to elect someone steeped in pay-to-play to the U.S. Senate, but how’s electing Hoffman reduce the number of lawyers scamming money from local taxing bodies? If Hoffman wants to fight corruption, shouldn’t he be running for state’s attorney, attorney general, mayor or governor?
- Cosmic Charlie - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 1:03 pm:
This is a very interesting development. My first thought was this is good for Kirk and Jackson but regardless I’m looking forward to seeing how Hoffman does as a candidate.
Is Jim Burns a fair comparison? Probably not but still it is very difficult to go from one side of the political/Governmental world to the other. How will he respond to criticism and attacks? You can be sure Alexi is going to be very aggressive against him. Former US Attorneys and Inspector Generals are not used to being questioned or challenged because they are always right in their minds. Here, he needs to relate to regular people, deal with scrutiny, raise money, articulate posiitons on North Korea, Afghanistan, Health Care,etc., and still keep his cool.
Running for office is a grind. Anyone who says it isnt has never been in a campaign before. I love watching these outsider first time candidates run. Sometimes they thrive and sometimes they crash and burn. There is no way to predict which way Hoffman will go but I’m looking forward to seeing this develop.
- Indy - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 1:04 pm:
Doesn’t Axelrod’s old firm do a ton of work w/ City Hall & if so, how will Hoffman talk specifics about going after corruption there?
- Chris - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 1:11 pm:
I thought that Alexi was a suicide pact for the State’s Democrats. Why allow Kirk to have an easy candidate to defeat? Hoffman and Jackson may be the only chances of defeating Kirk and keeping the seat Democratic. We need to back away from the window ledge, Democratic leaders. Don’t jump, unless you want to see a Blue State give up a Senate seat to the Republicans.
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 1:13 pm:
I wouldn’t be too quick to put the Jim Burns label on anyone til you see them in action.
Burns didn’t exactly work himself to exhaustion as U.S. Attorney or a candidate. While both, I’d routinely see him grab a cocktail at the Ogilvie Center bar and hit the train back to Evanston before 6.
- Obamarama - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 1:16 pm:
===Why allow Kirk to have an easy candidate to defeat?===
Easy… really? Either I missed the memo about Kirk being the Messiah himself or there was a 15 point demographic swing in my home state since I left for lunch.
Please, I beg of you, explain to me how a Republican taking a statewide race could be considered easy (let alone, probable, possible) in 2010, in Illinois.
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 1:17 pm:
Did Hoffman pick AKPD or did they pick him?
- Just sayin - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 1:17 pm:
The same former Axelrod firm that’s also run Daley’s campaigns? Isn’t that correct?
Doesn’t this give at least the appearance of something very odd, if not fishy?
This will remind some of all the theories that went around about how “the Combine” was going to promote Patrick Fitzgerald out of Illinois.
If Daley wanted to trap Hoffman in something that tarnishes him as just another political shark, this is a good start.
- Lakefront Liberal - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 1:18 pm:
After this bombshell (Hoffman running) I feel like I need to check Cap Fax every minute just to see when the next candidate falls out of the rafters!
What dissapoints me about this is that I was hoping he might run for Mayor in 2011. Though maybe that is still possible? If he doesn’t end up in the Senate seat — and it is difficult at this point to tell how viable he will be — could he then take his name recognition and candidate experience and turn it into a winning campaign for Mayor — or something else?
Regarding Alexi — I think he would be a fantastic senator and want him to win, but I can understand those who wanted a candidate with more experience to go up Kirk. But even more than that I think that MJM and those who are allied with him did NOT want to see someone who is so completely independent of their power base get into that position and probably gave Hoffman all the assurances in the world that he would be supported by them. Not that Hoffman is part of their machine, but if he lets them propel him into power he will be.
- 47th Ward - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 1:20 pm:
I still think there is another shoe to drop in the U.S. Senate race, but this is an interesting development.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 1:20 pm:
–,I wonder what Alexi’s reaction was?–
Alexi has the Downstate Dem County Chairmen’s endorsement and the potent field operation they bring to the table. I’m sure his reaction was “bring’em on!”
- Narcoleptic - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 1:21 pm:
Anon was me, Rich. Forgot myself.
- Amalia - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 1:25 pm:
downstate wife, north shore born, half Jewish, half Puerto Rican, worked for a U.S. Senator, crime fighter, sterling academic credentials…..wow!!!!!! viva hoffman!
- Lakefront Liberal - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 1:26 pm:
===Chris - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 1:11 pm:
“Hoffman and Jackson may be the only chances of defeating Kirk and keeping the seat Democratic.”===
You mean Blagojevitch spokesperson Cheryl Jackson? Blago is a household name nationwide. There is no way she gets anywere with that around her neck. There must be hours of TV footage out there of her saying what a great guy Blago is. It doesn’t matter that she left, everyone and their mother will know that she was going around for three years praising this guy. It might help if she would condemn him now or come out with info that would help clean up the system, but so far her strongest statement has been she “didn’t like the infighting.” Infighting????? That is all she has to say? I’m sorry but that is weak, weak, weak.
- Brennan - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 1:30 pm:
=Doesn’t this give at least the appearance of something very odd, if not fishy?=
Your frame is interesting, but Hoffman had to accept, no? AKPD was all set to work for Hull according to David Mendell. Then AKPD met Hull and opted out in a flash.
- Been There - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 1:30 pm:
===I still think there is another shoe to drop in the U.S. Senate race===
My guess is this pushes Tom Dart to stay where he is. Supposedly on vacation mulling the Senate race. Probably less than 50/50 he would pull the trigger in the first place but this would make it even tougher.
When I first read that Hoffman was running I didn’t think much of it. In less than two hours I have changed my mind. He obviously has his ducks in order: respected PR firm, website, pollster. I am assuming he has a prominent fundraising firm lined up as well. Never hurts to come out with guns blazing as long as you have extra bullets to keep shooting.
- Scooby - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 1:36 pm:
Garin Hart Yang, really? Are they not familiar with the alphabet soup from the arrest complaint?
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 1:37 pm:
===Doesn’t this give at least the appearance of something very odd, if not fishy?===
For a certain group of people, something will always smell fishy, no matter what.
- fedup dem - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 1:45 pm:
Let’s see… we have two political newcomers who have never run for any office (Jackson and Hoffman) versus an energentic State Treasurer who has lots of campaign cash and far more endorsements than he had four years ago in his successful campaign. Draw your own conclusions, but something inside of me is saying that the people pushing Hoffman will make sure they get paid up front.
- dave - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 1:54 pm:
Chicago Inspector General David Hoffman already has a campaign website.
Yup… a website that doesn’t mention any actual issues. Awesome.
- Will County Woman - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 1:55 pm:
no word from alexi yet?
i kinda feel sorry for him.
with “friends” like __________ who needs enemies.
as a moderate democrat, i’m still voting for Mark Kirk.
the axelrod/emanuel controlled white house botched the healthcare reform, when it was a total gimmie. after the recent new york times profile of valerie jarret, i don’t like david axelrod. had she had a seat at the healthcare reform table andd been entrusted with it, i truly believe healthcare reform would have happened by now and without all of the drama.
- dave - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 1:59 pm:
the axelrod/emanuel controlled white house botched the healthcare reform, when it was a total gimmie
And you think Kirk has handled it better? Or would have done anything at all?
- Will County Woman - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 2:00 pm:
oh, and good luck getting petition signatures for hoffman. he may be known to, and liked or disliked by, political insiders, but the public at-large doesn’t know him. because he wasn’t able to get much done at city hall, by design and through no fault of his own, he doesn’t have much to tout so far as anti-corruption is concerned.
people will want to see/hear results, not just what he proposed or tried to do.
- Will County Woman - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 2:02 pm:
was it mark kirk’s to handle or do anything with? did mark kirk run for president and promise health care reform?
- Been There - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 2:09 pm:
I assume that video cost some money to put together. Has he filed and set up a campaign committee yet? I couldn’t find one but I am not that experienced on the federal level and don’t know what the rules are.
- Deep South - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 2:11 pm:
Off topic here, but the Illinois Radio Network says Chris Kennedy will be appointed to the UofI board.
- dave - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 2:12 pm:
Deep… Rich already mentioned that on the Quinn/UofI thread.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 2:13 pm:
DS, check the blue box. It’s already posted
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 2:16 pm:
If he doesn’t end up in the Senate seat — and it is difficult at this point to tell how viable he will be — could he then take his name recognition and candidate experience and turn it into a winning campaign for Mayor — or something else?
Not unless he falls hard during the Senate Race. If that happens, he might be out of the game for good and…back to the private sector.
- Anonymous45 - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 2:16 pm:
Will County Woman: Any petition signature gatherer worth their salt will inform a voter that a signature does not imply endorsement for office, it just puts someone on the ballot…besides, they can add that Mr. Hoffman has been nipping at the Mayor’s heels in hiring matters for some time now…with disdain for BAU at an all time high, I think Hoffman’s outsider status could help him immensely…
- JonShibleyFan - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 2:26 pm:
“the axelrod/emanuel controlled white house botched the healthcare reform, when it was a total gimmie”
You mean it’s over? I missed that part.
…and “total gimme?” The teabaggers and insurance companies driving the protests were going to let it all be, if they had just…what?
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 2:26 pm:
Sorry. Should have said “Not IF he falls hard….”
- Will County Woman - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 2:29 pm:
yeah, i know about it neither being an endorsement nor pledge of support.
but you may be surprised to find that if people haven’t heard of a prospective candidate it is not uncommon that they aren’t willing to even sign a petition just to get his/her name on the ballot.
being able to only say that he’s been nipping at mayor daley’s heels is weak, don’t you think?
i know of hoffman, but if i didn’t and somone came to my door asking for my signature for his nominating petition and only told me that he’s been nipping at the mayor’s heels, that wouldn’t really impress me under the circumstances.
- Dooley Dudright - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 2:29 pm:
Hoffman (Huh? Hoffman???) getting in now may prompt other potential senatorial candidates to rethink/reconsider.
Another Seven Dwarfs (or is it “Dwarves”?) scenario may be irresistible to some wannabes: in a Dem primary with lots of candidates, a relative unknown can — and, historically, does — emerge and win it all with a paltry plurality. (Examples: Blagojevich in 2002, Obama in 2004.)
So…..wither Bill Daley? Wither Valerie Jarrett? Wither Tom Dart?
Just guessin’, but……….given the Obama/Emanuel flirtation with LMad for Senate, and the president’s obviously keen interest in his old seat, and the Dwarfs/Dwarves scenario, I kinda wonder if the White House now might be taken aback by the paucity of quality candidates and name candidates, and be sorely tempted to intervene. (Or is it “meddle”?) And — gasp, gulp — endorse.
Not like they’d ask ME what to do, but……….draft Valerie Jarrett!!, say I.
(Oh, yeah, right, I forgot: Wither Chris Kennedy??? And wither Lisa Madigan??? Hey, you kiddin’ me?????)
- Just Observing - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 2:32 pm:
===oh, and good luck getting petition signatures for hoffman… the public at-large doesn’t know him.===
C’mon, can we all be a little more sophisticated on here? You really think being an unknown will prevent him from gathering the necessary signatures to make the ballot?
- Deep South - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 2:33 pm:
- Will County Woman - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 2:33 pm:
@ JonShibleyFan - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 2:26 pm:
i’m not a fan of axelrod for the aforementioned, and other, reasons, therefore i am not impressed with hoffman being akpd’s newsest client at the behest of david axelrod himself.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 2:37 pm:
===at the behest of david axelrod himself. ===
And you have evidence for that?
- Shore - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 2:46 pm:
Hopefully Rich will be on chicago tonight. I renew my call for them to skype you in to the program.
Someone needs to let Laura Washington know that this is 2009. Old school race politics are highly inappropriate. The question is who has the right qualifications and agenda for the job. The spokeswoman for a man widely regarded as a disgrace who left the state a mess doesn’t fit that description. As a Kirk supporter, I’d love to see her win the primary, get her 40 percent and give us the seat. As an Illinoisan I’d rather see the debate turn to qualifications of ability, not qualifications of color.
- Will County Woman - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 2:49 pm:
Just Observing - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 2:32 pm:
hoffman’s lack of name recognition will make it harder to get the signatures. impossible to get the required amount? no.
(and, for the record, I never stated/suggested such ). so, like i stated before, a little over to months to go, i wish hoffman good luck in getting petition signatures.
also, saying i stopped trying to fight mayor daley and weed out corrpution to run for senate, isn’t all that impressive either.
some have commented/suggested that his anti-corruption “credintials” will serve him well in his senatorial bid, but how so? is he needed to fight corruption in the senate or some aspect of federal government.
if he’s going to tout anti-corruption as his greatest strength, then perhaps he would’ve been better off running for governor.
- Been There - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 2:57 pm:
===Someone needs to let Laura Washington know that this is 2009. Old school race politics are highly inappropriate. The question is who has the right qualifications and agenda for the job. ====
Shore, where are you from? What rock have you been living under? Inappropriate? Sure, it may be for the candidates but its naive to think otherwise in the real world, especially in a primary.
- Just Observing - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:00 pm:
===if he’s going to tout anti-corruption as his greatest strength, then perhaps he would’ve been better off running for governor===
I do agree with you on that. Or AG, or Cook County Board Prez, or Lt. Governor.
- Brennan - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:00 pm:
Maybe Laura Washington has something against wise latino men like David Hoffman.
Just saying.
- Will County Woman - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:18 pm:
“And you have evidence for that?”—rich miller
what you don’t trust my IP address to consider me a reliable source of information???????????
- Will County Woman - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:23 pm:
but, in all fairness to David Hoffman, if memory serves he was instrumental in brigning the HDO issue up to his federal prosecutor friends who reviwed it and ran with it. Some say that the HDO is gone as a result of Al Sanchez’s conviction, others say it is underground and still alive.
But Hoffman did play a role in exposing the HDO, under Al Sanches, to federal prosecution.
there, now I’ve gave David Hoffman some credit because it was due. With that, I’m STILL voting for Mark Kirk.
- Anon Post - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:49 pm:
It would appear that the Democratic Alliances are almost set as this will be a “rev-up-the-base-race” — Quinn, Hoffman & other statewide con office races.
Hynes, Joyce (Lt Gov), Giannoulias (US Sen) & other statewide offices.
- Rob_N - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:54 pm:
(the earlier Hoffman thread)
Team America - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 10:46 am:
This is great news for Kirk and the GOP.
(this thread)
Shore - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 12:48 pm:
This is not a good day for Mark Kirk.
Thanks for the LOL guys.
Will Co Woman (and others), Axelrod no longer has a stake in that firm. His partners bought him out.
- Just asking... - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:55 pm:
Has anyone ever seen David Hoffman and Dan Proft in the same place at the same time?? They look a lot alike and have the same message.
- Bill - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:56 pm:
==what you don’t trust my IP address to consider me a reliable source of information???????????
- Will County Woman - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:59 pm:
Rob N you are correct, but it still is associated with David Axelrod, and because of his successes with it, it will likely always be.
- Slingbox - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 4:00 pm:
First question for Hoffman: Is it ethical for Axelrod to be leading a health care effort that hires his former firm (and now Hoffman’s client) that owes him $2 million?
- Al Swearengen - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 4:06 pm:
Even though Axelrod no longer has a stake in AKP, it still is surprising that the company would deliver such an emphatic shot to the groin of one of their longest tenured clients in the Mayor.
Only saving grace for those of us who support the Mayor (and therefore deplore anything related to Hoffman) is that we can hope AKP’s work product is as bad as it was for Sara Feigenholtz’ campaign.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 4:17 pm:
He cut his hair!
- anon11 - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 4:19 pm:
Lakefront Liberal,
Stop theAlexi love. Please. How will he explain personally loaning $10 million to mob figures? That money also ended up in Jack Abramoff hands? That money also was in Gus something — who was found with two bullets in his head? How will he explain losing over $100,000,000.00 education funding as Treasuer? AND I AM A Liberal but I won’t vote for a dirty scambag. I’ve hated Kirk as my Congressman but I will gladly get a Kirk tatoo on my forehead if it means a corrupt no-knowing won’t be my senior. Heck, Burris looks like an Angel compared to Alexi.
Rich, don’t delete, you know these are true. Thanks.
- Ahem...The REAL Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 4:24 pm:
Has anyone ever seen David Hoffman and Dan Proft in the same place at the same time??
Funny, but I thought the same thing as I watched the video during the first min. the first time. After a 2nd and 3rd peek, I’m willing to bet alot of coaching went into that one.
This will be interesting AND intriguing.
- Brennan - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 4:38 pm:
=Even though Axelrod no longer has a stake in AKP=
David or Michael?
- Red Hawk - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 4:42 pm:
Definitely an interesting development. Hoffman has a resume that is comparably in Kirk’s ballpark, but too early to tell if he actually has the juice to make a legitimate challenge. Running on an ethics platform is a good bet, but a lot rides on how he positions himself on other issues and his fundraising ability.
- Al Swearengen - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 5:25 pm:
I don’t think Michael ever did, he just works there. His dad is who we are all talking about.
- Dooley Dudright - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 5:56 pm:
My bad on spelling in earlier post. “Whither”.
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 7:05 pm:
==Even though Axelrod no longer has a stake in AKP, it still is surprising that the company would deliver such an emphatic shot to the groin of one of their longest tenured clients in the Mayor.==
You think the mayor’s sad to see Hoffman resign? Kicking someone upstairs is a time-honored cure for annoying goo-goos.
- Next - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 7:09 pm:
Interesting. Hoffman will run as a corruption fighter who stood up to the mayor. But who’s running his campaign? The mayor’s media consultant!
- Al Swearengen - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 7:43 pm:
Do I think the Mayor wants to see a statewide campaign with a platform of “the Mayor is corrupt, and I stopped the Mayor” ? No, I don’t think he does.
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 8:01 pm:
==Do I think the Mayor wants to see a statewide campaign with a platform of “the Mayor is corrupt, and I stopped the Mayor” ? No, I don’t think he does.==
Neither do I, and I don’t think any of us will see that. He won’t run a bomb-thrower campaign.
This has all come together too nicely, too quickly — the leaked story including positive Daley quotes, the campaign team all lined up — even a video ready to go.
He’ll run as a crime-busting federal prosecutor who was on the reform commission.
The only place he’ll wack Daley directly will be on the parking meter deal, and Daley will agree with him, just like he did…..
Beep, beep. I’m receiving a message through my tinfoil hat.
- Chris - Thursday, Aug 27, 09 @ 12:49 am:
Kirk will stand a chance in Illinois, because the esteemed leaders of the Democratic Party seem to be on board with Alexi. When people hear about the college saving fund and the Mob related people getting loans they may just vote for someone else. Hoffman fits the bill for the moderate Illinois voter.
- Chicago Cynic - Thursday, Aug 27, 09 @ 1:59 am:
To those who have been comparing David Hoffman to Jim Burns let me paraphrase the great Senator Lloyd Bentsen: I know Jim Burns. Jim Burns was a friends of mine. David Hoffman is no Jim Burns.
Now that doesn’t mean he’ll be a good candidate. But he’s got way more energy and, given how organized he was on launch day, is way better prepared.
Only time will tell if he’ll be a great candidate or another of these guys who look great on paper but lousy in real life.
- Al Swearengen - Thursday, Aug 27, 09 @ 8:07 am:
-Only time will tell if he’ll be a great candidate or another of these guys who look great on paper but lousy in real life. -
Why does he look great on paper? For a State’s Attorney, I could see his background being relevant. For a U.S. Senator? Is his argument that the Democratic-controlled U.S. Senate is corrupt and therefore needs David Hoffman’s hand of God to save it?
And as for the argument that he won’t run on being a Daley-basher. What else do you have then with him? That’s his thing, that’s why we are talking about him. I guess you could say he knows what the every-man’s plight is from his years as captain of the Yale rugby team.
- Arthur Andersen - Thursday, Aug 27, 09 @ 8:11 am:
I wonder if Alexi even heard the bus rolling up before all his good friends tossed him under it.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Aug 27, 09 @ 8:36 am:
AA, you got that right.
If Alexi is so tight with Obama, you have to wonder why he didn’t sign up Axelrod’s crew for his race. Did he not want them, or did they not want him? Were they waiting on Lisa, and then scrambled to recruit a candidate after she took a pass?
It’s pretty clear that the AKPD folks didn’t want to miss out on a Senate race payday, and now they won’t.
- Brennan - Thursday, Aug 27, 09 @ 8:47 am:
=given how organized he was on launch day=
How was he paying for this? Does AKPD work for free? What about Liberty Concepts? Do they just put videos together, publish a website, and start organizing for a candidate based on IOUs?
=Did he not want them, or did they not want him? Were they waiting on Lisa, and then scrambled to recruit a candidate after she took a pass?=
Will any journalist tell us this story now or are we going to have to do it ourselves or wait for their book to publish 4 years after the events have passed?
- Louis Howe - Thursday, Aug 27, 09 @ 8:49 am:
The sad truth is that the “corruption” in government is a nickel and dime operation compared to the cost of incompetent executive management and legislative oversight. We don’t need more crime fighters in Washington, but rather elected officials committed to addressing the domestic economic and international policy issues facing America.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Aug 27, 09 @ 2:44 pm:
I wonder if Alexi even heard the bus rolling up before all his good friends tossed him under it.
Two people can be tossed under the same bus just as easily if you have the muscle to do it.