Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Quinn press conference live blog - Guv backs away from firing two holdout trustees - Cullerton will move fumigation bill - Hynes responds: “Failure to lead”
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Quinn press conference live blog - Guv backs away from firing two holdout trustees - Cullerton will move fumigation bill - Hynes responds: “Failure to lead”

Wednesday, Aug 26, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 2:34 pm - Gov. Pat Quinn’s press conference on the U of I trustee matter is starting now. Click here for live video, or here for audio.

Please help live-blog in comments since I have several other things to do.

* 2:38 pm - Ben Yount of MetroNetworks is live-Tweeting. [Fixed link]

* Quinn announced Chris Kennedy and Lawrence Oliver (with Boeing, former US Attorney) as his newest trustee appointees.

* QUINN: “I am concerned that the university will be dragged into an interminable legal battle… with two trustees who don’t want to resign.”

“I don’t want a cloud of litigation hanging over the head [of the university]. Ancient curse: May your life be filled with lawyers.”

Here comes the retreat, campers…

LOL. The video feed conked out and I missed what he said. Sheesh. Ben had the same problem. If you’re having the same problem, check the audio feed.

* So, the logic seems to be that since the guv’s commission report suggested that the trustees should voluntarily resign, and the two holdouts don’t want to resign, then the governor is “moving on.”

* From August 12th

“I don’t intend to just act in a hasty way, but I will act,” Quinn said.

* From August 16th

“I’m a patient man but I don’t have infinite patience,” Quinn said Friday. “I’m willing to let them study the report, but you know, I think they better realize that school is beginning soon and it’s time for them to do the right thing.”

* Trib’s headline: Quinn backs down on firing 2 U. of I. trustees

* 3:13 pm - And that’s a wrap. Just like I figured, it ended the way his “Roland Burris should resign” crusade did. He’s getting awfully predictable.

*** 3:20 pm *** Senate President John Cullerton’s press secretary said she just spoke with her boss and Cullerton told her he will be moving the “fumigation” bill now that Gov. Quinn has refused to fire the two holdout trustees. The legislation would force the trustees (and a whole lot of other people) off the board and out of government.

However, Cullerton’s spokesperson also pointed out that there was no guarantee that the fumigation bill (which has already passed the House) would clear the Senate because of opposition from members of his own caucus and some Republicans.

* 4:08 pm - From Senate Republican Leader Christine Radogno’s spokesperson…

Leader Radogno told reporters today that she’s disappointed the University of Illinois doesn’t have a clean slate and ability to put this behind it. But the Governor still has opportunities to demonstrate his commitment to reforming Illinois government — specifically by vetoing the sham campaign finance reform bill and working on an alternative.

She’s meeting with [Quinn] shortly.

* 5:11 pm - From the Dan Hynes campaign…

Illinois Comptroller and Democratic candidate for Governor Dan Hynes issued the following statement today in response to Governor Pat Quinn’s press conference on the University of Illinois trustee decision:

“Yesterday, Governor Quinn said he would act on the University of Illinois trustees issue with ‘certainty and with dispatch.’ Today he did neither. Unfortunately there is little that is certain about the ultimate resolution of a scandal first revealed last May, and acting with dispatch would have resolved this matter well before the students returned to class. The simple fact is that the Governor has let the entire summer go by, managing only to make the situation more chaotic as classes begin. This is just another example of Pat Quinn’s failure to lead.”


  1. - A Naughty Moose - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 2:38 pm:

    It’s half STAFF, not half MAST, unless the flag’s on a ship.

    Sorry, just a pet peeve of mine - which Quinn just violated three times 30 seconds.

  2. - Rubbernecker - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 2:47 pm:

    Quinn naming Chris Kennedy to U of I Bd.

  3. - Rubbernecker - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 2:48 pm:

    Lawrence Oliver is #2. Former US Atty. — 2 of his 5 vacanies

  4. - Rubbernecker - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 2:48 pm:

    Replacing Shah & Epton with them.

  5. - Rubbernecker - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 2:51 pm:

    Quinn is following the recommendations of the report which did not ask for the GOv. to remove the trustees. Will lead to lawsuits.

  6. - Fed up - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 2:51 pm:

    They are not resigning and Quinn is backing down will not remove them. He is a coward who is flip flopping again and again. Bobby Rush and Roland Burris are laughing at Quinn.

  7. - Commonsense in Illinois - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 2:52 pm:

    So all the other guys had to do is sit tight…unbelievable!

  8. - Rubbernecker - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 2:53 pm:

    “Their terms are their terms”

  9. - Fed up - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 2:53 pm:

    In Illinois the race card beats a Royal Flush. Quinn folds walks away tail between leggs.

  10. - Chi Gal - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 2:54 pm:

    So those who resigned should now sue to get their positions back.

  11. - Rubbernecker - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 2:55 pm:

    Can’t hear questions.

  12. - John Bambenek - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 2:56 pm:

    Those who resigned, resigned. They have no grounds to sue, they made a choice.

  13. - Rubbernecker - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 2:57 pm:

    Quinn will attend (at least) next Trustee meeting as he is member of the board.

  14. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 2:57 pm:

    lol! quinn says that carroll and momntgomery had “fiduciary” responsibilites. he is trying to stretch military traditions to the u of i trustees. it won’t fly. can’t hold themn to a such a standard.

    no ex post facto laws, governor quinn!

  15. - Chi Gal - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 2:58 pm:

    JB — That is too bad.

  16. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 2:59 pm:

    quinn says he believes in the illinois constitution. lol!

    yeah well i hope he would.

  17. - Boilermaker - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 2:59 pm:

    Oliver is a great choice. He is also a Purdue grad!

  18. - McLean Farmboy - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:00 pm:

    The Gov. is “moving on”…right over to the senate for the purge bill, once again letting the GA act while he looks inept.

  19. - Rubbernecker - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:00 pm:

    Quinn has repeated referred to a duty of military and law enforcement officers to voluntarily resign when something goes wrong on their watch and that the Trustees should do the same.

  20. - RJW - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:01 pm:

    I’m surprised that Quinn hasn’t broken some body part with all of the flip-flopping he has done. I’m so sick and tired of this continuation of Blagojevich-like nonsense. When will we get somebody competent in office. I’m convinced our state government is hopelessly broken. The people should have voted to open up the Constitution and started completely over.

  21. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:01 pm:

    is monique garcia of the trib grilling him w these questions. i caanot see, but i can hear. quinn is flustered and not making good legal sense.

  22. - Rubbernecker - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:02 pm:

    “I repair things every day. That’s what I do. I’m the repair man.”

  23. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:03 pm:

    the u of trustees are neither military nor law enforcement what those entities do as a matter of priciple or protocol has no bearing here.

  24. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:03 pm:

    That explains the Chris Kennedy appointment — hoping a little star power will distract from the flip.

    As a chief executive, if you keep toughing talk and laying down markers, you have to stick with them, hell or high water.

  25. - Whoa! Just a Sec. - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:04 pm:

    Trustee are appointed by the guv, right? Meaning the serve at his discretion, right? How can they refuse to resign if that’s his direction? On what grounds can they sue to retain their jobs? What the heck am I missing?


  26. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:05 pm:

    Way a coward. These two board members are as bad as the rest. Quinn must have a part time job as a weather vain because he sure changes direction every time the wind blows.

  27. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:05 pm:

    if something bad happens on your watch, you’re supposed to resign says quinn.

    did president bush resign over the federal government’s failed response to hurricane katrina ? did quinn call for bush’s resignation?

  28. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:06 pm:

    and the use of military funeral deflects heat too. not fair to the deceased servicemember.

  29. - Beowulf - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:07 pm:

    No matter how you cut it, this makes Pat Quinn look pretty foolish and ineffectual. Too bad. He is a good guy but just was not designed to be in a top managerial position. More to the tune of a clerk at some large company, maybe? Or, perhaps he could handle being a manager at some Burger King? Naw, on second thought, he might have to fire somebody at a Burger King and he wouldn’t be able to get the job done. Now we understand why he sought out a state government job. Smart career move, Pat.

  30. - Obamarama - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:08 pm:

    Kennedy and Oliver? It would have killed him to appoint an alum?

  31. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:10 pm:

    qnn responds to zorn’s column because someone asked him about his hypocrisy. quinn said he led effort to install recall because he in effect believes in public having voice.

    yeah, kinda like when he flipped for political reasons on whether or not the public should’ve voted to someone to replace obama in the senate.

    at first quinn wanted a public vote, then he flipped and wanted to appoint after getting a call from harry reid.

  32. - RJW - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:10 pm:

    To Whoa!:

    They are appointed to TERMS which means that they can only be removed per the rules outlined in the Constitution. The Governor would have to provide they are being removed for one of those reasons. They can sue to force the Governor to prove those reasons, which by the way are very open to interpretation.

  33. - Fed up - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:10 pm:

    Has Quinn called for Mayor Daleys resignation too many scandals to list during his term. Maybe it is time for Quinn to just welcome the next Gov. Dan Hynes.

  34. - RJW - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:11 pm:

    sorry . . . “have to PROVE they are being removed”

  35. - Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:12 pm:

    wcw, he is correct that the trustees owed a fiduciary duty of acting only for the exclusive benefit of the University.

    Mixing the concepts of fiduciary duty and resigning when bad acts happen on one’s “watch” is an odd twist on PQ’s part. By this line of “logic,” he should have stepped down as Lite Gov for the bad acts which took place on the “watch” of his running mate Blago.

  36. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:13 pm:

    One of Quinn’s problems here is that he says that HE personally believes that the trustees needed to resign based on HIS fiduciary argument rationale.

    What HE thinks and feels does NOT jive with the law that states he has to meet certain conditions before firing a trustee. so, that’s why he couldn’t fire them and kept pushing for resignation?

  37. - RJW - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:13 pm:

    Did he say he would keep the media “oppressed” of his decision to run for Governor?

  38. - Betsy - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:14 pm:

    So let me get this right. If you agree to not to run against Quinn you get appointed to a position.

    If you call his bluff you get to keep your job.

    GREAT leadership in a Gov….

  39. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:15 pm:

    AA if that were truly the case, he would have fired them , and as someone else posted elswhere on cap fax today “let the chips fall where they may”

  40. - lincolnlover - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:16 pm:

    Wow. I am SOOOOOoooooo dissappointed in Quinn. I didn’t expect him to be a strong governor, but I did expect him to be able to stand upright on his own. What a spineless wimp.

  41. - Reality is - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:17 pm:

    Since AFSCME is suing over layoffs I guess that will mean no layoffs.

  42. - orlkon - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:18 pm:

    They were appointed to terms=a set period. They are not a will. If that was the case a Gov could get rid of every appointee that did not follow his orders–so much for checks and balances in that case. Other than committing a criminal act and legally found guilty of it, an individual once appointed can resist the actions to hav tghem remove…if they are willing to go that far, Perhaps the Gov should also resign from the Board.

  43. - Chi Gal - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:19 pm:

    PQ says he is making wise decisions? No, making decisions based on what is good for Quinn. He is now a regular with the African American community’s movers and shakers and he isn’t going to rock the boat by firing these two minority Trustees. He will eat crow in the short run to not jeopardize his spot with his new friends. I’m guessing plan B is in place should he not be elected — he keeps their support and is in a better position with the Obama group for an appointment. He is a typical politician. I’d call this transparency in government. We can see right through him. How disappointing.

  44. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:20 pm:

    Dr. Carroll is also on the Board of IBHE. Can Quinn dump her from that position, or will that only create more threats of litigation?

    If I was Quinn, I’d cut her off of every other state appointment possible. But her political sponsors will object, and then Quinn would back down again…

  45. - Fed up - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:22 pm:

    Quinns death by a thousand cuts continues, he is predictable in his cowardice. Maybe after the election Bobby Rush will give Quinn back his Intestianal fortitude.

  46. - ChampaignDweller - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:22 pm:

    Quinn looks very ineffectual–apparently all Bobby Rush had to do was raise an issue, and Quinn backed off. There were several other trustees who resigned who didn’t have anything to do with the clout list, presumably for the good of the University. You have to question a trustee who puts their ego ahead of the good of the organization.

  47. - Whoa! Just a Sec. - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:24 pm:

    Thanks RJW! Terms. Got It.

  48. - Chi Gal - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:25 pm:

    CD — Well then they are in good company on the board with Quinn because there aren’t many bigger egos than PQ’s!

  49. - Not fooling me - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:25 pm:

    Well, that’s the pot calling the kettle black. Legislators like Cullerton are the one’s who used their power to pressure the board in the first place. He should resign as well.

  50. - Cindy Lou - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:25 pm:

    –” he will be moving the “fumigation” bill “–

    how would that work now as it was for people under Blagojevich and Ryan, now Quinn has signed some new contracts with some of these people himself. So, those Quinn resigned with are okay?

  51. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:26 pm:

    Holy Smokes!!!!!!! So Quinn did all of this and Cullerton still might not be able to deliver according to his (cullerton’s spokeswoman)?

    Cullerton told the tribune the other day that he had the votes in the senate, surely he told whatever senators he had on board that the holdout U of I trustees matter would be connected to the larger “fumigation” legislation.

  52. - Chi Gal - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:27 pm:

    He managed to stoop low enough to add comments about attending a military funeral. The only thing he forgot to add today is that he lives in the people’s house.

  53. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:28 pm:

    By now, it’s pretty clear Quinn’s not the chief executive type. You can’t really send this guy into negotiate with employee unions, much less Madigan, Daley, etc. He’ll continue to get peeled like a banana.

    Edgar was pretty good at it. He didn’t say much, but when he did, you knew he meant it. He drove Daley crazy. Quinn, on the other hand….

    I wonder if the Senate is still an option for Quinn. I think he’d be very good at it, certainly the best on the Dem side.

  54. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:29 pm:

    lol betsy, I was thinking the same thing.

    “So let me get this right. If you agree to not to run against Quinn you get appointed to a position. If you call his bluff you get to keep your job.”–Betsy
    GREAT leadership in a Gov….

  55. - Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:29 pm:

    wcw-I think we agree that Quinn is a weenie, but also that what he thinks constitutes a breach of fiduciary duty doesn’t really matter. Especially in a situation where no misappropriation of funds has occurred, proving a breach would be very difficult. If he couldn’t make that stick, the malfeasance needed to justify removal from office is equally MIA.

    The entire “on your watch” dialogue sounds like he thought it up on his way to the pressroom.

  56. - Cindy Lou - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:30 pm:

    –”You can’t really send this guy into negotiate with employee unions…”–

    A term is a term, so he says, guess that means a ‘contract is a contract’.

  57. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:31 pm:

    - orlkon - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:18 pm:

    Thank you!!!! I agree!

  58. - Chi Gal - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:34 pm:

    AA — The entire “on your watch” dialogue sounds like he thought it up on his way to the pressroom. –

    But that can be said of any of his speaking events. It’s gotten to the point where I am actually embarrassed for him. At first I thought it was just because he didn’t have staff in place to assist him, but it is clear that advance preparation isn’t his strong point.

  59. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:35 pm:

    Did Quinn just get played by Cullerton? Cullerton was pretty recently mad when quinn flipped on legilsation that cullerton was in the midst of getting passed for Quinn. Pay back?

  60. - Bill - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:35 pm:

    LOL. Typical and predictable. February seems so far away.

  61. - Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:36 pm:

    word, Vice President of the UIC Faculty Senate is about as high in the ranks of “senators” our Lite Gov will ever rise. He’ll need lotsa help from his two new best friends on the UI BoT to get that done.

  62. - Chi Gal - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:38 pm:

    Even though I am NO supporter of Hynes, at this point he shouldn’t even bother spending much money on the primary. Quinn is putting the nails in his own coffin — one by one and flip by flip. Save your money Dan for the general election.

  63. - very southsider - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:38 pm:

    news, the insiders at capfax don’t like the gadfly governor

  64. - Bill - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:39 pm:

    ==I wonder if the Senate is still an option for Quinn.==
    Oh, so I guess you must have got that contract with the Kirk campaign, huh, word?

  65. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:40 pm:

    Come on now people, let’s just understand that it is what it is… quinn is a governor without a mandate and very little, rather no, political capital. and as such, it is impossible for him to take a stand and do much of anything without considering his political future, which he is fighting for.

  66. - Chi Gal - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:42 pm:

    If you go back a couple of months, I think we all gave PQ every opportunity in the world to prove himself — and wished him well, to boot. Nobody expected miracles but what we got has been nothing but disappointing.

  67. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:43 pm:

    vs, drop the name-calling. You don’t have to be an “insider” to be upset about all this flip-floppery.

  68. - Chi Gal - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:44 pm:

    Never thought I’d say this but I agree with WCW… his political future is his priority… elected or if necessary, appointed! Keep making those new friends — an appointment may be the next step in his career.

  69. - Niles Township - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:47 pm:

    Tom Dart for Governor anyone??? Quinn has just ruined any chance he has…and Dan Hynes..well, he is just Dan Hynes.

  70. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:48 pm:

    I understand and agree Chi gal. for what it is worth I considered myself largely a fan of Quinn and had wished the best for him up until the games that he played as he pushed for his tax increase, and his gross display of poor leadership. So I would say he lost me for good back in late may/early June.

  71. - james - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:49 pm:

    The Governor was wise in not picking this battle, despite the efforts of his detractors to goad him into it.

    Why should Quinn allow the two uncooperative trustees to make themselves the issue and portray themselves as martyrs for the next 6 months, at the very time he must stand for election? They probably would have prevailed in court.

    Why take a loud stand that makes you new enemies, when there is a quieter approach that solves the problem without affecting your popularity?

    By marginalizing the two uncooperative trustees, Quinn and his new board can best move ahead to address the primary issues: ending “category 1″ and having a new board of trustees determine the future of the Chancellor and President.

  72. - Niles Township - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:49 pm:

    Taking a step back from the lack of terminations of the two hold-outs, Quinn’s two picks are solid. They could be trustees at many major schools. That is a good sign to me. Frankly, Montgomery & Carrol would not make legitimate candidates for trustees at other major universities.

  73. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:50 pm:

    yeah well Chi Gal, I have noticed that in the past couple of days you ‘ve finally stated seeing the light. lol/ high five on the gov’s girlfriend post that you wrote the other day. :)

  74. - Louis G. Atsaves - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:51 pm:

    Why would a lawsuit be ever so expensive for the State? Wouldn’t the Attorney General handle it using some assistant Attorney General who is already on the payroll?

    If the Unions are suing over layoffs, does not Lisa Madigan’s office also handle that in the same way?

  75. - Wag - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:54 pm:

    Does anyone else find it remarkable that the Tribune story, which is long and detailed, makes NO mention of the racial politics at play here?

    Race is the elephant in the room. As was the case with Burris, the outcome here is all about race. Why is the Tribune avoiding this?

  76. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:57 pm:

    Niles Township,

    Hynes and Dart are friends. So, Dart isn’t going to run for governor.

  77. - Chi Gal - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:59 pm:

    WCW — I actually felt sorry for the guy as LtG because of how Blago did his best to humiliate him. Gave him benefit of the doubt as Guv but he has dug his own grave these past couple of weeks/months.

  78. - Niles Township - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 3:59 pm:

    I know that, but I was hoping for a better candidate than Hynes. I’m just not so convinced he is the best we have to offer, or at all convinced that Hynes can win it. Quinn will have to lose it for Hynes to win.

  79. - Chi Gal - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 4:01 pm:

    WAG — Amen! But the trib isn’t the only one avoiding the obvious.

  80. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 4:07 pm:


    for the past several weeks THE GOVERNOR indicated that he would remove any trustee who did nogt voluntarily resign. No one forced him to take that position. His not holding to that position is why so many on this board and elsewhere are critical of him. They were not goading him, they were telling him to stick to his guns and fire the carroll and montgomery. Up until last week it appeared that he would keep his word.

  81. - Ms Port Belly Mushroom - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 4:18 pm:

    Not that I’m a great Quinn advocate, but I’m still not clear how this flopping and flipping hurts him in the primary, which is and should be his focus right now (as well as doing “the right and principled thing”, of course).

    In fact, Cullerton pushing the fumigation bill could really help Quinn. Hynes keeps going after him on keeping the Blago people. Why not let Cullerton do the heavy lifting? It might pass since Dillard and the GOP can’t really oppose it now and since Cullerton’s got at least five (frerichs, bond, noland, demuzio and hutchinson) who can use this vote to further distance themselves from Rod.

    Does flip-flopping and spinelessness resonate with Dem primary voters? I guess I just don’t see it–at least until I see Hynes spending a million or three on TV focusing on it. Keeping his word? All in the eyes of the dem primary voter/beholder.

  82. - Jake from Elwood - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 4:18 pm:

    Let them sue. . .what are the damages?

  83. - Johnnyc - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 4:28 pm:

    “…apparently all Bobby Rush had to do was raise an issue, and Quinn backed off. ”

    He has no legal basis to fire the two holdouts. Are you all suggesting that he engage in fruitless litigation that will cost the state and university millions to defend for the sake of not being accused of flip flopping? Does that really seem like the reasonable thing to do?

    Read his comments. He said he would act, and he has. He called for their resignations. Two refused. What would you do at this point?

  84. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 4:31 pm:

    ===He said he would act, and he has.===

    Walking away is acting?

  85. - cassandra - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 4:31 pm:

    Sounds like the way to fend off our accidental governor is to threaten a lawsuit. The holdout trustees threatened a lawsuit and he’s apparently going to keep ‘em. AFSCME is doing a lawsuit on the layoffs and it’s not quite clear how the guv will respond but we haven’t heard much about layoffs since the AFSCME annnouncement. Somebody threatened a lawsuit regarding possible DCFS layoffs and our Pat seems to be using that as an excuse to keep a whole slew of highly paid Democratic hacks appointed to high level DCFS posts by Blago–and reappoint them, to additional four year terms too. That probably wasn’t the focus of the advocacy groups who pushed for DCFS to be exempt from layoffs.

    If you don’t want to make any decisions, hiding behind threatened lawsuits is one way to go. Our Pat seems to have decided to use lawsuit avoidance as a primary management tool. Maybe he’ll never have to make any controversial decisions, especially if we given him billions of additional dollars to play around with via his regressive income tax increase. He’s surely hoping.

  86. - Get Real - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 4:33 pm:

    “What would you do at this point? ”

    I wouldn’t make promises that I can’t or won’t keep. Quinn needs to think things through before he opens his big mouth. Oh wait, that’s what he does best.

  87. - Johnnyc - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 4:33 pm:

    Additionally, this is all insider baseball. Anyone who thinks that this will have any discernable impact on the primary five months from now needs to take a step outside the Cap Fax bubble.

  88. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 4:34 pm:

    Trustees Will Win - “Dust In The Wind” enhanced by VanillaMan

    I blinked, only for a moment, and now I’m gone
    Re-election dreams, pass before my eyes, a curiosity
    The Trustees will win, now I am just dust in the wind.

    Same old song, Corrupted Democrats is all that voter see.
    All our reforms, crumble to the ground, at Madigan’s knee.

    Trustees will win, now I am just dust in the wind.

    If I just hang on, voters will forget our Party’s Big Lie
    Support slips away, and all your money won’t another election buy.

    Trustees will win, now I am just dust in the wind
    Dust in the wind, my administration is dust in the wind.

  89. - Johnnyc - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 4:36 pm:

    Rich, establishing a commission to throughly investigate the problems is acting. Loudly and publicly asking for their resignations is acting.

    Again, what would you do now? Sue them when the case law is already settled and you’re on the losing end?

  90. - Chi Gal - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 4:36 pm:

    Kudos to ABC/7 for addressing the elephant in the room.

  91. - dupage dan - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 4:39 pm:

    PQ - “you ain’t seen nothing yet”.

    Now we have.

  92. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 4:39 pm:

    ===Loudly and publicly asking for their resignations is acting. ===


    That would be talking, not acting.

  93. - Chi Gal - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 4:45 pm:

    Johnnyc - - Anyone who thinks that this will have any discernable impact on the primary five months from now needs to take a step outside the Cap Fax bubble. - -

    I don’t think it is that simple. Friends and family, dems and reps, who have never heard of capfax, are turning sour on Quinn. (Sorry Rich, they really have never heard of capfax!)

  94. - Been There - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 5:05 pm:

    ===Hynes and Dart are friends. So, Dart isn’t going to run for governor. ===
    Will County Woman things are not all that rosey between the Darts and Hynes. Dart was the up and comer until they threw Danny in for Comptroller. They had Dart step aside for higher office a few times over the years. They barely helped when Dart ran for Treasurer and probably actually tanked him in certain areas. Then to top it off they worked against Dart getting the backing for sheriff at slating.
    No love lost there. Hynes only factors into Darts decision the same as calculating your next move in chess. Not because they know each other and are both from the 19th.

  95. - Mr. Chips - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 5:05 pm:

    I am not suprized that the Repubs on the blog criticize Quinn for not taking on the Minorities in the Dem Party. Since that would split the Dems, that is the best course for them.
    Why aren’t the Repubs jumping on the fumigation bill? Just playing politics by opposing anything Quinn does? The party of NO is back at it once again!

  96. - Cosmic Charlie - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 5:06 pm:

    I don’t know if his non-decision today will hurt him or not but nevertheless it was pretty lame. I’ve never seen an elected official try to use shame as a negotiating tactic. Just lame.

  97. - Responsa - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 5:13 pm:

    Every last shred of hope for PQ as a leader is now gone. Also totally agree with Obamarama–aren’t there ANY U of I alums he can find to name as trustees?

    Oh yeah, this is going to have an effect on the primaries.

  98. - Hal Birnbaum - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 5:34 pm:

    ===Every last shred of hope…===

    Oh please, spare us the hyperbole.

  99. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 5:50 pm:

    Been There,

    Re: dart and hynes

    that’s interesting—thanks!

  100. - Alanman - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 6:52 pm:

    Disappointed Quinn could not find anyone familiar with the State’s flagship University to take the posts. Did he even ask any of the Nobel Prize winners who teach there or are graduates of there, Professors’ Emeritus, Law School graduates? Seems just as lame as keeping Filan on, and the boy appointed to run the State Police…could he not find a sworn officer anywhere? Question…is Quinn even trying, or is he trying too hard? Is he trying to Govern? Is he just trying to get elected?

  101. - Chi Gal - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 6:56 pm:

    Well, you can bet Kennedy will throw a nice fundraiser for Quinn.

  102. - Greg - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 7:18 pm:

    Quinn is showing less leadership than B. Joe White, That ole race thing is showing its ugly head, Where is Jesse Jackson?????? If these 2 were white they would have been gone last week!!!

  103. - Can't Say My Nickname - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 7:28 pm:

    Quinn didn’t want Bobby Rush marching on him. Its all about the election.

  104. - OurMagician - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 9:08 pm:

    Another reason this needs to be an elected position again-divided the state into 6 districts-3 from Chicago-1 each from the rest of the districts-1 at large appointee who is a alum of one of the 3 schools.

  105. - chas montoya - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 9:10 pm:

    From Bethany Jaeger: “Hynes did not say whether he would have forced the resignation of the remaining two trustees. A call to his campaign was not immediately returned.”

    He never gives a candid answer about the income tax increase.

    For someone who moans a lot about leadership, these responses stink.

  106. - Reformed - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 9:21 pm:

    He acted. He acted like a w-u-s-s-y….

  107. - Pest Control needed - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 9:41 pm:

    Too bad the fumigation bill did not go thru. Merit comp staff were selected for lay off ( and are gone) by those that were appointed by Blago and have done nothing but put Illinois in debt and mismanagement programs. Most merit comp staff were senior staff, while agencies retain contract people and interns.

  108. - Bobs yer - Wednesday, Aug 26, 09 @ 10:18 pm:

    Quinn just makes it too easy for us R’s

  109. - Green - Thursday, Aug 27, 09 @ 12:24 am:

    Obamarama, Responsa and Alanman you do not seem to get it. Appointing Kennedy was a brilliant decision. He is smarter than any U of I alums. He went to private schools and has a distinquished career in the “private” sector as CEO of Merchandise Mart. Boston College has more Nobel Prize winers than the U of I. Besides as Chi Gal stated there aren’t any U of I alums that will be able to throw a fund raiser as big as Kennedy’s. This appointment is strictly business or as Blago would say with a straight face, “we only appoint the candidates with the best qualifications”

  110. - Chi Gal - Thursday, Aug 27, 09 @ 6:46 am:

    6:45 am and the Sun Times still has on their website the AP story that Quinn is going to name Kennedy to UofI board of trustees later today. They couldn’t get us an update by now?

  111. - Deep South - Thursday, Aug 27, 09 @ 8:44 am:

    Someone needs to ask Hynes if he would have tossed the last two trustees out the door. Really press him for an answer. Then we’ll find out his leadership platform.

  112. - Niles Township - Thursday, Aug 27, 09 @ 8:59 am:

    On Hynes “For someone who moans a lot about leadership, these responses stink.”

    I agree with that. He criticizes without telling us what he would have done. That will get boring and annoying fast.

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