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Fritchey expected to run for county board, and other political news

Monday, Aug 31, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Rep. John Fritchey (D-Chicago) is expected to announce that he’s running for Cook County Board tomorrow. From a press release…

Long-time reformers Congressman Mike Quigley, Cook County Commissioner Forrest Claypool, and State Representative John Fritchey will appear together tomorrow to make an important campaign announcement regarding the February 2010 Primary Election.

Fritchey is expected to run for Claypool’s seat. Claypool announced his retirement a couple of months ago.

* Speaking of the county board, a replacement has been named for Roberto Maldanado, who resigned for an appointment to the city council…

The Cook County board has a new commissioner [state trooper Edwin Reyes].

And his first act will be to vote with fellow commissioners Tuesday to override Todd Stroger’s veto of a sales tax rollback.

* Don Rose looks at the US Senate race and opines

The way it looks now, Hoffman would have the best chance against Kirk, Giannoulias would have a harder time but likely get by. Jackson, should she manage a primary upset, could easily lose the general election.

The reasoning is that former Chicago Inspector General David Hoffman has the reform chops. Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias would be hampered by his past. And Cheryle Jackson was Rod Blagojevich’s spokesperson.

That’s not unreasonable, but way too early. We still don’t know yet if Hoffman can do what it takes to win an election. He’s totally untested.

* Democratic Congressman Bill Foster is slammed in a new NRCC ad which ties him to US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and an alleged “50 percent cut” to Medicare. Watch it

[By the way, I’m now linking to videos because some people with mobile devices can’t see the embeds here. Hope this helps. Also, the new web design will hopefully be unveiled in a few weeks, so that may solve the problem.]

* Related…

* McCain endorses Kirk for Senate: “Mark Kirk will restore honest government to Illinois, strengthen our national security, fight for veterans and bring fiscal discipline to Washington,” McCain told a gathering of veterans in Glenview. He then appeared at a fund-raiser at a private home expected to net about $500,000.

* GOP far from settled on Senate nod: Caprio, who helped gather endorsers for the letter, said he’s been open about the fact that Hughes paid him $10,000 to help set up a citizens’ group to fight a proposed state income tax. Caprio also said he will be a consultant on the Hughes campaign. None of that detracts, of course, from his belief, he said, that Hughes has the energy and “the commitment to mainstream Republican values” that voters want.

* Will the immigrant story play in 2010?: Krishnamoorthi said he’s aware as he travels the state that he might have to respond to a heated cross-examination about how Illinois is outsourcing tech jobs to places like India. But he’s not worried about double-edged swords. He exudes a palpable American folksiness — just call him Raja, he says — that is the antithesis of foreign. “Despite what’s swirling in the greater immigration debate,” Krishnamoorthi said, “people still want to hear that it is possible to reaffirm the highest values of our country and attain the classic American dream.”

* Gov. Pat Quinn: “There’s a lot of ankle-biters out there running for office,” he said. “They’re going to tear me down, but I think the people of Illinois know I’m good and true when it comes to standing up for them.”

* Sen. Kirk Dillard seeks GOP nod for governor: “I want to announce to the world and the nation that Illinois is once again open to business, and I’m going to have the most aggressive job creation agenda that the state has ever seen. And among them is reaching out and knowing that any businessperson, whether it’s small business or large, like ConocoPhillips, can call the governor and talk about what their needs are, what problems they may have. I know the (Illinois Environmental Protection Agency) is a huge problem for places like ConocoPhillips, and we need to have somebody help cut through red tape, so we do not slow down the creation of jobs in Illinois.”

* IL Review asks GOP gubernatorial candidates “How would you fix the budget?

* Lane Evans still has his smile - Former lawmaker Lane Evans forced to face challenges of Parkinson’s disease and Lewy Body Dementia

* Tom Swiss: Is There Any Doubt Ultra-Liberal Rich Miller is a Democratic Hack?


  1. - VanillaMan - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 2:43 pm:

    That’s the way I like to see things happen! Good luck John!

  2. - Levois - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 2:45 pm:

    Woah!!! to that last link under Related…

  3. - Captain Flume - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 2:45 pm:

    ” . . . but I think the people of Illinois know I’m good and true when it comes to standing up for them.”

    The people of Illinois “knew” that the previous Governor was standing up for them, too, electing him twice. So maybe Gov. Quinn is assessing his status correctly.

  4. - VanillaMan - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 2:46 pm:

    Is There Any Doubt Ultra-Liberal Rich Miller is a Democratic Hack?

    Well - yeah, but to only those who are capable of doubt.

  5. - Bill S. Preston, Esq. - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 2:48 pm:

    I’m going to guess that “Shore” is Tom Swiss…

  6. - Rob_N - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 2:54 pm:

    Is There Any Doubt Ultra-Liberal Rich Miller is a Democratic Hack?

    I thought you were the “uni”-bomber. You’re certainly going to have to turn in your guns to the guys in the black helicopters now that you’ve been outed as an ultra-liberal.

  7. - TJ - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 2:56 pm:

    Wow, Rich…. here I thought that you were doing a good ripping into everybody, but apparently you’re nothing more than a radical leftist Madiganite. Also, according to one of the commenter over there, a traitor, too.

    I am shocked. SHOCKED I SAY!

    *slips in puddle of sarcasm*

  8. - Okay then... - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 3:09 pm:

    Cheryle Jackson’s Web site looks GREAT! Love the color scheme—it complements her very well. Other than that I find it interesting and sad that she does not have much to say on her Web site. But, that is only explains why she really should not have jumped into this race in the first place. It may give her higher name recognition and a higher profile after all is said and done, but so too would just simply working hard on Urban League issues.

  9. - VanillaMan - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 3:09 pm:

    (Dude! Dude!) Miller’s Ultra-Liberal - Aerosmith’s Tyler, enhanced by VanillaMan

    (Dude! Dude!) Miller’s Ultra-Liberal
    (Dude! Dude!) Miller’s Ultra-Liberal
    (Dude! Dude!) Miller’s Ultra-Liberal
    (Dude! Dude!) Miller’s Ultra-Liberal

    His politics is Liberal Hard-Core
    He makes Saul Alinsky look like a bore
    His columns never run from a fight
    He’ll band you forever on a personal slight
    That’s right

    (Dude! Dude!) Miller’s Ultra-Liberal
    (Dude! Dude!) Miller’s Ultra-Liberal

    His work always shows up on time
    He always has something to say
    Forgive me if I seem out of line
    But his views are so radical
    They always blow me away!

    (Dude! Dude!) Miller’s Ultra-Liberal
    (Dude! Dude!) Miller’s Ultra-Liberal
    (Dude! Dude!) Miller’s Ultra-Liberal
    (Dude! Dude!) Miller’s Ultra-Liberal

    So never judge a beard by it’s owner
    Trust me, he knows how to pull a boner
    His slick presentation belies compromise
    He has the mind of a Marxist
    Lord imagine my surprise!

    (Dude! Dude!) Miller’s Ultra-Liberal
    (Dude! Dude!) Miller’s Ultra-Liberal
    (Dude! Dude!) Miller’s Ultra-Liberal
    (Dude! Dude!) Miller’s Ultra-Liberal

    Baby let me warn you away
    Or thecapitolblogfax will have it’s way
    Baby let me tell you the truth
    If Communists played baseball,
    This Miller is Babe Ruth!
    Baby let me warn you now
    His tricky lies won’t let you see
    Baby your shirt better be brown
    Like me, like me, like me, do me!

    (Guitar solo)

    Ooh he’s so funky and shady
    Ultra-Liberals like it, like it, like it, like that,
    On the SS Obama, he’s the First Matey!

    (Dude! Dude!) Miller’s Ultra-Liberal
    (Dude! Dude!) Miller’s Ultra-Liberal
    (Dude! Dude!) Miller’s Ultra-Liberal
    (Dude! Dude!) Miller’s Ultra-Liberal
    (Dude! Dude!) Miller’s Ultra-Liberal
    (Dude! Dude!) Miller’s Ultra-Liberal
    (Dude! Dude!) Miller’s Ultra-Liberal
    (Dude! Dude!) Miller’s Ultra-Liberal

    (That that) ya ya ya yya ya yya ya chit chit yaow

    (That, that)
    (That, that)
    [Repeat and fade until no one votes for you!]

  10. - Anonymous - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 3:12 pm:

    does that mean fritchey cannot run for state rep too?

  11. - Chi Gal - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 3:13 pm:

    VMan - You are a genius.

  12. - lake county democrat - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 3:17 pm:

    Wouldn’t call you a hack or particularly liberal (though you’re more liberal than libertarian). I do think you have some “pro-system” bias: your critical at times but I think you believe this is still a representative form of government (in practice — clearly in theory it is) and don’t seem too outraged by the deep anti-democratic mechanisms that are in place. I suspect this is because you deal with these people personally and it’s hard to be bitter and/or confrontational at people you otherwise like.

  13. - Niles Township - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 3:19 pm:

    As has often been the case, Rose oversimplifies thingss quite a bit. Wow..that Dillard quote was something. Let’s cut through the EPA red tape for Conoco Philips?

  14. - Skeeter - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 3:20 pm:

    The 50% thing on Cong. Foster?
    Is the complaint that he doesn’t want 100%? I thought the GOP views government health insurance as socialism.

  15. - Cheswick - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 3:22 pm:

    They spelled pejorativre wrong. It’s pejorative.

    But, great name for a band (rock-a-billy?): Rich Miller’s Pejoratives.

  16. - Anonymous45 - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 3:24 pm:

    Whether or not Hoffman is new to the game, the opposition (on both sides) cannot say he part of the combine like Lexi…

  17. - wordslinger - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 3:26 pm:

    Whatever your politics, if you know Lane Evans, your prayers go with him.

    As many found out over the years when the was a top NRCC target, it’s tough to beat an ex-Marine, ACLU board member with a Beatles haircut from Rock Island.

    Trust me, the paradox works.

  18. - 47th Ward - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 3:27 pm:

    It’s pretty clear from Tom Swiss’ piece that he read the entire thread Friday. Weird that he forgot to include the part where Shore got pants’d.

    Glad to know you’re out of the closet Rich. We’re glad to have you on our team. Meet me at HQ later and I’ll get you fitted for your beanie and teach you the secret Ultra-liberal handshake.

  19. - Carl Nyberg - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 3:36 pm:

    Who will run for Fritchey’s state rep seat?

    Maybe someone with state government experience… with name recognition… if he could put aside his media “career”…

    Roddy B in 2010–the comeback tour

    He’s tanned. He’s rested. He’s ready!

  20. - Brennan - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 3:38 pm:

    Geez. Tom Swiss is going to push Rich Miller into leaving the profession to go run campaigns for the Mayor.

    Back the Future Link with David Axelrod and an envious David Brooks:

  21. - Bill - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 3:39 pm:

    Shouldn’t this guy Hoffman at least walk a precinct once before running for the US Senate? I had the same problem with Alexi. We grunts like candidates who work their way up, not skip over all of us and buy their way in at the top. Run for state rep or township trustee or something. Ring some doorbells. Win a few elections first before going all in for the big one.
    Fritchey should be a prohibitive favorite for commissioner especially with the goo goos going all ga ga over him but with those roving bands of brie eaters up there you can never tell. Why he would want to be on the County Board is beyond me but to each his own.I hope he is looking forward to those 9 hour finance committee meetings. He should have a lot of time to twitter and blog after he wins. It should be a fun race for his successor in the House.
    I’m still holding out hope that Rich Miller’s nemeses in the right wing will beat out Dillard. Otherwise Quinn/Hynes might be toast.

  22. - g man - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 3:41 pm:

    You scoffed when I suggested that Fritchey may be running for Claypools seat about two weeks ago

  23. - Rich Miller - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 3:42 pm:

    I was on vacation two weeks ago, g man.

  24. - Anonymous45 - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 3:43 pm:

    Fritchey is married and has kids…why travel all the way to Springfield in order to feel unecessary and ineffectual when you can do that right here in Cook County? Commuting to Springfield gets old fast…

  25. - Bill - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 3:47 pm:

    “I think Rich Miller is a traitor to his country and a commie and hippie.” Jimmie, Aug. 30, 2009, ChicagoGop Blog.


    No wonder they can’t win an election to save their lives. I love this time of year.

  26. - Rich Miller - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 3:50 pm:

    My favorite thing about those morons is they think I have some control over my father’s somewhat odd behavior (Obamalac).

    As if.

  27. - Bill - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 3:58 pm:

    and they used your high school graduation picture.

  28. - Give Me A Break - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 4:07 pm:

    Rich: That pic looks like you are waiting for a Culture Club concert to start. Got to get a new one bro.

  29. - wordslinger - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 4:10 pm:

    What’s with Dillard cutting through “red tape at EPA?” Is that a big demand of Illinois voters, particularly independents?

    Sometimes, there’s no interlocutor there between brain and mouth.

  30. - Meterman - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 4:11 pm:

    Don Rose? Hoffman? Are you people serious? Alexi wins big. Please Ricj quit drinking Speaker Madigan’s kool aide. The kid is a winner. Get over it!!!!

  31. - Rich Miller - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 4:12 pm:

    Meterman, I hardly think one of the members of the much hated (by MJM) reform commission is MJM’s pick for us senate.

  32. - Rich Miller - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 4:13 pm:

    But that comment of yours does show a troubling sign from the Alexi Kool-Aid types. Not a good sign at all.

  33. - Been There - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 4:16 pm:

    ===Fritchey should be a prohibitive favorite for commissioner===
    Bill, I will give you Fritchey as a favorite but not prohibitive. Bridget Gainer has a lot of fight in her and will split a lot of that lakefront goo goo vote, if not actually take those areas. I have to overlay the district map with some of the city ward borders but that may be where Fritchey gets an edge with the old boys network. Depends on who’s turf that overlays with.

  34. - I'm just saying - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 4:20 pm:

    Ummmmmmmmm been there, they are in Seperate Districts, Itchy is Running in CLAYPOOLS’s District, Gainer is running in QUIGLEY’s District…….

    I guess you havent’ been there….

  35. - Rob_N - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 4:28 pm:

    Rich says, “But that comment of yours does show a troubling sign from the Alexi Kool-Aid types.”

    Clearly, Giannoulias must not be liberal enough to fight for Rich’s ultra-liberal agenda.

  36. - Obamarama - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 4:31 pm:

    ===Miller is a journalist like his hero Axelrod is a journalist. These guys are really sneaky. Totally below the radar sneaky…I bet they even go to the trouble of buying their suits at J.C. Penneys…trying look like regular guys.===

    Rich, the proof is clearly in the pudding. Everyone knows only sneaky people buy suits at JC Penney. And you look like a regular guy. Therefore, you must have bought your suits there. Ipso facto, you are sneaky, and… oh no, I don’t have enough breadcrumbs to get home.

  37. - Been There - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 4:32 pm:

    Sorry. Forget about my above comment about Bridget Gainer. I misread the press release. In my mind I thought it said Fritchey was running for Quigley’s old seat. Need to start slow reading these things.

  38. - Rich Miller - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 4:36 pm:

    Nope. Never bought a suit at JC Penney’s. My mom bought a lot of our clothes there, my wife shops there, but I can’t remember the last time I bought something for myself from there.

  39. - Obamarama - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 4:40 pm:

    Man, I thought my logical progression was flawless!

  40. - Just sayin - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 4:40 pm:

    Rich, are you going to take that from that wackjob Tom Swiss? That guy is an embarrassment even within a Cook GOP that was already embarrassing. Even the wackjobs think Swiss is too much of a wackjob.

    One of his more recent clownish acts was to write that most of the African American GOP committeemen in Chicago are “traitors,” because according to Swiss they have sold out to the Democrats.

    Swiss has the nerve to say that even though he’s the one who has himself tried to slate lifelong Democrats for vacant GOP spots on the ballot. Last time he tried to slate a former Democrat Alderman who had spent 3 yrs in prison because of Operation Silver Shovel.

    But even that convicted felon realized he was getting involved with a bad crowd and dropped out on his own. True story.

    In Swiss’ world there’s obviously a different standard for Black folks. Way to court that minority vote GOP.

  41. - Rich Miller - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 4:41 pm:

    And the reason I don’t buy suits there is the prices are too high for what they sell.

  42. - Rich Miller - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 4:44 pm:

    Just sayin, it’s a free country. He can write whatever he wants. He wanted attention, I gave it to him.

  43. - Been There - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 4:54 pm:

    ====but I can’t remember the last time I bought something for myself from there.===
    Haven’t been to a JC Penny’s in 20 years in Chicago. But I forgot to bring shirts and ties down for session once and, if I must say, I came out with some pretty dapper looking clothes from the Springfield store.

  44. - Rob_N - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 4:56 pm:

    Interesting that the Chicago GOP site picks up on the whole “MLK was a Republican” schtick.

    Or perhaps “predictable” is a more appropriate word than “interesting.”

  45. - Ahem...The REAL Anonymous - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 5:17 pm:

    Cheryle Jackson’s Web site looks GREAT!

    I dunno. “I see you. I hear you.”

    Makes me feel a bit paranoid. However, that could be attributed to the fact that I’ve been under the impression that we’ve been participating in nothing more than “civil discourse” here on CapFax–and now find out that Rich Miller might actually be (gulp) “a hippie”.

    Now that I know, it should have been obvious all along that he’s been analyzing our postings to determine who’s over/under 30.

    So many of us bloggers are doomed. No one will ever listen to, or trust, our opinions again–even if we can find another place to go.

  46. - Bill - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 5:39 pm:

    So far Bridget is unopposed in her district and I hope it stays that way. She’ll work well with Reyes and Fritchey. She’s honest, hard working, and is a real breadth of fresh air. Forest(gump)Claypool’s most significant act as commissioner was to quit.Good riddance.

  47. - Arthur Andersen - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 7:37 pm:

    Is there any doubt Tom Swiss’ tinfoil fedora is squeezing his melon too tightly?

  48. - You Go Boy - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 8:04 pm:

    John McCain…it’s time to leave the stage. You are not relevant.

  49. - wordslinger - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 8:32 pm:

    –John McCain…it’s time to leave the stage. You are not relevant.–

    If you believe that, it’s a crying shame. The national GOP could use a lot more like him.

  50. - Bobs yer - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 9:28 pm:

    Eric Zorn? yes, though ‘Democratic shill’ is more appropriate than ‘hack’.

    Miller: no, he’s seen too much to trust one party’s line over another. Everyone gets their day in the sunshine.

  51. - regular democrat - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 9:45 pm:

    Look for Fritcheys replacement to come fron the Fightin 47th You heard it here first

  52. - Anonymous - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 9:47 pm:

    The national GOP could use a lot more like him.

    So true. The best role model anyone could have–and our Hero.

  53. - wordslinger - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 10:43 pm:

    I’d never heard of Tom Swiss, so I did the google. Okay, now I get it.

  54. - bill - Monday, Aug 31, 09 @ 10:46 pm:

    Maybe Patti Blago can get Fritchey’s spot.

  55. - downstate commissioner - Tuesday, Sep 1, 09 @ 8:33 am:

    Late comment: Never heard of Tom Swiss,either, but was disturbed by the accusations of deletions of posts by both sides. Unless it is racial, totally personal, or a lie, I feel that posts should be allowed.
    Also, have never understood what “profanity” in Rich’s terms of use includes. “Profanity” is specifically anti-religious to me; therefore the various references to body parts and functions (scatalogical?)would be okay…

    Of course, in the end this is Rich’s blog, and he can do whatever he wants to…

  56. - Interested party - Tuesday, Sep 1, 09 @ 9:08 am:

    Is this Reyes guy related to Victor Reyes?
    Actually Don Rose seems right, None of the Democratic US Senate candidates have reached out to the African-American or Hispanic communities like they should!

  57. - phil - Tuesday, Sep 1, 09 @ 9:55 am:

    To the guy who said John McCain isn’t relevant: Mark Kirk added 1/2 a million to his war chest in one evening because of John McCain. That $$ will help Mr. Kirk present Alexi as the child of privilege, low talented, corrupt person that he is (If the Dems are dumb enough to nominate him). John McCain is certainly relevant.

  58. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Sep 1, 09 @ 10:17 am:

    dc, I only delete over the top stuff. That blog, on the other hand, will allow anything, much of it disgusting.

  59. - PalosParkBob - Tuesday, Sep 1, 09 @ 10:18 am:

    Didn’t Tom Swiss leave a leadership role in the Cook GOP organization because he had to dedicate more time to making money to support his family?

    What brought him back?

    I’ll always remember Tom as the guy who told all those who were nominated to fill GOP ballot spots after the primary that everything was “under control” and he was holding all the nominating papers until the last minute for filing.

    Some of us called him and asked him to file the nominations the day after the nomination was made. He told us he knew better, and to pretty much mind our own business.

    It turns out that he was supposed to turn the paper work in within three days of the nomination being made.

    Because he blew it, I believe over 30 candidates were taken off the ballot.

    Maybe he should spend a little less time worrying about Rich’s political orientation and more time reading the election laws.

  60. - just ducky - Tuesday, Sep 1, 09 @ 10:32 am:

    john mccain is able to raise money for kirk dillard because the republicans in this state are so repressed that they jump at the chance to donate money to such old dude hokey folks as john mccain and george bush. these are the same people who still pine for the days of ronald reagan. gag me, my friends, yuck yuck.

  61. - Say WHAT? - Tuesday, Sep 1, 09 @ 10:41 am:

    Personal attacks on Rich Miller = Apparently they got nada to work with. Last ditch totally partisan effort, kinda like shifting chairs on the deck of the Titanic!

    Bye bye! (waving with a smile on my face)

    As I am sitting here - thinking what would happen to me if people knew the stuff MY MOTHER does??? My Mom has a bumper sticker that reads “Save a child - shoot a drug dealer” OY! Just like Rich - control my Mom? Yeah! Me, God and what Army?

    Hang in there Rich, you must be doing something right, err left. I’m confused. Hehe!

  62. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Sep 1, 09 @ 10:46 am:

    ===john mccain is able to raise money for kirk dillard becaus===

    It’s Mark Kirk, not Kirk Dillard. Slow down before you pontificate again on your own initial error.

  63. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Sep 1, 09 @ 12:10 pm:

    dc, I only delete over the top stuff. That blog, on the other hand, will allow anything, much of it disgusting.

    I’ll second that. Rich will even allow mistakes we’ve written in instances where we completely missed the context stand sometimes, because he knows his readers and that we believe that “right actions in the future are the best apologies for bad actions in the past”.

    Rich rules with an iron fist but is also compassionate–and that’s what make this blog so popular.

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