Question of the day
Tuesday, Aug 25, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * Caption? ![]()
Quotes of the day
Tuesday, Aug 25, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * Our top award goes to Mayor Daley, in a leaked transcript of his speech tonight apologizing for the parking meter fiasco…
Actually, tonight’s statement makes Daley pretty much the last person to admit that Daley really screwed up. * Runner-up is Gov. Pat Quinn, speaking to reporters this morning about the way he has handled his call for the University of Illinois trustees to resign…
Think all you want, guv. * Second runner-up goes to U.S. District Judge James Zagel, who wrote this in a recent opinion denying reporters access to transcripts and secret recordings in the Rod Blagojevich corruption investigation…
No kidding.
Tribune compares video poker legalization to September 11th attack
Tuesday, Aug 25, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * The Chicago Tribune editorial board apparently has no decency left whatsoever. It has now stooped to the level of cracking very bad 9/11 jokes…
What was this horrific outrage that the Tribune equated with one of the greatest tragedies in US history? Video gaming. Yes, video gaming. Today’s editorial is a long, strident, breathless slam on legalized, limited and taxed video gaming. It’s chock full of phrases that would make nutballs like Alan Keyes smile with approval. The Tribune continued its 9/11 attack theme today by claiming that video gaming is “invading” the state. That hysterical statement completely ignores the fact that almost totally unregulated, mostly untaxed video poker machines already crowd the Illinois landscape today, and pay out illegally. And a newspaper which has consistently opposed making state laws via public referenda now whines that no public referenda was held on video gaming…
The problem with the Tribune since they were implicated in the Rod Blagojevich scandal is that the editorial page has begun to use campaign rhetoric rather than reasoned debate. So, we get things like the over the top comparisons of an admittedly botched attempt to regulate video poker to September 11th and that favorite word of politicians everywhere: “Invasion.” Leave the campaign spin to politicans. And for crying out loud, leave September 11th out of stuff like this.
Kirk goes for the twofer; Steinberg wishes GOP well; Black really out this time?
Tuesday, Aug 25, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * Republican US Senate candidate Mark Kirk appears to be making up lost time with conservatives on this national health care debate…
That’s called a twofer. * Steinberg recently wished Republican Sen. Dan Rutherford success in his race for state treasurer, and claimed he found himself actually meaning it…
* Rep. Bill Black has announced his resignation or retirement so many times that I didn’t pay much attention to Fritchey’s Tweet yesterday. But this year could be the year…
Provena executive Chad Hays is said to be Black’s choice as a replacement. * Related…
Cheap shot at Brady
Tuesday, Aug 25, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * The AP runs what could be the most misleading Illinois lede of the month…
Why is that lede so misleading? Because it more than just implies a direct quid pro quo. And there doesn’t appear to be one at all. Eleven grafs into the story we learn this..
Brady has a committee of educators hand out the scholarships to kids whose names are kept secret from them. Yet, the lede is about one contribution from one recipient’s father. The story’s second graf claims that this situation “isn’t uncommon,” a handy double negative that masks the actual situation. Look, there are lots and lots of good reasons to oppose the legislative scholarship program. But singling out Brady on this one doesn’t seem fair at all, particularly since there are others who have direct control over their own legislative scholarships. * Speaking of misleading claims, Chicago’s Binny’s Beverage Depot has apparently reverted to fear mongering and untruths to sell more booze with a new ad campaign…
Actually, a liquor tax hike a decade ago (which, like this one, was used to pay for a capital bill) was higher. And how much will this one cost?
2.6 cents on a six pack. Such a travestyl * Related…