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Lisa Madigan pokes a little fun at Mike the intern

Thursday, Aug 20, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I posted some video of Attorney General Lisa Madigan yesterday, but we left part of it out.

AG Madigan starts out joking about the fact that she has no GOP opponent as of yet. But then she notices my intern Mike videotaping the interview and begins talking to him. She kinda/sorta praised his performance on the blog during my vacation, but then teases him about something he wrote here…

* My old and dear friend Brian Monahan was in town this week and volunteered to help with the video duties yesterday. He got stuck taping all the speeches. Neither Mike nor Brian are in town today, and Mike accidentally took both of my video cameras back to Champaign last night, so, unfortunately, we won’t have much in the way of videos from Republican Day. I do have my iPhone, though, so I may do something.

Anyway, here are all the speeches taped by Brian…

* Senate President Cullerton
* Speaker Madigan
* Gov. Quinn
* AG Lisa Madigan
* SoS Jesse White
* Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias
* Rep. David Miller
* Raja Krishnamoorthi
* Kip Kirkpatrick
* Robin Kelly
* Sen. Terry Link
* Rep. Art Turner
* Rep. Mike Boland
* Scott Lee Cohen


Question of the day

Thursday, Aug 20, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Since it’s Republican Day, how about a fun little caption contest for this photo of Congressman Mark Kirk and an unnamed pooch…


Murphy attacks Dillard, but not by name ***UPDATE - Dillard Responds***

Thursday, Aug 20, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sen. Matt Murphy has unveiled a new TV ad during the State Fair which whacks a fellow GOP gubernatorial candidate, Sen. Kirk Dillard. From a press release…

The ad contrasts Murphy’s record as a fiscal conservative with one primary opponent, Senator Kirk Dillard (R-Hinsdale), whose votes have contributed to the state’s financial woes. In 2008, Dillard voted to raise the sales tax in Cook County as well as the collar counties and in 2003 he voted to give then Governor Rod Blagojevich $10 billion in bond borrowing. The ad also calls the Hinsdale Senator a “long-time insider” highlighting his 30 years in state government, a point Dillard himself is making on the campaign trail.

Except, the ad never actually mentions Dillard by name…

According to the Tribune, the ad is currently running in the Springfield/Champaign cable market. It’s more of a symbolic act, but it does indicate that Murphy will not allow Dillard to emerge unscathed.

***UPDATE : 4:30 pm- Dillard Responds***

[posted by Mike Murray]

***End of Update***

* Meanwhile, the Democrats are planning to take a swipe this morning at GOP US Senate candidate Mark Kirk before the Republican Day festivities kick off at noon. From a press release…

Before the start of the Illinois Republican Party’s rally today at the State Fair grounds, local Democratic and community leaders will join together to ask Republican Senate candidate Mark Kirk why time and again he has supported corporate special interests and President George Bush’s failed policies over what is best for Illinois’ economy and working families.

DATE: August 20, 2009
LOCATION: West Side of the Goat Barn, State Fair Grounds
TIME: 11:45 AM
PARTICIPANTS: Margaret Blackshere, former President of the IL AFL-CIO
Jim Moody, Sangamon County Chair
Special Guests

It’s probably a safe bet that the goat barn was chosen for a reason.

* And Kirk has another primary opponent

Hinsdale real estate developer Patrick Hughes announced Wednesday that he is entering the Republican primary for U.S. Senate, challenging U.S. Rep. Mark Kirk for the party’s banner.

Hughes, 40, says he was part of a grass-roots push to lobby against Gov. Pat Quinn’s proposed income tax hike. The attorney has never run for public office before.

More from Hughes

HUGHES: [President Obama’s] popularity has faded significantly. I think that the policies that people are looking for are policies of limited government, of fiscal responsibility, and the Obama administration, particularly with their stimulus plan, and with the cap and trade energy tax legislation and with the health care legislation has shown to the American people that they’re not committed to limited and to effective government and fiscal responsibility and to low taxes.

At least five other Republicans are vying for the Senate nomination. The biggest name among them is Congressman Mark Kirk. But Hughes says Kirk is out of the mainstream of Republican thinking.

* Related…

* Senate Hopeful Mark Kirk facing Upward Battle for Immigrant Votes

* Illinois Rep. Kirk Gets Another Senate GOP Primary Opponent: At least six other Republicans have filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission to run for the seat of retiring Democrat Roland W. Burris. They are John Arrington, a former alderman from Harvey; Tom Kuna; Don Lowery, a former state circuit judge; political activist and frequent candidate Andy Martin; Eric Wallace, who was decisively defeated in a 2006 bid for the Illinois state Senate; and Robert Zadek, a businessman.

* U. S. Senate candidate Andy Martin wins court settlement in lawsuit with Republican Party

* Dodge in for Illinois comptroller

* Republican Day events…

* Gubernatorial candidate Bob Schillerstrom. 2pm-ish.

Abes Trading Post
2704 Peoria Rd.

* Sen. Dan Rutherford, candidate for Treasurer. 2:00 -3:30 PM (Following the GOP Luncheon)

Cold Refreshments on Republican Day
Franny’s Tavern
Corner of 8th & Sangamon Avenue
Outside State Fair Gate 11

* Sen. Kirk Dillard for Governor. 2:30-4:30 pm.

Reception @ the Miller Tent
Illinois State Fairgrounds
Live Music and Refreshments

* Frank Edwards for Governor. 2-4 pm.

Free Pizza & Beverages
Corner of 9th & Sangamon

* Adam Andrzejewski for governor. 2-5 pm.
Vic’s Pizza
Beer/wine and wings.

* Senator Bill Brady Republican Candidate for Governor 2010. 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.

Free Illinois State Fair Republican Day Reception
Sangamon County Republican Party Headquarters
1132 E. Sangamon Avenue, Springfield
(just east of the Fairgrounds’ Main Gate)

* Sen. Matt Murphy for Governor. 2-4pm

Stadium Sports Bar
2300 N Peoria Rd
Beer and pizza


This just in… McKenna to step down as state GOP chairman ***Updated with Video***

Thursday, Aug 20, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 9:54 am - Andy McKenna has just announced he will step down as Illinois Republican Party Chairman.

There is word that he might run for a statewide or other office.

* 10:12 am - More

[McKenna] said he was leaving in advance of the end of his term next year to give Republicans a chance to pick a new leader before the Feb. 2 primary election.

The move, he said, also will give him “the freedom to be involved in primaries”—something he said he has avoided as state Republican chairman. McKenna also will run a newly formed “victory fund” for state and federal candidates under the auspices of the state GOP.


[posted by Mike Murray]

* 2 pm - Here is some video Rich shot at the fair…


Giannoulias wins big endorsement, but almost nobody notices

Thursday, Aug 20, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* There was some actual news yesterday during the annual State Fair festivities, but it was mostly ignored…

The [Democratic] party’s county chairmen’s association voted to endorse Alexi Giannoulias in next February’s primary for U.S. Senate. […]

Some downstate county chairmen wondered why the other Senate candidate, Chicago Urban League President Cheryle Jackson, did not politic at this year’s state fair.

“She hasn’t called, hasn’t said nothing, hasn’t been around, hasn’t introduced herself,” said Rocky Raikes, Lasalle County chairman.

* Another piece of actual news was also ignored, except by Mark Brown

Just months after insisting that a new state ethics law prohibits the Illinois Democratic Party from endorsing or giving financial support to candidates in a primary, Gov. Quinn plans to attend a closed-door meeting of Cook County Democratic officials today to seek their support in next year’s election. […]

Asked about the Cook County slatemaking Wednesday at the Illinois State Fair, Quinn told reporters: “I’m going to go up there to talk to them. I believe in talking to everybody. What they do is up to them.”

Seeking clarification, I called Quinn’s campaign finance chairman, Don McNeil, who said the governor plans to ask for the Democratic committeemen’s support “as individuals,” not a party endorsement.

McNeil said Quinn continues to favor an open primary and to oppose spending party resources on any candidate in a primary contest.

But he specifically won’t join Dan Hynes in asking that the county party avoid slating statewide candidates.

And what’s his campaign finance chairman doing answering reporters’ questions?

* The news that Speaker Madigan won’t convene the state party until after the February election was picked up by Bernie Schoenberg

Madigan also chairs the state Democratic Party, but said Wednesday that the central committee plans no endorsements and doesn’t plan to meet before the Feb. 2 primary.

* Instead, the media coverage was mostly about slight digs thrown at each other by Pat Quinn and Dan Hynes and the “spectre” of Rod Blagojevich…

Though he’s been gone almost seven months, the shadow of disgraced former Gov. Rod Blagojevich hovered over the Democrats’ annual rally at the State Fair on Wednesday as early tensions surfaced in the primary race for governor.


As the memory of Blagojevich forced party leaders to walk on political eggshells, Gov. Quinn and his top primary rival for governor — Comptroller Dan Hynes — traded barbs.

“I respect Pat Quinn, and I find him to be a decent man. But this nomination must be earned, not bequeathed or signed or transferred. It must be earned,” Hynes said.

Quinn paid tribute to the legislative handiwork of three of the four Democratic statewide officeholders — Secretary of State Jesse White, Lisa Madigan and Treasurer and U.S. Senate candidate Alexi Giannoulias — but snubbed Hynes. […]

“Those are people who want to work together. If you don’t want to work with our office, go your own way,” Quinn said, when asked if his snub of Hynes was deliberate.

* Quote of the day goes to potential gubernatorial candidate Rep. Jack Franks…

“I’m not a Chicago politician. I’m a farm boy from Marengo and I rely on common sense. And I think we need a change,” said Franks.

Farm boy? Really? Actually, he’s the son of and partner with a very successful trial lawyer. Here’s his official General Assembly bio

Attorney; law firm of Franks, Gerkin & McKenna; Bachelors of Arts Degree in Political Science from the University of Wisconsin/Madison; law degree from the American University Washington College of Law; a member of several Chambers of Commerce in McHenry County

Nothing about being a “farm boy.” And he doesn’t sit on the Ag Committee, either.

* Runner-up quote of the day is from Senate President John Cullerton

“First of all, I would like to announce I am not running for lieutenant governor,” [Cullerton] said.

As we discussed yesterday, there’s already about a billion of those candidates.

* Related…

* Democrats try to unify headed into 2010 campaigns

* Potential cracks evident on Democrats’ day at fair

* Quinn wraps up Governor’s Day at state fair

* Governor’s Day highlights 2010 primary

* Democrats campaign at Illinois State Fair

* Democrat Day at the Fair

* Quinn says he’ll take four trustees’ resignations

* Bloomington lawyer criticizes Quinn after resignation as U of I trustee


Morning shorts

Thursday, Aug 20, 2009 - Posted by Mike Murray

* City Calls Parking Meter Suit “Without Merit”

A public interest group filed the suit Wednesday, claiming—among other things—Chicago lacks the authority to lease public streets.

It also says it’s unconstitutional for public officials to write parking tickets, now that the meters are controlled by a private company.

* Chicago’s parking-meter lease draws lawsuit

* Illinois high schools’ scores drop on state achievement exam

Elementary students posted modest gains on the 2009 exams, continuing an upward trend. But high school scores tumbled, according to data released Wednesday.

Last year’s junior class posted the lowest pass rate — 51.6 percent — ever recorded on the math portion of the Prairie State Achievement Exam, given this past spring. Barely half of the students got over the bar in science, a slight drop from the previous year.

* Illinois officials to release July jobless rate

* Over 30% of Chicago homes have upside down mortgages

More than 30 percent of single-family homes in the Chicago metropolitan area had mortgages that were greater than the value of the home at the end of June, according to a report from First American CoreLogic. That’s 550,572 Chicago area homes with negative equity.

Statewide, 29.4 percent — 650,720 properties — had negative equity, also known as having an “underwater” or “upside down” mortgage.

The state and metropolitan area fared slightly better than the nation, which had 32.2 percent of properties with negative equity, the report said.

* Distressed Kane fits ‘recovery zone’ tag

* Peoria City Council spares public safety cuts

* Unions: Prison layoffs would harm Logan Co.

Union officials here are projecting a $7 million loss of taxable income to the Logan County economy if pending cuts of more than 100 state Department of Corrections employees take place at two local prisons.

That’s prompted the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees to launch a public campaign against the cuts announced recently by Gov. Pat Quinn. The campaign included a town hall meeting at the Knights of Columbus hall Wednesday night.

* Daley in D.C. asking for . . . more

According to a press release on Wednesday afternoon, the mayor met Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano to ask for increased efforts at the federal level to crack down on gang-bangers and drug dealers.

* Ike Carothers Trial Date Set

A March 8 trial date has been set in the federal corruption case of Chicago Alderman Isaac Carothers.

* Tollway board member was seeking work on other tollways

An Illinois tollway board member had been pitching his company to do land consulting work on other tollway systems and for construction companies, which a top ethics group says is an apparent conflict of interest.

David Andalcio, who was appointed to the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority board by then-Gov. Rod Blagojevich in 2003, has a company called Wynndalco Enterprises that was offering services on its Web site as a consultant for tollway and other transportation projects.

* Former mob attorney joins Blagojevich outfit

Allan Ackerman, a onetime mob attorney whose specialty of late has been crafting appellate arguments, said Wednesday he will formally join the ranks of the former governor’s legal team.

Ackerman referred to himself Wednesday as a “maven,” an expert who will organize the evidence, including more than 3 million documents in the case, and have it ready for the June trial.

* Blagojevich’s Defense Team Signs on Colorful Character

* Blago lawyers want more time with tapes

Attorneys for former Gov. Rod Blagojevich say they’ll need three more weeks to listen to secret recordings that’ll feature prominently at his corruption trial.

Federal prosecutors and defense lawyers attended a 10-minute status hearing Wednesday where Judge James Zagel asked how preparations for a trial were going. Blagojevich didn’t attend.[…]

The next status hearing is set for Sept. 22. A trial isn’t expected to start until next year.

* Burr Oak out of cash; staff laid off

Burr Oak Cemetery’s remaining eight workers have been laid off since Friday, when the cemetery’s receiver learned in court he couldn’t make payroll, the SouthtownStar has learned.

Roman Szabelski, the appointed receiver charged with running the beleaguered historic cemetery in Alsip, said none of the money he’s requested from a Cook County judge to operate the cemetery has been released. The cemetery’s assets all have been frozen in the wake of a grave-reselling scandal in which four employees are charged with multiple felonies, including dismembering human remains.

* No fish story: This carp could eat up Lake Michigan

Ecologists fear that the carp, which can grow to 100 pounds and up to 4 feet long, could devastate sport and commercial fishing in the Great Lakes.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax

Thursday, Aug 20, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

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* Reader comments closed for the holiday weekend
* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Jack Conaty
* New state law to be tested by Will County case
* Why did ACLU Illinois staffers picket the organization this week?
* Hopefully, IDHS will figure this out soon
* Pete Townshend he ain't /s
* Open thread
* Isabel’s morning briefing
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