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Videos From the State Fair

Wednesday, Aug 19, 2009 - Posted by Mike Murray

UPDATE FROM RICH: Some things to look for in the videos below…

Speaker Madigan said he has no plans to endorse any gubernatorial candidates in the short term. He did endorse Rep Art Turner for LG, though.

Gov Quinn evaded questions about whether the Cook Co. Dems should slate statewide candidates. Dan Hynes has asked that the party not slate. Unusual for Quinn, who has opposed slating in the past.

Tornado siren at the fairgrounds so that’s it for now.

* 2:05 pm - We have some pre-speech video for you from the state fair: Speaker Madigan, Sen Link, Gov. Quinn, and AG Madigan all spoke with the media prior to the Gov’s day rally. I should have video up shortly…

* 2:13 pm - Here is Speaker Madigan answering a variety of questions. Most notably, he discusses his personal decision to endorse Rep Turner for Lt. Gov. Again the endorsement was not made in the Speaker’s capacity as State Dem. Party Chair. Of course, Madigan is his usual coy self with the media…

* 2:18 pm -Sen. Link responds to Speaker Madigan’s endorsement of Rep. Turner and notes that he expects Sen. President Cullerton to endorse him for Lt. Gov in the near future…

* 2:25 pm - Gov Quinn also spoke with the media. Initially, the conversation focused on the U of I trustees situation, but eventually Quinn addresses his view of Hynes as a primary challenger…

* Ag Madigan discusses her run for reelection…


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Walker; Hannig; Froehlich; Budget; News Roundup

Wednesday, Aug 19, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Question of the day

Wednesday, Aug 19, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The setup comes to us from a story about a guy who can’t get a permit to protest in Cicero

In late July, after almost four months, trustees at a Town Board meeting considered his request but denied the permit, citing safety concerns, though Montes had reduced the expected number of protesters to 80. Trustees, however, recommended an alternative location for the protest: a parking lot in an isolated part of town across from the recently demolished Sportsman’s Park near 3300 S. Laramie Ave., a mile from [state Sen. Martin Sandoval’s] office.

“They are stonewalling me,” said Montes, who declined the offer of the alternative site. “The town is violating my civil liberties.”

Cicero police and town trustees told Montes at a Town Board meeting that the sidewalk in front of Sandoval’s office, 5807 W. 35th St., is too small to accommodate 80 protesters. Town Collector and Trustee Fran Reitz also told Montes that it would be “terribly disruptive to our residents in the community.”

“There are always a lot of senior [citizens] walking up and down 35th Street,” she said, adding the parking lot “would be much more conducive for what is being requested.”

* The Question: Should municipal permits be required for protests? Explain.


State Fair events

Wednesday, Aug 19, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* As with yesterday, if you have an event that’s not listed, add it to comments. Here’s today’s list…

* Illinois State Senator and Candidate for Governor Kirk Dillard Pre-Republican Day Reception. 6:00-9:00 P.M.

D H Brown’s
231 East Monroe

Refreshments provided

RSVP: 630-571-0390

* Reception and pizza party for State Rep. Mike Boland. 5 - 7 pm.

Joe Gallina’s Pizza
432 East Monroe
Donation: $20.00
For more information call 630.251.1538

* Thursday…

* Gubernatorial candidate Bob Schillerstrom. 2pm-ish.

Abes Trading Post
2704 Peoria Rd.

* Sen. Dan Rutherford, candidate for Treasurer. 2:00 -3:30 PM (Following the GOP Luncheon)

Cold Refreshments on Republican Day
Franny’s Tavern
Corner of 8th & Sangamon Avenue
Outside State Fair Gate 11

* Sen. Kirk Dillard for Governor. 2:30-4:30 pm.

Reception @ the Miller Tent
Illinois State Fairgrounds
Live Music and Refreshments

* Frank Edwards for Governor. 2-4 pm.

Free Pizza & Beverages
Corner of 9th & Sangamon

* Adam Andrzejewski for governor. 2-5 pm.
Vic’s Pizza
Beer/wine and wings.

* Senator Bill Brady Republican Candidate for Governor 2010. 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.

Free Illinois State Fair Republican Day Reception
Sangamon County Republican Party Headquarters
1132 E. Sangamon Avenue, Springfield
(just east of the Fairgrounds’ Main Gate)

* Sen. Matt Murphy for Governor. 2-4pm

Stadium Sports Bar
2300 N Peoria Rd
Beer and pizza

How’s your State Fair experience going so far?

* Related…

* Political days at the state fair


Suddenly, everybody wants to be Number Two

Wednesday, Aug 19, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* It’s just amazing to me that so many people are lining up to run for lieutenant governor. I can’t ever remember this much interest in an office that means almost nothing.

Steve Rhodes has a partial candidate list today, including Sen. Rickey Hendon, Sen. Terry Link, Ald. Sandi Jackson, Rep. Kevin Joyce, Justin Oberman, Scott Lee Cohen, Thomas Castillo and Carbondale Mayor Brad Cole.

Others include Democratic Reps. Art Turner and Mike Boland, Republican Rep. Dave Winters, Bolingbrook Mayor Roger Claar, Goran Davidovac, Randy White and most likely some others that I can’t remember at the moment.

You can find links to many of these candidates’ websites at Thomas Castillo’s home page.

Rhodes thinks we can blame this intense interest in a nothing job on Pat Quinn

Blame it on Pat Quinn: the job formerly known as Lieutenant Governor of Bored Out-of-My-Mindistan is suddenly drawing interest from a wide-range of pols vying for a post once seen as a booby prize.

We can only surmise that Quinn’s accidental ascendancy to the governship has given a few folks some new ideas about the least consequential position among state constitutional offices.

There’s more to it than that, of course. I mean, can they really be thinking that this office is now a springboard because a governor was impeached and removed for the first time in Illinois history? Really?

I’d love to get all these people into a room and ask them what the heck is going through their minds.


Forget the cult

Wednesday, Aug 19, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* No surprise at all, considering he’s not been heard from in weeks…

Merchandise Mart mogul and political heir Chris Kennedy told supporters Tuesday he isn’t running for the U.S. Senate seat now held by Roland Burris.

“In the end, I did not want to have to leave the state in order to serve it,” said Kennedy, the son of the late Robert F. Kennedy. “They say love conquers all, and in my case, it conquered ambition. I realize that I would rather be a good husband and a good father than a good Washington politician.”

He also won’t run for governor.

Steinberg is disappointed

And I probably should admit that I’d been privately goading Kennedy to run for the past few months. Why? Because I consider him smart and well-spoken, because I thought he might win (what, you think you’re reading the neutral report of the Jedi Council? Wrong). Because I feel that Illinois could use a second effective senator and not some 33-year-old gee-whiz whelp like State Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias, the putative Democratic candidate, nor a sour little crab apple like Republican Mark Kirk, coupled to a suspicion that a Kennedy campaign would enliven our often tedious political process and his victory might even be good for the country.

Kennedy is rich enough not to be beholden to anybody, and a smart, independent man with new ideas would stand out in the U.S. Senate, if only for his novelty.

I told Kennedy I was disappointed.

“I think it’s the right decision,” he said, explaining that, basically, he wasn’t willing to spend time on the campaign trail that a successful Senate campaign requires.

Kennedy would’ve been a much better campaigner than I think some expected. But this party savior thing is a bit much. And it’s not confined to liberal-leaning Kennedy-loving types, either. I found the end of this column about Illinois Republicans a tiny bit disturbing…

We just need to be reminded that our state’s best days are ahead.

All that’s left is for a leader to come along with that message, the credibility to challenge us with it and the ability to grab our attention. If he or she can raise our heads, we’ll get going again.

If we’re gonna depend on politicians to “raise our heads,” we’ll be waiting around forever. Put your faith in God (if you believe, of course), not people. People will always disappoint. Hey, I love people. But we’re all humans and are therefore flawed creatures.

* Meanwhile, a Sun-Times guest columnist thinks Todd Stroger is a lock for reelection, then proceeds to declare voters stupid

So don’t be surprised when Stroger pulls off the re-election win. Heck, it will be so bizarre that it could lead to a book deal. There’s even a working title being kicked around in certain circles — Cook County Voters are Dummies.

One wonders if this columnist will declare him/herself (there’s no name on the online version of the column) a dummie if Stroger is defeated.

* The Daily Herald thinks there are two “central questions” in the upcoming election campaign…

First: Given the political turmoil in Illinois so far this decade, why would anyone vote for Democrats?

Second: What alternative will Republicans offer?

But Cullerton makes a good point in the same story…

State Senate President John Cullerton, a Chicago Democrat, said he believes the GOP won’t be able to mount an aggressive take-back of the state despite the scandals of former Gov. Rod Blagojevich and discontent over proposed tax hikes.

“We kind of benefit somewhat with the dysfunctionality (of the GOP),” Cullerton said. “They are split. They have a real conservative (wing) and moderates who are fighting each other. They don’t agree. … So, they haven’t taken advantage.”

Cullerton also had this to say about Illinois Democrats and Republicans

“Our brand is bad, their brand is just as bad,” he said.

The GOP “brand” is still not good in Illinois, but if Mark Kirk’s polling numbers show us anything, it’s that the party isn’t as far into the wilderness as it’s been in recent years.

* Related…

* Candidate for state treasurer stops here

* DemurralMania– Who’s not running in `10

* Coulson joins 10th District race

* Sen. Terry Link to run for lieutenant governor

* Kirk touts pro-growth agenda


Morning Shorts

Wednesday, Aug 19, 2009 - Posted by Mike Murray

* Robert Novak: Innovator’s life marked by passion

* Novak: A lighthearted ‘Prince of Darkness’

* Novak Remembered as Generous, Hard-Working

* Political columnist, commentator Robert Novak dies at 78

* Statewide gains on ACT test

* Ill. ACT scores increase for third year in a row

The state’s composite score for the Class of 2009 was 20.8 on the test’s scale of 1 to 36. The national average was 21.1.

* Teachers and Advocates Question Chicago Schools Budget

Teachers and advocates for students are taking hits at the new Chicago Public Schools budget.

CPS is holding hearings on the $5.3 billion budget. Speakers at the first hearing blasted the city’s use of Tax Increment Financing districts—saying the TIFs are costing the public schools hundreds of millions of dollars in forgone property tax revenues. Others criticized CPS’s investment decisions.

* Downtown condo market perks up in 2nd quarter

* More Illinois homes in foreclosure during July

A new law in Illinois that aimed to help give homeowners facing foreclosure more time apparently led to a spike in problems during July, according to data released today by RealtyTrac.

The state ranked No. 5 nationwide for the number of foreclosure filings of 14,524 for the month, which includes default notices, scheduled auctions and bank repossessions. That overall foreclosure activity was boosted by an 86 percent surge in default notices, which bounced back from low levels in May and June, said RealtyTrac spokesman Daren Blomquist.

“The law just delayed the inevitable for some people,” said Blomquist. “And we’ve seen this pattern in other states that enacted similar laws.”

An Illinois state law enacted April 5 gave delinquent borrowers an extension of up to 90 days before the start of the foreclosure process.

* Free lakefront parking to end in 4 to 6 weeks

* Advisory: IVI-IPO to Sue City of Chicago Over Parking Meter Give-Away

The Independent Voters of Illinois-Independent Precinct Organization will file suit against the City of Chicago Wednesday alleging that the deal to lease the city’s parking meters is illegal and should be voided.

Clint Krislov, of Krislov & Associates, Ltd. and IVI-IPO’s attorney on the suit, will be available at a press conference following the filing. Copies of the suit will be available at the press conference. [10:30am today]

* State blocks $2.8 million from use by Cook County President Todd Stroger

Citing financial mismanagement in a long-troubled office that Cook County Board President Todd Stroger now controls, state officials have cut off access to $2.35 million in federal job training grants and demanded the county return another $1.8 million.

The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity also is requiring its approval for the county to spend the rest of a $5.7 million grant for summer youth jobs as part of the federal stimulus package.

* State smacks Cook County over federal job funds

* Orland Park hedging its bets on video gaming

Pappas estimated the village would have the potential to add more than $800,000 to its coffers. Trustee James Dodge, who opposes expanding gambling in Illinois, said he is skeptical of the revenue numbers, especially since the state estimates 45,000 video machines will pop up in Illinois, reducing the demand.

* Oswego board debates fate of video gambling within village

* Stimulus funds won’t cure Kane’s ills

* Ardis: Budget ‘only gets uglier’

Nonunion wage freezes, the elimination of 17 city positions, and cuts in temporary positions, training and overtime expenses highlighted a laundry list of proposals the city’s department heads introduced to the City Council on Tuesday.

* Union files unfair labor charge against Oak Lawn

* One union left for STC wage freeze

* Homewood official wants to hire jobless residents to cut grass

* Beggars don’t need mayor’s approval in Ill. city

Panhandlers in the southwestern Illinois city of Belleville will no longer be required to get the mayor’s written permission before asking for spare change.

* Chicago Housing Authority Set to Tear Down Historic Church

One of the oldest churches on Chicago’s South Side is slated for demolition. Vandalism, squatters and fires helped ruin the building. But some preservationists are blaming the Chicago Housing Authority.

* Olympic candor

Before Chicago organizers close their sale to the IOC, they need to close their sale to Chicagoans. The best way to do that is to shower Chicago in all of the financing details — and to create a rock-solid protocol for sharing future information with citizens as well. That isn’t too much to ask, given that there will be no Chicago Olympics unless the City Council obligates taxpayers to an open financial guarantee that the games will succeed. The city has already provided a $500 million guarantee; the state has committed to $250 million in the event the Games lose money.

* Third try to fill Boone board seat today


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax

Wednesday, Aug 19, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

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* Reader comments closed for the holiday weekend
* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Jack Conaty
* New state law to be tested by Will County case
* Why did ACLU Illinois staffers picket the organization this week?
* Hopefully, IDHS will figure this out soon
* Pete Townshend he ain't /s
* Open thread
* Isabel’s morning briefing
* Live coverage
* Selected press releases (Live updates)
* Yesterday's stories

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