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Question of the day

Friday, Sep 25, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Whom are you supporting for governor and why? Details, please. Thanks.


  1. - TTL, III - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 7:52 am:

    Quinn- becaue I dig people with personality.

  2. - Cindy Lou - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 8:08 am:

    Have not decided yet. Either Quinn or Hynes. I’m not sure the one has what it takes to get a decent chance and the other seems to spend his days thinking up ways to annoy me.

    I think I would fall behind Quinn if I could see him doing some thinking and planning on his own without just taking up with the holdovers and seemingly to be blindly following to fill up those camp. chest. I’m losing faith in someone who seems to be forgeting everything he’s appeared to believe in and fight for for years.

  3. - MrJM - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 8:36 am:

    Rich: “Whom are you supporting for governor and why?”

    Your proper use of the word “whom” is refreshing and commendable.

    With regard to the actual question, I have yet to determine who would do the least-worst job in that office.

    Yeah, it’ll probably come down to that.

    – MrJM

  4. - wordslinger - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 8:47 am:

    I’m thoroughly undecided. I’d like to hear what some of the GOP folks have to say. I’d be open to sober long-term fiscal plans, and not just pie-in-the-sky “grow business” or “cut waste.”

  5. - Sap - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 8:49 am:

    Tanking hard for that “Undecided” guy. Haven’t seeen much of a plan from anybody yet.

  6. - Demo-Despair-Anon - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 8:56 am:

    Support any of this sorry bunch - why on earth? Will just write in Dawn Clark Netsch if manage to drag self to polling place.

  7. - MTD-Northside - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 8:57 am:

    Dan Hynes!

  8. - Bill - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 8:59 am:

    Hynes. It is time to take state government seriously and come up with some fiscal integrity and plans for the future. It will be nice to have an adult in charge for a change. If the unthinkable happens and Danny loses I would sriously consider Dillard if it weren’t a census year.

  9. - soccermom - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 9:03 am:

    Quinn. I trust his long-standing reputation for honesty, ethics, and standing up for everyday people.

  10. - Anon - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 9:03 am:

    Schillerstrom. He really has the best resume for the job. He’s not perfect but I really don’t want someone who has been in Springfield all the while all of this mess has been perpetuated.

    I definitely don’t want to vote for someone (Dillard) who helped Barack Obama win the Presidential nomination, Bill Brady forces his religious belief into the political spectrum which I don’t like and McKenna…well I just don’t want to vote for him.

  11. - the truth - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 9:04 am:

    Quinn - only after Hynes did NOT tell the truth about Quinn’s tax increase plan, but rather added to the misleading rhetoric - not adult in my book!

  12. - Ravenswood Right Winger - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 9:07 am:

    Adam Andrzejewski. Not a career politician, believes in transparency, a fresh face. Hey his father ran as a Democrat against George Ryan in 1978 for state rep!

  13. - VanillaMan - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 9:09 am:

    Right now - no one.

    I’m sick of the Illinois Democrats and their craptastic governance, so I would like to vote for someone who isn’t a Democrat. All the folks in power should go - except for that marvelous Jesse White! (sigh!)

    Illinois government is a laughingstock and we can thank the Democrats for making it so. Period. They have control over every branch of this craptastic state and they have shown what they can and cannot do. And we are in the world’s deepest hole because of it. You can’t cure Illinois with more witch doctors and liars.

    I want to support someone with experience in government, understands how things function in government right now, and what needs to be done to let this state catch up with the 21st Century. I will support a smart businessman if I have to, but I’d rather not have a government virgin, because we are out of time for any more on-the-job-training, however sincere.

    I don’t care how cute they are, how much money they have, or how smart they talk. We need the best, and right now - I don’t see it.

  14. - the Other Anonymous - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 9:15 am:

    Hynes. He’s got the experience to understand the state budget — single biggest governance issue right now — and he’s got the political skills to navigate Springfield. Plus, I think he was a class act in his early support of Obama for President, rather than having sour grapes about the Senate campaign.

    Quinn blew his chance. There’s just something about his personality that prevents him from working with entrenched politicians and interests. We can debate whether those politicians and interests should have as much power, but the fact is that they do hold power and a Governor has to deal with it.

    Not too crazy about any of the GOP candidates, but I’m a pretty liberal guy so that’s no surprise.

  15. - ahoy - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 9:19 am:

    Right I leave towards Dillard. With the Democrats controlling the House and Senate I believe balance is nessessary. I find Dillard to be the best qualified and most reasonable Republican by far and impressed me with his willingness to help Obama during the Democratic Primary.

    On the Democratic side I do like Hynes, I think a Hynes/Dillard race would be good for Illinois. We need to have two good choices.

  16. - lake county democrat - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 9:19 am:

    If it’s a bright sunny day and I have nothing better to do, Quinn (as least of all evils).

  17. - PeoriaBob - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 9:20 am:

    Lar “America First” Daly

  18. - Levois - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 9:21 am:

    I haven’t decided yet, but maybe Dan Proft. The idea that Illinois isn’t broken but fixed kinda resonates!

  19. - train111 - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 9:23 am:

    At this juncture:

    Rich Whitney

    The Democratic and Republican parties are both broken. Neither will do anything serious, nor are they capable of doing anything serious in the way of reforming themselves until they face the prospect that they might actually be booted from power.


  20. - Niles Township - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 9:25 am:

    Quinn based on his decades of standing up for the little guy at the expense of politicians, even if he hasn’t fulfilled that promise yet in his short fill-in term. I think Quinn will get to exert more power and influence once he has won a term of his own.

  21. - Jesser145 - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 9:30 am:

    It comes down to this: Anyone who has been in government and hasn’t done anything - that’s a no. That would be Quinn and most of the GOP candidates. Another no to political elites and the sons and daughters of privilege who come to collect their political office - that leaves out Hynes. Anyone on the democrat or republican side with corrupt money ties. That’s the rest of the Gop and democrat candidates. Do we have to have…a governor?

  22. - Mary S. - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 9:31 am:

    Quinn! Given that Blago’s trial will take up much of the media’s attention in the months before the election; ethics, trust and integrity will all be key factors in deciding who wins this thing. Quinn was out bashing Blago and giving warning sings about the guy before it was the cool thing to do. He has got a credible history of fighting for ethics reform.

    Hynes is a decent guy, but he never had a real job outside of politics and wouldn’t be where he is today if it wasn’t for his Father dishing out favors for Daley’s Machine. Hynes has been out misrepresenting Quinn’s budget and you can’t really run on sound fiscal management policies while you are part of the team that is responsible for our ballooning deficit. Plus, Hynes basically retired his 2004 Senate debt by raising illegal contributions and was subsequently fined the FEC. If he tries to run on ethics, the GOP will just slam him for his shady fund raising past.

  23. - CircularFiringSquad - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 9:34 am:

    Whom indeed?
    None of your *(^_^#&^%#^&# business mister spy for all these pols who will slide be moolah your way to get the info
    Have a great weekend
    Happy anniversary

  24. - Jim - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 9:37 am:

    My vote will go to Dillard. I respect the work he has done on the Illinois Criminal Code, death penalty reform and ethics. It helps that Dillard is the most electable and likable of the Republican bunch.

  25. - old pol Mike - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 9:38 am:

    Quinn. I don’t care for Hynes’ tone nor do I have respect for his path into politics.

    Quinn is a solid progressive democrat who, with his own mandate, will be good for the state and good for the democratic party. He is independent, ethical and fiscally responsible.

    An anonymous poster said above that Quinn has trouble working with entrenched politicians and interests. That’s a good thing!

  26. - rachel - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 9:41 am:

    Pat Quinn.

    He lives 3 houses away from my brother and sister in law. Keeps the neighborhood safer.

  27. - southpaw - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 9:41 am:

    Anyone but Quinn.

    I’m supporting Hynes, because I think he will work well with both the Speaker and the Senate President. Not much has changed in the Governor’s office with Quinn at the realm. We have a kinder, gentler Blagojevich administration under Quinn and not much else.

  28. - Kane Conservative - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 9:43 am:

    with murphy out, i am back to undecided…that being said i am caught up between schillerstrom and proft. proft is a riot to listen to and i think he is right on a lot of stuff. while i dont agree with a lot of schillerstrom, i certainly wish he was running my county…our county board chair is a major problem and schillerstrom has a pretty solid track record in dupage county

  29. - OneMan - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 9:47 am:

    No idea let, waiting for someone to knock me off of my feet.

  30. - Ghost - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 9:49 am:

    I am undecided, but leaning Quinn on the Dem side and Dillard on the GOP side.

    Oddly Quinns so called flip flopping is part of why I am considering him. he has shown that he is willing to consider other options and not let his stubborness drive the train. I think he needs to rethink some of his timing, but he has demonstarted a very fastr loearning curve in navigating the office. In short I see him improving every day, and am willing to give him more time in the office. I hae been leaning Hynes, but his campaign has been fairly lackluster to me, and I think his solutions for our financial problems are either too distant or too sound bitish and not planted enough in relaity to show a serious ability to deal with our crisis.

    Dillard is the closest thing this State has seen to decent GOP canidate (although I still prefer Jim Ryan) in a while. I actually hope brady prevails, that would help quinn.

  31. - CLJ - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 9:58 am:

    Quinn - because the party leadership says so.

  32. - Anon - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 10:00 am:

    Tim Nieukirk - Let’s bring him back. :)

  33. - Vinron - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 10:05 am:

    I support Adam Andrzejewski. He was a successful businessman and he is open about about his financial information. He wants state government to be transparent about its spending as well. He started a website for that purpose and got dozens of local gov’ts to post their expenditures online. I think it is also a new state law that education boards must post transactions online (although I’m not sure Adam was involved with that).

    After what the “experienced” politicians Ryan and Blagojevich have done for this state, why not try someone not tainted by the system. I’m tired of politicians more concerned about power and appearance than performance. And no, I’m not related to Adam and I don’t work for the campaign. I went to school with Adam for 13 years. He would be a hardworking and honest public servant.

  34. - corvax - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 10:12 am:

    if there wasn’t a senate primary, i’d be voting for Proft for entertainment value and locking up a dem victory.

    leaning towards Hynes–projects experience and stability that should play better against the opposition

  35. - Responsa - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 10:12 am:

    For me, it’s way, waaay too early to decide.

    Quinn did a nice job for a couple innings in the Sox radio booth on Wednesday night. Seemed relaxed, and besides baseball talked mostly on veterans affairs and very non-political issues to appeal to a wide listening audience. I thought he came across quite real and non-smarmy which for any politician in this state during election season is a plus.

  36. - TJ - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 10:17 am:

    Hynes, unenthusiastically.

  37. - yinn - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 10:18 am:

    Adam Andrzejewski. I find him to be fearless, positive, and competent; he has a clear vision for Illinois and has put a belief in grassroots-level empowerment into practice.

  38. - Thomas Westgard - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 10:19 am:

    Quinn, unless he really bungles something I care about. Hynes’ stunt with the tourism funding was an abuse of his office for political gain, which is Blagojevich-style thinking. That money isn’t his to play with, so Hynes demonstrated he fundamentally doesn’t get the division between what’s his and what’s ours.

    Also, I’m sure many people will disagree, but Quinn’s prisoner release is great fiscal policy and, as much as one prisoner may disappoint, it’s a more effective use of corrections funds. Helping prisoners transition will be a net reduction of crime. So his political courage to do the right thing gets him a big gold star in my book.

    And finally, Quinn’s long record of good government and reform. He has been struggling to get up to speed as the executive, I know, but I trust he’ll do better than any of the other candidates who, as far as I can tell, aren’t even trying to go the right direction (see Hynes, above).

  39. - ls - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 10:22 am:

    Quinn, Hynes was running for AG four months ago when he thought LM was moving on and now he’s running for Governor. He’s tired of Comptroller and just picked a larger office to run for.

  40. - Small Town Liberal - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 10:31 am:

    Quinn, he’s not a great politician but I believe his ethics are unquestionable and he genuinely wants to help the citizens of Illinois.

  41. - heet101 - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 10:32 am:

    I am going for Bob Schillerstrom in this poll simply because he hasn’t been mentioned yet and because he is polling below Proft in some areas. Let’s go Bob! Get a message and get your name out there.

  42. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 10:35 am:

    I am supporting Quinn. I believe he is honest and independant of the Daley network of which the Hynes family are founding members.

    Illinois needs a few years of independance before the hogs push their way back to the trough. Maybe Quinn can get some needed reforms on the books before he is put out to the cornfield.

    Straitening out McPier would be a great place to start. One of the main reasons Hynes is running is to prevent the scrutinizing of that 19th ward cash cow.

  43. - siriusly - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 10:39 am:

    Nobody yet and I’m not sure how I’ll vote in the primary (leaning Dem), Dillard is the only Republican I would even consider voting for in the fall. Andy McKenna is only a great candidate in his own mind. I can’t wait to see his vote totals.

    Quinn is slowly gaining my respect, but by no means am I excited about him. Hynes I like and think would be a good governor.

  44. - Cheryl - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 10:40 am:

    Dan Hynes. His plan is thorough and he is committed.

  45. - Just Observing - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 10:48 am:

    Dan Proft… just because its hysterical.

  46. - Third Generation Chicago Native - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 10:48 am:

    At this point I am not behind anyone, I am going to wait and see, it is too early to tell.

  47. - Circus Freak - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 10:56 am:

    Definately not another Dem. Voted for Blago the first time around and regret it. Disappointed with how the Dems are conducting themselves. Like Bob Shillerstrom. He seems like he has experience and common sense. Seems the most “normal” of the GOP candidates.

  48. - Conservative Veteran - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 11:00 am:

    I volunteer for Adam Andrzejewski because he’s pro-tax cuts, pro-spending cuts, pro-life, pro-school choice, and pro-gun rights.

  49. - PalosParkBob - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 11:06 am:

    Adam Andrzejewski. He’s bright, articulate, charismatic, well prepared as a campaigner, smart on his feet, and is uniformly on the correct side of the issues for the people of Illinois.

    There’s also that, “If all the apples in the barrel are rotten, go directly to the tree” factor!

  50. - shore - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 11:07 am:

    Dillard is too establishmenty and that obama ad was gross-no thanks.

    McKenna-did nothing for the state gop and just because we eat at walker brothers doesn’t mean I like you. No.

    Brady-not a fan of people that diss northern illinois.

    At this point it’s either adam andrewjski or schillerstrom. schillerstrom seems like a normal guy whose smart and up on his stuff. Andrewski seems like he’ll go into springfield and lay waste to the whole thing and I’d love to see a political bomb go off in that place.

  51. - siu alum - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 11:10 am:

    Dan Hynes. He knows the states finances inside and out, and is the only one with a plan to get this state out of the red. I also think that Quinn is too vulnerable next fall because of his ties to blago.

  52. - A Moderate's Moderate - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 11:11 am:

    On the Dem side - because i think Quinn is unpredictable and can shake things up.

    On the GOP side - I like Dillard and Illinois tends to elect moderate GOP governors (seems like those were the good ole days no matter what party you belonged to).

  53. - Bakersfield - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 11:12 am:

    Proft. Not only because I know him, but because I believe the state is so broken/fixed that we need to look outside the box for solutions and elect someone with a different perspective.

  54. - Irish - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 11:22 am:

    I have no idea! I keep hoping a viable candidate will thow their hat in the ring. I really do not want Quinn as I feel he is very ineffective and we need someone more decisive at this juncture. Besides he is an incumbant and I feel the incumbants had their chance and blew it. I do not want more of the same.
    I don’t know if I want a Democrat in that office as that person will solely be controlled by Madigan and the Democratic Party. So that makes Hynes questionable.
    If the Republicans could field someone with an actual plan for bringing us out of this fiscal nightmare without the old tired talking point of cut, cut, cut; I might be interested in them. But the Republican party in this state cannot get past the same games they have been playing for years and that demonstrates an inability to function which is moere of the same. Besides, Andy Mckenna? Seriously?
    If the rest of the country wants to know how it is that we in Illinois would twice elect the likes of Rod Blago all the have to do is look at the field of candidates that we have to choose from and they will see we are again faced with What MrJM refers to as the best of the worst.
    I might just vote for whoever is offered by one of the other parties just to make a point that our two party system isn’t working.

  55. - 47th Ward - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 11:22 am:

    I’m torn, but leaning toward Hynes. I know and like them both, but Quinn has become a different person since his promotion, and the old Pat Quinn wouldn’t recognize the current governor.

    Irony died the day the Cook County Dems endorsed Quinn. Quinn’s new found accommodation with the machine is killing his brand. His leadership is erratic and ineffectual. I am beginning to believe his desire to hang on to the seat is the driving force behind every decision. That disappoints me, because Quinn, more than anyone, ought to be doing the Right Thing regardless of the political consequences. He built a solid brand over the last 30 years, and is poised to chuck it out the window now as he tried to hold onto the brass ring.

    Hynes is about my age, and has the right experience. He could be the Jim Edgar of our party, willing to say no when necessary, and willing to make unpopular decisions when the situation calls for that. It’s time for my generation to step up and take the reins, and Dan has the temperment to be an effective leader.

    I’ll vote for the winning Dem regardless, but I have a sinking feeling that Quinn could bring down the whole ticket in a re-run of the 1994 debacle.

  56. - D.P. Gumby - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 11:23 am:

    Having so enthusiastically supported Obama and been so proud to cast my vote and watch him become president, I have no enthusiasm for any of the current candidates and am hearing nothing from them to coherently address Illinois’ public policy problems.

  57. - Hon. Cranial Lamb - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 11:28 am:

    Oh 47th, only if your dreams could come true. Your boy has shown little ability to campaign well and win a big race. I admire your loyalty, but there’s nothing about him that says “winner”

  58. - Captain Flume - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 11:40 am:

    I will wait until after the primary to see who the actual candidates will be. Though I do like Quinn, I am interested in how the Repubs will treat their run-up to February, and of course how the Dems square off.

    My feeling about Quinn vs. Hynes is that Quinn edges out Hynes in two major categories: personality and gubernatorial experience. Some may think that Quinn’s current position is a gift from the legislature, but he did have to campaign for the Lt. Govship to even have been in a position to be where he is. Plus, he has had to make gubernatorial decisions, which Hynes has not. My gut says that the public at large generally feels comfortable with Quinn. I realize this is more analysis than support, but I think the assessment is valid.

  59. - Kane Conservative - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 11:42 am:

    @A Moderate’s Moderate…Dillard isnt a moderate…in fact he is not really even close. both he and mckenna get credit for being moderates, but they both pretty conservative

  60. - anon - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 11:44 am:

    Not a big fan of most of our choices. Like Hynes, cause he knows the State’s finances and respect how he sticks to his guns. But, I think we need to balance out the power a little with a Republican in office. I think Shillerstrom could do the job. Saw him on some morning news show the other day, stopped and listened to him. I like how he comes across. There doesn’t seem to be any arrogance there.

  61. - HoosierDaddy - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 11:46 am:

    Brady. We are going to lose anyway, and as a consservative, I’d like to lose with a clear conscience. Seriously, can any of the GOP candidates win? Seriously?

  62. - HoosierDaddy - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 11:47 am:

    That “SS” in conservative was unintentional and totally non-freudian!

  63. - CircularFiringSquad - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 11:49 am:

    We notice not a lot of posters to GOPs
    I am thinking of voting in GOP primary for Proft because along with Landfill Roger Keats and Commando Crusts Kirk it should provide enough whack jobs to let the Ds escape the revenge of Blagoof.

  64. - Just wondering - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 11:49 am:

    Hynes—I have friends working on his campaign.

  65. - dupage dan - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 11:54 am:


    =We are going to lose anyway, and as a consservative, I’d like to lose with a clear conscience.=

    With an attitude like that “we” are certainly going to lose. Might as well write in Blago. You’d still have a clear conscience since he can’t win either.

  66. - dupage dan - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 11:56 am:


    I like several of the GOP candidates but would focus on the one with the best chance to win. Not sure who that will be at this time. Would not support McKenna - he needs to start small and work his way up. I hear the dog catcher position is open

  67. - vito - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 12:00 pm:

    write-in Eddie Vrdolyak or Betty Loren…hey they can get stuff done…not sure what kinda stuff, but anything is better than Quinnie

  68. - Speaking at Will - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 12:03 pm:

    Rod Blagojevich.

  69. - Kim - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 12:07 pm:

    Dillard - he has the right experience and temperament to be an effective Governor.

  70. - Just Me - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 12:12 pm:

    I support Dillard, based on his experience and his conservative voting record.

  71. - Commonsense in Illinois - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 12:15 pm:

    Although there are a number of quality people running, I have to go with Dillard. He’s shown he understands government better than others and he’s willing and able to work with Democrats to get the job done. Having served in all three branches of government will help when the tough budget cutting decisions have to be made. And even though he is conservative, he isn’t a far right whack job whose convinced he’s holier than others. Rather, Dillard seems to hold a pragmatic approach to issues, and that’s something I can truly get behind.

  72. - Anonymous - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 12:19 pm:

    Andrzejewski is interesting but a little too right of the mainstream. It would be fun to watch, I agree, but I wouldn’t want to waste my vote on somebody who doesn’t have a prayer.

    I fear that Quinn’s reputation for personal integrity and concern for ethics will be used by the Dems to distract citizens from even more pay to play and rampant patronage. Lipstick on the
    politics as usual pig in other words. People will assume that it won’t be happening because Quinn is in charge. They’ll be wrong and he’ll be clueless.

    So I guess it’s Hynes or Dillard-neither of whom
    is all that inspiring either. I guess the best we can say about 2010 is that at least our Blago isn’t running for a third term–as he likely would have been if he hadn’t been removed from office. Probably would have won, too.

  73. - Tom - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 12:22 pm:

    Probably Quinn. I like the idea of preserving Lisa Madigan’s option to run again in 2014 if she so desires. Hynes will want at least a few terms. Quinn could be done by then.

  74. - ANON - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 12:23 pm:

    Dillard, best, brightest and could win for the elephant. Most of us have thought we would never see that again in this state.

  75. - dome - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 12:23 pm:

    Brady — leading in the polls and a great statewide organization. Best GOP candidate.

  76. - Anon - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 12:24 pm:

    I’d say I’m leaning Hynes at this point. I always liked Pat Quinn, but I don’t recognize him anymore. Everything he does seems to be driven by his desire to maintain his position. I don’t see the populist anymore.

    As a Democrat, I’m not comfortable going into the general election with Pat Quinn. He spent too much time defending Blagojevich in 2006 and that alone will make for some very good GOP television ads.

    Hynes may be boring, but I’ll take boring at this point. He knows the state’s finances better than anyone, and if he’d been listened to in the past, some of our problems might have been avoided.

    Leaning Hynes, but Quinn still has a chance to swing my vote.

  77. - SF - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 12:26 pm:

    Hynes - for his support for marriage equality.

  78. - Drew - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 12:27 pm:


    It’s time to Un-Fix It… smash it, light it on fire, or throw out state government and start over.

  79. - 21st State - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 12:33 pm:

    Gov doesn’t matter

    Vallas as Cook County Bd Prez will dictate far more of the statewide agenda, then his run against Lisa in 2014 will cause our 21st State to finally begin clearing house

    imagine what the current situation would be like if Vallas had beaten Blago in the primary… now that’s a great QOTD!

    thanks for all that you do for our State, Rich - have they done a Resolution in your honor yet?

  80. - john l. - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 12:49 pm:

    Pat Quinn absolutely…he recognizes that to coruption is tied directly to our campaign laws and that any meaningful change requires getiing the obscene amounts of money required to run for office must end. He’s an honest progressive democrat who can work work with the legislature.

  81. - Address the basics - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 12:55 pm:

    Leaning Dillard at this point. (So much more to learn about these guys.) Why? We need someone with government management experience running gov’t. We have had grand experiments lately with people without any gov’t managerial experience and it is a huge problem. If you don’t understand it - you don’t hire people with it either - examples - Blago and Quinn. Also because of calm, deliberate, moderate qualities I know from his earlier administration.

  82. - Justice - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 12:55 pm:

    I agree with VanillaMan on most of his points. I just hear a lot of static and false promises from nearly every one of them. I like no one from the Democrat side and have hope for Dillard from the Republican side. I don’t see and good Independents.

    The Republicans will self destruct during the primary by forming a circle and shooting at each other. The Democrats will then have the only viable candidate left standing…..but not necessarily one I could trust.

    Good leaders, honest people, with government knowledge, who aren’t in the bag simply do not exist………oh…wait….we do have our own Rich Miller! There, you see, there is always that hope!

  83. - John Bambenek - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 12:56 pm:

    Brady isn’t leading in “every poll”. Of the two professional polls I’ve seen, Brady was top half but didn’t win. Who did win was “undecided” :) . By an Alan Keyes style margin at that.

  84. - Anonymous - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 1:28 pm:


    Management and budget expeience needed to dig us out of this fiscal grave yard

  85. - Fan of the Game - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 1:28 pm:

    I have no front runner at this point. As someone said earlier, a cnadidate needs to knock my socks off with proposals and record.

    I have yet to see that candidate on either side of the aisle.

  86. - Joe from Joliet - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 1:28 pm:


    He was Chief of Staff to Edgar which was the last administration to show any restraint. Wrestling with the IL budget is always full contact sport and when Edgar left there a surplus in the bank. As Chief of Staff Dillard gets gets some of the credit for running the business efficiently.

    I have no problem with the ad or some of his votes. We hear all the time that candidates need to be able to work across the aisle as elected officials. A lot of people people talk about bipartisan cooperation. It seems that Dillard is the one most capable of doing exactly that.

  87. - colt 45 - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 1:28 pm:

    brady. business and government experience and just a balanced, normal, likeable guy.

  88. - soccermom - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 1:35 pm:

    I’m voting for Quinn in February — and again in November. He’s got a 30-year record of honesty, ethics, and standing up for everyday people. And I’m not worried by the Cook County Dems endorsement — to me, that says the Machine is changing, not Quinn.

  89. - Inish - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 1:47 pm:

    I am voting for Hynes. I like Quinn and agree he is honest and operates with integrity- but in the past months in the Gov’s chair- I have recognized that Pat Quinn needs someone to pivot against- and as GOv- he doesn’t have that. Dan Hynes is not exciting- but frankly, I need a few years of calm, milk toast- hard to hear decision making. Putting in a Rep will create a stale mate and nothin will get done with the exception of finger pointing.

  90. - Dan S, a voter and Cubs Fan - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 1:54 pm:

    This is like going to a buffet that only serves bland mash potatoes and asking what would you like?

  91. - Fan of the Game - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 2:01 pm:

    @ Dan S

    I don’t even mind bland potatoes as long as they can govern. Jim Ryan was as dud a spud as you could find, especially compared to the garlic-ed and buttery mashiness of Rod Blagojevich. However, he would have been a fine governor–ethical and fiscally responsible.

  92. - Excessively Rabid - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 2:07 pm:

    Hynes, for governor of New York. We don’t need him and NY can’t do any worse than what they’ve got.

  93. - Northside Blogger - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 2:17 pm:

    Adam Andrzejewski - He’s go the knowledge, skill and leadership to be Governor of Illinois

  94. - Watching closely - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 2:30 pm:

    Tough question and sorry not to have even the slightest clue about how to answer at this point. The trick with evaluating candidates for office this early in the process is that, for the most part, the determination would be made using “inside baseball” measures. Look at Romney in the leadup to the 08 primary season. He did everything right: best staff, great fundraising and key endorsements. Many, if not most of the top national pundits had him as a favorite. But when push came to shove, he just didn’t resonate with enough voters on the stump. Rich: can you do us a huge favor? Organize the first gubernatorial forums ASAP. Webcast them live on CapFax and let us get a real impression about how any of these guys perform under pressure. It would be particularly useful on the GOP side with so many candidates angling for the same path to the nomination. Too many of us are unsure. Help!

  95. - AHEM...THE REAL ANONYMOUS - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 2:38 pm:

    Haven’t decided yet.

    We have a GREAT pool of R candidates with some real strengths who are–it looks like so far–going to run the types of Campaigns that Voters of this State deserve.

    I’m really, really looking forward to this particular Primary for that reason.

    Whoever comes out of this Primary is going to be a real force in the General.

  96. - Rubbernecker - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 2:46 pm:

    Oh, the Quinn folks give us so much material:

    “Hynes has been out misrepresenting Quinn’s budget” —- Really? I thought Quinn was doing a darn fine job of that. See Capitol Fax editions from May, June, July…

    “ethics, trust and integrity will all be key factors in deciding who wins this thing. Quinn was out bashing Blago and giving warning sings about the guy before it was the cool thing to do.” —- Really? When, pray tell, was that? While he was his running mate in ‘02 or ‘06? I seem to recall a certain Comptroller who was a heckuva lot more critical of Blago than the Lt. (abbreviation for “Lost tongue”) Gov.

    “(Quinn) recognizes that to (sic) coruption is tied directly to our campaign laws and that any meaningful change requires getiing the obscene amounts of money required to run for office must end (sic)” —- Really? So why did he sell out his blue ribbon reform commission’s findings for camapaign finance reform? (Oh I forgot, he changed him mind on that after he pronounced it “groundbreaking” reform). How much money will he take from SEIU? One million? Two?

    “(Quinn) did have to campaign for the Lt. Govship to even have been in a position to be where he is.” —- Really. With Blago… Twice.

    “Plus, (Quinn) has had to make gubernatorial decisions, which Hynes has not.” Really. He’s made a lot of them… twice, even three and four times!!!

    If it is not obvious, I’m with Hynes. 1) He can get things done and won’t be rolled by legislative leaders (read: he has spine). 2) He’s got the financial experience we need to navigate these treacherous budgetary waters in which we sail. 3) His temperment is much better suited to the needs of a Governor. And 4) He’s a much better candidate for Democrats in the General.

  97. - Niles Township - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 3:07 pm:

    Oh Rubbernecker: your response is a good reason as to why I am growing to dislike Hynes and his supporters.

  98. - Okay Then... - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 3:12 pm:

    I am still torn between Brady and Dillard, but I am leaning toward Dillard. Both men have offered up some excellent reforms, which show me that they are serious about trying to improve Illinois and wanting to be governor. I like these two because I am genuinely concerned about the state of Illinois and I want a governor who is too. I want a governor who will work in the best interest of Illinois and its people, not just special interests and the politically connected.

    The situation facing the state is dire. This is not the time for political novices with bright ideas, but no government experience to be put in charge only to be overhwelmed and steamrolled by others who are more powerful and knowledgeable. Also, moving foward into the state’s problematic future, this is not the time to reward already seen and demonstrated incomptency and have 13 millions Illinoisans holding our breath and crossing our fingers hoping that this time maybe, just maybe, *he* will get it right. This is the type of job where there is little or no room for error and we should expect the best and hold the governor to the highest of standards—no matter who he is or how he got there. At the end of the day he is the governor and the buck stops with him. If it happens under his watch, it’s on him.

    It is one thing to change one’s mind during deliberation and debate *before* a decision is due, but to change one’s mind in the middle of giving the decision is unacceptable. It is also unacceptable and irresponsible for a Governor to boldly make decisions before obviously thinking matters through first.

    Also, government is not a business, and it shouldn’t be run like business. Of course there is room for greater efficiency, but the nature of the government beast is fundamentally different from the nature of business beast.

    Dillard’s experience both as an established legislator and Chief of Staff to a stable and generally well-regarded former Governor will serve Illinois well in the near and long terms. He understands state government and how it works, perhpas most importantly, for Illinois and its future, he understands firsthand how the Governor’s Office works and functions. That is where Dillard has an edge over Brady.

    I think that Dillard is practical whereas Proft, Andrzejewski and McKenna are not because they only *know* theory and not practice when it comes to governing.

    It’s very easy to be a populist and for the “little man” when that is the only hand one is dealt to play. Once one no longer has to play that hand and quickly abandons it, it calls into question whether one was truly ever for the “little man” in the first place or just using the “little man” rhetoric in an effort to appeal to just enough people in the hopes of establishing a base?

    The Machine never changes. If it’s working and and in this instance just needs a little tweaking after G-Rod then that’s what the powers that be will do. The purpose of Machine is to expand its political power, or at the very least maintain it. Quinn was backed by the Machine only because he is the incumbent and that’s how the Machine like to operate in Primary Elections. There are lots of good books about Chicago Machine politics, by the way.

    There’s nothing necessarily wrong with adult children of politicians running for office is there? As long as the adult child is comptenent in the elected office, why hold who his parent(s) against him or her? Not sayin’, just askin’.

  99. - The Prophet - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 3:23 pm:

    Dan Proft. Why? Because we seem to share 98% of the same beliefs and political philosophies. Dan is probably the Illinois GOP candidate that most closely aligns with or resembles Rush Limbaugh. Neither one of these two guys (Dan nor Rush) is willing to apologize or back down for adhering to the “original” Republican Party values. I find that refreshing in a world where the other candidates (including Democrats) will tell you what you want to hear just so they can get your vote. Proft is different. When he says something, you can take it to the bank. My kind of guy. I am tired of being fed Pablum and bland oatmeal by the others. Fix the state’s economy. Try telling the truth and end the bulls@*%% you have been handing us.

  100. - Rubbernecker - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 3:23 pm:

    Niles — ‘Don’t hate the playa. Hate the game’

  101. - South Side Sox - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 3:29 pm:

    Dillard is the only real conservative in the race. But Rubbernecker: Sounds like you wrote that from Hynes campaign headquarters. That’s ok though…

    But how can you bash Quinn for his so called ties to Blago when Hynes was anointed by the Daley/Maddigan machine?? Look at what Hynes father was doing rigging tax rates for the Machine and Daley rewarded him with a spot on the ticket. Then the machine came in and helped Hynes retire his campaign debt through illegal contributions, but oops, Hynes got caught by the FEC and paid huge fines fines. That is a reformer???

    For the last eight years Hynes has been helping to manage the state’s finances and it is the same old accounting gimmicks and the same old tricks. Nothing has changed for the better, everything is worse and everyone just keeps getting screwed by it. And this is the man for the job? The guy that helped contribute to the problem…

  102. - wordslinger - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 3:35 pm:

    ==I volunteer for Adam Andrzejewski because he’s pro-tax cuts, pro-spending cuts, pro-life, pro-school choice, and pro-gun rights.==

    Just another pro-fessional politician, I take it.

  103. - Ghost - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 3:39 pm:

    === For the last eight years Hynes has been helping to manage the state’s finances ====

    um exactly how does Hynes do that? the legislature must appropirate and approve all spending. Hynes has no authority over spending outside of making sure payments are made in compliance with the directions of the general assembly.

    The treasurer makes all the decisions about how to invest State money. The comptroller just writes the checks and does the accounting. In fact, there is a serious question about why we do not just combine the comptroller and treasuere office.

  104. - 4 percent - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 3:39 pm:

    The Republican choice is simple: Kirk Dillard.

    As President Andrew Shephard said in the movie, The American President, “we have serious problems to solve and we need serious people to solve them.”

    Kirk Dillard is the ONLY GOP candidate with the bona fide credentials, temperment, skill, and leadership ability to truly get the job done correctly. There is not even a close second choice but third place would probably be Schillerstrom. We don’t need one-liners - we need solutions.

    The Dem side is a toss up. I thought Hynes was good the last couple of years but now he is moving to the left and reports (cemeteries, funeral homes) have shown he is not minding the store. Quinn has good intentions but has shown that he doesn’t know how to delegate and lead. Not great choices.

  105. - LincolnLounger - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 3:49 pm:

    Dan Proft. All his tireless efforts to build the Republican Party over the years have been so inspiring. (I’m sure he will pledge now to support the winner of the GOP primary!) And, he’s right — Illinois is fixed. We need someone to bring the lessons of Cicero Twp. to state government and shine a beacon on state government.

  106. - dupage dan - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 3:49 pm:

    Joe From Joliet,

    Thanks for the reminder that Dillard was COS for Edgar, who did squeeze some pennies while he was gov. I had just started when Edgar came on board and people in my agency complained that Edgar was too stingy. We all could use that right now. That puts Dillard a bit higher on the list especially since he is more electable than some of the more “pure” conservatives I would be attracted to.

  107. - anon sequitor - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 3:53 pm:

    Let’s see, if Dem, I’d go for Quinn. I like watching the dialogue between Quinn the Reformer and Quinn the Governor. If I had a choice between going to see/hear Hynes and going to a Sunday buffet, the buffet wins.

    If Rep, it would be between Brady and Dillard. Brady may be very conservative but he seems to be a clear thinker who seeks to solve problems from his conservative perspective instead of taking gratuitous potshots, which is unusual in this race. Dillard is a rare DuPage pol who realizes that DuPage is not representative of the rest of Illinois, and he probably can get something accomplished with a Democratic Legislature, which is what any GOP Gov would face. (Note: I want a Governor who can GOVERN!)

    The rest are a tasteless swill. Proft is a prophet in his own mind. Schillerstrom is stuck in petty DuPage politics. Andy seems like a nice door-to-door salesman who got rich and now thinks that qualifies him to run a state. And McKenna is, well, vanilla.

  108. - Joshua Kilroy - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 3:55 pm:

    I am proud to support Pat Quinn for Governor!

  109. - Lakefront Liberal - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 3:57 pm:

    Quinn. I have been a fan for years because of all the things he has done to empower and protect the little guys. Any thought I might have had of supporting Hynes was over after that “open letter” last spring that was so incredibly misleading and disengenous it made me almost physically ill. I decided anyone who could inject something so deceitful into such a critical debate for what seemed to be no other purpose than self-promotion needed to be kept as far away from leadership as possible.

  110. - try4trugh - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 4:07 pm:

    Quinn - Because my former choice, Hynes, attacked a good man when he called for the firing of IEPA director Doug Scott. You don’t use the reputations of good people to gain political points Mr. Blago… I mean Hynes.

  111. - try4truth - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 4:08 pm:

    and that should say “try4truth”. Sorry for the sloppiness.

  112. - hisgirlfriday - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 4:26 pm:

    I’m still VERY undecided and was hoping after reading these comments someone might help sway me toward the candidate they support so I could make up my mind easier but no such luck.

    Right now I’m leaning toward Hynes just because even before Quinn finally grew a spine and started backing away from Blago, Hynes was raising red flags about stuff like Blago’s illegal and costly flu vaccine stunt and I think of all candidates he’s the one that is most temperamentally and politically suited to getting along with Mike Madigan during his gubernatorial term, and it seems like the ONLY way politicians get anything done in this state is by doing what Mike wants.

    That said, I don’t dislike Pat Quinn.

    I also don’t dislike Kirk Dillard (I give him a lot of props for his longstanding efforts on campaign finance/ethics reform) even though I don’t agree with him on very many issues. But I like the idea of divided parties keeping each other in check and I don’t think Dillard is the sort of Republican who would not shove their typical fundamentalist social agenda down my throat. Also, the thought of sending a message to Madigan and Cook County Democrats that there are limits to what Democratically-inclined Illinois voters will put up with in terms of corruption and incompetence is kind of tempting.

    But unless Dillard gets the nomination, I don’t see there even being a chance I vote GOP.

  113. - hisgirlfriday - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 4:29 pm:

    ugh… that should be “I DO think Dillard is the sort of Republican who would NOT shove”…

  114. - 47th Ward - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 4:36 pm:


    I like Doug Scott too, but that episode with the poisoned wells was too much. It isn’t personal, and of all people, Doug should have known better. In fact, he should have resigned immediately.

    Instead, Doug trusted Rod. Big mistake. He had to go. Hynes didn’t make it personal, he stated the obvious and I’m sure he wishes he didn’t have to.

  115. - Okay Then... - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 4:40 pm:

    In a time of crisis, experience matters.

    Forget people’s rhetoric, look at their record and experience. Sorry Dan Proft and Adam Andrzejewski supporters, but these novices should have tried for a smaller office first time out.Dan and Adam supporters, please read the alexander county link to see what happens when inexperienced people are put in charge to *lead* during times of crisis.

  116. - try4truth - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 4:42 pm:

    47th, you need to follow the story a little better. Hynes’ version of events were fiction. He was trying to tear someone down for his own gain. I can’t respect that. Sorry, Hynes has lost a vote and a volunteer because of it. Period. He won’t get me back.

  117. - Squideshi - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 4:52 pm:

    Rich Whitney because he will not accept corporate contributions and he supports democratic reforms such as initiative, referendum, and recall, as well as free and equal election laws, as mandated by the Illinois Constitution but currently ignored by both the Democratic and Republican parties.

  118. - scoot - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 5:32 pm:

    Kirk Dillard!

    He’s the only GOPer who can defeat Quinn in the general election. He has the experience needed to run state gov’t, having worked under Big Jim & Jim Edgar. He’s from the voter rich (GOP) suburbs and has an across the board appeal to attract voters.

    I think a Dillard-Murphy ticket has a really good shot in 2010.

  119. - Richard Afflis - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 5:49 pm:

    I cannot believe there is only one other person supporting Rich Whitney! He is the ONLY candidate who has what it takes to get a budget passed and all the other things that have not been done in the last six years.
    Besides that, he is the political juggernaut that will take at least 80% in the general! Why do you think Bill Daley chose not to run?

  120. - EMS - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 6:43 pm:

    I’m supporting Dan Hynes. I think Illinois needs a change and Hynes is the one to get it done. I’m voting for him in february and again in november. He cares about the people of illinois. I personally don’t trust Quinn doesn’t seem to have his priorities straight.
    Hynes has my support and vote!!!

  121. - Circular Firingquad - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 6:48 pm:

    GOPs finlly woke up after the prod
    Hats off to Gags Brady and that crackerjack staff

  122. - T.J. - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 6:56 pm:

    Honestly not sure. Schillerstrom and Dillard are awful.

    I was open to Quinn and Hynes, but Quinn showed no leadership in the UofI scandal, and Hynes already has managed to run an even worse campaign than Quinn. That leaves, um, the other Republicans.

    I have no idea what McKenna’s thinking by running. I’m skeptical of Brady and Andrzejewski and don’t know Proft. I feel like I’m forgetting someone.

  123. - Vinron - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 7:12 pm:

    OK Then, the story you cited disproves your point:
    “The two commissioners that I sit with have never operated even a small business of their own. How can they operate and control a multi-million dollar business that’s been belly-up in the hole for going on a decade or longer? ”

    Adam A. operated a business, which he and his brother started. That business thrived. I hardly think it is fair to lump these candidates in with the people running Alexander County, who probably have a great deal of political/campaigning experience, but little fiscal experience.

  124. - Will County Woman - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 8:07 pm:

    This is a question that I couldn’t resist…never say never lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    On the Dem side Hynes for sure. On the GOP side????????

    @vintron okay then had a prior post talking about business vs. government. The state budget has been messed up for years. In case you haven’t noticed politics are very much part of the budget process in Illinois.

  125. - Justice - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 8:12 pm:

    I will have to wait and see what the GOP muster up. Unfortunately, Quinn is as unethical as Blago but just not as extreme. I have problems with them. It will be a GOP or even maybe Dan Hynes.

  126. - Big Dan Fan - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 8:37 pm:

    Proft - Only candidate who understands the depths of the problems in Illinois. Only candidate who has the ‘punching’ power to take on the SEIU/AFSCME/IEA greed. Only candidate that is proposing specific policies to bring IL back.

    Dillard has shown himself willing to sell out at a moment’s notice. Brady is too dumb. Adam wants to make IL nice and transparent like California - weeeeeeee! McKenna is vain and just plain incompetent.

  127. - Suburban Republican - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 10:02 pm:

    I have no idea yet, except it definitely won’t be Quinn or Hynes.

    From my own ideological standpoint, I probably would most want to see Brady as Governor, but winning is the most important thing. So, I will probably wait until January and see which GOP candidate looks like the strongest contender in terms of money, polling, and other factors.

    Overall, I consider Proft for Governor to be a joke, Andrewjski to not really be viable, and I am very lukewarm about McKenna.

    So, with my own State Senator Murphy out of the race, (though the website has not been changed and his campaign this week sent out an email asking for help in circulating petitions for Gov), it will probably come down to a choice between Brady, Dillard, and Schillerstrom.

    And how come nobody is mentioning Frank Edwards?

  128. - Pot calling kettle - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 10:10 pm:

    Leaning Quinn because I like where he stands on most issues. However, I am very concerned about his ability to lead now that he is on the inside. Too many missteps before Feb 2 and my vote will go to Hynes.

    In the general, I’d give Dillard serious consideration, especially if the Dems continue to spin their wheels on the disaster we call a budget. Any other Republican, forget it.

  129. - Dnstatanon - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 10:15 pm:

    Brady is the one. Do we really need another lawyer from Chicago for governor? Brady’s degrees are in Political Science and Economics he has run businesses all over this state his whole life with his family. He has people in his campaign that have worked for Edgar longer then Dillard did so don’t say Dillard has more experience it’s silly. Brady knows how to write public policy to help businesses create jobs and bring jobs back to Illinois. Dillard and the rest either don’t have that combination of business experience or Public office experience needed to do that. Polling; I have seen 2 Rasmussen polls one had Brady up by 30% and the other by 10% we will worry about the undecided when they vote but Brady is still winning now. Brady has more money and more of an organization then any of the other candidates; I would say he has more people volunteering in some counties then many of the rest of the campaigns put together in the whole state. The only people that haven’t figured out their getting their butt kicked are the other candidates, the news media and those people silly enough to give McKenna all that money for nothing.

  130. - P. - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 10:27 pm:

    Hynes. It seems to me everyone is flocking to Quinn because they’ve ID’d someone they can run over, bully, squeeze for budget cash. Why? Because he’s demonstrated himself to be a flake and hasn’t been able to organize much less execute any kind of plan as far as I can tell.

  131. - just sayin - Saturday, Sep 26, 09 @ 12:24 am:

    Dillard because he’s marginally less bad than the rest of the very weak field.

  132. - Anonymous - Saturday, Sep 26, 09 @ 12:29 am:

    Any thought I might have had of supporting Hynes was over after that “open letter” last spring that was so incredibly misleading and disengenous it made me almost physically ill.

    Sorry, Liberal. Which letter was that?


  133. - Bumblejuice - Saturday, Sep 26, 09 @ 2:59 am:

    I have to admit PROFT has a compelling message. He claims big systems like CPS are designed to provide pensions and patronage jobs, not educate kids. BING. BING. BING. Exactly what is wrong with Illinois politics.

    Besides, wouldn’t you love to see him deal with Mike Madigan in Springfield?

  134. - Lola - Saturday, Sep 26, 09 @ 6:49 am:

    Schillerstrom for sure. I like that how he has handled DuPage and still emerges from it not just with experience but common sense. I respect him. The other GOP candidates don’t stand out so much to me.

  135. - The Conservative - Saturday, Sep 26, 09 @ 7:50 am:

    Bill Brady is the guy, smart, Honest a good business man can I say Honest again. A man with a plan. This Adam sounds good but is quick with the attacks, shoots from the hip and no experience.Proft would be my next choice after Brady.Tired of Illinois being laughed at bad enough Obama got out of the pen we need to keep the rest in the pen.

  136. - Optimist - Saturday, Sep 26, 09 @ 8:23 am:

    No support for Quinn until he dismisses the “at will” Blago people that have ruined this state the past 6+ years. Hynes vs Dillard would be an interesting race.

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