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Stewart strikes out

Friday, Sep 25, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart has often been lauded for his tough but funny interview style of notorious liars. But he struck out bigtime with his interview of Rod Blagojevich last night. He did, at least, ask Blagojevich about the allegations surrounding cutting off state funds for childrens’ hospitals in exchange for campaign cash, but for some reason he let Blagojevich off the hook. I wasn’t impressed.

IMPORTANT: These clips are unedited for profanity. So, do not, I repeat, do not play them if you are someplace where that sort of thing could get you into trouble. I’m serious.

* This first clip is mostly warm-up, but towards the end Stewart starts to probe Blagojevich about how he could be charged with so many things and still be completely innocent…

* “The House Speaker is the one who may have some criminal culpability,” Blagojevich claims, explaining that Speaker Madigan was illegally holding back the capital bill on behalf of his daughter. Stewart laughs.

Stewart then asks Blagojevich about holding up state grants for childrens’ hospitals in exchange for campaign contributions. This could’ve been the real heart of the interview, and almost nobody has asked Blagojevich about this during his book tour. But Stewart fails to press the issue. Blagojevich offers a super-weak explanation, admitting that he replied “It’s good to know” after asking if the hospital money could be held up for budget considerations, but says, essentially, he wasn’t saying, he was just saying. Stewart then allows Blagojevich to change the subject…

* Finale. Blagojevich rants his usual “Let’s hear the tapes,” and Stewart just clowns around with him. Unbelievably, Stewart actually suggests that Blagojevich is the Richard Jewell of Illinois. Jewell was the man who was falsely accused of bombing the Atlanta Olympics…

I had high hopes for this one. It was just not to be.


  1. - Free Pass - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 5:54 am:

    I wonder if Rod was a republican would he be getting the same free pass. Some would
    Say not.

  2. - Honest Abe - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 6:15 am:

    Free Pass
    Its “I wonder if Rod WERE a Republican….” and Stewart is in for the entertainment value here, not the politics, tho it is surprising Bonnie Hunt had the harder hitting interview.

  3. - State Sen. Clay Davis - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 6:22 am:

    Stewart said that IF Blago is right, IF the whole thing is a sham, IF what seems like incredibly damning evidence was really edited precisely to make Blago look guilty when he was in fact innocent, THEN it would be the worst frame job in history.

    I think you misunderstood the statement, Rich. That is calling him him guilty to his face.

  4. - perplexed & perturbed - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 6:35 am:

    Nice Big Lebowski reference by Stewart. Here’s another one: “Well, that’s just like, you know, your opinion, man.”

  5. - Thank you Clay - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 7:20 am:

    Once again, Rich’s inner hatred toward this man skews his ‘journalistic efforts’ on here. Just because you don’t like him Rich, doesn’t mean everyone else has to gang up on him like you do. The interview was fine - and it was hilarious. Wonder what you’ll do if he wins his trial next year? I’m sure you’ll say the judge/jury ‘didn’t go far enough’ or something. Erase the hate dude! I think it’s really funny how Rod bothers you (and others) so much. Happy Friday bro. Lighten up a bit ok? :)

  6. - Rich Miller - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 7:23 am:

    Rod? Is that you?

  7. - Honest Abe - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 7:45 am:

    to: Thank you Clay”
    do you live in Illinois? Are you on the list for fumigation? Happy Friday to you, too.

  8. - perplexed & perturbed - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 7:45 am:

    Righteous hate has a purpose, or we would not hate at all.

  9. - Tom Joad - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 8:19 am:

    Stewart seemed unprepared for the interview. His making fun of Blagovich’s name was lame. Nothing was gained by having Rod on the show.

  10. - R - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 8:26 am:

    Clay Davis is right- Stewart was essentially letting Rod’s goofiness do the talking, at time playing at sympathetic to pull out more from him.

    The Richard Jewell thing was totally making fun of Blago. Listen to how many if’s he repeats, and the pure absurdity of the idea that the whole state would be out to get one man. *If he’s right, he’s Richard Jewell*

  11. - Amalia - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 8:33 am:

    Jon Stewart was a major disappointment last night. What, he rants on the crazed CNBC guy with zapruder like film clips, and
    smack downs, and he rubs the crazy one’s hair like he’s some
    freakin’ political doll? Jon, your time will come. People will figure out that Stephen Colbert is the real deal. Stephen would
    never have given Blago a pass like you did, or done a crack
    at Patrick Fitzgerald.

  12. - Anon down south - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 8:42 am:

    I can barely bare to watch the interviews anymore, in fact I rarely do. It’s just a sad commentary on the “hard news” outlets when a daytime talk show host shows them all up. I did see some of Stewart’s interview and it could have been done better. If people don’t pick up the mocking, does it really matter if Stewart’s mocking?

  13. - IL Yeezy - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 8:50 am:

    The second clip wasn’t actually on the broadcast, if I recall correctly. They had to edit for time and the mention of the children’s hospital was cut out of the show. Good to see they have all the clips online though.

  14. - Bill - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 8:53 am:

    Good job, Rod, as always. Keep it coming. You’re gonna beat this and then it will be happy days watching Miller and his posse eat crow.

  15. - Bill - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 8:55 am:

    P.S. I’m glad you finally realize that Harris is a dummy and a rat. It took you long enough.

  16. - John Bambenek - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 9:03 am:

    You can’t really hammer book tour guests… They’re essentially paying to be there and you slapping one ultimately hits you in your own pocketbook.

  17. - wordslinger - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 9:04 am:

    On the national level, Blago is just uninteresting and nobody can get fired up for an interview. He’s old news, but you have to fill those cable channels with something.

  18. - lake county democrat - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 9:21 am:

    Maybe Jon Stewart can accomplish what Judge Mikva couldn’t: get Mike Madigan to agree to answer questions.

  19. - Lefty Lefty - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 9:24 am:

    I was hoping for more, too. But when your guest lawyers up, you have to make do. I think I noticed Stewart actually deflate a little when GRod’s defense became “I wish I could tell you but I can’t….” That’s when the IFs started, which made a subtle point but didn’t make for a great grilling. Hunt’s local aspect made for better television.

    Plus, a million viewers saw GRod make bad jokes, fail to grasp the gravity of his situation, and then sing Elvis (the moment of Zen). His lack of self-awareness is staggering and apparent to any unbiased observer.

  20. - Northside Bunker - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 9:24 am:

    No one cares anymore….
    Jon Stewart, Dennis Miller were two guys who could have ruffled Rod’s feather, but didn’t.
    Very disappointing!
    Further proof, crime pays in Illinois.

  21. - Michelle Flaherty - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 9:25 am:

    The children’s hospital stuff didn’t make the broadcast.

    I’ll give one point to Rod, his come back about the apparent quid pro quo between Obama and Hillary Clinton is a pretty good line. He should work on the delivery for when he goes on Fox.

  22. - ILPundit - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 9:27 am:

    I really have to disagree with you Rich.

    You seem to be waiting for this cathartic moment where someone finally hits Blago with facts that his entire spin is revealed as fraud on national television. But that will never happen, because Blago is insane, and will defy any convention to avoid admitting or acknowledging wrongdoing.

    What I saw last night was an interviewer who clearly did not believe a word coming out of Blago’s mouth, and pretty much said so to his face. He confronted him with two key pieces of information for which Blago has not comback: the “Legal, Personal, Political” statement, and the Childrens Hospital situation. In both cases, Blago simply lied, or ignored the question — and he would have done the same no matter how many times the questions were asked.

    For someone to real nail him on TV, Blago will have to either visually or verbally acknowledge that he’s been nailed in real time, and that will never happen because the man is delusional.

    Stewart kept pressure on all the way through — and if there was a theme to his approach, it was summed up when Stewart basically asked him if thought he was being “punk’d” by the the entire state of Illinois. The entire tone of Stewarts approach to Blago was restrained, yet unmistakable, mockery. (Which is exactly what Stewart was doing with the Richard Jewel analogy as well)

    You are not going to get any better than that with Blago until you have him in a courtroom where he is forced to play by a clear set of rules, and he can’t simply skate by with BS, and rely on the gullibility of your average TV viewer.

  23. - Speaking at Will - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 9:39 am:

    I was in a local watering hole last night that still sells the “Blago” shot. Its Wild Turkey and Black Tie Vodka mixed together.

  24. - Dan Vock - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 9:43 am:

    I think IL Pundit is exactly right. No amount of facts or logic will change Rod’s outlook on life. Stewart makes a living showing how ridiculous people’s arguments really are. That’s where the whole Jewel thing came in. I mean, he started off the interview telling Blago he was going to prison, and I don’t think he ever changed his mind.

  25. - the Other Anonymous - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 9:43 am:

    I thought the interview was fine — not Stewart’s greatest, but pretty good. You have to remember what Stewart does: he mocks people to their face by pointing out how absurd it would be to believe them. That’s what he did with the Richard Jewell reference, that’s what he was doing throughout the interview.

    Stewart’s gig has never been cross-examination; it’s mockery, pure and simple. I think he succeeded, and Rod looked like a dork.

  26. - perplexed & perturbed - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 9:56 am:

    How about Blago is a guest on Law And Order, where he gets verbally ripped to shreds by the investigators at a public appearance and then led off in handcuffs, followed by a court trial during which he has a nervous breakdown and spills his guts?

  27. - Lou Grant - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 10:18 am:

    Blago is going to have to be held to the truth by someone who has a deep understanding of the situation so that they can counter his attempts to dodge. He is very good at avoidance. But that’s why Blago is working the out-of-state circuit.

  28. - MonsieurDumas - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 10:41 am:

    @Honest Abe:

    It’s “it’s”, not “its”. It’s “though”, not “tho”. Don’t correct someone if you can’t carry your own water.

    Way to focus on the important stuff.

  29. - zatoichi - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 10:57 am:

    Jon Stewart is on the Comedy Channel. It is supposed to be entertainment. The fact he can often show the the stupidity of many “newsmaker’s statements” is a plus for his show and he is good at it. The interview was fine. I really like the pattern of the hard news programs being upstaged by the lighter talk shows. Seems if it’s not New York or DC the hard news groups just aren’t that into it. The Stewarts, Letterman, and Hunters of the world see an opportunity to prep and run with it. Good for them.

  30. - Just Observing - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 10:57 am:

    Rich… I disagree with you… I think the interview was hard-hitting — especially for a comedy show. Plus, he didn’t say Rod IS the Richard Jewell of Illinois — he said IF all of Blago’s assertions are proven true in a trial THAN he would be the Richard Jewell-esque — Jon Stewart was pretty clear that he does not expect that to happen.

  31. - Secret Square - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 11:11 am:

    I didn’t watch the whole thing, but I was kinda disappointed that Stewart didn’t, at least once, pronounce “Blagojevich” as if he were throwing up, like he’s done in the past :-)

  32. - Jason R. Epstein - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 11:24 am:

    Stewart dissapointed me not in his lack of tough questions. He grilled the guy and doubted him to his face. His complete lack of understanding of the criminal process is what got me. “you can indict a balogna sandwich” is the saying. So what if he has a ton of charges. Bringing charges is near meaningless thus the “you can indict a balogna sandwich” saying.

    I expected this to happen to Blag a long time ago. Taking on the most powerful man in Chicago/Illinois? Surely a path to political/personal suicide. Its par for the course in Chicago politics. Attack the machine and the machine attacks and eats you. There seems to be evidence against Blag but what blag says is true regarding the impeachment proceedings.

    The impeachment proceedings were a joke as Fitzgerald successfully kept the ‘case’ out of impeachment. Usually you go to court first and then impeachment. Illinois (mell) turned this on its head.
    Stay tuned.

  33. - Throwing Up - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 11:29 am:

    Secret Square, he did that at the beginning at the show.

  34. - Irish - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 11:40 am:

    I also was not impressed with the interview. I fully expected John to subtley tear him up. and that did not happen. I was also unimpressed with the way Blago was allowed to interrupt and shout over Stewart and make the whole interview very uncomfortable to watch.
    It is amazing that the best interview I have seen yet was by Letterman. But Dave was a favorite of Johnny Carson and for good reason I think. There was no one that could control an interview like Carson could. Many times I saw him just absolutely destroy, with humor, people who tried to run the interview. Like Carson I think Letterman is a lot more intelligent that he reveals on his show. I thought Stewart was of the same ilk. But I have to say I was very disappointed.

  35. - perplexed & perturbed - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 11:49 am:

    The biggest disappointment to me was that Steward had a heck of a time remembering that Blago was the governor of Illinois, not the governor of Chicago. Also, I wish he would have called him “former governor” or “impeached governor,” not “governor,” which he’s not.

  36. - Capitol View - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 2:15 pm:

    I agree with Jon Stewart that when a host has a guest like Blago, the best thing to do is to sit back and let him protray his self-absorbtion and insanity for all to see.

    I’m waiting for Blago’s lawyers to now claim that they cannot get a fair trial anywhere in America, due to too much exposure in the press — even if caused by Blago himself.

    Next he’ll be petitioning for Judge Judy to hear his case. The man loves an audience…

  37. - Anon14 - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 2:57 pm:

    I thought the line about how his story is like digging through a pile of manure to find a horse was classic and so true. And when Stewart stopped him and said a position in health care meant a job that would pay you and Blago got that frazzled look, priceless. Not Stewart’s best, but not bad! Don’t think Blago will be getting that hug promised by Stewart if he beats it!

  38. - wordslinger - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 3:13 pm:

    ==Attack the machine and the machine attacks and eats you.==

    I’d be curious to see who or what anyone believes is “The Machine” these days.

    Daley? Cult of Personality.

    Madigan? Check out those weighted votes in the Cook County slating.

    In fact, if there is a Cook County Democratic machine, the center of gravity has moved. Again, in the weighted vote, check out the South Side wards, and then mighty Thornton Township.

    Bridgeport? Beverly? Mell? Check out the votes.

  39. - dc - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 3:36 pm:

    I thought it was hilarious and agree with other posters that Stewart’s mockery of Rod talked for itself. We’ll never get the smoking gun until the trial. Rod has too much room to hide since the tapes aren’t released and the gag order. The only thing Stewart could have done was follow up harder on the children’s hospital and on the “personal, political,” lines. He wouldn’t have received a different answer than “out of context” though. He simply could have highlighted the weak answers more, but that’s all. It’s going to seem like a decade, but the trial will start eventually and the circus will end. It’s Friday campers, everyone have a beer, forget about blagoof and enjoy the weekend.

  40. - Not Torquemada - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 3:57 pm:

    Jon Stewart is not Torquemada. I don’t know what some of you were expecting. First of all, he did the Blago funny voice while he’s in the studio, twice. That should tell you something about how this was gonna go.

    Then he let Blago be Blago and hang himself on his own lunacy. Stewart was adept and funny while dealing with serious stuff. Stewart haters really need to look in the mirror and see why they hate the smart liberal Jew, because he is one of the best things of these sometimes dark times.

    And the last thing Stewart expects is to have Blago back for the apology. That should have been obvious to anyone.

  41. - Reddbyrd - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 4:26 pm:

    Daily Show got an email today suggesting that if they wanted to really hear the rules about the Blagoof trial David Ellis was available to be interview.
    Waiting for a call back

  42. - Okay Then... - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 4:53 pm:

    The f & s words can be used on comedy central? Since when?

  43. - perplexed & perturbed - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 5:04 pm:

    We all have people form the past that we have pent up schadenfreude for. Blagojevich is one such person. While watching for the hammer to drop is an entertaining sport in itself, it’s not really a productive activity. Making the state of Illinois work sensationally well is a productive activity.

  44. - Squideshi - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 5:14 pm:

    In this interview, Blagojevich makes possibly the best case for the need to get rid of the Democrats and start electing Greens into public office in Illinois. He seems to think that a quid pro quo, so long as it is for the “benefit of the public,” is the best way to do politics. It’s not only about what positions the candidates hold on the issues but also, as the national platform of the Green Party indicates, “Political debate, public policy, and legislation should be judged on their merits, not on the quid pro quo of political barter and money.” and “We should remember that the process that determines our decisions and actions is just as important as achieving the outcome we want.”

  45. - mac - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 5:51 pm:

    Stewart regretfully lost his edge resulting in less than biting interviews of Blago.He needs some Republicans to sharpen that edge.

  46. - Jason R. Epstein - Friday, Sep 25, 09 @ 7:34 pm:

    “I’d be curious to see who or what anyone believes is “The Machine” these days.

    Daley? Cult of Personality.

    Madigan? Check out those weighted votes in the Cook County slating.

    In fact, if there is a Cook County Democratic machine, the center of gravity has moved. Again, in the weighted vote, check out the South Side wards, and then mighty Thornton Township.

    Bridgeport? Beverly? Mell? Check out the votes. ”

    yes yes and yes. This very blog speaks of ‘clout’ repeatedly. What is clout? Clout in this city, on this blog in this realm refers to whether or not you have influence. Influence to what or who? Well the master of the machine is gone. But his son is still in power. Its a fiefdom. The machine not alive at well? Yes beverly, canaryville all those little hubs are the sources of the people who run Chicago. Its very engrained. I mean who is the AG?? She got there by experience and knowledge? yea right. Shes there b/c the machine put her there. Is it really surprising that the man who stood against one of the main characters in the machine is indicted? Is it a coincidence? Even if he did wrong which many obviously do why him?
    You read the papers a few years ago when both were threatening to get the feds after each other? Blaggo threatening etc? Well whos threat panned out?
    Detectives in most cities say “theres no such thing as conincidences”. Is this a coincidence? really?
    An old lawyer once asked a new lawyer “whos your clout?”. The new lawyer a bit put off and suprised gave no relevant answer. This refers to the machine that is.

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