Resurgent? Or too soon to tell?
Monday, Sep 28, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller
* The Cook County GOP met over the weekend. The Daily Herald reporter was duly impressed…
For anyone who expected Cook County Republicans to be sacrificial lambs in seeking countywide office, they sounded more like hungry lions at the opening of their two-day convention in Rosemont Friday.
“We are soldiers,” said Roger Keats, slated as the party’s endorsed candidate for County Board president. “We are taking on what has been an army that has controlled this state for a decade now and controlled this county for almost a half-century.”
Sounding forcible and feisty back on the stump after his 16-year career in the state Senate ended 17 years ago, the Wilmette Republican struck the keynote theme of his campaign in saying Democrats had basically handed him the issue of fighting corrupt, inefficient government, including that of President Todd Stroger.
Stroger will, indeed, be a major issue for the Republicans, but he probably won’t be on the November ballot. The Cook Repubs have the best shot in decades at clawing back into power, but it remains to be seen if this group of candidates can actually do it.
* Sen. Kirk Dillard, a GOP gubernatorial hopeful, won a straw poll of those in attendance at the Cook County Republican event. That’s the first accomplishment Dillard has been able to crow about in weeks. The Daily Herald has the results…
Among delegates attending the two-day convention in Rosemont, Dillard garnered 216 votes. In the field of six candidates, Sen. Bill Brady of Bloomington came in second with 198 votes; Hinsdale businessman Adam Andrzejewski got 150 votes.
Dan Proft, a top aide to U.S. Senate candidate Alan Keyes, DuPage County Chairman Bob Schillerstrom, and Andy McKenna, former Illinois GOP chairman, had 142, 108 and 21 votes respectively.
21 for McKenna? Oof. And, that wasn’t a bad showing at all for Downstater Bill Brady.
* Other campaign stuff…
* Krug:
Franks picks family over Springfield
* Rep. Jack Franks decides against gov. run
* Winnetka attorney Bill Cadigan enters GOP race for Kirk seat
* Stroger and a subpoena
* Word on the Street: Road to new map paved with apathy
* Edgar reunion, not campaign announcement
- Segatari - Monday, Sep 28, 09 @ 9:46 am:
Yep, that tells me Republicans in general aren’t happy with McKenna’s tenture as party chairman and won’t be giving him much of any support for governor.
- ahoy - Monday, Sep 28, 09 @ 9:47 am:
Dillard won this poll but I think coming in a close second in Cook County is a huge win for Brady.
- wordslinger - Monday, Sep 28, 09 @ 9:48 am:
If the GOP focuses on kitchen-table economics and corruption, and foregoes the bedroom-peeping and litmus tests, there are certainly inroads to be made in Cook and the Collars.
- blackdem - Monday, Sep 28, 09 @ 9:49 am:
Why do you think Stroger wont be the ballot in November?
- Ghost - Monday, Sep 28, 09 @ 9:52 am:
I have my fingers crossed that Brady is the GOP canidate in the primary. its nice to see a mini alan keys up again for the GOP
- VanillaMan - Monday, Sep 28, 09 @ 10:04 am:
The Chicago GOP has nowhere to go, but up.
The Illinois Democrats are bankrupted in every way except for undying voter loyalties in the City. Eventually, even these voters will see a need to do something different when their free lunches are no longer available.
The problem for the GOP is the fact that they have to start from scratch. Chicago has been one party government longer than the Soviets.
So, the GOP can resurge. It may take two generations, but it can resurge if it chooses smart positions on city issues and select viable candidates for the ballots.
Good for Dillard. It is about time. Now he needs a real Lt. Governor candidate, not the Richy Rich kid with daddy’s cash to waste.
- Sewanee - Monday, Sep 28, 09 @ 10:07 am:
Ghost: A mini Alan Keyes? Give me a break. That’s Huffington Post kind of material, not Capitol Fax.
- wordslinger - Monday, Sep 28, 09 @ 10:12 am:
–Eventually, even these voters will see a need to do something different when their free lunches are no longer available.–
What free lunch? All I notice every day is hundreds of thousands of people going to work and doing the job their paid for. Unlike some.
- Boscobud - Monday, Sep 28, 09 @ 10:50 am:
I saw Victor Santana was at the Convention on Friday. Did anyone else see him? Also why was he there?
- Down the Middle - Monday, Sep 28, 09 @ 10:56 am:
I’m surprised that Dillard won. Unless I’m wrong, this appears to be a very conservative gathering, and the fact that Dillard came out on top is more of a coup for him, rather than Brady. I’m even more intrigued by the total lack of interest by and for McKenna.
- RMWStanford - Monday, Sep 28, 09 @ 11:12 am:
That was a very strong showing for Brady, given the area Dillard should of had had a strong advantage going in and for Bill to come with in 18 votes could be indication that he is starting to gain strength in the Cook and the Collar counties.
I really don’t see McKenna doing well, I think that most Republican primary voters have a pretty poor opinion of him because of his tenure as party chair.
- RMWStanford - Monday, Sep 28, 09 @ 11:19 am:
It is certain for the GOP to undergo a resurgence in Chicago. It will have to be looked at as a long term building project. Selecting issues to run, focusing on economics issues and good government, recruiting good candidates and building ties and networks in local communities.
Using similar tactics I think that the GOP could build up support in other traditional non-Republican voting blocks.
- 32nd Ward Roscoe Village - Monday, Sep 28, 09 @ 12:03 pm:
Fyi, I had a person come to my door this weekend to sign nominating petitions for Quigley for Congress, Fritchey for Claypool’s seat and a Dan Farley for Fritchey’s seat. The person could not tell me whether Dan Farley was related to Bruce Farley and I couldn’t glean much information from his campaign website. Can anyone confirm that Dan is not related to Bruce?
- shore - Monday, Sep 28, 09 @ 12:12 pm:
There were probably more chicago democrats getting off at an el stop this morning than there were at this major convention. 1,000 votes is not a lot given how badly things have gone for democrats lately.
- CircularFiringSquad - Monday, Sep 28, 09 @ 1:04 pm:
Let’s gp back to those day when Keats was using his Seante seat to help develop his landfill…not sure that is the type of reformer we need to Cook County….now you need a Ryan to round out the folly
- George - Monday, Sep 28, 09 @ 2:05 pm:
In earth-shattering news, Jack Franks has dropped out of the Governor’s race…
What earth did that shatter exactly? Jack Franks World.
- Anonymous - Monday, Sep 28, 09 @ 2:08 pm:
Mr. Keats did an absolutely amazing job of welcoming, rallying, and inspiring the troops. So glad he’s made the decision to again take on a very active role in helping Cook County and our State. We couldn’t ask for a greater Leader than the one we have in him!
- Anonymous - Monday, Sep 28, 09 @ 2:17 pm:
BTW, JBT was there, too. Looking better than evah, making everyone laugh with those infamous one-liners that only she can come up with–and, of course, re-charging everyone’s batteries with her smile and laugh.
The little engine that could….
- Conservative Republican - Monday, Sep 28, 09 @ 2:20 pm:
Just some data:
McKenna was the only major candidate for governor who did not attend and speak at the Cook GOP Convention. He had Matt Murphy, his running mate, carry the water for him there. McKenna’s poor straw poll vote may have been in part a reflection of his no show at the convention.
Dillard campaigned hard for his straw poll victory. He romanced committeemen before the weekend with free dinners, had numerous staffers lobbying at the convention, and played his “Chicago connection” card heavily in his speech, which violated the rules by running overtime by twice the time limit.
- fedup dem - Monday, Sep 28, 09 @ 3:18 pm:
I think Dan is the son of Bruce Farley. For further details, you can contact 47th Ward Ald. Gene Schulter to spoonfeed you the party line on yet another second-generation pol!
- wordslinger - Monday, Sep 28, 09 @ 3:29 pm:
==Using similar tactics I think that the GOP could build up support in other traditional non-Republican voting blocks.==
You’re missing the point. Chicago and Illinois were the birthplace of the GOP. There are no “traditional non-Republican voting blocks” here. Traditionally, they’re all GOP.
If the GOP can’t coalesce around a candidate that can make it here and now, given the last couple of years, you have to wonder what the designation even means.
Some way, some how, Pat Quinn is the 800-pound gorilla in a room that also includes a $10 billion deficit.
Who saw that four years ago?
- Okay Then... - Monday, Sep 28, 09 @ 3:40 pm:
I am not surprised that Dillard and Brady came in first and second respectively. I am also very pleased by this. I hope this is the way the primary shakes out. If Brady gets into first place then or between then and now, I am still pleased.
But, on a cautionary note I think Dillard is the much easier sell for Nov.
- 4 percent - Monday, Sep 28, 09 @ 5:01 pm:
Big win for Dillard. Nobody expected it and many of the organizers were Murphy fans (based on Facebook invites that I got). Brady should have some support after 6 years of campaigning but his support continues to erode quickly.
Party leaders - not online polling - clearly shows the level of respect for Dillard. He is the best choice for the GOP.
- Okay Then... - Monday, Sep 28, 09 @ 5:16 pm:
I agree with Mark Kirk and Pete Roskam that ACORN should not be involved with 2010 Census taking, in light of its recent scandal.
- Cook Repub - Monday, Sep 28, 09 @ 6:18 pm:
The Daily Herald must have been at a different event. There was only a small crowd, less than 200. It was pretty depressing actually.
And be aware that the straw poll numbers overstate the number who voted. Each person could cast 6 votes. 3 for 1st choice, 2 for 2nd choice, 1 for 3rd choice.
So only about 130 people actually voted in the straw poll. That’s less than meaningless.
I don’t think the Dems have much to worry about next year in Cook County. It’s still the same old dysfunction and delusion on the GOP side.
- reformer - Monday, Sep 28, 09 @ 8:07 pm:
The Cook GOP on the verge of resurgence? Just last November the GOP Cook County candidates were destroyed. The best known, Tony Peraica, lost by 3 to 1. Even if this new GOP crop does somewhat better, the canyon they’re in is so deep it won’t matter.
- scoot - Monday, Sep 28, 09 @ 9:39 pm:
It’s a plus for Dillard to win the Cook Co. straw poll. It would be more of a story had he not finished first.
- Anonymous - Monday, Sep 28, 09 @ 9:47 pm:
I agree, Okay.
Also, and I know off topic (Rich, I hope you don’t mind), but this is a recent interview re: funding (again) for Qaddafi’s family that also covers Iran and a couple of other current events.
- Nort'sider - Tuesday, Sep 29, 09 @ 1:26 am:
FYI, Ted Cox is the Herald’s TV/radio columnist.