Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 *** From the “Strange Campaign” files
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*** UPDATED x1 *** From the “Strange Campaign” files

Wednesday, Sep 30, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

*** UPDATE *** William Kelly has asked his supporters to come over here and comment because he thinks we’re being unfair to him. He apparently doesn’t respond well to criticism.

I’ve already deleted several comments from his supporters because they are commenting under different names with the same IP address. Very stupid move, and usually done to make it look like somebody has more supporters than they actually do. Those people are banned from the blog for good. They probably don’t care because they’re newbies anyway. Still, if you come here, expect to play by the rules or you’ll just be deleted.


[ *** End of Update *** ]

* I guess it takes all kinds to make a political world.

William Kelly, the host of a twice a week Comcast Cable TV show which airs after midnight, has tried and tried to get noticed by a wider audience, without a lot of luck.

Kelly began his quest by challenging Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias to a charity boxing match. No coverage resulted and there was no response from Giannoulias, of course.

Then, Kelly stopped Giannoulias in front of a US Senate campaign fundraiser on the morning of September 11th to interview him. Giannoulias smiled, said “It’s good to see you, Bill” and walked away. Kelly sent out a press release claiming he had “flustered” Giannoulias, but that’s not really what the videotape showed. The video did earn Kelly a write-up in a Washington Times blog, but little else.

So, like just about everybody else in the world, Kelly has now jumped on the SEIU/ACORN bandwagon and tried to talk to Giannoulias at a fundraising event this week. Giannoulias kept walking. Hard to blame him. Here’s the video…

From Kelly’s press release today…

“You are seeking and have accepted the endorsement of SEIU. Don’t you think it is better to do an investigation of SEIU first?” asks Kelly. “Under what circumstances would you consider returning the $? Under any circumstances?” When Giannoulias can’t take it anymore, he hides behind his two female assistants. One says to Kelly, “You have to make a contribution.” Kelly retorts, “I am making a contribution.”

* Kelly is actually running for comptroller as a Republican. This has to be one of the oddest campaign strategies I’ve ever seen. Giannoulias is the treasurer. So, what’s the beef? I just don’t get it. Strange.

It’s really all for naught anyway because he’s gonna get creamed by Judy Baar Topinka in the GOP primary. And I gotta wonder how long Comcast is going to tolerate him using his TV show to boost his campaign and vice-a-versa.

But, hey, this is a free country. It’s actually kind of fun to watch Giannoulias squirm a bit. But this is weird, man.



  1. - 10th Indy - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 11:35 am:

    A couple of young Kelly supporters were trying to get folks to sign nominating petitions at the Northwestern station this morning. I didn’t see anyone stop for their “Put a republican on the ballot” pitch.

  2. - Speaking at Will - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 11:36 am:

    What the heck is this guys deal? He should take up golf, or maybe cliff diving, that would be a better expenditure of his time.

  3. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 11:39 am:

    It’s a free country, but his mother should have taught him some manners.

    If you have something compelling to say, people will find you. No need to be a jerk about it.

    If he’s running for comptroller, why is he bothering a Senate candidate, anyway?

  4. - KeepSmiling - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 11:39 am:

    Kelly is a young Geraldo. And he’s sure there is something in that vault… if he can just get it on camera.

  5. - raising kane - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 11:42 am:

    The minute he files his petitions, Comcast will have to pull him from the air until he loses in Feb. By then, they will likely have found a much better replacement.

  6. - Nikoli - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 11:47 am:

    Raising Kane is right. It’s the same deal with that Tim Dudley guy running against Kyle McCarter. He’s got a radio show in Decatur and he’s on there all the time hyping his campaign and his Facebook page. However, the moment he files petitions, there goes the radio show (and in Kelly’s case, the TV show).

  7. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 11:49 am:

    If he’s on cable, do the same rules apply? Technically, he’s not broadcasting over the public airwaves, correct?

  8. - raising kane - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 11:52 am:

    Yes, the same rules apply. They are all licensed by the FCC. He might be able to become a mime in the park though…if he can stay quiet that long.

  9. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 11:53 am:

    There are a lot of people out there running for offices without having any idea why someone should vote for them. They use gimmicks like this, thinking that people decide upon candidates based on gimmicks alone. If this man wants to be a clown, then he should run for an office where voters would enjoy watching a clown. These offices exist in every town. Running for Comptroller is ridiculous.

    His campaign is an insult to any thinking voter.

  10. - Shore - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 11:58 am:

    I’m really suprised the democrats haven’t tracked Kirk more with video cameras like this in his stops around the state. with twitter and evyerthing else you can’t really keep things a secret anymore.

    I’m sure there will be more of this, hopefully though they’ll get a cameraman taller than an oompa loompa man.

  11. - Bill - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 11:59 am:

    ==then he should run for an office where voters would enjoy watching a clown==
    He is! Vannie, you’ve got to lighten up man!

  12. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 12:04 pm:

    ===I’m sure there will be more of this===

    Yes and no.

    Yes, there will be and already are tracker videographers.

    No, they won’t be in your face like this guy is. Jack Ryan found out the hard way how badly that tactic can backfire.

  13. - Anon - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 12:10 pm:

    ==Kelly is a young Geraldo. ==

    Now I won’t be able to concentrate on anything else until I can remember who did the Geraldo spoof in which he explained that he was going to outer space so he could document “the effects of weightlessness on weightlessness.”

  14. - Bubs - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 12:13 pm:

    Sadly, there are currently a lot of misguided giant egos in the Illinois GOP today, egged on by Conservative blogs. They believe (largely because there is no other hope of success) that once their “message” reaches the “grassroots,” they will become an overnight sensation within the party and beyond.

    The problem is that once these guys get jutifiably stomped in a GOP primary, their egos cause them to refuse to face their own defects as a candidate, so they blame the “Combine” or the “Old Guard” and go absolutely coo-coo, basking in the glow of conservative blogsite recognition as ones trying to “save” the GOP.

    Hopefully, this particular election cycle will not produce that result, given that Republican prospects are the best in a decade, but we shall see.

  15. - The KQ - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 12:21 pm:

    ==It’s really all for naught anyway because he’s gonna get creamed by Judy Baar Topinka in the GOP primary==

    I can’t disagree with you Rich, but I also think that Jim Dodge, who is also running for Comptroller, is going to give Topinka a run for her money.

  16. - the right mix - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 12:29 pm:

    This guy is a kook. Is he really running for something or away from a man with a straight-jacket. It is hard to find a way to make Alexi look good but this guy did it. And KQ, you and maybe 5 other people have heard of Dodge. If he has tons of cash he can get in the game but without a couple of mil, Rich is right Topinka will crush him too.

  17. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 12:33 pm:

    ===Jim Dodge, who is also running for Comptroller, is going to give Topinka a run for her money.===

    Downballot statewide races are usually just a function of name ID. JBT has it in spades, Dodge doesn’t have it at all.

    Does Dodge have the millions of dollars and the time it’ll take to get it? No. I don’t see your point at all.

  18. - Nikoli - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 12:42 pm:

    Kelly is on Facebook posting about this thread.
    Here is his current status…
    “Facebook friends…There are attacks on me at Capitol Fax’s blog. I could use your help. Please go there now and post a comment now. Republicans will have a big state government mess to fix courtesy of Alexi Giannoulias. We need real reformer candidates with GUTS versus insiders. Ask yourself why the media considers him a legit candidate and why they are sweeping his ACORN-SEIU ties under the rug? Daddy’s money…that’s why.”

  19. - just sayin' - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 12:44 pm:

    Kelly seems almost as kooky as Topinka.

  20. - OdysseusVL - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 12:50 pm:

    “No, they won’t be in your face like this guy is. Jack Ryan found out the hard way how badly that tactic can backfire.”

    A lot of people forgot about that. JACK!’s campaign really crossed the line on that, and it blew up just before the divorce records did.

    Note: Due to the comment procedures on the new version of this site, “Skeeter” is now going by “OdysseusVL.”

  21. - Kelly Supporter - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 12:57 pm:

    Yes, we were out at Ogilvie station this morning and got over 225 signatures for William J. Kelly during the commuter rush.

    By the way, when we mention Judy Baar Topinka as our opponent in the primary, the most common response from republicans is a stream of vulgarity. There is no love lost between that woman and real republicans.

  22. - John Weitz - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 1:00 pm:

    Wow - pretty one sided comments so far. It sure doesn’t take a lot of courage for an etire group of people to pile on a guy. I like William Kelly and I think he realizes there is a bias in media coverage, especially in Chicago. I believe he needs to be a little dramatic to get any coverage. Personally, I enjoy it when he attacks Alexi Giannoulias. I can’t stand Alexi and I don’t understand how anyone could support him.

  23. - DCM - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 1:05 pm:

    Ohhh no, here comes the supporters. This is going to get fun.

  24. - Small Town Liberal - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 1:09 pm:

    So real republicans respond with streams of vulgarity when they hear names of people they don’t like? Thats something to be proud of.

  25. - MaggT - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 1:12 pm:

    The media doesn’t like when you upset their fiefdom. They don’t attack Giannoulias because then they won’t get invited to all the cool cocktail parties. Someone has to do their job for them. At least this guy has guts.

  26. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 1:13 pm:

    –By the way, when we mention Judy Baar Topinka as our opponent in the primary, the most common response from republicans is a stream of vulgarity. There is no love lost between that woman and real republicans.–

    Baloney. Stay classy, champ.

  27. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 1:19 pm:

    ===Ohhh no, here comes the supporters. This is going to get fun.===

    Define “fun.”


    Welcome to all the newbies. Make sure you follow the rules here. And expect to be challenged.

  28. - Tobyzoc - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 1:21 pm:

    Kelly has been a strong anti-tax advocate for years. He’s an activist and…I like his TV shows. Very funny but they make a point. The media aren’t going to like Kelly because he does their job for them. We need that. Illinois media covered up for Blagojevich and people like Giannoulias. It has to stop before we’re all broke.

  29. - Apopfan - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 1:21 pm:

    Think there are definitely some Kelly haters

    It’s always different when a democrat gets attacked, isn’t it? There always is a double standard for republicans. Good for William doing something different than other republicans have done. Alexi is a sham..and he should be exposed for his hypocrisy in accepting support from SEIU! William, if you’re reading, the liberals are going to attack you anyway, and in every way, whether its about attacking Alexi or downing you. Keep on the offense!

  30. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 1:23 pm:

    ===It’s always different when a democrat gets attacked, isn’t it?===


    There are plenty of Republican commenters here who are appalled at this Kelly goofiness.

    I notice by your IP address that this is the first time you’ve been here. Take your time and learn something before you spew again, please.

    Further comments like that one will be deleted.

  31. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 1:24 pm:

    ===Illinois media covered up for Blagojevich===

    That was a certifiably insane comment.

  32. - Kelly Supporter - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 1:25 pm:

    ==So real republicans respond with streams of vulgarity when they hear names of people they don’t like?==

    I can’t speak about anyone else they might not like, but when it comes to Judy and her foul behavior they do not mince words. Do you want to see Judy Baar Topinka leading the republican party in Illinois again? If not, please take a serious look at William J. Kelly, the TRUE conservative candidate for comptroller.

  33. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 1:26 pm:

    –It’s always different when a democrat gets attacked, isn’t it? There always is a double standard for republicans.–

    Yeah, Blago, Burris, Stroger, Daley, et. al. have gotten kid-glove treatment.

    Another Victim heard from.

  34. - Segatari - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 1:26 pm:

    JBT is running for her old position? Where did you see that?

  35. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 1:27 pm:

    jmarty53, you were deleted due to a comment rules violation. Single IP address, two different identities.

  36. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 1:27 pm:

    Segatari, JBT is running for comptroller. She was the treasurer.

  37. - DCM - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 1:28 pm:

    I am a David Miller supporter, and as a David Miller supporter, I hope for a Kelly nomination.

  38. - OdysseusVL - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 1:28 pm:


    Being rude is not “something different.” It is just obnoxious and is sure sign that a person is not fit for office. Also, you might want to talk to the candidate. Turns out, he’s not running against Alexi. If he wanted to run a campaign against Alexi, he really should have decided to run against him.

    The irony here is that if Kelly would have forwarded a press release talking about his plans for the office (and assuming it put forth some coherent ideas), Miller probably would have covered it. That would have been GOOD publicity.

  39. - WOW - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 1:29 pm:

    I think my name says it all. I actually expected a rougher attack from Kelly’s supporters. The fact that they think anyone (dem.’s or repubs) get a pass by the commenter’s on this blog is crazy.

    I had never heard of Kelly before today and so far don’t know anything about him except he doesn’t know what office he is running for or who his opponent is. If running for Comptroller shouldn’t he be hitting David Miller for his SEIU money, or heck even the current comptroller for his SEIU money … they both have gotten it.

    Fun is a relative term Rich but the natives of this blog are getting antsy for a verbal fight … we miss campaign season.

  40. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 1:30 pm:

    TaxPayersStandUp!, you are banned from the blog for violating my rule against posting with two different identities using the same IP address.


  41. - Small Town Liberal - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 1:35 pm:

    - Do you want to see Judy Baar Topinka leading the republican party in Illinois again? -

    I was under the impression that Pat Brady was going to lead the republican party. Or are you confused about what JBT is actually running for? William, is that you?

  42. - I'm just saying - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 1:38 pm:

    I tink it’s gonna be a fun day today Rich, as they say stay on your toes, the crazies are here :0

  43. - Shore - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 1:40 pm:

    Either he had a midget film that or a 6 year old either way it’s hard to watch something from that level.

    For the record, the macaca thing comment came from something that irritated george allen-the presence of an indian-american. Nothing wrong with getting slightly under the skin of the candidate.

  44. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 1:47 pm:

    Given this rude “interview” and the Hannity hack job on Giannoulias, I’m beginning to think the GOP is afraid.

  45. - Alls Fair - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 1:51 pm:

    Last time I checked there are alot of political activists that are in showbiz. So why is it different for Kelly? The rich and powerful have a monopoly on using media?

    Good for him for speaking up and saying it like it is. He doesn’t play it safe. He’s speaking up where there’s a problem.

    I like it.

  46. - perplexed & perturbed - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 1:53 pm:


  47. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 1:55 pm:

    Ive had a chance to meet Bill Kelly and he is a good man, with good views, having meet him before I saw this video give me the chance to see that this video is a representation of who he is.

    The guy wants the truth and thinks we all deserve to know the truth and if that means taking a camera and putting it in someones face, then he is going to do it.

    I say good for him, at least he is going out and trying to get people to talk.

    Bill you have my vote

  48. - Alls Fair - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 1:55 pm:

    Btw, his interview wasn’t “rude”. He was right.
    Joe Wilson did the same.

    I like him too.

  49. - John Weitz - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 1:58 pm:

    I’m assuming everyone knows Alexi Giannoulias is running for the U.S. Senate and not against William Kelly for Illinois Comptroller. To further clarify, Alexi is the 33 year old, priviledged son of a banker, who has played basketball with Barack Obama and purchased an SUV with Bright Start money. The same college savings plan that lost $85 million dollars last year. How can a guy who did such a poor job overseeing that responsibility, expect a promotion to the U.S. Senate?

  50. - Kelly Supporter - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 1:58 pm:

    ==are you confused about what JBT is actually running for?==

    Pat Brady already is the Chairman of the Illinois Republican Party, a post that JBT once held. I mean to say that as a statewide office holder, whomever is elected to the office of comptroller will be a leader in the party. We need someone in that office who understands that Illinois badly needs reform. Judy is NOT the future of the Illinois republican party.

    William J. Kelly, on the other hand, would use the office of comptroller to REFORM Illinois government at the state level. He would be an activist comptroller and would bring transparency to an office that won’t even tell us taxpayers where our all of our money is going. He would open the comptroller’s office to an investigation and from then on report everything that taxpayer money is spent on.

  51. - OdysseusVL - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 2:02 pm:

    “I’m assuming everyone knows Alexi Giannoulias is running for the U.S. Senate and not against William Kelly for Illinois Comptroller”

    First, nobody knows that Kelly is running, since he hasn’st really done stuff like tell people about his plans for being Comptroller.

    Seoond, it appears that William Kelly’s four fans don’t seem to understand that he’s not running against Alexi. The idea of that campaign makes no sense: “Vote for William Kelly for Comp. since Alexi is a bad Treasurer”? Is that really the central theme of the Kelly campaign?

  52. - OneMan - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 2:05 pm:

    Me thinks the man could have picked a better hobgoblin than the guy who is currently elected to a post different than the one the candidate is running for.

  53. - Out There - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 2:05 pm:

    Don’t get upset Odysseus, the Kelly folks have found a venue to “shoot their wad.” Sometimes it’s best just to let ‘em finish.

  54. - DuPage Moderate - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 2:05 pm:

    This kind of stuff makes it very very hard to vote republican with any sense of regularity.

    Self-aggrandizing bafoonery.

    I didn’t know who Kelly was before this - now there is no chance he will ever get my vote. Debate the issues…get rid of this holier than thou garbage you’re trying to pull here.

    Just gross….

  55. - Just wondering - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 2:06 pm:

    From VMan… His campaign is an insult to any thinking voter.

    His campaign is an insult to anyone named Kelly!

  56. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 2:07 pm:

    ===Alexi is the 33 year old, priviledged son of a banker===

    His father’s dead. Give it a rest.

    And learn how to spell.

  57. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 2:08 pm:

    ===alot of political activists that are in showbiz===

    That’s what you call his gig? lol

  58. - unclesam - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 2:14 pm:

    Has anyone ever watched his Upscale TV show? The political ads just write themselves. Easy to show the lack of competence and maturity of one William Kelly.

  59. - John Weitz - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 2:18 pm:

    Hey Rich - it’s your party. You can point out my misspelled word and insist I not bring up Broadway Bank.

  60. - OdysseusVL - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 2:20 pm:

    According to “Kelly Supporter”, Kelly would be an “activist comptroller”?

    If there is anything that I oppose, it is activist comptrollers. Where do these comptrollers go off thinking that can make policy? The job of a comptroller is to INTERPRET the books and write checks and not to MAKE the books or decide what checks to write. That’s the job of the legislature! Conservatives need to stand up together to defeat this guy! Before its too late! Say No To Activist Comptrollers!

    By the way, “Kelly Supporter”, “on” is a preposition. You do Kelly no favors by ending your post with a preposition. It just doesn’t look credible.

  61. - OneMan - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 2:21 pm:

    DuPage Moderate don’t judge a party by one guy running in a primary…

    The democrats have their ‘interesting’ ones as well.

  62. - Pot calling kettle - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 2:22 pm:

    “…SEIU was involved in this subprime mortgage debacle…” Huh?

    This guy appears to have lost touch with reality.

    If he wants my attention in a run for Comptroller, he’ll release a video explaining his plans to address the state’s fiscal woes. Instead, he releases a video indicating that he thinks the Service Employees are responsible for issuing subprime loans.

    While I suppose that banking industry could be classified as a service, I’m pretty sure that there aren’t any mortgage brokers in SEIU.

  63. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 2:23 pm:

    Mr. Weitz, I didn’t “insist” that you not bring up the bank. I suggested you looked like a complete moron for bringing his deceased father into your talking points.

    Try arguing what I say, not what you think I say.

  64. - John Weitz - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 2:31 pm:

    Mr. Miller - I can only conclude you are attacking me. You think I “looked like a complete moron”?

    I mean if someone said, “John Weitz is the overweight grandson of past restaurant owner Frank Weitz”, I would be upset they are calling me fat but it would not bother me that they mentioned my deceased grandfather. This is just an example. Am I way out of line here?

  65. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 2:37 pm:

    ===Mr. Miller - I can only conclude you are attacking me.===


    If the shoe fits…

  66. - Out There - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 2:37 pm:

    LOL, yep it’s a knee slapper today.

  67. - Kim Carmichael - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 2:42 pm:

    It is possible to have a flair for entertainment but still retain conservative beliefs and convictions. He is not just a TV host. William J. Kelly is a conservative activist.

  68. - I'm just saying - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 2:43 pm:

    I bet he doesn’t get the sigs, if he’s getting sigs outside Union Station/Oglivee, Half of them will be bad SIGS, that’s usually the sign of a desperate campaign……..

    Good Luck, Have fun, I hope the topinka crew challenges your sigs :)

  69. - Kelly Supporter - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 2:43 pm:

    ==By the way, “Kelly Supporter”, “on” is a preposition.==

    Thanks for the grammar lesson. I bet you made sure to proofread your post before you posted.

    ==Where do these comptrollers go off thinking that can make policy?==

    Hmm, I guess not.

  70. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 2:47 pm:

    ===It is possible to have a flair for entertainment but still===

    He’s sure been entertaining for us today.

    Just sayin…

  71. - Bill - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 2:47 pm:

    What’s wrong with taking contributions from SEIU? Its green isn’t it?
    I can just imagine the upcoming Dream Ticket:
    This guy Kelly
    Whoever is running against Jesse and Lisa
    I’ll definitely be contributing to them.
    By the way has Kelly made his birth certificate public?

  72. - John Ruberry - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 2:49 pm:

    I’ve been writing about SEIU for months. Pat Hickey has been denouncing them for even longer. SEIU, which likes to pass itself off as a cleaning woman’s union, is government workers lobbying for more government. Aren’t they the group whose leader, Andy Stern, bragged to the Las Vegas Sun that he is proud that he spent $60.7 million to elect Obama president? Yes, they are. As for ACORN, they’ve worked closely for them for years.

  73. - Mac McIntyre - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 2:51 pm:

    Rich wrote, “So, like just about everybody else in the world, Kelly has now jumped on the SEIU/ACORN bandwagon” … I think Mr Kelly is making a fool of himself with his antics BUT… this issue should be taken seriously and investigation demanded to continue… this is Illinois, its embarrassing and its time to put a stop to it.

  74. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 2:52 pm:

    ===this issue should be taken seriously and investigation demanded to continue===

    An investigation of what? What specific SEIU wrongdoing are you alleging in Illinois?

  75. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 2:52 pm:

    I can’t speak about anyone else they might not like, but when it comes to Judy and her foul behavior they do not mince words. Do you want to see Judy Baar Topinka leading the republican party in Illinois again?

    Welcome to the Kelly supporters.

    A bit of advice: If want to be taken seriously here, you’re going to have to do much better than posting these types of comments about anyone or anything. While we have written rules here, we also strive to be civil toward one another (and each other’s candidates) and fact-based even when expressing our opinions. As Rich mentioned, you will be challenged (by Ds and Rs alike, I’ll add) when you make general statements such as these that simply are not true until and unless you can support them more fully.

    Republicans, in general, are very proud of JBT’s statewide wins and the contributions AND sacrifices she’s made while in and out of office. Even many of those who do not perhaps agree with her, and even attack her, on “social” issues–when pressed–will tell you that they admire her tenacity and again, the contributions she’s made.

    I can also tell you that she is one of the best at inspiring and rallying the troops to get off their bums and actually do something to help our State. Her outreach far exceeds that of anyone else thus far. And she’s ALWAYS willing to listen, help, and mentor our young ‘uns.

    And, for a woman who has taken so many hits from all sides, she’s always handled herself with grace and a style all her own–which many simply adore. I can assure you that she has–and will always have–a HUGE number of supporters in this State.

    So, again, if you’re truly a Kelly supporter, I’d suggest that you consider those facts–and play by the rules on this blog if you’re trying to muster up support for your candidate.

  76. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 3:09 pm:

    Oh and BTW, silly JBT Supporter that I am, I actually reached out to Kelly during the Convention to say hello and welcome him. Please don’t make that harder to do for me next time around.

  77. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 3:14 pm:

    Anonymous 1:47, please be kind enough to find another handle. That one’s taken already on this version of the blog. Thank you.

  78. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 3:15 pm:

    Same request goes out to Anonymous 1:55.

  79. - I'm just saying - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 3:25 pm:

    From Kellys FB page
    John Weitz
    Rich Miller, that big baby, stopped posting my comments. I wouldn’t lose sleep over the attacks, that guy’s blog is a joke.

    Then dont’ post here……. Cya…….

  80. - just sayin' - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 3:30 pm:

    The ambush interview Kelly SHOULD do is with an actual opponent in the race he’s running in.

    One suggestion. Ask Topinka why voters should put her back in office where she can bloat her pension even more - especialy considering she’s already drawing more in state pension now than she made in state salary.

  81. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 3:30 pm:

    I tried friending Weitz on FB. He turned me down. lol

  82. - I'm just saying - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 3:36 pm:

    I’m Shocked…….. :)

  83. - KeepSmiling - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 3:38 pm:

    Well, Mr. Kelly brought some attention to himself today, I still can’t figure out from his supporter’s comments whether his strongest suit is being a “real” republican (not a fake one), an entertainer, or an activist.

    At any rate, it’s hard to take someone seriously who is trotting alongside a real politician on the way to a fundraiser (presumably from the background signs in his honor) while bleating a continuous stream of questions.

    I think Kelly should interview JBT. She’s not camera shy, and she might teach him a few things.

  84. - Tom Joad - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 3:47 pm:

    Comcast won’t do any thing to Kelly. They already have five minute “interviews” every helf hour on local tv. Both Bill Brady and Dan Rutherford are treated like royalty on the channel. This is suppsed to be local programming, but it is free advertising for the Republicans. What ever happened to “equal time”?

  85. - Kelly Supporter - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 3:49 pm:

    Thank you for the welcome, Anonymous. And I’m glad that you answered the question I posed, stating that you would like to see JBT in a position to lead the Illinois Republican Party. I appreciate your response, but as you would expect, I hope that the majority of republicans in this state disagree with you. It’s still good to hear from all sides.

    I believe that republicans have a great opportunity to make a comeback in 2010, but ONLY if we nominate the right candidates. If we offer up the same old candidates to the Illinois voters, we will lose again. I believe that JBT would be rejected by Illinois voters in 2010 - she does not represent the reform we need. There is plenty of dirt on her, from the federal investigation launched against her for having her staffers research her opponent on state-paid time to her helping Obama win the race for US Senate.

    Take a look at William J. Kelly’s campaign; look at his website, read his blog, check out his facebook pages. Watch his TV shows. He certainly draws criticism from some for his comic television persona, however, he is very committed to rebuilding the republican party and very serious about reforming Illinois.

  86. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 3:49 pm:

    Welcome Kelly Fans!
    Whatever it is Kelly does for you to get your support, I’m glad he is doing it! We always welcome excited new folks within our debates. If you wish to have a thoughtful conversation regarding any concerns you have over Kelly’s opponents in the Primary or General, I’d like to hear about them! All you need to be is respectful and sincere.

    As you perhaps read earlier, I’m not partial to election gimmick-driven campaigners. So, his recent camera work doesn’t explain why he should be elected Comptroller. Doing a Candid Camera on Alexi would always be good for a laugh, but in the end, if he is really serious, he would have to say and do something constructive, wouldn’t he?

    It’s perfectly OK to support someone because they entertain you and you just feel like you could have them over for dinner and have a nice time. If that is all Kelly means to you, then by all means vote for him. On the other hand, it would be considered important to other voters to have better reasons than this.

    Every candidate for public office should be welcomed by the voters. Even the goofy ones we do not understand or support. My suggestion for Mr. Kelly would be to find a public office from which to actually experience public service at a level commensurate to his current level of public service within a government. Maybe he could start by running for a library board. His entertaining ways would be a breath of fresh air for the folks who have worked tirelessly among the stacks of books and periodicals found within our public libraries. They need new blood. They set budgets, they make decisions regarding public assets, and they are considered good elected servants. After Mr. Kelly has demonstrated an ability to breath new life into his neighborhood libraries, he could base a campaign for a higher public office, like alderman, commissioner or trustee.

    But not Comptroller. Not yet. I know a lot of people at the ICC and they are the kind of folks who take their jobs seriously. Someone like Kelly would probably put into that little room that used to serve as a vault in the Capitol Building in the Comptroller’s Office. Then they’d seal him up for four years and feed him through the slot in the door. Then after four years, they’d seal the slot.

  87. - Pot calling kettle - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 3:53 pm:

    It would be interesting to know how long Alexi talked to Kelly before he started ignoring him. Of course, the clip doesn’t start until after Alexi stops talking. Nice editing job.

  88. - WOW - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 4:33 pm:

    Maybe a good Question of the Day would be “which of the long shot down ballot candidates do you think could be the surprise winner in the February 2nd Primary and why?” We might want to wait a month or so to see which of them actually make it to the ballot.

  89. - Nancycello - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 4:50 pm:

    I’ve met William Kelly and have found that he is a committed and serious candidate. Illinois is filled with corrupt politicians who are all tied up in the Daley Political Machine. William Kelly also refuses to march with the Republican Central Committee who controls elections and the selection of political candidates. Judy Topinka, as a RINO Republican, is being supported because she’s the kind of liberal Republican candidate that pleases the lackluster Republican state party. Mark Kirk was chosen for the same reason. I could never vote for either of them. William Kelly would bring a breath of fresh air to the Comptroller race. We need more individuals like Bill Kelly who are willing step up and fight for a chance to be heard. Bill would make a wonderful public servant and is a terrific candidate, because he is not afraid to stand up and duke it out for what he believes to be in the best interests of the people of Illinois.

  90. - Mac McIntyre - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 5:03 pm:

    I copied and pasted a quote from your article Rich. I do not allege SEIU did, does or will do anything illegal, the inclusion combination was from your quote. There are allegations against ACORN that merit further investigation. There is a cesspool drowning good government in Illinois and that needs to be addressed by its citizenry.

  91. - the right mix - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 5:05 pm:

    I think this guy has some kind of Waynes World show that is on after midnight or something. That hardly qualifies him as a “tv personality”. In fact, far from handling himself well, Kelly comes off as childish and rude. And the behavior of his supporters (all 3 or 4 of you) in these posts hasn’t improved that image.

  92. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 6:01 pm:

    John Ruberry said:

    “I’ve been writing about SEIU for months.”

    You’ve also been writing about construction signs for months too for some reason. Is anybody reading other than Pat Hickey? It’s quite an echo chamber over there.

  93. - old timer - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 6:08 pm:

    Ok, Kelly appears to be a lightweight with a scattering of trolls (one with a camera) as his fan club. On the other hand, Alexi & Co didn’t come off as very “senatorial” in the exchange.Between the Charlie’s Angels running interference and asking the mope for a contribution and his own diffidence, he looked more like Burris than Barack.

  94. - steve schnorf - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 8:12 pm:

    Real Republicans don’t like Judy? Since she was nominated in Republican primaries and elected and re-elected a whole bunch of times, someone sure as h__l likes her, including me.

  95. - Honest Abe - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 8:18 pm:

    Didn’t Bill Kelly get his start working for the goofy Congressman Michael Flanagan?

  96. - the right mix - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 9:07 pm:

    The first time I heard of him was when he got slaughtered by Bobby Rush in 1994. Apparently he has been licking his wounds for the last 15 years.

  97. - Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 9:34 pm:

    I have to agree with you, Steve. JBT showed plenty of popularity among “real Republicans” in good and bad GOP election years. These wingnuts are hardly qualified to make such an assessment.

    Mr. Kelly and his little camera guy didn’t even lay a glove on Alexi, other than maybe making him look a little silly with the ladies as the poster notes above, which does zip squat nada for Kelly.

    Run a real campaign, against the correct opponents, or drop out. Talk about an ankle biter.

  98. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 10:31 pm:

    And I’m glad that you answered the question I posed, stating that you would like to see JBT in a position to lead the Illinois Republican Party.

    Sorry for the delay in answering your post, Kelly Supporter; I’ve been away.

    Here’s another unwritten rule I’ll share with you with regard to playing nicely with the other children: One must be courteous enough NOT to put words into someone else’s mouth.

    There is no reason for me to respond to your question because everyone knows that JBT IS currently a VERY STRONG Leader within our Party–and hopefully will continue to be one for a very long time because we need and want her in that role.

    Furthermore–and as others have brought to your attention–Mr. Brady is at the helm right now, and we’re VERY happy and blessed to have him helping us.

    In other words, our Party has many leaders–and you probably need to do your homework as to who they are before you trip up even further.

  99. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 10:50 pm:

    …her helping Obama win the race for US Senate….

    You don’t even have to be–what I’m sure you’d call–an “insider” to understand that that statement is false. It stems from an emotional reaction, not the facts.

  100. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 10:53 pm:

    There is plenty of dirt on her, from the federal investigation launched against her….

    Not only is this an unwritten rule as to how to get along with the other children, but it is something that Rs value highly: “innocent until proven guilty.”

    YOUR point?

  101. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 10:56 pm:

    Take a look at William J. Kelly’s campaign; look at his website, read his blog, check out his facebook pages. Watch his TV shows.

    You should have requested that in the first place–and as someone else had offered, included that within your initial strategy to introduce your candidate. It certainly would have paid off–if done properly.

    My time’s up for today. Perhaps tomorrow or some other day.

  102. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 11:03 pm:

    BTW, I’ll just mention one more thing, which I mentioned in a roundabout way to Mr. Kelly at the Convention. You’ve come up with an interesting and unique approach to campaigning–which (without expressing my opinion) some would argue should be tested.

    However, there are some rules and traditions that will withstand the test of time–and we all need to understand which ones they are.

  103. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Sep 30, 09 @ 11:12 pm:

    Mark Kirk was chosen for the same reason.

    Again, do your research as to why Kirk was “chosen”, and then ask yourself “Of all the candidates that are running, how long would it take for even one of them to catch up to him?”

Sorry, comments for this post are now closed.

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