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Feed the beast

Thursday, Oct 15, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Jack Conaty of Fox Chicago scored an exclusive interview with Speaker Madigan yesterday. You can (and should) watch the whole thing by clicking here.

I’ve excerpted part of the interview where Madigan tries to blame almost everything that’s gone wrong on the Republican Party. On ethics reforms, free mass transit rides for seniors, budget battles, etc., he claims the GOP is a “do nothing” party that doesn’t want to help find solutions. Take a look

“They don’t want to work on anything, they don’t want to support anything, they’re for nothing. They want to watch, comment and sit on the sidelines.”

* But he can’t blame everything on the Republicans. Some of his own members are not happy that Madigan won’t budge on caucus leader and party contribution caps…

The main problem is the proposal’s failure to limit how much money legislative leaders and political parties can funnel to candidates, said Peter Bensinger, co-chairman of the CHANGE Illinois Coalition. Members of the coalition participated in negotiations to craft a new campaign finance plan after Gov. Pat Quinn in August vetoed a different version, which critics had described as a sham.

Without such limits, “the balance of power becomes more entrenched in Springfield in the hands of the few,” he said, adding he hopes the bill can be improved by continued negotiations. “This is like a house without a roof.”

Rep. Jack Franks, D-Marengo, said the bill’s lack of contribution limits on legislative leaders and political parties is a “dealbreaker,” so he won’t vote for it.

But Madigan defended the legislation. If political parties and legislative leaders had to abide by limits, he said, they’d simply spend money on campaigns in other ways that would be harder to track.

* The obvious compromise here is to cap leaders’ spending and then they can just do uncoordinated independent expenditures on all their campaigns - just like they do in DC.

But the Democratic leaders don’t want to do that for various reasons. They hold the gavels, for one, and don’t want to give up what they consider to be their rights. They also may be worried that a piddly little violation of the “uncoordinated” rule could bring the G into the game.

But, frankly, I’m just sick of this whole back and forth. On one side, we have reformers and editorial writers who are absolutely demanding a reform that won’t accomplish much of anything. On the other side we have leaders absolutely resisting a reform that will barely encroach on their powers.

So, cap the stupid contributions and make the screamers happy. Nothing will change in the least, but the beast will have been fed.

End this, please.

…Adding… Related…

* Free rides for seniors proving too costly for RTA: Free rides for seniors and people with disabilities could end up costing local transit agencies more than $1 billion by 2030, a report shows.

* Local communities seek pension relief from state

* Campaign finance “redo” in limbo

* State campaign finance limits advance over objections

* Committee OKs Unlimited Political Party Spending

* New Illinois campaign finance reform bill looks a lot like the old one

* Illinois campaign financing: Madigan makes stab at reform

* House eyes campaign finance plan again


  1. - Abe Froman - Thursday, Oct 15, 09 @ 10:34 am:

    I usually don’t bother with comments about the Speaker since he is who he is and he ain’t gonna change, but this is an unusually stupid ploy for him. Everyone knows he runs the state like Chavez runs Venezuela. He makes all the decisions and the only reason he doesn’t get his way is because he doesn’t get his ducks lined up. To blame anything on the GOP is ludicrous.

    The public is getting more and more wise to these kinds of rhetorical games. The buck stops with Madigan. The minority party doesn’t set the agenda, can’t pass bills or stop bills unless the majority lets them.

    And even if the House GOP had ideas (which is debatable) why would they put them forward when this tinpot dictator runs the show?

  2. - BIG R.PH. - Thursday, Oct 15, 09 @ 10:37 am:

    So let me get this straight…

    The Dems have been in exclusive power for over 8 years of this Utopia we call the State of Illinois. They hold every executive office and veto-proof majorities in both houses and it is the Republicans fault????

    Give me a break. These idiots can’t even pass a budget before a deadline.

  3. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Oct 15, 09 @ 10:47 am:

    Let’s tone it down, people.

    I’m serious about that. You can be angry and still be civil. Raise the level of your discourse or go away.

  4. - wordslinger - Thursday, Oct 15, 09 @ 10:49 am:

    MJM was off his game here, referencing HST and the”do-nothing Congress” of 1948.

    In an age where information is pervasive but knowledge is rare, you might as well draw an analogy to the shortcomings of the Council of Nicea.

    Besides, the GOP controlled both the House and Senate in 1948.

  5. - Deep South - Thursday, Oct 15, 09 @ 10:49 am:

    That Republicans do nothing is a pretty good indicator that the GOP may have more power than most people realize.

    By doing nothing, Republicans are waiting for the Dems to exercise their power and vote for, let’s say, tax increases. The Republicans would make great use of this during election times, thus putting Democratic seats in limbo. Madigan wants to protect his majority above all else, so he won’t let this happen. Thus, nothing gets done. Until Madigan is ready to sacrifice some pawns, the Republicans actually have quite a bit of power.

  6. - Bill - Thursday, Oct 15, 09 @ 10:58 am:

    Actually, Madigan does have a point about the republicans. What is their budget proposal? They are against everything but for nothing. They just say NO and criticize after the fact. That’s why they have such a hard time getting elected to anything.

  7. - Pelon - Thursday, Oct 15, 09 @ 11:03 am:

    As an independent voter, I find the Speaker’s statements unconvincing. We elect politicians to make decisions based on what they think is best for the State and their districts. We don’t elect them to ensure one political part maintains control. His statements may make sense to partisan Democrats, but I can’t imagine he is going to convince many independents who just want effective government.

  8. - Abe Froman - Thursday, Oct 15, 09 @ 11:05 am:

    Rich, how can you expect to post something like this and not elicit strong responses? Madigan has run the state for a generation and look at the mess you chronicle every single day! Nothing sladerous was said about him, no innuendo or profanity. The last thing the Speaker needs is you defending him from hurt feelings. The worst thing I did was call him a tinpot dictator. That hardly challenges the limits of propriety on this site.

  9. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Oct 15, 09 @ 11:06 am:

    I’m not defending Madigan. I’m defending my site - my site - against the degradation caused by over the top rants like yours.

    Again, if you can’t raise the level of your own discourse, I would invite you to kindly leave.

  10. - dupage dan - Thursday, Oct 15, 09 @ 11:08 am:

    The only thing MJM wants the republicans to do is to take a stand on the tax increase. Then he can spread the blame for the tax increase. He is trying to do that now when the GOP has had no significant hand in state gov’t for the last 6-8 years. Is anybody buying this? Are people watching?

  11. - MKK - Thursday, Oct 15, 09 @ 11:21 am:

    The reformers and the editorial writers didn’t create the hubub, the Speaker did when he dug his heels in. Which I’m sure he didn’t mind in the least. But he’s going to have to budge a bit if he wants to get this done by next week.

  12. - Speaking at Will - Thursday, Oct 15, 09 @ 11:23 am:

    Madigan is bulletproof. It doesn’t matter what he says or does not say. He will be in office until he dies or retires and these comments will soon be forgotten.

    Here is a little test, walk up to 10 people on the street and say “who is mike madigan?”

    Count the blank stares.

    If your a GOP supporter and you want some relief, don’t get mad at Madigan, move to Montana.

  13. - wordslinger - Thursday, Oct 15, 09 @ 11:36 am:

    –If your a GOP supporter and you want some relief, don’t get mad at Madigan, move to Montana.–

    Not anymore. The guv and both U.S. Senators are Dems.

    If you’re looking for strong Republican control, you have to look to the Deep South, for the most part.

  14. - D.P. Gumby - Thursday, Oct 15, 09 @ 11:49 am:

    There’s a broader public policy issue that entwines the issues of MJM political power, tax policy and electoral strength. Republicans managed to rule the state and the ballot box for a couple decades and failed to address either electoral/ethics reform or Illinois antiquated tax structure. MJM has taken this same electoral system and managed it even more successfully to take control of the power structure. I’m not sure that anyone should be surprised that he seeks to maintain political power and that reforms that failed during the years of Republicans have yet to be achieved under Democrats. Jim Edgar keeps popping up like some past-ethical/fiscal hero, but little substantively changed during his tenure.

  15. - Speaking at Will - Thursday, Oct 15, 09 @ 11:51 am:

    Ahhh Wordslinger, always the fact checker. Point well made. Let me substitute Utah for Montana.

  16. - CircularFiringSquad - Thursday, Oct 15, 09 @ 12:01 pm:

    Let’s get real folks
    Face it Republicans are sitting on the thumbs
    offering ideas and praying that they can wrap Blagoof and others around House Ds necks…..aint gonna happen. Most House Ds smeled the rat while the GOPS were still doing their deals.
    Once again Madigan is right on track

  17. - paul - Thursday, Oct 15, 09 @ 12:06 pm:

    Madigan can no longer be taken seriously, can he? Blaming Republicans who have zero power except for what the Democrats give to them when convenient for them….pa-leese. Illinois is ruled by Madigan, and its ills are his responsibility.

  18. - MOON - Thursday, Oct 15, 09 @ 12:19 pm:

    Madigan is correct in his position dealing with contributions and “Reform”

    The Speaker was quite clear in stating that one of the primary purposes of any Political Party or Leader is electing people of similar positions on public matters. The GOP would be taking a similar position if they were in the majority and held any state wide offices.

    Its time the voters recognize and realize that limiting contributions only empowers the media (newspapers, radio, tv). I for one do not want them to be in charge of electing officials through their endorsements and “investigative reporting”.

    Its time the voters take responsibility for their votes. At the polling place every election day I see numerous voters carrying in the newspapers list of endorsements. If this is what the voters are going to rely on then why not have the media appoint people to public office and do away with elections.How can any candidate not endorsed by the media overcome this without funds to carry their message to the voters?

    It takes money to run for office. As long as there is public reporting of these contributions, I am all for leaving the system as is!

  19. - Easy - Thursday, Oct 15, 09 @ 12:23 pm:

    Madigan really knows how to connect with voters. Is he the only person still alive who remembers the Truman administration that vividly?

  20. - colt 45 - Thursday, Oct 15, 09 @ 12:25 pm:

    republicans, generally, have not been able to shake a perception that they’re unwilling to compromise and obstrctionist. it appears that madigan is taking a national reality and making it more local here in illinois and that is that there’s only one group of people in washington who consistently poll worse than the president and democrats in congress and those people are…republicans in congress. until the gop is able to find its voice and drive the message, they’re doomed and may actually snatch defeat from the jaws of victory next year. madigan’s not off his game, he’s on it and applying something that is working nationally to illinois. wordslinger’s quote about information and knowledge is equally accurate on the flip side of the coin and it is driving the informed, knowledgeable republican base absolutly insane.

  21. - CircularFiringSquad - Thursday, Oct 15, 09 @ 12:44 pm:

    Capt fax
    Just reread your comments
    Please don’t weaken in hopes the screamers ( who have never written a check) will go away. They can’t go away…..Some are nice folks but not real employable.
    Weaken and the Special Interests take over completely. There is in no strong caucus left to stand up
    Letting a non donor write rules for campaigns makes about as much sense as a reporter trying to be a web page designer.
    It just makes no sense

  22. - Boscobud - Thursday, Oct 15, 09 @ 12:49 pm:

    OUCH!!! This will haunt him in 2010.

  23. - Bubs - Thursday, Oct 15, 09 @ 1:27 pm:

    It is fascinating that after decades in leadership, and perhaps the most legislative experience in the history of Illinois, all Mike Magigan has left is this silly “blame game” nonsense.

    It shows that Democrats have now reached the same intellectual bankruptcy that the GOP did in under George Ryan precedent to the collapse of the Illinois GOP earlier this decade. Power for the sake of power, etc.

    The ultimate cause of all this bipartisan political arterosclerosis is the ever-present culture of corruption in Illniois. Mike Madigan, like many long-term leaders, is quite obviously now a prisoner of it all, as after all these years he can no more redress such matters than he can cut off his right arm.

  24. - grand old partisan - Thursday, Oct 15, 09 @ 1:37 pm:

    CircularFiringSquad: “Most House Ds smeled the rat while the GOPS were still doing their deals.”

    Um, if by ’smelled the rat’you mean “endorsed for re-election,” then sure.

    Give me a break, pal. That’s just pathetic.

  25. - CircularFiringSquad - Thursday, Oct 15, 09 @ 1:48 pm:

    Capt Fax:
    Let’s turn the discussion to what is the vision of IL after campaign limits are imposed and all problems are solved.
    Smarter kids, smoother roads, lower taxes. less crime cleaner skies, no sloppy docs or sleazey bizes or sloppy docs with no interference from greedy lawyers.
    Please tell everyone that after the legislature is reduced to a rubber stamps for the biggest check books what IL looks like.
    Cannot wait

  26. - fedup dem - Thursday, Oct 15, 09 @ 2:05 pm:

    easy, Speaker Madigan must have a pretty good memory, given the fact that he was only six years old at the time of the 1948 Presidential campaign!

  27. - anon - Thursday, Oct 15, 09 @ 2:27 pm:

    Hey, Rich.

    Point me to YOUR campaign reform plan.

    Or don’t you: a) have one? or b) don’t think one is needed? If you believe it’s b), point me to that post.

  28. - One of the 35 - Thursday, Oct 15, 09 @ 2:41 pm:

    Rich: With all due respect to the Speaker; it is disingenuous of him to be critical of the Rs when he and his party control both houses and all constitutional offices. While he has had this control, nothing to solve the budget crisis has been accomplished. Blaming the current budget situation on the Rs does not pass the “snicker test”.

  29. - Ghost - Thursday, Oct 15, 09 @ 3:54 pm:

    GOP defenders: of course they do nothing, they hav no power!!

    so um why are we paying an electin any GOP members to the GA? If they truly have no power then just vote in more dems, since they apparentkly are the only ones with power.

    I suppose we can stop paying the GOP members and their staff budgets etc, since they can do nothing and have no power.

  30. - One of the 35 - Thursday, Oct 15, 09 @ 4:37 pm:

    So, those in control who have done nothing to resolve the budget mess should be elected in greater numbers????

  31. - just sayin' - Thursday, Oct 15, 09 @ 11:12 pm:

    When Mike’s right, he’s right. The Republicans in Springfield are pretty worthless.

    Beyond exhaling carbon dioxide which is vital to plant life, I don’t see their purpose.

    Mostly they vote with the Dems and then cry about it.

  32. - Ghost - Thursday, Oct 15, 09 @ 11:38 pm:

    === So, those in control who have done nothing to resolve the budget mess should be elected in greater numbers???? ===

    as opposed to electing those with no power to do or effect anything?

    After all IL history shows use that no GOP person can do anything without control…why look at edgar, Ryan, Thompson etc, they were completly powerless to do anything at all when they were gov since the GOP didnt “control” the GA. yep the only way an elected official can do anything at all is with “control”…

    No point in electing those unable to do anything at all GOP people.

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