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Question of the day

Friday, Oct 16, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The setup, from CBS2

Gov. Pat Quinn indicated Friday morning that he supports replacing the CTA’s free rides for seniors program with a system in which seniors pay according to their ability.

His remarks on Greg Jarrett’s WGN-AM 720 radio show come a day after officials from the Regional Transportation Authority said the program is unsustainable, and said they would go to Springfield and ask legislators to make drastic changes in the 19-month-old program.

Quinn said he expected the program to be reviewed in light of the Chicago Transit Authority’s $300 million budget deficit.

“If there’s a review and it finds that the program should be based on ability to pay that low-income seniors and definitely veterans and also our military personnel receive a break with respect to public transit, I think that’s where we’re headed,” Quinn said in the WGN-AM interview. “In a crisis sometimes, that’s what you have to do. If you are wealthy, then maybe you can make do with a situation where you pay your way, but I don’t want to hurt folks who live from pension check to pension check.”

* The Question: Should all military veterans receive free rides on mass transit? Explain fully, please, and stick to the question.


  1. - ANON - Friday, Oct 16, 09 @ 11:15 am:

    Those in uniform on Active Duty should get free rides. Thier service to this country is proff enough…

  2. - heet101 - Friday, Oct 16, 09 @ 11:15 am:

    NO. They get a paycheck and they can afford to pay for rides. Sheesh! What’s up with this entitlement society we live in? Whatever happened to the idea that there are no free rides and there is no such thing as a free lunch?

  3. - The Doc - Friday, Oct 16, 09 @ 11:17 am:

    No. It’s a perk we can’t afford. Reduced fares for veterans, regardless of their income, seems fair in recognition of their service.

  4. - Rich Miller - Friday, Oct 16, 09 @ 11:18 am:

    1) Tone it down.

    2) I’m not asking about active duty military. Veterans is the question.

  5. - Will County Woman - Friday, Oct 16, 09 @ 11:22 am:

    metra has always given military members a break. if the CTA and Pace have all along they should continue to do so. if they haven’t, they should not make new policy at this time to give military breaks. That would NOT be good fiscal decision-making.

  6. - Obamarama - Friday, Oct 16, 09 @ 11:29 am:

    Give them free rides for the first year they become veterans. This will make it easier for them to find a job and get around without a car while they are getting on their feet. Smaller scale, goal-oriented, more practical.

  7. - Anon - Friday, Oct 16, 09 @ 11:31 am:

    Yes, give them free rides. I say that as a veteran and a lifelong resident of the state of “where’s mine,” who never got anything from the government for my years of service except 45 months of GI bill, a free ride at U of I on a “veteran’s scholarship,” and . . .

    Oh, on second thought, no. People on active service, ok, as a way to honor what they are currently doing, but no lifetime rewards for veterans.

  8. - Honorable - Friday, Oct 16, 09 @ 11:33 am:

    No. Absolutely no. Many people were in honorable, self-sacrificing professions, with much lower pay. Veterans already get plenty of benefits, including socialized medicine.

  9. - Inish - Friday, Oct 16, 09 @ 11:35 am:

    Let me first say- As the mohter of an active duty E-5 with top secret clearance who is paid in the check to protect your right to have an opinion- by the way for 24/7 duty- which is less than minimum wage- chill abit ANON.
    That being said- no, my husband and I are veterans- we afford the price of bus fare- to be a veteran means you served 141 days of contiguous active duty- not necessary in a war, not only elderly- so NO to include veteran status is so obviously political pandering. ANd this is from someone who is represents 4 generations of servicemembers on both sides of my marriage.

  10. - Inish - Friday, Oct 16, 09 @ 11:38 am:

    ANON- I am sorry- that comment was meant for heet101.
    Talk to me after to you were on duty for 72 hours straight and cashed your $725 paycheck twice a month.

  11. - Will County Woman - Friday, Oct 16, 09 @ 11:43 am:

    if there has been no policy to give veterans free rides or breaks in place prior to now, why start such a policy during a time of financial difficulty?

    milton friedman was right about government when he suggested that in sometimes trying to fix things, government often makes things worse.

  12. - grand old partisan - Friday, Oct 16, 09 @ 11:43 am:

    No. In my view, the debt that we owe our veterans is virtually un-payable. Even our best efforts to fully compensate them will always fall short. That’s not to say we shouldn’t try, of course, but I don’t think adding free bus rides would tip the scales much. And on a certain level, thinking that it would might even be an unintended diminishment of their sacrifice.

  13. - Third Generation Chicago Native - Friday, Oct 16, 09 @ 11:49 am:

    Yes the Vets should get free rides. They gave up a lot of themselves. My Dad was a Vietnam vet, lived to 56, we just buried his brother also Vietnam vet age 62 a few months ago. I could go on about Dad’s cousins etc, none made it to 60.

    But these guys deserve something after what they went through, some are messed up a lifetime for service to this country.

    As far as seniors, there are a lot more of them and that WBBM article said their ridership was up 200%, 16% during rush hour. I rarely see Vets on the CTA, I can’t imagine thier ridership is up anywhere near the Seniors, that being said, this is a smaller number of Vets riding free, just my own personal observation.

  14. - Leroy - Friday, Oct 16, 09 @ 11:55 am:

    Yes…I think they should.

    I also think teachers should be able to ride the CTA for free.

    They sacrifice too.

  15. - Obamarama - Friday, Oct 16, 09 @ 11:55 am:

    ===I rarely see Vets on the CTA===

    Do they all wear signs or something?

  16. - Hickory - Friday, Oct 16, 09 @ 11:56 am:

    I’m a Vet and say no free ride. Free ride only on a need basis.

  17. - Inish - Friday, Oct 16, 09 @ 11:58 am:

    Third Generation- that is my point- you can’t see Vets- they represent such a wide cross section- If you served in the Air Force from 82-85 and never left Illinois because you were stationed at Shamoot Air base, learned a craft while in that pays a high wage- you are a vet- (that y the way is a real life example) versus your father and uncle- Being a vet DOESN’T mean served in a conflict- it means you serve 141 consecutive days- period. There are alot of things that should be done to recognize the sacrifice of service members in Illinois; which ranks dead last in disabled veteran benefits. Free bus rides aren’t where I would start- it is Pandering pure and simple.

  18. - reflector - Friday, Oct 16, 09 @ 11:58 am:

    As a veteran and father of four veterans I do not think all vets need free bus rides, however there are some veterans who really need help.Help the homeless and poor and the rest of us can pay.Our family considered it an honor to serve.God Bless America.

  19. - Justice - Friday, Oct 16, 09 @ 12:04 pm:

    Yes to low income seniors with a verified pass. Yes to folks in military uniform. No to veterans unless they were disabled in conflict. Also agree with the one year pass for those mustering out of the military and looking for work or entering school.

    I don’t think the problem at the CTA is the free rides of travelers….it’s free rides of patronage.

  20. - IrishPirate - Friday, Oct 16, 09 @ 12:07 pm:

    I’m a veteran.

    Personally any veteran with a disability rating should get free rides. The rest of us can pay.

  21. - D.P. Gumby - Friday, Oct 16, 09 @ 12:07 pm:

    God Bless America. God Bless the Vets and those Serving. God Bless Public Transportation. Free Rides on basis of need only; can’t afford to do anything else at present. I guess that’s a public option.

  22. - Will County Woman - Friday, Oct 16, 09 @ 12:09 pm:

    yes, davey and I hate it.

    if a government official makes a proposal, would it not be better to propose something that he/she can actually do/play a role in? such as the creation of jobs for veterans to help them. besides wouldn’t that be more important to veterans in the short and long terms, and perhaps a better way to honor them, than free or reduced RTA rides? politicing with rta (CTA) rides is probably not such a good idea considering the free rides for seniors program.

  23. - Will County Woman - Friday, Oct 16, 09 @ 12:16 pm:

    - Inish - Friday, Oct 16, 09 @ 11:35 am:
    - Inish - Friday, Oct 16, 09 @ 11:58 am:

    Thank you, and I agree.

  24. - Third Generation Chicago Native - Friday, Oct 16, 09 @ 12:19 pm:

    My Dad was drafted as was his brother in to Vietnam. Both Army, and straight to battle after basic training.

    My Dad, nor Uncle would take anything free they would always pay their way, I am sure most Vets would feel like that.
    There should be a fee reduction based on income, if returning Vets need a free to reduced until they can get on their feet then I am all for that.

    With anything free, comes abuse. And the increased ridership of seniors may be due to some of this.

  25. - Plutocrat03 - Friday, Oct 16, 09 @ 12:22 pm:

    Lets see, the seniors don’t need to pat, the veterans, don’t need to pay, the poor don’t need to pay, teacher’s don’t need to pay….. who is left?

    This entitlement stuff is really out of hand. Free should be for a small needs based minority, senior citizen or not. Discounts for seniors can be given as long as they are not traveling during peak times. Students and certified low wage earners should be allowed to travel to and from school/work at a discounted , not free fare. Everyone else should pay full fare.

    By the way, I am a Veteran

  26. - Inish - Friday, Oct 16, 09 @ 12:23 pm:

    Third Generation- I think we agree here. I am saying that it should be based on need- There is too braod of a definition for Veterana nd yes, like anything policy- open to unintended consequences.
    My thanks to your father and Uncle for their service.

  27. - Judgment Day Is On The Way - Friday, Oct 16, 09 @ 12:26 pm:

    “…veterans with a disability rating should get free rides…”

    Agree. All others should pay. Part of my reasoning is that there is also a potential safety issue at play, which is this whole proposal would just be one more item for the driver to have to have to check. One more potential distraction, and personally, I really don’t want a bus ride with a distracted bus driver.

  28. - Ghost - Friday, Oct 16, 09 @ 12:26 pm:

    Under the current system, free rides should be based on need, not on being a veteran.

    That said, I support making mass transit free for everyone. This owuld reduce vehicle congestion and reduce pollution.

  29. - Speaking at Will - Friday, Oct 16, 09 @ 12:27 pm:

    no free rides for anyone until CTA is back on solid financial footing.

  30. - OneMan - Friday, Oct 16, 09 @ 12:32 pm:

    We should focus on meeting the commitments we already have to these men and women, not adding new ones at this time.

  31. - Hon. Cranial Lamb - Friday, Oct 16, 09 @ 12:33 pm:

    No. No person I know served our country to get free stuff. They did it for their own personal reasons.

    I support certain extra benefits for veterans, higher education, etc. However, free rides is sort of not even relevant to their service.

  32. - David Ormsby - Friday, Oct 16, 09 @ 12:36 pm:

    Like seniors, means test.

    Really, does former Navy Lt. Donald Rumsfeld really need a free bus pass?

  33. - Inish - Friday, Oct 16, 09 @ 12:40 pm:

    Or Congressman Kirk?

  34. - Gregor - Friday, Oct 16, 09 @ 12:45 pm:

    I liked Obamarama’s one year idea. The vets would need this most in their first year out of duty, and if they had any kind of disability, they should have the freebie. Older vets would be covered under the same arrangement as any seniors anyhow, so to my way of thinking, the distinction should be more around being disabled than just age or time served.

    We should never have military families with a currently deployed member living off of food stamps, at any time, and vets who have seen combat, and/or who’ve suffered a disability, deserve pretty much any percs we can afford to give them. The rub is in what we can afford.

    Blago’s free rides were a PR gimmick and he offered them at the same time he shorted transit of their regular budget money, never mind the extra to make the free seniors rides work. Its political cowardice that that arrangement was left that way when Quinn came in. Not that he needed to stop the senior freebie, but he DID need to fund it, if it was going to continue. I fault him and the legislature for that.

  35. - jwscott72 - Friday, Oct 16, 09 @ 12:47 pm:

    No to free rides for veterans. I’m a veteran and I make enough money to pay for riding the CTA/Metra when I’m in Chicago. I wouldn’t complain if they wanted to reduce my fare, but I agree that it something to look at when CTA/Metra and all that is on better financial footing.

  36. - Carl Nyberg - Friday, Oct 16, 09 @ 12:55 pm:

    Free rides if I give a copy of my DD-214 to the RTA? OK.

    But I would prefer something along the lines of giving free or reduced CTA/RTA passes to households without automobiles funded by a surcharge on gasoline.

    Politically infeasible? How’s this?

    1. Raise the tax on gasoline.

    2. Give people a choice between:

    a. A voucher to buy a modest amount of gasoline for free every month, or

    b. A free CTA/RTA pass for a year.

    This would be a good deal for people who drive less and consume modest amounts of gasoline. And it would be paid for by people who consume more than average.

    This would move people away from using cars and toward people using public transit and driving less.

    It would probably have the indirect effects of revitalizing neighborhoods in Chicago and improving service by increasing the demand for more routes and increased frequency.

  37. - gg - Friday, Oct 16, 09 @ 1:05 pm:

    I agree with Carl.

    That is a great idea.

    So many benefits on so many levels.

  38. - Red Bird fan - Friday, Oct 16, 09 @ 1:19 pm:

    No! The majority of veterans are productive citizens who, after serving their country, have successful second careers. While I appreciate their service to our country, the federal government provides veterans with a variety of benefits that the average working Joe does not receive.

  39. - Bill - Friday, Oct 16, 09 @ 1:48 pm:

    No let them pay like everybody else.

  40. - Just Observing - Friday, Oct 16, 09 @ 1:52 pm:

    No — we simply can’t afford more give-aways. Yes, veterans definetly contribute to society, but so do a lot of other people who also don’t make a lot of money.

  41. - wordslinger - Friday, Oct 16, 09 @ 1:55 pm:

    No, it’s a Quinn gimmick. Vets get many benefits. Any free rides, base it on need.

  42. - Pelon - Friday, Oct 16, 09 @ 1:56 pm:

    As a veteran who is capable of supporting myself, I would rather see the funds used to support veteran’s homes and other programs to support veteran’s who need help. Of course, since we don’t actually have the funds, I’d much rather see everyone pay their own way.

  43. - TaxThePoor - Friday, Oct 16, 09 @ 2:03 pm:

    What about veterans that now work for defense contractors like Haliburton making millions? Should they get free rides?

    It’s amazing how few government handouts are needs based. Giving Social Security checks and free CTA rides to Warren Buffet is ridiculous.

    I’d vote for selling the public transportation systems to Disney or European agencies and letting them decide which free rides they can support. And let rich veterans donate to programs that fund free rides for veterans.

  44. - Levois - Friday, Oct 16, 09 @ 3:19 pm:

    Veterans shouldn’t get free rides unless it’s been determined that there is a need for them to get at least reduced fare.

  45. - The Prophet - Friday, Oct 16, 09 @ 3:43 pm:

    They should do away with the “free rides” period. The state government is an unmitigated disaster that can not regulate themselves much less regulate or determine who gets “free rides”. If they feel an uncontrollable and urgent need to help these special groups so they can get something for nothing, then for God’s sake keep it uncomplicated and simply have the state government send each of them a check for $500 or $1000 or whatever amount will soothe your conscience. “Keep it simple stupid” would be my advice. As Joe The Plumber was told by Obama in a rare moment of candor, “We plan on redistributing the wealth in the nation, Joe.” Have at it “Rob’n In the Hood” because it appears that you can’t or won’t be stopped until your four years are up. Your foot soldiers in Springfield like Friar Quinn and Will “Madigan” Scarlett will carry on with your and your Merry Men’s noble work. Just try to keep it uncomplicated so when your 4 year term is up, we will be able to quickly unravel the mess that you have created. And, please take Maid Marion Pelosi back to Sherwood with you when you leave. She has been scaring the children.

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