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Sometimes, the stories just write themselves

Tuesday, Nov 3, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Gov. Pat Quinn’s new TV ad accuses Comptroller Dan Hynes of going to a “spa” and taking a family vacation during July’s budget negotiations.

Today, the shoe was on the other foot

Last week, Gov. Pat Quinn said he told Chicago-area public transit officials he’d meet with them this week to discuss their precarious financial situation.

Instead, transit leaders were left to meet with Quinn’s staff members as the governor flew to Washington today. Lawmakers ended their fall session last week without approving a plan to help the CTA, Metra and Pace avoid threatened fare increases and service cuts.

Quinn is scheduled to meet with Illinois’ congressional delegation and lend his support to efforts to pass a measure that would provide grants to military members and their families.

On Wednesday, the governor will meet with U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin and other Illinois lawmakers to discuss high speed rail, transportation funding and other state priorities.

So, he’s going out for a DC press pop on federal grants today and that was more important than resolving the transit problems? Hookay.

The governor did have time for a campaign confab earlier today, however…


Governor Pat Quinn will attend a breakfast with the Mayors of Bloom Township at 8 a.m. at The Egg & I Restaurant, 222 Dixie Highway in Chicago Heights.



…Adding… The governor’s office believes that Quinn only said that his staff would meet with the transit folks. Either way, he’s still in DC for a press pop while he probably should be here. After all, Hynes wasn’t even invited to the budget negotiations, but Quinn whacked him for not staying by the Batphone during the 4th of July holiday break.

Also, the governor is holding a DC fundraiser tomorrow night at the Charlie Palmer Steak House. Ticket prices range from $1,000 to $10,000. The host is former Democratic Party of Illinois chairman and current DC lobbyist Gary LaPaille. Click here to see the invite.

…Adding 2… You knew this would happen sooner or later. From a press release…

Governor ‘skips town, flies to Washington’ and blows off CTA funding meeting days after absurd campaign ad blasts Hynes for June Obama DC meeting

Four days after launching an absurd and widely discredited attack ad that among other things chastised Dan Hynes for “skip[ing] town, flying to Washington” when Hynes had in fact been there to meet with President Obama, Pat Quinn today truly set a record for hypocrisy by blowing off a CTA funding meeting to leave early for a trip to DC. Dan Hynes for Governor campaign communications director Matt McGrath issued the following statement:

“It’s hard to decide which is more mystifying – Pat Quinn blowing off a CTA funding meeting after his own confusing inaction on public transit funding last week left the matter unresolved, or his departure for Washington just days after his campaign launched an absurd attack on Dan for attending a meeting with President Obama there last summer. This is a truly remarkable turnabout, even by Pat Quinn’s standards, and while mildly amusing, it again betrays a certain disregard for our intelligence. If hypocrisy were quantifiable, this would be an all-time record.”

Since its first airing late Friday, the Quinn campaign ad has been roundly derided by neutral observers as “misleading,” “miss[ing] the mark” and “insulting to our intelligence.”

…Adding 3… He’s holding a DC fundraiser tomorrow, but Gov. Quinn has no events listed on his campaign schedule…


Governor Pat Quinn has no events on his campaign schedule for Wednesday Nov. 4, 2009.

…Adding 4… Here’s the official schedule for tomorrow…


**Wednesday, November 4, 2009**

WASHINGTON, D.C.- Governor Pat Quinn will join Senator Richard Durbin (D-Illinois) for a press availability following a meeting of members of the Illinois congressional delegation. […]

WASHINGTON, D.C.- Governor Pat Quinn will speak in support of a National Military Family Relief Fund at the National Press Club.

WHO: Governor Quinn

WHEN: 2:00 p.m. (ET)

So, a little meeting, a press avail and a speech.


  1. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Nov 3, 09 @ 4:12 pm:


  2. - OneMan - Tuesday, Nov 3, 09 @ 4:14 pm:

    Perhaps he just wanted to engage in some “Getting to know you” with the mayor’s and perhaps asked “Shall we dance”?

    the only two songs I know from the King and I since they used to be in the ads for the touring production when it would come with Yule Brenner. That and the kid in the ad who says…
    ‘For a kid like me to like a show like this, it has to be good’

  3. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Nov 3, 09 @ 4:16 pm:

    I’m sure he booked himself into the Super 8 in Georgetown too.

  4. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Nov 3, 09 @ 4:19 pm:

    “The Egg & I”?!?

    That’s the punchline of some Humpty-Dumpty joke, right?

  5. - Will County Woman - Tuesday, Nov 3, 09 @ 4:27 pm:

    governor quinn has got his priorites, ya know. let the good elderly/infirm folks in the nursing homes who are being preyed upon by mentally ill criminals and those soon to be displaced from Howe, if they haven’t been already, etc, that they have his heart.

  6. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Nov 3, 09 @ 4:32 pm:

    VM: “OK, how’s everything? Governor, can I get you a warmer on that cup?”
    Quinn: “No, I’m OK - I’m a two-cup tops on coffee kinda guy.”
    VM: “How ’bout you, you OK?”
    Mayor Lopez: “I’m cool, thanks VM!”
    VM: “Alrighty then, who gets the check? Um, I’m not seeing a show of hands here, do I put it here, Governor? You’re not making eye contact with me right now…Mayor? Mayor Lopez? I don’t mean to interupt, but…who’s getting the check? Hey you guy, you Quinn aide girl, what about it? Don’t look at him, are you getting the check? Why ya looking down at your plate? You need a refill on coffee? No? Yo! Ladies and gentlemen, I’m kinda wondering right now if anyone here has any interest in paying this check. I added a gratuity to it since this party is over eight people, so there’s no need to wonder about the tip for me. I just need to know who’s getting it…”
    Voice at table: “Can you split it up?”
    VM: “What? Separate checks here? Oh, C’Mon! You people are killin’ me!”
    Governor: “I know what I need, I need another donut for the road. Why don’t you get me a chocolate donut?”
    VM: “Yes sir Governor!”

    A minute later…
    VM: “Hey! Where did everyone go? Sal! Did you see where everyone went from table 12?”
    Sal: “It was weird. They all left to go to the bathroom, but none of them came out of the bathroom. So I checked, and the windows are open, and everyone’s gone!”

  7. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Nov 3, 09 @ 4:35 pm:

    VM, as a state vendor, you and Sal will get a check in about 180 days or so. Maybe longer, we’ll see.

  8. - Will County Woman - Tuesday, Nov 3, 09 @ 4:50 pm:

    47th I think it’s more of the “or so,” than the 180. In fact, VM and Sal will probably have to charge interest in a futile effort to cover losses or shut down entirely because of payment delay.

    VM & Sal, if you have political ties to Chicago (e.g., the Daley-Quinn press conference deriding Hynes for being concerned about the state’s seriously backlogged bills) you’ll get your check in 180 days. ;)

  9. - OneMan - Tuesday, Nov 3, 09 @ 5:01 pm:

    So if his campaign fund is ‘Taxpayers for Quinn’ can they take money from DC folks who don’t pay taxes in Illinois? :-)

  10. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Nov 3, 09 @ 5:02 pm:

    I think I picked the wrong week to quit smoking. Seriously, if I’d have known Quinn was gonna run that goofy, dishonest ad, I might not have quit.

    Then again, it’s always something. One week is like another, I suppose.

  11. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Nov 3, 09 @ 5:05 pm:

    Rich, seriously? You quit? Good for you my friend.

    But this is NOT the week to quit sniffing glue.

  12. - Vote Quimby! - Tuesday, Nov 3, 09 @ 5:07 pm:

    There would always be something, Rich…like the guy in Airplane! who said “looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue” good luck in the fight to quit…I’m getting close myself.

    I’m trying really hard to give PQ the benefit of the doubt, but these shenanigans make me think he just operates this way and this is the first I’ve learned of it.

  13. - Ghost - Tuesday, Nov 3, 09 @ 5:27 pm:

    These Hynes attack adds make Quinn look scared; poorly done and unsupportable attack adds make Quinn look out and out panicked.

    Quinn may speak truth to power, but he speaks lies to the people.

  14. - Levois - Tuesday, Nov 3, 09 @ 5:57 pm:

    “But this is NOT the week to quit sniffing glue.”


    In all seriousness he’s really running out of time for all this drama. He’s wasted his time as Governor. And this story underscores that.

  15. - Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Nov 3, 09 @ 5:58 pm:

    The Lite Guv never fails to disappoint.

    Congrats on kicking the habit, Rich. Hang in there.

  16. - Will County Woman - Tuesday, Nov 3, 09 @ 6:00 pm:

    strong, fair and appropriate response from mcgrath there.
    and speaking of intellectual dishonesty…
    i’ve wondered about quinn supporters, particularly those that i have encountered on ths blog. i wonder how they truly feel when trying to defend him. i tried yesterday to defend quinn, and it just didn’t feel right about what i was saying. i understand that quinn supporters like him. i like him too. but, hynes and his positions are much easier to defend. admittedly i do find myself in agreement with him more often than not. (and for the record i am neither related to nor employed by hynes)

  17. - Anon - Tuesday, Nov 3, 09 @ 6:07 pm:

    First, congrats to you Rich on kicking the habit.

    Second, the Governor’s operation is looking more like its run by a bunch of amatures everyday. I’ve always liked Pat Quinn, but he disappoints me more and more each day. He’s pretty much shown he’s not up to the job. And if his knee-jerk, totally false attack ad is any evidence, he certainly can’t take a punch from Hynes.

    I’m sensing based on his ad that he’s using the Blagojevich startegy - throw it all at the wall and hope some of it sticks.

  18. - TimB - Tuesday, Nov 3, 09 @ 6:29 pm:

    Rich, Congrats on your efforts. I used the patch and was able to quit 10 years ago. Chewed a family pack of Doublemint everyday for about six months, but finally quit it too!! Still have moments that a Camel Light would taste good, but I can’t see $5+ per pack.

    As to Quinn, more “business as usual” in Illinois!!

  19. - DuPage Dave - Tuesday, Nov 3, 09 @ 6:48 pm:

    No matter how disappointing Quinn becomes, he can never achieve the heights (depths?) of disappointment of his predecessor. I think that’s what he’s counting on to keep his job, i.e. “I’m not a very good governor, but remember the last guy??”

    The early primary will probably go his way (not supporting, just predicting), but what in the world is his plan beyond that. Spring session 2010 will make 2009 look like a picnic.

    I almost feel sorry for the guy.

  20. - Excessively Rabid - Tuesday, Nov 3, 09 @ 7:53 pm:

    Any week is a good week to quit tobacco. It isn’t anywhere near as hard as you thought. All you need is to actually want to quit, as opposed to thinking you ought to quit. Once you decide it’s just too much trouble to bother with any more, you’re done. I felt like I had the flu for a year, but didn’t mind. I just waited it out and have never been tempted at all in 10 years. It’s just something stupid I used to do.

  21. - Excessively Rabid - Tuesday, Nov 3, 09 @ 7:55 pm:

    …and by the way the tobacco companies really are evil and really do lie. So good luck to you, and good health.

  22. - Ty Webb - Tuesday, Nov 3, 09 @ 8:38 pm:

    Anyone remember this from John Chase of the Trib, “Apr. 22–The Illinois Gaming Board said Thursday it had gotten rid of a politically connected lobbyist forced onto its payroll by the Blagojevich administration over the objections of board members who said they didn’t need or want her.

    But Linda Freveletti, sister-in-law of former state Democratic Party Chairman Gary LaPaille, won’t have to make do without a state paycheck. The administration quickly installed her in another lobbying job, working for the Gaming Board’s parent agency, the Department of Revenue.

    Or maybe the Gov should read his own commissions report on U of I..”McLennand indicated in an email that “this is a very high-profile case for
    our office.” (UNIVER001958). Despite the applicant initially being rated
    a “five” (i.e., denial), Marshall consented to admitting him because he was
    an out-of-state student. McLennand regarded this as a very high-profile
    case because the sponsors were Gary and Chris LaPaille, a former state
    senator and the legislative chief of staff. (Interrogatory No. 22)”

    Nice to see that reform is alive and well in Illinois!

  23. - Chi Gal - Tuesday, Nov 3, 09 @ 8:58 pm:

    Quinn can continue through the primary with “I am a reformer, squeaky clean and better than the last guy” but the facts aren’t supporting his claims. The 2009 session made him look like a bumbling fool. 2010 is really going to be embarrassing for him as he is not showing any signs of learning from his mistakes. I think his ego makes it impossible to learn anything. He has shown no signs of leadership and his reactionary responses to Hynes’ ads just further reinforce his image as a reactionary, hot headed, know it all. All these years as a gadfly, nobody held Quinn accountable for his claims. Now that he is Gov, there is accountability and as Rich pointed out above, he isn’t going to do well when held accountable for his claims/words. The only thing working in his favor so far is that Hynes is such a dud.

  24. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Nov 3, 09 @ 10:06 pm:

    For heaven’s sake, Mr. Miller! The state NEEDS the tobacco tax money! You can’t quit until the recession is over.

    Seriously, God bless you and help you with quitting.

  25. - Ahem...The REAL Anonymous - Tuesday, Nov 3, 09 @ 10:36 pm:

    Good for you, Rich! I’m researching chewing tobacco this week, but glue might be good (and cheaper).

  26. - Pooh Bear - Tuesday, Nov 3, 09 @ 10:49 pm:

    Getting back to the Governor and CTA, it was previously mentioned the Governor’s staff would meet with CTA (transit) officials. Why the surprise? Perhaps something to entice bloggers, regardless of what the Governor has planned tomorrow.

  27. - Zucker brother - Tuesday, Nov 3, 09 @ 10:50 pm:

    As far as the smoking:

    “I just wanted to tell you: good luck, and we’re all counting on you… and don’t call me Shirley!”

  28. - publius - Tuesday, Nov 3, 09 @ 10:57 pm:

    this is just Krazy!! how do you go to a fundraiser in d c–and skip an impt mtg about the railway issues in chi, during a campaign?
    just don’t get it…
    combined with the recent ads by the governor–i am offically neutral on my vote now.. too much starnge stuff going on with him.. hope he gets more consistent, soon.

  29. - Pooh Bear - Tuesday, Nov 3, 09 @ 11:14 pm:

    Quinn’s next ad should highlight what he’s successfully accomplished the past 30 years which would certainly trump Dan Hynes’ so called Cemetery Care Department and Rainy Day Fund initiatives, obviously. This primary will be a knock-out to Hynes. May the will of the people be the law of the land.

  30. - publius - Tuesday, Nov 3, 09 @ 11:39 pm:

    perhaps, you should try a little less honey pooh, and try some jello.

  31. - Pooh Bear - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 12:10 am:

    Nice one Publius, had to laugh. Also laughed at Hynes’ campaign in 2004. He took all for granted, including a sub-par attempt to gain the support of Illinois’ Democratic County Chair Organization. This was the last straw which inevitably will come back to haunt him. Better luck in the private sector I guess.

  32. - Ghost - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 12:12 am:

    Rich dont quit smoking…. we need the tax revenue!

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