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No good news today… again

Wednesday, Nov 4, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Oy

The University of Illinois has so far seen only $400,000 of $317 million it is owed by the state, leading to a virtual hiring freeze and the possibility of furloughs.

And the state may cut even deeper.

The UI has billed the state for $317 million of its current fiscal year 2010 appropriation as of this week, but has received only $400,000 for all three campuses.

* Oy, again

Before the state’s budget woes stole a piece of her freedom, Felice Dworkin indulged herself with a daily trip to the park. The 83-year-old would board her motorized wheelchair and proudly steer it through the front door of her North Side nursing home. “It was getting out,” Dworkin said. […]

Since the wheelchair broke in June, Dworkin has relied on nursing home employees to push her around in a manual chair. […]

A former state employee, Dworkin said she has asked the repair company repeatedly to fix her chair, but the company, Mobility Systems in Hickory Hills, has refused. The reason? Her insurer, the state of Illinois, still owes Mobility Systems $2,291.12 for her previous two repairs — in November 2008 and in March.

* More oy

Despite some encouraging signs about Illinois’ overall economy, state government is “floundering” and will continue to do so in the coming months, a top budget expert said Monday. […]

“You’re going to see some drastic cuts happening,” predicted state Sen. Donne Trotter, a Democratic point person on the state budget. “At this point, all we can do is keep the lights on.”

But, didn’t Sen. Bill Brady say that the deficit was only $2.5 billion?

* Sigh

Progress on the Illiana Expressway project has reached a bottleneck.

During a breakfast meeting Tuesday, Gov. Pat Quinn told supporters of the road proposed to relieve traffic congestion near the Illinois-Indiana border that competition for transportation dollars is “contentious.”

* Notice that none of these new Pat Quinn appointees to Chicago State University’s board of trustees have any sort of experience figuring out how to solve the top problem listed by one of its newest members…

Among the new appointees is Zaldwaynaka “Z” Scott, a partner at the Mayer Brown law firm. This year Scott was on Quinn’s Admissions Review Commission, which investigated admissions irregularities at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She also was the state’s first executive inspector general, appointed by former Gov. Rod Blagojevich to investigate wrongdoing by state employees.

The other appointees are environmentalist Julie Samuels, the Green Party’s candidate for lieutenant governor in 2006 and now vice president of the party, a group Quinn undoubtedly would like to tap as he runs in 2010 for the state’s top job. He also named Gary Rozier, an Ariel Investments vice president, and Lisa Morrison Butler, executive director of City Year Chicago, a youth mentoring group.

“The top priorities should be really looking at the retention and graduation rates and seeing if we can put in place a model to improve upon those systems,” said Scott.

* One tiny bright spot…

State lawmakers have moved to lift the biggest roadblock keeping video gambling machines out of Illinois bars.

Last week, the General Assembly voted to give the Illinois Gaming Board more than $2.5 million more to spend, money it needed to hire staff to begin regulating video gambling.


  1. - lakecountydemocrat - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 10:39 am:

    Not sure a regressive tax on the poor and working class (video gambling) to help close the budget deficit is exactly a “bright spot” …

  2. - George - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 10:40 am:

    Regarding the Chicago State Board -

    The only person on there who could possibly provide any guidance to the University on how to increase retention and graduation rates is probably Lisa Morrison Butler who runs City Year Chicago (which is hardly just a “youth mentoring group” - it is the largest Americorps program in the State). I don’t think any of the others know two licks about education.

  3. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 10:42 am:

    Rich, you don’t consider the rolling out of a “new” CSU trustee board a coup for Governor Quinn? Sure, it only took what seemed like forever, and as Laura Washington of the Sun-Times recently pointed out, wasn’t really on the Gov’s radar despite being embroiled in crisis when he assumed office earlier this year, not to mention its ongoing academic attainment problems which make it likely to loose its accreditation, if it hasn’t already.

    You are too hard on old Governor Quinn, lighten’ up dude! (and I DON’T mean a cigarette)

    I watched Chicago Tonight lastnight and came to this conclusion/point of view…

    Quinn is a fun guy, with a GREAT personality, and his “coolness” factor is practically off the charts. In these dire times isn’t that you what you want in a governor? You don’t want some serious guy who actually tries to prioritize and tackle state-related problems, do you? What is the matter with you man? Sheesh.

  4. - Randolph Q - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 10:42 am:

    Can anyone relying on the state ever truly have freedom?

    Just sayin’

  5. - Anon - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 10:46 am:

    If last year’s budget wasn’t $ 2.5 billion, Rich, what was it?

  6. - Anon - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 10:47 am:

    Should have read “…last years budget deficit…”

  7. - The Doc - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 10:51 am:

    Certainly, cutting spending coupled with expanding free transit rides to all military veterans will solve these problems, yes?

  8. - Quinn T. Sential - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 10:52 am:

    You must have been wandering in the dark for so long that the $2.5 million to the Gaming Board to hire staff to regulate video gambling seems bright to you.

    The reality however is that; by the time they hore the people, promulgate regulations (even on an emergency basis if allowed to do so) there is a chance that little if any revenue will flow into the current fiscal year to help support the bonds for the capital program.

    By the way; while I was sleeping, have those been issued yet? How much of a slice did Bear stearns and Individual K get of that underwriting deal if they did?

    Back to the issue at hand, by the time they have issued the regulations, there may be so few places left that have not voted to outlaw the machines on a local basis, that the remaining available locations will likely never allow them to reach anywhere near the forecasted revenue projections to support the bonds.

    If these bonds have been issued; does anyone know at what rate; or what they might be trading at on a secondary market today?

    I have to believe that the “full faith and credit of the state of Illinois” could well be worth less than the bandwith I am digitizing the statement on now.

    I guess it just goes to show you that even a pen flashlight could look like the sun, in today’s Illinois fiscal reality.

  9. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 10:53 am:

    Randolph, that’s a very abstract, philosphical question.

    The lady in question, however, has a very real, practical problem. She just wants her chair fixed so she can roll with a little independence. If the state weren’t such a deadbeat, her problem would be solved.

  10. - Pelon - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 10:53 am:

    My only question at this point is how long the Democrats can keep the State running with duct tape and baling wire? I’m sure their hope is to make it through the 2010 elections, but that possibility is looking more and more remote. I don’t think the Republicans know how to fix the problem either, but I’m not sure that will matter come election time.

  11. - tubbfan - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 10:54 am:

    With regards to video gambling, all I ever hear about are the jurisdictions that are banning this form of gambling. Are there many that are going to allow it?

  12. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 11:00 am:

    Well, Carol Adams NOT getting the $110,000 gig in Africa is a plus…she did so well as head of DHS. They must have told her she can’t have a lackey driver over yonder.

  13. - Deep South - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 11:00 am:

    What’s happening to U of I is also happening at other universities around the state….the problem isn’t confined to the Frightenin ‘ Illini.

  14. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 11:04 am:

    ===all I ever hear about are the jurisdictions that are banning===

    Coverage follows conflict.

    For the most part, municipalities don’t have to vote to accept the machines, so only the votes against are ever covered.

  15. - PalosParkBob - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 11:12 am:

    The lady has cost the state $2,291 for two REPAIRS for her mobile wheelchair over 5 months?

    God only knows how much her joy rides are costing taxpayers every year including the original cost of the chair.

    Of course, it would be “cruel” to question whether the state is being gouged on the repair costs or whether they’re subsidizing the purchase of shoddy, overpriced equipment, wouldn’t it?

    By the way, isn’t Medicare the ones who sudsidize the ambulatory equipment instead of the State Medicaid program? I understand from friends in healthcare that Medicare pays it’s bills pretty quickly, unlike the state administered Medicaid.

  16. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 11:21 am:

    We’ve had almost a decade of promises made, but promises broken. At what point are voters going to stop believing in fairy tales?

    Last night I was listening to Governor-Elect Christie’s victory speech about how bad NJ government is and how he is committed to ending it’s fiscal and corruption nightmare - I was actually jealous! Of NEW JERSEY!

    C’Mon 2010! Save us from these devils!

  17. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 11:26 am:

    VMan, “ruined state,” “devils.” You might want to breathe into a paper bag for a while.

  18. - Bluefish - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 11:29 am:

    VM - Who’s going to save us in 2010? Jim Ryan?

  19. - Bill - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 11:30 am:

    Pee Pee Bob,
    Only you would characterize an old lady who has to use a wheel chair to get around as taking a joy ride.

  20. - Quinn T. Sential - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 11:37 am:

    Palos Park Bob,

    While 83; and Medicare eligibel by age, the story indicates that:

    [A former state employee, Dworkin said she has asked the repair company repeatedly to fix her chair, but the company, Mobility Systems in Hickory Hills, has refused.

    The reason? Her insurer, the state of Illinois, still owes Mobility Systems $2,291.12 for her previous two repairs.]

    At least the exceprt posted makes no mention of Medicaid, or her eligibility to participate. Is it not possible that; as a retired state employee, that she is covered in a health plan offered for retirees by the state;at least at the time she retired, perhaps 20 yeasr ago or longer?

    Also; its possible that the state plan coordinates with Medicare, wth one being the eprimary provider and the other providing excess coverage. There is no way to determine with the scant facts offered that Medicare was responsible for any of it, or that they had not paid what they owed. It was clear however; at least from the vendors perspective, that the state has not met its obligations, and it may not have anything to do with Medicaid at all.

  21. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 11:40 am:

    VM, I’m jealous of New Jersey too. The grass is greener in the Meadowlands? Under Christie, I think it will be.

  22. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 11:42 am:

    QTS is right. This isn’t about Medicaid, it’s about state retiree health insurance.

  23. - Secret Square - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 12:02 pm:

    Also, the expense of the repair, or the amount charged to the state for the repair, doesn’t necessarily indicate how serious the damage was. I wouldn’t assume that just because the bill was over $2,200 that it “proves” this lady was “joyriding” or being careless with her wheelchair. Maybe it was a cheap wheelchair to begin with?

  24. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 12:04 pm:

    I would say, though, that I was appalled at the cost of those scooter repairs. Medicare paying most of the purchase price for those scooters may have artificially inflated their costs.

  25. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 12:43 pm:

    VM - Who’s going to save us in 2010? Jim Ryan?

    New people! We can randomly select them from a phone book a-la-William Buckley, and get a better government!


    But not Jim Ryan.

  26. - PalosParkBob - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 1:05 pm:


    First, I’ve known a number of seniors and disabled people who’ve made use of those powered chairs, and you don’t use them to “get around”, especially in winter.

    They are very useful when someone uses them at a store or in the home, but it’s awfully dangerous for a person 83 years old to be taking them out on the sidewalks and streets alone, especially between November and March in Chicago. They can also be pretty dangerous when going up or down ADA ramps.

    I agree with Rich that the real issue is the late payments by state insurance.

    I also think, however, it’s an open question as to why potentially dangerous, prohibitively expensive and unecessary “medical” equipment is being funded by the taxpayers through state insurance.

    By the way, one the biggest laughs I ever had was seeing that commercial for these electric chairs where a line of seniors drive around in formations.

    It came on during the Brando motorcycle gang movie “The Wild Ones”.

    I still break up every time I see that commercial!

  27. - Randolph Q - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 1:21 pm:

    Word - Do you really want to entrust your freedoms to deadbeats?

    This story should be drilled into every 20 something year olds head: Rely on the state, you are gonna get stuck.


  28. - Obamarama - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 1:32 pm:

    ===dangerous, prohibitively expensive and unecessary===

    Dangerous: You’re telling me that it is more dangerous for a person in their 80’s that has trouble getting around to be in a scooter than it is for them to be walking?

    Prohibitively expensive: What would be prohibitive is not being able to get from place to place.

    Unecessary[sic]: First of all, the word unnecessary has two n’s. Secondly, how do you propose an elderly person who is too weak/injured/otherwise inhibited to walk or operate a wheelchair with on their own get around? I got it! A MOTORIZED SCOOTER!

    Completely asinine. You take issue with an old person…. being old, and having insurance because you pay for one thirteen millionth of it.

  29. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 1:44 pm:

    Randolph, you’ve got the pioneer spirit there, my friend.

    I’m guessing, though, you rely on the state and government more than you care to admit. And if your house is on fire, or if you’re in a car wreck, I doubt if you’d be pining for the freedom to take care of those problems all on your own.

  30. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 2:23 pm:

    These “Oy” stories are only going to accumulate between now and February 2. Quinn is going to have to dance a lot faster to stay ahead of this mess. Frankly, I don’t see how he can do it absent $5 billion in new pain-free money or some other miracle. Tick tock Governor.

  31. - Captain Flume - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 3:18 pm:

    ==The grass is greener in the Meadowlands?==

    The grass is greener because that’s where there is more manure.

  32. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Nov 4, 09 @ 4:27 pm:

    Captain Flume,

    surely that sort of stuff is beneath you.
    (and take that however you want)

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