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More Kirk/Palin fallout

Friday, Nov 6, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Mark Kirk hearts Sarah Palin story has prompted an editorial in today’s Sun-Times entitled “Moving right might cost Kirk election“…

Rep. Mark Kirk has long been a voice of reason in Illinois. A moderate Republican with an independent streak, Kirk isn’t known for pandering.

In our endorsement of Kirk for re-election last fall, we noted the North Shore congressman’s efforts at bipartisanship, his knack for doing his homework and his penchant for speaking his mind.

But the edit board is dismayed by this Sarah Palin thing…

Whose endorsement is Kirk seeking in his bid to win a U.S. Senate seat? None other than Sarah Palin.

The same Sarah Palin he dismissed.

The same Sarah Palin who is so fiercely partisan it’s hard to imagine her uttering the phrase bipartisan.

The same Sarah Palin whose history of failing to do her homework has earned her well-deserved ridicule.

And concludes…

For Kirk, courting conservatives may help him solidify a primary win; he is the presumed front-runner. But it also could easily cost him a general election win in Democrat-leaning Illinois.

Kirk built a successful political career by staying true to his values and beliefs.

Now is not the time to abandon them.

* The Tribune reports that Alexi Giannoulias is using the Palin story to raise cash

Republican Rep. Mark Kirk created a stir by asking for help from former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin in his bid for the party’s U.S. Senate nomination on Feb. 2. Now that quest for help has become fundraising fodder for one of the Democrats seeking the seat.

In an e-mail to supporters sent out today, the campaign manager for Democratic state Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias said Kirk’s request for Palin’s help was an example of how “Republicans will do anything to get their hands on President Obama’s former seat in the U.S. Senate.”

Here’s the entire fundraising e-mail, with all emphasis in the original…

We knew from the beginning of this campaign that Republicans will do anything to get their hands on President Obama’s former seat in the U.S. Senate, but now we find out that the GOP wants Sarah Palin’s help to win this race.

Yesterday, news broke that Congressman Mark Kirk, the Republican front-runner, penned a secret memo to Sarah Palin’s camp asking that Palin help out Kirk in a “quick and decisive” way.

Palin has made no secret that she’s willing to help out conservatives in their quest to damage the President. She was the leader in false rumors about the President’s health care proposals, and she’s made it clear she’s willing to throw her support around to get conservatives elected from coast to coast.

Well, not here in Illinois.

We can’t let Mark Kirk and Sarah Palin take us back to the failed, Republican policies that got us into this economic mess.

Donate $10, $20, or $50 today to help us keep the President’s seat.

If Mark Kirk thinks bringing Sarah Palin to town will help distract from his record of consistently voting for big business and against Illinois families, he’s wrong.

Donate $10, $20, or $50 and help us send a message to Mark Kirk and Sarah Palin Republicans that this seat will stay in Democratic hands.

Alexi is a progressive Democrat who will move our state and our nation forward.

And thanks to supporters like you, this campaign will be ready to take on Mark Kirk, Sarah Palin, and whomever else the GOP sends to this fight for the President’s seat.


Tom Bowen

Campaign Manager

* Conservative Republican Patrick Hughes sent out a press release yesterday with new polling results, but no head-to-head numbers against Kirk

A new Wilson Research analysis of polling data from the U.S. Senate campaigns of Mark Kirk and Patrick Hughes, respectively, indicates bad news for the Kirk campaign. This comes on the heels of news from Kirk’s Senate campaign that he is seeking the endorsement of former Gov. Sarah Palin. […]

* The ideological background of the primary electorate appears to favor a candidate such as Patrick Hughes. Seven in ten respondents (69%) described themselves as ideologically conservative, compared to only a quarter (25%) of respondents describing themselves as ideologically moderate.
* The findings of the images and ballot of the Market Research Insight survey demonstrate that the race is competitive.
* In the survey, Congressman Kirk has a favorable to unfavorable ratio of 2.7:1. Patrick Hughes’ favorable rating is much higher, at 9:1, but has far less name ID than the Congressman (64% for Kirk versus 24% for Hughes).

* I’ve run the other two major Democratic Senate candidates’ responses to this Palin thing, but Cheryle Jackson has also chimed in

“By openly soliciting Sarah Palin’s blessing, Mark Kirk is showing Illinois his true colors,” Jackson said in a statement. “Although he claims to be a moderate, Kirk is pandering to the extreme right wing of his party, and in so doing turning his back on the hard-working Illinois families who hope to change the way our government works and don’t want to go back to the failed policies of the Bush Administration.”

* MSNBC’s First Read website had its own angle

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee is trying its best to squeeze every ounce out of the Mark Kirk-Sarah Palin story. […]

Now the DSCC has fired off this “memo” to Palin and Malek, which digs up unfavorable things Kirk had said about Palin:

To: Governor Sarah Palin
Cc: Congressman Mark Kirk
Cc: Fred Malek
From: Kathleen Strand, Senior Advisor to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

Dear Governor Palin,

Yesterday, following the purge of a moderate Republican in upstate New York and the devastating special election in NY-23, it was revealed that Congressman Mark Kirk is actively seeking your endorsement of his candidacy in the U.S. Senate race in Illinois. However, Mark Kirk has not had kind words to say about you in the past. Faced with a difficult re-election race in 2008, Kirk told reporters he “would have picked someone else” for Vice-President and that frankly he “didn’t know whether you are qualified to be President.” Now that Kirk is facing a tough primary challenge from the anti-Washington, anti-establishment candidate Patrick Hughes, he is suddenly racing to embrace you. I’m not sure how familiar you are with Mark Kirk but he is a politician who has a history of putting politics above principals, something you surely look down upon. Whether the issue is cap and trade, extending unemployment benefits, or health care reform, Kirk has either flip-flopped, been AWOL, or motivated purely by politics. On the other hand, Patrick Hughes is comfortable in his own skin as an extreme right-winger. Unlike the pro-abortion Kirk, Hughes is firmly pro-life, anti-gay marriage, and pro-gun…sounds like your type of Republican. I know you are in Milwaukee tomorrow and will be in our great state of Illinois later this month, both would be a perfect setting to give your blessing to one of these two candidates. With so much at stake in the next election, everyone wants to know — who will you endorse in our Senate race?



  1. - OneMan - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 9:13 am:

    No one is going to remember this in a year.

  2. - wordslinger - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 9:16 am:

    The mystery is why he felt the need to reach out in the first place.

    My guess was a fear that she would say something nice about Hughes or a potential third-party candidate.

    But jeez, the chances of a dangerous right-wing challenge were so remote. He really stepped in it here.

  3. - Rich Miller - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 9:16 am:

    ===No one is going to remember this in a year. ===

    TV ads have a way of reminding people.

    Just sayin…

  4. - Conservative Republican - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 9:19 am:

    I think the Dems are overworking this story, and the DSCC “memo” leaves a huge opening for Palin and Kirk to work a recovery on this and turn the situation into a positive — if they’re smart.

  5. - CircularFiringSquad - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 9:19 am:

    Nice Stuff
    Perhaps Hughes can get Big Daddy Newt into the game too….he seems to have a special knack to be on other side of the street where CaribouBarbie is involved.

    In the best tradition of the Circular Firing Squad it lLooks like Commando “Crusts” Kirk has managed to bang his way into second place in the GOP primary race and way down the line in the general. And its only November. Nice work.
    Perhaps he will want to go back to Twitters about sandwich choices and whether he is a Crusts/No Crusts Guy

  6. - walter sobchak - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 9:23 am:

    I wonder how campaign managers of either party can keep a straight face writing such fund raising letters? Hectors writing to the clueless. But, then again there may be software programs available these days where apparatchikis can just type in key words or concepts like the ‘we wont let’ and ‘fighting for’ and ‘don’t let them’ flow like wine.

  7. - Reality is - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 9:25 am:

    I dont get the press’ fascination with Sarah Palin and why they think the average person shares it.

  8. - Rich Miller - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 9:28 am:

    ===why they think the average person shares it. ===

    To some, Palin’s a horrific trainwreck, and people are always fascinated by those events. To others, she’s a hero, so they’ll glom onto all the coverage. To others, she’s a celebrity and they love celebrity news.

    It all adds up to coverage.

  9. - Speaking at Will - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 9:28 am:

  10. - Deep South - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 9:31 am:

    The DSCC is right to promote this split between the ultra-right and the moderate Repbulicans. It is a win-win for the Dems…they can’t go wrong using this strategy.

  11. - colt 45 - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 9:32 am:

    politics is politics,yeah i get it. i still don’t think he was seeking an endorsement but, you know? he is a republican, right? running in a primary requires at least reaching out to every part of the party.

    there’s some people in the party of the left that don’t have a moderate or reasonable bone in their body. i would never begrudge gianoullias or any other democrat for that matter for reaching out to their base. it is what it is.

  12. - anon - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 9:33 am:

    I like strands palin baiting memo. She may be foolish to bite. Wouldn’t it be great if she turned the 10th into NY23? Hilarious!

  13. - downstate hick - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 9:34 am:

    Much ado about nothing. This is a non story by the general. Sarah Palin is not as polarizing nor is she that big a factor for the majority of voters in the general. A good campaign on the issues, mainly the economy will decide this election. Just my thoughts.

  14. - Cousin Ralph - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 9:37 am:

    Remember, Sarah Palin regularly drew larger crowds than Obama did on the stump. Obama recently campaigned heavily for an incumbent Gov in a state as Democrat (and as corrupt) as Illinois and his candidate got thumped. Face it, Palin is a force to be reckoned with, that is why Kirk wants her help. DEMs fear Palin more than they fear any other Republican today. Palin’s endorsement in the primary is a game changer. Juxtapose that with Obama’s cache, which can be seen in New Jersey and Virginia. Say what you want, she makes a big, positive difference for her candidate.

  15. - Rich Miller - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 9:37 am:

    ===Sarah Palin is not as polarizing===

    You may be right in the rest of your post, but you’re flat-out dead wrong on that point.

  16. - Pat collins - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 9:38 am:

    The Commander and Tenille

    Well, so kirk will get a lot of free publicity about how he is conservative.

    In VA, the Wash. POST ran story after story about the R candidate’s college thesis. Now, the candidate didn’t sit back and take it (a common response of IL Rs)

    He aggressively pushed back, and by the end, that story was not only NOT a negative, the D’s candidate reliance on it was a minus for him!

    So, let us hope the Commander has noticed…..

  17. - Team America - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 9:42 am:

    As I noted yesterday, who should the GOP get behind - the candidate that can win the general, or the candidate that the DSCC wants to win?

  18. - train111 - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 9:45 am:

    The whole Palin thing may have some effect on the Feb primary, but very little I think.
    If Kirk gets through Feb 2, and on to the general — RRB’s ongoing trial, with its associated shenanigans — will relegate any Palin news to the long forgotten dustbin of political history.


  19. - Plutocrat03 - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 9:47 am:

    y’all must be really scared of ‘lil old Kirk to be going over the top like this.

    None of the Democratic candidates are worth a hoot, so how do you fool the people again?

  20. - VanillaMan - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 9:48 am:

    Palin haters know no boundaries. Anyone who listens to her is considered an extremist. Anyone who speaks to her is considered a fanatic. Anyone who agrees with her is considered a lunatic. It is totally ridiculous and obviously so to voters.

    Their over reactions and extremist behavior only makes Palin more interesting. The lies they repeat only become more boring, shallow and easily disproved. From the first day she stepped upon the stage, the very idea of a woman like her, with her charisma, gubernatorial skills, and bipartisan record, of being a ‘gasp’ conservative has unleased upon her a fury from supposedly normal people. Crazy.

    And it continues over a year later! She lost! But the Palin haters still see her as the threat she is to them. She is walking proof that a woman without an ivy league pedigree, with a special needs child, with an illegitimate grandchild, with her looks, can succeed with a conservative message.

    If you didn’t like how Barack Obama was castigated for befriending Reverend Wright or Bill Ayers. If you didn’t like how Barack Obama was castigated for getting the support of Louis Farrakan and Fidel Castro, then stop castigating Mark Kirk for associating with the last Vice Presidential nominee from his party. Palin is no Farrakan. She is no Wright. She is no Casto. If you thought it was wrong to dismiss Obama regarding these associations, it is just as wrong to do this to Kirk.

  21. - Mary, Sterling - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 9:51 am:

    As a conservative, I am voting for Alexi if Kirk is the GOP nominee. If I am to chose between two libs, I’d rather vote for the HONEST/upfront one.

  22. - cassandra - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 9:55 am:

    I’m not sure why all the fuss about Sarah Palin unless the Dems are really frightened by her. It’s unlikely that she could become a serious candidate for President or VP, especially if that involved debates or serious interviews. Clearly, she had not done any serious study of the issues when she was questioned by journalists during the 08 campaign. And her decision to leave the governor’s job early raises questions about how serious she is about governing.

    So, why are the Dems making such a big deal out of it. Why not ignore her. That’s pretty much what Obama did during the campaign. Perhaps the Dems are feeling a lot more tenuous about 2010 and 2012 and hence engaging in what seems like overreaction. It seems unlikely that the mood of the country or the state could shift dramatically to the right in the near future but you wouldn’t know it from the way the Dems (and even the WH, ref: the Fox News kerfluffle)are acting. How stupid do the Dems think we are?

  23. - Team America - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 9:56 am:

    Mary Sterling, Obama is an ‘upfront’ lib, too. How’s that working out for you?

  24. - anon1002 - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 10:02 am:

    – Remember, Sarah Palin regularly drew larger crowds than Obama did on the stump. - Cousin Ralph –

    Really? Larger crowds than McCain, sure. Obama? I don’t remember that…

  25. - Obamarama - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 10:06 am:

    ===can succeed with a conservative message.===

    VanillaFriend, what exactly has she succeeded at? She and her running mate lost the election and she didn’t make it to the end of her gubernatorial term.

    As a liberal, my problem with her is her lack of intelligence–plain and simple. I don’t care that she is a woman, that she is from Alaska, that she’s never represented a constituency larger than a Congressional district, that she’s conservative, etc. I think all of those traits bring a much needed diversity to the political spectrum. However, she doesn’t have the chops to use those characteristics in a way that is positive to the political landscape as a whole. The discourse that she creates, or is created as a result of her actions, is not issue related. It is polarizing.

    “She’s great.”
    “No, she’s not.”
    “She’s good looking.”
    “No she’s not.”
    “She’s a lunatic conservative.”
    “No, she represents the average American.”

    None of that creates a dialog about issues or solutions and she certainly doesn’t have the talent or intelligence to participate in that dialog. At this point, she’s just another celebrity.

  26. - ChiTownguy - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 10:11 am:

    Rich is right, TV ads do have a way of reminding people. This story is all part of a steady barrage needed to change the image and moderate brand Kirk currently enjoys.

    If this is the only fodder the Dems have between now and the general election, then its not going to be effective enough.

    However, by playing up this story and the next and the next, and pretty soon, the people who don’t read CapFax (as we have all most likely made up our minds) start to think differently about this guy.

    Its a LONG way to next November.

    Dems “won” this week.

  27. - L.S. - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 10:22 am:

    Kirk has put himself in a bad spot here. If he embraces the Woman that Came From Wasilla, it could really hurt him with independants. If he backs away from her he might have an rough primary go. The tea baggers would rather see a moderate republican lose than compromise.

    VM - People aren’t turned off by Palin becuase she’s a conservative, or becuase she has a special needs kid, or because she’s pretty. It’s because she seems to take pride in her ignorance (much like W did) is more concerend with cute one-liners than actual meaningful debate, is often erratic to the point of irresponsible (see shopping sprees and sudden resignation) and embraces the most radical elements of the right. I get that you’re a fan of hers, and I’m clearly not. But let’s not pretend the problem with Palin for me, an a LOT of voters of different stripes in Illinois, has to do with her extreme positions and behavior, not not because she’s such a gosh-darn salt-of-the-earth Mom trying to make a difference. Please.

  28. - Will County Woman - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 10:38 am:

    Re: Sun Times editorial( wow, who woke them up?)

    It’s day three of this issue, and it’s overkill at this point.

    Look, all politicians are entitled to gaffes at some point; they all make them at some point. The sun times does a brilliant job of pointing out kirk’s positive attributes. Why? because he really does have many redeeming qualities that far outweight this recent laspe of judgement, clearly done for political expediency. Kirk is a fine federal legislator. And, at the end of the day that’s all we really need to know.

    Assuming that Kirk survives the primary, the attacks ads from the democrats will be brutal, and understandly/rightfully so.

    I absolutely abhor Sarah Palin.
    I’m speaking/writing as a moderate democrat: Kirk STILL has my support and vote for the general election. The democrats would have to come up with something more to sway my opinion here. if they do, they’d better hope that Hoffman is their general election candidate because he’s the only one that I would vote for on the democratic side.

  29. - Mary, Sterling - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 10:41 am:

    TA: You think we’d be much better off with McCain? Dreamer.

  30. - Pat collins - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 10:41 am:

    polarizing Aurora Borealis

    Seems we are all forgetting somethings. Politics is also about intensity. People who like Palin, are feeling intense now, and her involvement might get them out to vote.

    People go out to vote FOR something, usually, not against it.

    Also, to be honest, I think her appeal is this. We can’t all be top students, and she does appeal to those who are not. She stands up for them openly and without shame for doing so. Most of her supporters don’t feel that Bush did so.

    Now,I don’t necessarily accept that she is less than bright, and frankly, she WAS a governor, and DID get things done as one. Her state at least paid its bills on time, can we say as much?

  31. - Red & Green - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 10:43 am:

    Palin scares the daylights out of Dems and libs because she exposes the vapid inanity of their conceit. She was clearly the smartest of the four people on the two tickets last year. She was the only one who knew what the CONSTITUTIONAL duties of the vice-president are. I had so much fun pulling out my little copy of the actual constitution and showing the smug blowhards who were dismissing her that she was right and all the media and political elite were wrong - and then explaining why the founders wanted the veep to be the premier legislator with NO executive duties. When E.J. Dionne and Katie Couric were making fun of her for thinking the Taliban was in Iraq, I had fun showing people that Palin’s quote was about Jalal Talibani - the president of Iraq. It was E.J. and Katie who were too stupid to know that the Iraqi president and prime minister are different people - and that Talibani’s name has nothing to do with the Taliban. And they were so hilariously smug about their ignorance.

    That’s the problem with the left. They have tried to be elite on the cheap, without actually studying or knowing history, philosophy or much of anything else. They have substituted attitude for actual intellect and are terrified because Palin is routinely blowing up their pretensions left and right.

    Average Joe’s know they have been suckered by this hollow elite, and that Palin is not having it. So, yeah, Palin’s endorsement counts. And all the DNC types snickering right now are sounding like Pelosi’s pronouncement that Tuesday was a great victory for Dems - deluded and weirdly detached from everyday reality.

  32. - Team America - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 10:44 am:

    Wow, Mary, you’re pretty hardcore. I bet you think Illinois Review is too liberal.

  33. - VanillaMan - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 10:45 am:

    Tea bagging is a vulgar frat phrase. Your neighbors questioning the rampant explosion of American debt without results are using the phrase “tea party”. Your name calling belies your supposed open-mindedness when you do so.

  34. - Pat collins - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 10:50 am:

    Will County Woman

    I really did mean what I said yesterday. Just I had too many meetings and didn’t see your comments until late last night.

  35. - dupage dan - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 10:50 am:


    =VanillaFriend, what exactly has she succeeded at? She and her running mate lost the election and she didn’t make it to the end of her gubernatorial term.=

    You make it sound as if she was forced out of the gov office. Really? You must read the Weekly World News for your information. Her record as governor was quite good by all accounts. I would be mightily pleased to have such an honest ethical person like her as gov in Illinois. What a job she could do on our pig stye of a group in Springfield, Chicago, Cook Cty, etc. As far as the presidential campaign, the liklihood of an incumbent party maintaining a presence in the White House after the economic downturn is very low, now matter how good they are. Just the way of politics. Laying that on the door step of Sarah Palin is silly - she had nothing to do with the recession. You’re whole arguement is worthless.

    If she is so stupid, why do you continue to opine? Wouldn’t her stupidity end all debate? Her popularity would have disappeared if she was as dumb as you’all make her out to be. It ain’t working.

  36. - Rich Miller - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 10:52 am:

    VM, for all the complaining the Right has done about political correctness over the years, it sure is awfully sensitive about language on this tea stuff.

    Just sayin…

  37. - Mary, Sterling - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 10:58 am:

    TA: you betcha! My neighbors will freak when they see my Alexi bumper sticker. ;)

  38. - Obamarama - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 10:58 am:

    DuPage Dan,

    I didn’t blame Palin for the recession.

    Having an excuse for losing an election doesn’t make it succeeding.

    Your assertion that a person would lose all of their popularity if they are dumb is, well… dumb.

  39. - shore - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 11:00 am:

    It was a stunning move for those of us who have been with him since he was a no name with his mom leading the envelope stuffing brigades 11 years ago. He’s spent 11 years working on his reputation so I’m sure this was not a decision he made lightly.

    For the media however to go after him after all the things the democrats have done is frankly over the top and ridiculous. I’m not palin’s number 1 fan, but the liberal chicago media establishment in this town tends to blow a spleen anytime anything that isn’t liberal gets put forward. The same folks that empty barrells of ink complaining about the state of affairs in Illinois seem to be the first to run for the hills anytime anyone proposes a right of center alternative and it’s getting old.

  40. - shore - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 11:03 am:

    And for all the doomsday scenarios about conservative leadership in this state we haven’t had a prolife statewide figure since Peter Fitzgerald and he actually worked out quite well.

  41. - 10th Indy - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 11:04 am:

    If, and that’s a big if, this becomes a real issue Kirk has a number of possible responses:

    I did reach out to the conservative wing of my party. In the past I have reached out to liberal democrats. We do not have to agree on every issue, but I believe the senator for a state as diverse as Illinois needs to open doors, not close them. We need to move beyond the partisanship, ideology and one-party rule that has led to debt, waste and corruption in Springfield, and massive, irresponsible spending in Washington. I am known for bridging those divides to create practical solutions…

    My opponent does not want to talk about (working for blago, losing bright start funds, lack of experience, etc. ) He/She does not want to talk about my record as a thoughtful, independent voice for Illinois. He /She doesn’t want to talk about my experience as a member of the military, or as an advocate for the Great Lakes and reasonable health care reform and ethical government. Instead my opponent wants to belittle my supporters. My opponent thinks I should limit who I reach out to, who I ask for support. I think we all have something to contribute so I am asking all of you for your support, conservative, liberal and yes, even you moderates out there …

  42. - 47th Ward - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 11:10 am:

    ===Your neighbors questioning the rampant explosion of American debt without results are using the phrase “tea party”===

    VM, I assure you if my neighbors are using racist and offensive signs to express their unhappiness that they lost the last election, I will refer to them in language that would make a frat boy blush.

    Please don’t tell me the tea party movement is anything other than disaffected Americans trying to undo the 2008 election. They lost. They need to get over it.

    10,000 Hatriots descended on the Capitol yesterday at the invitation of John Boehner, Michelle Bachmann, Eric Kantor and presumably Mark Kirk (was he there?). This was on one of the signs spotted by a Politico reporter:

    “Obama takes his orders from the Rothchilds.”

    Defend that VanillaMan. Tell me how that expresses legitimate concern about the explosion of the national debt. Tell me why I should give these people respect.

  43. - grand old partisan - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 11:14 am:

    My, oh my. Kirk has always been such a centrist independent, now look at him – seeking the support of his party’s lipsticked pitbull. How downright partisan of him! Next thing you know, he’ll be firing off fundraising letters asking people to donate money in order to “send a message to (fill in Democratic candidate name here) and (fill in name of high-profile national Democrat here) Democrats that this seat will not remain in Democratic hands.”

    Maybe someone else here sees the irony?? Alexi, Hoffman, and Jackson have never said or done anything to indicate they will be anything but a reliable party-line vote for the President and the Senate Dem caucus. But Kirk is the one who’s “true colors” are outrageously partisan?? Give me a break.

  44. - Chicago Cynic - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 11:16 am:

    Cassandra, VM, Cousin Ralph, etc.,

    You wonder why the left keeps bringing her up and claim it’s because we fear her. You are deeply confused. We bring her up because she’s the gift that keeps on giving. The more Sarah Palin is the focus for 2010, the more she is identified as the Republican Party (along with Dick Cheney of course) the better Dems will do.

    And no matter how you’d like to spin NY23 as a victory for Palin and the right, even Michael Steele admits more wins like that and they won’t have much of a party left. The purpose of running is TO WIN.

  45. - Deep South - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 11:18 am:

    Hey Red and Green:

    I know you must be kidding, and I laugh with you at your humor. Good stuff. Really, you got any more? “Scares the daylights out of the Dems and libs?” Yeah, I’m shaking in my boots. LOL

    Geez, what flavor Kool-Aid are you drinking?( I’ll stand back now and await your liberal-bashing rhetoric.)

  46. - Rich Miller - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 11:21 am:

    Yeah, but she’s not polarizing at all.


    Sheesh, I hope this blows over soon.

  47. - Chicago Cynic - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 11:21 am:

    “…but the liberal chicago media establishment in this town tends to blow a spleen anytime anything that isn’t liberal gets put forward.”

    Liberal Chicago media establishment? Are you kidding me Shore? Perhaps you’re unfamiliar with this little rag known as the Chicago Tribune. Endorsed one Democrat for president in 100+ years.

    Or maybe you missed the Sun-Times editorial page for most of the last 25 years since Murdoch took over. Now it leans left, but for most of that time it was pretty right wing - hell Steve Huntley was editorial page editor.

    Get a friggin clue. Just because they don’t agree with you doesn’t make them liberal.

  48. - Inish - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 11:42 am:

    VM- generaly while I disagree with your stance- I understand it… but with Palin- not so much.
    Sarah Palin hasn’t demonstrated she can lead, that she can build cohesion, that she can champion a message or that she can finish anything. She increased the size of the government i ALaska, promioted friends and family much like the oft criticized Illinois politicians. SHe has leverage situations for a very personal gain. She spent a great deal of time out of Alaska ( yes I know- so did our sitting Pres.) and then left- unceremoniously when she found a better offer. She was plucked out of obscurity over the heads of many talented and proven Republican Women. She has not demonstrated excellence professionally or academically- and has a track record of being reactionary rather than pragmatic.

    I think that rather than frightened by her- most Dems just like to poke fun at her- because it is easy. I think her appeal is like Ann Coultier- she is an attractive woman who is sassy and biting and saying those extreme things that people find delicious. She is the mean girl in High school. But- she is similiar to the Madonna [deleted] syndrome in that she says all those strong conservative messages- but what people comment on is her looks. She is a sexy women who doesn’t mind being controversial- but I would say- from where I stand- her career mirrors Brittany Spears more than Dr. Condoleezza Rice- and that is an insult to the hardworking, committed women of the Republican party- AND makes the RNC look like the “good ole’ boy” network that are often accused of being. It isn’t that you can’t be attractive and smart- it is that she isn’t both attractive and smart. She is attractive and devisive.

  49. - Inish - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 11:50 am:

    To tie her with Kirk… well that just leaves the base that has faithfully followed him for 11 years wondering… She is NOT in alignment with who he has always been- and to pull a “ivan” and turn so radically away from your base- is a sing of fear. He has more to lose than to gain- we are afterall - all fighting for the middle.

  50. - Clyde Frazier - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 11:54 am:

    All Dems=smart
    Doing the labeling=liberal pundits
    Buying the narrative=dumb

  51. - VanillaMan - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 11:55 am:

    What we have here are the same people who told us not to judge Obama by his long term relationships with Wright and Ayers, judging Kirk because he is trying to associate with his own party’s former VP nominee.

    The double standard is rather obvious. These are political attacks without merit by people willing to smear anyone they politically disagree with. The Palin haters demonize the former governor, then have the nerve to claim Kirk shouldn’t associate with her because she is polarizing. Who is polarizing whom here?

  52. - Rich Miller - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 11:59 am:

    ===Who is polarizing whom here? ===

    Dude, c’mon. You know better than that. You think she’s polarizing just because a few people trash her?


  53. - VanillaMan - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 12:00 pm:

    one of the signs

    That’s your answer, 47th Ward. One sign. It’s a big country. There are going to be people carry silly signs at big rallies. And I’ve learned that many of these lunatics are with the LaRouchies and enjoy the exposure the traditional media gives them with their lunatic signs.

  54. - Chicago Cynic - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 12:04 pm:

    Yes VM. It was one sign. Comparing Obama’s health care with a nazi death camp was another. There were many more in that vein. It’s a theme running through that crowd.

  55. - VanillaMan - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 12:05 pm:

    You think she’s polarizing just because a few people trash her?

    It isn’t a few, and what we are seeing here is how the polarizers are demanding that anyone who is caught with someone they are polarizing becomes a pariah. We’ve seen this repeatedly with others, not just Palin. Palin is on a short list of national leaders being labeled in a McCarthyeque manner as being someone one doesn’t discuss if you wish to continue a discussion.

    The Status Quo doesn’t like being questioned. It will smear those who question it. We have to recognize when there is a concerted effort to use the old schoolyard “kooties” excuses to discredit someone different from the Status Quo.

  56. - Rich Miller - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 12:08 pm:

    ===Palin is on a short list of national leaders being labeled in a McCarthyeque manner===


    I don’t see Congress passing a bill defunding anything she’s involved with. [/snark]

  57. - VanillaMan - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 12:09 pm:

    It’s a theme running through that crowd.

    Yeah, the LaRouchies were carrying signs like that for the past few years. They had signs with Bush wearing a Hitler mustache, and now they have one with Obama wearing a Hitler mustache. They are showing up at rallies touting anti-Semetic slogans. The traditional media is eating this crap up and claiming these people are representing the tea party crowds. We have seen these people throughout the last ten years, regardless of the parties in power.

  58. - VanillaMan - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 12:10 pm:

    I don’t see Congress passing a bill defunding anything she’s involved with. [/snark]

    not yet! [/snark]

  59. - VanillaMan - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 12:27 pm:

    Quote 1: - I can’t think of many brands as polarizing as Fox News. I’d rather turn off the TV than watch the slanted coverage of Fox News. I just find it irritating. So, when I saw the Fox News store in Minneapolis, I could feel annoyance boiling within me. With the generic name of “News”, I’d go in to the store and browse. With the name “Fox News Channel”, I wouldn’t go in unless they had the last verified bottle of water left on Earth.

    So, is that good business to have a store name that turns off some customers?

    Quote 2: - Goodell said, “The comments that Rush made, specifically about Donovan, I disagree with very strongly. It’s a polarizing comment we don’t think reflects well on the NFL or our players. I do not believe those comments are positive, and they are divisive, and that’s a negative thing for us.”

    “Polarizing” is the new way to shut down those who disagree with you. The last election cycle saw opponents call conservatives “haters”. This election cycle, it looks like the word is “polarizing”.

    “You can’t listen to that person because they are so polarizing.”

  60. - Above the Belt - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 12:42 pm:

    Rich nailed it a while ago: Kirk tries to be all things to all people and under the scrutiny of a very high profile Senate race, that is not a good trait.

  61. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 12:57 pm:

    Kirk built a successful political career by staying true to his values and beliefs.

    Now is not the time to abandon them.

    NEWS FLASH to my good friends at the Chicago Sun-Times, Chicago Tribune, all other news outlets, and moderates around the state.

    Mark Kirk built a successful political career by telling his electorate whatever they wanted to hear, and having no beliefs.

    He isn’t a RINO, he’s a Pander Bear, and like Rod Blagojevich, will always put his own political interests before the public interest and what is popular before what is right.

  62. - JonShibleyFan - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 1:16 pm:

    “the DSCC “memo” leaves a huge opening for Palin and Kirk to work a recovery on this and turn the situation into a positive”

    Like her actually endorsing him? I am pretty sure the DSCC would take that result.

    “the LaRouchies were carrying signs”

    And how many LaRouche candidates are elected on the Democratic ticket? How important a constituency is the LaRouche bloc in Democratic politics?

    The problem is the extremists on the left are largely viewed as extremists BY the Democratic party. The extremists on the right ARE the BASE of the Republican party.

  63. - Will County Woman - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 1:19 pm:

    @ Above the Belt

    all things to all people?

    yes, but don’t all politicians do this to at least some extent? gays and latinos are unhappy with obama now precisely because he said some things to court them. i agree that kirk put himself in a bit of a bind here, but he is hardly the first or last politician to pander for votes in a primary or general, right? i’m not suggesting that its right to pander by the way.

  64. - Inish - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 1:21 pm:

    I think she is polarizing because she is a lightning rod of extremes.
    Yes, She is the former VP candidate of his party. Has he made the same type of nods to the former Pres. candidate? it just seems so far from his thus stated positions.
    Clyde- there are alot of here who give and expect a higher level of analysis…she is a risky bet for a man trying to get out of his primary. He needs to KEEP THE MIDDLE. I see the 10th race similiar to the 2008 Pres. election- a moderate Republican who bows to pressure- makes a questionable move towards a historically conservative figure- which leaves the middle confused, the conservatives questioning the authenticity and the other team with grist for the mill…..
    Does making nice with former Gov. Palin really endear him to the extreme right? Seriously- his voting record stands.

  65. - 47th Ward - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 1:49 pm:


    Here are some more from yesterday. Less offensive, but just as ignorant for the most part. Nice crowd you hang with there VanillaMan.

    If it was one sign at one rally, I’d concede your point. We both know that the crazies are out in full force. I won’t link to the photo of Dachau that was prominent at your Tea Party yesterday.

    But please keep defending this and tell me again that you are a Democrat.

  66. - Obamarama - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 2:03 pm:

    Good stuff 47th. I especially enjoyed this clever young man:

    Kennedy? Really? Follow the news much?

  67. - 10th Indy - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 2:31 pm:


    “Has he made the same type of nods to the former Pres. candidate?”

    Kirk’s releases regularly include the fact that Kirk has McCain’s endorsement.

  68. - Ghost - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 2:31 pm:

    I come to bury Kirk, not to praise him; The bad decisions that men do lives after them, The good is oft interred with their bones, So let it be with Kirk . …

    IL GOP strategy: we dont need no bleeping independent/moderate voters!

  69. - JonShibleyFan - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 3:09 pm:

    Obamarama and 47th,

    Those are excellent. I think the images of the Holocaust dead at Dachau, and the suggestion that health care reform will be like the Holocaust was especially classy.

    As was the apparent depiction of Obama as Jovial Sambo.

  70. - dupage dan - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 3:29 pm:

    The people attending the tea partys are now referred to as hatriots by one writer on this blog. Some people carrying signs (Larouchies love to have you’all help ‘em out with their regular 15 minutes of fame) are pointed to and the whole movement is now branded with this. When this stuff is lapped up by seemingly thoughtful people it’s discouraging. It certainly limits spirited debate which seems to be going on here. More like snark with the JSF @ 3:09 pm remarks. If you wish to lump me in with the c&@p about the holocaust you have the right to type it. That kind of disrespect for people who have differing views is repugnant to me, a jew, who happens to be a conservative. It certainly doesn’t leave much room for intellectual discourse, does it?

  71. - VanillaMan - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 3:34 pm:

    Less offensive, but just as ignorant for the most part.

    Not quite, more like not offensive at all unless you wish to be offended. As to claiming that the people who demonstrated in Washington are ignorant, and I think you’d find they know more about the health care bill moving through DC than most Congresspeople supporting the bill know.

    And there seems to be about 10,000 more of them than Congresspeople too.

    If this was a group of anti-war protesters, I’d say something similar. Mocking your neighbors doesn’t bring friends into your cause, and it doesn’t win elections.

    And everyone is my friend, including you. You are in that crowd too, buddy.

  72. - 47th Ward - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 3:43 pm:

    Forgive me Dan, for coining a phrase. Intellectual discourse is welcome here and Rich does a very good job of keeping this forum open and welcoming of different views.

    As for the tea party people, some here have suggested that “teabaggers” is an offensive label. I would suggest that the behavior of many attendees of the tea parties is more offensive. I merely wanted to point out that fact to their apolgists.

    But Dan, and VanillaMan, and others here clearly understand that the tea party phenomenon, orchestrated in part by Dick Armey and others, has little to do with economics, health care, the deficit, immigration, or other issues worthy of debate. It is being fueled by the rantings of columnists, commentators and congressmen who will not accept the legitimacy of the last election.

    You want intellectual discourse? Then join me in denouncing those who trivialize the important issues facing our country. Obama didn’t create a $10 trillion deficit in less than a year. Yet the tea parties arose “spontaneously” after the election. Tell me what the tea parties are really about. Please. I am very interested.

    And if you believe these horrible signs are simply the work of Larouchies, join me in calling them out. And then ask the tea party organizers to do the same.

  73. - JonShibleyFan - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 3:43 pm:

    “More like snark with the JSF @ 3:09 pm remarks.”

    Did I make that stuff up, or did it happen?

  74. - Deep South - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 3:45 pm:

    It seems like just yesterday that Bush critics were labeled as “unpatriotic.” Those who opposed the war, the right said, were “terrorist sympathizers,” trying to “undermine the will of the American troops” and “embolden the enemy.” Indeed, judging by conservatives’ attitudes from the Bush-era, anyone that disagrees with the president clearly hates America.

    That is, of course, until conservatives are the ones making the criticisms; then dissent becomes the highest form of patriotism. When push comes to shove the right, once again, pulls out the victim card and crys about how unfairly they’re being treated. Keep crying, it makes for good laughs.

  75. - scoot - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 5:13 pm:

    Should I be surprised that the Sun-Times wrote an op-ed on this?? The same paper that endorsed the entire Dem ticket in 06′ & how is that working out??

    By now it’s clear Kirk wasn’t seeking an endorsement from Palin. All of this just has the far left and far right screaming about it, everyone in the middle doesn’t care.

    If things were done right Kirk would already be the Junior Senator from Illinois…had Alexi and all those Chicago Dems called for a special election instead of letting Blago hand pick Roland Burris.

    I think in the end Alexi will have to answer to Blago as the corruption trial is wrapping up next fall.

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