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Red meat for the masses

Friday, Nov 6, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Another Republican gubernatorial candidates’ forum, and more red meat for the base

President Obama’s former colleagues in the Illinois state Senate used him as a punching bag Thursday in the first debate among all seven Republicans running for governor.

“Just as I worked to defeat Obamamcare when he was a state senator in Illinois, we will defeat it, hopefully, at the federal level,” said state Sen. Bill Brady (R-Bloomington).

“But if we fail to do that, I will impose the [states’ rights] 10th Amendment to the United States Constitution, and tell the federal government they have no right to take our tax dollars and redirect them to provide a national health care program … It’s time someone slapped the hand of the federal government and said ‘enough is enough.’”

All seven candidates, to varying degrees, competed to be the most conservatove, the biggest “outsider,” the most opposed to tax hikes, and the most opposed to increased government spending on health care.


State Sen. Kirk Dillard, of Hinsdale, a former DuPage County GOP chairman who has been criticized for appearing in a 2007 Iowa caucus ad for Obama, appeared to use the health care issue to try to distance himself from the president.

“If I wanted to be part of socialized medicine, I would have moved to Europe,” Dillard said. “I’ll be damned if I’m going to let a socialistic Washington shove a new mandate down the (Illinois) taxpayers’ throats, especially if it’s health care.”


As the candidates expressed sympathy over the deadly shooting rampage Thursday at Fort Hood in Texas, state Sen. Bill Brady, of Bloomington, vowed to push the legalization of concealed weapons as a potential solution to defending against criminal or terrorist activity.


…an early question about how they would ensure Illinois residents can be safe in light of Thursday’s shootings at Texas’ Fort Hood brought out a range of responses.

Hinsdale businessman Adam Andrzejewski used the question to underscore his plan to keep illegal immigrants out of Illinois.

“One of the security issues we face is our immigration policy in Illinois,” he said. “We can take steps to defend the border right here in Illinois.”

Meanwhile, Brady said that violence, along with last year’s shootings at Northern Illinois University, illustrate the need to allow the concealed carry of guns in the state. He said the law would “help to respond to incidents like this.”


[Jim] Ryan also said the Illinois minimum wage is too high. After the debate, he said the Illinois minimum of $8 an hour should be cut to $7.25, the federal level.

Yet WBBM Radio’s headline is: “Quiet debate for GOP candidates for Ill. governor.”

* By the way, Progress Illinois has video of Sen. Kirk Dillard calling Obama a “Socialist” earlier this week…


They also have GOP climate change responses.

…Adding… I forgot to post Adam Andrzejewski’s new cable TV ad. It’s running on Fox News and MSNCB…

Not great.


  1. - wordslinger - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 10:09 am:

    –“But if we fail to do that, I will impose the [states’ rights] 10th Amendment to the United States Constitution, and tell the federal government they have no right to take our tax dollars and redirect them to provide a national health care program … It’s time someone slapped the hand of the federal government and said ‘enough is enough.’”–

    There was a little dustup that was concluded at Appromatox Court House that settled the whole federal/state relationship question. You can look it up.

    This stuff gets wilder every day. Troops in two fighting wars, a collapse of the world financial system and we’ve got yammering on socialism and states rights. Unbelievable.

  2. - tubbfan - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 10:10 am:

    Guess this is what happens when you rely on bashing someone instead of focusing on your own agenda.

  3. - Easy - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 10:10 am:

    Call me crazy, but I just do not see how a Republican who endorsed Obama is going to win a GOP primary in this environment.

    And yes, he endorsed obama. we all can mince words over what that means, but when you cut a campaign ad for someone, you are endorsing their effort to win office.

  4. - reformer - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 10:12 am:

    I can’t wait until the next forum when I hope someone will ask them whether they believe in evolution. As I recall, several of the GOP presidential candidates in ‘08 said they didn’t. That’s the right position, however, if the goal is to attract the Palinistas, Obamaphobes, birthers and teabaggers.

  5. - vise77 - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 10:19 am:

    Perhaps Bradley can take us out of the Union, then. I have some grey clothes that really don’t look good on me but which I am dying to wear. Who gets to design the flag?

    As well, I curious about how the whole conceal and carry thing would play out on a military base.

    I think Bradley needs to engage in a few more moments of thought before speaking on such matters.

  6. - Rich Miller - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 10:22 am:

    vise77, I probably should’ve mentioned this up top, but policy is soldiers can’t carry weapons on that base unless they’re security. Brady’s answer was, therefore, pure pandering.

  7. - Dnstateanon - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 10:24 am:

    And yes, he endorsed obama. we all can mince words over what that means, but when you cut a campaign ad for someone, you are endorsing their effort to win office.

    Yes Dillard endorsed Obama I remember the MSM and the campaign talking about using the endorsement to tell those uninformed in Iowa how Obama wasn’t a problem because he was being endorsed by republican’s meaning Dillard an running the ad.

    I don’t think the voter’s have a clue who Mckenna or Adam are, why do they care who the insiders are?

  8. - WOW - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 10:26 am:

    Texas has concealed carry Mr. Brady so it didn’t help in this situation. A situation like this should not be used as a political chip by anyone of either party (for or against the gun debate). Pandering to the whack jobs on the right is one thing using the victims of a tragedy such as this is disgusting and Brady should be ashamed of himself.

  9. - Captain Flume - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 10:26 am:

    Lots of fear outside this blog, esp. in the job market which is getting drier every day. Repubs pinning blame on the current administration in D.C. and with national press coverage wavering on gushing support for the President, these candidates may be pandering as much to that fear as to the right wing. The tactic may hold up if things don’t show a turnaround nationally in the next few months.

  10. - Obamarama - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 10:27 am:

    ===[Jim] Ryan also said the Illinois minimum wage is too high.===

    Sigh. Now that is a position we can all get behind. You know who makes too much money? People making $8 an hour. They are part of the problem. Jimmy, is it really your position that the poorest people in the state, those who make less that EVERYONE else, those who are struggling to live indoors and feed themselves and their family, should make LESS money? Really?

    I suggest he move down the street, from Elmhurst to Hillside or Bellwood, and spend a month living on $8 an hour. Let me know how that goes, bud.

  11. - Anonymous45 - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 10:29 am:

    Didn’t Dillard cut a commercial endorsing Barack when he was running for Prez that outraged the GOP base? What a shill…although I must say I am quietly relishing the diappearance of Barck’s halo among his most ardent progresssive supporters…he’s human after all, and hasn’t done much of what he promised in his first year of office…

  12. - Anonymous45 - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 10:30 am:

    sorry, Barack’s

  13. - VanillaMan - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 10:31 am:

    Ever try to determine the quality of a Broadway play based on the people who show up at try-outs? Half of them couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket. In the primaries, half the candidates couldn’t give you a convincing reason why they are running, let alone tell you how they will tackle Illinois’ huge challenges if they actually win the office. The entire primary process can be rather shocking to watch.

    This is one of those primaries.

    Why in god’s name is a couple of these guys here? Just how much of their family’s money is being wasted on their ego trips?

    And who are these candidates catering to? Do they even know? Are they all fighting over the 20% of the Illinois electorate calling themselves Republicans? Isn’t that like trying to become Miss America by winning the Little Miss Eggplant contest? The more these guys pander to the GOP, the smaller they all appear to anyone caring enough to take a look at them.

    No wonder we are seeing more interest among the voter base towards independants.

    If the GOP or the Democrats want to actually win the General with some of these people, they will need to do a better job of showcasing them. Having them parade around in their undies boasting of their undying love for American values makes them all look rather stupid.

  14. - Easy - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 10:33 am:

    No doubt Adam is saving money on his production costs. Did Wayne and Garth shoot that in the basement, yikes.

  15. - WOW - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 10:33 am:

    Darn , i hit “say it” before I had gotten to the commenst of Outside Jim Ryan. While any debate with Quinn or Hynes would be enough to make paint drying seem interesting at least they will have some serious topics if either of them face Jimmy. So is lowering the minimum wage like giving poor people furlough days? Which is worse. Quinn raising your taxes by a few hundered dollars or Ryan cutting yoru salary by over $1000 a year?

  16. - beth - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 10:37 am:

    Obamarama- Absolutely, $16,000/year before taxes is just too much money and it’s a burden on small businesses. The cost from the state to provide these workers health care and subsidize their food and rent, well that’s not important.

    I also like how we need to secure our borders from the imminent threat of immigrants coming from a man who clearly can not claim the founding fathers as part of his ancestral line. Give me a break.

  17. - TimB - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 10:41 am:

    ====Texas has concealed carry Mr. Brady so it didn’t help in this situation. A situation like this should not be used as a political chip by anyone of either party (for or against the gun debate). Pandering to the whack jobs on the right is one thing using the victims of a tragedy such as this is disgusting and Brady should be ashamed of himself.====

    Civilians in Texas have concealed carry. Military bases operate under military rules, apart from local law. Military personell, apart from security, only have access to arms and ammunition when involved in training. And yes, one soldier with one cartridge at the scene could have responded much sooner than security. “When seconds count, the police are only minutes away”.


  18. - Joe from Joliet - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 10:42 am:

    Dillard endorsing Obama falls under the heading “workin across the aisle”. How many candidates have made that promise? Obama surely did and his electoral result was a positive one. For him, anyway.

    I will be voting for a Republican who has proven that he will interact with the other party. Dillard is the only I have seen that has done so. I’m really tired of the my-way-or-we-will-stick-it-to-the-other-party modus operandi.

    Kirk Dillard is my choice for Governor.

  19. - Linus - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 10:44 am:

    “Quinn raising your taxes by a few hundered dollars or Ryan cutting yoru salary by over $1000 a year?”

    That’s exactly the heart of the debate we should be having in this state. Which is worse: The elimination or drastic erosion of important services that are far, far more costly to secure on the so-called open market, if you can secure them at all? Or - paying more in taxes to retain those services at reasonable and accessible rates for all who need them?

    And make no mistake, we’re not talking about services that benefit only a few.

    If you’re unsatisfied with public education today - how much better do you think it’ll work tomorrow, after we’ve hacked a few billion $$ more? And turned out into the street more folks in need of mental health programs, addiction counseling and treatment, corrections and juvenile-justice, etc?

    And how much better will society be? How might the crime rate be affected? How might all that affect your own bottom line - both your wallet, and your family’s security and health?

  20. - 47th Ward - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 10:46 am:

    I wasn’t there, but am curious: did they open the program with the Pledge of Allegiance before some started down the 10th Amendement road?

    Ladies and gentlemen, I give you your Illinois Republican Party — in all its horrific glory. Somewhere Abraham Lincoln is weeping.

  21. - Linus - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 10:49 am:

    Addendum, to clarify my earlier blather: The question “which is worse?” is the heart of the necessary debate.

    BOTH in terms of higher taxes vs salary cuts / furloughs, and in terms of higher taxes vs horrendous cuts in important state-supported services.

  22. - John Bambenek - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 10:49 am:

    Gosh, Democrats would never pander to their base.


    Also, we still hold the airport.

  23. - shore - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 10:55 am:

    The tea party folks also had a debate which was posted online the other day. I couldn’t make this one but my thoughts as a not too old republican.

    -Proft and Adam seemed to have the best energy and got the best responses by far. Proft’s zingers are worth the price of admission alone.

    -the mood seemed very anti-establishment and the best responses from candidates were answers that went against the system.

    -for all the bashing the tea party folks get as nuts, the county chairman moderating the debate seemed like a great guy.

    -Whoever told schillerstrom that it was a good idea to yell or to just admit his moderate social positions was giving him bad advice. He was booed both times.

    -Adreski went after mark kirk twice and Kirk’s name was booed heavily-sorry team, louis.

    -Proft made a very off color joke about gays.

    -dillard and brady didn’t register at all.

  24. - Obamarama - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 11:00 am:

    ===Gosh, Democrats would never pander to their base.===

    Nah, we just take them for granted.

  25. - Anonymous - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 11:04 am:

    Again, people should not underestimate how well organized the Tea Bag wing of the party is. There were hundreds more Tea Partiers in Homer Glen than people at the debate. Brady is surprisingly week at these things. He offers rhetoric and no ideas or specific policy proposals….Could Shillerstrom have any more “phony” anger? He is trying too hard. Here is a challenge for these guys…Exactly what parts of the budget would you cut and how much??? $1 billion out of schools? $500 million from roads? $300 million from the University of Illinois? $500 million from law enforcement. Come on guys…Tell us your ideas!

  26. - Levois - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 11:09 am:

    That Andrzejewski video almost reminds me of a late night furniture commercials.

  27. - SangamoGOP - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 11:10 am:

    As a Republican, I would sure like to know when the nat’l and state office holders and candidates will get around to pushing their ideas to make IL and the US better. The nat’l and state Dems have nothing but huge power grab programs that will continue to explode the debt. Rather we get this gang running around complaining about Obama and espousing constitutional rights. Tell us how you will fix Illinois with sound Republican principles. And if you can’t stand on such a message, get out of the the race, get out of politics, just stop pretending.

  28. - shore - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 11:10 am:

    The tea party folks aren’t nuts.

    If the the primary is driven by the tea party folks proft and adam will do very well because their anti-establishment message from watching the tape seemed to resonate much better than dillard and brady’s canned answers. The passion seems to separate the 2.

  29. - Ward Heeler - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 11:11 am:

    Seven of ‘em? Has anyone called them the seven dwarfs yet? Which candidate is which dwarf? Who’s Dopey? Sleepy? Grumpy?

  30. - respectful - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 11:16 am:

    Proft picked up a significant endorsement last night from the Schaumburg Twp Republicans.

  31. - indupage - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 11:17 am:

    As someone who was there, I was reasonably unimpressed with the entire field. Brady’s Ft. Hood answer was bizarre, as was his invocation of the 10th amendment - he actually did appear to be calling for secession if health care passess. Jim Ryan was not prepared. One example was his lack of preparation to be able to address health care. He was very general and didn’t reflect confident knowledge of this issue. Schillerstrom also seemed overly vague and relied on the repeated talking point of being “CEO of at county that’s larger than 6 states”. Dillard drew more groans each time he mentioned Jim Edgar (yeah Kirk, you were his Chief of Staff, we know). McKenna doesn’t speak out (or up) and his answers did not stand out. I actually can’t remember anything interesting he said. Andrzejewski seemed overly aggressive from the podium - but disciplined with respect to his message. Frankly, I thought he came off a little “creepy”. Finally, as much as I hate to admit it, Proft seemed like the smartest and most practical guy on the podium. That said, he just seemed angry. He never looked at any of the other candidates and his answers seemed a little too sarcastic. I can’t put my finger on it, but he comes off a little shady. All in all, I’m more confused than I was before going in. Dillard and Ryan still appear to be the best “politicians” in the race, so it will be interesting to see how it pans out.

  32. - OdysseusVL - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 11:23 am:

    A suggestion:
    Andrzejewski: Grumpy.
    Brady: Dopey.
    Dilliard: Sneezy
    McKenna: Happy
    Proft: Doc
    Ryan: Sleepy
    Schillerstrom: Bashful

  33. - siriusly - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 11:32 am:

    “state Sen. Bill Brady, of Bloomington, vowed to push the legalization of concealed weapons as a potential solution to defending against criminal or terrorist activity. ”

    And how exactly Senator Brady would that have prevented yesterday’s killings?

    Perhaps if guns weren’t so prevalent and easy to access, this inhuman monster wouldn’t have been able to kill so many innocents yesterday.

    Perhaps a tragedy is a time to display compassion and humanity and not opportunism. All these clowns seem so desperate, as you imply Rich.

  34. - shore - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 11:51 am:

    If I was Dan proft or adam andrewski I would go look up joe trippi and howard dean circa 2002-3, read about how they harnessed the power of the netroots and try to catch lightening in a bottle with them only with the tea party folks. neither of them seem to be the kind of candidate that builds a classic campaign and like i said from the tape they really seemed to have that room in their hands.

  35. - True Observer - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 11:58 am:

    All have pluses and minuses.

    But there was NY 23. Dillard down.

    Too many from Dupage. Schillerstrom down.

    Sequels only work in the movies. Ryan down.

    No name worked for Clint but wont for Andrzejewski.

    Leaves Brady and Proft.

    Brady 55% Proft 45%

    Brady has the home schoolers. Proft has the true government reformers. The kind that believe there is a 10th Amendement and the states are sovereign.

    In the general, Proft has a better chance of winning than Brady.

  36. - True Observer - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 12:01 pm:

    Mckenna was left off because he was never in the running.

  37. - Joe from Joliet - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 12:02 pm:

    …in all its horrific glory…

    From someone who probably voted to re-elect Blah-Blah. We will all be paying for that horror fest for many, many years.

  38. - VanillaMan - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 12:12 pm:

    In the general, Proft has a better chance of winning than Brady.

    Not with that irritating little voice of his.

  39. - Chicago Cynic - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 12:15 pm:

    “I can’t put my finger on it, but he comes off a little shady.”

    Gee, Dan “I made $3 million from being Cicero’s PR Flack” Proft is shady? Ya think???

    And True Observer, Dems should only be so lucky to have the race come down to Proft and Brady. Boy what fun THAT would be!

  40. - True Observer - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 12:18 pm:

    “Not with that irritating little voice of his.”

    That’s exactly what the voters are looking for. Someone to irritate government as usual, in case you haven’t noticed.

  41. - Dnstateanon - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 12:20 pm:

    Dillard endorsing Obama falls under the heading “workin across the aisle”.

    Workin across the aisle is fine, doing a campaign commercial for the other side is considered–fraternizing with the enemy.
    Dillard helped get one the most liberal democrats in history get elected. One that is for gun control, Partial birth abortion and that has nationalized the Banks, many businesses and is working on our healthcare system.

  42. - Obamarama - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 12:22 pm:

    Someone above mentioned that Andrejksskijski came off a little bit “creepy.” Having experienced him in person and having heard this from a few other folks, this might be a “thing” for him.

    It is kind of hard to put a finger on, but he has a real intense demeanor and it doesn’t seem like he ever blinks. There truly is something about him that just makes you feel a bit uncomfortable.

    Is anyone else with me on this?

  43. - Blah Blah Blah - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 12:35 pm:

    The add form Andre - - -ski’s add is worse than ‘not great’ It is pathetic

  44. - TaxThePoor? - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 12:38 pm:

    I’d like to note that there has not been one complaint about too many candidates being in these debates on this blog on any article dealing with Republican Gov. debates that included more than 2 candidates.

    7 candidates at this debate, and there isn’t one complaint that there were too many there and that only the “top two” candidates should be invited.

    All 7 candidates were able to present enough of their ideas for you people to make fun of them. So much for the arguments Republican and Democrat partisans usually make to discriminate against other candidates being in debates. Those arguments are just hypocritical and dishonest.

    Just watch, Whitney got 10.4% for Governor last time and they will exclude him from debates again, or at least try like heck to silence his political voice. While no one is complaining about 7 candidates in a Republican debate, and no one complained about 8 candidates in a debate when Barack Obama was running for Senate.

  45. - Vote Quimby! - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 12:45 pm:

    Can’t Whitney use his cotton gin money to buy some ads?

    I also agree that Ryan’s comment to cut $30 a week (40 hours x 75 cents) from, by definition, the poorest of the working poor, is simply pandering. Of course he knows the federal minimum wage is not tied to inflation….good luck with that in the general!

  46. - Anon - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 1:30 pm:

    ==“Not with that irritating little voice of his.”

    That’s exactly what the voters are looking for. Someone to irritate government as usual, in case you haven’t noticed. ==

    Yes, but Proft’s problem is he irritates everyone, including voters.

  47. - JonShibleyFan - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 1:39 pm:

    “In the general, Proft has a better chance of winning than Brady.”

    That does not say much about Brady.

  48. - Deep South - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 1:44 pm:

    I think the reason Whitney did as well as he did was because of dis-satisfaction with Blago and the fact that the GOP candidate was pitiful. I would really be surprised if Whitney does near as well this time around.

  49. - Joe from Joliet - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 1:46 pm:

    - Dnstateanon -

    So what’s your point? Don’t bother trying?

  50. - Anonymous45 - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 1:47 pm:

    off topic, but the “Blago hair” commercial that McKenna is running is hysterical…I can’t not watch it when it airs…well done by whomever!!
    It pokes at Dems and GOPers alike…

  51. - Amalia - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 1:52 pm:

    there’s concealed carry in florida….how’d that work out today?

  52. - LisleMike - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 1:54 pm:

    Any of the (7) Republican candidates are still better than Quinn. Hynes is acting as if the Dem nonimiation were his. Not sure what he stands for except that “I am not like the other Dems you’ve had.” (My quote not his)
    Schillerstom has best credentials as an executive. The senators work collaboratively. Execs make decisions. I want someone who knows how to be a boss, not someone who thinks he knows how. (see our National level executive)
    It’s way early to be potshotting candidates on both sides. We are 90 days from a primary. They’ll be potshotting each other (on both sides) from now until then. The one who wins in my estimation is the one who rises above petty and stays on course (See Va race just decided and who won by staying “above the belt” and ignoring the vitriol of his opponent)
    So far, I’m still with Schillerstom!

  53. - Ghost - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 2:22 pm:

    So exactly how many elections in IL in the last 40 years have been one by Gov canidates pandering their extreme right credentials?

  54. - Dnstateanon - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 2:24 pm:

    Joliet Joe, your right if you can’t figure that out I am not going to waste my time trying.

    Profts ok but I would say with 6 candidates fighting over the Collar and Cook counties leaving Brady as the only downstate candidate he looks pretty good.

  55. - True Observer - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 2:38 pm:

    “Profts ok but I would say with 6 candidates fighting over the Collar and Cook counties leaving Brady as the only downstate candidate he looks pretty good.”

    Brady is the downstate candidate.

    But, Proft has state-wide appeal.

    That’s why they both have edge in winning the nomination.

    The big story is the Schaumburg Township endorsement for Proft. That takes him from fringe to mainstream in one fell swoop even for the lefties who would ordinarily want to try to marginalize him like they did Oberweis.

    This time there are too many races, including Dem races, to try to isolate Proft. They can’t zero in on him to make fun of him. Even the greens have a primary for governor.

    Proft has a good chance to win the nomination.

    If he gets it, he has a good chance to become governor. People like plain spoken politicians.

    As to his baggage, look who’s talking. That includes all the operatives who are on this board.

  56. - Rich Miller - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 2:44 pm:

    ===As to his baggage, look who’s talking. That includes all the operatives who are on this board. ===

    Rod? Is that you?


    Just kidding.

  57. - Obamarama - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 3:11 pm:

    ===But, Proft has state-wide appeal.===

    Appeal only gets you so far without name recognition. The last Rasmussen poll showed that 56% of voters had no opinion of him.

    ===Proft has a good chance to win the nomination.===

    A chance, sure. A good chance? How? His fundraising is meager–Matt Murphyesque if you will–and he doesn’t exactly have a prolific resume of public service.

    ===like they did Oberweis===
    The milkman marginalized himself by turning into a perennial losing candidate, allegedly hiring illegal immigrants (which apparently doesn’t play so well with Republicans, who would’ve thought?), and committing a campaign violation earning him a slap on the wrist from the FEC.

  58. - Bubs - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 3:22 pm:

    I was there and I agree that Proft came across best as the candidate with answers rather than platitudes. I thought Schillerstrom came across well, but others were more neutral about him. Adam A. is strictly for the Illinois Review crowd: shrill and somewhat out in space.

    I think Brady, Dillard and Ryan need to wake up to the fact that the voters want answers on how to resolve our multiple crises, not nice mouthings like “We will need to look at how every dime is spent!” That is what candidates should be doing NOW, not after the election.

    Proft is on to it. McKenna appears to be zeroing in on just this point, looking at his first ad. If McKenna comes up with decent answers, and continues his “air war” with that family fortune, he can blow by the others no matter what the party bosses may say.

    This race remains completely up for grabs.

  59. - Johny Lycho - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 4:11 pm:

    Let’s not forget Mckenna tried this during the Senate campaign. He came in 4th

  60. - Johny Lycho - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 4:12 pm:

    I personally think Dillard was the only one who came across as stateman like. I also think he is the only one who can win in November.

  61. - Bubs - Friday, Nov 6, 09 @ 4:36 pm:

    Johny Lycho -

    I agree, but McKenna appears to be coming in with better ads this time around, if the “Hair Piece” was any indication. Love it or hate it, it was memorable, and got everyone talking about McKenna, a commendable result this early in the campaign, where all seven are straining for voter recognition. He will need meatier ads on the issues, but they can wait.

    I do know that he has some other campaigns worried on this score.

  62. - Northsider - Saturday, Nov 7, 09 @ 11:44 am:

    Where is the 2 million Dillard was supposed to have on Oct 1st? I am not sure but if he raised it we all would have heard don’t you think?
    Brady is like “dead man walking” he has been at this for the last 7 years and NOBODY is following him.
    Adam A is supposed to have money he better be ready to put it in now and not at the end, if he does he can begin to pull away money and the conservative base will be hard to stop. His ad is short but.. HE IS AND HAS BEEN ON THE AIR!!!!! This is now his third ad. I haven’t seen the other conservative showing they can even get on the air.
    Andy who did this last time and came in 4 out of 5 he still can’t say why he’s running. Schillerstrom just does not play well in a GOP primary, pro abortion, anti gun etc.
    Jim Ryan ran one of the worst campaigns in Illinois history last time and that’s when he was on his game this time he’s lost.
    I still don’t think Proft has the staying power to make it to the end his schtick is getting old Yes it was good at the beginning Illinois is fixed but it is now almost as bad as I was Jim Edgars chief of staff people are laughing in the crowd every time he says it (Both of them I mean).
    This race is wide open and just a few months ago who would have thunk that?

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