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Question of the day

Friday, Nov 13, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* For which lieutenant governor candidate will you be voting this February? Explain.

If you don’t know who’s running, click here and do a search.


  1. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 11:09 am:

    Art Turner.

    Turner had the integrity and the guts to advance legislation abolishing Illinois’ broken death penalty system.

    A system that every politician knows is broken, a fact every one is afraid to admit or do something about.

    Except Art Turner.

  2. - VanillaMan - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 11:11 am:

    Mike Boland
    I want someone who isn’t from Cook County, and someone Rod Blagojevich fought with.

  3. - LincolnLounger - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 11:14 am:

    Matt Murphy easily stands out in the GOP field. The remainder of the field simply isn’t qualified.

  4. - Obamarama - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 11:16 am:

    Art Turner–because the Speaker says so.

  5. - Skeptical Cynic - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 11:20 am:

    Can I vote for Pat Quinn to go back to being Lt. Gov? The position seemed better suited to his talents than his current one.

  6. - A Moderate's Moderate - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 11:28 am:

    Rickey hendon. I dont know about you but the thought of rickey hendon with a 2 million dollar budget and all the time in the world to hold press conferences sounds entertaining to me!

  7. - JoJo - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 11:32 am:

    It’s a good fit because Boland has done relatively nothing in his district as representative.

  8. - Teacher - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 11:36 am:

    Dennis Cook, he is the only one with a background in education and we all know that Illinois needs education reform.

  9. - 47th Ward - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 11:37 am:

    In a a rare instance of agreement with VanillaMan, I’m also leaning toward Boland. In my estimation, (and assuming he wins the nomination)Quinn deserves to have someone in that office as loyal to him as he was to Blagojevich. Boland is that person.

    Of course, should Hynes pull this out, I’d probably prefer Turner in that role and would hope Hynes would bring him into some of the governing that needs to happen under a Hynes administration. Turner’s experience in the House Dem Leadership, if called upon, would be invaluable to Hynes.

  10. - cassandra - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 11:38 am:

    matt murphy. I heard him on Chicago Tonight earlier in the year and thought he sounded sensible and, well, not crazy. Plus, he doesn’t appear to see raising my middle class taxes as the crusade of the decade.

  11. - fedup dem - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 11:41 am:

    Perhaps we could feature all of the Lt. Governor wannabes on a reality TV series, where they can perform various stunts (like shutting off the alarm radio when the newscaster isn’t leading off with “Governor Dies Overnight” or “Governor Arrested by Feds this Morning”) to demonstrate their potential skills in office. Who knows… the proceeds from the program could go a long way in reducing the state budget deficit!

  12. - Randolph - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 11:43 am:

    Art Turner

    Absolute integrity and one of the best people you’ll ever meet.

    YDD also hit on an important issue, at least for me. I’ll never forget hearing Art speaking on death penalty abolition when he pulled the bill from the record without a vote. It was pretty inspirational.

  13. - Corey - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 11:47 am:

    Art Turner.

    A public policy egghead and someone who stood by MJM and took on Blago.

  14. - Will County Observer - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 11:48 am:

    Looking at the field for GOP Lt. Gov…

    Don Tracy… Democrat.
    Matt Murphy… Thought teaming up with McKenna a good idea? No thanks.
    Jason Plummer… 27 years old? Has he ever worked for anyone other than his dad?
    Brad Cole… haven’t seen him in person.
    Randy White… Have you seen this guy’s website? He’ll come in last place.

    Dennis Cook. President of a large school district, responsible with taxpayer money. Helps the Party with developing Young Republican chapters across the state. Comes from Cook County where he has to defend his Republican values daily, unlike people from downstate. This guy has a thicker skin than any of the other candidates, and would be the best running mate for the Gov nominee.
    I’m voting for Cook.

  15. - Another Downstater - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 11:50 am:

    I’ll be voting for Brad Cole. He’s a honest, sensible guy that I can understand.

  16. - DuPage Denny - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 11:52 am:

    Matt Murphy. Although I’m not happy with him signing up w/ McKenna, I’m not going to throw him under the bus for that move alone. Overall he is a solid and competent guy. He’s been in the senate long enough to know the problems without being there too long so that he’s part of the problem.

    Even if he loses I think he’d be a guy to watch in the senate caucus for leadership in the upcoming years.

    The other LG candidates on the GOP side just aren’t that solid. Most are also-rans. Although Dennis Cook is a good guy, going from a school board president to LG is a big leap. He should become a Cook County commissioner or go to the legislature first. Jason Plummer is a solid guy, but again, he’s never held any sort of actual office other than a party chairman downstate. His main qualifications is that he comes from a wealthy downstate family and is pounding the pavement hard. Don Tracy is a non-starter. He ran as a democrat in 2002 for state senate.

  17. - Ray del Camino - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 12:01 pm:

    Art Turner–smart, plain-spoken, policy-oriented, blocked from rising any higher in the lege (unless there were any leadership term limits). Easy choice.

  18. - My Enemy's Enemy - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 12:20 pm:

    State Senator Rickey Hendon despises Art Turner.

    If that isn’t enough to earn Turner the Tribune endorsement, I don’t know what is.

  19. - Team Sleep - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 12:22 pm:

    I’m leaning towards Brad Cole. As a “southern Illinois” guy myself, it would be nice to have an elected official from southern Illinois. He runs Carbondale fairly efficiently and has already won two tough races. It’s a shame that Dave Winters dropped out; he was my choice.

  20. - SweetLou - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 12:28 pm:

    Thomas Castillo, if only because he’s the only latino on the statewide ballot. I know it’s not a good reason but I certainly aint voting for “Hollywood”, and he’s a good alternative.

  21. - future - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 12:29 pm:

    For a job that does next to nothing it is nice to see fresh faces. Cook and plummer will be around for a long time no matter if they win or not. I might just vote for one of them.

  22. - MadeOFF - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 12:32 pm:

    A quick check of the Illinois’ campaign contributions online database shows that Boland has used his clout to reward his own supporters with college educations. Boland, like each lawmaker, is given two four-year full-ride scholarships to a state school each year. These scholarships cost taxpayers more than $4.5 million per year.

    Public records show Barb Suehl, of Fulton, has donated $19,891 to Boland’s campaign. More public records show that Boland awarded $17,536 in legislative scholarships to Suehl’s daughter.

    Boland’s self-serving dealings are the last thing Illinois needs.

  23. - PinkGirl - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 12:32 pm:

    Castillo, he’s a working man, Union member, all around good guy, is making the effort to go around the state with no money. The in my opinion has a lot of integrity

  24. - Moving to Oklahoma - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 12:34 pm:

    Brad Cole. We need a voice from Southern Illinois.

  25. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 12:37 pm:

    Plummer? Who are his references?

    “Dad thinks I do a bang-up job. When I am old enough …I plan to run for US Senate or even President. Golly, this real world stuff looks so cool, after i win Lt. Governor, I might even go for Captain Governor, or even Major Governor. Politics is cool.”

    The GOP wants to be taken seriously. Plummer needs to get outside his comfort zone and prove himself. The only thing he has proved is that genetically he is wealthy.

  26. - The Real Truth - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 12:38 pm:

    Mike Boland would not be serving in the General Assembly if it were not for (Chicago) House Speaker Madigan. Madigan has given Mike Boland thousands and thousands of dollars for his House elections. Mike has made few friends in his district who wish to financially support him unless he awards their child with a state funded General Assembly scholarship. This was reported in the Capitol Fax previously and is well know in Boland’s area.

    Vanilla Man, Boland may not be from Cook County but has been bought and paid for with Chicago money. Look at all his campaign disclosure reports!!!

  27. - Downstate GOP Faithless - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 12:39 pm:

    i almost wish i were pulling a D ballot just so i could vote for Hollywood

  28. - Dirtybird - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 12:46 pm:

    Art Turner…because he has a terrific sense of humor.

  29. - nice kid - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 12:47 pm:

    Link is going to win it. Why would you bother supporting anyone else. IT’S LINK!

  30. - wordslinger - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 12:51 pm:

    Turner. Solid, decent, experienced guy who could step in as governor.

  31. - Wise One - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 12:53 pm:

    Dennis Cook has my vote. Honest and hard working
    and will always fight the corruption in Springfield

  32. - hmoore3 - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 12:58 pm:

    Well, considering the high rate of Illinois governors who wind up on wiretaps, under indictment, etc I think that whoever gets the gig should be able to, if necessary, could step into the top spot and not make the problem worse. With that, I’m likely with Turner. That said we should probably abolish the seat and put the money towards paying the Medicaid backlog, refunding education or jetpacks or something.

  33. - DocWade - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 12:59 pm:

    Art Turner– Best man for the job. He’s smart, easy-going and does his homework on the issues. Art is very straight forward, and a man of his word. He’s policy-oriented, has friends on both sides of the aisle, and a great deal of state government experience. He has my vote.

  34. - Obama Girl - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 1:03 pm:

    Scott Lee Cohen has my vote! He’s not one of those corrupt career politicians that we see all the time. It’s time to elect someone to office in IL that doesn’t owe anyone else favors!

  35. - KankakeeCountyDem - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 1:07 pm:

    Terry Link. Straight shooter with good ideas about what to do with what’s now a non-influential office. Knows how to get stuff actually done in Springfield. And nothings getting done down there now.

  36. - Rich Miller - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 1:08 pm:

    I’ve deleted a few comments because they appeared to be from the same person.

    Don’t do that. Being a newbie is no excuse.

  37. - KankakeeCountyDem - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 1:12 pm:

    Also not sure about Cohen’s background. I don’t think running pawn shops is a particularly noble business. Just one person’s opinion.

  38. - GOPwillWin - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 1:24 pm:

    I am voting for Jason Plummer because he is the only conservative in this race. Jason represents the core gop beliefs and values. He also has the dough to win a primary. No another canidate has a chance for the following reasons;

    -Tracy is Democrat, won’t spend much money.
    -Cole has no money to win and comes from the deep South with no votes
    -Murphy can’t raise funds, McKenna is throwing him under the bus by not giving Murphy air time.
    -Cook, wow school board, he does not have any money
    -White talks like he managed every race in Illinois, he is a flake and wacko, again, no money.

  39. - Rich Miller - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 1:29 pm:

    ===McKenna is throwing him under the bus by not giving Murphy air time.===

    Actually, the deal is that Murphy will appear in all of McKenna’s ads.

  40. - Anon - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 1:30 pm:

    Absolutely no idea. It’ll have to be one of the Republicans, but the only guys in the field that seem a reasonable individual to be one breath away from the Governor’s office are Tracy, Cole and Murphy, and I have trouble with Tracy having run as a Democrat the last time he was on the ballot. Probably Cole or Murphy.

  41. - republican fella - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 1:31 pm:

    Jason Plummer without question - i have heard him speak a few times and I’m very impressed with what he has to say. I really don’t think there is any comparison to the other candidates, he talks about growing the economy, creating jobs and ethics - all things he has accomplished - he has my vote!!

  42. - politico2009 - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 1:32 pm:

    I’d have to go with Castillo or Cohen… everyone else is part of the problem.

  43. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 1:37 pm:

    If the only criteria for the GOP nomination is that you are a conservative, the party is in dire straits.

    Pat Quinn proved that the LG spot is not for “someone who has the dough to win the primary” If Plummer gets in trouble, all the “experience” he can lean on is working in a business that someone else built so he could have “all that dough”.

    Cole is an executive, voted by the people, to run a town.

    Murphy, an elected official with a record, and adult experience in government.

    If Plummer claims that those two have bad records, didn’t do enough, or don’t stand for somehing he believes in, what has Plummer stood up for, a check he gets from his family every two weeks?

    Being blessed with the “wealthy gene” does not give people comfort that if something happens to the governor, that the state is in good hands because a wealthy kid who is bored at dad’s lumber yard will help this state.

    Getting a salary, that most people would really call “an allowance” when doing work for dad, does not give anyone a wasm-fuzzy feel about “having my core beliefs of working hard for all I got.”

    Murphy or Cole are the choices. Just becuase a kid thinks running the state would be as cool as having an electric train set to run will not make voters feel better.

  44. - Anon - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 1:44 pm:

    Gotta go with Tracy - he’s the only one with the experience to get the job done. It’s a scary thought to have a Plummer or White a heartbeat away from being governor. Murphy sold out when he joined McKenna and Cole just doesn’t impress me.

  45. - dew page - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 1:45 pm:

    Plummer. Easy choice. For a supposedly “spoiled” guy he has made some interesting life choices: joined and still serves in the military. Started his own companies. Hmm…
    How about the others - trial attorneys and bureaucrats. Please. People like Plummer are who this party needs.

  46. - Rich Miller - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 1:46 pm:

    Does anybody else find it strange that so many Republican commenters seem to be playing the class warfare card against Plummer?

  47. - ConservativeLady - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 1:46 pm:

    Murphy is the Man for the Job. Good family man, conservative, and background. He’ll do the best job in the office of Lt. Governor.

  48. - Ralph - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 1:47 pm:

    Turner is my choice. As a citizen of C’dale I might consider Cole just to get rid of him.

  49. - Newarknancy - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 1:49 pm:

    Matt Murphy is the best candiate for Lt. Governor, he has a proven track record in IL Senate for cutting taxes and being a fiscal conservative!

  50. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 1:53 pm:

    Look, directly from the Plummer website:

    “In one of his most recent projects, he has worked to develop a hotel, revitalize a retail shopping center, and bring a new R.P. Lumber location to Lincoln, IL, creating new jobs. His economic development experience includes intensive work in the 43 communities in Illinois that R.P. Lumber proudly serves as well as numerous other areas around the state.”

    Sounds alot like that “R.P. Pluumer” lumber thing is THE thing he is hanging his hat on …”…recently…”. Not so much on the other companies thing

    Do not “kid” (pun intended) yourself, a bored rich kid. Experience beyond a family tree is needed. If Pat Quinn had this kid’s resume when taking over for Rod, these same apologists would hammer him as a bored rich kid who is leading us downward because all he knows is what his dad’s company taught him. We need to hold that same standard for a GOP LG in waiting.

    Not to be all negative, we should all thank him for his service to our country.

  51. - wordslinger - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 1:53 pm:

    –Does anybody else find it strange that so many Republican commenters seem to be playing the class warfare card against Plummer?–

    LOL. The New Populism. GOPers have been nailing McKenna for it, too.

    When the GOP resents the rich, you know we live in interesting times.

  52. - Bill - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 1:55 pm:

    Ricky Hendon because he has some shake in his game.

  53. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 1:57 pm:

    Good point Rich,

    When I see Kendall County, and I see the impact of “republican” families on job loses, forecloseures, and not being able to keep people on payroll at companies that hwve been around the Fox Valley for 50+ years, the last thing you want is the “boss’ kid” to tell you it will be fine, when you know the last time they had to worry was… never.

    Go out on your own, get some scars, win some trophies, make your mark. But do not tell me you are doing this on your own, on your own terms when you still are teething on the silver spoon dad made.


  54. - BigRepub74 - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 2:00 pm:

    I’ll be voting for Jason Plummer. People can say what they want about his age, but he is the hardest working state-wide candidate right now and that is an indicator of how hard he will work if elected. Sure, his father has done well. Should we elect people who have no exposure to good money management? That wouldn’t be much of a change for Illinois. If people are going to criticize him, why not pick something meaningful, like a policy stance? Anyway, I went to school at SIU-Carbondale and there’s no way I’m voting for Brad Cole. Plummer seems like a good pick.

  55. - WOW - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 2:01 pm:

    Rich I agree. Since when was being a young, family wealthy, republican a bad thing in the parties eye’s?

    On the Dem. side Boland is a hypocrite who shouldn’t be elected dog catcher. Hendon can’t be trusted with $20 of state money; Turner (while a nice sharp guy) is part of the Chicago problem in this state as a lt. of the Speaker who is setting his son up to take over. Cohen is trying to buy the race, Costillo …. who? Link has had his faults and some of these will get beaten up here but he was the driving force of the Statewide smoking ban and has repeatedly tried to pass expanded gaming in this state … is that the answer to the state’s problems? No but at least it is something. Who else has made any suggestions that is running for LT. Gov (other than Murphy who has a secret plan to balance the budget and get us out of debt he just can’t tell us about it).

  56. - I support Scott - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 2:02 pm:

    Scott Lee Cohen.


    ‘Nuff said.

  57. - anon - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 2:06 pm:

    whatever happened to Mark Fairchild?

  58. - GOPwillWin - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 2:08 pm:

    Rich, Murphy is being thrown under the bus, yes Murphy is appearing in the ads, but unless you are a “insider” you know its Murphy and at the end of McKenna’s commercials the only recognition Murphy gets is his name appearing on the logo. Of course this does not hurt Murphy, but in order to win. Murphy needs his own tv ads with himself talking or someone saying “murphy” etc.

    How did Gidwitiz and Rausch fair? Point taken…

  59. - Prove Up - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 2:09 pm:

    Brad Cole

    Only candidate with Mayoral experience. We need to improve Muni-state relations, especially with the huge unfunded pension obligations. He gets it.

  60. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 2:09 pm:

    What does he work hard at, being a candidate? When dad owns the company, you can take all the time you want to run for anything.

    “…people exposed to good money management…”? If that was the critera, then Jack! Ryan would have been fine, and no questions about anything in his character would have forced him out.

    Policy stance? Where in the practice have we seen Plummer VOTE on a policy and judge how it went. According to that logic, anyone whose says we need to be more fiscally responsible is brilliant.

    The throwaway line about Carbondale makes me wonder if there is any “there” there in Plummer’s policies.

    Why do I care?

    two words - Pat Quinn.

    We are not electing one of 435 members of congress or one of 59, 188 in the IL GA. This kid could be running our state because he was made VP in his dad’s company and has the “dough to win”.

    This is not Peter Fitzgerald or even Alexi … this person would run the state.

    Pat Quinn.

    Pat Quinn made this serious business.

  61. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 2:20 pm:

    lol… and yes, I know 118 in Il House … thanks to … Pat Quinn!

    Also, voters, keep this in mind, VPs only take over for the president because of death, or resignation (1 time).

    Governors, as of late have (1) taken cabinet positions, (2) left because of scandal, (3) left because of impeachment, (4) left to become ambassadors, and those are but a few.

    It’s not like the president where most likely a death comes into play. Whose to say a repub governor doesn’t leaves to be even a supreme court justice???? (okay, not likely a IL governor, but …)

    This is a real job, that can affect us. Illinois has been lucky.

  62. - ls - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 2:23 pm:

    art turner, met him a few times- good guy, experience

  63. - Rich Miller - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 2:26 pm:

    GOPwillWin, you forgot about somebody: Joe Birkett. He was way down in the polls until JBT put him in her TV ads.

    It’s November. There is much to be seen yet. If you think he’s being thrown under the bus, you’re not seeing the whole picture yet or you’re just angling for partisan advantage.

  64. - kankakee gop - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 2:29 pm:

    I think cook is the best candidate for the GOP. I see alot of people saying Plummer is the best because he is a good speaker. I know of another good speaker and he is our socalist president. I also see people saying he is the only one with money. Is he gonna buy the election? He also has no experience of any kind. Again kind of like O’bama. At least Cook has been involved in the school systems and is not all just talk.

  65. - Ted Kord - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 2:32 pm:

    Since it’s Friday afternoon, and I can’t tell if Snark is being encouraged or not, I’m going to go out on a limb and say I’m writing myself in. With such a wide-open race, I stand at least halfway decent odds of winning. That’s me, Ted Kord, of Kord Industries, a subsidiary of the Shinehart Wig Company, write-in for Lieutenant Governor, with the political party of your choosing. I approved this message. Kind of.

  66. - MembershipOnly - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 2:36 pm:

    You kidding me?? For sure Matt Murphy… only one who’s qualified, and only one who could actually make something of the Lt gov position.

  67. - Billy - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 2:37 pm:

    Thomas Castillo isn’t part of the Chicago machine.

  68. - Anon - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 2:40 pm:

    First choice Murphy, second choice Cole.

    Murphy has a good enough resume to run for the top office, just not the money and name recognition to win. He’d be more than qualified to step right in.

    Cole has executive experience, knows how to win tough elections, and experience in previous administrations to know how things work (although that also might be a hinderance in an election since he worked for Ryan). Also being a Southern Illinois guy would add needed geographical diversity to the ticket.

  69. - GOPwillWin - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 2:41 pm:

    Good point about Birkett. I think the race for LG will come down to Plummer and Murphy, Tracy a strong 3rd place.

  70. - Cook Lady - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 2:42 pm:

    Oswego Willy is killing me. He is like a one man wrecking crew against Jason Plummer. Or, actually, attempting to be one. I mean, we get the point…you don’t him…lol.
    Jason Plummer = volunteered and serves in the military. Started and runs his own businesses. Has been involved in politics in a variety of ways. Come from apparently a very well-respected downstate family.
    Murphy = A sell-out plaintiff’s attorney.

    When it comes to tough, principled decisions in Springfield do I want the military officer and the businessman or do I want the guy who sells his soul to Andy “the outsider” McKenna?

  71. - Will County Woman - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 2:50 pm:

    I’m not sure on which candidate yet.
    But it definitely won’t be turner or hendon. I know it won’t happen this election cycle, but given the state’s financial situation I lean toward doing away with the Lt. Guv’s office. We gotten along all year without one. There is law as to who follows should a guv not be able to continue. All we have to do is scratch the lt. guv out and continue on down the line.

    If I had to pick, as someone else previously expressed, I wish that Quinn were an option because he was excellent in that role. It’s not a knock against Quinn at all; he is better-suited for a smaller office where he can be the standout. Arguably he could probably be regarded as one of the best lt. guv’s the state has ever had. It’s unfortunate that Blago did not see fit to include him more. Quinn was an underutilized asset/resource for sure. Clearly it does this state no good to have superstar ego types in the guv’s office because they only clash with the more powerful forces in Springfield and it creates unnecessary gridlock. The guv’s office should be held by Edgar types who are low-key and low-mantience and don’t try to make the office all about them (the office is too big for that), but who can ONLY when necessary raise elevate their game/pitch to call attention to themselves.

  72. - downstate conservative - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 2:50 pm:

    My vote is for Plummer. I’m familiar with the Plummer family, and if anyone else knows Bob Plummer, they’ll know that he’s never given his kids anything that they haven’t worked their tails off for. Jason paid his own way through college, started his first business while in college and works about 90 hours/week.

    He’s the only candidate, to my knowledge, with military experience, he’s stronger on gun issues than any other candidate, and he’s rock solid on abortion and traditional marriage. And, he’s managed budgets that the other candidates couldn’t dream of.

    I think people need to get off of the “rich kid” kick, and appreciate the fact that Bob Plummer came from nothing, built an incredible business, and has instilled work ethic, fiscal responsibility and humility in all three of his children.

    We need young conservative leaders in this party, and Plummer is the guy who will get my vote in the LG race. I think he’s got the right message by focusing on jobs, and he has experience in creating jobs. He also understands how tough this state has made it for anyone to do business here, and what needs to change to attract business.

    Tracy: democrat
    Murphy: personal injury lawyer who teamed up with McKenna
    Cole: No money, no message
    Cook: school board president, no message
    White: whacko

  73. - Oswego William - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 2:52 pm:

    I’m voting for Jason Plummer.
    He’s a conservative. He’s a good guy.
    We need new blood. We need a true, principled outsider. We need someone who has done things outside of politics.
    I love it…he’s driving the establishment nuts through simple grassroots hard work. I love it! Plummer all the way.

  74. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 2:53 pm:

    “Sell out Attorney”? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    Seems as thought the Plummer website only highlights his dad’s company and him being the VP … lots of noise about “other businesses” but when it comes to brass tax, its Plummer Lumber.

    Illinois deserves better that a kid whose most important decision at his dad’s company could very well be “casual friday”.

    Again, if Quinn had Plummer’s credentials when he took over for Rod, these apologists would be all over Quinn as the spoiled rich kid that was bored working for dad, so why not run for a cool job?


    Conservatives, Plummer’s um … uh … base … would pummel Quinn.

    Murphy or Cole seem to be the best bet to safely take the reigns of this state if need be.

    Go out on your own, get some scars, win some trophies, make your mark. But do not tell me you are doing this on your own, on your own terms when you still are teething on the silver spoon dad made.

  75. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 2:56 pm:

    lol …. Oswego William….

    “I think people need to get off of the “rich kid” kick, and appreciate the fact that Bob Plummer came from nothing, built an incredible business,…”

    Is Bob running … all too funny.

    You would think conservatives would shutter at the fact a kid could run the state, facing a Mike Madigan, a fiscal crisis, and only have job that gives “a sweet allowance, dude!”

    Pat Quinn getting sworn it should scare you back to reality that LG is not a cool job to learn while taking a break from working for dad.

  76. - Rich Miller - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 2:57 pm:

    downstate conservative, your post is very similar to another one above.

    One can only wonder whether Mr. Plummer is spamming this site with his supporters.

    Try to be original here.

  77. - Oswego William - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 2:59 pm:

    Quit copying and pasting Willy.
    We know you’re in the bag for Murphy.
    I am in the bag for Plummer. Not hiding it. But, I don’t have to hide it when I have reason.

    Attack Jason Plummer for something other than coming from a successful family.
    Attack Plummer for building his own businesses.
    Attack Plummer for joining the military.
    Attack Plummer for being a hard worker.
    Attack Plummer for being an outsider.
    Attack Plummer for being a conservative.
    Attack Plummer for not selling out.
    Attack him for these things…you know…things he has accomplished. The “spoiled rich kid” message is weak, intellectually dishonest, and sounds like something grade school children would use. But if it’s all you have…

  78. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 3:04 pm:

    Never attacked his military record, are you reading what i wrote.

    Also, I like Murphy and Cole … trying to decide on the two, but what i do know, is that seeing a kid who is bored being swarn in as governor like Pat Quinn did because a crisis requires it is good enough reason NOT to vote for Plummer.

    If Plummer were running for Guv, would he be looked at as qualified???? If not, then why is he wualified to be 1 step away. Guess what, he’s not.

  79. - Rich Miller - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 3:08 pm:

    OK, enough.

    OW, you’ve answered the question. Move along. Others, heed the warning as well.

  80. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 3:09 pm:

    Sorry Rich, great QOTD!

  81. - WOW - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 3:10 pm:

    Rich maybe you could ask each of the Lt. Gov. campaigns to write no more than 500 words on why they should be elected or what they would make the office into so we could see what some of these less known guys are about. I know nothing about a couple of the repubs or about Castillo on the Dem side.

  82. - Rich Miller - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 3:11 pm:

    Maybe after the field is winnowed a bit.

  83. - Conservative Veteran - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 3:12 pm:

    I’ll vote for Randy White. He’s pro-tax cuts, pro-spending cuts, pro-life, and pro-gun rights. He has enough political experience, since he’s a county commissioner. Although Matt Murphy is a conservative state senator, my respect, for him, decreased because he endorsed Rep. Kirk and Andy McKenna.

  84. - WOW - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 3:15 pm:

    Maybe if all of the challanges go through the Dem.’s will only have Hollywood and Cohen to chose from …. wow talk about it being Friday the 13th!

  85. - P. - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 3:18 pm:

    Link. I think he’ll be a good consumer advocate if he gets the job. Join Castillo’s Facebook site and you’ll find out he’s a goof in 12-16 hours. Cohen will spend a lot of his pawn shop franchise money, but I really don’t think he’s a good fit for the gig.

  86. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 3:20 pm:

    Rich … i stopped, and I have been around here a while … maybe some are overzealous?

  87. - james - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 3:41 pm:

    Art Turner would be most helpful, among the LG options, as a running mate for the democratic gubernatorial candidate in the General election campaign. Knowledgable, likeable, low-key, a unifier.

    If elected, he has people skills and relationships with the legislature that would enable him to be more than a place-sitter.

  88. - PFK - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 3:45 pm:

    I’m voting for Don Crawford, because he’s a good guy and he’s unopposed

  89. - Been There - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 3:46 pm:

    I will probably vote for Turner. Great guy who has always been straight with us on our issues (90% of the time at least). Personable and has a good grasp of the issues. (He would have to bring Bobbie with him to the LG office though or he loses my vote.)
    I actually like and get along with Hendon. Never did understand how him and Art spent all those years in the same area hating each other. Before I knew better I accidentally invited both of them to a luncheon. They both left early. I can’t believe Rickey would go to all this trouble just to screw with Art and take votes from him but I also can’t believe Rickey thinks he can win, at least in the long run.
    Even though I like Rickey, I think he would be a disaster to the ticket if he gets nominated. I can just see Hynes and Hendon campaigning together. What an image.
    I saw personally that Madigan’s people were looking at Rickey’s petitions but I also knew Rickey was going downtown almost daily to check his own petitions before he turned them in. So I knew he would be safe. It’s going to be an interesting race and it will be interesting to see how much money and manpower Madigan will throw in to help Art.

  90. - Right Winger - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 3:47 pm:

    I’m leaning towards Plummer, because I’m all about ambitious young conservative candidates. Of the Lt. Gov candidates, my preference are in this order:


  91. - Rich Sr - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 4:00 pm:

    The only one I could be sure about would be Boland, I’m sure I’d never vote for him!

  92. - Boone Logan Square - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 4:38 pm:

    I vote for Lt. Governor based on the possibility that the person in the job might have to move up one step. In this field, Art Turner strikes me as the most competent and capable candidate for the job; I would not at all mind seeing him as governor at some point. (That is not an endorsement of misfortune upon Pat Quinn, merely appreciation for Turner’s view of government and demonstrated capability.)

  93. - dupage progressive - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 4:43 pm:

    Link’s the best guy for the job. He’s been around enough to know how to get something done — something difficult like smoke free Illinois. I mean, how many years have they been trying to pass that bill?
    He’s a great guy too - always gives it to you straight. I’m definitely voting for Link!

  94. - A-Town - Friday, Nov 13, 09 @ 4:47 pm:

    I’m for Brad Cole because he’s downstate, way downstate, and has paid his dues in local politics, gained experience as an executive officeholder, and is all around nice guy. He’s also just as conservative as anyone else in the race.

    I believe all of the negative comments about Plummer regarding his dad’s money are likely out of jealousy. I know that’s why I don’t like him!

    Seriously though, the statewide positions are for candidates that paid their dues in the general assembly, in county elected positions, or even as Mayor of a medium to large city like Carbondale. Plummer has zero experience in any of these areas. He came home from Washington, tried to make a big splash, and got elected County Party Chair. As a Madison County Republican and committeman, let me tell you, he didn’t do a bang up job with the party post.

    Plummer should run against Jay Hoffman or for one of the vacant county posts, like Madison County Treasurer. Hey, it was Shimkus’s stepping stone to Congress.

    Whatever happened to paying your dues and building a resume????

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