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Tuesday, Nov 17, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This morning, the Rockford Register Star wrote that Congressman Dan Manzullo is “normally a rational, deliberative lawmaker.” Well, Manzullo was interviewed on WREX TV in Rockford the other day and had this to say about moving the Gitmo terrorists to Thomson prison

“These are really, really mean people whose job it is to kill people, driven by some savage religion,” says U.S. Rep. Don Manzullo, R-16.

Watch it

Manzullo is rightly upset that he wasn’t in the loop on this thing. He found out like everybody else - after the Thomson decision was leaked to the media. But considering his reaction, it’s no wonder nobody talked to him first.

* Congressman Mark Kirk has a new name for the Thomson prison: “Great Lakes Gitmo.”


Kirk also claimed that the Obama administration had given $200 million to the island nation of Palau to accept “six terrorists.” Those “terrorists” have actually been deemed no threat by the military. And, as I told subscribers yesterday, that $200 million was really a $50 million increase in Palau’s 15-year $150 million aid package. That’s still a nice little bump. Illinois should be getting more money for this. Period. Watch Kirk

It’s not like Kirk and the other opponents lack for material here. I mean, the opposition speeches practically write themselves. But why do they feel the need to make stuff up, create silly nicknames and slur entire religions?

* Meanwhile, Republican state Rep. Jim Sacia, who represents the Thomson prison area, let loose on some of his fellow Republicans today

“I understand I’m on different pages of music with others in my party. First of all this should not be a partisan issue in anyway. If President Obama brings the detainees on U.S. soil and we sit here with a brand new state-of-the-art, max security prison, sitting vacant for the last eight years, and pass on an opportunity to sell it to the federal government, which we would fill it with 1,500 regular prisoners and 800 detainees, what is the problem? The building was designed to do that.

“The only reason we have rhetoric now is because of the closing of Gitmo,” Sacia concluded. “It makes no sense at all. This is a tremendous opportunity and we would be idiots to waste it.” […]

“I saw Mark Kirk making some comment about potentially a terrorist attacking Chicago,” [Rep. Sacia] said. “For Christ sakes. Chicago is 150 miles from Thomson… I’m very upset about [his rhetoric]. I understand people wanting to take a stand. But before you take a stand get the facts. I didn’t make a comment on this until I sat through a three hour briefing yesterday.”

“It certainly wouldn’t be my position if I were running for [the Senate],” Sacia added.

Sacia is a former FBI agent, by the way.

But the Illinois GOP is not letting up. From a press release…

In a crushing blow to Governor Pat Quinn and Senator Dick Durbin’s plan to move Gitmo to Illinois, Democratic Illinois Congresswoman Melissa Bean today announced she opposed any transfer of terrorists to the United States – including Illinois.

The Lake County News Sun today quotes Congresswoman Bean as saying: “I remain opposed to transferring Guantanamo detainees to Illinois, or anywhere in the United States, without substantial assurances regarding potential security threats.”

Bean’s statement comes on the heels of new survey results showing that only 32% of Illinois voters support the Quinn/Durbin plan while 57% oppose.

“We hope other Democrats like Bill Foster and Debbie Halvorson will have the courage to stand up to Governor Quinn and Senator Durbin and do what’s right for the people of Illinois,” Illinois Republican Party Chairman Pat Brady said.

Clever politics, for sure.

* You really gotta wonder just how much thought Pat Quinn put into this idea. Did he even have a clue about the sort of political bomb he was detonating? The last line in this Bob Schillerstrom press release pretty much sums it up…

“I understand and appreciate the deep concerns of families presented with the idea of bringing Gitmo detainees to Illinois. We should all agree that the safety of our communities must be the first consideration of government and not compromised, regardless of perceived economic benefit.

“It is stunning to see some sidestep public safety and address this as a question of job creation. And it is also surprising to see others dismiss those jobs without discussion of the merits of the proposal. More information would assist all parties in separating fact from fiction. That is why I urge the Governor’s Office and White House to detail security safeguards planned for the Thomson Correctional Center and its surrounding communities – as they should have in the first place.

“Without more information, we should expect nothing more than the backlash that has occurred in recent days.”


  1. - D.P. Gumby - Tuesday, Nov 17, 09 @ 4:54 pm:

    OMG, this foaming at the mouth is of a kind w/ the “birthers” and the “t-baggers”. This is what one would expect from Sarah Palin and her “death panels”…long on foam and lacking in substance

  2. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Nov 17, 09 @ 4:55 pm:

    Bean is right on! Kirk is plodding and ungainly, but headed in the right direction. Manzullo demonstrated why this issue still has to addressed carefully and tactfully - he sounded absolutely stupid.

    With 2010 looking like it is right now, any Democratic congressperson needs to run as fast as they can away from this pile o’ stupid if they want to survive next year, even in Illinois.

    C’Mon Debbie! Follow Melissa’s lead here!

    Good heavens! What was Quinn, Durbin and Obama thinking? Did Alexi fall for this load of crap and endorse it too, or was he able to hold off long enough to see what a disaster it is?

    Great Lakes Gitmo! Like “death panel”, ugly but effective.

  3. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Nov 17, 09 @ 4:59 pm:

    The Sacia article also says:

    “For Sacia, the preferred course of action would be to keep the facility at Guantanamo Bay in operation.”

  4. - Carl Nyberg - Tuesday, Nov 17, 09 @ 4:59 pm:

    ==But why do they feel the need to make stuff up, create silly nicknames and slur entire religions? ==

    Is it because they are trying to appeal to fear and bigotry?

  5. - annony - Tuesday, Nov 17, 09 @ 5:01 pm:

    Great ! Let’s jump on the bus & REFUSE this….

    ….Just as soon as all these rocket-scientist-politicians come up with the same level of revenue increase and jobs for IL that this prison will bring. You betcha.

  6. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Nov 17, 09 @ 5:07 pm:

    The Ballad of Ahmed - Henning, enhanced by VanillaMan

    Come and listen to a story about a man named Ahmed
    A poor Talibani, barely kept his family fed,
    Then one day he was shootin at infidels,
    Got rounded up and sent to Cuban hell.

    Gitmo that is, US base, livin’ free.

    Well the first thing you know Ahmed’s a detainee,
    Quinn and Durbin said “Ahmed move across the street from me!”
    Said “Illinois is the place you ought to be”
    Obama pumped Ahmed up and made him a celebrity!

    Thomson, that is. Ugly NIMBY. Quagmire.

    Well now its time to say good by to Ahmed and all his kin.
    They’re busting outta Thomson, it’s intifada agin.
    They want to thank Quinn and Durbin for their hospitality
    But their headed back to ‘Raq, to fight US infantry.

    Y’all come back now, y’hear?.

  7. - Carl Nyberg - Tuesday, Nov 17, 09 @ 5:09 pm:

    Ah… Mark Kirk pandering about nuclear reactors brings me back to when he was shilling for Exelon.

    Kirk wrote an op-ed calling for nuclear waste to be dumped in Nevada. He reasoned that holding nuclear waste at Zion would make the reactor a terrorist target.

    Kirk didn’t explain why the reactor would stop being a terrorist target if the nuclear waste was shipped.

    And Kirk never explained why he thought nuclear waste being shipped from hundreds of reactors wouldn’t be vulnerable to terrorist attacks in transit.

    But it’s like most of what Kirk says on controversial issues. It’s just BS he says for partisan purposes or because his campaign contributors ask him to regurgitate their lies he’s paid to tell.

  8. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Nov 17, 09 @ 5:18 pm:


    The theme from the Beverly Hillbillies? Really, that’s the best you got? Seems like it was only a month or two ago that you were channeling Colonel Nathan R. Jessep, USMC, on an unrelated post. Can’t you work some more A Few Good Men references into your material? That way you can sound like a battle-toughened veteran when you refer to it as “Gitmo” like all the other arm chair soldiers on the blog lately.

    VM, did you order the code red?

  9. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Nov 17, 09 @ 5:18 pm:

    I’m with annony’s 5:01 as revised:

    Great ! Let’s jump on the bus & REFUSE this.

    LET’S ALSO CHALLENGE the politicians TO come up with the same level of revenue increase and jobs for IL that this prison will bring. You betcha.

  10. - Michelle Flaherty - Tuesday, Nov 17, 09 @ 5:18 pm:

    The ironic thing about Kirk’s statement is the Thomson property was initially going to be home to a nuke plant that never came to fruition so the remote site became the “perfect” site to build a prison.

  11. - Pat collins - Tuesday, Nov 17, 09 @ 5:26 pm:

    Of course, Manzullo did NOT call islam a savage religion.

    He DID say that the terrorists were driven by a savage religion.

    Does anyone here think that they are NOT driven by their religious beliefs?

    THEY might call it Islam and say its ok to do so.

    I know plenty of Muslims that consider themselves very good Muslims, and do not think that sawing people’s heads off, flying people into buildings, and blowing up vacation spots is at all consistent with Islam.

    So, lets’ dump on Don M for speaking the truth.

  12. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Nov 17, 09 @ 5:44 pm:

    I believe Manzullo also stated that folks in the area are saying they’d be much happier if the prison “opened” without the transfer.

  13. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Nov 17, 09 @ 5:56 pm:

    And, honestly…wouldn’t most of us–if given a choice–feel the same way? Especially if we were raising OUR families there?

  14. - Ann T. Kirk - Tuesday, Nov 17, 09 @ 5:56 pm:

    There are currently 35 individuals doing time in Illinois based on terrorism charges. Up to now, this had never been an issue for Kirk. But then, we in IL-10 are used to his “moderate” and “independent” hypocrisy.

  15. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Nov 17, 09 @ 6:10 pm:

    We’ve already discussed the fact that there are other prisoners in IL earlier in the day, Ann T. Kirk. It’s been a long, lively, and worthwhile discussion for those of us fully engaged in it.

  16. - Ann T. Kirk - Tuesday, Nov 17, 09 @ 6:19 pm:

    Sorry, anon @ 6:10, but some of us don’t sit here at this blog all day.

  17. - Justice - Tuesday, Nov 17, 09 @ 6:30 pm:

    The “War on Terror” theme is strong and menancing in it’s visuals congered up by saying it, but it was never a declared war by the US Congress. Therefore, these ‘terrorists’ are not actually POW’s and, as far as I know, would not be tried by the military? They are alleged to have committed crimes against the US, were ‘extradited’ and now are standing in front of our courts for their come-umpins.

    The sky is falling screaming is blown way out of proportion and is meant to add fuel to the fire for the far right.

    I do not see how this is going to cause the destruction of neighboring cities? I do not see terrorists converging on NY City or Chicago any more than they would if they could already do so?

    It makes for great fear mongering and the opportunity for all politicians to step all over themselves by getting pulled into the fray.

    This makes great distraction news. One must wonder what it’s distracting us from?

    Try them, find them guilty (they have already professed their guilt) and keep them in prison. Dang, there goes the martyrdom.

  18. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Nov 17, 09 @ 6:46 pm:


  19. - Cindy Lou - Tuesday, Nov 17, 09 @ 6:52 pm:

    Bean–“I remain opposed to transferring Guantanamo detainees to Illinois, or anywhere in the United States, without substantial assurances regarding potential security threats.”–

    Frankly I don’t think anyone can disagree with this one statement. But in the meantime I see Kirk and others instantly touting anti-anti and aiming for total panic and fear prior to indepth information. And in such instances of these quick reactions vocally made, I pay little attention. Kinda like how do you know you’re rabid against something until all the facts are known and weighed?

    If the base is to be closed why, no how, could we ask others to take these prisoners, but not ourselves?

  20. - Irish Eyes - Tuesday, Nov 17, 09 @ 6:55 pm:

    A few questions for Rep. Manzullo.. “Do you consider calling Islam a “savage religion” to be helpful in preventing future terrorist attacks against Americans?” Is a United States Congressman calling Islam a “savage religion” hurt or hamper Al-Qaeda’s ability to recruit new terrorists?”

    A question for Mark Kirk…How is going on local and national television and talking about the “Sears Tower being blown up” and “planes being hijakced at O’Hare airport” helpful to attracting new businesses and jobs into the Chicagoland and Thomson area?” “If the Thomson prison remains unutilized, what would you do specifically as Senator to bring decent paying jobs to the region?” Should Americans live in constant states of fear?

  21. - Kamp Krusty - Tuesday, Nov 17, 09 @ 7:07 pm:

    Here’s the apology/clarification.

  22. - Go, Weiss - Tuesday, Nov 17, 09 @ 7:12 pm:

    As a committed Republican who hopes to return Blago the favor – If I were Gov. Quinn I would tell President Obama in a public way to shove it.

    It breaks down like this:

    1. Quinn gets to take a public stand as a fighter / guardian of the people of Illinois – and will get tons of press in the process – if he’s any good, it will be good press.

    2. He gets to show people that he is his own man – standing up to the Democratic powers – never a bad thing when you have so many “bosses” around.

    3. It throws everybody for a loop – A Governor taking a stand on a thing like this will make people take a step back and rethink the whole package – immediate relevancy on the national stage – then you just have to figure out how to ride the tiger.

  23. - TaxThePoor - Tuesday, Nov 17, 09 @ 7:15 pm:

    Its a different story, but its the same gotcha, fear tactic, politicial gaming both Republicans and Democrats use constantly. Before people have a chance to learn enough to make up their minds and while they are first hearing of it, one side screams bloody murder to try to influence those just learning of the issue. Democrats cry bloody murder just as bad as the Republicans are in this case. Heck, Democrats bring busloads of angry union mobs to the Capitol screaming bloody murder and mayhem if we don’t increase on poor people.

    Yes, the Republicans frothing at the mouth at this are idiots. Next week, Democrats will froth at the mouth at something else. Maybe we need real change.

  24. - Pat collins - Tuesday, Nov 17, 09 @ 7:36 pm:

    not POWs

    They are not. They are “enemy combatants” and the logic is much the same that Gen Halleck used to when he explained it to a Confederate General.

    “If your men wear uniforms, operate under the control of your government, we will kill them in open warfare, and if we capture them grant them all privliges of soldiers captured.

    If they wear civilian clothes, carry about business like civilians, suddenly gathering, and shooting or destroying property, we will try them and hang them.”

    And he had proper authority do to so, from Lincoln.

  25. - Its Just Me - Tuesday, Nov 17, 09 @ 8:23 pm:

    I think this entire issue (closing the Quantanamo prison) shows how clueless the Obama Administration can be and how maybe Bush wasn’t so clueless after all. Team Obama went through their entire campaign promising to close the prison right away, only to find out that it isn’t so easy. I saw leave them in Cuba, I would rather they not be on American soil anyways.

  26. - Pot calling kettle - Tuesday, Nov 17, 09 @ 8:32 pm:

    Obama, Durbin, and Quinn are doing the right thing based on the need to 1) close Gitmo and redistribute and put on trial the prisoners so they are no longer an advertisement for recruiting more jihadis 2) put into operation a facility that is currently being wasted 3) provide needed jobs and associated economic development.

    The opponents are trying to make political hay while the sun shines before Gitmo is closed, prisoners are redistributed and put on trial and nothing happens (terrorist-wise).

    Our country needs more LEADERS who do not spend their time looking for the politically expedient thing to do.

    On this issue, Obama, Durbin, and Quinn are acting like leaders. This was not decided on a whim, the closing of Gitmo, etc. has been worked on for over a year. Manzullo, Kirk, & co. are trying to incite a mob; if that is leadership, it is one of the lowest forms.

  27. Pingback Don Manzullo, Illinois Congressman, Apologizes For Calling Islam A ‘Savage Religion’ (WATCH) | Old People News - Tuesday, Nov 17, 09 @ 8:36 pm:

    […] After Manzullo’s remarks were picked up by statewide political blogs and his office received complaints, the Congressman attempted to clarify. […]

  28. - SweetLou - Tuesday, Nov 17, 09 @ 8:40 pm:

    “why do they feel the need to make stuff up, create silly nicknames and slur entire religions?”

    Because the republican party, state and national, is hanging on by a very thin thread.

  29. Pingback Don Manzullo, Illinois Congressman, Apologizes For Calling Islam A ‘Savage Religion’ (WATCH) | Obama Biden White House - Tuesday, Nov 17, 09 @ 8:50 pm:

    […] After Manzullo’s remarks were picked up by statewide political blogs and his office received complaints, the Congressman attempted to clarify. […]

  30. - siriusly - Tuesday, Nov 17, 09 @ 9:09 pm:

    The rhetoric on this is out of this world. RR Star is wrong, Cong. Manzullo is far from rational. The times I’ve met with him I always walk away mistified by his nuttiness (not in a good way)

  31. - scoot - Tuesday, Nov 17, 09 @ 9:57 pm:

    Just imagine if the Bush Administration wanted to bring “Gitmo” to Illinois….what would Durbin & Obama said then????

  32. - Gregor - Tuesday, Nov 17, 09 @ 10:01 pm:

    Saw this line in some comic, but I feel it applies to the current Republican strategy, not just on Thomson, but generally on anything the Dems might try to achieve:

    “It is not enough that cats win: dogs must also lose.”

    Repubs are putting their goal of getting back into power ahead of any and every rational action the government wants to take. They want to break, it, and keep it broken, until everybody gets fed up and listens to them promise they can fix it. When you put getting the job so far ahead of doing the job, you’re not qualified to HAVE the job.

    The hysteria will blow over with time, since it was generated out of fantasy. Dems should stay the course and not be intimidated by the crazy talk. To back down from the likes of this is unforgivable.

  33. - just sayin' - Tuesday, Nov 17, 09 @ 10:39 pm:

    So the Illinois GOP wasted money on a poll before anyone has all the facts? Figures.

    Jim Sacia sounds like the only level headed GOP’er on this. The rest look like scaredie-cat crack pots running around spreading fear for political gain.

  34. - Junaid M. Afeef - Tuesday, Nov 17, 09 @ 10:46 pm:

    Manzullo’s fearmongering is disgusting. His bigotry is nauseating. His irrational opposition to a possible economic boost to Illinois is very unfortunate. If we can house violent street gangs, drug cartel leaders, the mafia, white supremacists and serial killers then we can also do the same for the alleged terrorists at Gitmo. These people don’t have superpowers so I’m not sure what they will be able to do that these other violent criminals haven’t already tried and failed to do.

  35. - Team America - Tuesday, Nov 17, 09 @ 11:02 pm:

    === Kirk didn’t explain why the reactor would stop being a terrorist target if the nuclear waste was shipped. ===

    Carl, I believe the Zion reactor is long since decomissioned. No waste, no threat.

  36. - LincolnLounger - Tuesday, Nov 17, 09 @ 11:50 pm:

    Setting aside the terrorism aspect of this, it’s too bad that it’s come to seeling state prisons to the feds that now qualifies as the Democratic Party of Illinois’ idea of economic development. A “dream come true”, Senator Durbin?!? The fact is that it’s humiliating.

    Whether it’s hysteria or pandering or correct that this will make Illinois a mecca for jihad, the fact is that it’s good politics for Kirk. He comes across as tough and gets to remind everyone of his military background. And, nobody’s talking about him asking for Palin’s endorsement anymore.

  37. - Giuseppe - Wednesday, Nov 18, 09 @ 1:39 am:

    My interest in Illionois politics extends to reading this blog and not much else. I have become familiar with how politics work in this state and feel comfortable with saying that it is chock full of clowns. With that being said, I still find it hard to believe that elected officials would equate Islam with terrorism.

  38. - TaxThePoor - Wednesday, Nov 18, 09 @ 3:28 am:

    Gregor, there is a lot of truth in what you say. Unfortunately, the exact same thing can be said of the Democratic Party in Illinois after 28 years of Republican Governors. They’e had complete control in this state since 2002. 8 years coming up. Complete control of Illinois by Democrats for 8 years without needing even 1 Republican vote to pass legislation in both houses, assuming a Democrat Governor doesn’t veto.

    Bringing terrorists to Illinois on purpose is might just be their greatest “achievement” during those years.

  39. - Louis Howe - Wednesday, Nov 18, 09 @ 6:23 am:

    This controversy is a case of paranoia meeting political opportunism. Grow up people!!! Having said that, at least for Quinn, the media’s not talking about the melt down in the state’s budget. Nothing like a little scare tactics to divert the people’s attention away from the real threat….a $13 billion FY 11 budget hole and nearly 50 % shortfall in GRF.

  40. - Team America - Wednesday, Nov 18, 09 @ 7:03 am:

    === Kirk didn’t explain why the reactor would stop being a terrorist target if the nuclear waste was shipped. ===

    *** Carl, I believe the Zion reactor is long since decomissioned. No waste, no threat. ***

    Someone over at my blog was confused by my response above to Carl Nyberg’s comment (we get at lot of CFB cross-traffic at Team America). To the extent my shorthand was unclear to anyone over here, what I was saying was that IF the waste is removed (which is what Kirk was trying to do), there would be no threat of it being a continued target, since it no longer is operational, which is what Nyberg seemed to not understand. Thanks.

  41. - Mary, Sterling - Wednesday, Nov 18, 09 @ 8:06 am:

    Ya’ll DO know that there is a nuclear plant just a few miles down-river from Thomson, right? Its at Cordova. Manzullo was right on, speaking truth to power. Someone please explain to me how these terrorists’ religion is a peaceful one. Maybe I am just a dumb hick-from-the-sticks, but have you actually READ the Qur’an? Maybe as a nearby-Thomson-starving-peasant-eager-for-any-job, I just misunderstood what I read in the Qur-an? Gee, do you have any laundry that needs a warshin’? That’d just be a dream-come-true for us out this way! We’ll do ANYTHING for a buck.

  42. - Frank - Wednesday, Nov 18, 09 @ 8:42 am:

    If this prison was sold to the Feds, would it be possible to sentence Blago there after conviction? That could be fun.

  43. - heet101 - Wednesday, Nov 18, 09 @ 9:07 am:

    Another day, another episode of Carl Nyberg on complete blast with no comment regulation for the utter hatred he spews.

  44. - SouthernIL - Wednesday, Nov 18, 09 @ 9:18 am:

    I am so sick and tired of the “Gen. Wayright Wingers” and their continued vile statements. It’s one thing to be unintelligent and try to discuss a topic, there’s room for improvement. But, to be totally stupid and open ones mouth to confirm it, boggles my mind. My favorite quote by Pres. Lincoln..”Is better to remain silent and thought a fool than to open ones mouth removing all doubt”!! Repugs…you are a total polution problem and need a major scrub down. Forest Gump…”Stupid is as stupid does”. You’ve got that down pat!!

  45. - Carl Nyberg - Wednesday, Nov 18, 09 @ 9:20 am:

    Team America, if Kirk implied reactors in general–including operating reactors–would be less targets for terrorism if waste was shipped to Yucca Mountain, would that be a dishonest argument?

    If he explicitly made the claim, would that make him a liar?

  46. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Nov 18, 09 @ 9:24 am:

    I like Carl’s comments. He always make me laugh. I have a mp3 file I always play when I read through his postings - what’s it called? - oh yeah, “Theme To Captain Kangaroo”.

    I kid you not! What you do is similar to how “Dark Side of the Moon” seems to synch up with “The Wizard of Oz”.

  47. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Nov 18, 09 @ 9:29 am:

    When I read Bill’s comments, I play “The Theme to Shaft”. “Right on, you Mutha!”

    When I read wordslinger’s comments, I play “The Theme to the Andy Griffith Show”.

    When I read John Fritchey’s comments, I just play any of my George Hamilton files.

    For Rich Miller, I like to listen to Burl Ives. It just works!

  48. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Nov 18, 09 @ 9:37 am:

    === I urge the Governor’s Office and White House to detail security safeguards planned for the Thomson Correctional Center ===

    Great idea, Republicans!

    While we’re at it, lets put all the protocols for airport security online too, so the public can be re-assured that we’re really safe.

    Followed by the battle plans, troop movements, and rules of engagement in Afghanistan, so the public can “rest assured” that President Obama is doing the right thing.

    I mean, I just searched the internet for architectural schematics for our federal prisons, and I came up completely empty! Its an outrage!! For all I know, these buildings could collapse any minute.

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