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Wednesday news and video roundup

Wednesday, Nov 25, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* It’s the day before Thanksgiving, so we’re just gonna do a roundup this morning. If news breaks I’ll post it. Comments are open.

* SIU payroll picture improves

Southern Illinois University has $16.5 million to go before it can fully cover its Jan. 1 payroll, President Glenn Poshard announced Tuesday, adding he remains confident the money will come through.

The university received $15.5 million Tuesday in payroll reimbursement from Illinois Comptroller Dan Hynes’ office, the first allocation of state appropriations the system has received since July 1, the beginning of the fiscal year. The payment and a combination of steps SIU recently took to save money leaves officials $16.5 million short of what it needs to meet the first payroll of 2010.

Poshard said he remains confident the needed money will be found by the comptroller’s office.

* State universities facing big financial problems because of slow payments…

“Believe me, we’ve been in constant communication not only with our universities, but our whole provider community,” Hynes said. “The situation is getting untenable. We have $4.5 billion in bills that we can’t pay, including payments to our universities.”

* Daley holds meeting on convention show exodus…

But Dennis Gannon, president of the Chicago Federation of Labor, insisted officials need to look beyond union wages and work rules to bring costs at McCormick Place in line with those in other cities.

Union workers at McCormick Place have agreed to three changes to work rules in the past 15 years, Gannon said, arguing labor costs there are now comparable to those at convention centers around the country.

“What it costs to be on the floor, what it costs for a case of pop, what it costs for a refrigerator – those ain’t organized labor’s costs,” he said.

Juan Ochoa, chief executive of the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority – which runs McCormick Place and Navy Pier — said management changes could be part of the overhaul.

* Tollway officials: We’re ‘not good’ at running oases

The income the agency gets from the oases is nearly $2 million - less than 1 percent of its revenues. Officials estimated that leasable space at six of the oases is 45 percent to 65 percent unoccupied.

“I do not sense this as something we ought to run or own. It’s not our forte. We’re not good at it,” Board Director Thomas Canham said.

However, the tollway signed a 25-year lease agreement with Wilton and that deal may be difficult to escape, regardless of what happens in the court case.

* Where terrorists are their neighbors - Florence, Colo., prison hasn’t had the security problems some fear with Thomson facility

The roster of 449 inmates at the U.S. Penitentiary Administrative Maximum Facility — dubbed the Supermax — includes a Sept. 11 conspirator, Zacarias Moussaoui; the would-be “shoe bomber,” Richard Reid; the mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, Ramzi Yousef; and a former Chicago gang member accused of aiding terrorists, Jose Padilla.

The cells here also house the Unabomber, Theodore Kaczynski, of south suburban Evergreen Park, and Timothy McVeigh’s accomplice in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, Terry Nichols.

But if having terrorists imprisoned a 10-minute walk from your home is a safety risk, there’s no sign of that in Florence, Colo., a rural community about 110 miles south of Denver.

“We still leave our doors unlocked at night,” former Mayor Bart Hall said.

* Kirk still hot on Gitmo, mum on Palin

U.S. Rep. Mark Kirk has certainly tamed his rhetoric lately on moving Gitmo detainees to a western Illinois prison.

But he told Animal Farm today that he “stands behind” his earlier statements claiming the move would increase terrorism activity in northern Illinois and put residents in direct danger.

“There is a danger,” the Highland Park Republican said.

* Employee union blasts plans to sell Thomson prison…

The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Council 31 says Illinois prisons are overcrowded already, and moving the estimated 200 prisoners housed at Thomson to other state prisons will only exacerbate the problem. Additionally, AFSCME says the Illinois Department of Corrections has renewed a push to close Stateville Correctional Center in Crest Hill, a move that would require shipping an additional 1,500 inmates to other state prisons as well.

“Bottom line, the IDOC plan to eliminate Thomson and Stateville will worsen the state system’s overcrowding crisis at the same time that it turns some 2,000 beds over to the federal government,” said AFSCME Council 31 executive director Henry Bayer in a statement released in anticipation of Quinn’s announcement.

The IDOC Web site shows that 25 of Illinois’ 28 prisons are operating over capacity, with at least three prisons holding more than double their capacity of prisoners. Compiling the online data shows Illinois prisons hold about 44,000 inmates – almost 14,000 inmates over their combined capacity of about 30,000. Those numbers do not include the state’s adult transitional centers, some of which are overcrowded as well.

Januari Smith, spokeswoman for IDOC, responded via e-mail to AFSCME’s overcrowding worries by pointing out that Thomson is barely being used, and the state’s inmate population has remained stable for the past decade.

“There is no expectation that it will increase under current criminal justice system practices,” Smith said.

* Plan to cut poverty in Illinois needs to include way to pay for it

“We have to be mindful that there is a shortage of funding and we have to see within the context of that what we can make work moving forward, said state Rep. Sandra Pihos (R-Glen Ellyn).

Though Pihos said she is a member of the commission because she feels the issue of poverty is timely and pressing, she would not commit to a funding plan for the commission. Pihos cited the relatively early stages of the commission’s work and what she characterized as the “goal” timeframe outlined in the legislation as reasons for her reservations.

* Illinois smoking ban: Some bars give smokers a sanctuary - Smokers pitch in extra cash to help bars pay fines

* Greater interactivity, pay walls, potential avenues to revive Sun-Times

While there’s no panacea for the ills of the newspaper publishing business, small changes will help turn the tide at the money-losing publisher of Chicago’s No. 2 paper, Sun-Times Media CEO Jeremy Halbreich said.

* Washington Post shutters Chicago bureau

The Washington Post, in a significant retrenchment, is closing its remaining domestic bureaus around the country. The six correspondents who work in New York, Los Angeles and Chicago will be offered reassignments in Washington, while three news assistants will be let go.

* Quinn says he’s a ‘truth slinger’

“I’ve known Dan a long time and he’s very, very negative. Eighty-five percent of their commercials are very negative and I don’t think that’s the way in a recession to get Illinois back on its feet,” Quinn said of Hynes’ campaign.

“We need to have jobs, economic growth,” Quinn said. “We’ve got to repair all the damage that was caused in our state government. I’ve done that. We want to make sure then we focus on what the people need, not what politicians are thinking about.”

Quinn said Republicans who want his job are “calling me a bunch of names” and warned, “he who slings mud generally loses ground.”

“I want to be a truth slinger,” said Quinn, who was elevated to the state’s top job when Blagojevich was ousted by lawmakers in January. “I think in the 10 months or so I’ve been governor, I think I’ve done a good job in stabilizing our state. I’m an honest person and I want to keep our government honest.”

* Giannoulias Gets Grilled On State Of Family Bank…

When asked why his family took $70 million out of the bank, Giannoulias said, “Most of the dividends were used for tax purposes. And what was left, most of that was used to help settle my father’s estate.”

When asked to explain further, Giannoulias said, “I’m not gonna go into the details of my father’s estate with you.”

* Giannoulias pitches bailout plan, talks about family bank

Giannoulias’ campaign spokeswoman Kati Phillips said the $70 million payout occurred in 2007 and 2008 and was triggered by the 2006 death of Alexi’s father the year before. Alexis Giannoulias’ will called for estate and income taxes to be paid for with dividend payments from sale of shares at Broadway. Alexi’s portion was $2.5 million, she said, $1 million of which went to pay income taxes.

Phillips said Alexi Giannoulias had no say in selling the shares because he sold his voting shares when he was elected treasurer.

* Giannoulias responds to Broadway Bank dividend payout

For his part, as a 3.6% shareholder of Broadway, Mr. Giannoulias said he received $2.5 million in dividends over the period. He kept something less than $1 million, with the rest going for taxes and his share of the estate expenses, he said. The campaign will release his tax returns with detailed information Wednesday.

Mr. Giannoulias couldn’t quantify how much of the $70 million went for taxes and the estate, though, saying that would have to come from his brother, Demetris, who runs the bank and thus far hasn’t provided the information.

Asked whether he would plow dividends he’s received back into the bank in order to save it, he said, “Anyone would walk on glass if they find a way to help their family. They’re going to make a management decision on the best way to keep that bank running.”

* Politics and the death penalty - Fate of Dugan, others bandied by Illinois gubernatorial candidates…

However, immediacy and Illinois’ death penalty are two incongruous concepts.

Absent one of the inmates dropping his appeal, there is little chance that the governor elected in 2010 — or even 2014 — will be confronted with the issue, possibly making all of last week’s rhetoric moot unless one of the current crop of gubernatorial hopefuls goes on to win a second term.

Attorney General Lisa Madigan’s office, which represents the state in death penalty cases, predicted that none of the inmates now on Death Row will face execution earlier than 2017 because many of their appeals are only in their infancy.

* Sanchez attorneys push for new hearing on hiring case

U.S. District Judge Robert Gettleman said after the hearing there was no evidence of willful misconduct by the government but suggested that the agents may be “kicking themselves for what they did or didn’t do.”

* McKenna pledges to control spending

The Chicago businessman and former head of the state’s Republican Party says the state must stop spending more than it is taking in. If elected, he pledges not to increase spending above the rate of inflation plus population growth and to consolidate government operations. […]

McKenna, 52, supports enabling revenue growth by stimulating business growth and freezing spending for three to four years. That solution may not be popular and may cap his career at one term, but McKenna claims it will help get the state back in the black.

* You Paid For It: Illinois’ Governor and the Friendly Skies


* UFCW Endorses Governor Pat Quinn for Illinois…

* Illinois Man Learns He’s the Son of Charles Manson


  1. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 8:54 am:

    The federales have a lot on their plate, but they’ll get around to that Tollway/Wilton deal before it’s all over. I’m sure Rezko (wherever he may be) can help them out.

  2. - ToughGuy - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 9:02 am:

    Typical Fox news story. They would criticize the Governor if he didn’t travel the state (especially downstate). So they criticize him because he does. Illinois is a big state geographically and in population. He should have asked them if it wouldn’t have been cheaper for the news crew to ride bicylces rather than their vans and cars to the airport. Poor journalism on the part of Fox (again).

  3. - WOW - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 9:26 am:

    People ask me all the time if I ever wonder who my biological parents are. After reading the above article I am glad I have never looked for them.

  4. - Kevin Highland - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 9:33 am:

    The Fox story would’ve been more impressive if they had pointed out what it would cost to get the Governor to all of those locations in one day using commercial (probably not feasible) or charter craft. If there is an appreciable savings in commercial/charter flights then by all means sell the plane.

  5. - Stallion - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 9:37 am:

    Its No surprise to me that the defense is taking this approach. When I worked for the city during the HDO (Hispanic Democratic Organizations) days, many that were hired were gang bangers & drug abusers. These people were all from the 10th Ward. They were my bosses and co-workers. Al knew that this behavior was going on. There was constantly an HDO operative being disciplined. He played the game and got beat, now he hopefully will have to take responsibility. Im sure that many of the witness from HDO that the FBI were interviewing had gang ties.

  6. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 9:47 am:

    Truthslinger - “Gunslinger”, Laine, enhanced by VanillaMan

    Truthslinger, flip, Truthslinger, flop, Truthslinger lie away.
    Truthslinger, Truthslinger, why the tall tales?
    Which will you tell today?
    When voters need a hand, you flip to their side,
    But then you flop away.

    You let Blogo be the first one to draw,
    On his votes you depended.
    And there were times when he broke the law,
    You now claim that you unfriended.
    Truthslinger, will you return, or meet your end,
    Truthslinger, flip, Truthslinger, flop, Truthslinger lie away.

    Truthslinger, Truthslinger, why do you hide,
    From your duties gubernatorial?
    Voters need a hand, you’re their Gov,
    Don’t claim you need a tutorial!

    It’s not that you won this Office in a fight,
    But you still have a mandate to undo.
    To lead us away from our dark days and nights,
    Reforming Blagojevich suits you.
    Truthslinger, don’t make us wait any more,
    Truthslinger, flip, Truthslinger, flop, Truthslinger flailing away.

    So - Truthslinger - Go and pack up your things, The truth is exposed.
    Now fade away.

  7. - Keepin' it Real - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 9:48 am:

    Please note that there are more UFCW Locals than Local 881. In fact, Local 881 is not even the biggest UFCW Local in Illinois. UFCW Local 1546 is bigger and I believe they are supporting Hynes.

  8. - Anon - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 9:50 am:

    ==“We’ve got to repair all the damage that was caused in our state government. I’ve done that. ==

    Awfully nice of him to take the blame for all the damage. But we all know that his predecessors contributed.

  9. - Irish Eyes - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 9:55 am:

    Local 1546 is about as big 881, but they haven’t endorsed Hynes. Giannoulias yes. Hynes no.

  10. - CircularFiringSquad - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 10:01 am:

    Could someone start asking TugBoat Outsider for one program he will cut or ask the legislature to abolish if in the unlikely event he stops whining,Daddy dumps Mutt Murphy and lets him win.
    One stinking program. He most deposit with the bright lites at the PJS offered zero. I am sure they asked and asked, but those nasty editors cut the answers — NOT.
    I know the IL GOP can’t say senior managed care anymore cause the National GOPs are blaming the DC Dems for doing this, but I think the media must start reporting this crew has zero answers

  11. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 10:01 am:

    “He should have asked them if it wouldn’t have been cheaper for the news crew to ride bicylces rather than their vans and cars to the airport.”

    Taxpayers aren’t paying for the news crew travel.

  12. - Ghost - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 10:09 am:

    Anyone besides me a little floored at SIU’s payroll for one month? 43 Million!!!

    I think it is time we start looking at what we are paying university employees. Especially considering that many professors have classes roughly 9 months of the year, but they are not in the office meeting with students or the classrooms more than a handful of hours a week.

  13. - Small Town Liberal - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 10:13 am:

    - Taxpayers aren’t paying for the news crew travel. -

    ToughGuy was commenting on the line where cheapest meets absurdity, use your head.

  14. - P. - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 10:14 am:

    Another union recognizes Gov. Carpet. I can’t think of anyone who gets walked all over more than the “truthslinger.” For the love of Jah, step it up Dan Hynes.

  15. - Josh - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 10:15 am:

    vendors and contractors with the state would like an honest and truthful statement from the Governor regarding when they are going to get paid.

    Quinn’s mere recognition that it’s a problem is not enough.

  16. - Small Town Liberal - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 10:16 am:

    - Anyone besides me a little floored at SIU’s payroll for one month? 43 Million!!! -

    OMG, BIG NUMBERS!! You don’t even know how many employees that includes yet you’re ready to start cutting professor’s salaries. Do you think all professors do is teach? Take a break and do a little research and thinking before you freak out.

  17. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 10:18 am:

    Thanksgiving At The Oasis - “Midnight At The Oasis”, Muldare - enhanced by VanillaMan

    Thanksgiving at the oasis
    Up here it’s really dead
    Frustration paintin’ our faces
    Traces of caffeine in our heads
    Heaven is a Turkey Dinner
    That’s calling each of us
    Instead we’re stuck here, we’re doomed
    Marooned, listening to everyone cuss

    Come on, why are we even here?
    No one comes anyway!
    Come on, will this shift ever end?
    This place hasn’t a single friend!

    You don’t need to stop here
    There’s nothing here to speak
    You’d think we all have H1N1,
    Each of us a two-headed freak!

    I know your boss is connected
    A Blago friend known to all
    With fifty lawyers to defend him, they lie for him
    At his beck and call

    But what we need are customers, honey
    Several thousand to come inside
    Considering all the business loans and money
    We were taken for a ride

    Come on, Starbucks is closin’ too?
    McDonalds will close within a day?
    Come on, on them we all depend
    When will our businesses end?

    Thanksgiving at the oasis
    Please stop by and see us please!
    We got bankrupsies in our faces
    And traces of desperation in our pleas!

  18. - WOW - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 10:19 am:

    As always Poshard sings the truth:

    “Poshard said he remains confident the needed money will be found by the comptroller’s office.”

    The comptroller pays the bills. Maybe Dan should do his job or is he waiting and hoping that it will give him a bump closer to the primary when he rides in on his white “south side Irish” horse to save the day. No disrepect intended (except to Dan).

  19. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 10:20 am:

    ===Anyone besides me a little floored at SIU’s payroll for one month? 43 Million!!! ===

    In 1998, the last figure I could find easily, SIU had a total employee headcount of about 9,000, so that’s about $57K per employee per year.

  20. - What a Joke - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 10:26 am:


    Keep on eye on the STAR Bond issue. It will be popping up soon and the “worst bill ever” will be introduced in January and it will remain the “worst bill ever”. This upcoming boondoogle will cost the State of Illinois well over $25 million dollars a year in lost sales tax, sales tax that will end up in the hands of developers. How can the State of Illinois afford to forego sales tax for over twenty three years, up to thirty five years, for ONE developer !

  21. - cassandra - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 10:28 am:

    It’s easy to be positive when you plan to bring in billions by permanently increasing the taxes of the middle class.

    Whenever the skies look a bit gray politically, you just take a break and dream about what you and your backers can do with all that money. Taken from us for our own good, of course.

  22. - Red & Green - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 10:30 am:

    Wow, unimaginable to try to find your biological history and discover one of history’s great villains is your father. I feel for the guy - and am kind of glad he found out late in life when he already should know pretty much who he is. This would be devastating to learn in your formative years when you’re still trying to find yourself.

  23. - Give Me A Break - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 10:30 am:

    The state plane issue is joke and easy target for the media.

    Like someone said, if the Gov was not getting around the state, they would complain. I agree some of the flying by agency types could be cut back. But the Gov is the Gov and needs to everywhere and that can’t be done by car.

  24. - shore - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 10:36 am:

    The dinner obama had last night cost upwards of 500k, and thats after they cut back.

    his trips overseas cost about 3-4 million a trip. this plane thing is part of government waste and abuse.

    SIU inn’t worth the taxpayer dollars that fund it.

    I read online the suntimes is going to charge for premium content-people wouldn’t pay for the new york times and they actually had things like david brooks worth reading there. good luck.

  25. - Justice - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 10:36 am:

    Regardless of the position you take or who you prefer, I thought Quinn did a good job in both the news events filmed above. He is quick to respond, puts a positive spin on it and moves on.

    Wouldn’t it be nice if he actually accomplished building better government and paying our bills. Tough problem and I’m not sure he can handle the job…..but he sounds good. Boy… that ever familiar……as in Blago?

  26. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 10:42 am:

    A Certain Girl - Neville, enhanced by VanillaMan

    There’s a certain Gov, loved by tea partiers, who’s a Maverick…
    What’s her name?
    I can’t tell you
    I can’t reveal her name, cuz she makes liberals sick…
    What’s her name?
    I can’t tell you
    I’ve tried to see her time and time again
    Opponents claim that we’re more than friends

    There’s a lady Alaskan, who’s beloved by right wingers…
    What’s her name?
    I can’t tell you

    There’s a certain chick, a Caribou hunter, I’d like to know better…
    What’s her name?
    I can’t tell you
    I can’t reveal her name until I get her…
    What’s her name?
    I can’t tell you
    Someday I’m going to wake up and say,
    Just endorse me and let me be your slave.
    There’s a certain girl, both loved and hated, by American voters…
    What’s her name?
    I can’t tell you

    There’s a former Veep contender as charismatic as Obama…
    What’s her name?
    I can’t tell you
    I can’t reveal her name until stops causing trama
    What’s her name?
    I can’t tell you
    I’ve tried to ignor her time and time again
    Still she’s got a lotta voting friends
    There’s a certain girl I’ve got to deal with…
    What’s her name?
    I can’t tell you

  27. - soccermom - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 10:45 am:

    You want a governor who drives everywhere? Move to Rhode Island.

    There’s 58,000 square miles in Illinois. And personally, I don’t want pay my governor to sit in O’Hare waiting an hour for a plane that will fly him to St. Louis, where he will have a two-hour layover to fly him to Paducah, from whence he can drive to Herrin. And if he takes one staffer with him, plus the security detail he can’t duck even if he wants to, I’m guessing the cost to fly commercial would be substantially higher than using the state plane.

    But let’s not be practical in dealing with such an emotional issue…

  28. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 10:46 am:

    –The dinner obama had last night cost upwards of 500k, and thats after they cut back.

    his trips overseas cost about 3-4 million a trip. this plane thing is part of government waste and abuse.–

    Shore, you’re right. From now on state dinners should be catered by Steak N Shake (maybe not for the Prime Minister of India). Perhaps Dominick’s could put together a nice vegetable tray.

    And the president should fly commercial. Let’s make sure he turns his miles back into the Treasury, as well.

    If you’re a hammer, everything’s a nail.

  29. - LisleMike - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 10:47 am:

    With regard to the conventions leaving Chicago or not renewing..
    In business there is a plan, execution of the plan, measurement of the plan, alteration of the plan, execution of the plan and on and on.
    I agree that labor is not the whole problem, but they need to understand that most of the burden is on them. If the floor space were free, there might be problems still existing. The union’s cavalier attitude of “everyone but me” needs to change is at the root of the problem. No one, but no one comes back to get *** again and again. when an opportunity arises to do what you need to do for business and you can do it without feeling ****ed, business will take THAT option. Shows are not an entitlement to anyone, the city, the exposition halls or the union. The customer decides with his/her wallet where they will spend.

  30. - Patrick McDonough - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 10:54 am:

    Mayor Daley’s nephew works at McCormick Place as a Plumber. For those of you that do not know who the who the real problem is.

  31. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 10:55 am:

    Lisle Mike, floor space is virtually free, if the show has any negotiating skills at all. There’s a glut of convention space all over the country, plus fewer and smaller shows.

    The exception can be really big shows that can only be held in Chicago, Orlando or Vegas. The shows themselves can be competing for prime dates, so that’s where a host venue could have some leverage.

    If I were a mid-size show, say 5,000 attendees, I would start with zero as a my negotiating starting point for floor space leasing.

  32. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 11:00 am:

    ==SIU inn’t worth the taxpayer dollars that fund it. ===

    Easy to say on the North Shore.

  33. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 11:04 am:

    The Family Bank - Three Dog Night’s “Family of Man”, enhanced by VanillaMan

    This failing business was our banking dream.
    Savings and loans, profits and riches to glean.
    Making Giannoulais famous, for this we can thank.
    But we’re losing our shirt in this family bank.

    And it’s so hard when debts are due
    Yes it’s so hard with so little time
    And so much to do
    Time running out for the family bank

    One man to lead us with so much to say
    Our Treasurer Wonder Boy will soon find a way!
    His dear friend Obama, with his approval poll rank
    Will decide the fate of the family bank

    The Bail-Outs replacing the loans that we’ve lost.
    Defending the deals with the Mob and their Boss.
    $70 Million taken out as it all sank,
    And the Feds looking into our family bank!

  34. - Ghost - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 11:09 am:

    === Small Town Liberal “OMG, BIG NUMBERS!! You don’t even know how many employees that includes yet you’re ready to start cutting professor’s salaries. Do you think all professors do is teach? Take a break and do a little research and thinking before you freak out.”

    OMG freaking out about somone noting that a large number for payroll looks overly large.

    I have done research, we pay college professors with tenure well over 6 figures; and we pay adminstrators etc in the unviersities well over 6 figure salaries. The univeriostoes claim they need these salaries to get talent, but they generally have no shortage of applicants for these various positions.

    Also I am aware that professors like to be paid to do things other then teach. But on my tax dollars I have no interest to pay them to do research. They are welcome to a modest salary, and then to seek private funding to cover their reserach time.

    Sorry for suggesting your sacred cow of overpayment is a bastion of governemtn waste, but it is, so OMG get a clue!


  35. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 11:10 am:

    V-Man’s obviously in full relaxation mode already because he’s just pounding out those hits one right after the other.

    Inspired, V-Man. Absolutely, inspired. lol

  36. - LisleMike - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 11:12 am:

    Maybe there’s no going back. “Never give back anything obtained in collective bargaining.” Hmmm. Perhaps a realization that 100% of nothing is nothing.
    Whenever a problem exists within government reach, it is TAX someone, Businesses, individuals, corporations, et al. Taxes on airline tickets, sales taxes (Mr. Stooger), taxes on hotel rooms, taxes on food, and then the union rules. Too much is too much. Like I said it is not all union, but all have to look at how their piece of the pie tips the scale.
    I wasn’t aware that the space is free. I always have to pay when I go to one of the shows. (By the way $5-6 for a hot dog, even Chicago style, is too much)

  37. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 11:12 am:

    Ghost, university research has proved vital to the economy and to our defense. And some of it is actually underwritten by corporations. Don’t dismiss it out of hand.

  38. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 11:13 am:

    Full relaxation mode with a triple expresso!
    Daddy is in the House, baby!

    I’m cranking out a “Manson is my Daddy” number now.

  39. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 11:14 am:

    ===Maybe there’s no going back. “Never give back anything obtained in collective bargaining.” ===

    Except the unions have given back three times over the last several years. One big problem is the outrageous price markup, set by administrators via contracts. Thinking needs to change all around.

  40. - Deep South - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 11:16 am:

    SIU’s payroll amount includes everyone in the SIU system…Carbondale, Edwardsville, the School of Medicine in Springfield, student workers, grad assistants, professors, secretaries, grounds crew, professional staff, etc. Carbondale has 7,000 employees alone. In FY 1998, the state’s share of Carbondale’s total revenue was 40 percent. Today, the state contributes 30 percent to SIUC’s total revenue. Those are the facts.

  41. - LisleMike - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 11:17 am:

    Rich: I am in agreement that thinking needs to change all the way around. I did not blame union entirely. We are in agreement (on this…)

  42. - Ghost - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 11:18 am:

    SIU finacials indicate they create a poll for 5% increases in salary every fiscal year. Including the current year and the upcoming fiscal year. They provide at leats a 3% to everyone then divy up the remaining 2% funds to whom they wish.

    A 5% increase in payroll every year; particuarly druing an economic downturn is a bit much.

  43. - Montrose - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 11:18 am:

    +I read online the suntimes is going to charge for premium content-people wouldn’t pay for the new york times and they actually had things like david brooks worth reading there. good luck.+

    Are you saying they wouldn’t be able to get people to pay to read Rich’s column? Tsk Tsk.

  44. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 11:20 am:

    ===suntimes is going to charge for premium content===

    Not a final decision. I’m working against it.

  45. - soccermom - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 11:23 am:

    On another topic — that UFCW endorsement is the prettiest endorsement video I have ever seen.

  46. - Dem observer - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 11:25 am:

    The Ch 2 story on Quinn’s plane use would be more compelling if they showed he was using the plane for obvious campaign events rather than governing. But it was just the cheap shot that he uses the state plane to cover a state that stretches from Lake Michigan to the boundaries of the Old Confederacy! Can you imagine how long it would take for him to drive it!

    If Quinn stayed in Springfield and Chicago all the time, the rest of the state would rightly complain that we was isolated and ignoring big slices of his constituents. You’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t!

  47. - Louis Howe - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 11:25 am:

    Higher education needs a good house cleaning. The tragedy of the Tribune’s harangue about legislative influence of the U of I and higher education scholarships is that higher education is the most bloated and unresponsive bureaucracy in State government. The legislative financial oversight is nil because of lump sum line item budgeting which means the university executives run the operations for their benefit. Edgar’s power grab in the mid-90s filled the University governing boards with political appointees and they became the true patronage havens for republicans. Example number one is Edgar’s $160,000 salary for teaching the political science of “How to get appointed Secretary of State and have a great political career.” He’s teaches part time while collecting another $160,000 from the GA retirement system. Not bad for a student that went to Eastern.

  48. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 11:27 am:

    Shows can negotiate virtually anything at Mac Place. Supply and demand is alive and well — sometimes to the show’s advantage, sometimes to the venue’s advantage.

    A lot of those horror stories — $24 cases of pop — are the show organizers or their contractor taking a markup (they’re in it to make money, too). It’s not going into any union pocket.

    The one thing shows can’t negotiate is union work rules. That’s a contract between McCormick Place and the unions. Shows have no leverage in that arena, which is why it’s always the main focal point of the venue and the shows.

  49. - Secret Square - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 11:30 am:

    “You want a governor who drives everywhere? Move to Rhode Island.”

    RI’s total land area is 1,045 square miles — about the size of McLean County.

    The total land area of Illinois (55,593 square miles), on the other hand, is larger than that of England (just over 50,000 square miles). Toss in water areas (presumably including Illinois waters of Lake Michigan) and we’re about equal to England and Wales combined.

  50. - Deep South - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 11:36 am:

    Hey Ghost…I’d be interested in your source…if you’ve got one.

  51. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 11:36 am:

    I’m cranking out a “Manson is my Daddy” number now.

    Nope - I couldn’t finish it.
    It just wasn’t a decent thing to do to a fellow.
    You can’t help who is your dad.

  52. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 11:39 am:

    Sun Times is going to charge for premium content

    Yeah - for extra coin, you’ll be able to read the truth. It doesn’t make it to Print.

  53. - Montrose - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 11:39 am:

    I just watched the Fox 2 “report,” and I realize many have said versions of this already, but come on! As someone that drives fairly regularly to southern Illinois, it is absolutely ridiculous to suggest flying to different parts of the state is frivolous. The state is huge. Unless they want him to never leave the greater Chicago area, he needs to fly. Lets move on to something of substance.

  54. - Louis G. Atsaves - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 11:40 am:

    You mean Governor “I will live in the Governor’s Mansion” Quinn? And he pulls out a membership card at a cheapo hotel chain to prove that when he flies south, he stays at a Super8?

    One thing I will say about Quinn. No matter how hard you try, you can never quite connect the dots with what he says and what he actually does.

  55. - shore - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 11:47 am:

    1. easy to say on the north shore-

    -one of the reasons I am one of 74 percent of republicans nationally that hates my party right now, is because we have nothing to say on issues that don’t relate to terrorism, and social issues.A better way to boost the economic future of the state than importing terrorists would be to increase the quality of our state higher education systems. SIU is not michigan state, or ucla, or william and mary, it’s a school better known for boozing than books and we should be using this recession to reevaluate its performance and to see what could be done to use it to drive state econ development. If we had actual leaders that didn’t piss away 40 million like senator hendon on a building that wasn’t used and instead did thinking, called a think tank, sought out ideas, people in suburban chicago might not send their kids outside the state if they dont go to u of i.

    2. forgive me, but aside from this column, which we read here, what is there on we can’t get elsewhere? No one will pay to read jesse jackson or any of their other folks, not in this economy with the options available elsewhere. I could get lynn sweet’s stuff on team america’s blog and politico and here. espn is better than their sportssection.

    3. Bashing research is ridiculous. Where do you think google, the internet, everything else we have comes from? Ask boston, or the research triangle or sillicon valley where their economies would be without it. Perhaps if we had an actual academic at the head of siu rather than a patronage appointed former congressman the school wouldn’t be ranked a tier 3 backwater.

    4.The video is nice, unfortunately I am not aware of the governor creating any actual jobs in Illinois aside from the gitmo scheme.

  56. - Bill - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 11:49 am:

    Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

  57. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 11:51 am:

    RI’s total land area is 1,045 square miles — about the size of McLean County.

    The total land area of Illinois (55,593 square miles), on the other hand, is larger than that of England (just over 50,000 square miles). Toss in water areas (presumably including Illinois waters of Lake Michigan) and we’re about equal to England and Wales combined.

    Other fascinating facts about Rhode Island!
    1.) It was founded by people so small the state in proportion to it’s inhabitants, made it as large as Texas!
    2.) Rhode Island’s number one industry is prostitution.
    3.) Narragansett Bay is only three inches deep.
    4.) Similar to today’s maps, giant letters chained together to form the state’s name, are floating miles out into Long Island Sound, with a giant arrow pointing towards the state.
    5.) “Rhode Island” is actually a shortened version of the state’s official name. Officially, the state is named, “Rhode Island and Providence Non-Slave Plantations, Bar and Grille”
    6.) 80% of Rhode Islanders believe they live in Massachusetts.
    7.) Famous Rhode Islanders include twelve former Jennifer Lopez husbands.
    8.) Rhode Island was the original red-lined state, where former Massachusetts and Connecticut outcasts were forced to live, but commute to work.
    9.) The state is too small for Kennedys.
    10.) The official state song is the longest state song, “MacArthur Park”, sung by Queen.

  58. - soccermom - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 11:55 am:

    Dear Louis,

    Governor Quinn stays in a Super-8 when he’s not in Springfield. In Springfield, he stays in the Mansion. They don’t let him take the Mansion with him to other cities — too much wear and tear on the wheels. Sheesh.

  59. - Third Generation Chicago Native - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 11:57 am:

    I see Quinn on local news, in Chicago way too often for him to be in the mansion.

    As far as trade shows, I have been in trade shows, in New Orleans, Pittsburgh, Anaheim, and the company I worked for tried to stay out of Chicago (McCormick) trade shows due to costs. The rental fee for a piece of carpet, then a pad under it are just the beginning of the higher costs. Everything cost more. You had to have a union electrician come and plug something in, where other places it was do it yourself. The wait time for unloading, loading your booth was by far longer in Chicago.
    The hotels close to McCormick are also a lot more money, many had free shuttles to the convention, but in New Orleans, you could walk to the convention from most hotels. I’ll stop there I can go on and on. But it is no surprise to me that most Conventions are pulling out.
    Plus I liked going to Anaheim or New Orleans for better weather, and I am sure that is also something playing into decisions.

  60. - LN - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 11:58 am:

    @Ghost: I’m all for cutting Poshard’s payroll. Currently making $400k a year when he will also get (if he’s not already getting) a state pension AND a federal pension? That’s a lot of my money.

  61. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 11:59 am:

    “One thing I will say about Quinn. No matter how hard you try, you can never quite connect the dots with what he says and what he actually does.”

    BINGO! You’ve noticed that too, huh. I dunno, but maybe a subtext point to the Fox2 story is that perhaps Quinn would serve the people of Illinois better by being in either his office in Springfield or Chicago and working to actually get things done. Maybe the folks at Fox2 are looking at the derth of accomplishments and just wonderin’?

    The state is in an awful lot of trouble, folks.

    You guys have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  62. - Montrose - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 11:59 am:

    *I see Quinn on local news, in Chicago way too often for him to be in the mansion.*

    Well, if that is not damning, irrefutable proof, I don’t know what is.

  63. - Secret Square - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 12:04 pm:

    Also, isn’t convention/trade show attendance down in general due to the economy?

    I can remember when the newspaper I worked for sent us to one national and one regional convention every year… a few years later, it was down to one national convention every OTHER year, and by the time I left, they weren’t attending ANY conventions at all.

    Plus isn’t it easier to get information you need online or through teleconferences so actual physical gatherings aren’t as important as they used to be?

  64. - Plutocrat03 - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 12:10 pm:

    The use of the State plane is only as valid as the reason for the Governor to be somewhere other than his office in Springfield.

    It was fair game to be critical of Gov. B when his commute to the State capital required two round trips a day to accomplish.

    In this political season with primaries coming up it is tempting for the Governor to show up in places where the actual governing could be done via video-conference.

    Legitimate use of the plane is wonderful, but it is fair to ask whether the reasons for the trip are matters of governance or politics.

  65. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 12:13 pm:

    Secret, all of the above and more. If there’s a growth sector in the industry, it’s for smaller, educational shows, particularly medical (baby boomers getting older).

    That’s the area the newest building, McCormick Place West, is supposed to address.

  66. - cassandra - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 12:14 pm:

    I don’t care if Quinn uses the state plane–it’s for his use, although in retrospect we may have been a little tough on our Blago for his plane usage.

    But why does Quinn have to go to all these places
    to carry out his gubernatorial duties. What about Skype and, well, the phone. It’s not like people are going to ignore him, however he communicates.

    Because these days our accidental guv isn’t governing, he’s campaigning. That’s what the state plane is being used for, whatever he calls it on the. Does he really need to show up in order for various projects to get started? Of course not. He just has to approve the money, often not even that.

    Looks like we’re close to getting ready to vote us another campaigner into the governor’s chair.
    We know how that turned out the last time.

  67. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 12:17 pm:

    “In this political season with primaries coming up it is tempting for the Governor to show up in places where the actual governing could be done via video-conference.Legitimate use of the plane is wonderful, but it is fair to ask whether the reasons for the trip are matters of governance or politics.”

    BINGO #2. You’ve noticed this too, huh.

    If it’s not too late to put a request in…
    VanillaMan can you do something ala ‘Son of the Preacher Man’ with the Charles Manson thing Son of Crazy Killer Man? For the holiday and all, ya know.

  68. - Deep South - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 12:21 pm:

    Hey Shore, you really don’t have a clue about SIU. I suggest you get out of Chicago and pay Carbondale a visit…spend some time at the university and find out what’s really going on there. Faculty, staff and students are some of the best in the country. I think U-of-I is more of a party school than SIU. Please, get your facts in order before you pontificate.

  69. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 12:32 pm:

    As to requests regarding “Manson is my Daddy”

    After a couple of verses, I found the entire thing to be too unfunny, even for me. It seemed that I could craft something funny out of it, but as I worked on it - it lost it’s appeal.

    I am another big supporter of adoptions. We can’t help who are ancestors are. If I was this man, I wouldn’t have even made the news over this, unless I intend to use my notoriety to address crime issues or something Charlie Manson would never approve of. This gentleman can also make a case for not aborting those of us conceived unwillingly by our mothers.

    I wouldn’t want to be known as Charlie Manson’s son. I’d rather be known as myself.

  70. - Harmony - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 12:36 pm:

    SIU inn’t worth the taxpayer dollars that fund it. Come on shore we are all adults here. SIUC offers a quality education, in a beautiful setting, at lower tuition than many of the universities north of I-64. You also have no idea what research takes place at SIUC so please do “your research” before making rash statements.

    “The average wage [for professors at SIU] is 20 percent below what is paid elsewhere.” (Quoted from Professor Tony Williams in an article at this url:
    That’s probably not out of line considering that the cost of living is less expensive in the Carbondale area. Wages are probably more of an issue in the Edwardsville and Springfield areas.

    It’s hard to make a blanket statement about yearly pay raises. SIU has many different unions representing a variety of employees and each union has their own agreement with the university. For example, the Service Employees International Union has been promised a 3% raise for the year of 2010.

  71. - shore - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 12:42 pm:

    I don’t know a single person that actually wants to go to SIU. The only time we read about it in the chicago papers is when they have some sort of bonfire or absurdity there. US News and world report ranks it as a 3rd tier school which means it’s not working hard to make it a national force.

    It ranks 143 in national science foundation grants which means poshard isn’t pulling his weight in d.c. Governor quinn should spend his time on creating jobs this way rather than housing terrorists.

  72. - Responsa - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 12:42 pm:

    Personal to Rich, I have a suggestion for a possible future “question of the day” here on Cap Fax sometime after the holiday. (Not that you don’t come up with plenty of good ones on your own.)

    My question/setup would be: Governor Quinn assumed office as the result of a major scandal, and is now facing a primary challenge for election just a few months preceeding the general. His time in the governor’s chair is short to be considered a true incumbent, yet long to be considered a mere place holder. What initial expectations did Illinoisans have for PQ during this time? How has having to run for office so soon affected Quinn’s rhetoric, his approach to governing and his actions? As governor what issues do you think he might have approached very differently or things might (not should) he have done differently were he not also a candidate so soon?

  73. - train111 - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 12:55 pm:

    This afternoon has been quite the bore–so with way too much time on my hands and in honor of petition clallenges going on all over the place:

    Here’s Michael Madigan’s version of LEslie Gore’s “It’s My Party”

    It’s my party and I’ll run who I want to
    Run who I want to
    Run who I want to
    It’s my party and I’ll run who I want to
    I am the king so I’ll do what I do!

    Nobody knows how many petitions you’ve filed
    Numbered each signature sheet
    Fastened them all quite properly
    The laws aren’t very discreet

    It’s my party and I’ll run who I want to
    Run who I want to
    Run who I want to
    It’s my party and I’ll run who I want to
    I am the king so I’ll do what I do!

    Bounce those petitions and draw those map lines
    Guard each one of my seats
    If I can’t game the system enough
    You should see how I cheat

    It’s my party and I’ll run who I want to
    Run who I want to
    Run who I want to
    It’s my party and I’ll run who I want to
    I am the king so I’ll do what I do

    My few chosen have zero worries
    Each signature is guaranteed
    My lawyers they make it so
    Checked all the graveyards indeed!

    It’s my party and I’ll run who I want to
    Run who I want to
    Run who I want to
    It’s my party and I’ll run who I want to
    I am the king so I’ll do what I do!!

    Happy Thanksgiving everybody


  74. - Deep South - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 1:03 pm:


    You are a piece of work! I wonder if you know any students at all. In fall of 2008, almost 3,500 of SIUC students were from Cook County.

    On second thought, I’m sure you’re just trying to bait us SIU supporters. Why else would anyone much such ill-imformed claims.

  75. - Small Town Liberal - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 1:09 pm:

    - I don’t know a single person that actually wants to go to SIU. -

    Wow, I guess the argument’s closed on that since Shore doesn’t know anyone who wants to go there.

    And Ghost, I wasn’t freaking out, I was making fun of you for freaking out.

  76. - Anon - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 1:16 pm:

    I don’t know a single person who likes elitists from the North Shore, but that doesn’t mean such people don’t exist. SIU is a tremendous asset to a large chunk of Illinois, from the Carbondale campus to the Med School in Springfield (there are a LOT of people who want to go there, btw).

  77. - Moving to Oklahoma - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 1:17 pm:

    Hey Vanilla Man, I got Song for ya!

    You get a line, and I’ll get a Pole.
    We’ll go fishin in the Crawfish hole, hunny.
    Ohhhhhhhhh Baby!

    Happy gobble gobble day ya’ll.
    Think I’ll go bowling.

  78. - Anon - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 1:29 pm:

    ==“We need to have jobs, economic growth,” Quinn said. “We’ve got to repair all the damage that was caused in our state government. I’ve done that. ==

    Well you heard him, he’s already done those things. The damage is repaired, and jobs are coming back…nevermind what the actual facts and statistics show, Quinn says he’s done fixed it. So what’s everyone complaining about.

  79. - shore - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 1:33 pm:

    Alabama and has more tier 1 universities than Illinois. When we can’t get a number 2 state public university to perform better than Alabama, and a tier 1 university without a corrupted admissions system, it’s called being up a creek without a paddle.

  80. - Judgment Day Is On The Way - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 1:33 pm:

    Just a few observations re: Exhibiting (last 2 years) in Orlando/ Las Vegas / Chicago at McCormick Place:

    1) US: No crates, or fancy displays. All soft sided carrying cases, picked up at airport in rental van, 4 people running booth, except Chicago, had six people.

    2) At both Las Vegas and Orlando, we were able to pull right up (no more than 10 min wait) at the convention center/exhibit hall and literally carry/cart all of our materials ourselves right to our booth location on the floor. Didn’t cost us anything, except we did tip pretty well to the folks for allowing us to get access. Total time in both Vegas and Orland to get everything from the airport freight to our booth location was less than 2 hours (impressed us).

    Chicago, not so much. Everything was work rules, and procedures, and people had their hands out at every turn. Just getting all our stuff to the booth took between 3-4 hours - and that’s from us first getting to McCormick Place.

    3) Then you get to your booth space - the 8+ foot square where you get to live it up for the next several days.

    Las Vegas & Orlando. Everything pre-ordered, all the paperwork ready to go, power already on, backdrops up, everything ordered is ready to go, T-1 is hot, and is ready to be tested and verified, carpeting and pad already down & good to go, booth rules all in order. Lets get the display setup, hooked up, tested, setup all our internal procedures for dealing with handouts and ’swag’, etc. We were literally able to do all of that work ourselves, then notified and had our “booth inspection” (had to wait about 15-20 minutes for that). 2.5 to 3.0 hours at most. Ready to go.

    Chicago, what a mess. Everything also pre-ordered, some of it was actually in place. Just an absolute cluster. T-1 was “hot”, except it wasn’t - actually worked about 40% of the time, and got jacked around non-stop by those people. They even wanted (literally insisted) that we check our soft sided cases, except we had already folded them up & moved them back to the van. Several of us spent almost the entire freakin day dealing with setup. Missed some business connections as a result.

    What these clowns don’t seem to understand is that many vendors also use these shows to get face time with both existing clients, and potential new clients. It’s not just about floor time at the convention.

    If we can get setup & out in 3-5 hours, it’s pretty likely we have both current and potential clients at hotels, or are on their way into town. That extra time (4 hours vs. 8 hours) before the actual convention is bonus “face time”, and that’s often hard to get under normal circumstances.

    But if we got to spend all that extra time trying to get setup on the exhibit floor (like seems to always happen in Chicago), the exhibit venue is not making any friends, and certainly aren’t doing yourself any favors. These guys (all of them, not just the union folks) just don’t seem to get it.

    It’s like it’s all about them, and not about the convention. They come across as just looking at us as nothing more than a cash cow to be fleeced.

  81. - Small Town Liberal - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 1:35 pm:

    Shore - So now you’re better than Alabamans too? Does your arrogance know no bounds?

  82. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 1:35 pm:

    Yeah, because we should all strive to be like Alabama. lol

  83. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 1:38 pm:

    “Well I heard Mr. Shore sing about her.

    I heard old Shore put her down.

    I hope that Shore will remember,

    A Southern man don’t need him around, anyhow.

    Sweet Home, Little Egypt!”

  84. - shore - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 1:41 pm:

    california has 9 public universities ranked in the top tier of us news and world report. Illinois has 1.

    michigan has 2.

    these are the things that matter.

  85. - shore - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 1:43 pm:

    We should want to have a nationally competitive higher education system that can attract federal and private research and investment dollars.

    It also speaks to sprinfields failure at governing and inability to execute basic public policy issues.

  86. - Anon - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 1:49 pm:

    There is a ton of research, yes even the type that attracts federal and private investment, that goes on at SIU. Your inability to recognize this shows your ignorance. “US News” rankings are nice to look at for high school kids, but they in no way shape or form are the final word on the quality of the University.

  87. - Cindy Lou - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 1:49 pm:

    –” because of slow payments…”– “Believe me, we’ve been in constant communication not only with our universities, but our whole provider community,” Hynes said. “The situation is getting untenable. We have $4.5 billion in bills that we can’t pay, including payments to our universities.”–

    Went to the dentist this morning half expecting to have to all but put up front my first born before services. Paid my deductible, the emeregency fee (which would not be covered at all)and the difference between actual cost and schedule payments allowed.

    I offered to pay entire bill and let me be the one to wait out state employee insurance payment. Lady assured me no, no need, surely the state pays shortly. This was an unexpected appointment at not usual place of service. I almost feel guilty knowing dentist will not be paid ’shortly’. I tried to tell/warn her and then told her to send rest of bill to my address if wait was more than ’shortly’. I’m guessing this place does not get many state employees flashing their employee dental card.

  88. - WizzardOfOzzie - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 1:51 pm:

    “You mean Governor “I will live in the Governor’s Mansion” Quinn? And he pulls out a membership card at a cheapo hotel chain to prove that when he flies south, he stays at a Super8?

    One thing I will say about Quinn. No matter how hard you try, you can never quite connect the dots with what he says and what he actually does.”

    ????? Huh? He was in the Metro East. There is no Governor’s mansion in the metro east that I’m aware of.

    I’m pretty sure I just read that Governor Quinn is having his extended family to the mansion for Thanksgiving.

  89. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 2:03 pm:

    Moving to OK, are you sure you’re ready for prime time with that one?

  90. - Amalia - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 2:08 pm:

    Shore, your comment about people not wanting to go to SIU is
    just nuts. I’ve noticed that there are quite a few radio people and radio folks who have moved on who went to SIU. Isn’t Claypool a graduate of SIU? Seems like some talent decided
    that it is a good place. and no, I have no personal connection to
    the school

  91. - shore - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 2:09 pm:

    I used the national science foundation report 143rd and it’s even lower than that because the report groups university systems. Durbin’s on approps, maybe he should spend more time funneling dollars back home than massaging mary landrieu’s feet on health care.

    contrary to what my party fails to say, and what democrats do in springfield, we don’t have to suck at everything in Illinois.

  92. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Nov 25, 09 @ 2:58 pm:

    –california has 9 public universities ranked in the top tier of us news and world report. Illinois has 1.–

    California is the poster child for basket case state government.

    Shore, not to interrupt you, but:

    What is your point? That you’re the last person on Earth reading U.S. News?

  93. - Cranky Old Man - Friday, Nov 27, 09 @ 6:22 am:

    Rich, your 1:35 post about striving to be like Alabama was pretty good, but if I remember correctly, and I’m not sure I do, didn’t Clinton campaign on something to the effect of moving Arkansas from 50th to 49th in literacy? I am remembering something like that, but am not sure and I know with your experience, you should be able to dig it up, if you don’t know it off of the top of your head, I’m confident that you can find it. Let me know if I’m close or not. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.

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