Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x 3 *** Dillard up with Fox News cable/Network TV ad and some other campaign news
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*** UPDATED x 3 *** Dillard up with Fox News cable/Network TV ad and some other campaign news

Monday, Nov 30, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Republican gubernatorial candidate Kirk Dillard has a new cable TV ad which features former Gov. Jim Edgar. Rate it

It’s a $50,000 buy on Fox News for the week. The ad will be running throughout the day and evening on the cable channel.

*** UPDATE 2 *** As some commenters have pointed out, there’s more to the buy than just Fox News. But just barely. From my usual industry insider…

* Dillard booked a total of 95k statewide - broadcast and cable

* Markets - Champaign - cable only 4k total

Chicago- booked 50k on cable and 10k on broadcast

Paducah booked 5k broadcast no cable

Peoria- 19k broadcast, 3k cable

Rockford- 3,500 on cable only no broadcast

This is a very light broadcast buy, to say the least.

*** UPDATE 3 *** A pal with the Dillard campaign says Champaign network (WCIA) was bought this week.

[ *** End of Updates *** ]

* Meanwhile, in other political news, Adam Andrzejewski says he’s on a “fact-finding mission to Poland” with his dad

I’m currently visiting the Republic of Poland as part of an economic and political fact-finding mission. My four day mission trip will include both official and familial appointments. The goal of the mission is to discover how the State of Illinois can improve its economic and cultural relationship with the Republic of Poland in order to promote job growth, economic vitality, and increased international trade between the two.

* Adlai Stevenson has endorsed Justin Oberman for state treasurer and Oberman is featuring Stevenson in a new radio ad. I’ll have the audio during the lunch hour, so watch for an update. For now, here’s the script…

Your state treasurer can be a big help in these troubled times—from improving state finances to creating new jobs. I know, because I served as state treasurer before you elected me senator.

I’m Adlai Stevenson and I’m grateful for your past support. But now I want to tell you about an outstanding candidate with a strong professional background and great plans for the treasurer’s office—including job creation.

Justin Oberman served our country in transportation and homeland security, managing a large staff and budget. He now runs his own financial firm helping green companies grow. His qualifications are unmatched for managing the treasurer’s office and investing state funds wisely. But he can also bring private investment back to Illinois, which will mean more new jobs.

I urge you to support Justin Oberman for State Treasurer in the Democratic primary.

Justin: Thank you for your support. Paid for by Oberman for Illinois.

Stevenson: It’s a new generation, but the name Oberman still means reform.

UPDATE 1: Click here to listen to the radio ad.

* Remember when Dorothy Brown’s spokesperson dissed Todd Stroger’s nominating petitions a few weeks ago?

“It was just ridiculous. It was chicken scratch, it was scribble-scrabble. It didn’t look well at all. It looked obviously fake and false,” said Brown spokeswoman Lily Kim.

Well, Brown recently dropped her challenge, but her own petitions are still being challenged

The electoral board will continue its review of additional allegations including invalid signatures, irregularities and forgeries in Brown’s documents on Thursday.

* And a little-known Republican candidate explains why he took a Democratic ballot last year after rumors circulated that he’s a Democratic plant…

In 2008, I joined over 100,000 Republicans in Ohio, 119,000 in Texas, and 38,000 in Mississippi who voted for Hillary Clinton to put Republicans in the best position to win in the general election.

* More campaign stuff…

* Candidates take advantage of e-campaigning

* Republican candidates for governor weigh in on gambling to help state budget

* Political ‘Loyalty Oath’ Remains Popular in Elections

* Kane Dems endorse Quinn

* Kirk gets Schock’s endorsement for US Senate bid

* Governor race has a decidedly DuPage feel to it

* Candidates open wallets for Republican fundraiser

* Bernard Schoenburg: Hynes not conceding votes of veterans

* Bird formally out of 10th Congressional District race

* The Flipside to Uncontested Green Primaries


  1. - Easy - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 11:41 am:

    nice ad–but $50k on Fox for a week? why not just drop money from an airplane. oh i know why, because his media buyer wouldn’t get his 12% cut.

  2. - wordslinger - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 11:43 am:

    Certainly a ringing endorsement from Edgar, so that works. I’m just curious as to why they’re not on camera together at the end, perhaps engaging in a little dialogue.

    That would seal the deal better than just stills of Dillard. Opportunity missed.


  3. - concerned citizen - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 11:46 am:

    Kirk Dillard has an ad that features the former Gov. I’m surprised, really. Maybe he’ll have one featuring J. Kass saying he’s a rare find in Illinois.

  4. - VanillaMan - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 11:52 am:

    The Edgar seal of approval still works for most voters, including me. Perhaps in future ads, both Dillard and Edgar can be seen together, holding hands, going for long walks, flicking a locker room towel at one another - you know. Edgar needs to put out a little more than this.

    Adlai has been out of sight for too long. Nice to hear he is still alive.

  5. - Carl Nyberg - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 11:54 am:

    Nothing says moving toward the future like a radio endorsement by Adlai Stevenson.

    Justin Oberman’s chief government experience is working for the Bush administration.

    At the IVI-IPO endorsement session he failed to make the case why Democratic voters should change from the Giannoulias/Kelly administration.

    And, Oberman appeared before the audience in pants that were woefully wrinkled. Not fresh pressed pants? That’s OK. But these pants were wrinkled from hip to ankle.

    Oberman wants to get in the game at a reasonably high level. He doesn’t want to do time in city council or the state legislature. And he thinks that having a father with a good reputation plus doing time in the Bush administration justifies him going straight to Congress or statewide office.

    We’ll see how the voters feel. I didn’t perceive that Oberman got any traction at the IVI-IPO endorsements. There are a few people impressed with JO. But they don’t seem to be able to persuade the people who know Robin Kelly to reconsider. And it seems like Robin Kelly has met more people in Illinois as a state rep and chief of staff to the Treasurer than JO has met through his dad and his time in the Bush administration.

    Note to aspiring politicians: doing time in DC in the other party’s administration is probably not a productive way to make the contacts necessary to run back in your home state if you don’t live in MD, VA, WV or DE.

  6. - Johny Temp - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 12:01 pm:

    Great Add and exactly why we need kirk dillard for gov

  7. - Middle of the Road - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 12:01 pm:

    This is a bigger buy than just Fox. People have seen it on WMAQ, Peoria and in Southern Illinois.

  8. - Middle of the Road - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 12:09 pm:

    Should have added: “not on Fox” in Peoria & So. IL.

  9. - downstate hick - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 12:17 pm:

    Dillard add is a good start. The Edgar name is still important in the Republican primary and this might give a boost to make inroads on Ryan’s lead.

  10. - Jobe - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 12:26 pm:

    My wife said the Dillard ad was on Martha Stewart in Chicago this morning.

  11. - shore - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 12:26 pm:

    Dillard seems to think primary voters are stupid enough to forget that despite all his efforts 20 years ago, he endorsed obama and has done pretty much nothing to stop democrats here. Where’s he been the last 10 years? Let’s start with that.

    Adam’s itinerary is pretty funny. Meeting with the polish version of the heritage foundation, an entity which celebrates rush limbaugh and sarah palin as serious conservative thinkers, barf. I also don’t think the governor of Illinois gets a seat at the table in the sit room to decide whether we put missile defense in poland.

  12. - Nick - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 12:28 pm:

    Ok ad, but, with only 50K he might as well just sent the money to me.

  13. - Middle of the Road - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 12:31 pm:

    The $50k must only be the Fox part since it’s popped up on non-Fox as well. Let’s see if he’s bought any network time or local news. Time will tell.

  14. - 4 percent - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 12:33 pm:

    I live in Springfield and saw it last night on two other channels than FOX, I would assume that the ad is much biger than $50k.

  15. - Anon - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 12:35 pm:

    ==In 2008, I joined over 100,000 Republicans in Ohio, 119,000 in Texas, and 38,000 in Mississippi who voted for Hillary Clinton to put Republicans in the best position to win in the general election.==

    Thank Lincoln’s ghost that more Republicans were smart enough to take Democrat ballots in the primaries in order to vote in what’s-his-name (the junior Senator from Illinois) and then getting him kicked off the ballot in October when he couldn’t produce his birth certificate. Saved the GOP from almost certain defeat and a decade of being irrelevant on the national stage.

  16. - Pat collins - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 12:43 pm:

    I am not a commie oath

    I always fill this out when I run for anything.

    Always a good laugh when I explain it to some friends……

  17. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 1:16 pm:

    Adam Alphabet’s Polish Agenda:

    1. The proposition that the United States, Poland, and Illinois have an acute need to maximize their mutual relationship regarding economic growth, international trade, and education. As governor of Illinois, I’ll make Illinois a magnet for Polish foreign investment.

    2. As Governor, I will spearhead an effort to eliminate visa entry for Polish nationals to the United States, giving them equal status as those of EU-member nations.

    3. As Governor, I’ll promote Illinois-based foreign investment in Poland and other nations.

    4. As Governor, I will support the on-going efforts for a stationary missile defense shield based in Poland.

    My thoughts:

    1. Poland has a GDP of $527 billion, less than the state of Pennsylvania. Meanwhile, our bordering states have a GDP of $990 billion. Perhaps Adam should start a little closer to home.

    2. As Governor, you have Zero to say about Visa policy. You’d be better off writing a letter to Senator Durbin and cc’ing Cong. Lipinski, Cong. Dingell, Sen. Sanders, Gov. Pawlenty, and the Polish American Congress.

    3. How about promoting investment in Illinois, instead of Poland?

    4. Um, yeah, good luck with that.

  18. - Will County Woman - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 1:18 pm:

    I’m guessing that the challenge to Brown’s petitions will be successful, if not the stroger’s camp then the challenge concerning the people her camp used to collect signatures mounted by some as of yet unnamed concerned “voter.”

    that leaves toni, todd and terry. i’m guessing danny davis will endorse todd. after all davis said several weeks ago that todd would make, or is, a good co. board president. the only threat to todd is toni…she has and black support. terry has no black support,and likely won’t get any. i go back to the question that i have had since the summer. where/with whom do hispanic voters go between todd and toni? they go todd, todd wins? todd gets no white vote, and splits black votes with toni.

    terry gets much of the white vote, and what he doesn’t get (lakefront) all goes to toni.

    with the probability/inevitability of polling places closing late in certain areas due to “problems” with voting equipment, todd just might win.


  19. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 1:21 pm:

    === Dillard seems to think primary voters are stupid enough… ===

    I think you just summed up Illinois’ primary process very nicely.

    The differences between the candidates on the big issues within a primary are pretty razor-thin. Every GOP candidate has told the voters to read their lips with regard to taxes this time around.

    This primary will be won by the candidate who raises the most money and spends it the most wisely.

  20. - Will County Woman - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 1:26 pm:

    word, you gave the dillard ad a 6 out of 10? that’s harsh. thanksgiving ended for you at precisely 12:01 am on november 27th?

    i disagree with word. it’s a solid intro ad effort. i give it an A. Dillard looks good.

    the ad is on WMAQ, as others have noted.

  21. - OneMan - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 1:27 pm:

    Yes, I should know because I was state treasurer before a large number of you were even born….

    Don’t know if I get the Adli resurgence, first the Hynes ad now this.


  22. - Amuzing Myself - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 1:29 pm:

    Well, at least Dillard’s ad didn’t talk about hair. Decent ad, although it’s about as exciting as the guy narrating it - not at all! Should help him be believed as a real candidate, but I can’t believe the average GOP voter cares much who Edgar endorses since he’s been picking losers consistently for the last several cycles. If he wanted to have an impact and help his party, he should have run in 2006 or run for the U.S. Senate.

    Dillard needs to do a lot more than this, unless this is a last-ditch effort to move his numbers into some semblance of competitiveness. If it’s his “Hail Mary,” then it makes sense, I guess.

    He’s beginning to look like the GOP’s John McCain of 2010. He just says “Edgar” instead of “Reagan.” If he makes it through the primary, he just doesn’t do anything for me. Tough to energize the base with such a boring campaign/candidate.

  23. - Will County Woman - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 1:32 pm:

    Re stroge et al.
    oh my bad… i disdn’t really mean that polling places would close late, i meant they would be late to report. also toni will likely win a good portion of white votes in other parts of cook county beyond just the lakefront areas. she’ll no doubt do better than terry in places like oak park, skokie etc.

  24. - John Bambenek - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 1:32 pm:

    The Edgar bounce is a myth. He was all but endorsed early on. Finally endorsed later. Statewide robocalls and mailers. Not a peep in the polls.

    It might have meant something had every third word out of his mouth not been EDGAR!

  25. - ahoy - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 1:36 pm:

    Thank god someone has finally realized that Poland is the answer to our state’s economic future.

  26. - Rich Miller - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 1:36 pm:

    JB, you know that the message doesn’t work until it’s been burned into voters’ minds, don’t you? This is yet another step in that direction.

  27. - The Prophet - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 1:41 pm:

    This is only one man’s opinion but:
    1) Kirk Dillard would do much better if he didn’t always turn to Jim Edgar to convince us that he would make a good choice for governor. Kirk Dillard reminds me of the little kid in grade school that always ran to seek the safety and protection of his big brother rather than “stand on his own two feet”. Mr. Dillard has been beating the “Jim Edgar likes me” drum for all that it is worth. The “Jim is my best friend” theme has gotten to sound like a scratched 45 rpm record that the needle keeps skipping over once too many times. Quit beating the dead horse, Kirk. We get the picture that you keep drawing on the bathroom wall for us.
    And, #2)Adam Andrzjewski running over to Poland to “conduct a fact finding mission for Illinois” is a bit too much. It would be like Jim Ryan stating that he was running off to stay in a Tibetan monastery so that he could see if trade agreements with Tibet might be “a good thing”. Do these guys ever wonder what the voters really think of their theatrics? When do they grow up and quit living in their pretend worlds? Adam is “a nice kid” but “a big kid” is exactly what he is. I will have to say that Adam and Kirk do manage to make Pat Quinn look better all of the time (and, by the way, I am a Republican).

  28. - Scott Summers - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 1:42 pm:

    Candidate loyalty oaths are unconstitutional.
    Communist Party v. Whitcomb , 414 U.S. 441 (1974).

    Remarkably, the loyalty oath remains on the books here. 10 ILCS 5/7-10.1.

    Calling it “optional” does not make it “less unconstitutional”.

    No candidate should have to renounce (or, for that matter, profess) political beliefs as a condition of running for office. That’s the law of the land.

    The General Assembly needs to repeal the loyalty oath — thirty-five years after the fact. Election authorities should stop distributing it. And the Illinois State Board of Elections in particular should immediately cease its egregious practice of compiling lists of candidates who have — and have not — signed it!

  29. - Jobe - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 1:52 pm:

    I think too many are assuming Dillard’s Edgar endorsement ad is his only message. I’d be surprised if he doesn’t have some issue based ads in the wings. I’d also be surprised if he didn’t have some polling data show that the Edgar message moves numbers.

    At any rate, he’s on TV and his closest competitors aren’t.

  30. - shore - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 1:53 pm:

    The problem with edgar is that dillard like the rest of the 7 dwarfs is stuck in a past that frankly doesn’t exist anymore. I realize to people in springfield edgar is a big deal, but to the rest of the state, we are more interested in what you did the last 2 years to stop the democrats and why you endorsed obama if you knew he was a socialist. Where’s he demonstrated his genius? Bueller?

    1st rule of modern european history-never invade russia in winter. 2nd rule of modern european history never go to poland on a fact finding mission 60 days before a primary. Dan Seals went to Israel on a fact finding mission before comrade kirk beat him, twice, because he knew that as a 9th district democrat where they are anti-israel, he needed to be able to tell the juf crowd he’d been to the golan heights and seen the west bank settlements. Alexi went to greece on a sketchy junket with durbin because he had to be able to tell people that his foreign policy experience wasn’t limited to spring break in cancun.

  31. - Rich Miller - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 1:56 pm:

    ===I think too many are assuming Dillard’s Edgar endorsement ad is his only message.===

    I’m betting that’s it. His best and perhaps only chance is to put 1000 points behind that message.

  32. - Red Ranger - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 1:58 pm:

    Prophet: I agree Dillard should stop saying “Jim Edgar.” Just like Obama should have stopped saying “change.” Its a bad idea to say things that voters will respond to in a positive manner. It just doesn’t make any sense.

  33. - nortsider - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 2:00 pm:

    The polish population in cook county is second only to Warsaw at least thats what I have heard. In any event there are a lot of polish voters in the chicago land area. Did you ever think they would like that Adam went to Poland?

  34. - Rich Miller - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 2:01 pm:

    Red Ranger is spot on. Some people just don’t understand basic campaigning, I suppose. Frankly, I wish they wouldn’t come around here.

  35. - Rich Miller - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 2:04 pm:

    nortsider, the question is whether they vote in the R or D primaries. Also, see Shore’s comment directly above.

  36. - Joe from Joliet - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 2:12 pm:

    The Dillard ad was very good, a solid intro. Edgar is still a name that catches people’s attention.

    All I hear is how serious the problems are. I don’t want to hear about hate and hair. Dillard setting a serious tone from the start is exactly what I want. I look forward to his future ads that address specific issues seriously and pointedly.

  37. - Easy - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 2:20 pm:

    I give Adam credit for going to Poland. People over there may not read polls and actually think he may be governor. Running for office can have some upsides, so might as well use this one and try to convince your motherland that you are the real deal.

    Plus, what is the downside? The guy slips from 5% to 4% in the polls and is tied with Schillerstrom and Proft?

  38. - Bill - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 2:29 pm:

    shore, as you probably know, Dillard did not endorse Obama. He endorsed McCain. Had he gone for the big O he might have had a chance in November.

  39. - Dnstateanon - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 2:31 pm:

    So no one knew Edgar is helping Dillard and now 5k of media in Peducah is going to make deference I don’t think so. They may remember Edgar’s name they won’t remember who he is and won’t know who Dillard is because he doesn’t speak.

  40. - Downstate GOP Faithless - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 2:31 pm:

    $10K Chicago? What is that, about 25 points? So that equates to something like one network spot in Chicago? That’s odd to say the least…I am guessing someone smarter than me can actually correct my numbers, but I dont think I am that far off.

  41. - Middle of the Road - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 2:38 pm:

    The only numbers reported here is $50k for Fox News, and that probably only covers the Chicago market. We’ve already established that the ad appears outside of Chicago and on non-Fox stations. Anyone hearing whether he’s hitting broadcast as well?

  42. - Will County Woman - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 2:38 pm:


    how is it that republicans manage to win governor’s offices in states like california or new york? states that have been blue in every presidential election since clinton ‘92?

    the most damning indictment against il dems in 2010 are:

    cook county
    the white house
    state of illinois 2002-2009

    forcing even democratic voters to agree and concede that too much of one thing is not good.

  43. - Rich Miller - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 2:39 pm:

    ===The only numbers reported here is $50k for Fox News, ===

    Try hitting your refresh button.

  44. - Middle of the Road - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 2:40 pm:

    Sorry…just scrolled up to the update. My bad.

  45. - The Prophet - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 2:40 pm:

    Sorry, Red Ranger. I should have stated my point of view more clearly. My intent was simply to point out that I felt Dillard failed when it came to telling voters other pertinent reasons why he should be our next governor. I can understand why he would want the voter to identify himself with former Governor Edgar.
    I am sorry that I failed to remember that Chicago has a very large Polish vote. I am not from Chicago as you can tell. Now, I understand. Thank you.

  46. - Easy - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 2:47 pm:

    Kirk Dillard has a statewide media buy that no one will see.

  47. - wordslinger - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 3:07 pm:

    –Perhaps in future ads, both Dillard and Edgar can be seen together, holding hands, going for long walks, flicking a locker room towel at one another - you know.–

    VMan, you seem to gravitate to this kind of imagery right from the start. Last week, you wanted the guy who tried to rob Sen. Koehler to strip and sing “I’m a Little Teapot.”

    All I was saying, is that an endorsement ad is more effective if, at the end, the endorser and the endorsee are on camera together.

    What are you talking about, anyway?

  48. - wordslinger - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 3:14 pm:

    ==1st rule of modern european history-never invade russia in winter. 2nd rule of modern european history never go to poland on a fact finding mission 60 days before a primary.==

    You should all listen to Shore here. Like VMan, he has his finger on the pulse of the average Illinois voter.

  49. - downstate hick - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 3:24 pm:

    Any media buy by any candidate at this time is good strategy. An endorsement by Edgar a big plus. As Rich and Red Ranger noted repeat of a positive at this stage is good strategy. Dillard definitely need to raise more money and expand on this effort but a good start, and at a time when he is relatively alone and not lost in countless Adds except for HAIR.

  50. - Anonymous - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 3:26 pm:

    I like the Dillard ad. 9/10 for many reasons stated previously.

    I think the stills work in this one: Focus is on Edgar, and the stills might be a tease for those who are not familiar with Dillard to look for vids.

  51. - shore - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 3:48 pm:

    word, the fact is very very few governors even go to mexico on foreign trips according to the folks I know in mexico city that deal with official travel at the embassy. to spend 1/15 of his remaining campaign time in krackow seems to be more of an “on crack move”.

    Seals going to Israel was very smart, I could see Alexi going to greece, but this makes no sense. He would have been better off nailing quinn for the africa trade appointment, finding some former bush ustr officials and saying that as governor and a former businessman he’d seek ways to boost foreign trade outlining a 7 point plan at the chicago foreign relations council, talking up his plan on business. It’s worth noting that the polish woman who ran against rahm in 2002 got beat in one of the most polish districts in the state.

  52. - Pat collins - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 4:06 pm:


    Maybe he’s fundraising? If not there, across the US?

    If Alex G can go to Greece… After all, Poland this time of year isn’t exactly a vacation.


    That and Evansville IN are where a decent chunk of Southern IL gets their local TV from.

  53. - Ghost - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 4:10 pm:

    No buy in the spfld market for Dillard…. interesting.

  54. - Rich Miller - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 4:11 pm:

    champaign is also considered spfld.

  55. - Jobe - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 4:39 pm:

    I’m told Dillard did buy WICS. We’ll see tonight.

  56. - nortsider - Monday, Nov 30, 09 @ 5:00 pm:

    Dan Seals is not Jewish. A picture in the polish papers with Lek or the right hand man for JP2 could go a long way. Any way he’s getting free media out of it I’m talking about it here.

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