Question of the day
Wednesday, Nov 18, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * I’ve avoided posting about Chicago School Board President Michael Scott’s apparent suicide because a very good friend of mine killed himself recently and it’s just been too painful to deal with this story. I had talked to him less than a week before. Another friend had talked to him two days before. His mother talked to him the night before. Nobody saw any indication about what was going to happen. He was upbeat and, as always, in good spirits. He made breakfast for his children, sent them off to school, walked down to the basement and killed himself. Just like that. No note. No nothing. It’s probably the most shocking thing I’ve ever experienced in my entire life and I haven’t shared that fact publicly because it has been so incredibly painful. I’m doing it now because of all the horribly uninformed things said and written about how Scott couldn’t possibly have killed himself, or wouldn’t have chosen that particular location, or would’ve left a note or whatever. Take it from me, it can all happen. Just like that. I’m also writing about this because the Sun-Times’ Mark Brown has a very good, must-read column today on suicide. It’s not an act of the weak, it’s an act of the desperate, he writes. And as for that location…
Brown is absolutely spot on with his conclusion…
I gave the eulogy at my friend’s funeral and I went to great lengths to advise all who were present to stop asking themselves that most human of questions: “Why?” It’s in our very nature to ask that question, but we’ll never know why Brian killed himself. Ever. * The Question: I know this may be very tough, and it may even be inappropriate for some of you or just too personal for others. I understand if you don’t want to answer the question or to even read the comments. That being said, have you ever experienced a suicide among your circle of friends and family?
Andrzejewski poll has Jim Ryan way out in front
Wednesday, Nov 18, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * GOP gubernatorial candidate Adam Andrzejewski has released the results from a statewide poll of 500 likely Republican primary voters. Wilson Research Strategies conducted the survey November 15-16. It has a margin of error of +/-4.38 percent. Here are the head to heads, which shows former attorney general Jim Ryan with a commanding lead. The numbers in parentheses are taken from the poll’s topline page and are the “definitely,” “probably” and “lean towards” responses. There is a bit of rounding here…
Initial favorables/unfavorables…
Notice how high Ryan’s favorables are. Huge, even. The pollster then read a long list of nice things about Andrzejewski and the candidate jumped way up. But since the pollster didn’t read anything positive about the other candidates, that final number doesn’t mean much. It’s also debatable whether Andrzejewski will have the cash to make his positives well-known enough to matter. * Likely GOP voter ideology…
* Top issues for Republican primary voters…
Notice how low corruption is on the scale. * But here’s an interesting, if loaded and very leading question…
Crosstabs can be found by clicking here. Thoughts?
Quinn and Hynes face off in first debate
Wednesday, Nov 18, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * This interpretation of Gov. Pat Quinn’s comment during a debate with Dan Hynes this morning is a bit of a stretch, but it may come back to haunt Quinn…
Hynes was on the attack this morning at the Union League Club…
This Gitmo thing is a prime example of Quinn’s serious problems with leadership and governornance. It’s turned into a PR disaster because the governor didn’t bother to lay even a little groundwork. Instead, it’s all blown up in his face. Many have said that Quinn is in over his head, and the prison debacle certainly shows it. More…
I’ll update this post with more debate stories as they come in.
Attempting to lower the decibel level
Wednesday, Nov 18, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * Congressman Don Manzullo has clarified and apologized for his remarks…
But Congressman John Shimkus didn’t get the memo…
I used to live not far from Thomson. I don’t think “radical Islamic elements” would find living there all that comfortable. * It’s hard to argue with today’s Daily Herald editorial, which kicks off with a quote by House GOP Leader Tom Cross: “”There ought to be a debate. There ought to be a discussion,” about bringing the Gitmo detainees to Illinois…
They’re right on all counts. And, as I’ve pointed out several times before, Kirk’s screaming is rapidly turning off his most reliable base: The Chicago-area media. This is the Daily Herald we’re talking about, not the Chicago Reader. It ain’t exactly liberal Democratic turf. * Another GOP-leaning paper, the Peoria Journal Star, weighs in…
* SJ-R…
And the paper makes the same point I’ve been trying to drive home all week…
* Mark Kirk has singled out the Exelon nuclear plant about 30 miles from the Thomson prison as a possible terrorist target, but the company says it’s not worried…
* Phil Kadner takes a major whack at the fear-mongering…
* Related…
Morning Shorts
Wednesday, Nov 18, 2009 - Posted by Mike Murray * Schaumburg giving in to a property tax
* County Board knocks half-cent off sales tax
* Cook County Board votes to roll back sales tax
* How Cook County Board voted on sales tax cut * County Board gives taxpayers a break * John Daley: Don’t bring my nephew into this
* Sound bite of the day: Peraica versus Daley * Peraica Regrets Election Tweet During Board Meeting
* 2nd big trade show leaves to save cash
* Daley demands union action to keep trade shows * Chicago as Gouge City
* We all pay when city is up for sale
* Cuts, layoffs, furloughs — but no tax hike — in new city parks budget
* Park District plans day camp, boat slip fee hikes
* Chicago park board set to raise fees
* $4.2 mil. sought for Grant Park design
* Orland Park will likely ban video gambling
* Tazewell not amused by gaming law
* Schaumburg Park Dist. ‘excellent’ in aquatics * Burr Oak Cemetery set to reopen to the public * Tinley Park tops in nation
* Naperville reveals contents of time capsule from 1939 * Murder investigation tied to case of clerk’s bribe * Do violence-prevention programs work? University of Chicago study hopes to find out * Condo Owners Struggle to Salvage an Almost-Empty Building
* Trump Tower up to No. 6
* 2009 shaping up to be one of the wettest on record * USDA says Illinois corn harvest lagging
* Illinois wants to hear from people with diabetes