CBS 2 Political Editor Mike Flannery on Thursday talked with Democrat Cheryle Jackson, who completely missed a deadline several months ago to provide a list of her assets and potential conflicts of interest to the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Ethics
Another Democrat, Jacob Meister, also did not submit the form. But he requested – and received – an extension. A spokeswoman for the Ethics Committee told CBS 2 they received nothing from Jackson. She is now subject to a mandatory fine for filing late, and could face additional penalties.
The report to the Senate Ethics Committee tells voters what assets, such as corporate stock, a candidate owns and what potential conflicts of interest they may have.
Jackson called it “an oversight.” She added that she’s doing a complete review of her involvement with several not-for-profit boards before completing the disclosure.
If Jackson raises the money, I think she has a shot at winning the primary. But she doesn’t need stuff like this coming out. Inexcusable.
She didn’t look all that good when Flannery spoke to her yesterday. Watch it…
To his credit, as state party chairman at the 2008 GOP convention in Decatur, McKenna had angry public words for some of those who helped destroy their party, standing up to former Gov. James Thompson and pension fund insider Bob Kjellander (R-Blagojevich).
“I’ve done what an outsider would do. I made tough decisions as chairman of the party, we took steps on ethics that some insiders disagreed with, and I asked certain people like Kjellander to leave their roles in the party,” McKenna said. “I wouldn’t be doing this if I wasn’t prepared to go to Springfield and make the necessary decisions.”
An outsider who wants to work in Springfield?
Yeah. Fascinating.
* I told subscribers about this story today and yesterday. It’s a doozy…
Republican veteran Steve Rauschenberger’s attempt to take back his Elgin-based state Senate seat is under threat because he may not be Republican enough.
In the latest bizarre chapter of Illinois’ thick history of kicking candidates off the ballot, Rauschenberger could lose his spot in the GOP primary because he pulled a Democratic ballot for February’s local elections. […]
Meanwhile, with Rauschenberger’s position for the Feb. 2 in contention, three Republicans filed Thursday as write-in candidates, including Kane County Recorder of Deeds Sandy Wegman.[…]
Elgin Township Clerk Kurt Kojzarek and Elgin attorney Jeff Meyer also filed. Rauschenberger said he encouraged those two candidates to file. If he is scrubbed from the ballot, he could theoretically ask one of them to step aside after the primary so he could be slated.
I am more resolved than ever to defeat Michael Noland in Nov of 2010. I expect to do it as a Republican, but I will run as an Independent if I have to.
[ *** End of Update *** ]
* Any story that quotes Delmarie Cobb as a political prognosticator is not one you should trust all that much, so the Reader’s piece on Alexi Giannoulias would fall into that category…
If [the Giannoulias family bank] were to fail, the federal government would be on the hook to cover much of Broadway’s $1.1 billion in deposits out of money that banks—through fees paid by their customers—contribute to an insurance fund.
And what would happen, some Democrats wonder, if that happened after Giannoulias won the Democratic nomination but before the general election?
“I think we’re going to lose the seat,” says Delmarie Cobb, a political consultant whose clients include Burris (who’s not running to keep the seat). “He needed to spend [more] time in [state] office to let the controversies die down and build a record apart from them.”
First, the banks pay the insurance fees. It’s not a direct customer fee. And while there will be a huge uproar if the bank goes down, I’m not yet convinced it’s a total deal breaker. Giannoulias has lots of problems, as the article makes clear with its rehash of what we knew in 2006, and a bank failure (which is not guaranteed) would certainly contribute to and greatly magnify those problems because it makes it possible to use a new hook to bring up all that old stuff. But I wouldn’t be ready quite yet to say this would make him a sure-fire loser.
Still, the history of the bank most certainly played into the White House’s decision to court Lisa Madigan and others to run for Senate. Giannoulias will have a very rough road ahead if he wins the primary. The ads pretty much write themselves, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves quite yet.
A state EarnFare worker who claims to have collected petition signatures for Clerk of the Cook County Circuit Court Dorothy Brown in her bid for County Board president filed a formal complaint with the state Department of Labor today saying he hadn’t been paid for the work he was coerced into doing, illegal though it might have been.
Barry Johnson of Chicago said he collected 1,000 signatures for Brown and had been promised a dollar a signature by her campaign field director, Hasan Muhammad. Brown publicly ended her association with Muhammad after news broke that he had used state EarnFare workers to collect signatures.
Brown’s campaign spokesman did not reply to requests for a response.
Johnson said about 20 to 25 EarnFare workers collected signatures for Brown and that four or five planned to join him in filing formal complaints with the Department of Labor.
* Related…
* Editorial: Back bid to fix system of drawing districts : The goal is 500,000 signatures by April, enough to put a constitutional amendment on the November ballot asking voters if they want to strip from legislators the power to draw legislative districts and give that power to an independent, bipartisan commission. Nine other states already do it this way.
* Reform groups want major change in way state draws legislative districts: House Speaker Michael Madigan, D-Chicago, said he expects a proposal out of the Senate committee soon and will consider it. When asked if he thought there was a need for reform, Madigan pointed to political history. “I’ve said for a long time that I think the current system worked real well in the ’90s when the Republicans drew the maps then in the House the Democrats won four out of five elections,” Madigan said.
* Dem retirees present GOP with golden opportunities: Stuart Rothenberg is out with his list of the 12 House seats most likely to switch- 10 of them are Democratic held seats, including Moore’s . One interesting note- in prior lists, Illinois 10, Mark Kirk’s seat, was right near the top , but now it is not among the top 12.
* Candidates for governor should disclose tax info: Does disclosure of tax returns guarantee Illinois won’t see another governor indicted? No. Both George Ryan and Rod Blagojevich made their tax returns public. Nonetheless, such disclosures show a commitment to openness that voters have a right to expect.
It’s likely true that Ms. Jackson “got busy” and forgot to put the filing of those disclosure forms at the top of her to-do list. As a former press person, she should have crafted a better response. But in addition, her response is probably more revealing that Democrats would like of the prevailing real attitude of Illinois pols and wannabees towards ethics laws….ethics smethics….gotta run.
Jackson’s not light on her feet, and I’ll bet that’s why it’s hard to find any vids on her. However, Rich is right. If she can raise the funds, she’s got a shot at. Either way, I think she’s going to pull alot votes.
Kurt is a good guy, Wegman would be an entertaining candidate to say the least.
- CircularFiringSquad - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 11:06 am:
Of Course that Trib genius believes OutsiderAndy is an Outsider because Outsider’s old man was once a Trib board member.
Yeah, yeah I know there is no connection between the pristine journalists and the business side….and Santa Claus is coming to town.
anon, all I wrote was that I wasn’t ready yet to say he is automatically a loser if the family bank went under. You must’ve missed all that other stuff.
Rich, I would never question you (aside from Alexi’s junket), but in all fairness, this is part of a series Kass has done. He buys the candidate lunch and then lets the candidate explain his/her raison d’etre. It’s not really an up or down vote on them, and he whacks andy for the fitzgerald incident.
- One Man's Opinion - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 11:28 am:
If Rauschenberger stays on the ballot, it going to be hard for him to argue that the Chicago Machine tried to kick him off when the GOPers are being represented in the election case by Todd Stroger’s parlimentarian.
- Louis G. Atsaves - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 11:40 am:
The word “fascinating” in Kass’ column today looks pretty sarcastic to me.
Kass has been letting the GOP Governor candidates speak their peace through his column without interposing much in the way of his opinions, almost interview style.
My reading of his column today didn’t lead me to conclude that Kass supported him or that Kass bought into the “outsider” status that McKenna is pushing for.
Royko’s gotta being spinning if Kass has taken his mantle. When would anyone ever believe the recently departed chairman of one of the two major parties could be considered an outsider? How did he get the job in the first place?
Nice to see Governor Quinn talking about the environment when the GOP candidates don’t believe global warming is caused by human actions. And when is Cherlye Jackson going to file her ethics statement??? Today might be nice. Unreal. Did her campaign say when she was going to file it? Is Emily’s List still wasting money on her? In a perfect world Peter Fitzgerald or Lisa Madigan would have already put Dorthy Brown in jail. But I guess we can just spend the next few months reading more about how county workers are doing political work on the taxpayers’ dime.
Rothenberg’s thing is interesting. According to charlie cook’s pvi thing, our district is the 294th most conservative, meaning there are something like 116 districts more conservative in the country than ours held by democrats. For it not be ranked a goner, says a lot about Kirk’s ability to take the heat and the resiliency of team america, louis and the rest of the organization.
Thanks. All worked up about that Cheryle Jackson video. Didn’t think about getting my P. Fitzgerald’s straight. Thanks!
- Moving to Oklahoma - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 12:14 pm:
Mark Kirk is an outsider.
Its the joke that just keeps on giving.
- Moving to Oklahoma - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 12:15 pm:
I must have some serious brain fog this morning.
Cancel the last post. I meant to say.
Andy McKenna an outsider.
It’s the joke that keeps on giving.
- Will County Woman - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 12:16 pm:
“Nice to see Governor Quinn talking about the environment when the GOP candidates don’t believe global warming is caused by human actions.” Big Policy Nerd
Not really because he can’t do anything about it. Has been invited to upcoming talks on climate change in Denmark with world leaders? No. But, if all he is going to do is just TALK, then I guess it does no harm for him to just talk about such things.
re: dorothy brown
she really should pay the workers who collected petition signatures for her. if she doesn’t, I hope theat they prevail against her with the dept. of labor. those people want and need that money, and for her to claim that there was no offer of payment or that she doesn’t have to honor any promise of payment to them is ridiculous. if memory serves didn’t she pull a stunt like this with her former mayoral campaign spokesman john davis (i.e., not pay him for work that he did)?
re: cherlye jackson
whatever. she won’t raise money in time to overcome Alexi G.’s lead. It’s Christmas time, the economy is till tight, Alexi G. looks to have already secured a commanding lead etc.
people might think that giving cheryle money is just throwing money away, which probably no one wants to do.
- Will County Woman - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 12:26 pm:
wow! so was anything that governor quinn said the other day true?
So… Jim Thomson embodies what was WRONG with the State GOP???
LOL I suppose if you count electability, strong governance and a party presence as wrong. Its nice to see the GOP get rid of those bad people like Thompson.
What happened to John Kass? He used to be more of a serious writer. Now it’s like he got watered down with the rest of the Trib.
The fare should be milquetoast and tap water at all of those Kass meetings with the candidates.
- On of Three Puppets - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 2:12 pm:
What is it with Dan Seals going for the 10th Congressional and still not being a resident of the district? Oh, isn’t that the same for Rep. Hamos? Honestly, live with the people you want to represent. Especially, if you have ran 2 times before and knew you would run for a hat trick loss!!!!
- One of Three Puppets - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 2:13 pm:
maybe Rich is irritable because he stopped smoking…leave him alone…hang in there Rich!…don’t go back to puffing!!…I bet OTJ deserved it…nothing brings out the jerk in a guy quite like a female politician who has made a gaffe…
If you read the whole Kass column today you see that his closing “Interesting” is a reference to what Star Trek’s Mr. Spock might say with a skeptical raised eyebrow. In that context, I don’t think Kass was “buying into” the “outsider” nonsense. Though I would have expected him to be tougher on McKenna than he was.
Thanks for your thoughts on the Alexi piece, Rich, but I wasn’t saying bank users pay a “direct customer fee” to fund the insurance system. I was saying that banks pass on those costs to their customers in the same way that landlords pass on the cost of property taxes to their tenants. Whether it’s a direct fee or not is beside the point.
Also, say what you will about Delmarie Cobb, but as an adviser to Roland Burris I do think she has an interesting perspective on the Democrats’ chances of holding the seat. Moreover, as I’m sure you know, she’s not the only Democratic operative who holds that view.
===the same way that landlords pass on the cost of property taxes to their tenants===
Not quite. Landlords make all their money from rent. Banks make money in various ways from their depositors and loan clients and investments.
And, I hear what you’re saying about other operatives, but Cobb is not exactly the most perceptive or accurate political prognosticator in Illinois. Just the opposite. She’s basically a hack.
“Banks make money in various ways from their depositors and loan clients.”
True–but my point is that those depositors and loan clients are the ones who are paying money (”fees”) to the banks that the banks then turn over to the insurance fund.
=== True–but my point is that those depositors and loan clients are the ones who are paying money (”fees”) to the banks that the banks then turn over to the insurance fund.====
the same way the bank uses its income to pay for its electricty, water etc. yes, the bank uses its income to pay expenses. But the interest rate they charge generaly hold steady or are changed based on other fincial indicators not from month to month based upon fluctating operational expenses.
===”In true David Axelrod style, all week, white progressive Democratic elected officials have called for Roland’s resignation–David Orr, Dan Hynes, Dick Durbin, Pat Quinn, and Alexi Giannoullias.”===
===“All of a sudden, we’re into this young thing, and anybody who’s been out here needs to be put out to pasture,” she vented. Cobb resents “that somebody would take this kind of knowledge and put it out to pasture.”===
===“They keep trotting out these marquee names to scare Roland,” said Delmarie Cobb, the senator’s media and political adviser, adding that some Democrats are out to “lynch” Burris and turn him into a “whipping boy.”===
- cassandra - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 10:58 am:
It’s likely true that Ms. Jackson “got busy” and forgot to put the filing of those disclosure forms at the top of her to-do list. As a former press person, she should have crafted a better response. But in addition, her response is probably more revealing that Democrats would like of the prevailing real attitude of Illinois pols and wannabees towards ethics laws….ethics smethics….gotta run.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 10:59 am:
Old Town Joe, congratulations, you’re now banned for life.
- wordslinger - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 11:01 am:
Kass has lost all credibility. Andy the Outsider is just silly on its face.
He’s a columnist, so he can do most anything he wants. But they should move him from Royko’s spot if he’s going to be an out-and-out partisan shill.
- Anonymous - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 11:05 am:
Jackson’s not light on her feet, and I’ll bet that’s why it’s hard to find any vids on her. However, Rich is right. If she can raise the funds, she’s got a shot at. Either way, I think she’s going to pull alot votes.
- OneMan - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 11:05 am:
Kurt is a good guy, Wegman would be an entertaining candidate to say the least.
- CircularFiringSquad - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 11:06 am:
Of Course that Trib genius believes OutsiderAndy is an Outsider because Outsider’s old man was once a Trib board member.
Yeah, yeah I know there is no connection between the pristine journalists and the business side….and Santa Claus is coming to town.
- VanillaMan - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 11:12 am:
When you were the Chair of the Illinois GOP, it isn’t a compliment to consider yourself an outsider. Because, it was your job to get folks inside.
McKenna makes the Trix Rabbit look like winner because at least the silly rabbit got a bowl of Trix once, while Andy is still an outsider!
- anon - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 11:12 am:
man, you really are in love with Giannoulias.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 11:18 am:
anon, all I wrote was that I wasn’t ready yet to say he is automatically a loser if the family bank went under. You must’ve missed all that other stuff.
Bite me.
- Anonymous - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 11:20 am:
Yikes! One “banned for life” and one “bite me” on a Friday just after 11:00.
Hang in there, Rich. The week’s almost over. (Did I forget to mention how much we appreciate all you do? We do!)
- shore - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 11:22 am:
Rich, I would never question you (aside from Alexi’s junket), but in all fairness, this is part of a series Kass has done. He buys the candidate lunch and then lets the candidate explain his/her raison d’etre. It’s not really an up or down vote on them, and he whacks andy for the fitzgerald incident.
- MrJM - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 11:24 am:
Old Town Joe, R.I.P.
Unloved and Unmourned
- One Man's Opinion - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 11:28 am:
If Rauschenberger stays on the ballot, it going to be hard for him to argue that the Chicago Machine tried to kick him off when the GOPers are being represented in the election case by Todd Stroger’s parlimentarian.
- Louis G. Atsaves - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 11:40 am:
The word “fascinating” in Kass’ column today looks pretty sarcastic to me.
Kass has been letting the GOP Governor candidates speak their peace through his column without interposing much in the way of his opinions, almost interview style.
My reading of his column today didn’t lead me to conclude that Kass supported him or that Kass bought into the “outsider” status that McKenna is pushing for.
- regnad kcin - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 11:43 am:
Royko’s gotta being spinning if Kass has taken his mantle. When would anyone ever believe the recently departed chairman of one of the two major parties could be considered an outsider? How did he get the job in the first place?
- Big Policy Nerd - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 11:46 am:
Nice to see Governor Quinn talking about the environment when the GOP candidates don’t believe global warming is caused by human actions. And when is Cherlye Jackson going to file her ethics statement??? Today might be nice. Unreal. Did her campaign say when she was going to file it? Is Emily’s List still wasting money on her? In a perfect world Peter Fitzgerald or Lisa Madigan would have already put Dorthy Brown in jail. But I guess we can just spend the next few months reading more about how county workers are doing political work on the taxpayers’ dime.
- shore - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 11:47 am:
Rothenberg’s thing is interesting. According to charlie cook’s pvi thing, our district is the 294th most conservative, meaning there are something like 116 districts more conservative in the country than ours held by democrats. For it not be ranked a goner, says a lot about Kirk’s ability to take the heat and the resiliency of team america, louis and the rest of the organization.
- Obamarama - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 11:50 am:
Big Policy Nerd: Peter Fitzgerald can’t/never could put people in jail. That’s Patrick. No relation.
- Big Policy Nerd - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 11:55 am:
@ Obamarama
Thanks. All worked up about that Cheryle Jackson video. Didn’t think about getting my P. Fitzgerald’s straight. Thanks!
- Moving to Oklahoma - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 12:14 pm:
Mark Kirk is an outsider.
Its the joke that just keeps on giving.
- Moving to Oklahoma - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 12:15 pm:
I must have some serious brain fog this morning.
Cancel the last post. I meant to say.
Andy McKenna an outsider.
It’s the joke that keeps on giving.
- Will County Woman - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 12:16 pm:
“Nice to see Governor Quinn talking about the environment when the GOP candidates don’t believe global warming is caused by human actions.” Big Policy Nerd
Not really because he can’t do anything about it. Has been invited to upcoming talks on climate change in Denmark with world leaders? No. But, if all he is going to do is just TALK, then I guess it does no harm for him to just talk about such things.
re: dorothy brown
she really should pay the workers who collected petition signatures for her. if she doesn’t, I hope theat they prevail against her with the dept. of labor. those people want and need that money, and for her to claim that there was no offer of payment or that she doesn’t have to honor any promise of payment to them is ridiculous. if memory serves didn’t she pull a stunt like this with her former mayoral campaign spokesman john davis (i.e., not pay him for work that he did)?
re: cherlye jackson
whatever. she won’t raise money in time to overcome Alexi G.’s lead. It’s Christmas time, the economy is till tight, Alexi G. looks to have already secured a commanding lead etc.
people might think that giving cheryle money is just throwing money away, which probably no one wants to do.
- Will County Woman - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 12:26 pm:
wow! so was anything that governor quinn said the other day true?
- Loop Lady - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 12:30 pm:
here WCW goes…spew away…
- TTL, III - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 12:44 pm:
IFT endorses Alexi - is that a clean sweep of labor for Giannoulias?
- Ghost - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 12:48 pm:
So… Jim Thomson embodies what was WRONG with the State GOP???
LOL I suppose if you count electability, strong governance and a party presence as wrong. Its nice to see the GOP get rid of those bad people like Thompson.
- just sayin' - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 1:18 pm:
What happened to John Kass? He used to be more of a serious writer. Now it’s like he got watered down with the rest of the Trib.
The fare should be milquetoast and tap water at all of those Kass meetings with the candidates.
- On of Three Puppets - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 2:12 pm:
What is it with Dan Seals going for the 10th Congressional and still not being a resident of the district? Oh, isn’t that the same for Rep. Hamos? Honestly, live with the people you want to represent. Especially, if you have ran 2 times before and knew you would run for a hat trick loss!!!!
- One of Three Puppets - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 2:13 pm:
Sorry, it is ONE of Three Puppets.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 2:17 pm:
One, that’s more political than reality. There is no constitutional requirement for a congressperson to live in the district. Just in the state.
- One of Three Puppets - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 2:32 pm:
I don’t disagree. It just kind of irks me that the guy will have ran for a third time and still has chosen not to move.
- Loop Lady - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 2:50 pm:
maybe Rich is irritable because he stopped smoking…leave him alone…hang in there Rich!…don’t go back to puffing!!…I bet OTJ deserved it…nothing brings out the jerk in a guy quite like a female politician who has made a gaffe…
- girllawyer - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 2:59 pm:
If you read the whole Kass column today you see that his closing “Interesting” is a reference to what Star Trek’s Mr. Spock might say with a skeptical raised eyebrow. In that context, I don’t think Kass was “buying into” the “outsider” nonsense. Though I would have expected him to be tougher on McKenna than he was.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 3:12 pm:
girllawyer, I read it twice and I didn’t get any Spockian vibes. Besides, he’s Greek, not Vulcan.
- Johny Temp - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 3:46 pm:
Wasn’t Big Bob Kjellander Andy’s National Committee Man? Birds of a feather… Outsider? WHATEVS
- Sally Smith - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 3:47 pm:
Bob K and Andy McKenna - Yeah thats some outsiders…
- Rich Miller - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 3:52 pm:
Take it easy and learn how to read. McKenna turned against Kj.
- Mick Dumke - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 3:52 pm:
Thanks for your thoughts on the Alexi piece, Rich, but I wasn’t saying bank users pay a “direct customer fee” to fund the insurance system. I was saying that banks pass on those costs to their customers in the same way that landlords pass on the cost of property taxes to their tenants. Whether it’s a direct fee or not is beside the point.
Also, say what you will about Delmarie Cobb, but as an adviser to Roland Burris I do think she has an interesting perspective on the Democrats’ chances of holding the seat. Moreover, as I’m sure you know, she’s not the only Democratic operative who holds that view.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 3:58 pm:
===the same way that landlords pass on the cost of property taxes to their tenants===
Not quite. Landlords make all their money from rent. Banks make money in various ways from their depositors and loan clients and investments.
And, I hear what you’re saying about other operatives, but Cobb is not exactly the most perceptive or accurate political prognosticator in Illinois. Just the opposite. She’s basically a hack.
- Mick Dumke - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 4:06 pm:
“Banks make money in various ways from their depositors and loan clients.”
True–but my point is that those depositors and loan clients are the ones who are paying money (”fees”) to the banks that the banks then turn over to the insurance fund.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 4:08 pm:
And my point is that they don’t make money solely on fees. Far from it.
- Ghost - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 4:24 pm:
=== True–but my point is that those depositors and loan clients are the ones who are paying money (”fees”) to the banks that the banks then turn over to the insurance fund.====
the same way the bank uses its income to pay for its electricty, water etc. yes, the bank uses its income to pay expenses. But the interest rate they charge generaly hold steady or are changed based on other fincial indicators not from month to month based upon fluctating operational expenses.
- Bill - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 4:30 pm:
==he’s Greek, not Vulcan.==
Isn’t that the same thing?
- Rich Miller - Friday, Dec 4, 09 @ 4:48 pm:
Also, Ms. Cobb clearly has an ax to grind with Giannouolias…
===”In true David Axelrod style, all week, white progressive Democratic elected officials have called for Roland’s resignation–David Orr, Dan Hynes, Dick Durbin, Pat Quinn, and Alexi Giannoullias.”===
===“All of a sudden, we’re into this young thing, and anybody who’s been out here needs to be put out to pasture,” she vented. Cobb resents “that somebody would take this kind of knowledge and put it out to pasture.”===
===“They keep trotting out these marquee names to scare Roland,” said Delmarie Cobb, the senator’s media and political adviser, adding that some Democrats are out to “lynch” Burris and turn him into a “whipping boy.”===