Evoter.com: Where Candidates and Voters Connect
Tuesday, Dec 15, 2009 - Posted by Capitol Fax Blog Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] eVoter is the first site dedicated exclusively to helping candidates and political organizations share their message, receive donations and reach voters. Brought to you by the web savvy creators of J-Date, this groundbreaking site made its national premiere in Illinois this week and promises to be a hot spot for voters and candidates to make a direct connection before the February primary and beyond. Reform is in the air throughout Illinois, and eVoter’s sophisticated and user-friendly design stands to change the way campaigns and voters connect. Is your top candidate listed? Find out for yourself at eVoter: www.evoter.com. For more information, call (866) 976-0555 or email info@evoter.com.