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Question of the day

Tuesday, Dec 15, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Here are the winners from yesterday’s Golden Horseshoe nominations…

1) Best legislative staffer: These are the unsung heroes of the Illinois Statehouse. They do all the hard work and get no credit. It’s always tough to make this award because so many are deserving, but Melissa Black, a policy analyst with the Senate Democrats, got the most votes and the most intense support, so she wins. From the nominations…

Her co-workers have deemed her “chair of the midnight caucus” for working so constantly during session. And despite that, she takes time to mentor interns and answer “a quick Medicaid question” for anyone.

2) Best state legislative secretary/admin assistant: This is another tough category because there are so many good ones. Beth Hamilton, who works for Rep. Lou Lang, received the most intense support, and she’s certainly deserving. From the nominations…

Beth Hamilton is a great choice always friendly and puts up with Lou

Good point. Putting up with Lou ain’t easy.

3) Best political bar/restaurant in Springfield: Lots were nominated, but The Globe stood out…

(O)ne-stop shopping for all your legislative contact needs.


4) Best IL state agency director: Catherine Shannon at the Department of Labor is one of those people you never read about - mainly because she does such a good job…

Nobody knows their agency better and cares more about doing a good job for the state.

* Today’s categories

1) Best Illinois state legislator

2) Best Illinois congresscritter

3) Best IL statewide elected official

4) Best Statehouse lobbyist

Remember, it’s not the number of votes, but the intensity of the nominations that count. And no snark, please. Thanks.


  1. - Watcher - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 11:02 am:

    Don Harmon is tops. Intelligent and friendly.
    Durbin is best member of Congress and Statewide. In very powerful position and still a good guy. Best lobbyists Dem: Tom Cullen and Bill Filan: both are very wise and results oriented. GOP: Carter Hendren and Dave Sullivan: both know politics and policy well.

  2. - TTL, III - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 11:04 am:

    1) Susana Mendoza- friendly, smart, hard-working, personable, always willing to listen and learn, and a tireless advocate for her district and the causes she believes in.

    2) Truthfully, I don’t really like any of them that much. So I’ll pick Phil Hare, because he hugs so well.

    3) Jesse White- because he’s not runnng for anything else, didn’t think about running for anything else, wasn’t courted to run for anything else, etc. The man just does his job.

    4) Instead of voting, I’d rather just request that Tom Suffredin nominate himself again so I can get a good laugh in today.

  3. - Shore - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 11:09 am:

    1. legislator-none. Springfield is cloaked in failure.

    2. Mark Kirk. Israel is safer today because of him.

    3. Statewide official. None.

    4. Lobbyist-not my neck of the woods.

  4. - Fire Ron Guenther - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 11:11 am:

    1) Chapin Rose, since he asked the hard questions of UI officials.

    2) None.

    3) None.

    4) None.

  5. - unclesam - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 11:28 am:

    1. State Legislator — Don Harmon by far. Very reasoned, patient, and always willing to listen to all sides. Furhter, he very graceful when he tell you that you’re wrong and will offer guidance to help.

    2. Congresscritter — Sen. Roland Burris. He made the most of his situation without harming IL in the process (the harm was done by his appointer).

    3. Statewide Official: Jesse White. He will always get my vote until any of the others can prove to me that they can do a headstand!

    4. Lobbyist: Out of the utmost respect I have for many of them, I decline to vote.

  6. - Commonsense in Illinois - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 11:30 am:

    1. Because of the number of legislators more interested in being reelected instead of concerned with policy, I’d have to give a nod to John Bradley and Dan Brady in the House and Bill Haine and Don Harmon in the Senate, all of whom seem to want to get to the heart of policy questions…but if I only have one vote, probably Rep Johh Bradley.

    2. Congressional - I’d have to go with Cong. Tim Johnson…nobody does constituent services better and no member of Congress returns phone calls from constituents personally more than Johnson. Wish he were my member.

    3. Statewide official. Alexi Giannoulias has made an impressive track record since taking office; both Dan Hynes and Jesse White have been steady in their actions. Lisa Madigan began with high hopes, but lately seems to have lacked both focus and the internal fire she’ll need to advance further (and maybe she really doesn’t want to). All that said, I’d have to go with Jesse White since he has managed to apparently get rid of much of the corruption in the SOS office.

    4. Lobbyist…There are a bunch of good ones to be sure, and a whole host of “pretenders to the throne”. From my perspective, Mark Denzler from the Manufacturers has earned high respect from both sides of the political aisle and from both business and labor. Mark would have to be my choice.

  7. - SangamoGOP - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 11:36 am:

    1) Best Illinois state legislator-Speaker Mike Madigan. There is only one legislator in the state who truly knows what he is doing.

    2) Best Illinois congresscritter-Congressman Tim Johnson - constituent services, constituent services, constituent services. From running into every Legion and VFW while his car is still running to the personal phone calls, the guy knows his district and reps it well.

    3) Best IL statewide elected official - AG Lisa Madigan - she knows when to hold ‘em, knows when to fold ‘em.

    4) Best Statehouse lobbyist - Bill Luking - see Mike Madigan.

  8. - my view - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 11:38 am:

    1) Emily McAsey: No other member tries as hard as she does to be a good legislator. To her, it isn’t about making friends with lobbyists or kissing ass - it is about being a policymaker. She reads every bill, even those that aren’t hers, and always take the time to privately tell staff if it looks like there is an error or a potential legal issue. I know some, particularly Rich, have pegged her as a Madigan-loyalist, but she has flexed her independence and shows that she can think for herself. The lobbyists may not love her because she often questions what they tell her and doesn’t take their word as gospel, but staff respects and appreciates the work she does in Springfield and in her district.

    2) I cannot name one. They have all acted like cowards this past year. If forced, possibly at gunpoint, I would have to say Quigley. He is the only respectable one of the lot.

    3) Giannoulias. Rich, this question is always hard because to be a good elected official you need a good staff, therefore, it isn’t necessarily HIM, but his staff that deserves this award. His office is always responsive and seems to give 100% to everything they attempt.

    4) Again, always a hard category. I think you should have subcategories: (a) lobbyist best at working for their clients, (b) lobbyist best at giving members and staff accurate information, (c) lobbyist best at driving staff nuts, (d) lobbyist best at making people laugh, (e) lobbyist best for picking up the check, (f) best lobbyist to pretend you are busy so you don’t have to speak to him/her. For my vote I would have to say Chris Stone or Rob Uhe. Both give accurate information, work hard for their clients, and they are always friendly.

  9. - Obamas' Puppy - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 11:41 am:

    1. State Legislator — Roger Eddy, clearly a rising star and a “go to” guy on education.

    2. Congresscritter — Halvorson, solid job of navigating the interests of her disttrict with beltway politics.

    3. Statewide Official: Jesse White, simply the best.

    4. Lobbyist: Neil Flynn, consistency trustworthyness, affectiveness and on top of that a great guy.

  10. - David Ormsby - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 11:43 am:

    Rep. Jack McGuire.

    There is no one kinder, considerate, more of a gentleman than McGuire.

  11. - JonShibleyFan - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 11:45 am:

    1) State Legislator, Good choices so far. Tough to call, but I’ll echo Harmon. Smart. Friendly. And I’m always impressed that the guy just listens to people, taking in what they say, even if he is a greater authority on what it is they are talking about. (Can’t nominate Mike Madigan, he’s in a class by himself - no one else would stand a chance)
    2) Congress: Debbie Halvorson. She gets things done, has stayed true to her campaign promises, and she is every bit as approachable as a Congresswoman with good committee assignments as she was as a state senator. And she is an absolute champion for veterans issues.
    3) Statewide: I can’t say Jesse White, see Mike Madigan comment above. I think Lisa Madigan’s worked too hard to stay out of the limelight. Alexi gets my nod. Works hard. Made measurable improvements to the office without dumping on his predecessor. Is leaving the office better than he found it.
    4)Lobbyist: How about Dan Shomon. The guy serves his clients well, works well with others, compromises as needed. People seem to take sport bashing the guy, I think he’s a great guy who is good at what he does.

  12. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 12:06 pm:

    Shore, you know it’s OK to not post a comment when you really have nothing to say. Maybe when Kirk gets sent off to retirement next November, you and he can get a time-share in Tel Aviv together. Neither of you will be missed.

    On to the question:

    1. Don Harmon: moving up fast by working his butt off. Tip to other legislators: hard work in Springfield really does pay dividends. More of you should try working just a bit harder down there.

    2. Durbin: far from perfect, but hands-down the effective go-to guy for Illinois of the bunch. Jackson and Kirk, both on approps, seem to not grasp the team concept of the state delegation. Durbin gets it, and is our team captain.

    3. At the risk of nominating someone outside the category, I’m going with Bill Holland on this one. He’s sort of elected and it is definitely a statewide office. He continues to go after waste and mismanagement with a surgeon’s precision and without bias.

    4. Lobbyist: Tough one here, with lots of good nominees. I’ll second Bill Filan in honor of his stealth, hard work, client list, and results on behalf of said clients.

  13. - Get it straight - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 12:11 pm:

    State Legislator-Senator Kwame Raoul-Just a smart and professional legislator who works well with both sides of the aisle.
    Congress-Dick Durbin who brings home resources with one hand tied behind his back for the last year (Roland Burris)
    Statewide-Jesse White a nice quiet, professional elected official who does his job without controversy
    Lobbyist-Vince Wiliiams, has great knowledge and seems to get along with everybody!

  14. - Moving to Oklahoma - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 12:14 pm:

    Best State Leg:

    Dave Luechtefeld of Illinois fighting 58th district. A downstate guy that many have never heard of, however the most honest guy that I have ever met in State politics. Dave is so honest that at times he can be boring. His depth of common sense, which is lacking in Illinois, comes from 38 years as a teacher and basketball coach at Okawville High School, where he racked up a career win total of 711 - 340. Even keeled and a great listener, Luechtefeld deserves this award for being a guy that makes headlines for the right reasons instead of the wrong ones.

    Best Illinois Congress Critter:

    I don’t have enough contact with any of these folks to have a strong opinion of them. I’ll say Roland Burris, simply for the entertainment value.

    Best Statewide:

    Jesse White hands down.

    Best State House Lobbyist:

    Rich Miller.

  15. - Pot calling kettle - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 12:24 pm:

    State Legislator: Frank Mautino, he consistently takes on some of the most thankless, hot-button tasks (ie. the budget) and carries them out well and without self promotion.

    Congress: Dick Durbin, another example of someone willing to take the hot seat. He also has an excellent staff, which is key to performing well.

    Statewide: Jesse White, for all the reasons stated above. He’s doing his job well and not wasting his time (and ours) self-promoting.

    Lobbyist(s): The crew at the IFT does excellent work. They know their stuff and are very well organized. A good example of how a coordinated team effort can make a big difference.

  16. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 12:29 pm:

    ===Best State House Lobbyist: Rich Miller. ===

    No snark, please, unless you were referring to my convincing LIS to open up its WiFi network to videos. lol

  17. - ivoted4judy - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 12:40 pm:

    Legislator : Madigan. Come on He really does run the place
    Congress: No one stands out, they are just bigger mushrooms
    Statewide: The current Lt. Gov; since we arent wasting tax dollars on a salary, and no bad decisions are coming out of the office.
    Lobbyist:Ted Brunsvold-big list of clients- huge fees- and he comes to the patch about once a month. He is my hero!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. - Reddbyrd - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 12:46 pm:

    Best Legislator: Mike Madigan - institutional knowledge and work ethic puts him head and shoulders above other. Willingness to stand up to special intests of all shapes and sizes makes truly unique.

    Congresscritter: If you want staff I would go with Sarah Froelich in Durbin office. If you want a member is looks like Aaron Schock is running rings around others

    Statewide Official:Lisa Madigan as a pol she scared off challengers by the busload before deciding that her kids were Job 1 right now. AS the official she as not missed a beat

    Lobbyist: while the are many good ones, I would save newcomer Liz Brown(who once won the iron a a staffer) deserves the nod here.

    Finally is unconscious

  19. - UISer - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 1:08 pm:

    Best State Legislator: Pat Verschoore. He has done great things for his district, and has worked hard to secure money for college students.

    Congress: Phil Hare. Always out in the community working his insanely large district. Also, he has continued to work on issues important to his district, like Employee Free Choice and the massive overhaul of the Health Care System. Honestly, can we even nominate a Republican for this? Pressing “no” doesn’t require a lot of skill.

    Statewide: Dick Durbin. Only down stater, alright… I’m bias.

    Lobbyist: Retired U of I lobbyist Rich Schell.

  20. - Little Lebowski Urban Achiever - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 1:18 pm:

    Legislator: Don Harmon. Smart, organized and willing to listen to all points of view. Don is what all constituents hope their legislator is like. It’s only a matter of time before he seeks a higher office.

    Congressman: Durbin hands down. Wields amazing influence and is genuinely good person.

    Statewide: Ok, I’ll do it. Pat Quinn. The right person for the right situation. No one in Illinois government works harder than him. Period.

    Lobbyist: Bill Luking. He isn’t on the rail but rather in secretary’s offices, the JCAR offices, etc. No one knows the process better. I would like someone to calculate the amount of money he has either gotten for Chicago or saved Chicago over the years. He is by far the most effective lobbyist in Springfield.

  21. - Bill - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 1:23 pm:

    Best legislator-Ken Dunkin. He speaks the language and he knows what I’m talking about.
    Best Congresscritter- Bobby Rush because he stuck up for Roland.
    Best statewide-Lisa Madigan,just because.
    Best statehouse lobbyist-me, of course

  22. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 1:26 pm:

    Bill, you’re still not familiar with the term “irony” I see.

  23. - Reddbyrd - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 1:30 pm:

    I meant to end by saying it is unconscionable to pick the Globe for anything other than poorest design for a bar that has been known to attract more than two people at once. If Cellini had attached a doublewide he would have had a better place.

    Picking that dump should give us all a clue as to why better spots have gone on for their dirt naps
    Perhaps we can refer to those Globe supporters on to AA, although I doubt they would be wanted there.

  24. - Bill - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 1:35 pm:

    What irony?

  25. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 1:36 pm:

    My point exactly.

  26. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 1:37 pm:

    Reddbyrd, you didn’t bother to speak up yesterday, so you have no room to complain. Also, you’re not even speaking up today.

    I would’ve chosen a different place if it was up to me, but then again I don’t want anyone to know where I go. lol

  27. - Levi voted for Judy - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 1:42 pm:

    Congresscritter = Durbin is always looking out for the folks at home, plus his staff is very accessible.

    State Official - Jesse White who runs the office very well (even in downtown Chicago, you can get an updated driver’s license in mere minutes).

    Lobbyist - “Uncle Bill” Luking, his depth of knowledge is scary.

    State Legislator(s) - Mendoza (champions my technology agenda and represents us well on the pundit shows w/great sound bites); Clayborne (represents the folks in his district very well, while balancing his leadership position).

  28. - LouisXIV - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 1:42 pm:

    This is a contest for the best in each category, right? Bill seems to think it is for the worst, at least for three out of four. If not, it should be noted that sarcasm rarely translates well to the written word.

    1. The Speaker is clearly in a class by himself. Can’t give him this award though given the little to nothing the GA accomplished this year in the face of all the problems we have. I have always found Greg Harris to be very knowledgeable and approachable and speaks his mind.

    2. Dick Durbin would get my vote. Works hard for the state and the country.

    3. Lisa Madigan. Doing a great job and it was refreshing to see a politician say “my family comes first” and mean it.

    4. Whichever lobbyist got the $150,000 for the lodge in Wisconsin in the public works bill. Very bad for the state but an impressive piece of lobbying.

  29. - Enjoy Juan Pierre!!!! - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 1:44 pm:

    Legislator: Nominating the Speaker for this award feels a little like nominating Brett Favre for the Heisman. That guy plays in a different league, man. Deleo and Black both deserve some sort of lifetime achievement awards. That’s not what this is though so my vote is for Don Harmon. Sen. Harmon knows his stuff, is never too busy to listen to the other side and projects a level of humility that is generally lacking in Springfield. Plus the guy works harder than an intern trying to land a fulltime job even after his ascension to leadership.

    Congresscritter: I’ll give Aaron Schock the nod only because he has an office in downtown Springfield and the space that he took over was kind of a subpar burrito place anyway. Plus those abs, dude. Holy Hannity!!!! He’s everything that we could ever hope for. Who even cares if he wants to nuke Iran or Canada or whatever. It’s like a 16-pack. Bowflex? Pilates? The Gazelle? Enquiring minds NEED to know!

    Statewide: Jesse White or Lisa Madigan. It’s a pick ‘em.

    Lobbyist: My darkhorse candidate is Emily Miller formerly with Illinois PIRG. Smart AND knowledgeable (some people are one or the other, a select few are both and tons of people are neither)

  30. - OdysseusVL - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 1:46 pm:

    Bill’s choice of Dunkin was interesting. Of course, it is consistent since Bill was a big Blago backer and probably nobody stood up for Blago like Dunkin.

    With regard to my choices: Will Burns is off to a great start. He’s the first state rep representing the north end of his district that seems to be aware that the district has a north end. Responsive is good. Also, I have to be impressed with his work on reform. Overall, I’m extremely pleased that the voters of my area elected him.

    Congress: As much as I like a few of them (espec. Bean who votes with the Dems on many important matters but still remains a voice of fiscal restraint in the Dem. caucus), Durbin seems to be the obvious choice. He’s a very good leader (and in 2011 likely will get a promotion, but that’s another matter) and personally, he’s a nice guy.

    I’ve become a big fan of Jesse White recently, in part because I got to know him a bit through a charitable matter. He’s a smart, interesting guy. Admittedly, I don’t have much experience with the office that he runs.

    No choice for lobbyist since I tend to make efforts to avoid most of them.

  31. - GOP4EVER - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 1:50 pm:

    1) Rep. Bill Black - he speaks the loudest of all the legislators and knows that sometimes whats unpopular is what is needed to be said and holds no reservations in speaking the truth even though it may be unpopular. And for the most, “I move to overrule the Chair” motions in the history of the Illinois House. Hopefully on his last day in the legislature he might win one of those votes.

    2) Aaron Schock - has achieved more politically in the shortest amount of time of any Illinois political figure.

    3) Lisa Madigan - even though she is of a separate party than I, I still believe she runs her office and adheres to her duties without political implications in mind. She has stood up for consumers rights and stood up to Governor Blagojevich on multiple occasions.

    4) Patrick Evans of the Illinois Energy Association. One of the most knowledgeable lobbyist on “The Rail”. He’ll talk to you straight and show you respect in conducting his duties on and more importantly off “The Rail”. And he is the only lobbyist i know that buys Sangamo Club waiters drinks at Browns.

  32. - Oh Snap!!! - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 2:11 pm:


    That was mean. When all of us lobbyists get together to play unicorn polo in our secret lair beneath the governor’s mansion you WILL NOT be invited. So there!

  33. - OdysseusVL - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 2:32 pm:

    “- Oh Snap!!! - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 2:11 pm:


    That was mean. When all of us lobbyists get together to play unicorn polo in our secret lair beneath the governor’s mansion you WILL NOT be invited. So there!”

    Fine. I will go with Dave Clarkin. He’s one of the few people that have actually convinced me that I’m wrong on some issues [OK, probably issue and not issues]. Considering my massive ego, that’s extremely tough work.

    Now when do I get to see that secret lair?

  34. - Bill - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 2:37 pm:

    Dave who???

  35. - enviro - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 2:43 pm:

    Can’t speak to the first three categories, but Bill Luking gets my vote for best lobbyist. Has got the deepest knowledge of State processes of anyone I’ve seen, and is generous with sharing that knowledge. There are any number of legislators, staffers, and others who owe their success, at least partially, to Bill’s willingness to mentor. He’s the best.

  36. - respectful - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 2:54 pm:

    Legislator: Dunkin - he’s the only one to get the Trophy twice.
    Congressman: Bean — A Dem who earns Chamber endorsement & who led the Democrat conversion in W. Lake and NW Cook.
    Statewide: Jesse — he cleaned up SOS after George & has kept it that way.
    Lobbyist: Al “the Pal” Ronan — he knows the people, the process & how to get things done as well as anyone down there.

  37. - Oh Snap!!! - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 3:04 pm:

    Sorry Odysseus. Bill has the key to the lair.

  38. - Moving to Oklahoma - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 3:14 pm:

    ===Best State House Lobbyist: Rich Miller. ===

    No snark, please, unless you were referring to my convincing LIS to open up its WiFi network to videos. lol

    Actually Rich, I have only met you once and when I first saw you, you were leaning against the rail on the second floor engaged in a persuasive discussion on where to go for a drink with a couple of people in suits and ties. Sure looked like a helluva lobbying job to me, I think your client was Saputo’s.


  39. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 3:21 pm:

    Well, yeah. On that topic I’m pretty good.

  40. - Easily Amused - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 3:35 pm:

    1) Best Illinois state legislator - Sen. John Sullivan, great guy and will out-work anyone. One of the few w/o an ego as well

    2) Best Illinois congresscritter - Sen. Dick Durbin, very effective at building coalitions to pass legislation and bringing home the bacon. This is huge at a time when there’s zero $ to go around. Plus he travels to every corner of the state.

    3) Best IL statewide elected official - Alexi, next to Durbin, I can’t think of any other statewide who actually can find all 102 counties

    4) Best Statehouse lobbyist - Dave Gross, SIU

  41. - Apple - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 4:19 pm:

    1) Best Illinois state legislator - Don Harmon. Smart, hardworking, and not an ideologue.

    2) Best Illinois congresscritter - Halvorson, no doubt. She has consistently fulfilled her campaign commitments and covered every inch of her sprawling, gerrymandering district. Despite consistent GOP hyperbole in her right-leaning district, she has shown she can deliver for working families and has proved to be a leader in the freshman class.

    3) Best IL statewide elected official - Alexi. He’s done a great job in the Treasurer’s office and has made a concerted effort to visit every corner of Illinois. I took this question as meaning “constitutional officer,” but if that wasn’t the case- it would be Sen. Durbin hands down. A true statesman and tireless, down to earth advocate for Illinoisans.

    4) Best Statehouse lobbyist - I wouldn’t know, so I’ll abstain.

  42. - siriusly - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 4:25 pm:

    As in the past, this is a tough question.

    Statewide official is the only one where there is an easy answer. Attorney General Lisa Madigan not only politically intimidated everyone in the state, but she got the Oval Office invitation in an attempt to lure her into the senate race. She’s conducted herself with integrity, openness and been a strong fighter for Illinois’ consumers and all citizen’s rights. She is one of the few elected officials that I can point to as a role model. Her honesty and work ethic should be the standard by which other officials are measured.

    Best legislator - I’m going to go with the retirement honor and nominate Representative Jim Brosnahan. He’s well-liked and respected by his peers, works hard and does a great job for his constituents. After he’s gone, McCarthy will win the last man standing award for the ‘96 majority crew.

    Best Congressperson - I’m not in her district but I think Melissa Bean does a great job. She is a D in an R area which is never easy, but she fights her own party and says what she thinks. I respect her a lot.

    Best lobbyist - again honesty and integrity matter to me. There are a lot of lobbyists who value them too. I’m going to nominate Jim Fletcher. I know he’s an R in a D world but he’s affable, friendly and a great strategist too. As a youngster, I truly appreciate his advice when offered.

  43. - LouisXIV - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 4:35 pm:

    I think the trophy Dunkin got was the equivalent for being the worst legislator - having a bill defeated by over 100 votes. He’s the only one to win it twice. It’s hard to conceive of a bill so bad over 100 people in the house would vote “no”, much less two such bills.

  44. - Reddbyrd - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 4:50 pm:

    Capt Fax….in all due respect…BM…. it is my right under the second amendment to complain whenever I want about whatever…including how big a loser spot the GLOBE is.
    The spot I like best has been closed for years, but I got the best deal there.
    People who vote for the Globe are the ones who ask for extra vanilla syrup in their vanilla shake
    Yikes. You can defend them if you want. I guess that means they are advertisers.
    Now the QOTD for tommorrow is how many times did CommandoKirk soil himself when he heard the Gitmo Goons are coming to IL? Maybe he’ll need to spy on them.

  45. - Tom Suffredin - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 5:11 pm:

    As my year of being the reigning Golden Horseshoe laureate comes to a close I would like to thank Rich Miller for his support, my fellow Golden Horseshoe recipient Steve Brown for his manufacture of the sweet clock which will adorn my wall in perpetuity, staff award winner Colleen Daley for being Colleen Daley, the staff of the Rathskellar for their guidance and nourishment, all of the house and senate door staff for their steadfast service, Walter Payton for being a constant source of inspiration, Mike Murray for his eagerness to learn and his willingness to work hard and all those who toil in silence and whose sacrifices we will never fully know.

    To whomever succeeds me as the Golden Horseshoe winner this year I wish you all the best. Your life is about to change in ways that you can’t even imagine. This time last year I was just a dreamer. Rich Miller made my dream come true and he will make yours come true as well. Assuming of course that your dream is either to win this award or to hang out with Rich Miller. You’re kind of on your own for all your other dreams.

  46. - Sully Fan - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 5:13 pm:

    I think a good arguement could be made that the best Lobbyist(s) and Legislator(s) are the members of The Sullivan Caucus. The legislators are excellent, biapartisan, effective and friendly. The lobbyists cover the Capitol with great success. And…they throw the best party of the year - fun, bipartisan, House & Senate, staff, lobbyists, agencies.

  47. - 4 percent - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 5:20 pm:

    Best legislator: Dave Luechtefeld (with Sacia a close second) because they are earnest and hard-working.

    Best statewide: Bill Holland. Unparalleled integrity.

    Best Lobbyist: Dave Vite. You nver know he’s there until your toast!

    Best Congressmen: anyone outside of Illinois.

  48. - Who Else Goes Down - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 5:43 pm:

    Best Illinois state legislator: Don Harmon. Smart as hell, and kind when he doesn’t have to be.

    2) Best Illinois congresscritter: no opinion at this time.

    3) Best IL statewide elected official: I’m going with Lisa Madigan. I respect her decision to stay put, and I believe her when she talks.

    4) Best Statehouse lobbyist: I’m seconding Emily Miller. She’s a smarty pants do gooder, but she’s not so high on her horse that you can’t enjoy a beer with her.

  49. - TTL, III - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 5:53 pm:

    Ahhh, thanks Tom. Not your best work, but I laughed nevertheless.

  50. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 5:56 pm:

    Best Legislator- Bill Black. Nobody cares more about his constituents and doing the right thing. He will be greatly missed in Springfield.

    Congressman- Tim Johnson. He abandons his district often for politically expedient moves, but there is no more engaging member of congress with his district. And after some of the votes he’s made, it takes guts to call people who disagree with you.

    Statewide- Lisa Madigan. Has really carved a niche as the real “standing up for the little guy” officer. Her work on behalf of populist issues makes Pat Quinn look like yesterday’s sushi.

    Lobbyist- Terry McLennand (UI) I’ve never seen a better man get dragged through the mud more. Consider this a sympathy nomination.

  51. - anon - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 6:25 pm:

    Congresscritter: Phil Hare. Travels his odd ball district constantly. Great constituent services.

    Statewide elected: Hmmm, Lisa Madigan or Dan Hynes. Madigan has done a good job of carving out a place as an advocate for the “little guy” and Hynes has proven to be the kind of steady leader that the state can count on. Tough choice.

    Legislator: John Sullivan. No ego and gets things done. Also, outworks everyone.

    Lobbyist - Dave Gross from SIU. Uses his years of experience to produce even in tough times.

  52. - Tom B. - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 8:01 pm:

    I’ll weigh in on Congress only and even though I know a few of them well, I vote for Jan, hands down. She gets out there and knocks on doors with the rest of us lowly campaign scrum.

    I’m compromised in the Statewide ballot, so I’ll say nice things about all of them. Quinn has been in a tough spot and has retained some trust with voters. That isn’t easy. Hynes put contracts and spending online, 3 cheers for transparency. Lisa Madigan has put consumers first and gone after some of the folks preying on them when others wouldn’t. Jesse White is beloved for a reason and runs his offices well. And Alexi transformed the Treasurer’s office permanently, at an age where most of us hadn’t done much with our lives yet.

    Can’t do legislator/lobbyist, not enough info.

  53. - ourMagician - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 9:05 pm:

    1) Best Illinois state legislator-There is no one who works harder and demands more from his fellow legislators than Bill Black.

    2) Best Illinois congresscritter-Tim Johnson-examines each issue and does what he thinks is best for his constituants-not a solid partisan vote each time.

    3) Best IL statewide elected official-Dan Hynes-works hard to bring attention to a thankless job.

    4) Best Statehouse lobbyist-Scott Selinger-tireless worker and does it in a professional manner and is passionate about his job.

  54. - a little late, but - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 9:51 pm:

    I’d like to join in chorus of votes for Sen. Harmon. He’s intelligent, hard-working, and well-versed in areas across the board. And he is always kind and respectful to everyone.

    For best lobbyist: Andrew Bodewes. He routinely answers questions that are only somewhat peripherally related to an issue of his and never acts like he’s too busy to help, even though he probably is.

  55. - Dylan McKay - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 10:57 pm:

    STATE LEGISLATOR: Mark Walker — He’s smart and hard working, and he took on Todd Stroger and won.
    CONGRESSCRITTER: Dick Durbin — Hands down the best Senator. He’s a true statesman and leader, and he can’t move up to majority leader soon enough.
    STATEWIDE OFFICIAL: Jesse White — He has more integrity than any statewide official. It’s no wonder he won every county in Illinois.
    LOBBYIST: No comment

  56. - Chicago Cynic - Tuesday, Dec 15, 09 @ 11:08 pm:

    I’m very concerned about this going to my friend Don’s head, but he is about as good as it gets down there in terms of hard work, fairness and grasp of the issues. Even when I disagree with him on issues, I can’t fault his intelligence.

    Congresscritter - Hmmm, this is tough. I’ll give the nod to Quigley because he’s done what he said he was going to do.

    Statewide official - I don’t support him for governor, but until this campaign I think Dan Hynes has been a pretty great Comptroller. He’s smart, capable and really cares about what is a God awful job. I have to say that I’m amazed at all the people voting for Alexi here. I mean I know he’s a world champion schmoozer (as good as it gets), but the man failed in his primary job which was to protect the money. 40% of people’s supposedly safe investments lost in Bright Start. That’s $85 million bucks lost because he didn’t understand that investing 50% of the people’s money in junk bonds was not smart. HELLLOOO, this is FAILING in his job.

    Lobbyist - I’m amazed nobody voted for John Nicolay. Hell, he was just voted Speaker of the Third House. I’ve worked with him and he’s pretty darned impressive. I’d give an honorable mention to Mike Bauer for his ability to accomplish in one call what it takes most lobbyists a month to do.

  57. - poppyseed - Wednesday, Dec 16, 09 @ 12:13 am:

    Legislator: Don Harmony

    Congressman: Jesse Jackson Jr - also the most ambitious

    Statewide: Lisa Madigan

    Lobbyist: Joe McMahon - most likable of a difficult group. Luking has lost more knowledge (and braincells) than most but don’t try to deal with him.

  58. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Dec 16, 09 @ 12:56 am:

    Plus those abs, dude. Holy Hannity!!!!

    OK. Great abs, granted and extremely high levels of pulchritude–but how long before someone puts Aaron’s abs on a coin, huh?

  59. - heet101 - Wednesday, Dec 16, 09 @ 9:10 am:

    Maybe its too late for my vote, but:

    Legislator: Roger Eddy - controls way more votes on the GOP side than some higher up in the power structure would like to admit. He can kill a bad bill with a few simple questions.

    Congressman: Aaron Schock - Sincere. He remains visible and he hasn’t put himself in to any major jams. That can be a tough thing for a Freshman.

    Statewide: Lisa Madigan. The number of votes she has here make my case without me having to explain further.

    Lobbyist: Chris Brown. He never forgets to buy lunch for the OFTEN forgotten fourth floor GOP staff in the Stratton building.

  60. - Tom Joad - Wednesday, Dec 16, 09 @ 3:53 pm:

    Legislator: Frank Mautino. A downstater handling revenue raising issues, best constituent service office and has not been afraid to take on Madigan (like his dad) makes him the best.
    Congressman: Debbie Halvorson.
    Statewide: Lt. Governor Quinn, when he was LG.
    Lobbyist: Bob Barry at AT&T. He lobbied against At&T for 20 years, then they decide he is the best person to be their director of political affairs. That says a lot.

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