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Question of the day

Friday, Dec 18, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* If you were asked to nominate five people for a hypothetical “Illinoisan of the Decade” award, who would they be?

Explain, please.


  1. - shore - Friday, Dec 18, 09 @ 11:26 am:



    geoff blum

  2. - Rich Miller - Friday, Dec 18, 09 @ 11:27 am:

    Explain, please.

  3. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 18, 09 @ 11:28 am:


    It can be famous or infamous, as long as we explain?

  4. - Chicago Cynic - Friday, Dec 18, 09 @ 11:29 am:

    I view the list as one of notoriety, not just positive achievements.

    1) Barack for obvious reasons.
    2) Rod unfortunately for equally obvious reasons.
    3) Pat Fitzgerald, for not only his local but his national impact (I hope it doesn’t matter that he’s not “from” here.)
    4) Sorry, I can’t come up with more than 3.

  5. - Vote Quimby! - Friday, Dec 18, 09 @ 11:35 am:

    Barack Obama: reaching his full potential.
    Hilary Clinton: for reaching hers.
    Rod Blagojevich: for uniting Illinoisians.
    Oprah Winfrey: for telling millions of women which books to read.
    George Ryan: for reminding us we all have to pay the piper someday…

  6. - wordslinger - Friday, Dec 18, 09 @ 11:35 am:

    Obama — the fastest rise to president ever, with virtually no national experience.

    Hastert: Longest-serving GOP Speaker of the House.

    Pat Fitz: Bringing the heat.

    Daley: Breaks his old man record, influences the lives of all Illinoisans, for better or worse.

    Madigan: The man who must be dealt with in all things, for better or worse.

  7. - 47th Ward - Friday, Dec 18, 09 @ 11:38 am:

    In no particular order:

    1. George Ryan, for his death penalty moratorium which was applauded globally if not necessarily locally.
    2. Barack Obama, for obvious reasons.
    3. Rich Daley for surpassing his father’s record for longevity in office and for defining the job of successful urban mayor. (not an endorsement, but it’s hard to argue that he’s one of the best big city mayors in modern history).
    4. Oprah Winfrey for building a cult of personality revered by millions of fans and book sellers.

  8. - Secret Square - Friday, Dec 18, 09 @ 11:38 am:

    Assuming the same rules that Time magazine follows with regard to the Man/Woman of the Year (whose past “winners” have included Adolf Hitler and Ayatollah Khomeni), I would nominate, in order:

    1. Blago, not only because of the corruption he wrought but also the fiscal devastation which will be with us well into the next decade;
    2. Obama, for obvious reasons;
    3. George Ryan, since his own scandal opened the way for Blago’s election and in an indirect way to Obama’s rise to national office (by undermining if not destroying the Illinois GOP);
    4. Sen. Peter Fitzgerald, because he brought us
    5. Patrick Fitgerald, another “obvious reasons” nominee.

  9. - phocion - Friday, Dec 18, 09 @ 11:38 am:

    Barack Obama. He began the decade as a promise. Defeated by Bobby Rush, State Senator Obama wasn’t quite sure he even wanted to stay in politics. Charisma, intelligence, timing, and astonishingly luck paved his way to the U.S. Senate, and then the Oval Office. Hawaii may have been his birthplace, but Illinois was his home and springboard to history.

    Rod Blagojevich. For better or worse, his impact on Illinois and its political structure will endure for some time. Greed, corruption, narcissism all created a fatal brew for the disgraced ex-Governor.

    Pat Quinn. The accidental Governor or one of the most savvy, enduring political leaders in our day? This story has yet to be completed, but for now it is clear that Pat Quinn is a lesson in perserverance.

    Michael Madigan. It is finally dawning on the larger community that the House Speaker is the most powerful man in Springfield, and perhaps in the state. Steely determination, discipline, and an unparalled strategic mind make Madigan a marvel to observe.

    Richard Daley. He may look shaky now, but the past ten years were owned by Chicago’s Mayor. The City continued its rise from near disaster to become an internationally renowned “City that Works.” Innovation, consensus building, and raw power plays have marked his rule.

    Oprah Winfrey. She is celebrity power personified. Want a bestseller book? Get Oprah to plug it. Want to be elected President? Get Oprah behind you. She moves people like few others can.

  10. - phocion - Friday, Dec 18, 09 @ 11:40 am:

    Oops. Sorry, that was 6 names.

  11. - Anon - Friday, Dec 18, 09 @ 11:43 am:

    If it’s like Time’s “Person of the Year”, where the recognition isn’t strictly for good reasons, then I’d say Blago then Obama. If it’s a State award, Blago has clearly had the biggest impact on this state over the last decade.

  12. - Loop Lady - Friday, Dec 18, 09 @ 11:49 am:


    Hillary-the first woman to run for Prez

    Blago-how not to govern

    Oprah- a corporation unto herself

    Madigan-a master pol

  13. - Anon and on... - Friday, Dec 18, 09 @ 11:49 am:

    Gotta go with Blago. Obama was virtually invisible as an Illinois legislator (I say that having voted for him). Meanwhile Blago directly impacted the State of Illinois far more directly than anyone else over the last decade.

    Not only did Blago help change the state from red to blue (not an inconsiderable accomplishment for which his predecessor also deserves a good deal of credit), but his fall from grace made the state a national laughing stock. The corruption was so overwhelming that it finally forced the feds to start taking a more serious look at Illinois corruption. More importantly, it seems to have fueled voter anger and a desire to rid the state of its “business as usual” reputation.

  14. - just sayin' - Friday, Dec 18, 09 @ 12:01 pm:

    All 5 cummulative votes for Patrick Fitzgerald.

    I think it’s self explanatory.

  15. - shore - Friday, Dec 18, 09 @ 12:05 pm:

    obama-slam dunk

    fitzgerald-patrick-putting 2 governors away is a big deal and there was the libby thing. I ammend my earlier call.

    blago/ryan-crooks that defined the political scene.

    daley-the real power for those of us who live in and around chicago for the last decade.

    geoff blum-because the white sox won for the first and last time in the century and winning october baseball happens around here never. Plus no one else in the entertainment or sports world stands out. urlacher didn’t win, oprah quit on chicago, the bulls and hawks stunk.

    No business leaders stand out, sadly. Hopefully that will change.

    I don’t think hastert had much of an impact here or nationally to merit any award, other than the collapse of the gop. Hillary began the decade pledging allegiance to westchester county rather than winnetka and ended it dealing with afghanistan rather than arlington heights. NO.

    Jordan would have been it for the 1990’s followed by hillary, daley and edgar IMHO.

  16. - 47th Ward - Friday, Dec 18, 09 @ 12:06 pm:

    Loop Lady,

    ===the first woman to run for Prez===

    Shirley Chisholm and Margaret Chase Smith would take exception to your assertion.

    But yes, Clinton was the first woman to run for President that had a serious chance to win. Didn’t Carol Moseley Braun run too? Or was she just threatening to run?

  17. - siriusly - Friday, Dec 18, 09 @ 12:08 pm:

    1) President Barack Obama - for skyrocketing from obscurity to the White House in style.

    2) Rahm Emmanuel - Achieved enormous success as head of the House Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, then became White House Chief of Staff.

    3) Vince Vaughn - Made some amazing movies, became a genuinely identifiable Chicagoan and an A List Movie Star. He brought a lot of movies to Chicago. And for an average looking guy from Lake Forest, he dated Jennifer Aniston and some other really hot movie stars. The guy made me proud.

    4) Brian Urlacher - Despite the past two years, he was the face of the Bears for most of this decade and the face of the Super Bowl team.

    5) Speaker Michael Madigan - He alone stood up to Blagojevich. He alone stopped the man from getting his dirty hands into many more cookie jars. I would have put the Speaker at number one, except that I don’t forgive him for helping Blago get a second term. He may think it was politically correct, but knowing what he knew - I don’t think it was the morally correct thing to do.

  18. - Conservative Republican - Friday, Dec 18, 09 @ 12:10 pm:

    The White Sox, for winning the World Series this decade.

  19. - 2010 - Friday, Dec 18, 09 @ 12:11 pm:

    The Illinois Soldier - Who went ahead and volunteered for our armed forces knowing he/she will go to war.

    Richard Duchossois - For giving $10 million to the University of Chicago for cancer research.

    Jennifer Hudson - For making it big from humble beginnings.

    Barack Obama - For becoming the first African American President of the United Sates.

    Mrs. Robinson - Michelle’s mom who has empowered her daughter and son-in-law to grasp their calling and supporting them.

  20. - firstimer - Friday, Dec 18, 09 @ 12:13 pm:

    How about Jack Kilby? Shared the 2000 Nobel Prize in physics for his part in the invention and the development of the micro-chip. U of I 1947

    Anthony Leggett shared the 2003 Nobel Prize in Physics, he formulated the theory of how atoms interact and are ordered in a superfluid state. he joined U of I Staff in 1983

    Leonid Hurwicz shared the 2007 Nobel Prize in Economics

    Paul Lauterbur shared the 2003 Nobel Prize in Medicine finding the ability for “seminal discoveries concerning the use of magnetic resonance to visualize different structures” MRI machines U of I Faculty

    Deserving Laureates from Illinois!!! Happy Holidays

  21. - Skeptical Cynic - Friday, Dec 18, 09 @ 12:22 pm:

    This state is going over a cliff and the one constant foor the last 30 years has been Mike Madigan as Speaker. You people who revere him baffle me. Mike Madigan is the problem, not the soollution.

  22. - my view - Friday, Dec 18, 09 @ 12:23 pm:

    The question is 5 people of the decade — not century! Oprah, Daley, Michael Madigan, etc. didn’t do anything different this decade from other decades. And Quinn didn’t do anything, other than sit around and wait for Blago to go down. If the “Illinoisians of the Decade” is a positive award (which it should be), that means Blago is obviously NOT eligible.

  23. - siriusly - Friday, Dec 18, 09 @ 12:24 pm:

    Dear first timer:

    Since when do we as a society celebrate high achievements in research and the advancement of human knowledge?

    Please get with the program and try to focus on the real heroes among us - celebrities, politicians and athletes.


  24. - Rich Miller - Friday, Dec 18, 09 @ 12:26 pm:


    I should’ve asked that this be limited to politics, but have at it.

  25. - siriusly - Friday, Dec 18, 09 @ 12:27 pm:

    CMB did run once and threaten to the second time. Of course you already knew that. I still don’t think her career merits a mention on this list.

    One amendment to my list: I’d like to replace Urlacher with Denny Hastert. Being Speaker of the House is a remarkably big deal.

  26. - VanillaMan - Friday, Dec 18, 09 @ 12:28 pm:

    Obama - for convincing Jones to make him a senator and for getting elected president.

    Chicago White Sox - for winning the World Series.

    Oprah Winfrey - for staying on top of the media heap with grace and class.

    Rich Miller - for demonstrating how to use Internet blogs in effective ways.

    The Illinois State Budget - for clearly demonstrating why voters no longer trusted their political leaders.

  27. - siriusly - Friday, Dec 18, 09 @ 12:31 pm:

    Okay Rich, then also take off Vince Vaugh and I’ll substitute him with George Ryan. Although I still admire his “list”.

    I agree with 47 that the death penalty moratorium was a very important thing for our entire society, and an event with global reach. Plus as far as politicians getting things done - he plowed through the O’Hare expansion, brought Boeing to Chicago (at what cost?) and passed a public works plan. George Ryan deserves to be on that list.

  28. - Just wondering - Friday, Dec 18, 09 @ 12:39 pm:

    Dick Durbin-Senate Majority Whip.

  29. - ZC - Friday, Dec 18, 09 @ 12:49 pm:

    No, I think it’s a more interesting list if you don’t restrict it simply to politics.

    Blago and Obama are locks, and I like Peter Fitzgerald in the mix there too, but let’s get in some non-politicos. How about Tracy Letts? Won the Pulitzer Prize and the Tony for Drama for _August: Osage County_ in 2008 and did more than anyone to put Chicago theatre back square on the national map.

    If Chicago had won the Olympics, I would say that Patrick G. Ryan of Aon would easily deserve a slot too - Millenium Park, the Modern Wing of the Art Institute and the Olympics, not a bad decade - but he’d be a strong runner-up just with 2 of those 3.

  30. - Loop Lady - Friday, Dec 18, 09 @ 1:12 pm:

    47th: I don’t think other women who ran approached HRC’s 17 million votes…she is in a class by herself on this one…but I do stand corrected Sir!

  31. - riverside - Friday, Dec 18, 09 @ 1:22 pm:

    President Obama for obvious reasons, Glen Poshard for his honesty and inspiration, George Ryan for ending the death penalty, Hillary Clinton for being an outstanding Secretary of State and Lisa Madigan for her fight on behalf of consumers and the little guy.

  32. - Politicaluofi - Friday, Dec 18, 09 @ 1:30 pm:

    John Fritchey for being one of the more accessible state legislators, and for actually managing his own facebook… His statuses are hilarious.

  33. - NIref - Friday, Dec 18, 09 @ 1:34 pm:

    The Ryan death penalty moratorium should, by no means, be a qualifying factor in Ryan’s recognition. It was a political end around. Gov. Ryan knew he was going to get nabbed, and desperately needed to gain popularity by any means necessary. Was, and is, the death penalty system broken? Yes. But forgetting Ryan’s motives to taint the potential jury pool and build instant credibility while Fitz’s office was breathing down his neck is a slap in the face to everyone who had to suffer through his supposed service to Illinois. The reason he is not respected locally for his actions is that the people of Illinois saw through the smoke screen.

  34. - Leroy - Friday, Dec 18, 09 @ 1:38 pm:

    Good grief, Politicaluofi….raise the bar, man…

  35. - Angry Republican - Friday, Dec 18, 09 @ 1:42 pm:

    1. Blago edges out George Ryan for the top spot, for all of the reasons already covered by others.
    2. George Ryan. Single handedly destroyed the the IL-GOP, forever besmirched the surname “Ryan” in Illinois politics, and was largely responsible for paving the way for all of the fiscally irresponsible budgeting the state has seen the past 10+ years.
    3. Navteq (aka Navigation Technologies, now part of Nokia). Navteq has removed any excuse for ever getting lost; world’s number one supplier of navigation data for all those fancy new GPS systems. HQ located in Merchandise Mart.
    4. Old Man Winter. Global warming? what global warming. Old Man Winter might have been down in the early part of the decade, but has come back with a vengeance.
    5. Global warming alarmists. Government mandate for ethanol has been a boon to ADM (largest producer of hfcs) and Illinois farmers.

  36. - Little Egypt - Friday, Dec 18, 09 @ 2:07 pm:

    The first 5 spots to go any of our Illinois (and all) military who signed up of their own free will and did not have to be drafted. The other hundreds of thousands also go to our military for the same reason. We can never hold them high enough or give them enough awards/medals.

  37. - plutocrat03 - Friday, Dec 18, 09 @ 2:39 pm:

    Peter Fitsgerald for giving us Patrick Fitzgerald.

    I love wathching crooked politicians run…..

  38. - BigDog - Friday, Dec 18, 09 @ 3:25 pm:

    Emil Jones’ stepson - for proving that you can earn $787K for literally doing nothing

    Rod Blagojevich - for proving that Hollywood and the national news media have no scruples or fact checking ability (even though we all knew this already)

    Patrick Fitzgerald - go get ‘em all!!

    Ozzie Guillen - for winning a World Series while coming off like a cheap Tony Montana impersonator

    Bruce Weber - for proving that a decent, honest man can actually survive and succeed in the cesspool of major college sports

  39. - reformer - Friday, Dec 18, 09 @ 4:05 pm:

    * Lisa Madigan has made her mark this decade as the most popular pol in the State.
    * Ralph Martire is the John the Baptist of tax reform who has personally written the bills that have yet to pass.
    * George Ryan for his enduring influence on the state GOP and on the death penalty debate.

  40. - cermak_rd - Friday, Dec 18, 09 @ 4:16 pm:

    Obama for obvious reasons

    Clinton for almost making it, a first for a woman candidate

    Patrick Fitzgerald not one but two governors!

    The Innocence Project at NW (OK, I should just google the founder’s name). Without it proving that a number of the death roll sitters weren’t guilty of the specific crime for which they were going to be executed, I don’t know that Ryan does what he does.

    Bill Lipinski–he waited until after time to submit petitions for primary challengers and then retired so his son could get the nom without having to deal with voters. We’ve seen this replay a number of times since then.

  41. - Boone Logan Square - Friday, Dec 18, 09 @ 4:40 pm:

    Barack Obama, for rising from the state Senate to the White House over the course of the decade. Bonus points for making Hyde Park/Kenwood an international tourist destination.

    Rod Blagojevich, for a reign of corruption that would make Edwin Edwards and Big Bill Thompson blush.

    Conrad Black, for pioneering the process of siphoning off funds from newspapers (in a less legal way than Sam Zell did), exacerbating the plight of Chicago’s newspapers.

    George Ryan, whose actions on the death penalty will affect this state and its people long after he dies in prison.

    Ozzie Guillen, for delivering the only Illinois MLB championship of our lifetimes.

  42. - wordslinger - Friday, Dec 18, 09 @ 4:51 pm:

    –Ozzie Guillen, for delivering the only Illinois MLB championship of our lifetimes.–

    Boone, it’s called the World Series, has been ever since before Shoeless Joe and Tinkers to Evers to Chance.

    And I love Ozzie, but Dye, Konerko, AJ and Jenks had a lot more to do with it than he did.

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