Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Jackson doesn’t know if she’ll be called to testify - And other political distancing attempts
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Jackson doesn’t know if she’ll be called to testify - And other political distancing attempts

Tuesday, Dec 22, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Not a good answer

Democratic Senate candidate Cheryle Jackson said Friday she wasn’t sure if she would be called to testify in the upcoming corruption trial of her former boss, ex-Gov. Rod Blagojevich. […]

When asked if she thought there was a possibility of being called to testify in the trial, which could occur before the general election, she said, “I don’t know.”

“I have had no role in any of the issues or political decisions,” she said of her work with Blagojevich. “I didn’t work with the campaign.”

As a former top-level employee in the governor’s office for four years, however, it stands to reason there is a possibility she could be called to testify by either defense attorneys or prosecutors.

Jackson made clear she had no knowledge of any criminal activity in the governor’s office.

* The same question wasn’t asked of Jim Ryan, but he distanced himself a bit better from a Blagojevich crony…

In a Daily Herald editorial board interview Monday, Ryan said he never was aware of Levine’s corruption or secret drug use, which surfaced in Rezko’s trial. Levine has not been accused of wrongdoing on behalf of Jim Ryan.

“Stu Levine gave me a lot of money over my entire career,” said Ryan, who also was DuPage County State’s Attorney for three terms. “I thought he did it because he believed in me. He did a lot for me, I didn’t do anything for him except to be his friend.” […]

When asked if he learned anything from having a close friend like Levine turn out to be corrupt, Ryan said, “I guess the answer is Reagan: trust but verify.”

President Ronald Reagan made the phrase famous in describing his diplomacy with the Soviet Union.

“You can completely trust someone and find out you are wrong,” Ryan said. “You think you know someone and you don’t.”

* Rep. Hamos found herself tied to the Springfield mess

State Rep. Julie Hamos told a debate audience [Sunday] that she’s the best Democrat to win the 10th Congressional District seat because of her experience and ability to woo voters who’ve backed Republican U.S. Rep. Mark Kirk for a decade.

But her two opponents in the Feb. 2 primary scoffed at that notion, suggesting that experience in Springfield might not be so valuable, given state government’s dire straits.

“There are lots of things that are wrong with Washington,” said Dan Seals of Wilmette. “Not being enough like Springfield is not one of them.”

“I’m a nice guy who hasn’t been in Springfield for the past 10 years,” said Elliot Richardson, a Highland Park attorney. “I think that’s a good thing.”



  1. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Dec 22, 09 @ 8:47 am:

    Nobobdy knows nothing and everyone’s an outsider. Who believes that stuff anyway?

    I’m a lot more comfortable with people who know what’s going on and how to get things done.

  2. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Dec 22, 09 @ 8:48 am:

    Jackson was asked a great question. She needed to have had a great answer to deliver immediately. The fact that she didn’t demonstrates that she isn’t ready for prime time.

    Obviously Ryan expected it. He is ready.

    Hamos often comes off as tone-deaf to me. She seems to have her own ideas and supporters to rally around her, and fails to listen to those with whom she disagrees. That is a liability as an elected offical. We don’t need another liberal lemming in DC right now.

    Her opponents can carve away support by demonstrating that they are more independant and open minded than she is. That shouldn’t be hard.

  3. - Obamarama - Tuesday, Dec 22, 09 @ 9:18 am:

    I agree with VanillaFriend regarding Jackson. It isn’t exactly shocking that someone would pop this question at some point during the campaign and the fact that she did not see this coming or did not have a prepared response ready proves, in fact, that she is not ready for prime time.

    Speaking of questions that were bound to come up: when is someone going to ask Jim Ryan how he justifies his platform of being a former prosecutor who will change the evil ways of Springfield with the fact that he was completely oblivious to Stu Levine’s, umm, indiscretions that were taking place right under his nose?

  4. - CircularFiringSquad - Tuesday, Dec 22, 09 @ 9:27 am:

    Couple of thoughts here
    Jackson — does the term Loop Lab School “grant” ring any bells?
    jimRYAN — are you suggesting Stooie developed all the bad habits ( i.e. crooked deals on the phone in the Blagoof era)? If you you ware very alone.
    Dan Seals — try again, you missed the ball completely on that swing.

  5. - Bluebird - Tuesday, Dec 22, 09 @ 9:31 am:

    I was at this debate and Richardson couldn’t have said it better when he said he was a nice guy and thought it was a good thing he wasn’t from Springfield. Seriously, since when is being from Springfield a good thing?? (Talking to you, Hamos - and btw, I’m still perturbed you showed up 30 mins late for this debate.) I didn’t know anything about Richardson before this debate, but based on his stellar performance, he certainly has my vote in February!

  6. - Secret Square - Tuesday, Dec 22, 09 @ 9:32 am:

    Obamarama, I dunno that Levine’s “indiscretions” were taking place “right under (Ryan’s) nose” (poor choice of words, by the way).

    If I remember correctly from the Rezko trial, Levine succeeded in hiding his “indiscretions” from most of the people he knew, including his wife and people who worked with him, for many years. Why would Jim Ryan be any different?

  7. - Obamarama - Tuesday, Dec 22, 09 @ 9:36 am:

    Fair point, SS.

  8. - Secret Square - Tuesday, Dec 22, 09 @ 9:43 am:

    “Since when is being from Springfield a good thing?? (Talking to you Hamos)”

    The only legislator or other candidate for any kind of state office who is actually “from” Springfield is Raymond Poe.

  9. - Old Shepherd - Tuesday, Dec 22, 09 @ 9:44 am:

    I am always amused by people who run on the notion of “I should be elected because I am not a politician”. I’ve got news for them…the minute they decide to run they become politicians.

    Plus, it’s kind of like saying “Let me work on your car because I am not a mechanic.”

  10. - My two cents - Tuesday, Dec 22, 09 @ 9:56 am:

    Vanilla Man’s suspicions are correct - Hamos refuses to speak to anyone who doesn’t support her, and with her dismal poll numbers and her dated offensive identity politics, she actually walked into a meeting without speaking directly to a single person outside of her staff. This is not a way to win friends or ‘woo’ voters. She polled last week for the second time and is unable, once again, to release a single figure, which should at least make her stop making the claim that she has won the Jewish vote as well as the women’s vote. The press failed to mention that Hamos is so unfamiliar with the district that she couldn’t find her way to Sunday’s debate which was held at a church on LAKE COOK RD. She was a shameful 30 minutes late and when she arrived, ungraciously blamed her tardiness on her staff instead of taking personal responsibility for it! The grassroots activists have shown that they prefer Dan Seals, endorsing him in every township which endorsed for this race. Her blanket approval of the Health Care Reform bill (before her women’s groups convinced her to retract it) and of Obama’s escalation (she said that we have to trust that the generals know what they are doing!), lost her support from among the very few who did originally consider supporting her. We want true independent leadership from those who are willing to read bills and exercise informed opinions.

  11. - cassandra - Tuesday, Dec 22, 09 @ 10:00 am:

    I don’t think Jackson or Ryan is clearly lying. But I do wonder why they were so incurious. I think we are better off with public officials who actively look into what is going on around them. Perhaps Jackson was too self-absorbed and Ryan preferred to not ask about his pal Levine. We shouldn’t excuse them for that if they are seeking the state’s highest political office. This is Illinois and citizens not asking enough questions has resulted in long-term, substantial corruption and a ranking as one of the country’s most corrupt states.

  12. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Dec 22, 09 @ 10:20 am:

    === Jackson made clear she had no knowledge of any criminal activity in the governor’s office. ===

    Sounds like Cheryle Jackson be a witness for the defense! LOL

  13. - zatoichi - Tuesday, Dec 22, 09 @ 10:20 am:

    It’s amazing how the Sgt. Schultz defense becomes more common as time goes by and past incidents start to pop up. And hey, I’ve been to Springfield a lot! Apparently the only thing worse is actually living there. Must be part of the newly discovered Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Springfield syndrome.

  14. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Dec 22, 09 @ 10:25 am:

    === Her [Hamos’] opponents can carve away support by demonstrating that they are more independant and open minded than she is. ===

    Dan Seals already has. He opposes Obama’s plans to let the Bush tax cuts expire so we can close the deficit, and Seals also opposes Obama’s call for a troop increase in Afghanistan with a timetable for getting out.

    If 10th District Democrats are looking for a Congressman who will stand up to President Obama, they need look no further than Dan Seals.

  15. - Joe from Joliet - Tuesday, Dec 22, 09 @ 10:30 am:

    … I’m a lot more comfortable with people who know what’s going on and how to get things done…

    Me too, Word. That’s why I’m voting for

    Kirk Dillard.

  16. - My two cents - Tuesday, Dec 22, 09 @ 10:35 am:

    Old Shepard’s comment is amusing but a bit disingenuous. We all know exactly what people mean when they are running for office as non-politicians or outsiders. Just as everyone knows what it means to be a part of Springfield, whether,as Secret Square says, you are ;from’ Springfield or not. Hamos is firmly entrenched in Springfield politics no matter how she makes her case against the concept- she is married to Greiman, once considered Madigan’s right hand guy, and best friend, and she has depended on Jan Schakowsky’s coattails for her current office as well as the launching of this campaign, along with the other Springfield politicians who are keeping her campaign from flatlining. She recently voted against a campaign finance reform bill that was stronger than the weaker bill she voted for - the bill she favored gave unprecedented power to Madigan while the second bill she voted against took it away!! Hamos claims to have fought for measures that weren’t popular, but it’s my guess that nothing passed that wasn’t already given the stamp of Madigan approval already.

  17. - Secret Square - Tuesday, Dec 22, 09 @ 10:49 am:

    “And hey, I’ve been to Springfield a lot! Apparently the only thing worse is actually living there.”

    “Actually living there” ain’t so bad when you consider the COST of living is fairly cheap; not to mention having The Food Mart, a truly excellent deli, right down the street from the Capitol makes up for a lot. But I digress…

    I’d being a staff person for someone like Hamos who is “from Springfield” in the metaphorical sense (i.e. a state government insider) would be worse. They get none of the credit for what’s done right, all of the blame for what goes wrong (e.g. her being late), and probably don’t make all that much money for doing it either.

  18. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Dec 22, 09 @ 11:12 am:

    == Seriously, since when is being from Springfield a good thing?? ==

    When you’re a backbenching lawmaker like Rod Blagojevich was, it isn’t anything to brag about.

    When you’re someone like Julie Hamos who has fought for and passed important legislation, who has taken tough votes despite pressure from special interest groups, the editorial boards, an ill-informed public, even party leaders, because you think that doing what’s right means sometimes doing what’s hard, its a good thing.

    Idle hands do the Devil’s work, but sometimes you have to get a little dirt under your nails in the service of the public good.

    Nobody in politics is a saint, and no matter who’s side you wrestle for in the Springfield mudpit, you’re gonna get some dirt on you.

    Its good practice for Congress.

    I haven’t agreed with every vote Hamos has ever taken when she’s taken them - supporting the 10th casino license to help pass the gay rights bill is one of them - but in retrospect I can’t say I fault her character for deciding that equal rights for gay Americans outweighed stronger minority ownership provisions in legalized gambling either.

    But I have no question she did what she because she thought it was right.

    And Dan Seals, what’s he done? Flip-flopped on the Bush tax cuts, undercut Obama on foreign policy. Because it was right? Hardly. Because it was popular.

    Well, Congressmen wanting to be popular is what got us into Iraq in the first place.

    And no offense to Mr. Richardson, but the last person we should want representing us in Congress is someone who is ‘nice.’

    Everybody likes Charlie Brown, but I’d rather have Snoopy fighting for me in Congress.

  19. - Rational Politics - Tuesday, Dec 22, 09 @ 11:41 am:

    I was at the debate last Sunday and feel I must respond to Yellow Dog’s comment. Mr. Richardson’s quote was taken out of context. Ms. Hamos condescendingly referred to both Richardson & Seals as “Nice Guys.” It was Mr. Richardson who asked for more time to respond to that comment and Mr. Seals who reiterated Richardson’s sentiments about screwing things up in Springfield.

    I actually like Mr. Seals, but he had very few original ideas and seemed to take most of his positions — verbatim — from Mr. Richardson. Mr. Richardson clearly appeared to be the most independent mind of the three.

    Ms. Hamos shamlessly pandered to the wealthy jewish population of the 10th Dems by constantly talking about her “jewish roots” and pro-Israel stance. It is my understanding that Mr. Richardson is also Jewish, yet he didn’t mention it once during the debate, I assume because it is not relevant. All three candidates are pro-Israel and Hamos needn’t exploit her heritage - is she desperate?

  20. - Responsa - Tuesday, Dec 22, 09 @ 11:45 am:

    Looks like people are starting to realize that there are no zing-wowie candidates running in the 10th. Don’t know how contributions are coming in, but nobody I’ve been talking to seems to be very excited about supporting or stumping for any of them. Strange times.

  21. - NSDem - Tuesday, Dec 22, 09 @ 12:02 pm:

    I wonder if Rational Politics is aware that Dan Seals has been in this race longer than Elliot Richardson and his positions are well-established. I thought Richardson did well, but just because he spoke first does not mean Seals took his positions. Dan has had the same positions for several years, so it’s a bit ridiculous to suggest he “took” them from a newer candidate.
    Also, if Julie Hamos is nearly half an hour late to a schedule hour-long debate, whose fault would Secret Square say it was? I’d never been to that church, and I don’t live near there, but it was not hard to find. And I think if I were a candidate I’d have planned extra time to make sure I was there early. Her extreme lateness showed a lack of planning as well as a lack of district knowledge - neither of which is very promising.

  22. - NSDem - Tuesday, Dec 22, 09 @ 12:05 pm:

    Responsa should know that Dan Seals has hundreds of volunteers and donors (in the district), while Hamos had to hire folks from Craigslist to get signatures for her petitions to get on the ballot. The vast majority of active district Democrats, as well as just about every township organization, is supporting Seals, and they are all pretty excited about him and about his chances in November.

  23. - Secret Square - Tuesday, Dec 22, 09 @ 12:39 pm:

    “Julie Hamos is nearly half an hour late to a schedule hour-long debate, whose fault would Secret Square say it was”

    I realize it was her fault, but didn’t another poster say she tried to blame it on her staff? Well, that’s exactly the kind of thing staffers have to put up with.

  24. - Ben - Tuesday, Dec 22, 09 @ 12:52 pm:

    Maybe Seals could have used a few Craigslist people to get above 47% at least once….

  25. - for the love of politics - Tuesday, Dec 22, 09 @ 1:48 pm:

    I had the opportunity to meet Elliot after the debate and was quite impressed with his message and his ideas for real change in Washington. It was refreshing to speak with a fellow small business owner who has been impacted – as I have been – by the horrible recession and continually rising healthcare costs. I admire his courage to run in a congressional race where clearly he is the political outsider. No doubt he is the underdog in this race, but I know he has a future in politics.

  26. - Scott R - Tuesday, Dec 22, 09 @ 1:50 pm:

    I believe Ryan when he says he didn’t know Levine was who he was, but that’s still a devastating blow. GOP will want to paint Quinn as hanging out with corrupt Blago types. That strategy is off the table with Ryan. And besides, DuPage and other collar counties are not going to rally around Ryan because of the Nicarico issue. That was just bad news all around, and I think average voters will see that as a huge blemish on his record. As for Seals, he’s been campaigning for this seat for five years. He’s a very personable guy. He lights up a room, but let’s face it, he’s either going to lose in February or lose in November. What I find odd is that in the five years he’s been campaigning, that’s all he’s been doing. Never saw him on a board or getting involved with a community project. He could have run for lower office and demonstrated he has good skills as a legislator. He could weigh in on issues through the op-ed pages, but he hasn’t. His campaign has been all name ID. Maybe three is a charm with him, and more power to him if he breaks 48% this time around. But if CD10 didn’t like him when Obama was at the top of the ticket, I’m not sure they’ll like him any more this time.

  27. - NorthfieldNative - Tuesday, Dec 22, 09 @ 3:17 pm:

    All I want for Christmas… is someone who will represent ME and MY neighbors in CD10. In 2006, I voted for Seals, but I want a representative who wants to lead because it’s a means to serving the people - not someone who runs to win the seat itself. After Seals lost the first time, i expected him to move into the district and exemplify the leadership he marketed. Unfortunately, he didn’t. So in 2008, I voted for Kirk again. Now we’re nearing 2010. Seals still hasn’t done anything for my area; Hamos is running here by default. At least Elliot a) knows the pains I go through running a business, b) relates to people from Lake Forest to Waukegan, c) is actually from the area - his wife’s side of the family is apparently third generation Waukegan. He has my vote.

  28. - My two cents - Tuesday, Dec 22, 09 @ 4:37 pm:

    People are so subjective they assume that if they don’t know something it didn’t happen. Dan put his home on the market and couldn’t sell it, which in my book, is ample reason not to move. He could, like Hamos, rent an apartment and pretend to be a resident, but in fact, he lives in Wilmette already and his children attend schools in the area, which his taxes contribute to. He and his wife have both worked in businesses in the area before and after his campaigns. Dan has, in fact, in between elections, worked in the district and volunteered for local organizations, organizing food drives, beach clean-ups and district-wide volunteer days. He’s written op-eds for various newspapers and spoken at various organizations about relevant issues, including campaign finance reform. He has worked as a consultant in one of the areas most hard hit during the recession, home foreclosures and also helped start up green businesses for the city of Chicago. When Congresswoman, Debbie Wasserman Schultz came to speak for Dan, she commented that we don’t have enough young people with families in office and they represent a key demographic that’s underrepresented. She lamented that it is such a sacrifice for young people to run for office that it has become prohibitive, even as we increasingly need their voices in congress, to represent the upcoming generations of voters and their concerns. If we are going to disparage the young, aspiring candidates who have the courage to make the attempt to run for office, as prohibitively expensive and daunting a task as it is, then we deserve what we will end up with after the election- entrenched and out of touch career politicians.

    And for the record, I agree that Elliot Richardson spoke well at the debate on Sunday. He shows great promise, and were Dan Seals not in the race, my vote would go to him!

  29. - all business - Tuesday, Dec 22, 09 @ 4:57 pm:

    I agree with Responsa’s comment that there are no compelling candidates in CD-10. I signed a petition for Milton Sumption, who lives in the District and who worked in the private sector in business and capital markets for the past 15 years. Unfortunately, I read a couple of weeks ago he withdrew due to family considerations. If the Democrats ever hope to take back CD-10, they need to field a moderate, business oriented candidate who can win the general…Sumption, from what little I heard about him, seemed to have that profile.

  30. - Ben S. - Tuesday, Dec 22, 09 @ 9:03 pm:

    My Two Cents, I made calls for Dan in 2008 and there were a significant amount of people who refused to listen to me praise Dan because Dan wasn’t technically a resident of the tenth. You could argue that those voters might not vote for him anyway, but it is a significant issue–although there’s no legal requirement to live in the district people like having their congressperson live in their district. Look at what happened in the special election in New York last month–voters in a district that hadn’t elected a Democrat in 150 years elected one over the de facto Republican candidate because the latter candidate didn’t live in the district and didn’t care about local issues. The candidate who can speak best about local issues will usually win a congressional election.

    (And before you bring up Melissa Bean, bear in mind that she based her successful 2004 campaign on the fact that Phil Crane spent very little time in the 8th District–therefore positioning herself as the more local candidate.)

    Unrelated, but I’m leaving the country tomorrow until the new year, so merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone.

  31. - ChiTownNewbie - Wednesday, Dec 23, 09 @ 8:38 am:

    Hamos spent her legislative career fighting against Madigan. Not really sure how that makes her tied up in Springfield. Perhaps Seals and Eliott are going for the disaffected youth vote… Vote for me. I’ve done nothing and yet still feel entitled. Ryan is going to get hammered in January on Nicarico and Stu. If he’s positioned as the front runner, the other five guys are going to train their sights on him. It will not be pretty.

    NorthfieldNative…Richardson’s wife is 3rd generation from Waukegan? Not quite. At a rally up there recently, he told the crowd she was Mexican. When asked where from by the heavily Mexican crowd, he said she was 3rd generation and didn’t really know where she came from. Sounds like pandering at its finest.

  32. - MarkMac74 - Wednesday, Dec 23, 09 @ 9:38 am:

    Ryan’s language in his denial is interesting. First he quotes Reagan (why do they always quote Reagan?) with the whole trust but verify, then he describes his plan for addressing corruption, which amounts to trickle-down morality. My guess is it will work about as well as his mentor’s trickle down economics. And who is he imagining in the part of role model. Himself?

    If Ryan has such poor judgment in his friends–his long-term friends, what can we expect from him as a leader (even a candidate). He’s just exposed himself as either a hypocrite or fatally dim. Which would he rather have us believe?

    Then you have to look at someone like Quinn. Yeah, he took money from these guys once, but not again. Running with clean money–because there’s so much less of it, hurts him against those who take the big donations, but at least he can talk about ethics without embarrassment.

  33. - CircularFiringSquad - Wednesday, Dec 23, 09 @ 10:18 am:

    Ryan was palsy walsy with Lee A Daniels and the antiChrist and never notices their scams.
    BTW anyone who did not know what Stooie was up is already down for their dirt nap.

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