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More late afternoon holiday cheer music

Thursday, Dec 17, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The late, great Nicky Hopkins plays a holiday standard with the Jerry Garcia Band. Beautiful stuff

Are you going anywhere during the break?


Today’s campaign videos and some news updates

Thursday, Dec 17, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Democratic US Senate candidate David Hoffman has a new video blasting away at Alexi Giannoulias’ resumé. From a press release…

The video cites numerous public reports about Giannoulias, including his irresponsible loans to convicted felons as Vice President and Chief Loan Officer at Broadway Bank; his role in putting Broadway Bank on its current path to failure; his stewardship over the $85 million dollar losses suffered by investors in Bright Start; his purchase of an SUV for his use with Bright Start funds, and skirting his own ethics policy to not take contributions from banks while treasurer by taking more than $90,000 in campaign contributions from bankers and bank PAC’s.

Watch it

* Republican 10th Congressional District hopeful Robert Dold is running his first TV ad. From a press release…

The campaign of Republican Robert Dold, Congressional candidate for Illinois’ 10th District, launched their first television ad Thursday. The 30-second spot, called “Economy,” makes the case for why Dold is the clear choice to represent the 10th District of Illinois in Congress. The television ad will air during primetime on the top-rated cable stations.

Rate it

From The Hill

Look for these themes to continue to play out in more ads: small businessman, no bailouts, cut taxes, Pelosi bad, Reid bad. Dold hits all these points in an ad that has the feel of a newscast.

By the way, fellow 10th CD GOP candidate Bill Cadigan has dropped out of the race, citing his inability to raise money…

“Political support gets you part of the way but money is required to do the rest,” he said. “We had financial goals and weren’t meeting them, and didn’t see how we would between now and the end of the campaign.”

Cadigan was endorsed by Patrick Collins.

* The Tribune editorial board has posted its video of the Cook County Board presidential candidate debate…

* WTTW’s Elizabeth Brackett interviewed Comptroller Dan Hynes yesterday. Unfortunately, some of the interview is based on old info about the governor’s secret early release program that we’ve since discovered is incorrect. Have a look

* Thom Serafin handicaps the governor’s race on Fox Chicago

* Congressman Don Manzullo was all over cable TV yesterday talking about the proposed move of Gitmo prisoners to Thomson. He’s posted several interviews on his YouTube site. Here’s the CNN interview

* Related…

* Governor candidates all over map on how to fix Illinois’ economy

* WSIU to host, air gubernatorial primary debates

* SIU gets additional $16 million to cover payroll; $900,000 for additional bills: The university received $17.1 million from Illinois Comptroller Dan Hynes’ office Wednesday, $16.2 million of which will go to help SIU meet its Jan. 1 payroll, including the more than 7,000 people who work on the Carbondale campus. The remaining $900,000 will be used to pay various vendor bills, SIU spokesman David Gross said. Combined with the $15.5 million received in November, SIU has received about $32.6 million from state appropriations for the 2010 fiscal year that started in July. The state, however, still owes the university more than $100 million.

* GOP leader: Sell prison for $250 million: Senate Minority Leader Christine Radogno said that amount could cover the costs of construction and the mortgage payments that have been made since the prison was completed in 2001, as well as account for increases in labor and materials. “I believe we ought to get a premium,” the Lemont Republican said.

* Gitmo and Thomson prison become issue for Quinn and Illinois governor race

* Quinn’s right to sell prison questioned

* State GOP leader: Thomson prison worth a lot more than gov’s price tag

* Quinn: Illinois Not Scared Of Guantanamo Prisoners

* Illinois Republican Says Thomson is at Risk

* Sen. Dick Durbin once voted against moving detainees

* Terrorists in the heartland? Chill

* High noon in Illinois, and GOP wants to run

* Thomson plan worthy of support, not risky for area

* Pros and cons of having Gitmo prisoners in Thomson

* The right thing for Thomson

* Gitmo in Illinois The Quinn bin . . . If Sneed were a betting person, she’d lay down odds President Obama forced the Thomson terrorist prison deal down Gov. Quinn’s throat.

* White House background briefing on buying Illinois prison for Guantanamo detainees. Transcript

* Democratic treasurer race: Robin Kelly vs. Justin Oberman

* Schoenburg: Schock’s views on torture draw fire

* Ariz. candidate’s spot similar to Bean’s ‘06 ad

* Hoffman emphasizes ‘trust’ in Senate campaign

* Hoffman rips rival Giannoulias on bank ties

* Giannoulias and Hoffman trade accusations in debate for Democratic Senate primary

* Giannoulias and Hoffman argue over bank issues

* Dem U.S. Senate candidates debate in Chicago

* Sexual Orientation Enters Senate Candidate Debate

* Three reasons to run for Senate

* A Test for LGBT Equality: Why I Support Dan Hynes for Illinois Governor


Question of the day

Thursday, Dec 17, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From a press release…

The Illinois seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for November is 10.9 percent, down 0.1 percent from October, according to figures released today by the Illinois Department of
Employment Security. The three-month moving average increased 0.3 percent to 10.8 percent. Slight increases and decreases in the unemployment rate are to be expected in a national recession.

“Today’s preliminary report reflects the slight-up-and-down movement common in a national
recession and should not be used to predict the future,” IDES Direct Maureen O’Donnell said. “Past experience in Illinois suggests that signs of an economic recovery first will be felt elsewhere in the nation before significant job growth appears here at home.”

Illinois non-farm payroll reported -6,300 fewer jobs in November than in October, the 22nd consecutive monthly loss. The pace of job loss has slowed in recent months. During the last three months, job loss in Illinois has averaged -6,167 each month compared to an average monthly job loss of -25,075 during the first eight months of this year. Compared to
October, employment continued to fall in the Leisure and Hospitality (-4,900), Construction (-3,900), and Trade and Transportation (-1,700) sectors. The Manufacturing sector showed little change by dropping -200 positions. The Educational and Health Services and Professional and Business Services sectors gained employment. Education and Health Services added 6,000
positions. Professional and Business Services added 1,100.

Nationally, the November unemployment rate declined 0.2 percent to reach 10.0 percent.


* The Question: What two state programs would you enhance or create to lower unemployment here? Explain.


*** UPDATED x1 *** Danny Davis endorses Dorothy Brown

Thursday, Dec 17, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

*** UPDATE - 1:30 pm *** From a Danny Davis press release…

After having been focused on the race for President of the Cook County Board for the past several months, I have come to the conclusion that Dorothy Brown is my candidate for President of the Cook County Board.

During my exploration, I commissioned two (2) full-fledged professional polls conducted throughout Cook County and in every instance Dorothy Brown was heads and shoulders ahead of her three opponents – name recognition, favorable and the person people said that they were most likely to vote for.

A recent media poll reaffirmed what we already knew, that Dorothy Brown was and is the peoples’ choice.

She is well-trained, MBA, Attorney, Certified Public Accountant, a proven manager, an independent and progressive thinker, not captive of any political organization, or moneyed influence groups, she supports organized labor and has a vision for Cook County.

In all of my public endeavors I try and be where I think a majority of the people are. My political group voted for Dorothy Brown, the People of Cook County have said four times that they want Dorothy Brown, they want Dorothy Brown, they want Dorothy Brown - -then I want Dorothy Brown. So I give you Dorothy Brown, the next President of the Cook County Board.

[ *** End of Update *** ]

* Dorothy Brown is already ahead in the polls, so this long-rumored endorsement by Danny Davis will only help build her momentum

U.S. Rep. Danny Davis (D-Ill.) threw his support behind Cook County Circuit Court Clerk Dorothy Brown today in the race for Cook County Board president, a post he once considered for himself.

“She is the people’s choice,” Davis said. “She has vision for the county.” […]

“She’s obviously intelligent,” he said. “When it comes to managing a budget, she has proven that she can do that. She has vision for the county.”

* Meanwhile, North Town News Magazine has recently interviewed some county-wide candidates.

Dorothy Brown

Toni Preckwinkle

Joe Berrios

* Other local campaign news…

* County Board challengers put Stroger on defensive: On the issue of governing the county’s sprawling system of clinics and hospitals, Preckwinkle alone said she would make the board permanent. “I’ve said from the very beginning that we need to make this independent governing board permanent,” Preckwinkle said. “If you look at their three-year life span they spent the first year and a half trying to persuade somebody good to come and take over the system because of the terrible reputation.”

* Preckwinkle lays out ‘path to victory’

* DuPage chairman candidates weigh in on water commission: Heads already would have rolled at the DuPage Water Commission if most of the four candidates for county board chairman in the GOP primary were in charge. The four all said they are troubled by the commission’s admission to accidentally spending $19 million of its reserves on operational costs over the past two years, which recently forced the agency to take out a $30 million loan.

* District 6 hopefuls ready to take over for 18-year board member

* Lake Co. sheriff candidate accuses incumbent of profiling: John Krempotic, a Democrat from North Chicago, said during a Daily Herald endorsement interview that Curran may not have specifically ordered sheriff’s deputies to stop Hispanic drivers, but that “it’s encouraged … that (deputies) target the Latino population.” Curran said the statement is a “boldfaced lie” and anti-bias data collected in 2009 backs him up.


And the winners are…

Thursday, Dec 17, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Congrats to our newest Golden Horseshoe winners…

1) Best press spokesperson: Patty Schuh. The spokesperson for the Senate Republicans has been getting the job done for years. From the nominations…

She has handled the job under Pate (no easy task), Watson and now continues to be available and personable.

2) Best non-press staffer for a constitutional officer: Ann Spillane, who is Attorney General Lisa Madigan’s chief of staff…

[Madigan’s] office runs like a well-oiled machine, and that’s all thanks to Spillane.

I’ve talked to Spillane countless times on the phone late at night and was often surprised to hear that she was still at her office. Ann is indefatigable, highly organized and 200 percent loyal to her boss.

3) Many of you tried to nominate me for “Best ‘insider,’” but that’s not gonna happen. Instead, I’m giving it to Mike McClain, who, as one commenter noted “knows the state from all sides.” The lobbyist and former House Majority Leader is one of the few people who Speaker Madigan truly listens to on almost all issues. That’s no small feat.

* So, let’s sum it all up…

* Best legislative staffer: Melissa Black
* Best state legislative secretary/admin assistant: Beth Hamilton
* Best political bar/restaurant in Springfield: The Globe
* Best IL state agency director: Catherine Shannon
* Best Illinois state legislator: Sen. Don Harmon
* Best Illinois congresscritter: Rep. Phil Hare
* Best IL statewide elected official: Jesse White
* Best Statehouse lobbyist: Bill Luking
* Best press spokesperson: Patty Schuh
* Best non-press staffer for a constitutional officer: Ann Spillane
* Best “insider”: Mike McClain

Congratulations to all.

The “Best insider” award was new this year. I’m wondering if you have any additional category suggestions for next year.


*** UPDATED x1 *** Quinn caught in a lie

Thursday, Dec 17, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Yesterday, Gov. Quinn reversed himself and said he knew that the Dept. of Corrections was releasing some prisoners after just a few days in custody. Quinn wouldn’t say, however, why he halted the release program after the AP asked about it. But the governor also claimed that Corrections Director Michael Randle had briefed editorial boards about the program, so it wasn’t a “secret,” as the AP had reported.

Wrong on almost all counts.

The State Journal-Register was one of those editorial boards supposedly “briefed” by Randle, and it claimed today that Director Randle actually talked to the board about a different program.

According to the SJ-R, Randle did not brief the paper on the program recently detailed by the Associated Press, which is called “Meritorious Good Time Push,” or “MGT Push” for short. MGT Push allegedly abandoned Corrections’ unwritten rule that prisoners serve at least 61 days of their sentence. Under MGT Push, some inmates are allowed out of prison “almost immediately.”

From today’s editorial

Under MGT Push, inmates released after serving less than three weeks included those accused of weapons charges, battery and repeat drunken drivers. One DUI offender served 18 days in jail after he hit two cars, hospitalizing one driver for weeks. These don’t sound like nonviolent offenders. In total, more than 850 inmates left prison earlier than they otherwise would have.

This almost amounts to a get-out-of-jail-free card. Illinois can implement a cost-effective and safe method for releasing nonviolent prisoners early, but MGT Push reduces the deterrence that going to prison provides against committing crime. It is not a framework the state should be using.

Expect the phrase “get-out-of-jail-free card” to eventually show up in a TV ad.

The close…

Quinn said Wednesday that he signed off on the program. Why? And did he know some inmates convicted of violent offenses would be released?

There needs to be a clear accounting of why this policy was adopted, who signed off on it and how the state will ensure that something similar doesn’t happen in the future.

We don’t have a problem with releasing truly nonviolent inmates in order to help stabilize the state budget. But any inmate release program should closely follow the guidelines Randle talked about in October and ensure the public’s safety isn’t endangered.

The governor needs to tell us the truth about what is going on in his own administration. This is unacceptable.

*** UPDATE *** From the Dan Hynes campaign…

“Pat Quinn has been all over the place since this secret early prisoner release story broke over the weekend, first denying knowledge before saying he did in fact know about the program. The only consistency has been his inconsistency, and today’s State Journal-Register editorial flatly contradicts his shifting story.

“Meanwhile, five days later, the people of Illinois are trying to sift through the confusion and misinformation that the Quinn administration seems to be deliberately sewing. What is clear is that when confronted with a report that the state of Illinois has been secretly releasing hundreds of prisoners — some violent offenders — after virtually no time served, Pat Quinn’s response has been to go into full damage control mode.

“Unfortunately, the damage the Governor seems most concerned with is that to his own political fortunes rather than to public safety, and that is unacceptable. Governor Quinn needs to come clean immediately on this program. We renew our call for the Governor to release a list of everyone released early from prison through this secret program, the crimes for which they were serving time, any previous criminal records, the rationale behind their release, and where these individuals are presently residing.”


Morning Shorts

Thursday, Dec 17, 2009 - Posted by Mike Murray

* Daley goes to bat for South Side Wal-Mart

The mayor acknowledged that he is “raising a political hot potato” by reopening the bitter battle that gave birth to the big-box minimum-wage ordinance he vetoed.

But Daley said the economic climate has changed dramatically in the three years since organized labor spent millions to elect aldermen dead-set against Wal-Mart expansion. Layoffs are mounting. Construction is at a virtual standstill. And there will be no Chicago Olympics to create jobs.

* Mayor Daley reopens debate on Wal-Mart

Mayor Daley today reopened the bitter battle that gave birth to the city’s “big-box,” minimum-wage ordinance that he buried with his first, and only, veto.

* Daley calls ending impasse on Wal-Mart a ‘priority’

* Daley Turns Up The Heat On Wal-Mart Debate

* Burke needs to deliver Wal-Mart to Chatham

It’s now up to Ald. Edward M. Burke to make it happen.

An ordinance to allow for a long-awaited Chatham Wal-Mart Supercenter, which sells groceries, has languished for months in the City Council Finance Committee, which Burke chairs. This is just the latest delay in a five-year battle by Ald. Howard Brookins to get a Wal-Mart at a former industrial site at 83rd and Stewart.

Burke, an unabashed union supporter, has said Wal-Mart is welcome in Chicago, so long as it hammers out a “living wage” compromise with union leaders.

* Walmart Plan Still Stuck in City Council

Burke has said in the past he wants Walmart to come to an agreement with the city’s labor unions who oppose the big box store. Aldermen Howard Brookins and Anthony Beale say the unions and the company are getting closer to reaching an agreement.

* Chicago Community Groups Clamor for TIF Dollars

Weber says scrutiny is emboldening neighborhood organizations.

WEBER: I think they figure if the city can give millions of dollars to large real estate developers, why can’t they give us some as well? So we have seen sort seen this burgeoning of grassroots attempts.

Last year 155 TIF districts collected $570 million of incremental property tax revenue. This year the city council passed a TIF sunshine ordinance for better accountability. Last month Ald. Brendan Reilly rejected a TIF district in his downtown 42nd ward citing that the commercial area didn’t need it.

* Gum maker closes South Side plant, puts up for sale

Gum maker closed facility shortly after promising Daley that it would stay open. Now it’s for sale

* Daley Hopes CTA’s Circle Line Picks Up More Federal Money

* Alderman Takes Aim at Power-Plant Emissions

* Chicago magnet school plan trimmed back

Fewer seats for neighborhood kids, siblings get guarantee

* Chicago aldermen want cops to focus on missing kids

* Helper of the homeless needs a hand

Inner Voice, he says, is $300,000 in the hole and soon may be forced to close 300 to 800 beds. As the single largest provider of beds in the city, that would be a drastic cut. He’s scheduled a press conference for tomorrow at 10 a.m. at 8040 S. Western to explain their plight.

And to argue that the City of Chicago’s reimbursement of agencies like Inner Voice has not taken into account how much private donations have dried up, how the credit crunch has affected cash flow, how costs have skyrocketed.

* Cash-strapped towns look for ways to save

Schaumburg officials have been nibbling at village expenses for years to balance the budget — a box of tissues here, a free mulch program there.

With a projected $17.6 million deficit, it’s no longer enough to cut such small things as paper cups for buildings or bigger ones like the second year of management training for supervisors, said village manager Ken Fritz. It’s time for even bigger bites.

“We’ve seen less and less sales tax growth, if any,” Fritz said. “Then you take the recession. Consumption taxes … just completely slid off the face of the earth.”

Schaumburg is proposing the first property tax in the town’s history, and officials in communities from Lake to Kane counties and across the region are digging deep for ways to balance the books.

* Oak Lawn avoids tax hike, OKs budget

* Evanston taxpayers urged to appeal

* Boeing snags $704M Army contract

* Building boom near SI Airport holds promise

CARBONDALE - With $80 million in construction in the next 12 months, Southern Illinois Airport Manager Gary Shafer sees good things for the area.[…]

U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Springfield, also has earmarked $4 million for a port public safety building.

Shafer said there will be between 275 and 300 guardsmen at the armory on the weekends and 250 people at the TEC building. With that kind of traffic and facilities in both buildings that can host public events, he said the area around the airport could see some real growth.

“It’ll be quite a time out here,” Shafer said. “This is by far the single largest project the airport has ever witnessed.”

* SIU gets nearly $1.2M in cancer research grants

* Downstate air base to benefit from spending bill

* New chief of staff tapped at troubled Ill. VA hospital

The Marion VA has been under intense scrutiny since August 2007, when a surgeon resigned three days after a patient bled to death following gallbladder surgery.

Investigators later found at least nine deaths between October 2006 and March 2007 resulted from substandard care and another 10 patients died after receiving questionable care that complicated their health.

* Lawmakers back hiking ethanol-gas blends

Schock, Hare join others in call to increase biofuel wall to 15 percent now

* Immigration reform: New bill offers path to legalization for 12 million undocumented immigrants

U.S. Rep. Luis Gutierrez champions bill, which is drawing fire from both left and right

* Judge OKs Dugan death verdict

* Illinois hunters complete muzzleloader deer season

* Bobby Green 1973-2009

The accomplished son of political professor Paul Green died recently after a lengthy battle with brain cancer.

Robert Green, 36, touched countless lives as the respected choral director at Fremd High School in the northwest suburbs.


* It’s just a bill
* Open thread
* Stop Credit Card Chaos In Illinois
* Isabel’s morning briefing
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