Hoffman attacks on air; RedState dreaming; Plummer up with new spot
Monday, Jan 25, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * David Hoffman has finally aired his long-promised attack ad. The spot whacks Alexi Giannoulias on Tony Rezko and touts Hoffman’s newspaper endorsements. Rate it… Um, the Giannoulias family bank didn’t “let” Rezko bounce a half-million dollars in checks. The bank didn’t honor the checks and the casinos got quite upset about it. * Erick Erickson, the top dog over at RedState, is dreaming…
Scott Brown was a pretty well-known commodity by the last week and was either leading or coming very close to it by this point in the MA Senate campaign. And even if Hughes’ new poll is right - and that’s seriously doubtful considering that nobody even knows who his pollster is - he’s still trailing by 20 points. That’s a lot to overcome in a week - and that assumes the incoming cash is immediate. The Trib poll is probably more accurate anyway. * Republican Lt. Governor candidate Jason Plummer, who has raised $731,000 this month alone in cash and (mostly) loans, has a new TV ad. Rate it… * Related…
- independent - Monday, Jan 25, 10 @ 10:45 am:
the plummer ad is sloppy. the ad looks like it is for a city election. fitzgerald isn’t a senator anymore, either.
- wordslinger - Monday, Jan 25, 10 @ 10:47 am:
That, by far, is the best Hoffman ad to date. You wonder where he might be if he hadn’t put out those awful spots before.
Plummer got rid of the Superman music. Still, he’s spending money. I’ve gotten the same four “One” mailers from him. He’s the only GOPer I’ve gotten mail from this cycle, after having pulled a GOP primary ballot last year.
- wordslinger - Monday, Jan 25, 10 @ 10:48 am:
Correction, I pulled a GOP primary ballot in 2008.
- Chicago Cynic - Monday, Jan 25, 10 @ 10:49 am:
Absolutely best Hoffman ad.
- Carl Nyberg - Monday, Jan 25, 10 @ 10:54 am:
How does a bank allow someone to bounce a check? How does this claim make sense in any scenario?
- Will County Woman - Monday, Jan 25, 10 @ 11:00 am:
I listened to Jason Plummer lastnight on the radio. I agree with him about his republican competition who believe that the Lt. Gov’s office serves no purpose should not be running for that office.
I hope republican voters get that and are turned off by that blantant hypocrisy and nonsense.
if you don’t feel the office of lt. guv is necessary, why are running for it? what does that say about the type of person you are or will be in that office and the decisions you’ll make?
huh matt murphy? and the one or two others?
- Conservative Veteran - Monday, Jan 25, 10 @ 11:04 am:
I hope that Plummer will lose to Randy White, a conservative who has political experience. White is pro-tax cuts, pro-spending cuts, pro-life, pro-gun, and pro-school choice. He’s been a county commissioner since 2005, but Plummer hasn’t run for any office, before this year.
- CircularFiringSquad - Monday, Jan 25, 10 @ 11:05 am:
Capt Fax please don’t discourage wing nut invasion in IL ….. we need the moolah in the local econ……CommandoKirk would be a great add to the U.S. Senate — Mitch mcConnell needs anew valet.
Go Hughes!
- Peggy SO-IL - Monday, Jan 25, 10 @ 11:07 am:
On endorsements, weirdly, the Belleville News Democrat, no conservative paper, endorsed Dan Proft, a conservative commentator, for governor in the GOP race.
And of course Quinn, for the DEM race:
- Rich Miller - Monday, Jan 25, 10 @ 11:10 am:
Peggy, I wrote about it over the weekend. I know there’s a lot of stuff to go thru, but it’s there.
- Peggy SO-IL - Monday, Jan 25, 10 @ 11:13 am:
Ok. SOrry. There is a lot to chug through on your posts.
- downstater - Monday, Jan 25, 10 @ 11:34 am:
Very strong commercial by Hoffmann. Even if the “bounced checks” thing was technically inaccurate, 98% of the voters who view the commercial won’t know that it’s inaccurate. So, while it’s a little misleading, I think it’s very effective.
Plummer has actually raised over $880k this month, according to his A-1’s. I think this commercial was good in that it wasn’t flowery and got right to the point. He’s the only GOP candidate in any race to get a plug from Fitzgerald, and I can assure you that they all covet anything Fitzgerald has to offer up. I think the Frank Watson endorsement will go over very big in Southern Illinois.
- E Pluribus - Monday, Jan 25, 10 @ 11:35 am:
So the tea partiers rallied behind Scott Brown, a card carrying RINO if there ever was one, but they hate Kirk.
Brown won with financial and volunteer help from the right, but WITH VOTES FROM INDEPENDENTS AND DEMS! This is the formula for a strong move to the right and the wing-nuts just don’t get it!
Brown is still going to vote pro-choice. He’s already playing footsie with the White House, but he’s a better than Coakley by a long shot.
Same thing in Illinois! If it is just about abortion, fine. Stick to your guns and don’t vote for Kirk. But if you are a conservative, you are a traitor if you help Alexi (or Hoffman/Jackson/Meister) get into the Senate.
- downstater - Monday, Jan 25, 10 @ 11:35 am:
Peggy: I don’t know how long you’ve been reading the Belleville News-Democrat, but it’s more of a right leaning paper. They’ve endorsed GOP candidates in the past in general elections (Karmeier in ‘04, McGlynn & Weber in ‘06).
- Northside Nelly - Monday, Jan 25, 10 @ 11:39 am:
I’m fairly certain my bank would close my account and probably report me to the relevant authorities if I bounced checks that large.
- Peggy SO-IL - Monday, Jan 25, 10 @ 11:42 am:
A Bville native. Was a state employee under Edgar; then in DC until ‘06. Not St Clair Co resident. I’ve read BND for years. Proft is a weird endorsement as he doesn’t have experience. I understand he’s just a commentator up in Chicago.
BTW, who is Frank Watson? Won’t mean squat to me.
- just sayin' - Monday, Jan 25, 10 @ 11:48 am:
Is that truly a Peter Fitzgerald endorsement of Jason Plummer for THIS election?
It reads more like boilerplate letter of recommendation language, maybe given after Plummer was a summer intern. That’s all Plummer did. He wasn’t a real staffer for Fitz.
Plummer was still in college just a few years ago. Yes, he is a nice and polite guy, but he is just a kid let’s not forget. 27 yrs old but says he’s ready to be govenor should the worst happen to the sitting governor. I think that’s a hard sell.
I think Murphy coasts in on Andy’s daddy’s money anyway.
- JonShibleyFan - Monday, Jan 25, 10 @ 12:04 pm:
A McKenna-Plummer ticket would be great.
We could all spend the next nine months listening to two winners of the DNA lottery talk about the struggles of working families.
- Deep South - Monday, Jan 25, 10 @ 12:05 pm:
Yeah, Frank Watson don’t mean squat in deep So. Ill….isn’t he from Greenville?
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 25, 10 @ 12:12 pm:
Rich, I am so glad you posted both of these ads in the same post.
While both seem to have a “mailer” feel in limited (and in the Kid’s ad, no…) moving pictures, Pictures are worth a 1000 words and “stock” pictures of “retired” GOP officeholders vs. pictures with real endorsements from newspapers, along with ugly photos tying an opponent to unsavory people really show the difference between a class operation, amd some bored rich kid looking like Veruca Salt from Willy Wonka, “wanting it now!”
The Kid’s ad is exactly the type of 30 second spot you would expect fro m a kid, using Daddy’s money, with no resume, running to become Lt. Governor, “and hopefully Captain Governor or even Major Governor”.
Hoffman’s ad makes it even more apparent that Plummer should get his hands dirty, build a resume not propped by his Daddy, and pay some dues with sweat and time, not his “allowance” money.
- Rich Miller - Monday, Jan 25, 10 @ 12:16 pm:
OW, Plummer is being fleeced by whomever is doing his ads. But at least he has ads. Nobody else in that race is matching him, as far as I can tell.
- LaurenA - Monday, Jan 25, 10 @ 12:21 pm:
Say what you will about Hoffman’s ad…but misleading it is not! Alexi’s hands were dirty and he is still trying to cover up that his family bank did not close Rezko’s account or report him to law enforcement authorities after the incident…they tried to act like nothing happened and kept on going….then Alexi went on to screw up Bright Start and cover that up too!
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 25, 10 @ 12:23 pm:
lol Rich,
(Satire of Rich’s post on the fleecing of Jason Plummer’s Dad via loans…)
“How much for that Lt. Governor seat Wonka, name your price …”
“Well, we usually charge half of what we are going to charge you, but Jay-Jay will get that Lt. Guv. seat”
“Buy me another tv ad Daddy …”
- Tom Joad - Monday, Jan 25, 10 @ 1:23 pm:
E-Pluibus new Senator Brown is going to be like the pro-choice Mitt Romney when he was Govenor.
As soon as the bigwigs in the Repu Party got hold of him him recanted his pro-choice views, and evry other moderate view he had. That is what your nude model candidate Scott Brown will do soon as well!
- E Pluribus - Monday, Jan 25, 10 @ 1:37 pm:
That’s nude model SENATOR to you!
- Team Sleep - Monday, Jan 25, 10 @ 1:45 pm:
Hoffman’s ad is very good. Thank God someone cut an ad utilizing a critique on Broadway Bank.
Plummer’s new ad is much better than his first.
Oswego Willy, please note that Mr. Hoffman’s grandpa was an insurance executive who obviously left David enough scratch to jumpstart his campaign. I don’t see much of a difference.
- anon - Monday, Jan 25, 10 @ 1:45 pm:
A lot of bitter people on here today. Plummer is a great guy - bright, upbeat, obviously ambitious..with a great future ahead. i thought he has ran a really thoughtful campaign first time around.
- Responsa - Monday, Jan 25, 10 @ 2:16 pm:
The fact that Hoffman’s still in 3rd place is very demoralizing. In the Dem. debates or whatever you call them he was clearly the only one of the three who can even walk and chew gum at the same time. Back in the day this state used to send statesmen and intellects to Washington (Think Simon, Dirksen). How far we’ve fallen in so many ways.
- Responsa - Monday, Jan 25, 10 @ 2:22 pm:
After submitting my earlier post I saw the new poll data Rich just put on the blog showing Hoffman in second place. It’s a start.
- Dew Page - Monday, Jan 25, 10 @ 2:27 pm:
Plummer has knocked the socks off his competition this cycle. The only question is if his personal/family money can defeat Matt Murphy’s sugar daddy’s, daddy’s money.
Plummer is dominating these guys in the debates and forums. Seriously, it’s funny as heck.
I like the guy - so call me biased - but the ad is good. Name ID, black and white, simple and solid message. Who else be doing that?
- ABCBoy - Monday, Jan 25, 10 @ 2:30 pm:
Yeah, I’m going to be very disappointed if Plummer ends up buying this election. Zero experience. If he ever had to step into the governor’s shoes the media and Madigan would eat him alive.
Murphy’s the guy, but I’d like to see him up with at least a moderate ad buy.
- The Ripper - Monday, Jan 25, 10 @ 2:52 pm:
Peggy: Frank Watson was the most powerful Republican state senator south of I-80 for the past 30 years, and retired (health reasons) last year as the senate minority leader. Very good and well respected man.
- budget boy - Monday, Jan 25, 10 @ 3:30 pm:
===Back in the day this state used to send statesmen and intellects to Washington (Think Simon, Dirksen). How far we’ve fallen in so many ways.===
As much as it pains this Republican to say it. I would certainly consider Obama a statesman and an intellect. I also thought of Peter Fitz as a statesmen — and he certainly was a first-rate intellect. You can’t win them all….
- T.J. - Monday, Jan 25, 10 @ 3:35 pm:
“I hope that Plummer will lose to Randy White, a conservative who has political experience.”
White has no campaign operation and won’t finish in the top three.
- Anonymous - Monday, Jan 25, 10 @ 3:43 pm:
Team Sleep - The difference between the Kid and Hoffmam is quite clear; Hoffman has a resume that does not have the HR department consist of His Daddy and how big Jay-Jay’s allowance is when he plays “business-man”
Hoffman went law school, went to work for the city after working for the feds, and it seems that he might have a few years on Jay-Jay and experience outside of working for his family.
If Jay-Jay wins and Heaven-Forbid his boss leaves the governor’s office, he would take over as governor, as Quinn did, minus Daddy’s resume puffery … Hoffman, if he wins, is one of 100, and happens to be of age to hold an office, as required by the consitution, whereas, if Jay-Jay won, he could not be a senator for 3 years, or to make it easy for the Kid, “3 whole school years, with summer vacation even!”
Run a state, as a possible job discription, or one of 100 … different set of rules.
- Team Sleep - Monday, Jan 25, 10 @ 4:46 pm:
Yes, Anonymous 3:43, I realize that. Buy Hoffman is also playing with “house money”, so to speak.
Money from a relative is still a relevant point here. Hoffman’s money came in the form of an inheritance. Plummer’s cash came directly for his dad for a specific use. Big whoop.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jan 25, 10 @ 4:55 pm:
Sorry Team Sleep - forgot to but my Nickname …
If you ask me to concede your points, then you must concede that “Jay-Jay” Plummer is still working for Daddy and spending his “Communion Money”, with ZERO experience outside his Dad’s Resume Maker 4.0.
Hoffman applied, got jobs, went to law school, and even got appointed to a job or two outside his family circle…
So If you want me to agree … You agree with me, or is this another “big woop”?
- What a Joke - Monday, Jan 25, 10 @ 6:18 pm:
Jason Plummer has not worked a day in his life. Daddy and his businesses have contributed a cool MILLION to make his and his sons dream come true. This kid has not done one thing with the exception of getting out as Madison County Repub Chairman for ONE YEAR. If elections can be bought then daddy is ready to buy it. Wake up people, this kid has not led a PTO group or a Cub Scout pack and he will help lead our state. What a joke
- Unreal - Monday, Jan 25, 10 @ 6:26 pm:
Plummer was kicked out as Madison County Republican Chairman after one year ! He could not round up enough votes (only needed 20 or so) to retain the position. He says he will create jobs, unfortuantely his daddy probably laid off a couple of hundred in order to pour a million to the campaign. How about working a real job for a couple of years before telling us how he will run the state.
- ironman - Monday, Jan 25, 10 @ 10:41 pm:
All of you who think plummer don’t have any experience, think again. He has helped his father expand there business and he has helped many communities throughout the state. Maybe we are tired of the same ole people and wan’t some one fresh….not like murphy mckenna…what a joke..and brad cole can he explain how former mayor dillard left carbondale with 5 million to the black and now it is gone…….look forward to dillard and plummer this fall.
- ironman - Monday, Jan 25, 10 @ 10:44 pm:
P.S. talk about experience… obama had no experience in managing anything and look at us now!
- ironman - Monday, Jan 25, 10 @ 10:46 pm:
oh by the way,,,,,matt murphy couldn’t beat plummer in his own township straw poll split 50/50
- SHARSAND - Tuesday, Jan 26, 10 @ 7:14 am:
We need to keep blasting the airwaves for Hoffman in the last week. He needs to appeal to the southern Illinois conservatives who are always fearful of their perception of the “elite” from the northern suburbs of Chicago. Tell them why you’re good for all of Illinois and that integrity, intelligence, and good, solid values best serves all of the state. The commercials for Hoffman have improved but the blasts on radio and TV have to be every day until the primary, which, of course, takes a great deal of money.