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It ain’t all positive TV for Quinn, and Hynes drags Obama into the campaign

Wednesday, Jan 27, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* As we already know, Gov. Pat Quinn’s campaign distributed copies of its last two positive TV spots earlier today. From the AP

Gov. Pat Quinn is closing out his Democratic primary campaign by reminding voters that he’s a good guy.

But Quinn is also running a new negative TV ad - another one on Burr Oak Cemetery. This was recorded off a TV, so the quality isn’t perfect, but have a look anyway

Quinn’s earlier Burr Oak ad is here.

* Meanwhile, Quinn is blasting Dan Hynes for using Barack Obama’s words in a mailer

Gov. Pat Quinn today accused his primary opponent, Comptroller Dan Hynes, of misusing President Barack Obama’s words in a campaign mailing attacking the governor’s tax plan.

The mailing quotes Obama’s speech at the 2008 Democratic National Convention, saying that raising taxes on the middle class during a recession is a bad idea. Hynes has campaigned accusing Quinn of pushing a plan to raise income taxes across the board, including the middle class, while the comptroller wants targeted increases for the affluent only.

The mailing then states that Obama opposes Quinn’s kind of plan.

“Pat Quinn’s 50% tax hike on the middle-class is NOT what Barack Obama thinks we need,” the mailing says.

From the Quinn campaign

Today, the Hynes campaign hit yet another historic low by implying the endorsement of a man Dan Hynes called a “do-nothing,” “pork pie” politician — President Barack Obama.

This misuse of the words and image of an iconic Illinois leader by the Hynes campaign follows last week’s misappropriation of the late, great Mayor Harold Washington’s words and image — even though Comptroller Hynes worked alongside his father to defeat and destroy Mayor Washington and everything he stood for.

Just six years ago, Comptroller Hynes accused Barack Obama of voting “in lockstep with George Ryan because he wanted his share of the pork pie.” Hynes attacked Barack Obama for fiscal irresponsibility by voting for tax relief for working families, and health care for children who needed it. Hynes claimed that he fought alone against state laws to provide healthcare for children and reduce taxes on working families.

In response — in a Chicago Sun-Times article headlined, `Hynes pounces on Obama at last debate’ — President Obama shrugged off Hynes’ carping. “I think it’s a little disingenuous of him to say he was this warrior,” Obama said. “But we’re six days away from an election. I think it’s to be expected that people are going to start throwing stuff out.”

Greg Hinz has the mailer.


  1. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 8:10 pm:

    hynes is running a totally despicable divisive campaign. Am glad quinn is calling him out.
    Quinn TV ad that i just saw excellent and positive. looks to me as if Quinn is regaining big Mo just in time.

  2. - Cindy Lou - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 8:13 pm:

    I caught Quinn’s first Burr Oak ad this last Saturday night at roughly 12:30 am while flipping stations, this one seems more powerful, but if running it in my area I’d pick a better time slot.

    Don’t like Hynes’ mailer. Washington was okay due to direct relation to Quinn, using Obama seems to be misleading in this case.

  3. - Hynes A-1 Report - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 8:14 pm:

    Anon. Hynes just reported another $300K this evening. Not loans. Cash. In case you were wondering whether Quinn’s big Mo has shut down Hynes’ money.

  4. - So many I lost count - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 8:20 pm:

    So this is Pat “I don’t like negative ads” Quinn’s 9th or 10th, or something like that, negative ad this primary?

  5. - anon - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 8:51 pm:

    Good piece by the Hynes folks. They took the President’s words and made a pretty logical connection. I don’t see the problem. The directly quoted Obama and said that Quinn’s plan isn’t what Obama was talking about in his speech at the DNC. And Quinn’s outrage is pathetic. This coming from the guy who stands by while Bobby Rush does his race-baiting stuff.

  6. - Seriously? - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 8:58 pm:

    Anonymous, in what way is he being divisive? Hynes ran that Washington ad to address Quinn’s competence (or lack thereof). It was QUINN’S campaign that made it about race and tried to divide folks. And during the Chicago Tonight debate the other night, at least Hynes could come up with something positive to say about Quinn, whereas Whiner Quinn did nothing but criticize and snivel like he was a wounded victim. Quinn needs to man up; he’s acting like a damned baby.

  7. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 9:15 pm:

    Most divivise is harold washington ad. This isnt about competence it is about dividing the black community and several legislators who were active at the time called Hynes hand. the Hynes fmaily, the younger Hynes was 18, was doing everything possible to defeat Washington This is example divisive misleading attacks by Hynes. Would that this campaign had been about substantive issues like budget, pension,lack of programs etc. etc. but Quinn had to protect himself. Quinn has done a good job dealing with a mess he didnt make.

  8. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 9:32 pm:

    Greg Hinz writes:

    “Not only did Messers Hynes and Obama patch up any disputes after the Senate race, with Mr. Hynes campaigning for Mr. Obama in the Iowa caucuses, but the president had this to say about Mr. Hynes in one of his books:

    “My most formidable opponent in the Democratic primary for U.S. Senate was Illinios state Comptroller Dan Hynes, a fine man and able public servant.”


    when durbin and quinn faced off for the U.S. senate, I wasn’t really into state politics to the extent that I am now. But, as I understand it they were both running as “Paul Simon” democrats, is that correct? From what I recall hearing the two, or probably just Quinn really, had a falling out over that. can someone please clarify what that was all about?

    The “Obama” mailer doesn’t bother me in the least. It’s an affirmation on the conventional wisdom that you don’t impose a tax increase during a recession. Obama has in fact not only said that, as have most sane and rational people, but he has also specifically said that you don’t raise taxes on the middle class. What it boils down to is that Hynes and Obama are in argeement in principle and practice, and Hynes is using that simply to highlight the distinction between Quinn and himself. That’s been one of Hynes’ central tenants all campaign long—no taxes on middle class.

    the “obama” mailer is totally legitimate.

    Why would Hynes, or anyone else, need to include a disclaimer on the mailer stating that the usage of Obama and his words are not to be taken as an endorsement?

    The Quinn camp is really reaching and once again being melodramatic.

  9. - Seriously? - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 9:48 pm:

    Anonymous, how can you say it wasn’t about competence? The entire ad is comprised of Washington’s own words about Quinn’s ability to lead and manage. Not one word is said about race. I suspect that if video existed of any respected white politician excoriating Quinn like Washington did, Hynes would have used it as well. However, it’s not Hynes’ fault that the person who spoke so passionately against Quinn’s competence happened to be black. Again, it was QUINN that made it about race.

    And WCW is right. Why shouldn’t Quinn’s feet be held to the fire for accepting $$ from Burke?

  10. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 9:51 pm:

    my point is the ad is purely divisive in an attemptto impact african american community and misrepresent Pat Quinn.this has nothing to do with persons donatingto a campaign 25 years later

  11. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 9:59 pm:

    “Some of the [Vrdolyak] 29 admitted that they blocked the mayor’s proposals even when there was merit in them, because they did not want Washington getting any credit for anything.[citation needed] Such credit might help re-elect him, which the 29 saw as a disaster for themselves and for the city.”—Wiki

    As far as I have seen Rick Pearson of the the tribune is the only media person to write about Quinn’s happy acceptence of $200K from Burke despite Burke’s leading role in Council Wars, though he only wrote about instead of putting the matter to Quinn to answer.

    I know it was a loan so, Quinn is planning to pay that money back. But I really think he needs to answer for why he is even friends with Burke and why he accepted has accepted money from him since expressing outrage over young Dan Hynes and his father’s actions 25 years ago.

    I really want to hear his answer on this.

  12. - Another SOTOS - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 10:00 pm:

    At the point, it much ado about nothing. Quinn basically is a pathetic manager of state government. Win or lose on Tuesday…He’s done! If I were anonymous, I’d contemplate on finding another Job and quit crying about a commercial that reinforces what we always new about PQ.

  13. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 10:05 pm:

    Are you kidding anonymous?

    You don’t think Quinn’s proselytizing and preaching a couple of times last weekend in front of black people with the sole intent of trying to enrage them, as well as start and fan racial flames, was divisive on his part?

    He was purposely trying to stir up trouble last weekend, anonymous.

    Quinn made this about race and racial politics.

  14. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 10:07 pm:

    –It was tantamount to what the nazis did to the jews during WWII. –

    No, it really wasn’t.

    Hynes’ use of Obama is a little too cute. The Harold ad was fair (and relevant) because of Washington’s strong opinion on Quinn’s performance as a top manager.

    Hynes grabs Obama’s words out of thin air to somehow impugn a Quinn plan that the president doesn’t know anything about.

    Kind of sneaky to try and sneak Obama into the race in this manner. I bet the White House will be honked.

  15. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 10:10 pm:

    will county quinn was just defending himself against false, misleading statements that all.
    I do think quinn has done a good job managing the state that was in such a mess when he became governor and how about announcment of additional jobs b/c of ford and this was quinn doing. what has hynes done?

  16. - Jim - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 10:20 pm:

    I was at a Dem senate event last night and there seemed to be no will to address the budget in the spring session, they were congratulating themselves for the productive year they had, mainly watered-down campaign reform. While the Senate didn’t seem to perform as poorly as the House, Rich, what would you suggest (if you will) citizens can do to get the ever-expanding budget deficit addresses. THousands bus to Springfield? Picketing at Madigans house? The sad part is that probably very few of the sitting house and senate members are even in tough re-election battles.

  17. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 10:28 pm:

    jim picketing madigan by the busload might be a good idea. too bad nobody will really address serious budget issues. We need increasedrevenue and cant borrow ourselves out of this. If some resolution isnt found illinois might just impldoe as california has done.

  18. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 10:44 pm:

    Word, this is politics. Politicians aren’t considered the most honest of creatures for starters, and for good reason. They pretty much all say whatever they need to say to get elected. And don’t accuse me of being cynical here.

    Of all the egregious things that politicans have done and could do in a political campaign, Hynes’ stuff to-date pales by comparison. Do you remember when Mel Reynolds lied and said that Gus Savage or his hoods beat him (Mel) in an attempt to get sympathy votes? Now, that to me is low and bottom of the barrel type of stuff. Hynes isn’t spreading lies and rumors about Quinn’s personal life and hynes is not engaging in smear politics.

    I don’t understand the complaining. It just seems to me that Quinn can’t just accept that he was bested and then go on and build a better mousetrap in response. Does Quinn not read the newspaper endoresments that have come through? Before the Washington ad came out, the newspapers from around the state for the most part have been saying the same things that Washington said 25 years ago about Quinn. It’s stunning how Washington’s words are so applicable to today.

  19. - Will County Woman - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 10:47 pm:

    That should have been…

    Mel Reynolds claimed to have been beaten up by Gus Savage’s hoods because Reynolds was trying to get sympathy votes.

  20. - Some Guy - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 10:57 pm:

    An honest man would pay the $50 for the licensed version of Flip 4 mac.

    Just sayin’

  21. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 11:01 pm:


    One gets in a hurry.

  22. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 11:02 pm:

    Also, I think it downloaded with F4M by mistake. I don’t usually use it. MPEG Streamclip is the program I use.

  23. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 11:06 pm:

    ===Quinn’s happy acceptence of $200K ===

    It’s $250K now.

  24. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 11:07 pm:

    —jim picketing madigan by the busload might be a good idea.—

    That was tried before. It backfired. I wouldn’t recommend it.

  25. - Scott Fawell's Cellmate - Thursday, Jan 28, 10 @ 12:31 am:

    Whatever else we may say about it, the Hynes’ campaign has run one of the most focused message campaigns ever in Illinois. Competency, competency, competency. Ads showing Rod and Quinn together, reminding folks that Pat Quinn would not be Governor but for Rod Blagojevich, etc. would just distract and veer off message. Competency, competency, competency. And then Quinn himself supports the message with an unfocused and disjointed State of the State and frustrated and angry performances at debates.

  26. - YEP - Thursday, Jan 28, 10 @ 8:51 am:

    Ok mail and burr oaks ad aside when is quinn gonna to address the principle fact of the hynes ad with mayor washington that he is incompetent?

  27. - Peggy SO-IL - Thursday, Jan 28, 10 @ 8:55 am:

    Using Obama in an election has been shown to be the kiss of death since the fall. Have at it before his shelf life ends. He’ll be well overdone this fall.

  28. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Jan 28, 10 @ 9:04 am:

    Hynes is using the President’s words correctly. There is nothing wrong with the flyer, as a result.

    This race is nearly over. Quinn lost it because he showed us all that after a year as governor, he wasn’t up to the job. All the voters know who the governor is. So, if Quinn loses, it is because he didn’t take the great opportunity few ever get in life - and be the kind of governor who wins elections.

    Hynes didn’t do this - Quinn did it to himself. Hynes has the charisma of a gnat. The fact that he is winning this shows how sloppy Quinn is.

  29. - Team Sleep - Thursday, Jan 28, 10 @ 9:20 am:

    Seeing as though Quinn used the families of deceased soldiers in a “positive” TV ad, I don’t see a problem with Hynes utilizing Obama’s own words to parlay a difference between the two candidates. And with less than a week in the primary, pulling no punches is the only option.

  30. - Richard Afflis - Thursday, Jan 28, 10 @ 9:33 am:

    Vanilla man, if Quinn loses the election, it is because he did not take the opportunity to simply govern. When he took office, EVERYONE wanted him to succeed. He tried some of his predecessor’s tactics in dealing with the legislature on the budget, then flip-flopped on personnel decisions keeping quite a few people hired by his predecessor instead of cleaning house, and just not grabbing the moral high ground that was there for him to take.
    Pat Quinn is a good man. His commitment to veterans and those who died in service to our country is truly a sign of a good man. Being a good person does not necessarily get people elected. He probably could have done some things better and if he loses Tuesday, he will probably be able to name them himself.

  31. - Loop Lady - Thursday, Jan 28, 10 @ 9:42 am:

    Was at a campaign event last night with Dem politicos…none of them are looking forward to the day after the election…no matter who wins the primary, the bitter, negative Hynes campaign will leave very bad taste in the mouths of Il Dems and divide them for months to come…this is not a good scenario for victory in Nov…

  32. - Will County Woman - Thursday, Jan 28, 10 @ 9:51 am:

    Oh please. Stop looking to scapegoat hynes. the il dems were going to have a hard time in nov regardless as a result of 8 years of failure and bad policies under their watch/control, high unemployment/lingering fiscal problems, a governor likely on his way to prison, and a president who hasn’t quite delivered well.

    2010 is a bad year for incumbents pretty much everwhere you look, and the party in control is the party that suffers most.

  33. - leadbutt - Thursday, Jan 28, 10 @ 10:16 am:

    Hynes has been running on the same them all along. Quinn’s camp is just frustrated that the truth about their boss is coming to light.

    One more thing…more of these early-release prisoners will screw up between now and November and the Republicans will have a field day on that. Quinn cannot win in November….Hynes can.

  34. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Thursday, Jan 28, 10 @ 10:39 am:

    It would be nice if Hynes could espouse his contributions to the black community instead of depending on their leaders that he either worked against or ran against to do it for him. Just sayin.

    I really can’t believe he is getting away with this.

  35. - dave - Thursday, Jan 28, 10 @ 10:50 am:

    There are pretty clear and obvious differences between an increase in the federal income tax during a recession and an increase in the state income tax.

    For one, the feds can borrow and operate on a deficit in a much different way than the State of IL can operate.

    Two, the state uses tax dollars to provider for front-line services that are the very fabric of the safety net in the State.

    Obama’s own economists have argued that it is better to increase taxes than cut these services.

    So yes, Hynes using Obama’s quote, which was clearly in reference to federal taxes, and implying that Obama is against Quinn’s tax plan, is more than a little disingenuous.

  36. - Bill - Thursday, Jan 28, 10 @ 10:53 am:

    Getting away with what? Hynes the essence of accomplishment, leadership, and competence while Quinn is exactly the opposite. Everybody knew he was a goofball and a screwup. The only question was whether there was enough time for Pat to self destruct. It seems that there was and he has. The only thing worse than a loser is a sore loser. Quinn is acting like he is in grammar school.

  37. - Phineas J. Whoopee - Thursday, Jan 28, 10 @ 11:02 am:

    Wow Bill,

    a bumper sticker in every sentence…well done.

  38. - Team Sleep - Thursday, Jan 28, 10 @ 11:13 am:

    Bill is - gulp! - right! :)

    Quinn’s answer to the “say something nice” portion of the WTTW debate told me all I need to know about him.

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