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Question of the day

Wednesday, Jan 27, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Have you changed your voting intentions at all during the past two weeks? If so, why?


  1. - Niles Township - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 1:15 pm:

    Nope. People don’t change…only commercials do. I know who each of the candidates is based on their record of service (or lack thereof), and vote based on a record of years, not a couple weeks of commercials.

  2. - siriusly - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 1:17 pm:


    I am a Dem and was mostly undecided, but I was leaning towards a vote for Quinn. Hynes’ surge and the polling data showing Quinn’s weakness against potential GOP nominees has caused me to re-think. Probably voting for Hynes now.

  3. - A Moderate's Moderate - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 1:20 pm:

    the general election will be about jobs, jobs, jobs. I will be voting for the Governor who signed the capital bill. And those legislators Rich talked about earlier who are advocating a quinn loss better hope quinn wins because they cant travel the state and cut ribbons with the comptroller.

    So no change.

  4. - Vibes - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 1:21 pm:

    Ditto what siriusly said. And Dillard’s adulthood is looking attractive for this D in the general.

  5. - Tired - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 1:21 pm:


    Would really like someone to ask Brady how he plans to change government pensions to help balance the budget in 1 year! This is huge for current employees!

  6. - The Doc - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 1:22 pm:

    The last two weeks have served to reinforce my voting intentions, not change them.

  7. - siriusly - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 1:23 pm:

    Agree with Vibes about Dillard. He makes McKenna look like a child. McKenna reminds me of Blair Hull.

    Spending tons of his own money on his first ever run for public office. For me, that’s a red flag.

    I’m not in Cook County, but the commercials in that race are strange to me. Didn’t change my opinion at all though - still think Preckwinkle is the best of the bunch.

  8. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 1:28 pm:

    I’ll echo Siriusly, I haven’t changed my choice, but I feel a heck of a lot better about it today than I did last month. I like Quinn and Hynes and know them both fairly well. Hynes’ ability to campaign better in the general election is what separates them now more than ever. And frankly, Quinn lost me when he abandoned all of his principles to hold on to the job.

  9. - He Makes Ryan Look Like a Saint - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 1:28 pm:

    I had to early vote as I will be out of town on Election day. This is the first time I have struggled to decide who got my vote.

    Being a Republican, it was hard for me to see the same old faces pop up again. I could not vote for Andy, I felt he did a horrible job running the party. I worry about Jim Ryan’s health, and still feel there should be a 25 year moritorium on peopel with Ryan in their name from running for the Republican party! I liked Brady and felt it was time to get some downstate blood back in, but did not feel he could beat either Democrat.

    I ultimately decided on Dillard. I think He could win in the general, and might be able to stop the bleeding. My big concern once again is the same old Republican faces will come back, not new fresh faces.

    I would have liked to vote for “none of the above”.

    I also did not vote for ANY Incumbents…. I believe it is time for a change.

  10. - Bill - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 1:29 pm:

    Well no, because I voted for the winners two weeks ago. If I was voting on Tuesday I would go for Dan Proft who, to me, epitomizes what it means to be a Republican. He would be a truly representative Republican candidate and the best the GOP has to offer.

  11. - Big Paddy - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 1:31 pm:

    Yeah, I moved out of state and registered as “unaffiliated” (was lifelong Dem.).

  12. - Deep South - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 1:31 pm:

    Was leaning Quinn. Now on the fence. Rich Whitney’s lookin’ good.

    Had considered Alexi…but now think Hoffman’s the winner in November.

    I’m now solid Raja.

    Who knows what to think in the Lt. Gov. race.

    GOP just doesn’t seem to be getting it when it comes to balancing the budget. The best I’ve heard anyone say is cut 10% across the board? Riiiiggghhhttttt!

  13. - FJ - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 1:31 pm:

    RICH, I reread your daily edition of capital fax ten times today, and the question begs: Why are u in the tank for Hynes?

    “Quinns approval rating is a stunningly low 25 percent.” In regards to Hynes “The Poll shows 26 percent have a favorable impression of Hynes”

    Why does the Hynes number not stun you? Does 1 percentage point equate to your tone with Quinns favorables?

    Quinn wins dude… African Americans, and the Irish tenors(Burke,Madigan and Daley) put him over the top!!!!

  14. - Montrose - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 1:32 pm:

    I think so. I always assumed I was with Quinn, but am leaning heavily towards Hynes now. I just don’t think Quinn is up to the job. Both the high profile things we all see, and the smaller interactions I personally have had with his office have me losing all confidence in him.

    I am torturing over this because I firmly believe we need a tax hike and fear how far it will be set back with a Hynes win, but I have very little confidence in Quinn’s ability to get it done even if he gets out of the primary. And I have next to no confidence Quinn can pull off a win in November.

  15. - OneMan - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 1:32 pm:

    I did change my mind on a Judge race due to getting some additional info. Also my vote for governor wasn’t solid until last week. So I guess that was in play too.

  16. - Bill - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 1:36 pm:

    Join the revolution! Vote for Proft!

  17. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 1:37 pm:

    ===Why does the Hynes number not stun you? Does 1 percentage point equate to your tone with Quinns favorables?===

    No, silly. Look at the disapproval rating for Quinn. 55 percent. You didn’t re-read it enough. Also, I wrote this about Hynes’ numbers…

    ===However, Hynes’ favorables are just barely in the positive category and are soft. ===

    Yeah, in the tank. Bite me.

  18. - Bill - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 1:40 pm:

    This is what you get for speaking truth to power here in the Land of Lincoln.

  19. - OdysseusVL - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 1:42 pm:

    A few. I was looking forward to voting for somebody against Danny Davis, but have not received a single mailer from the challengers. I concluded that it probably means the challengers would treat my area just like the incumbent, so I did not vote for anybody.

    Also, I met a few judges that impressed me, notably Diann Marsalek and Linda Pauel so I made sure to vote for them. I don’t put much faith in the bar associations evaluations of judges. Better to talk to them in person.

  20. - dupage dan - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 1:44 pm:

    I haven’t seen anything to move me in another direction. Stickin’ w/the winner down the stretch.

  21. - culatr - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 1:44 pm:

    Rich in the tank? LOL-Have we started Friday beer blogging already???
    To answer QOTD, recent ads haven’t changed my mind (might have reinforced a couple of “lessor of two evils” racing through my head though!!!)

  22. - NotAnonymous - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 1:49 pm:


    I voted absentee, and I’d planned on voting for Quinn until I actually sat down with my ballot. When I sat down and thought about it I voted for Hynes, and this was before the Harold Washington commercial.

    On the State level I voted for one incumbent (Jesse White). It seems to me that the incumbents have gotten us into this mess, I have no confidence that they can lead us out of it.

    Both my State Senator and State Rep are running unopposed in the primary. I left both those choices blank. If they had opponents I would have given hard thought to voting against them. Leaving my State Senator and State Rep votes blank was the only way I could think of to vote against Madigan.

    I’m a lifelong Democrat, but they’re making it difficult for me… Now I know how the Republican voters felt in 2008.


  23. - lake county democrat - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 1:52 pm:

    Have gone from Quinn to undecided, Certain Alexi to possible Hoffman (I like Hoffman but I’m voting strategically and don’t want Jackson to sneak in — Alexi has a prayer against Kirk, Jackson does not). The only thing keeping me from Hynes is the fear that he’d cut worthy social services before raising taxes. I was willing to cut Quinn a lot of slack, but he used it all up, and then refused to make the perfunctory “I’ll back Hynes if he wins” comments. Truly disappointing, even by my cynical standards.

  24. - Irishpirate - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 1:56 pm:

    I had planned to reluctantly vote for Quinn, but now I’m going to reluctantly vote for Hynes.

    Quinn’s incompetence is brutally obvious. He was a better “gadfly” than elected leader. No organizational skills.

    I’ve met Dan Hynes and he has the all the charisma of a boiled potato and the sense of entitlement of a “bosses’ son”, yet he is still the better choice.

  25. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 1:59 pm:

    The anklebiters are out in full force today, eh Rich?

  26. - Dan S, a voter and Cubs Fan - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 2:01 pm:


  27. - in the know - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 2:04 pm:

    As a GOP’r, I want to win AND not eviscerate state government. I was strongly tilted towards Ryan, but his Tabor stance and frail condition have caused me to rethink. McKenna is blah and Brady has no suburban message. That leaves Dillard who is way too much of a legislative typed (cautious, middlin, non-confrontational). still, our best shot. In the fall, I’m praying for Hynes to beat quinn, because PQ is a disaster. That way, whether I vote for Hynes (which is likely) or Dillard, we’d be better off. Otherwise no changes.

  28. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 2:06 pm:

    47, a sense of doom will do that to people. Back to the question, please.

  29. - Reality - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 2:13 pm:

    I was leaning for Ryan but now have changed my mind on Kirk Dillard and he will be receiving my vote.

  30. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 2:18 pm:

    No, but I am way more excited to vote, volunteer and donate to my candidate - Hynes.

  31. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 2:20 pm:

    Yes. Reality actually posted my intent. I was really liking Jim Ryan until he kind of fell off the face of the earth. Dillard scored my vote. I wish I could also cast a “no” vote for McKenna.

  32. - Justice - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 2:20 pm:

    I’m starting to feel like da man is full on his game. Any time the “bite me” is deployed it brings a smile to my face!!

    Still voting as I was. I have a pretty good handle on the person and overlook all the poison being spewed by ad agencies. Too bad so many get caught up in the vileness.

  33. - ivoted4judy - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 2:25 pm:

    My mind has been changed: “I’m moving out Illinois”. I am deathly afraid that come Feb 3rd my two choices for Gov will be Pat “I don’t have a clue” Quinn, and Andy “thank God daddy’s got ca$h” McKenna. At least Mississippi doesnt have snow!!!!!!!!!!!

  34. - GoldCoastConservative - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 2:32 pm:

    Yes. I am now considering wrting in a name when I cast my ballot for the Gubernatorial nomination.

  35. - Cindy Lou - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 2:39 pm:

    Reality sitting in tells me it’s time to get off the fence and vote for Hynes, but it’s not what I wanted to do, I think Quinn has really tried given the mess he was handed–I don’t blame him for the ’secret’ release, but not happy he did not put on the big boy pants and own it.

    Still not decided for US Senate and can’t say I’ve seen ads (except for on Capfax). As for Lt. Gov, have not found much to be for or against on any of them, not seen a poll on how the many are polling.

  36. - Responsa - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 2:47 pm:

    I hate to be caught waffling but I AM still waffling between 2 candidates in my district’s US House of Representaives race. Other key races I’ve been sure on for over a month and reinforced as recently as last evening.

  37. - LincolnLounger - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 2:54 pm:

    I’ve never not known who I was voting for in a primary for Governor this close to an election. What a strange year.

    The thing that changed for me is that I will definitely NOT vote for Dillard. Selling his soul to that lunatic Jack Roeser was the end.

  38. - The Court Jester - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 3:05 pm:

    I was voting for Ryan, but now I’ve decided to vote for Edgar.. oh wait, this is 2010..nevermind

  39. - 10th Indy - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 3:06 pm:

    Been a lock for Kirk since Rod appointed Burris but still have no idea for Gov. and may not know until Tuesday.

  40. - Conservative Veteran - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 3:22 pm:

    No, I didn’t change my mind. On Jan. 13, I voted for Don Lowery, Arie Friedman, Adam Andrzejewski, Randy White, Roger Keats, and Dan Patlak, and I’m still glad that I voted for them.

  41. - Justice - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 3:44 pm:

    YES I am. I am a registered republican and I am sick to death of all of it. I am going to be without a job around the 15th ir not sooner. I am 2 years away from 20 years with the State of Illinois. I have; not had dinner out, conserved gas, given less to charity, cut medications in half, eat more soup, rice and beans, and have never been so unsable financially or economically in my life. It is scary and I am fearful. This has brought me to an independent mentality to vote them ALL OUT. It is no longer a political party issue, it is a survival issue.

  42. - Levois - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 3:53 pm:

    Nope, still undecided about who to vote for. I plan to pull a Dem ballot although I’m very tempted to cast a GOP ballot. I like the GOP choices for Governor, but I just know that Quinn may not receive my vote this time. Sorry Governor!

  43. - ANON - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 3:54 pm:

    Yes. At first I was leaning towards Jim Ryan, but his lackluster campaign has changed that. I want someone who can win in November, and he’s shown very little enthusiasm and strategy other than trying to live off of name recognition. Won’t cut it.

    Dillard’s entire campaign seems to be “vote for me, I know Jim Edgar”. Edgar has been irrelevant for more than a decade. The potential noose of MSI worries me as well. Guaranteed dems would bring that up any time Dillard would claim he’s for dighting corruption.

    For me, that leaves McKenna. People point to his money as if that’s a bad thing. Guess what? You need money to win, and not only does McKenna have it, but he’s raised far more than anyone else outside of his own bank account. His campaign has been extensive and hard hitting, which tells me he knows and can deliver what it takes to win in Nov.

    The others, sorry to say, just do not have what it takes to win in November.

  44. - OMG - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 3:57 pm:

    The choices are awful. As a Democrat, who really cares about social services and healthcare and education, I really like Quinn and trust him more to not slash the things I care about. BUT boy is he not the most competent leader around. Hynes’ office has always been well run, but he sinks every day to new lows with his campaign ads and I think I heard him say he might cut off children from All Kids - the answer to the budget is not making people especially children uninsured. But it worries me that by voting for Quinn, I am in the end electing Andy McKenna - that would be really really really scary. So I am in a quandry for the Gov slot. But I am definitely voting for Hoffman, Art Turner for Lt Gov, Preckwinkle for County Pres, against Danny Davis because of all his terrible calls to my house in support of Dorothy Brown, for Ade for county commissioner ie against Earlean Collins and will go help out Robyn Gabel for State Rep in Evanston and Julie Hamos for Congress in Evanston.

  45. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 4:01 pm:


    I’m voting against all the incumbants except White and Madigan. Every stinkin’ single one. If we don’t vote them on next week, the general public will be doing it for us in November.

  46. - quinn fan - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 4:24 pm:

    somewhere in the past week, the governor has lost alot of support among democrats that may have supported him a month ago.

    it is beginning to appear that the prisoner issue started the ball rolling against him–but when the harold washington ad went on–it was game, set, and match….
    our governor started out as a campaigner, but has totally blown it these past few weeks on the trail.
    hynes has appeared calm and composed, no matter what has been alleged or thrown at him.
    that does resonate with voters, as hard as it is to admit.

  47. - Das Man - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 4:31 pm:

    Went from undecided to Quinn in the last few days. Only on account of the spacing between his eyeballs. Hynes seems to have a narrower spread, kinda like Blago. Never trust a man who doesn’t have to squint when peering through a keyhole.

    Quinn reminds me of a good sized flathead catfish - a bottom feeder to be sure, but this is Illinois politics

  48. - Boone Logan Square - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 4:41 pm:

    I went from undecided to committed to voting for Hynes. He convinced me he has the focus and ability to both run a successful general election campaign and is the best candidate to actually be governor.

    One year ago, I wanted to vote for Pat Quinn. Had his rhetoric translated into staffing and policy decisions, I would have happily done so. That hasn’t happened, and despite the support of most of the Democratic party’s machinery, he has also done a poor job of campaigning. I have little confidence that Pat Quinn could win a general election, and while his performance as governor is a vast improvement upon the last guy, I have less faith in his ability to do a competent job than I have in Hynes.

  49. - Boone Logan Square - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 4:43 pm:

    Also, I would hope that if Hynes wins the primary that Quinn would spend his remaining time as governor making tough decisions that would be good for the long-term interests of the state without fear of electoral consequences. I realize he’d be limited by the actions of legislators worried about re-election, but I hope for the best out of Quinn.

  50. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 4:48 pm:

    Quinn all the way. He is about leadership and jobs

  51. - Justice - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 5:09 pm:

    Justice 3:44 ????

    It ain’t me folks. Though it does represent a whole lot of peoples these days. I can only wish ‘whoever’ the best!

    Still voting for the same people as before all the entertaining ads. Should be voting for the ads, as there are some keepers and some throwouts….okay, lots of throwouts.

  52. - 4 percent - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 5:21 pm:

    Still with Dillard. The dozen newspaper endorsments, support from groups ranging from the National Rifle Association to the Illinois Education Association, moderates to conservatives, show that he is the best candidate to win back the Governor’s seat.

  53. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 5:31 pm:

    Uh, Vannie,
    I think that Madigan and White are unopposed so you really don’t have much choice there. There is no incumbEnt lt. gov., comptroller, treasurer running so how can you vote against them? I guess you just voted for Hynes and the two superstars and left the rest blank.

  54. - Payraises for Unions!! - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 6:19 pm:

    This election is making me think of changing parties!

    Proft seems to be the only person with a clue what sort of changes will be needed. It makes me very sad that he appears to have no hope of him winning. Maybe the winner will hire him.

    Have not changed my mind about the dems I will vote for with one exception. I will be voting for Hoffman instead of Jackson.

  55. - Justme - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 7:05 pm:

    Yes. I’m an independent, and have always voted in the primary taking the ballot of the local majority party, simply because no one ever thrills me at the very top of the ticket, the minority party never presented more than one candidate elsewhere. Voting with the majority party seemed to make more of a difference. I’m in a Republican area now, but I’ve going to take a Democratic ballot and vote for Hynes. Quinn’s utter incompetence bothers me greatly, but I always figured that would help the Republican candidate come November. In the last 2 weeks, Quinn has thrown away whatever principle he had left and his passive acceptance (to put it as nicely as possible) of the race-baiting responses to Hynes’ Harold Washington commercial just disgusts me. I’m going to hold my nose and vote for Hynes because I want to take every opportunity bury that hypocritical, self-aggrandizing hairless Blago impersonator.

  56. - Reformer - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 8:02 pm:

    I’m less likley to vote for Quinn because I want a Democrat elected governor in November.

    Hoffman has impressed me.

  57. - Pot calling kettle - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 10:48 pm:

    I was on the fence, but after meeting Hynes decided to vote for Quinn for a variety of reasons. Hynes will end up promoting essentially the same fiscal policy as Quinn, but isn’t willing to admit it. Plus, we’ll have to wait two years before he gets there.

  58. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jan 27, 10 @ 11:41 pm:

    Definitely crossed off a couple possibilities in the past two weeks.

  59. - T.J. - Thursday, Jan 28, 10 @ 5:03 am:

    “Spending tons of his own money on his first ever run for public office. For me, that’s a red flag.”

    What? McKenna ran statewide six years ago.

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