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Dirty tricks, low blows, negativity and a roundup

Monday, Feb 1, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* These Stroger/Fritchey signs began mysteriously appearing on light posts and street signs on the Northwest Side this weekend…

Rep. John Fritchey, you already know, is running for the county board against former Ald. Ted Matlak - a supreme hackmeister. Fritchey responds on FaceBook…

Leave it to an old-school hack opponent to resort to old-school dirty tricks like this one. Let’s put an end to this nonsense tomorrow. Vote for Toni Preckwinkle for Board President and for me for County Commissioner. It’s time for change.

* In the 47th Ward, Ald. Gene Schulter put the official City of Chicago Seal on his election day mailer. That would not be legal. Click on the pic for the full thing…


* As I told subscribers this morning, Ald. Ed Smith did a robocall into the 10th House District slamming the only white candidate, Jonathan Goldman. Listen

From Goldman’s weekend press release…

On Jan. 30, many 10th District voters came home to a thinly veiled racist robocall on their answering machines from Alderman Ed Smith on behalf of State Rep. Annazette Collins.

In the 48-second recording, Smith states that Bucktown resident Jonathan Goldman, the only white opponent of Collins in the Feb. 2 Democratic primary, “lives in the Bucktown and Lincoln Park areas but wants to take over the East and West Garfield Park areas.”

The racist tactic incensed a multicultural group of political and community leaders that gathered for a press conference Jan. 31 to denounce it. Goldman was joined by 26th Ward Ald. Roberto Maldonado, West Side activist Virgil Crawford, Rev. Charles Walker, Jr., and other district residents.

“The State of Illinois is facing serious problems, and I have been talking about my plans for solving our fiscal crisis, creating jobs and reducing gun violence,” said Goldman. “Unfortunately, Ald. Smith and Rep. Collins don’t have any plans, so instead all they want to talk about is the race of the candidates opposing her. Isn’t it time we put the politics of racial division behind us?”

Ald. Maldonado called for an immediate end to the divisive tactics: “I hope that Ald. Smith will really come forward and apologize for the tone of that robocall and hopefully these acts of desperation will not continue through Election Day.”

Rev. Walker agreed, saying, “What difference does it make what color the person is as long as he can get the job done? The job isn’t getting done right now.”

* Kristen McQueary implores her readers not to waste their votes on “ghost” candidates

Neither Angela McMahon, of Evergreen Park, nor Karen Sullivan Casey, of Oak Lawn, circulated a single petition sheet herself to get on the ballot in the 36th District. The seat is open due to the retirement of state Rep. James Brosnahan (D-Evergreen Park).

Wouldn’t you think if you were running for office for the first time you might ask your neighbor, even your husband, to sign a petition sheet? Host a coffee? Attend a debate? Neither did.

More than 80 circulators who live outside the district in the 13th and 23rd wards of Chicago descended on Evergreen Park in the fall to collect signatures on McMahon’s and Casey’s behalf. Keep in mind they’re supposedly “competitors” for the seat, but the same troops helped them both get on the ballot. Those would be House Speaker Michael Madigan’s troops, along with 23rd Ward Committeeman Michael Zalewski’s. […]

Meanwhile in the 37th House District GOP primary, Jeffrey Junkas of Tinley Park faces Molly McAvoy Flynn, of Orland Park. The winner will try to unseat state Rep. Kevin McCarthy (D-Orland Park) in November.

Flynn - notice the Irish female thing again - has run a campaign in name only. She also didn’t circulate a single petition sheet herself.

The same 13th and 23rd ward foot soldiers who worked the Evergreen Park district gathered signatures for Flynn to get on the ballot in Orland Park.

Meg Sullivan plays it down the middle in a column entitled: Will the real Republican please rise in 37th Dist?

Both candidates accuse each other of being Democrats, or Johnny-come-lately Republicans.

Despite what she wrote, Junkas is the “real” Republican candidate there.

* This isn’t in a negative ad yet, but it will be if Quinn wins the primary tomorrow

Defending his handling of the state’s deficit-plagued budget, Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn said today he’s “cut all the frills” out of state government but more tax money is needed to fund essential services. […]

“What I basically have done is cut all the frills out of state government — more than $2 billion of cuts of non-priority items,” Quinn said.

That’s pretty easy to disprove, discredit and ridicule. Anybody can find a bit of “frills” in the budget. It ain’t hard. Take, for instance, the money he’s spending on airplane rides.

* Ramsin Canon writes at Gapers Block about a hit piece in the 8th Cook County district

A nasty hit piece hit residents of the 8th Cook County Commissioner’s district. Coming from the phantom “Taxpayers Coalition Initiative” which provides no return address, the piece delves into Nogueras’ tenure with the Puerto Rican Chamber of Commerce and unpaid water bills. The piece is huge–22×17–full color, glossy. The 60647 post office, from where the piece originated, did not provide information on the owner of the “Permit #1″ used to send the piece out.

Nogueras’ opponent, Ed Reyes, is an ally of 33rd Ward boss Dick Mell, who engineered his elevation to the seat after Roberto Maldonado was appointed by Mayor Daley to replace Billy Ocasio, who in turn was appointed to Governor Quinn’s staff after he replaced Rod Blagojevich. To get that straight: Blagojevich gets impeached, Quinn taps Ocasio, Daley taps Maldonado, Maldonado pushes for Nogueras to replace him but gets outmaneuvered Mell.

Ramsin has scans of the mailer as well. Go take a look.

* Carol Marin is not happy at all with Gov. Pat Quinn’s endorsement of Joe Berrios

How does Quinn the Outsider choose Berrios the Insider instead of former Circuit Court Judge Raymond Figueroa, the only assessor candidate with any reform credentials? I just don’t get it.

Figueroa, you should know, is nursing a severely slashed hand after confronting a guy who was yanking down his campaign yard signs last Tuesday. The guy fled. Figueroa, 62, went to the emergency room and got bandaged up.

Neither is Greg Hinz

Mr. Quinn’s spokeswoman said he endorsed the candidate because he’s known Mr. Berrios for decades, when Mr. Quinn was a commissioner and Mr. Berrios was on the board’s staff, and “believes Mr. Berrios is qualified to be assessor.”

Uh-huh. And it has nothing to do with the fact that the Cook County Democratic Central Committee — Joe Berrios, chairman — has endorsed Mr. Quinn for governor?

And it doesn’t make Mr. Quinn — who always rails about how he’s on the side of the little guys against special interests — look like a raging hypocrite?

Sad. Sad. And, sad.

* This is not a hit piece, nor is it negative, but it is certainly one of the more hilariously bizarre stories I’ve seen in a while…

A longtime spokesman to arguably the state’s most powerful Democrat supports former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s trip to central Illinois as “a good thing.”

Steve Brown, aide to Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan, is vice president of the board of directors governing Five Points Washington, where Palin will deliver a speech April 17 kicking off the organization’s “Lessons from Leaders” series.

Brown, whose family has lived in Washington for the past five years, emphasized that the address isn’t a “political event” and should not be viewed as such.

“I think the governor has established a niche for herself,” Brown said. “I’m a person who believes there is a lot of room for different points of views.”

Brownie is not exactly known for his love of Republicans. I spit out my coffee when I saw that piece.

* Related and a roundup…

* Cole supporters attack GOP prolife candidates

* Groundhog Day: An early calm to Illinois this year

* Statewide political races lack diversity?

* New Illinois law that requires undervote alerts could cause polling place confusion

* New state law affects incomplete ballots

* Board of Elections director: Voters need ‘faith in their results’

* Push is on for even longer election cycle in Illinois

* Move primary back to March

* Alderman Scott Waguespack Abandons Neutrality in Race to Succeed Rep John Fritchey to Back Ed Mullen

* In many legislative contests, Tuesday will decide who’s going to Springfield

* Watch state spend wildly at new website: A Web site launched by the Civic Committee of the Commercial Club of Chicago displays a ticker that counts up Illinois’ debt. On Friday evening, the number was around $128,586,300,000 and swiftly on the rise.

* Investigation Needed Into Governor Pat Quinn’s Personal Ponzi Scheme

* Veteran Dems point to differing backgrounds in Cook assessor race

* Court ruling boosts price of free speech

* Politicians find new way to make friends on Facebook


  1. - Anonymiss - Monday, Feb 1, 10 @ 12:19 pm:

    Doesn’t election law require “Paid For By” language on signs … that appear illegally on City lightposts and street signs instead of private property?

  2. - Rich Miller - Monday, Feb 1, 10 @ 12:20 pm:

    ===Doesn’t election law require “Paid For By” language on signs===


  3. - Brennan - Monday, Feb 1, 10 @ 12:28 pm:

    Election law actually has code for illegal activities?

  4. - VanillaMan - Monday, Feb 1, 10 @ 12:32 pm:


    One of these things is not like the others,
    One of these things just doesn’t belong,
    Can you tell which thing is not like the others
    By the time I finish my song?

    Did you guess which thing was not like the others?
    Did you guess which thing just doesn’t belong?
    If you guessed this one is not like the others,
    Then you’re absolutely…right!

  5. - Hank - Monday, Feb 1, 10 @ 12:34 pm:

    You missed the Stroger TV ad that says Preckwinkle “is not one of us” and shows side by side photos of her and her hubby

  6. - Anon - Monday, Feb 1, 10 @ 12:38 pm:

    If Quinn “cut out all the frills”, how come DCFS agency deputy’s & others get free parking in Chicago and Springfield? Those who get paid the most get the free parking?

  7. - Will County Woman - Monday, Feb 1, 10 @ 12:41 pm:

    Quinn needs to asked about the berrios endorsement because whatever he says can surely be used against him in the general, should he win tomorrow. :-)

  8. - Will County Woman - Monday, Feb 1, 10 @ 12:44 pm:

    and it’s the same coming from a spokeswoman, (see Hinz piece) because she could be fired and then Quinn disavow what she said.

    Quinn needs to be on record saying why HE endorsed.

  9. - Pot calling kettle - Monday, Feb 1, 10 @ 12:47 pm:

    Illegal hijinxs are so rampant, they had to be regulated. :)

    Example: Deceased voters can only cast ballots in three precincts, and only one of those ballots may be cast during early voting.

  10. - Honest Abe - Monday, Feb 1, 10 @ 1:00 pm:

    Having formerly served as a judge of election in a polling place that housed several precincts in the same public hall (the room was large enough to accommodate three precincts with separate polling booths and appropriate signs to direct the voters to the correct areas), I can say without a doubt that it is a total waste of time to reject ballots for being “undervoted.” This like a bad hangover from Florida in 2000. Overwhelmingly, when a voter returned a partially voted ballot it was because that was the voter’s intent. Many voters do not care about every position on the ballot and skip certain races. When the precinct ballot counting machines rejected incomplete ballots, the voters almost universally told us that we were to cast their ballots as submitted. It is a huge myth that voters omitted to vote for every office, including the presidency, in some instances, due to error. They simply disliked the candidates and skipped over to other races.

  11. - 47th Ward - Monday, Feb 1, 10 @ 1:00 pm:

    Thanks for checking out the illegal Schulter letter Rich. Too bad Hinz didn’t ask about it when he interviewed Schulter, who apparently is doing all of Farley’s endorsements. Almost like a ventriloquist’s act. Can Schulter drink a glass of water while Farley “talks?”

    The Stroger-Fritchey signs made me laugh out loud. Good old Ted Matlak, always good for a chuckle. This is a grudge match, but tell me it isn’t really close. The only Fritchey mail I’ve gotten have been negative attacks on Matlak and taxes. I figured Fritchey was a lock, and probably still is, but there is some evidence that he’s worried.

  12. - cassandra - Monday, Feb 1, 10 @ 1:10 pm:

    The race-mongering in the 10th district race is standard Chicago politics. It’s the Chicago Way. It does, however, suggest that Collins’ supporters are getting a bit nervous. Maybe some of the goo-goos and young professionals in Bucktown and Lincoln Park will actually come out and vote….even if it’s snowing. And what are their choices, really.

    Collins, the Democratic Machine-backed candidate,serving since 2001, has so many negatives you have to wonder why the “traditional” Chicago Democrats couldn’t have found somebody else. Is it that hard for them to find takers for what is certainly a nice and lucrative political gig (great pensions and health benefits included). Collins failed to report campaign contributions for three years (in the age of campaign finance scandals, no less) and got caught. I believe she also at one point recommended gun training for Chicago schoolkids!!!!–giving rise to press conference splutters from Mayor Daley. And also if I recall correctly, shortly after our Blago took office in 2003, her husband rocketed up the ranks of a state agency from caseworker to high level deputy in one leap. He’s still there.

    And he probably doesn’t have to worry too much. He’s a Blago hire-or promotion anyway. Even if she loses, our Pat will keep him on if he wins.

  13. - QRBNST - Monday, Feb 1, 10 @ 1:10 pm:

    Based solely on the content of Ald. Smith’s robocall, I would say that the Goldman campaign is off base playing “the race card” and calling it “a thinly veiled racist robocall.”

    Smith’s comment that Goldman “lives in the Bucktown and Lincoln Park areas but wants to take over the East and West Garfield Park areas” is just as easily a reference to to yuppie gentrification as to anything else.

    Also, by calling Smith a racist, Goldman is demonstrating a certain naivete about the black community and even perhaps hypocrisy.

    Goldman could just as easily be accused of trying to stir up “white” indignation with his press release.

    Because, let’s be fair, the press release against Smith’s robocall wasn’t written to win over the hearts and minds of black voters in the district.

    He can shout Barack Obama from the rooftops and show off all the photos he has of them together; but it won’t change the fact that Chicago is NOT “post-racial.” Will it ever be?

  14. - Scooby - Monday, Feb 1, 10 @ 1:11 pm:

    If this is the best we can do for last minute shenanigans then it’s a sad day for shenanigans.

  15. - siriusly - Monday, Feb 1, 10 @ 1:16 pm:

    I love how some black candidates for office want to take the racism out of elections. Kudos to Alderman Smith and whoever printed those Stroger Fritchey signs.

    One question for Rep. Collins: When was the last time an Ed Smith endorsement actually helped anyone get elected?

    Answer: You’ll find out tomorrow.

  16. - 32nd Ward - Monday, Feb 1, 10 @ 1:19 pm:

    I can’t imagine Fritchey has one iota of concern about Matlak. I suspect the mailers are instead just to further drive a wooden stake through the heart of Matlak’s political delusions.

    After all, Matlak has no money, no workers, no support and, as the photograph clearly demonstrates, no imagination.

    Steve Rhodes put it best last November on “Matlak came out of the Dan Rostenkowski organization and terrorized residents of the 32nd Ward as their alderman until Scott Waguespack knocked him off in 2007.”

    That describes Ted’s tenure perfectly, which is why Matlak couldn’t get elected dog catcher in this Ward, much less Cook County Board Commissioner.

  17. - TaxMeMore - Monday, Feb 1, 10 @ 1:20 pm:

    Of all the places Steve Brown could choose to live in Illinois, he chose Washington, IL? Republican/conservative territory for generations? Steve Brown chose to live under conservative local policies instead of one of the total Democrat local utopias in Illinois like Madigan’s district? Steve Brown chose to live where Republican Keith Sommer is his State Representative, one of the “most conservative” members of the house? And now Steve Brown is partially behind bringing Sarah Palin to speak at the old roller skating rink in Washington, IL for at least 6 figures? That is certainly bizarre.

    He’s certainly not going to get away with any Chicago style tactics in Washington to keep her from coming if he wants to maintain good neighbor status in Washington, so he probably had to smile and happily agree to handing Sarah Palin a big wad of cash.

    Although come to think of it, this may be bizarre and brilliant. That political money is going to Sarah Palin instead of Illinois Republican candidates. Watch out Washington, this guy is paid very well to try to destroy your conservative, middle class, farmland, neighborly way of life and he’s good at it.

  18. - Oakparker - Monday, Feb 1, 10 @ 1:22 pm:

    I would imagine that no one really knows what will happen tomorrow. There are so many candidates running for so many offices. It is hard to guess who will be coming out to vote for, or against, whom; and who they will stick around to also vote for or against. The campaigns must be digging deep today to come up with an extra edge.

  19. - Rich Miller - Monday, Feb 1, 10 @ 1:31 pm:

    TaxMeMore, take a breath. He moved there because his wife is from there and she has lots of family in the area.

  20. - Rich Miller - Monday, Feb 1, 10 @ 1:32 pm:

    ===When was the last time an Ed Smith endorsement actually helped anyone get elected? ===

    Please. His work for Collins fended off hundreds of thousands of dollars of union money for her opponent last time. The guy has a very good organization.

  21. - the Other Anonymous - Monday, Feb 1, 10 @ 2:25 pm:

    I find it rather amusing that Ed Smith had no problems with Annazette Collins when she used to live in Bucktown during the last election.

  22. - Pot calling kettle - Monday, Feb 1, 10 @ 2:48 pm:

    There are plenty of good liberals in (and from) Washington and Eureka, they just aren’t in the majority. And Reagan went to Eureka long before he became a Republican.

  23. - Sweet Jane - Monday, Feb 1, 10 @ 2:51 pm:

    Campaigning in the 8th is dirty business. We had a message from a group like the “Taxpayers Coalition Initiative” (if it wasn’t them back then too) that sent out unsigned mailings to those of us in the district during the last election cycle as well - I think it was in the aldermanic race and they were trying to drum up support for Vilma Colom, if I remember correctly.

    Reyes and his people have been all over the place - I’ve been approached by them at least 4-5 times in person - and there’s been very little if any on the ground outreach from the other candidates. If the signage in my neighborhood in 60647 is any indication, Reyes is going to sweep this.

  24. - Reformer - Monday, Feb 1, 10 @ 3:11 pm:

    The bogus Stroger/Fritchey signs remind me of the Republicans’ “Rod & Todd” campaign against Cook County Democrats in ‘08. That campaign consisted of putting Dem legislators’ pictures next to Todd’s in numerous mailings.

  25. - Bill - Monday, Feb 1, 10 @ 3:41 pm:

    Stroger-Fritchey, The good government duo, two peas in a pod, an unbeatable team….lololol
    I love those north side dorks, especially Matlak. He’s a throwback to when the north side ward organizations actually made some difference. Mell, Kelly, Schulter,lolol

  26. - Knome Sane - Monday, Feb 1, 10 @ 4:31 pm:

    Tax Me More: No matter where you live, I pray it’s not near me.

  27. - Amalia - Monday, Feb 1, 10 @ 4:36 pm:

    post which said paid for by is supposed to be on the signs is correct. of course, things could be faked, but someone should take the sign and follow the markings. does anyone give a hoot
    about election law anymore? while the sight of one of those signs this morning as I drove into the city on an errand was jarring, you just knew it was a trick. and perhaps stupid when it comes to the Lincoln Park constituency. but, if you check the
    numbers, the yuppies came out in very low percentages in
    2006, the Claypool almost primary. something like less than
    10,000 of 30,000 registered dem voters in 43. so who knows who will make it out and how they will vote in yuppieland.

  28. - circularfiringsquad - Monday, Feb 1, 10 @ 4:48 pm:

    I hear brown was sent therein 04 to monitor the Umholtz campaign and work his magic. Not
    It was all about gramm/ee a d grampee

  29. - Rambler - Monday, Feb 1, 10 @ 4:51 pm:

    Hmm, looks like I was deleted. Can’t imagine what I said to warrant that. Maybe the word “lousy” is too strong for this blog.

  30. - Rambler - Monday, Feb 1, 10 @ 5:23 pm:

    Anyway, I’ll repeat what I said before. The undervoting law is a lousy idea, IMHO.
    From WBBM:
    Illinois is the only state that requires undervote alerts. New York passed a similar law, but that state’s Board of Elections rescinded it last summer, saying it “would create serious violations of a voter’s constitutional and statutory right to privacy” and could cause delays at the polls.

    I wonder if there’s another motive behind this. Another obstacle to the casual voter perhaps, to tighten the grip of incumbents and other entrenched interests?
    Efforts to overturn the law are under way.

  31. - 32nd Ward Roscoe Village - Monday, Feb 1, 10 @ 6:52 pm:

    Re Fritchey-Matlak: On Friday we received a flyer (don’t know if it was mailed or stuffed in my mailbox) “paid for by Citizens to Elect Honest Government”. One side has the Chicago Reader logo in big type, twice, with quotes anti-Fritchey; on the other side it has a picture of Fritchey putting ketchup on a hot dog and grinning. Wish I had a scanner to share. Priceless.

  32. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, Feb 1, 10 @ 7:46 pm:

    1. I agree with Steve Brown, I wish Sarah Palin would come to Illinois every day. If Kirk wins the nomination, it’ll certainly SEEM like she’s here every day.

    2. I like Jonathan Goldman, but he’s over-reacting. There’s nothing racist about pointing out that he’s not from “the neighborhood.”

    3. I agree with Scooby, if misusing the City logo and slapping up some bogus signs are the best that the Old Machine can do…maybe its time they turn off their typewriters and curl up on the chaise lounge with a nice cup of Ovaltine.

  33. - STEVE BROWN - Monday, Feb 1, 10 @ 9:01 pm:

    Could your share wit withe Magoo who was bent out of shape that the “skating rink is a 140,000 sq ft, $21 million venue that is the best example of intergovernmental cooperation in Illinois if not the nation.
    We all look forward to the future installments of “Lessons From Leaders” Any suggestions?

  34. - Anonymiss - Monday, Feb 1, 10 @ 9:47 pm:

    @32nd Ward Roscoe Village - i saw the same piece this weekend. The State Board of Elections site is down right now (surprise!), but last I checked yesterday, that committee didn’t exist. In other words, another illegal hack job. And it was a flyer; the Matlackies don’t have the money for mail. (It’s also illegal to put lit in your mailbox - unless it was done by a mail carrier.)

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