* Let’s start a fresh thread, shall we? The first one is full.
Also, we know the turnout is low, so some numbers from your polling place would be welcomed. This report from the LaSalle News Tribune was enlightening and frightening…
The four precincts at the La Salle VFW were so slow today that by 7 a.m. there were more election judges (20) on hand than people who had voted (15).
Raymond Miklavcic, an election judge at La Salle precinct 7, counted just seven voters in the door — low even by primary standards.
“It’s horribly slow,” Miklavcic said. “Primaries are normally slow, but this is ridiculous.”
Have at it.
*** UPDATE 10:53 am *** Twitter hashtag #ilvote has more updates from the front. But a lot of it is just propaganda…
TheCHICon Just cast my ballot, place was empty. Oh and they didn’t ask for ANY ID. @danproft - @hughesforsenate - lets hope for the best! #ILvote
They’re not supposed to ask for ID.
From the Tribune…
National political pundits have been busy trying to divine broad meaning from Illinois’ Groundhog Day primary, but that noisy class of professional crystal ball gazers could be in for a challenge if an early collective yawn from voters continues through the day.
City election officials said turnout for the first hour of voting was extremely low. Jim Allen, communications director for the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners, said there were precincts all over the city that experienced as few as two voters coming through their doors. […]
Cook County Clerk David Orr, who oversees election machinery in the suburbs, said morning turnout appeared “relatively slow,” though it was too early to make any broad projections about how things might end up by the time the polls close at 7 p.m.
“A lot of people vote late and whether or not this snowy weather will have an effect, who knows,” said Orr as he visited a precinct at the Dorchester Senior Center in Dolton. By 8:30 a.m., Orr said, 19 residents had cast ballots. While he said that’s a typical pace for that retirement village, its residents don’t have to venture outdoors to cast a ballot.
[Cook County elections spokeswoman Gail Siegel] says her office hasn’t received any complaints about a new feature on voting machines. For the first time, the machines reject incomplete ballots. That’s where someone fails to vote in one or more races for statewide office.
Election judges are asking voters if they intentionally left part of the ballot blank when the machine spots so-called “undervoting.” If not, they’ll be allowed to vote in those races. If so, the ballot will be approved.
*** UPDATE - 11:31 am *** For what it’s worth, the snow has stopped in Chicago, I’m told. Also, I hear one key Lakefront precinct reported just 6 votes this morning. Oof.
*** UPDATE - 11:46 am *** Yikes…
There were no crowds in Quincy polling places despite the close races.
“I’m not seeing any lines or crowds,” said Adams County Clerk Georgia Volm.
She visited one polling site at 7:30 a.m. where seven people had cast ballots. She was at a voting site on Sycamore at 8 a.m. and found that only seven voters had been there.
*** UPDATE - 12:10 pm *** Some of my recent “retweets“…
# Chicago_Reader RT @dansinker: sounds about right. RT @chitownpolitics: Setting over/under for turnout at 22%.
# ramsincanon If city turnout is as low as anecdotes would have you believe, @alexi4illinois could coast to 10+ point victory.
# myfoxillinois Know your voting rights http://bit.ly/clL25q
# johnfritchey I’ve been kissing hands and shaking babies all morning; not sure why people are reacting strangely. Oh. Damn. Never mind.
# dancurry Just voted for Jim Ryan, governor. Only person in polling place.
# rsamuels Mayor Daley votes at Old Saint Mary’s at 11. Alas, I shan’t be on hand for the Q&A. First time in years I’ve missed the mayoral vote.
# ramsincanon I’ve heard this from about a dozen ppl the last few days: “Quinn or Hynes? Seems like a coin toss.”
# PeoriaChronicle Only about 4 voters were at my polling place (which covers three precincts) this morning. Very low turnout.
# nbcchicago NBC’s live coverage of the primary elections begins at 4:30pm. Bookmark our livestream page: http://snipurl.com/u94c0
# BrianMcDaniel Turnout is quite low in the Collar Counties of Illinois.
# CollinCorbett Voter turnout is abysmal across the state, and it’s not just the snow. After the last 13 months what more motivation do IL voters need?!?
- Champaign - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 10:35 am:
Only 16 people had voted at my precinct in Champaign, and 2 of those were my parents. Nobody else was in there at 7 a.m.
- McVoter - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 10:37 am:
Very slow out here in the McHenry County area…. I see a big pick up later on, and into the evening…..people just don’t want to get out of there cars on the way to work… the trick will be to get them to the polls after work today…
- Downstater in Chicago - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 10:39 am:
At about 10:25 this morning, my wife and I were voters 20 and 21 at our precinct. Additionally, the poll workers were not offering Green party ballots to voters. They didn’t even seem to know that they existed until my wife asked for one.
- FDR Dem - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 10:40 am:
Has any one heard that there were more
early voting R ballots taken in Madison
County than D? Would be a good sign for
Plummer and other conservative/downstate candidates I would think.
- Will County Woman - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 10:41 am:
i’m actually sitting this primary election day Tuesday out. but, i do think things will pick up in the later afternoon and evening, so don’t despair about all of the slowness thus far.
- Pot calling kettle - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 10:42 am:
My coworkers usually vote before work, none did. They all say they plan to vote on the way home. We’ll see.
- Justice - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 10:42 am:
Springfield Precinct I vote at was slow……slow….slow. At 10:15am we were 15 and 16 respectively out of 365 registered voters.
- Da Ship Be Sinking - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 10:43 am:
23rd ward machine pushing Mikey hard but not the gov’s race. The city worker said “we don’t care who you vote for in that one . . . “
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 10:45 am:
I was number 87 at my precinct at 10:15, so that’s not too bad. Steady, light snow and cold.
- Will County Woman - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 10:45 am:
who is mikey? mike madigan?
- Nikoli - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 10:47 am:
I voted this morning in the Metro-East. At about 8:20am, I was number 16, with three more people coming in the door as I was leaving.
Adam A seems to be getting a lot of talk down here, which scares me a bit. Oberweis was the talked about candidate in 2006, and many people down here blame Bill Brady for “being a spoiler and stealing the election from Oberweis”. From everyone I talked to, they’re voting for Adam A as a way to stick it to Brady for 2006.
It’s silly, but its what they are thinking…
- Springfield Sceptic - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 10:48 am:
At 7:30 this morning I was the only voter at the polling place and I was number 17 of the morning an hour and a half after it opened.
- Chigrrl - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 10:48 am:
Voted in Chicago 4th ward (African-American ward) and was teh 35th voter of the morning. The are usually people out passing flyers and lawn signs galore, today nothing.
- RMW Stanford - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 10:48 am:
From what I am hearing talking with people turn out has been decent in McClean, Tazewell and Peoria counties so far for a primary.
- Bill - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 10:49 am:
Now you’re gonna blame it on the snow???LOL
- How Ironic - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 10:50 am:
Springfield West Side, I voted at 7:30am and was #28 for the day.
- You Go Boy - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 10:51 am:
It is possibly a reflection on “who cares who gets in - I’m more interested in voting to kick whomever it is OUT come fall!”
- A matter of trust - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 10:55 am:
One of the largest Springfield Republican Pcts… I was number 92 of a little over 900 voters at 10AM,
- Da Ship Be Sinking - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 10:58 am:
Mikey = Mike Zalewski. He’s running for State Rep and he’s supposed to be working with Quinn.
- ID issue - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 11:00 am:
Sorry this is off topic, but they asked for my ID at early voting, and I said that I thought they weren’t supposed to, and they said that they are. Can someone clarify that policy?
- Don't Worry, Be Happy - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 11:01 am:
I voted at 10:30 in Bucktown. Count was 67. That would be about 8% of the precinct so far, which seems much higher than others are reporting.
- Pelon - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 11:02 am:
Low turnout could be a reflection of the status of both parties. Based on their recent performances and slate of candidates, I’d be embarassed to grab either one. Since the parties make the State pay to run their elections, maybe they should let us independents votes?
- Will County Woman - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 11:05 am:
Da Ship Be Sinking,
oh! oh my.
- 47th Ward - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 11:06 am:
Re: numbers, I posted this before for what it’s worth:
47th Ward, 17th Precinct: 34 votes cast out of 618 registered voters. That’s roughly 6% turnout. Light snow continues. Will the after work voters show up tonight?
Schulter’s sample ballot had no real surprises this year, although he did endorse Quinn. Keep an eye on that. If Dan can squeak out a win today, I hope they go after Schulter in ‘11. With any kind of serious race, Schulter will finally be retired.
One can hope, right?
- Angry Chicagoan - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 11:06 am:
48th ward here, not voted yet, but the last two elections they have demanded ID and been obnoxious about it.
- lake county democrat - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 11:07 am:
Early voting at my Lake County site was very sparse on Saturday circa noon. Cook County is a bit of a surprise — maybe people like complaining about Stroger more than care enough to replace him. If Dorothy Brown wins, Perica (sp?) or whoever the GOP runs might have a real chance.
There was light voting for the Quigley/Fritchey/Feigneholtz race too.
- Jeff - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 11:07 am:
Strange to hear nobody passing Preckwinkle stuff in the 4th ward. Maybe they’re focusing elsewhere?
- dupage dan - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 11:11 am:
Since most of these races don’t involve incumbents, I wonder who benefits from this low turnout? Dems, GOP, nobody above?
We get the gov’t we deserve, I don’t like thinking about that right now. I know people here care and vote but it looks like we’re the only ones. I will get to the polling place after work tonite. Ms DuPage Dan and I will also bring our son with us. He is 17 y/o now and won’t want to be seen in public with his parents but we will continue the tradition anyway.
- Hyde Parker - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 11:11 am:
Not sure about Chigrrl’s experience, but I voted in the 4th ward this morning and saw numerous Preckwinkle people handing out literature on my way to the polling place. My buddy lives in the 48th and he said Preckwinkle people were out in force there, too.
- 47th Ward - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 11:13 am:
One more tidbit: Schulter’s palm card didn’t have a candidate for Cook County Board President. Anybody else find that odd?
- Irish - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 11:14 am:
I witnessed one of those incomplete ballot rejections while I was voting this am. An elderly gentlemen put his card into the machine and it kicked it out. The judge at the maching had to call over another judge who asked him if he filled it out completely, I didn’t catch his response but he was a little peeved that the ballot was not accepted as it had always been before. I thought I heard the judge tell him he had to mark or sign something that he knew his ballot was not complete or complete it. He wasn’t too happy when he left. What does this new feature hope to accomplish or prevent? Accept the ballot for the races completed and if there are blanks, oh well.
- Jojo - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 11:16 am:
My understanding is that ID is required for early voting, but NOT on election day. At the 48th ward precinct I’m working, only 24 voters @ 10am. Very slow and snowy.
- Chicagogirl - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 11:16 am:
I am normally a 6:15 am voter, and I’m planning to vote after work (I didn’t get up early enough to both clean off my car and to vote). Hopefully other folks are feeling the same. But, when I did walk by my precinct in the 32nd ward there weren’t *any* signs up (two people handing out materials though).
In terms of ID, they don’t need your id and aren’t supposed to ask for it. That is a state law and it is brought up at every election judge training (at least in Chicago). If they won’t let you vote without it you should call the Board of Elections and report it.
- just sayin' - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 11:21 am:
So basically all the hype about voters being so angry doesn’t pan out in Illinois. Citizens here just keep muddling along, accepting their fate like powerless sheep destined for the slaughter.
- Another Chi-girl - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 11:25 am:
Chicagogirl, same with me. I’m normally a morning voter, but on this cold, gloomy, snowy day, my bed was more appealing than my polling place, and I didn’t get up early enough to be able to vote before work. Will definitely be voting on my way home, though, and hope others will do the same.
- lake county democrat - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 11:32 am:
just sayin’ — seriously, if you witnessed what Madigan and Quinn did to kill meaningful reform, even after Blago, who would blame you for thinking it’s an utter scam? The Tribune’s outrage is routinely mocked by us barstool pundits. Meet the new boss yadda yadda yadaa. The only thing that gets me out to the polls is that there’s a lot of social funding at stake and the state pension system needs to be addressed and I think there’s a soupcon better of a chance Quinn would advance those causes.
- Ramsin - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 11:37 am:
Just voted, 27th Ward. I was the 78th voter in my precinct. About 7-9% of the precinct.
- Jeff - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 11:38 am:
I don’t think Schulter/47th Ward Democrats endorsed anyone for Cook County President… did they?
- Lefty Lefty - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 11:43 am:
Mr. Miller has to get the Accuweather app for his iPhone! Real-time animated radar tells you when it stops snowing anywhere around you.
- JakeCP - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 11:47 am:
4% of the 56th Precinct in the 43rd Ward have voted as of 11:45 PM. 8% of the 2nd precinct in the 43rd ward has voted. Turnout is lowww.
- Blue Dog - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 11:49 am:
Numbers gathered from 29 precincts over the last 2 hrs show 4% turnout in Sangamon County. That would be on pace for about 15-20% for the day. Turnout highest on the near west side of springfield.
Voter signature card book does not match the active voter roster in numerous precincts leading to some issues. County election office is aware of it, but someone should be fired. The signature books look like they are 3yrs out of date.
If a voter is on the active roster, they should be given a blank signature card and a regular ballot - not a provisional. If you are not in the signature book ask to compare with active voter roster for the precinct.
- Anonymiss - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 11:54 am:
Schulter didn’t officially endorse, but his crew was passing O’Brien pieces this weekend. So there’s that. 47th Ward - was the City seal on his piece today, or have they stickered over it?
- Le Grand Orange - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 11:57 am:
Just voted in the 5th ward, 8th precinct—I was number 51. Haven’t seen anyone handing out materials and there were about three sad, lonely signs on the whole block.
- Bandarbush - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 11:58 am:
Up in the 49th Ward, 12th Precinct, I was voter #16 at 1100a…..
- independent - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 12:00 pm:
42nd ward–very quiet throughout all precincts
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 12:04 pm:
Where are the Tea Partiers? In a low turnout primary, shouldn’t they be Big Heat, for all the noise they make? Or is it just noise?
- Gregor - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 12:09 pm:
Just got back, central Springfield, I was number 25. I asked if they had gotten a lot of early voting, they had the records there and said not really. I think it is a combination of standard non-presidential year ambivalence, fear by state workers of revealing their party preference, and the fact that on both sides, the candidates have fought so hard and dirty, you really don’t want ANY of them back.
- 47th Ward - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 12:10 pm:
No City Seal this time Anonymiss, but since it was photo copied on 8.5 X 11 paper, I’m guessing the taxpayers probably paid for the paper, toner and copier. It even had a disclaimer saying it was “Printed by the Democratic Party of the 47th Ward,” which translates to “photo-copied at the last minute when Gene got busted for mixing his government and political business again.”
I figured O’Brien would be his pick, but I suppose O’Brien couldn’t afford to pony up for the extra ink on Schulter’s piece.
- DownState1 - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 12:12 pm:
Quinn looking good down here his people are hitting it hard.
- bucking the trend? - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 12:18 pm:
Voted in the 19th Ward at about 11. Didn’t get my number, but the precinct captain said he’s projecting about 50 percent after his morning count. Just one precinct, but that seems pretty good compared to the other numbers I’m seeing posted here. There are three judicial subcircuits up in the area with about 20 combined candidates, so that might be bring out a lot of friends and family. Native son Danny Hynes might be drawing a few extra locals out as well.
- DownState1 - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 12:26 pm:
Anybody know how Quinn is looking up North?
- matt - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 12:31 pm:
45 votes here in a 48th ward precinct.
I hear from a fellow election employee an issue is going on in the 47th ward, where a judge was directly suggesting certain candidates repeatedly while demonstrating the ballot, saying things like “you should vote for _______ by drawing a line right here.” After approached by two other poll workers, the behavior continued, but by pointing out the candidates instead of saying the name. Last I heard investigators were en route.
- GOPJay - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 12:33 pm:
Galesburg - I was #12 at 9:00am, on 17 total in the last primary, Dems said slightly lower than previous
- HM - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 12:34 pm:
At my west side Springfield precinct, ten percent of the voters had shown up as of 12:15. They tell me the projection going in was for 22% for the day. We’ll see if they make it.
- Niles Township - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 12:36 pm:
Got a Quinn GOTV robocall reminding me to vote today.
- Secret Square - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 12:42 pm:
“Where are the Tea Partiers?”
They might show up after work, since they are fond of reminding everyone that they have “real” jobs (as opposed to the unreal jobs held by people who work for the gubmint)
- muon - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 12:43 pm:
In western DuPage at noon there were 3 or 4 voters present. Just over 100 ballots had been cast for the 1400 registered voters assigned to the polling place. That seems to be about 10-20% less than in 2006.
- McVoter - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 12:51 pm:
Just stopped in some of the bigger Precincts here in McHenry County… very good turn out in the last hour or so. This is the GOP gravy train up here, and a few HOT local races. Its looking like 55% turn out when all said and done.
- East St. Louis - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 12:52 pm:
Voters getting out here, numbers look realy good compared to the rest. Quinn’s guys realy working here to.
- Jimbo - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 12:53 pm:
Turnout is abysmal. I don’t know what that means but I was only the 74th person to vote at noon. Maybe this means Andy Martin can squeak one out LOL
- FJ - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 12:54 pm:
I went to vote in the first ward, and was handed a Stroger-Hynes piece. Yikes, does it help DH to be teamed up with Stroger?
- Jimbo - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 12:55 pm:
—Oh and they didn’t ask for ANY ID— WTH, we don’t have voter ID laws in this state. Sheesh! If you want ‘em, move to Gary
- Jimbo - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 12:56 pm:
@FJ Classic Chicago politics. I thought Quinn was better than that. I still didn’t vote for him today though.
- downstate anonymous - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 12:58 pm:
#53 at 11:20 a.m. at a joint polling station for two heavily Democratic precincts in Urbana (total population about 3,500). Hear from others turnout is also very light across Champaign Co.
- Dan S, a voter and Cubs Fan - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 12:59 pm:
Voted at lunch time Springfield precinct #133. I was the 53rd voter to be given a ballot. Very slow and not many signs around.
- SIU2 - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 1:02 pm:
SIU students really pushing Quinn today in Jackson County. Thought Hynes had alot of involvement with SIU. This must mean something.
- Hisgirlfriday - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 1:02 pm:
Waited til the snow stopped in the 42nd ward (west loop) to cast my vote around 11.
Didn’t catch how many had already voted but I was one of two or three people there at the time and it seemed slow.
My first time voting at this precinct, but seemed weird to me that there were no signs or anything for the big races just one guy for Oberman for treasurer and then two other guys handing out palm cards mostly for the water district and statehouse primary with endorsements from Jesse White and the 5th District Dems (lucky for a couple of the water people I cast my ballot for that I didn’t see their names on a piece of paper with Rickey Hendon’s picture on it until after I voted).
- Steve Downstate - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 1:05 pm:
Madison County. Voted at 1:00, was voter #99 out of about 1,400 registered in precinct (according to poll worker). Weather here: cloudy, no precipitation.
- Randolph - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 1:05 pm:
I’m in the first ward and my wife and I voted around noon - we were 26 & 27, there are about 350 registered in my precinct. Yikes!
FJ - saw the same Stroger piece with Hynes on it, and thought the exact same thing.
Another person (at another polling place in Bucktown) was handing out a Hoffman card with a Hynes card, I thought that was a weird teaming as well. I went by several polling places in 1 and 32 this morning and there were very few workers or signs…and most of them were aligned with Fritchey.
- Responsa - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 1:12 pm:
Not great, but not bad turnout in a Lake County 10th district polling place as of noon. About 10% turnout at that time but it had been snowing heavily all morning and stopped right around noon. Can reasonably expect total 20-25% turnout by close of polls.
- Rustyzipper - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 1:13 pm:
Traveled through Lake and McHenry Counties today, Lots of Hynes signs, a few Quinn in Lake…many many GOP signs, also, the skys are clearing.
- Hyde Parker - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 1:15 pm:
I’d bet my hat that Stroger-Hynes piece is being handed out by Quinn people. Or Stroger people? Either way, Hynes can’t be happy about it…
- And I Approved This Message - Tuesday, Feb 2, 10 @ 1:23 pm:
I was #39 in my 43rd ward precinct at 12:30. Pathetic. Equally bad was the dreadfully off-key trumpet “music” coming from the high school music room down the hall. Those judges deserve combat pay.