Breaking campaign news open thread
Wednesday, Feb 3, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * 7:30 am - I’ve been up all night working, so I’m gonna take a nap. I have session this afternoon and I definitely need some rest. I’ll post more stories later. But if big news breaks - somebody concedes, or final counts come in, or the like - please post it here and discuss it in comments. Thanks. …By the way, I just checked the site stats, and yesterday’s traffic was higher than any day since Rod Blagojevich’s arrest. Wow. [This thread is now closed.]
- Fan of the Game - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 8:07 am:
Take a break. You deserve it. Thank you, Rich, for the outstanding coverage over the past several months that allowed us to make informed decisions.
- Jannewyork - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 8:25 am:
RIP: Jim Murphy.
- Bandarbush - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 8:31 am:
Julie Hamos’s inability to smile costs her 10th Congressional Dustrict Primary!
Seriously tho, she’s a Coakley-esque Democrat who deserved to lose. You’ve got to at least feign interest in constituents. I met her over a year ago and she was a complete primadonna. I offerred to volunteer for what everyone knew was her upcoming run and she completely looked through me (and the other young Dems I was with). Same lady during this campaign.
- Billy Dennis - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 8:32 am:
Last night, the Capitol Fax Blog was the site for anyone wanting the most up-to-date numbers and spot-on analysis. Nothing else compared.
- Paul S. - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 8:36 am:
Rich, you run a great site.
This is the beginning of the shift from the Good Ole Boyz to the younger generation. You saw it with Hynes going against the Chicago machine. It is a referendum that what was good in the past, is not going to work in the future.
If Quinn says this is a “referendum on his tax increase” then he is blind. This is a revolt of his tax increase and he barely won. He should not mark this up to a victory but an embarrassing beating that would not have happened if he was doing the job he is supposed to do!
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 8:38 am:
Billy, you got that right. TV up north was mostly worthless except for Channel 7, which flexed it’s big-money muscles and had reporters everywhere.
You really noticed last night how bad the cutbacks have been at the other TV stations. Mostly just talking heads at the anchor desk and phone interviews with candidates (TV is a visual medium, isn’t it?).
- Ray del Camino - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 8:39 am:
Hynes going against the Chicago machine? Um, isn’t he a scion of the Chicago machine?
And, yes, great work, Rich–and fellow posters.
- Billy Dennis - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 8:41 am:
Also, the local newspaper, the Peoria Journal Star, didn’t bother to report on area judicial races. Still no results on their Website. Local blogger was the only one to post results.
The MSM is dead, killed by the weight of their cutbacks and arrogance. The headless body just hasn’t fallen down yet.
- Deep South - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 8:52 am:
The mainstream media dead? That means we’re stuck with the right wing media and its slower cousin, the left wing media. There is a reason they call it “mainstream.” Oh, the humanity!
- Wumpus - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 8:55 am:
Wow, so the machine candidate and the heavily endorsed newspaper guy, Hynes lost. Where is Oberwies?
The Alexi v Kirk race will be fun, but annoying to watch. I will have to wear waders to sift through the bs.
Good job, Rich. If you need a nap, give me the passwords and I will moderate for a few hours.
- Peggy SO-IL - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 8:56 am:
Great job, Rich. Get some rest. This site was the place to be last night.
- Will County Woman - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 8:59 am:
Paul S, I agree. But, I don’t think they understand that yet. For them it is still very much business as usual and doing things the old way because that’s all they know and that is what works for them.
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 9:02 am:
The GOP Senate Committee has produced a negative spot on Alexi that hits him over the head with a two-by-four with The Outfit, Blago and Rezko.
Very memorable. I’m curious they didn’t include anything about the bank and the federales. Maybe they had it in the can weeks ago.
It’s a :60 as opposed to a :30, so it will cost a bundle to run.
They also might get some heat from Italian groups regarding the stereotypical “wiseguy” narrator.
You can find it on the google.
- d - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 9:05 am:
I think in this case, what the poster meant by MSM was “old media”
The PJS dropped the ball once again.
Seriously, if you want to be informed this day in age (at least in central IL), the Peoria Journal Star doesn’t really make the reading list, nor does the local tv news.
- Paul S. - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 9:06 am:
Quinn on Fox “Not an insider and never has been”. I think this election showed us differently with the people Quinn had in his campaign cabinet.
- Will County Woman - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 9:07 am:
Wumpus, the Hynes wasn’t the machine candidate for the dems, and you know that.
I wonder what the Sun Times, Crain’s and BND now make of Quinn? Their endoresments of him were largely premised on his “outsider and reformer” rhetroric of yesteryear. The fact is that he endorsed Berrios, recieved $3ook from ed burke, is in bed with Mayor Daley and the rest of the Chicago Democratic Machine etc. he’s truned the page/corner and it is what it is now.
So, the SunTimes, Crains and BND claims that the 61 year old pat quinn was the more likely to fight and defeat the machine consisting of many who are his contemporaries or slightly older is laughable now, as it was when those publications endorsed now.
Look, he’s an old man who decided “can’t beat’em, so I might as well join ‘em.” And that’s exactly what he has done.
- Paul S. - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 9:07 am:
Quinn on Fox: “I ran a positive campaign during the primary”. Seriously? Both Hynes and Quinn ran nasty ads. Does Quinn really know how his campaign was run?
- Concerned Observer - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 9:08 am:
Word, I watched WGN all night and thought they did a pretty good job. They started at 7P online and went until at least 11:30 (I gave up). They had a good number of reporters out there…seemed like an ‘all hands’ thing with both WGN and CLTV reporters/anchors on air. They had three talking heads — Cliff Kelley, the guy from the Reader, and Jack Ryan — but they weren’t ashamed to cut them off and go to the field.
That said, they didn’t have anyone with Brady. Big miscalculation, but I guess everyone made the same mistake (Frankly, I probably would have too).
Now, was anyone watching? Beats me. And while the online coverage was nice…Garrard McClendon is a taste I have yet to acquire.
- Pete Giangreco - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 9:09 am:
It is interesting that with the exception of Toni Preckwinkle, the top of ticket Democratic candidates who got all the newspaper endorsements lost. Death of MSM?
- Paul S. - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 9:12 am:
I have never been swayed by newspaper endorsements to be honest. I think it makes nice looking tv ads; but really? With the generic reporting of the newspapers, lack of real hard hitting reporting — who has stake in any news media these days? It would seem the blogs — like this one — is the bolder reporting media. MSM is all mush and regurgitating mind numbing headlines.
- Paul S. - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 9:14 am:
Ray del Camino: Look at the Quinn supporters. Ed Burke, SEIU backrolling, Daley, Bobby Rush, they are all the good ole boys.
Hynes, kept a good distance from the old guard. He might be a part of it by default, but this race he gave a great impression of being the outsider.
Quinn’s actions and his words don’t add up and that will hurt him in November.
- dupage dan - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 9:16 am:
I wonder if the ChiTrib will hire Andy McKenna? I mean, loser X loser = winner, doesn’t it?
- Irish Eyes - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 9:17 am:
Get some damn sleep Rich and thanks for everything you do. Anyone catch how Mike Madigan quietly took a shot at Quinn about 36 hours before election day? Does anyone know where the last 100 or so precincts are coming from? If any of then are from Tom Hynes old 19th ward, look for Jesse White to be all over it. I hope for Dillard’s sake, those precincts aren’t coming from down state.
- wizard - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 9:22 am:
wcw-having attained 60 I kinda resent that “old Man” reference:)
- A Moderate's Moderate - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 9:23 am:
“Anyone catch how Mike Madigan quietly took a shot at Quinn about 36 hours before election day?”
Irish, what was madigan’s shot @ quinn?
- Will County Woman - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 9:24 am:
Mike Madigan’s quiet shot was so quiet in fact that I didn’t hear it. What did he say, since you’ve made me curious?
- Peoria Joe - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 9:24 am:
Last 100 precincts?
Believe that other thread here mentioned that those precincts are mostly Chicago and Cook County.
- Will County Woman - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 9:27 am:
“old” is relative.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 9:29 am:
The newspaper endorsements weren’t worthless. They brought Hoffman into the race. He ran out of money and time.
- Joe Dokes - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 9:35 am:
The low turnout is really upsetting, especially in Cook County. If so many people hated Stroger, why didn’t they bother to vote him out? I’m thrilled that Preckwinkle won. I really thought Stroger would have pulled in more votes.
- fedup dem - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 9:36 am:
Anon 9:29 is correct about Hoffman. Another week of the campaign and Alexi would have been like burnt pita bread.
Don’t be surprised if there is serious talk this summer about drafting Hoffman to challenge Mayor Daley in 2011.
- SALly Mae - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 9:37 am:
Apparently it is down to 170 votes after an adjustment in McHenry.
30 Suburban Cook Precincts left. Looks good for Dillard.
- Champaign - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 9:42 am:
It’s a joke that you guys think Hynes was an outsider. Do you even know anything about him???
- Amalia - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 9:42 am:
Anonymous at 9:29 is correct. and now the MSM will be brutal on Broadway Alexi.
- muon - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 9:48 am:
Where does it show a 170 vote margin? The latest post at the S-T has the gap increased to 751.
- Dan S, a voter and Cubs Fan - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 9:48 am:
Governor - GOP Primary
Illinois - 11118 of 11215 Precincts Reporting - 99%
Name Party Votes Vote %
Brady , Bill GOP 155,091 20%
Dillard , Kirk GOP 154,340 20%
McKenna , Andy GOP 146,687 19%
Ryan , Jim GOP 129,740 17%
Andrzejewski , Adam GOP 110,314 14%
Proft , Dan GOP 58,881 8%
Schillerstrom , Bob GOP 7,349 1%
- OneMan - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 9:50 am:
I was entertained about how twice (one on the radio and once on the Tee Vee) some reporter mentioned a run-off…
- OdysseusVL - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 9:53 am:
So much for “throw the bums out.” Looks like just one State Rep. or State Senate incumbent lost (Bassi). One more incumbent (Stroger) also lost. I have not noticed any others.
- Bluefish - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 10:05 am:
What is the story behind Andrzejewski winning by a sizable margin in St. Clair, Madison and the surrounding counties (plus Kankakee)? The rest of the state mostly went to Dillard or Brady.
- Jeff - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 10:06 am:
Looks like turnout was down everywhere in Cook County. Preckwinkle looks like she got about 40% in the black wards, and O’Brien’s white Irish aldermen didn’t get out the vote for him. Daley (11th) and Madigan (13th) had much lower turnout than 2006 - looks like their troops stayed out of this one.
- Irish Eyes - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 10:08 am:
Looks like every vote is counted from the City of Chicago. I just checked the city BOE website. I will have to dig around for that MJM quote. It could take a while
- Gooberina - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 10:08 am:
No one says Hynes was the outsider. But . . . Quinn will never get away with being called an outsider again, either. It’s obvious from his behavior that he wanted to be a good ole boy all along. When they opened the doors to him (Emil, Bobby, Berrios, Cook Dem Party, Burris, Downstate Blago cabal), he left his shoes standing at the entrance he moved so fast.
- rumpusroom - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 10:15 am:
someone please tell quinn what a real, professional campaign looks like. he needs professional campaign staff who know what the heck they are doing. otherwise they are toast in november.
- Served - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 10:15 am:
So guys, who do you like for 2014?
- Secret Square - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 10:21 am:
Bluefish — Adam A. is from Kankakee County (his dad ran against George Ryan for state rep) so he’s the “hometown boy” there. He also apparently got considerable attention from St. Louis area talk radio and other media, which may explain his Metro East showing.
- BehindTheScenes - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 10:26 am:
O-K, over 15 hours after the polls closed 107 precincts are still out (several say mostly Chicago and Cook County precincts) and no one is wondering why. I’m sure if most downstate pcts. can get in for counting before midnight, there is reason to believe there might be something a bit peculiar going on. Why haven’t they sent the cops or the militia or the Boy Scouts or someone out to get those ballots?
- Heartless Libertarian - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 10:27 am:
@Served- Judy Baar
- zatoichi - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 10:30 am:
I know all the votes are not in, but it seems the cost per vote in the state wides must heading over $10 a hit. Low turn out and campaigns spending a couple million from whatever source equals expensive.
- cover - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 10:30 am:
WGN did offer good coverage of the race last night. In fact, that was the only channel where I could watch election coverage after 10:35 pm; that’s when all the Springfield-area stations reverted to regular programming and just ran a crawler.
- publius - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 10:30 am:
here’s what a real professional campaign looks like: when it’s over, the guy wins
- Irish - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 10:31 am:
I flipped back and forth between Channel 5 and 7 and both were doing a pretty good job. They had reporters with the candidates they interviewed and they talked to Brady several times. On TV news you can’t beat Ron Majors and Carol Marin for truthful and to the point reporting.(Splitting that team up for the likes of Jerry Springer was the dumbest thing any one has ever done.) (I won’t watch Channel 2, it’s like the Inquirier live.) I thought Chuck Goudie brought up a couple things that might play in the coming gubnatorial campaign. He brought up that Joe Berrios gave $5,000.00 to Quinn’s campaign the day Quinn endorsed him. He also brought up again the fact that Quinn has stretched the truth about what Hynes knew and could do about the Burr Oak scandal. Of course a lot of this was reported by Rich and the CFB before. I hope voters remember all this when they go to the polls in the fall. Quinn has taken a couple big bites of the machine apple and try as he might he can’t go back.
Thank you Rich for spot on information and the best coverage by far in any media.
- Kanders - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 10:32 am:
- BehindTheScenes - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 10:26 am:
I’m sure wondering! I fail to understand how this could take so long to figure out! Downstate is usually trailing in reporting because of technical issues, etc., correct? So what gives?
- Jake from Elwood - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 10:36 am:
Where will there be recounts? Anyone? Anyone?
- Metro Guy - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 10:36 am:
I saw Sangamon County voter turn out was under 20%. So much for the whining state workers in Springfield. Either they don’t have it so bad…or they don’t have a spine to pull a party ballot.
- CircularFiringSquad - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 10:36 am:
Clearly the trib electronic coverage was an embarrassment….putting Jim Warren on the air helps us understand why the Tib let him get away. Keep in mind this guy now uses Jim Thopmson;s law office as a newsroom…..Jack Ryan…huh….Cliff Kelly is a pro and help the WGN anchors get out of some holes they dug for themselves.
On radio the talents of Paul Green was wasted by having the two crooks blather on. Greg Jarrett can start packing his bags too.
- Irish - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 10:37 am:
zatoichi - Last night Chuck Goudie had Quinn spending about $13.00 per vote and Any Mckenna spending about $44.00 per vote. I think I remember those figures right.
- cassandra - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 10:37 am:
will county woman
You are so right about the unreformer Quinn.
As to the resolved elections…I feel badly for Hoffman. I hope he returns to politics.
I also feel badly for myself since Cook County Commissioner Earlean Collins beat out a great
new contender here in the west side and suburbs.
Maybe Toni Preckwinkle can get her to improve attendance at council meanings, read up on the issues, and answer constituent mail. Maybe pigs will fly.
One of the best gifts of the night is Scott Lee Cohen. A pawnbroker! Wonderful.
- Irish - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 10:42 am:
Metro Guy - If pulling a ballot could affect your job or how much cooperation you get in your job you wouldn’t pull one either. End the partisan primaries and having to declare whether you are a Repub or Dem and you will see turnout among state employees increase.
- Niles Township - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 10:42 am:
I think Hynes has until the evening news tonight to concede otherwise he starts to look like a sore loser. You can understand his feelings on this, but he won’t change the result with a recount 7,000 plus votes just isn’t going to happen, 70 0r even 700 maybe. 7,000 + no way.
- Dan S, a voter and Cubs Fan - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 10:44 am:
- Metro Guy - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 10:36 am:
I saw Sangamon County voter turn out was under 20%. So much for the whining state workers in Springfield. Either they don’t have it so bad…or they don’t have a spine to pull a party ballot.
No one should need a spine to vote, thats why we need an open primary. And no I do not work for the State
- Metro Guy - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 10:47 am:
Irish-I did pull one and Blago folks got rid of me. Today I still don’t have a problem looking in the mirror.
- GA Watcher - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 10:50 am:
The precincts yet to be counted in Chicago are primarily on the west and south sides. Those in suburban Cook are scattered throughout the County, but the greatest number are in the south and southwest townships. Doing a quick estimate, it looks like there are roughly about 8000 votes yet to be counted in Chicago and Cook.
- Gooberina - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 10:51 am:
–Metro Guy–
Your’re right. And Dan S., not a spine–just some principles. Either you are or you aren’t, you do or you don’t. People want the benefits of being affiliated but none of the consequences. The “i’m not political” thinking rears it’s head when the races are this close. Not voting is an art in a company town like Springfield. Don’t want to get messy; don’t get in the game.
- HapyToaster - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 10:51 am:
Suburban Cook website is showing 24 precincts still out. Just scanning by missing precincts in township races, there’s doesn’t appear to be large block of GOP votes left.
- Niles Township - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 10:53 am:
The precincts yet to be counted in Chicago are primarily on the west and south sides.
The city looks to be done from their web site.
- Sporty41 - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 10:53 am:
Are the 8000 total ballots cast (i.e. Rep. + Dem = 8000) or all Republican.
- VanillaMan - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 10:55 am:
My brother wanted my recap this morning, so this is what I told him.
A governor struggling through a declining state economy who proposed raising the income tax by 50% and lost his party support over the past month during the campaign, was able to hang on to win in a virtual tie. He ought to be toast by November.
But, the Illinois GOP split enough so that a downstate conservative won in a virtual tie against a right-center candidate from Chicagoland. So the failing governor will probably be elected in the Fall.
So while half the Democrats in Illinois recognized that voters in the General will not favor them, the other half banked on the GOP shooting itself in both feet, so that a weak Democratic candidate would end up winning.
Both sides are right.
That giant sucking sound you are hearing is Illinois politics. After a decade, you would have thought that it couldn’t keep on sucking, but obviously you have overestimated two of the worse state parties in the US.
- just sayin' - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 10:56 am:
Seriously, what’s the hold up in finishing the count?
Tony Peraica would have stormed the county building 18 times by now if his race was still in play.
- Dem in Denim - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 10:58 am:
While we are waiting for more numbers to trickle in, and waiting for more candidates to realize they are done, this is a good day to commend the industriousness of Rich & Co. Does anyone know the address to use for mailing in my Cap Fax subscription renewal check? And no, Rich didn’t put me up to this! Thanks in advance.
- Will County Woman - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 11:00 am:
“He also brought up again the fact that Quinn has stretched the truth about what Hynes knew and could do about the Burr Oak scandal.”
Geeze Chuck only a fool believed Quinn’s outrage over Burr Oak and at Dan Hynes on last Friday and/or that his shopped around, and summarily rejected by all with any common sense, story that had any merit.
And what is Chuck Goudie doing covering political stuff anyway?!?!?????
- gary klass - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 11:01 am:
- Team Sleep - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 11:02 am:
There is also a sizeable 9/12 & TEA Party movement in the Metro East.
- Jeff - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 11:08 am:
There are probably about 1,500 Republican votes yet to be counted in Cook County. That projects to Dillard picking up about 215 votes… meaning that Brady will win the primary by about 530 votes.
- Will County Woman - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 11:12 am:
Scott Lee Cohen is more than just a pawn broker. The trib reported earlier this morning that he is also an “alleged” woman beater apparently.
I’m lovin’ the fact that the Dems have sleaze at the top of their ticket, it just makes whomever emerges as the winner of the repub race all the more attractive. as a moderate dem I have no problem voting for Brady, though I’d prefer Dillard.
Brady is a business man and has pratical political experience, and he’s not bad looking. His positions may be a little too far to the right for me, but I think the all-demoractic party control of this state, city of chicago and cook county is enough to see that the state of illinois cannot afford to continue going this way. absolute dem control, which has given rise to tyranny and many abuses, hasn’t worked well in chicago or cook county. besides there is nothing wrong with a little check and balance in state government, is there.
the dems control the GA, so brady’s social positions don’t really matter all that much as he won’t be driving social policy in the state. but, he can block some of the abusive practices, especially fiscal and other hooliganism, that the chicago dems just love to engage in.
so, a brady win on the repub side is not by any means the end of the world, so far as this moderate dem is concerned. I have sung the praises of Governor Mitch Daniels of Indiana enough to show that I can be flexible.
There is an “Anybody But Quinn” sentiment out there, and for good reason.
- GetOverIt - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 11:13 am:
Looks like Eddie Acevedo’s arrogance cost a friend, Cmr. Joseph Mario Moreno, his job. Moreno lost his seat to Jesus “Chuy” Garcia. Could Acevedo be next…?
- Amalia - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 11:17 am:
WCW, if you are a moderate Dem, and you vote for Brady, you have rocks in your head. creationism in schools, no abortion in cases of rape or incest….that is not moderate it is right wing wacko. stop and think. I know your guy lost, even if he cannot accept it, but if you go for Brady, you are not a moderate.
- The Court Jester - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 11:19 am:
There is maybe 2500 GOP votes out there in cook county (thats a high estimate).. If Dillard wins 18% he still loses the FIRST count.. I don’t see any scenario where there will not be a re-count
- Jeff - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 11:19 am:
Brady will not have anything close to a majority in Springfield, so I don’t think we need to worry about creationism in schools or abortion being outlawed.
- Secret Square - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 11:20 am:
I have heard all the stories about why state employees don’t vote in primaries, and it did give me some pause. Then I thought about what people in places like Iraq go through to get to the polls. If the threat of getting blown up, or having to walk across the desert for days, doesn’t keep them away from the polls, why should the remote possibility of not getting a future job or promotion keep me away?
- Downstate weed chewing hick - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 11:22 am:
Amalia, Since the Governor of Illinois, whoever it is, can’t change Roe v. Wade, maybe those moderate dems are focusing on things within the powers of the Governor.
- JonShibleyFan - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 11:25 am:
I heard a reporter mention a runoff last night on WGN. I was driving in the car yelling at the radio.
- Amalia - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 11:25 am:
oh, you mean like if the governor has to sign some nutty bill the legislature presents on choice? cause there are a whole list of issues re choice for which we need a pro choice governor to stand up. wait til Personal Pac weighs in on this!
- Small Town Liberal - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 11:25 am:
Amalia - WCW isn’t a moderate anything, she just hates Pat Quinn. Other than that, I don’t think she has any real beliefs.
- Recount - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 11:26 am:
Crain’s is saying that there are now as few as 150 vote difference between Brady and Dillard.
- anon - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 11:26 am:
Why so much hate for cohen. you know lt gov doesn’t do anything, right? he ran a good campaign, with good tv. something quinn can learn from. Maybe cohen’s staff can take over quinn and then the dems would win in a land slide…
but saying you are going to vote for a republican is crazy.
- Will County Woman - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 11:28 am:
At this point in my life I’m not planning to have any abortions, and honestly I really don’t care all that much about the abortion issue. Besides, Brady’s thinking on that will impact nothing as he can’t drive abortion social policy with a dem controlled GA, which totally opposes his position on that matter. I’m not going to rehash roe v. wade with you on this blog.
But, at this point I do care about the precarious fiscal situaton of this state, as it impacts my quality of life/living! And frankly I am sick and tired of the illinois democrats and their mess, so far as their abuses of power as a result of their controlling everything. they had 8 years in the guv’s office and have squandered it and run this state into the ground.
- Montrose - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 11:28 am:
*WCW, if you are a moderate Dem, and you vote for Brady, you have rocks in your head. creationism in schools, no abortion in cases of rape or incest….that is not moderate it is right wing wacko. stop and think. I know your guy lost, even if he cannot accept it, but if you go for Brady, you are not a moderate.*
*Amalia, Since the Governor of Illinois, whoever it is, can’t change Roe v. Wade, maybe those moderate dems are focusing on things within the powers of the Governor.*
Before folks get too fixated on the couple of examples Amalia gave to demonstrate Brady stance on social issues, lets not miss the bigger point. He is far to the right of the majority in the state on social issues, and while you can make arguments about what legislation would reach his desk from a dem controlled legislature, keep in mind his control over administrative rules, who runs state agencies, etc.
- Jeff - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 11:29 am:
Amalia - IL is already a pro-choice state. I can’t imagine what further laws the legislature could pass? And I am a moderately liberal person, so I am all for choice, gay rights, etc. Also an atheist, so I certainly think creationism and garbage like that has no place in schools. I just don’t think Brady will do anything about those things. I know very little about him at this point, though, as I was more focused on the Democratic races.
- siriusly - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 11:30 am:
I agree with Niles Twp. Hynes needs to call it.
7,000 votes is not valid recount territory.
- George - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 11:32 am:
echo what others have said - thank you rich, I enjoyed thoroughly last night keeping track of all that great discussion and analysis.
- JayPa - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 11:34 am:
Has anyone see the regional breakdown? Looks like Hynes did really well outside Chicago. Downstate didnt show up to the polls for Quinn.
For those that dont know Brady, the others have hit the nail on the head. He is an extreme right-winger. Think Alan Keyes only worse. The repubs always fail to choose a nominee who can win the general.
- Will County Woman - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 11:35 am:
STL, I don’t “hate” quinn. I liked him as lt. governor; i though he did a fine job in that office and I have stated this many times on this blog. I don’t like him as governor. I don’t like/want him making decisions that impact my quality of living/life because I do not think he is a good or effective decision-maker.
I want the best governor that I can possibly get. If I had my way Paul Vallas or someone like him would be running and win, and I have stated that in recent weeks. He knows how to solve problems, get things done and get results.
I don’t why you don’t think you deserve better in a governor? if you don’t want better, then ok. fine. that’s you. But me, I want better. I deserve better.
- Downstate weed chewing hick - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 11:37 am:
Good point Montrose
- Amalia - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 11:38 am:
Montrose is correct, administrative issues, legislative issues, leadership issues, all reasons not to support an anti choice
governor candidate. yes, I realize that WCW is a Quinn hater, but fight the small things or they fester and grow.
- Sam E. - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 11:40 am:
Don’t forget, if a most of the uncounted precincts are in African-American Chicago wards, those results coming in will have almost no impact on the GOP guv race. The black wards average well less than 75 GOP guv votes a piece — that’s about one vote per precinct!
I think the GOP guv race will be determined by uncounted abstentee and provisional ballots — not the uncounted Cook County precincts. It’s gonna be a long month for Illinois Republicans.
- HappyToaster - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 11:41 am:
Crain’s quotes Ron Gidwitz on that “real” 150 margin. So a grain salt and all that.
- Downstate - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 11:42 am:
It’s now wacko to support the life of an innocent baby in any situation?
As for creationism, Darwin is dead and his theories are full of holes. Leading scientists question basic tenets of macro-evolution theory. When leading proponents of evolution have to support the idea of extra-terrestrial seeding of life on this planet because the planet simply isn’t old enough for life to have started by accident, it’s time to look at alternatives.
From the Big Bang theory we know there’s a point of beginning when it comes to the universe. Another way to look at it, there once was a point when the universe didn’t exist, then in the next moment it did. There was a point of creation.
None of this though focuses on what the office of the governor actually does. Illinois state government is in crisis. Our economy sucks.
This race is about who’s got the best answers. People complain that the two parties don’t give voters clear alternatives. If Brady carries the vote, that certainly won’t be the case.
- RobRoy - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 11:42 am:
WCW, right on sister. Brady’s stance is far to my right on social issues but he’s perfect balance for the things this state has to do to right the economy. And jobs and our economy are the issues most important to most citizens. He will not govern by fiat (ala Blago) but he will counter the anti-business factions who have run this state into the ground.
- Responsa - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 11:45 am:
Social issues are important to many of us. But single issue voters– on any single issue– in either party — who thereby underplay the realities and complexities of the state or nation– do not serve themselves or their neighbors or their decendents well.
More Renaissance men and women and fewer demogogues, please.
- Will County Woman - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 11:46 am:
Montrose I appreciate that, and I have considered the impact concerning state agencies etc, but Illinois simply cannot afford the “everybody in nobody out” tax-and-spend liberal approach to governing. The free CTA rides for senior should have been cut, but Quinn didn’t want to despite indicating early that he would. When pushed, Quinn appears to have a hard time saying no. And that is a problem.
I cannot think of one good reason why he borrowed money to give to the CTA. the state could not afford it. the state should not have done it. there is no good reason why someone living in alton, illinois should be on the hook for a cta subsidy.
there’s no real good excuse why the fy11 budget had to wait until after his primary political campaign. i’m sorry but state business should have come first. the budget is his only priority and it has been his only priority in the year that he has been governor. he had that one main priority and he botched it.
- Kanders - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 11:48 am:
WCW, totally agreed. I think people should stop fixating on social issues that aren’t going to get any traction in this state and worry about the fact that people are out of jobs, the state is practically bankrupt, and corruption abounds in IL.
- (618) Democrat - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 11:53 am:
Does anyone know where you can find which precincts are still not counted?
- Montrose - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 11:53 am:
*Montrose I appreciate that, and I have considered the impact concerning state agencies etc, but Illinois simply cannot afford the “everybody in nobody out” tax-and-spend liberal approach to governing.*
I am not going to spend a lot of energy defending Quinn’s fiscal management. I have a lot of problems with it. That being said, before you jump on the Brady bandwagon, ask how he will eliminate a $13 billion deficit without raising taxes.
Combine his stance on social issues with his no tax pledge, and think about how our human services infrastructure, our support for the most vulnerable in our state, and programs that moderate dems care about will be decimated, or, more likely, eliminated.
- Boom Alexi - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 11:58 am:
That didn’t take long:
- dupage dan - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 11:58 am:
You’all better listen to what is going on here. Moderate dems who are looking closely at what is going on and choosing the GOP candidate because of bread and butter issues. It is clear they are concerned about social issues but wnat some fiscal sanity brought back into focus. PQ ain’t gonna get these votes because he is clueless. This is where the general election stands. This is where the thinking voters are going to go - they are not being heard by the party in power and they will vote GOP in November.
- Secret Square - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 12:01 pm:
So how did the unity breakfast go?
- dave - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 12:03 pm:
**Illinois simply cannot afford the “everybody in nobody out” tax-and-spend liberal approach**
Sounds like a good reminder about the facts that IL has one of the lowest tax burdens in the country, as well as one of the lowest spending/per cap in the country.
**worry about the fact that people are out of jobs, the state is practically bankrupt**
Which is a good reason to not support Brady, who believes in the fantasy of getting out of this mess without a tax increase.
- OdysseusVL - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 12:04 pm:
I agree with Kanders. We need to stop fccusing on those social issues. Instead, we need to focus on the fact that the likely Dem candidate admits that we need to work hard to balance the budget, while the GOP candidates claim they can do it with smoke and mirrors.
Anybody who believes that Brady can balance the budget without raising taxes is a fool. It can’t be done.
- really? - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 12:04 pm:
Rich -wake up…bloggers are debating Roe vs Wade
=creationism in schools, no abortion in cases of rape or incest….that is not moderate it is right wing wacko=
cats and dogs living together! who ya goin’ call?
- dave - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 12:05 pm:
**t is clear they are concerned about social issues but wnat some fiscal sanity brought back into focus. **
Well… if moderate Dems don’t understand that fiscal sanity means that a tax increase is needed, then they are not understanding the reality of the situation.
Not one Republican gubernatorial candidate has put forward a plan that realistically deals with the budget without a tax increase.
- Anon - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 12:05 pm:
Kirk’s people are saying a recent poll shows him up 12 (47-35) over Alexi. Anyone know if this is a media poll or their internal numbers they’re touting?
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 12:06 pm:
== Brady will not have anything close to a majority in Springfield, so I don’t think we need to worry about creationism in schools or abortion being outlawed. ==
Brady’s budget plan calls for cutting state funding for services for victims of rape and domestic violence. Since budgets require his signature, there’s plenty to worry about already.
Moreover, I’d love to see Brady try to run a campaign based on the “Democrats will still control the General Assembly, so I won’t really be able to do what I want to do” argument.
That will be fun to watch.
P.S. While I agree its extremely unlikely that Democrats will lose their majorities in either chamber, let alone both, it would be foolhardy for the Party or voters to presume as much. Remember 1994?
- Downstate Dem - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 12:08 pm:
I couldn’t agree with you more
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 12:10 pm:
== So how did the unity breakfast go? ==
Hinz has a good wrap-up. No one declared victory or defeat. Brady said either he or Dillard would “do fine” against Quinn, according to Hinz.
Not exactly a ringing endorsement of himself.
- LincolnLounger - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 12:10 pm:
I think the main issue was framed nicely last night when Jesse White told everyone that there would have to be a tax increase while introducing Quinn. God love Jesse.
- So - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 12:14 pm:
At my agency, all of the Blago hold-overs are all smiles this morning. It just sums up the whole election. I was hoping for a clean slate instead of 4 more years of incompetence of the Blago/Quinn people.
- True Observer - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 12:14 pm:
“For those that dont know Brady, the others have hit the nail on the head. He is an extreme right-winger. Think Alan Keyes only worse. The repubs always fail to choose a nominee who can win the general.”
The Keyes blowout had to do with the rank and fild GOP sticking it to the Establishment for having run off first Fitzgerald and then Ryan.
The only real example of a conservative statewide candidate is Salvi against Durbin in 1996.
That year Clinton defeated Dole 50-41 in Illinois.
It was a Dem year and Salvi was at the wrong place at the wrong time.
- Downstate weed chewing hick - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 12:14 pm:
Im tired of waiting. Im holding an official coin toss. Heads Brady, Tails Dillard.
- Niles Township - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 12:15 pm:
I happen to be in the pedway just now and I ran into a Mayor Daley presser on the pedway at Block 37. In answer to a question about whether Hynes should concede, the Mayor said, look in 1983 when I ran against Washington, I wanted to win, I didn’t and I moved on, when you lose that is what you do even if I wanted to be Mayor in 1983. The reporter asks so you’re saying that Hynes should concede now? Mayor answers everyone has to decide for themselves.
- Niles Township - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 12:18 pm:
Incidentally, also in the pedway I spied through an open doorway what looked to be vote counting by hand by about 20 clerk employees. My only thought…great security around these ballots that they leave an open doorway that I easliy could have slipped through had I wanted to.
- Will County Woman - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 12:22 pm:
YDD, re: brady
it may not have been a ringing endorsement of himself, and perhaps it was not intended to be. It was however a very honest, brave and manly thing to say. It also speaks well of his character.
I saw this map on the blog lastnight.
I appreciate that most of the dem votes are in the chicago metro area, and that at the end of the day the “most” votes are all that matter. But, Quinn’s numbers hardly suggest he will be strong in November. I know a lot can happen to warm people up to him, but I’m not surprised that by the results throughout the state. or what it’s worth he and hynes split the chicago area; quinn just happen to get a little bit more in the split.
- Brennan - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 12:31 pm:
@Anon 12:05PM
The 47-35 figure is a Kirk team internal poll.
- Illinois Repub - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 12:32 pm:
I don’t think Dillard deserves to win at this point. He ran a lousy campaign, especially given all the money he spent. If I hear him drop Edgar’s name one more time I’m going to lose my lunch.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 12:34 pm:
I agree Democrats aren’t going to win merely by painting Brady as a social conservative, but in the vote-rich Chicago suburbs, it is critical.
Lots of Republican dads flat-out refuse to vote for a candidate that would force their daughter to carry a rapists’ child. And women? Forget about it…no Democratic majority in the GA is comfortable enough for them.
Yes, the Big Picture for Quinn has to be jobs and the economy.
How did Brady vote on the minimum wage?
He voted No.
How did Brady vote on the Capital Bill?
He voted No.
- Brennan - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 12:34 pm:
Dem Pollster Tom Jensen on last night.
==Based on the current numbers 885,268 voters were cast in the Democratic primary for Senate compared to 736,137 on the Republican side. Those numbers are awfully close to each other for a state that’s overwhelmingly Democratic.==
- Niles Township - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 12:36 pm:
I’m a Dem for Kirk and I know I’m not the only (having talked to at last half a dozen who feel the same way). He’ll do well with North Shore Dems as he always has done in 10th, but I think he can appeal to some Dems in Bean’s district, Jan’s district and downstate.
- Peoria Joe - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 12:36 pm:
Bill Brady ran as a Jack Kemp delegate in the past, and was chairman of Fred Thompson’s presidential campaign in Illinois 2008.
It is ridiculous to equate Bill Brady with Alan Keyes! For those who do, it seems that you have not done your homework.
- cassandra - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 12:37 pm:
Brady’s personal charm is undisputed.
And it’s possible that his conservative social views will negatively trump other matters including Scott Lee Cohen, the Blagojevich trial, Quinn’s obsessive crusade to raise taxes on the middle class and shift wealth to the poor and the wealthy. Not to mention his turning over the keys to the state kitty to AFSCME and his ardent defense of all those thousands of Blaojevich hires everywhere in state government. And of course the White House will be sending billions and billions to Illinois to plump up Alexi and
our Pat’s chances.
It’s seems more likely than not that Brady will lose. . But can the Dems afford to coast? I think not.
- Anon - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 12:38 pm:
Somebody nudge Rich so we can get the real scoop. I haven’t anticipated someone waking up this much since the morning after my wedding.
- siriusly - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 12:39 pm:
Brady voted no on the capital bill? Wow. Quinn sure has a lot of ground breaking and ribbon cutting to do all summer . . .
Hynes / anti-Quinn people can say whatever they want about his clumsy campaign - but Quinn has a lot of assets on his side going forward. One of those assets is that every Democrat in the state wants a strong top of ticket - and they will be backing him now.
I’m not sure that all Republicans are excited about Senator Bill “Teach Creation” Brady.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 12:39 pm:
== The only real example of a conservative statewide candidate is Salvi against Durbin in 1996. ==
Birkett v. Madigan and Rutherford v. White come to mind.
But I’ll also give you Fitzgerald v. Braun, which is the model Republicans really have to be hoping for.
- Anon:6:99 - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 12:40 pm:
Home come no is praising the Kirk Rutehrford achievement?
- True Observer - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 12:42 pm:
Big winners -
The Greens. They’re everywhere.
The Dems are going to be straight jacketed because voters will have the option to go green.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 12:43 pm:
Yep. Brady DID vote No on the capital bill.
I think that his explanation will be that he’s 100% opposed to expanding legalized gambling.
But Quinn will counter that it was the GOP who insisted on gambling as a funding mechanism, and he’s the one who fought and won the provision for communities to opt out.
That’s a stumper for Brady.
- 47th Ward - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 12:44 pm:
===One of those assets is that every Democrat in the state wants a strong top of ticket - and they will be backing him now.===
Thanks Siriusly, that sums up my feelings. I voted for Hynes, but I wasn’t voting against Quinn. He’s got my full support now and I’ll roll up my sleeves and work hard to get him elected.
Now how exactly do we get the Lt. Governor’s office abolished? Constitutional Amendment? Let’s merge Comptroller and Treasurer while we’re at it. If nothing else, it’ll save a couple of dollars.
- Segatari - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 12:45 pm:
I find it funny how you guys are acting all scared of a conservative preaching morality yet you’re all perfecting willing to let a Dem controlled government dictate completely how you live your lives.
- phocion - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 12:45 pm:
Brady voted yes on projects for the capital bill, but no on raising the revenue to pay for them.
- Old Milwaukee - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 12:48 pm:
How can they count 11,000 precincts last night in a matter of hours, but they can’t get 100 counted this morning?
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 12:49 pm:
Speaking of jobs and government waste, Senator Brady also voted against Corporate Accountability legislation that ensured that businesses who receive government handouts invest that money in creating Illinois jobs.
- Concerned Observer - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 12:49 pm:
One thing I think people might be missing is that, while the vote totals might be a bit closer than normal (885K Dem, 736K Rep), they still aren’t close. That’s a 55-45 split, which in theory means a Republican is starting at a 10-point disadvantage. Jack Ryan on WGN last night pointed out that in a general, it’s accepted fact that a GOP candidate starts out in a 7-point hole.
Moreover — and I have no data to back this up, this is just my feeling — it seems as though the potential for voter growth lies on the Democratic side, not the Republican side.
Hear me out. I think Republicans nationally, and statewide, are more energized than Democrats right now. My theory is, a greater percentage of Republicans went to the polls than did Democrats. And that doesn’t include the average independent, who A) historically votes Democratic in Illinois, and B) doesn’t vote in the primaries because they’re just primaries.
I just think the ceiling for Dems remains much, much higher than the ceiling for Reps, in this state. Now, whether this Democratic party, these candidates, can make use of that…we shall see.
- Segatari - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 12:52 pm:
YDD - Yep, the Green party candidate Rich Whitney will play spoiler taking votes that would had gone to Quinn. If Brady hangs on he’s certain to get all of the 36% of the conservative base. He’d only have to get one third of the 39% block of moderates to get to 50%. Moderates are NOT gonna break 2-1 for Quinn. It isn’t gonna happen with the dissatisifaction level. If Dillard wins he’s gonna have a real problem cause the conservatives are gonna have a very hard time voting for yet another Rhino.
- Cousin Ralph - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 12:54 pm:
Patience everyone, we will wait two weeks to see how the absentee votes come in on the GOP race. As for those who equate Brady with Keyes, I know them both better than most, and I can only say that those who equate the two certainly know neither. Brady will win the general. Those Dems on the ballot outside Cook County should be very nervous. Brady will turn out his base and Quinn will not. As for all the pundits who wax eloquent about how the suburban voter will support the moderate GOP candidate, please review the vote totals of JBT in the suburbs against Rod. The facts seem to get in the way of your analysis. Should Dillard win the primary, the very same people blasting Brady as to conservative will start blasting Dillard for being too far right on the Life and 2d Am issues to appeal to suburban moderates. Dillard wins the general as well, if he wins this primary
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 12:54 pm:
I should also add that Dillard joined Brady in opposing corporate accountability, so Quinn should have a field day either way.
- PalosParkBob - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 12:55 pm:
I’ve had contacts with Brady for years, and I think you’ll find he’s much more flexible on tax and social issues than you may expect.
I remember speaking to him at an Illinois Forum meeting some years ago, and asked him if he’d come out against the that horrible HB750 income tax increase.
Couldn’t get him to commit on that.
An income tax increase is a really losing issue in this race, as personal income is declining while ridiculous public pensions and salaries (especially in education) are risng far faster than inflation.
If he runs on cutting medicaid eligibility to fair levels (100% of poverty level instead of current 400%), minimizing pensions and early retirements to the lowest constitutional levels, cleaning up the costly, corrupt,inefficient mess in higher ed and giving school boards the tools, and responsibility, to limit increasing education costs to inflation rates,he has a winning platform in 2010.
The only “acceptable” tax increase will be to pay for borrowing to retire existing debt and new debt incurred to get existing bills current.
If he comes up with a plan for sustainable spending and entitlements, he may be able to sell a tax for ONLY that bond repayment to the voters.
IMHO the main issues will not be setting a social agenda.Brady’s smart enough to know that.
It’s about managing entitlements for long term secure financing and repairing Madigans, Emils and Blago’s mess for current funding.
- True Observer - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 12:56 pm:
“Birkett v. Madigan and Rutherford v. White come to mind.”
Not exactly marquee races.
Birkett - No conservative positions of note. Questionalble prosecutions a la Coakley.
Rutherford - One of 3 Republican State Senators to vote for the gay rights bill. A sacrificial run in 2006 to rehabilitate himserlf with the GOP base.
- SAP - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 12:56 pm:
Clumsily pasted from Rich’s link after foolishly looking for info on State Board of Elections website. Looks like lead has widened to 751.
Governor - GOP Primary
Illinois - 11118 of 11215 Precincts Reporting - 99%
Name Party Votes
Brady , Bill GOP 155,091
Dillard , Kirk GOP 154,340
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 12:58 pm:
Cousin Ralph -
Please review Brady’s 6% of the vote in Lake County.
No, seriously, I’m glad you made your point. Taking Brady for granted would be foolish, and Democrats need to be reminded of that.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 1:02 pm:
True Observer –
Well Geez, I guess Peter Fitzgerald wasn’t a “real” conservative either, since he opposed drilling in the artic national park.
I give up then…who WAS the last “real” conservative elected statewide in Illinois?
- Will County Woman - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 1:04 pm:
I think the fact that Terry O’Brien bears such striking resemblence to Mayor Daley cost him the Cook County Board presidency.
- RMW Stanford - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 1:04 pm:
I think that it would be a big mistake on Quin’s part to underestimate Brady assuming that he is the nominee. Everyone has underestimated him up till this point and he has done far better than most people expected.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 1:06 pm:
== Brady voted yes on projects for the capital bill, but no on raising the revenue to pay for them. ==
When Quinn excoriates him for opposing the capital bill, I PRAY that’s the explanation Brady uses.
“Brady says he was for creating jobs before he was against them. That’s the kind of political double-talk you expect from a career politician like Senator Brady.”
- phocion - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 1:12 pm:
YDD, I’m not defending Brady. I think those votes will come back and haunt him if he’s the nominee.
- Will County Woman - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 1:17 pm:
Sssshhh! Assuming brady is the GOP nominee, let Quinn and the dems go on and continue to underestimate him.
- unclesam - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 1:18 pm:
Many people assume that Quinn will be spending all summer “cutting ribbons for projects” — however, they forget two very important problems: (a) with many local governments voting to “opt out” of video gaming, the revenue estimates for the capital projects is becoming less and on “shaky” ground; and (b) because of that “shakiness” and funding uncertainty — the State will be less able to sell the bonds needed to fund said capital bill.
Think of this — because of the State’s financial problems, Illinois missed the ability to issue bonds this past summer for construction season — literally missed it entirely. If next summer comes and the State still cannot sell bonds for capital projects — so much for “Quinn creating real jobs.” It has the potential for complete disaster on the “jobs” issue for Quinn.
- Jeff - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 1:18 pm:
It’s clear to me that the white Irish aldermen backing O’Brien did not get the vote out. Any chance this could mean a Preckwinkle-like candidate runs against Daley next year?
- cermak_rd - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 1:20 pm:
No, I don’t think any serious pol is going to waste their time going up against hizzoner. He may be more vulnerable now than in the past, but still, a tough one to beat.
- Niles Township - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 1:35 pm:
The Trib is reporting that Obama called to congratulate Quinn on his victory and wish him luck. Hynes has yet to concede. Now Hynes looks not so good.
- RobRoy - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 1:42 pm:
YDD, you’re working too hard to convince yourself and others here of Brady’s “faults”. Sure enough the fall election will be down and plenty dirty from both sides. However you seem to be foregetting that Quinn has proven to be totally incompetent and the Dem leadership has been in total power for the nearly 8 years that this state has sunk to it’s worst financial, economic and corrupt condition in any living person’s memory. Or maybe you didn’t forget, just trying to put it out of your mind. I’m guessing lots of voters will be reminded.
- Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 2:07 pm:
YDD, voting against that bill in 2003 is hardly a vote “against Corporate Accountability.” After all, the sitting POTUS didn’t find the bill worthy of even flipping his switch to “present.”
How often has the payback provision (for state economic development incentives) been triggered by Blago/Quinn since the bill became law?
Maybe never?
And which statewide candidate was bleating in teevee ads that Illinois needed a law basically identical to this one?
The baloney comes rolling out before we even know who the candidates will be. Please, a respite.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 2:19 pm:
Yellow Dog Democrat - Please tell me all the good things the dems have done to this state in the last 8 years. Seriously, I’m trying to feel better about the future.
- Jeff - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 2:28 pm:
Cook County Clerk is now at 100% reporting, but the Sun-Times page shows 73 precincts still not reported. Anyone know where those are?
- Downstate weed chewing hick - Wednesday, Feb 3, 10 @ 2:46 pm:
And what’s the deal with the one precinct in St. Clair that hasn’t reported?